10 Year-Old Gives Birth in Southern Spain

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Luna Lovegood, Nov 3, 2010.

  1. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    I'm not trying to say that she is as fully capable as say someone in their 20s. But most people here are making it out to be a miracle that the child could develop properly while keeping the child healthy, and have both of them survive the birth itself. I know wikis aren't the best sources but I'm not concerned enough about this to go through proper research.

    And that is just for the first period, that doesn't even count ovulation yet. 80% of girls don't ovulate for over a year after their first period. The biggest medical miracle here is the fact that she was able to ovulate at age 10; not her surviving the process.
  2. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    How about this? Right now, I'm 17 years old. Suppose, for a moment, that my parents and I are walking by a dark alley and I see in that dark alley a man with a knife holding another man by the shirt collar. Is my parents' right to prevent me from saving that man's life just because they're too scared for their own lives? Should I let a man get killed because my parents tell me not intervene simply because I am not over 18? Or should I ignore their orders, jump in, and save the guy?

    There's still the idea that the parents decided it was her baby and her choice. Is it so wrong to let your child choose whether or not she will kill her own baby? And besides that in Biblical times, 10 year old pregnancies in some parts of the world were probably just as rare as teen pregnancies. Are you going to say that your ancestors from a few thousand years ago were wrong in what could have resulted in your birth thousands of years later? Or is that another double standard?
  3. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    But what kinda ten-year-old is ready to make that kinda decision? Judging by the parents reaction "Oh it's perfectly normal for kids to give birth at ten!" I'd say that they didn't actually tell the girl her options, or what she'd be going through, and possibly didn't even know about them themselves.

    As for the argument that you can only choose for yourselves after you turn 18, I know that at least in Finland (possibly the rest of Scandinavia also) you can get an abortion at 15 without the parents even knowing about it. You do have to have someone over 18 with you, but you don't actually need anyones consent.