I tried my hand at... this, I don't really know what it's called to be honest. xD;; But anyway, yeah. This is my first time trying it, so CnC is very much appreciated! The original can be found here: https://yande.re/sample/886d8b3b212be0bcaa410abc72e93d95/yande.re 141081 sample.jpg
Here's another: Here's a link to the original: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=31317960 Again, CnC is very much appreciated! c:
I AM BAD AT CnC but here goes I really dig the color scheme! The red looks really really good with the black and white (especially on the site's skin). I have to say the second is my favorite though, because it's a wee bit clearer and I like the sort of V shaped being formed by the dots and her cane.
Hey, I'll give CnC a try but can you replace the url here? I can't see the original. :c Also, can you link to the source of the second picture?
Okay so here's the link to the original second one: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=31317960 And here's to the first: https://yande.re/sample/886d8b3b212be0bcaa410abc72e93d95/yande.re 141081 sample.jpg
Thanks bby. <3 Mmkay, yayyyy. First of all, these are really good. I'm kind of in love with color splash so maybe I'm a wee bit bias, but still. Like Plums, I prefer the second one. The first one is over-sharpened and looks a bit distorted as a result. The second one is smooth, but a bit lacking in my opinion (like there could be something else going on other than the color splash). I'm glad to see you taking risks, though. I think you have a good eye with some of your past graphics, but sometimes it doesn't really look like anything was done to them other than cropping. Lately, though, you seem to be venturing more and more out of your comfort zone which is really great. Overall, good job.