Guitar Hero is secks. I just bought it and can't stop playing it (hence why I've been gone most of today (like 3 hours since I woke up at 9)). I'm actually looking for any tips on first starting GH. :)
I have a couple tips. 1) Save your Star Power until you either hit a 4x multiplier or a long series of notes to score higher. Or you can be dumb like me and use it as soon as you can. 2) Strum up and down to hit faster strings. It'll also help to keep your arm from getting too tired (which really helps in the long run). 3) Don't do this: XD Addicting little thing, isn't it? I have 1 and 2 and plan on getting 80s just because.
t.t Not from what I can tell. I pwn DDR harder. OMG I LOL'D so hard at that comic. xD Also, I have no idea what star power is. In fact, I don't even think I've done the tutorial yet. Should I? :3 Or you can just explain it to me. Either way, I'm a noob.
star power pretty much doubles the multiplier ex : x2 mult. w/ star power becomes a x4 mult. It can pretty much save you from the red zone when you're doing really bad. i say do the tutorial, never hurts to try. and I'm saving up for guitar hero 3, or Rock Band for the 360.