1.5 HD Remix (Final Mix) Trailer

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Aug 8, 2013.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York

    Hello KH-Vids. Square-Enix has released a new trailer from Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix. The trailer focuses on Final Mix and its additional content.

    Only a month shy from the release of Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix, have you pre-ordered your copy? There's still time!
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Aug 8, 2013.

    1. KeybladeSpirit
      I love how they're advertising it like Final Mix is a brand new thing. It's like they decided to forget that we've been aware of it for years.
    2. A Zebra
      A Zebra
      Well, I'm sure a lot of the more casual KH fans aren't aware of Final Mix

      What I like is how when the trailer said new abilities and enemies, they didn't actually SHOW any new abilities or enemies...
    3. Krowley
      Don't know why I laughed at goofy so much at 1:03. I know it's one of his victory things, but in my head the phrase; "Aww hell no!" just appeared.
      How I wish one of the features was heartless skin selection. Option of allowing final Mix original colors. I would choose original...

      Thanks for the update Mike!
    4. ShibuyaGato
      As much as I appreciate SE and Disney's attempts to reach their fans, the least they could do is change the song they use in their 1.5 HD Remix trailers. Seriously, it's always the same track when they've got so many to choose from.

      As far as the enemies go, I think they figured showing the alternate colors for the Guard Armor was enough to label it as a "new enemy." And as KS said, as far as the casual and younger part of the fanbase goes, it probably seems like a whole new enemy when it's really just a change in the skin.

      Nitpicking aside, I'm really looking forward to playing a Final Mix entry for the first time in my seven years as a KH fan. Thanks, Mike.
    5. Roxas1359
      You'd be surprised how many people actually don't know that the Final Mix games exist.

      OT: Well I'm still debating on whether to get myself a copy or not since I already have the Japanese 1.5 ReMix. On another note I suggest preparing for the copyright sweep Square Enix and EMI Studios Japan is gonna do again. Back when the game first came out in Japan back in March EMI Studios Japan flagged every single video that played even the tiniest bit of Simple and Clean/Hikari, even to those who are in Networks. I wouldn't be surprised if they do another sweep like that again, so prepare your content ID match disputes fellow Kingdom Hearts fans! Prepare for the battle to save yourself from a possible copyright strike.
    6. Jadentheman
      I might bite the bullet a PS3 and this game. hmm..
    7. Mike

      I was thinking the same thing. It just looks like the original Kingdom Hearts. If you're going to promote new enemies and abilities...at least show them.
    8. Hidden Smithery
      Hidden Smithery
      Is there anyone else who thinks that the Final Mix skins for the Heartless look... out of place? I think it's funny that the "most canon" iteration of the game (in terms of cutscenes, fights, and weapons) they decide to completely reskin every enemy for no particular reason.
    9. Menos Grande
      Menos Grande
      I liked this analysis about the remix:

      A lot of misinformation, though the game still worth it!
      I new about the FINAL MIX, but just played KH 2 FM, and no KH I. Also I think square's deserve that I give them the money for playing the FINAL Mix versions for free (as I was the only way) so even if I wasn't going to play (what I will) I think is fair to buy it.
    10. Roxas1359
      Eh most of the bugs that were in the Japanese version will be fixed more than likely. Mainly the lip syncing issue since they are rerecording the audio for the English version of the HD 1.5 ReMix. The Japanese one didn't really get that treatment and it seems that they just put the original Kingdom Hearts 1 audio over it as some of the cutscenes I've noticed aren't voiced like they are supposed to, and I am mainly referring to the added scenes.

      It's weird at first, but the more you play the Final Mix games the weirder it feels to fight Heartless in their original color scheme. However the first Final Mix didn't recolor nearly as many as the second Final Mix did. For example, the mini Guard Armor Heartless is still red, the all the Heartless with a color in their name are the same (Red Nocturne, Blue Rhapsody, Yellow Opera, Green Requiem, White Mushroom, Black Fungus), but then some of them just didn't get one at all like the Rare Truffle.

      Out of all the recolors the Trickster's is probably the most thematically appropriate as they added musical notes coming out from the top of his head, and he's pink!
    11. Miles
      That guys doesn't know what has talking about. Dont listen to him.
    12. Trizzle13
      Don't know why ppl are complaining about something as small a enemy skins. Its really not that big of a deal, get over it. We should all just be happy that we're finally getting Final Mix and in high definition as a bonus.

      Only problem I had with this showing is how they didn't reveal the new abilities and enemies that they spoke of. Do they want to make it a surprise or something?

      Doesn't matter though I already have the original FM so I don't need to waste my money on this or a ps3.
    13. Crispers
      I overall happy with the HD remix. There are a lot of game remasters happening now a days...
      That don't get the same attention this remaster got.
      I just can't wait for it to be honest.
    14. Shiki
      [kingdom heartsing intensifies]

      I really wish I had a PS3 so I could preorder this. Damn me not having money.
    15. Hidden Smithery
      Hidden Smithery
      You could preorder and then save up for a PS3.
    16. Shiki
      Yeah but you gotta get the preorder within 5 days of the game being released... :(
    17. Labrys
      What's the price for the pre order again?
    18. A Zebra
      A Zebra
      Most places it's a minimum 5 dollar down payment