[video=youtube;Zcps2fJKuAI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zcps2fJKuAI&feature=feedwll&list=WL[/video] This is War ^^ [video=youtube;hTMrlHHVx8A]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTMrlHHVx8A[/video] Kings and Queens ^^ [video=youtube;8yvGCAvOAfM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yvGCAvOAfM&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL[/video] The Kill ^^ 30STM are the best :p
I love 30 Seconds To Mars! :D [video=youtube;acIU7yxzJ70]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acIU7yxzJ70[/video] <3
I CANT BELIEVE I ONLY FOUND THIS THREAD NOW :O Provehito in altum to all part of the echelon, the rest of you..BURN IN HELL.
I swear about half of my post count is from replying to 30STM threads. Anyways, as I have said before, I used to be a big fan of them, and I adored them a whole lot. That is, until I saw them live. I was most disappointed, not by the music, but by the attitude of one Jared Leto. The guy was an absolute twat, and he even punched a fan in the head, a kid who was just reaching up to his idol. Since then my like for them has decreased somewhat. Though I admit, I do like some of their newer songs >_> Hurricane especially.