HORRAY! BIG RISK TAKER HERE! THIS STORY'S GONNA SUCK! BUT HERE WE GO! Prologue!! ****************************** Report from Col. William Barret December 16, 2020 As numerous studies and research leads the Board of Directory toward the impossible, we start to think, What is the impossible? The impossible would be a small nuclear bomb being planted on the Moon, and then to blow up, thus shifting the orbit of the Moon, toward Venus. That has been done. But the impossible I would mention is the unknown being known. The secret of all secrets; witchcraft. As Salem Witch Trials proved that it was possible, back then, a black hat and long black dress made you a witch. But real witches exist today, and since the beginning of time. The witches blend in so well with normal life, with us, and they go unnoticed, until they use their powers, then they're known. As I bring this to a conclusion, I must say, that a real witch make him/ her self known soon.... starting here in Salem. ********************************* Chapter 1 (6 years after William's report was publictized.) 15 year old Emily sat up, her silver hair blanketing her white eyes. "What time is it, Max?" she mumbled at her friend, who was snoring beside her. "ARG! MAX!" She tackled him, and he awoke with a shock. "What? I'm awake!" Emily sighed. "Come on, my dad wants me home early tonight." Emily stood up as Max stumbled to gain balance. "Ok, fine." Max sighed. He and Emily headed toward the outskirts of Salem, carefully watching the time. Emily ran ahead and stopped at a small sign. "Help wanted for cyber farms and projection shops. Hiring tommorrow." Emily read, as the sign switched to the next ad. "What is it?" Max questioned, catching up with his friend. Max read the ads. "Nothing." Emily answered, walking toward town once again. Max ran to catch up with her. She walked a little faster, unaware of the hill they would be going down. She walked ahead a felt no ground underneath her. "Wha?" she asked herself. She looked down and fell. Max ran down. "You ok?" he asked. Emily's head tilted to the sky. "What was that?" ***************** Meh, its ok, I'm not good at oringal stuff.
I Know Emily Barret!!! Her Name Is Actually Zarin!!! She Likes Harry Potter!!! Shes Allergic To Dogs!!! Her Fave Color Is Blue!!!
...we screwed with the moon's trajectory, sending it into Venus....and we are still alive? Well, if you say it's possible i'll have to agree...Anyway, Salem Witch Trial, man you are making this story vast haha. My only obligation is that you leave my family out of it. Seriously. One of my ancestors was indited for witchcraft in salem.
That's pretty cool! I've always wished I was a witch...of course back then i wouldnt! please continue with the story tho. the moe i read the mor i understand!
ok, haven't updated it in a while, so enjoy! Chapter 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Emily and Max sat on her roof, ingoring the loud shouts and yells from the house below. "Do they always do this?" Max asked, looking up at the sun set filled sky. "Yeah. My older brother and my father have totally diffrent points of view." Emily answered, picking at a small leaf. Max looked over, his brown hair blowing in the breeze. "Emily?" he asked, cationously. Emily looked over, her white eyes glimmering with sadness. "What's up?" she asked. Out of nowhere, Max lifted off the ground. "What the-" Max swore, looking as he slowly rose off the ground. "Emily? What's going on?" "I don't know! Um, stop!" she commanded. Max stopped and fell out of the sky. "Max!" Emily rushed to the edge of the roof, looking at Max, who was stuck in the tree. "I'm ok!" he smiled. Emily sighed. "Thank goodness." Emily's look hardened. "But what in the devil's name was that?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I know, its kinda short, but like I care! WRITER'S BLOCK IS TAKING OVER EVERY THING!!!!! >.<
Thats cool i like it. pleez ask a friend 4 inspiration if u have writers blok, i was writing a story about things that would suck and she gave me the idea of ice crream losing flavor. >.< wouldn't that suck?