Kingdom Hearts 1.5 End of the World. Help me!~

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts Help' started by Marluxia912, Oct 3, 2013.

  1. Marluxia912 Destiny Islands Resident

    May 7, 2008
    Cybertron, Vos
    Well...this is embarrassing. So, I've reached the end of the game. Hooray for me!~ But here's the problem. I'm stuck on the part where you ALMOST reach Ansem. The part where you have to fight different seeds of Heartless after beating a Behemoth. Every horde you beat, you knock off a piece of the heartless emblem in your way. I have died nearly 6 times before rage quitting. I usually don't rage quit in Kingdom Hearts, but you must understand...I would be on the last horde before dying and it got to me, I rage quitted and cried for an hour.

    Anyway, long story short, I need advice on how to get through this. I've tried leveling up before getting there. I haven't played since the rage quit. It's been a decent 2 weeks, but I remember being on level 53-54. I beat Chernabog after dying once, so a horde of heartless shouldn't be a problem for me, right?
    Another strategy I've tried is summoning Tinker Bell after I beat the Behemoth. Sad to say, she lasted until the last horde and so did I. I've also tried using Ragnarok and that doesn't help either. I've no problem fighting the DarkBall heartless and Angel Stars, just Invisibles (the heartless with the swords).

    I'm playing normal mode and I'm about ready to give up. Any advice on how to handle this situation so I won't die for a seventh time when I decide to play again?
  2. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Strange... usually having Sora's level in the 50s would be enough for me to get through that part. Then again, that was in KH1, not 1.5 (I still haven't reached that part yet). I would suggest not using your MP except for Curaga (stocking up on mega-potions isn't a bad idea either). Block as much as you can. Just attack the closest enemy there is. And of course, leveling up in another world can't hurt.
  3. RifleRiku Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 21, 2012
    Weird, I was about the same level when I beat that part. Maybe you should stock party members up on potions and such so they heal you. You could try using aero and healing often. I personally went in and just fought and got through on my first try.
  4. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    I think I typically beat the game around level 60, so you could always just grind a few more levels. In addition to what others are suggesting, maybe try synthesizing Ultima Weapon. Gathering the materials will let you gain a few levels and the attack bonus to Sora will certainly help.
  5. Vagineer Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2013
    Yongen-Jaya, Japan
    Yeah, I beat the game at around level 55-60 and I don't have any problems with the Invisibles. Did you try dodge rolling? Anyways, if you really can't last until the final horde, level up for a few levels and make sure you have abilities that will help you defensively.
  6. A Zebra Chaser

    Jan 24, 2013
    The final gauntlet has been buffed in Final Mix, honestly your best bet is to just grind. Obviously you could keep trying, gain skill, but just to warn you, if those enemies are giving you a hard time Ansem is probably going to overpower you
  7. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i had trouble on this part and on Ansem. it took me 2 hours to beat Ansem because he kept killing me in 1 or 2 hits. so yes, i agree that the topic creator should level up and get new equipment.

    also, get Aeroga if you haven't already. it requires you to get all of the Dalmatians and a Yellow Trinity in Neverland. but its' very worth the trouble.
  8. Marluxia912 Destiny Islands Resident

    May 7, 2008
    Cybertron, Vos

    This, I know. I already started dreading fighting Ansem once I saw that I couldn't get past this part. So I guess grinding would be a logical reason. As much as I don't want to.

    Forging the ultima weapon would take too long for me to do since I've yet to do it in the PS2 version.
    Overall, thank you everyone for your advice and help. Maybe I'll give it a shot tonight.
  9. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    Dunno if you're still having trouble with this but I thought I'd throw in my two cents.

    The real killer with the gauntlet is that every enemy is a problem target, so it's hard to prioritize. But you have to stay on the attack, because if a room full of them gets you on the defensive you're never gonna get off it. Figure out which you find more annoying, the Invisibles or the Angel Stars, then pick one, lock on and stay on that sucker 'til it's dead. Try to start attacking one when the others are far away; if you get the right rhythm, none of them will be able to stop you from slaughtering their mate.

    If you let an Invisible get away, it goes ghost and starts chomping at your life bar; if you let an Angel Star get away, it joins the friggin' baker's dozen of them spamming energy balls and tornadoes from the far end of the room. That said, if an Angel Star starts blocking, better to just magnetize to another target; the time spent waiting for it to become vulnerable again is not worth it in the least. And because of that I personally would recommend starting with the Invisibles. But again, depends what's more annoying, an enemy who constantly clashes with you or one that moves like a gnat and hasn't heard of hitstun.

    As I will recommend in nearly every circumstance, spamming Strike Raid works wonders in a tight spot. That is the only time where I would say don't bother sticking to one target; keep the lock off and just let it rock in whatever direction it wants to go. You're more likely to clip two, three, even four targets that way, which can only make your job easier.

    Aside from that, just keep training, keep learning, and manage your items carefully, and you'll get it eventually. Unless you already have, in which case - good job! :L
  10. Trizzle13 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 3, 2008
    Check Your Basement
    May I ask what difficulty you are on?

    What is your equipment status?

    What Spells do u have?
  11. Zeroxys Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 14, 2013
    Lansing, MI
    Aeraga, curaga, and use the strongest keyblade u have. set donald and goofy to be very aggressive. they dont do much dmg, but it always helps. make donald use restoritive magic always and have goofys skills all turned off except for mp gift & mp rage, so when ur low on MP he will restore it. thats what i did when i fought the phantom. Lvl 50 should be plenty enough to get u passed that part in the game. What accessories do you have on?
    Let me know if you need any more help :)
  12. DuelRoxas16 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 6, 2013
    try getting aerora and using it, also summon tinkerbell
  13. Marluxia912 Destiny Islands Resident

    May 7, 2008
    Cybertron, Vos
    Thanks for the help everyone. I managed to get pass End of the World after doing few level grinds. The only problems I'm having now are Sephiroth and the Mysterious Figure, which we all know is Xemnas. I never beat Sephiroth in my PS2 version so I know I probably won't beat him now.
    As for the difficulty I was on, it was normal and I was using the Oblivion until my friend decided that I use Rumbling Rose, which I didn't. But I was still able to beat the game. Now to go back and do it all over again on Critical and Beginner. I'll be sure to use everyone's help and tips during the Critical gameplay, that's for sure ^-^
  14. Zeroxys Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 14, 2013
    Lansing, MI
    lol if u struggled with end of the world, sephiroth is gonna b brutal.
    A few tips; for the first 30 secs of the battle even if u punish him, you wont hurt his hp bar, he has so much that the game cant calculate it correctly.
    2nd, dont use guard, The only skills that are vital in my opinion are leaf bracer, super glide, slapshot (for crit), sliding dash (cover lots of ground quickly) and ars arcanum (for when he teleports behind you, you can use it & dodge the hit and hurt him at the same time)
    3rd, once he jumps back & see a white bubble over his head, use sliding ash & hit him QUICKLY! if you do not, its a spell that takes u down to 1 hp & within .25 of a sec he dashes at you for a final hit.
    4th, Whenever hew casts meteor, jump away & use super glide to dodge them.
    5th, once you get a good combo going on him he will throw a ring of flames around him and they will hit you 2-3 times before they disappear. (they dont hit hard, but i always use curaga after each cast of that spell anyway just in case).
    6th, THE MOST important thing you MUST do, Fill you items slots with ONLY elixiers, anything else is useless and wont matter.
    7th, ALWAYS and i mean ALWAYS have Aeroga running. If you do not then u can guarantee you will not beat him.

    and i guess thats it as far as i can recall. its a fairly simple battle once you get his pattern down, but its very intense.
  15. O13 Follower Twilight Town Denizen

    Jan 10, 2014
    Everywhere else and here
    I just follow the words of a wise man ... "everybody jump around" seriously that is basically all you need to do jump after the angles and when the invisibles turn to fire just wait and jump when it flashes but pay attention because there are moments where you can't just stand still like I am right now with my troop of Dusks
  16. Menos Grande Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 7, 2012
    Cisgender Male
    Call tinkerbell everytime also try to fly a lot, because the invisible will try to attack you with their circle of fire if you are standing still. Other than that just spam every move and try to call donald and goofy with "/\".