At least one video upload each day on YouTube: Yes Two or more video uploads the majority of the time: Yes I was hoping to get at least 16 or more uploads today so I could have an even 1,500 or more of total uploads for 2014, but that didn't work out. I really don't care that it didn't work out, though, because I STILL DID IT! I STILL DID IT! I STILL DID IT!
While I'm going to keep updating my channel on a regular basis, it'll go back to the way it was before 2014, but after late December 2010 (which is when I really kicked it into gear) where missing a day or several days in a row every now and then isn't a big deal. Plus, I don't have to stress out trying to upload something every day anymore. "IT'S 9:30 PM, AND I HAVEN'T RECORDED ANYTHING YET, AND I'M ALL OUT OF VIDEOS UP TO UPLOAD! GOTTA RECORD A QUICK THIRTY MINUTES SO I HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO PROCESS IT, EDIT AND SAVE IT ON WMM, AND HAVE AT LEAST ONE THING TO UPLOAD ON YOUTUBE NO LATER THAN 11:55 PM!"