So I finished watching 28 Days Later, and I was a bit disappointed. But what do you guys like better? 28 Days Later or 28 Weeks Later?
disapointed? really? Such a great zombie movie. 28 weeks later is "ok" but not nearly of the same quality.
I liked Weeks later because it had more "zombies" and stuff in it. In Days Later it was more running, and whenever they did get attacked it was like by 2 or 3 of them.
Both of them are epic, they explore a portion of the pysche that usually goes un-explored or in most cases mis-interperated. They show a very cruel but a good representation of what might happen in the event of a zombie infection.
I thought Resident Evil did a good job of that. And I guess House of the Dead, but I don't know entirely about that
No i think resisdent evil and such glorify the violence which takes you out of it. The colour palette is too great and it doesn't deal with the individual.
well, it's still my favorite zombie movie. But I just realized that the characters in Days are different from Weeks. Why do they do that? What happens to the people from Days? I'm confused
Well personally i wouldn't really define resident evil a true Zombie survival horror anymore. back during the good ol' days of the games they were survival horrow but not anymore. the reason they changed the characters was because putting children as the main characters kept everyone on edge plus it gave the story a more gritty realistic feel. Personally if you like movies like that give I AM LEGEND a look. Its one of the best masterpiece's i've ever watched.
that's going to cause an off topic, but I tried watching it, but it took forever to build up. So I stopped watching it. I liked I Am Omega better, and that's a stinkin Asylum Films movie for crying out loud