In 10 days, YouTube will force its new channel layout. To be honest, I don't really mind. Like with any website, whether it's KH-Vids, YouTube, whatever, I get used to layout changes within the next day or so. I honestly don't get why people get so upset with changes. Take YouTube, for example. The point of YouTube is to upload videos, right? Does changing the layout of the website or just users' channels take that away? Nope.
I don't care that much on it either. I think that it's nice that users had their own channels and all but tbh I rarely go to see people's channels anymore. Usually if I do it's just to see what kinds of videos they tend to upload and that's about it. And I can still do that with the newer layout so nothing lost.
This has been Current Events with Amaury. Tune in next time to find out if Kitty is actually the girl in all of the clingy girlfriend memes.
I've never cared too much about the changes on youtube. I'm just surprised they've changed it so much in the past few months.
I'm using the new channel layout right now, and it doesn't look that bad. It's hard to edit though :/ I hope I get used to it Lol XD
Wrong. The point is to share videos. The change of layout doesn't take it away but it IMPEDES it. You should never make something harder than it has to be. Doing so is what's called stupid and inefficient. So youtube is being stupid and inefficient.
I don't really mind the new layout changes on YouTube. At least they didn't change anything major like... You know.... The looping videos!!!
Yes, but when is it unnecessary? It certainly isn't required that I make the change from Hungry Howie's pizza to Jet's pizza, but does that make it a bad change?