Holy.****. That's hawt for a 2nd. Colors are nice and effects are simple but very attractive. Text could use some work though. Still...as for comments I'd have to suggest sharpening the stock (since that's definitely not a sprite if I am correct. And if it is a stock, it's not smart to resize it. But sharpen it so it looks like a sprite. xD) *falling asleep* EDIT: Oh yeah, lose the border. =D
XD Dude, I see that tut worked out for you. This is great for a 2nd sig. The only thing I could comment on really is adding a bit more in front of Venom. It seems like there's so much behind him but not a lot in front. Kinda messes with the depth a bit.
Darkwatch and Cin really said it all, but the left side (I think it's a sheild) looks a little over sharpened.
Darky and Cinny said most of my part,but one thing that drives me is the venom sprite,i really think you should have used a softer color toned sprite.to go with the colors.thats just me though.
Sharpen up the sprite, but lower the opacity to about 20-30, or maybe even lower. Noa.... HOLY SHIOT ***** U A GFX PRODI G But in all seriousness, that is one hawt tag. The black on the right, next to that blue(It's a reel skinny line, and it goes on that pink line) kinda messes it up and makes me cry. Fix plz? Now, that lighting(at teh bottom) doesn't go very well with everything else, and it is hardly lighting anything up. Make it effects more of the sig by dodging some parts, and maybe making it more bloo. But hey, that's just me. also, a little splatter, the same color as the bg, wouldn't hurt. Now, don't totally overdo it, just kinda like... put it on the bottom left and blut it a little but. I say use a brush that's on the small side. Anyways, good job on this. I hope to see more from you in the future.
I lol'd at the fact you subsituted shiot for **** and left the n phraise open xD But yes, it is really nice. For a second tag, dude you'll be better than your bro xD