So after what you've seen so far, and what you know is coming out this year, what game do you think will take the most game of the year awards? I think it will be L.A. Noire or The Elder Scrolls V:Skyrim.
There could be a chance that it could be Portal 2. Heard that game was pretty great. Also Gears of War 3, could be a one as well.
I think it's too early to predict anything at this stage. After E3 i'll have a better understanding about what's coming out in the later part of the year, for now I'll just have to think it over. Who are the big contenders this year, I can't think of any but the ones mentioned? L.A. Noire, though an incredible game I doubt it'll win Game of the Year from various sites and people. Not sure why really. Portal 2 will appeal to a lot of people so i'm sure it has a chance even if I don't really think it is GOTY worthy, it'll likely be a competitor. Gears of War 3 could definately push towards it, but i'm gonna have ot wait and see. I do believe Elder Scrolss: Skyrim will be a good contender as well, considering the succes of Oblivion and the improvements being made, as long as it isn't riddled with glitches then it's got a great chance.
Witcher 2 will most likely win Game of the Year. Almost everyone who played it loved it. Can't say the same about L.A Noire. Arkham City and Skyward Sword are also two very good contenders.
I can't see any other game than Portal 2 winning it. I loved it, everyone I know who has played it loved it. It's a game you have to love.
It'll most likely be Portal 2. Game was pretty great; has a lot you want from a game. Another one I can see, even though it's not out yet, is the sequel to 2009's GOTY, Batman: Arkham City. L.A. Noire and Gears 3 are also possibilities, as well as Skyrim. And who knows - inFamous 2 might find its way in there as a contender.
It is. Anyway GoW3 has a good shot as does L.A. Noire. If Bulletstorm comes out in time it may have a chance as well, depending on how it's recieved.
Retract my previous statement. L.A. Noire is a really good contender, likely to win loads of things. I needed to play it to the end to really appreciate it.
It's a really good game in my opinion. There are a lot of amazing games coming out this year. Just remember, in Noire films, there isn't always a happy ending.
Um... Bulletstorm's been out for months. It was an all right game. Not GOTY material in my opinion, though. Did you mean another game by chance?
Forgot about this one. Uncharted 3 will definitely win Game of the Year if it improves upon the second. U2 won many awards and I see U3 winning just as many.
Oh... ~facepalm~ Anyway my GI subscription ran out a while ago and i've been too lazy to renew. I can't think of any other top contenders besides the above/previously mentioned, but maybe there'll be a last minute juggernaut. You never know...
This is the one I have my money on, if you consider how many Game of the Year awards Uncharted 2 won and the fact that Naughty Dog has a great track record of increasing the quality of their sequels I suspect that it will do very well in the awards. Other than that I'm thinking L.A Noire has a good chance, it's definitely one of the most unique and groundbreaking games of the year, hopefully they will show this with the awards.
I'm fairly confident Uncharted 3 will be a strong contender, but I've heard good things about Resistance 3. To be honest, it's gonna be a hard call.