34-Year-Old Posing as a 15-Year-Old Sophomore gets caught

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by cstar, May 18, 2014.

  1. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    yahoo news not quoted, but I recommend reading this one, as it goes more into detail.

    abc news

    It's a couple says old now, but this actually terrifies me in more ways that one... why would someone feel the need to post as a high school student? Why would they lie about something like this? Is it something wrong with her head, was she bored? They said there was no financial problems. It just baffles me.

    What baffles me even more about this story is the fact it took THAT long to figure out? There was no way for them to have figured this out beforehand? Here in Massachusetts you have to go through extensive background checks if you transfer. So how did something like this even happen?

    Anyway, what do you guys think of this story? Why do you think someone would want to go back to high school posing as younger than they are? How do you think this managed to happen for this long?
  2. Rena88 Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 30, 2006
    Candy Mountain XP
    This was a plot for a "Law and Order: SVU" episode...

    It depends on how deep she went behind the scenes. I mean, the file she had with McD's gave her DOB/name so she wasn't thorough at that end of seeming like a teenager. Besides that, I would've guessed she was just trying to stay "under the radar" for some reason (bill/money problems or something), short of actually faking her death, but she evidently wasn't hurting for money. But this may be something psychological (like that Law and Order episode!) where she was just trying to find an easier time in life to live out (high school was cake compared to the real world, imo) because she seemingly had the looks to pull it off. But I don't know what her jail records involved and she could've been working some elaborate scam.

    Or she's just a big SVU fan.
  3. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    The film "Never Been Kissed" just popped into my head right now.
    Who knows, maybe she just wanted to relive the experience.
  4. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    How the hell did she get away with it? Her height had to give it away, no?
  5. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    I'm.... Alright, I'm old... (YOU WILL NEVER GET MY AGE!!!!!!! :P *except a few who know it due to me not removing my age before* ><)

    Anyway...... I always am mistaken for someone much younger. It was about a year ago that they stopped asking for my ID when I went to wine tastings, and when they did see my ID, they always did a double-take and joked that I would always be checked. But I would never pass off as a sophomore in high school. Never. How in the hell does someone get to the age of 15 at 34??? Does make-up and everything else last that long for a day and working also? And no one noticed?

    And yes, I know there's a disease that keeps someone young looking for their whole lives. But I don't think they look that old.
  6. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    That's honestly all I can think of. They said it wasn't a financial thing, what else could it be? Still, very odd... Really hammers home the old axiom, "Truth is stranger than fiction."
  7. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Not necessarily, for example I stopped growing when I was 12 and most 15 year olds are taller than me, I'm 20 and could pass for 15. Plus you do get some very tall/mature looking kids that are actually 15. A lot of girls stop growing at around that age so if she had a youthful look to accompany that as well, it might not have been that hard.