❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts: Why...|Place: Game of Killer Hide-and-Seek---> Inn at Bentely|Mood:Shaken up|Music:x

    The night was absolute hell.

    Zoey sat at the table in the Inn with a blanket wrapped around herself and a mug of hot chocolate in front of her. She wasn't in her mud camo anymore; she cleaned up after she got back. Cane only gave her a look when she came in and didn't say much. Just told her to wash herself and also mentioned to not say any of what happened last night with anyone.

    Her hands were wrapped in clean white bandages and her cheek had a little scratch on it. The bruises she got from ducking, crawling, and darting out of that place were covered by the sleeves of her sweater and her pants. Her legs ached from being cramped for so long then having to endure a big run right afterwards, but she figured she would be fine...At least physically.

    She was just staring in empty space at her hot chocolate as it the steam brushed against her face. All the bodies she saw when she ran back... All the carnage that was split. Words would never describe the aftermath of that sick game. She remembered being in her hiding spot long after the game was called off. She was so scared after she heard a whole group of kids come through. They sounded like they were all girls, but she couldn't really tell. She just remembered holding her breath, just waiting for them to leave her area. But the way they lingered around there, it was like they found someone... It wasn't her, but who did they find?

    When she burst in the hotel room, panting and in shock, she discovered that Estelle and Shane weren't in the room. Panic overcame her, and she ended up collapsing on the floor in a heap and ended up crying. She didn't remember if she woke up Dennis or not, she just remembered blindly cleaning herself up as she quietly sobbed and tried to soothe herself. No one else was suppose to know what happened last night. That's what Cane told her. And then she found a book on Estelle's bed... It now sat on her lap, hidden by a clean sweater.

    When it was time to climb out of her hiding spot, it was hard to scale the wall she climbed down in the first place. She ended up cutting her hands on the rocks, and once almost slipped to her death to the cold water below. She ended up wandering around the forest for a long time until the early morning sun lit the way and she followed the gross smell of sweets and found the town once more. Once she made it there, she kept to the shadows until she got to the Inn. After that, everything was a blur.

    She had no more tears to cry. She felt completely numbed and sapped of all strength. Zoey was just trying to help by getting information for the others to try to find out something that could lead to answers to Johnathan's and Noelle's death, but ended up running for her life and hiding like a coward. Everyone told her in advance what to expect when they got there, but nothing prepared her for last night.

    The one-eyed girl sighed out heavily, waiting patiently for Julius, Erik, or the other man to come out. The book she found on Estelle's bed disturbed her even more than she already was. It was marked with a piece of paper on a certain page, and the stamp inside let her know it was from Whittlerose's library. Estelle took the book from there... This was the book that her and Trovald were looking for. Why did Estelle keep it hidden from them though? She looked at her mug of hot chocolate and then pushed it away from her. She wasn't feeling up to anything at all...
    ...If you go, then so will I...
  2. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Julius was never a heavy sleeper and sleeping in an unknown enemy territory made much more difficult for him to get any rest at all. If the human body didn't require sleep to function then he would have been awake all night trying to at least get the bottom of this mystery. For now he continued to sleep, but the sudden sound of a door shutting had reached his ears and his eyes soon enough opened. Not checking to see if the others had awoken, Julius arose from his bed and after heading off to take a quick shower, Julius placed his clothes on and walked out of his room.

    Morning had already arrived, but he wondered why anybody would be moving about before the day. The door from earlier had made quite a loud bang, but there was no sounds of struggles or anything. Waking up early to check this out was a pain in the ass, but Julius really had nobody to complain to about this. Closing his eyes and scratching the back of his head, Julius' eye opened as he noticed somebody ahead. "Zoey?" Julius said walking up to the girl calmly.

    Something was wrong, but what could have possibly gone wrong? Did something happen in the inn? or maybe some of them were not even in the inn last night. Her hands were bandaged, and her face had a scratch, which only proved that something happened. He needed answers and Zoey would need to answer otherwise things would become far more problematic. "Alright Zoey what happened? Are you okay?" Julius asked grabbing her hand immediately in order to get a better look at the wounds.
  3. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts: Why...|Place: Inn at Bentely|Mood:Shaken up|Music: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)|Day: 1/4]

    Zoey heard footsteps in the back of her head, but she didn't look up to see who it was. She was still lost in her own thoughts. She could see the lifeless eyes, the bloodied limbs, just death everywhere. And the fact that Estelle and Shane were missing this morning, and she hadn't seen Oliver or Pierce yet...

    Zoey?" Julius said walking up to the girl calmly.

    The girl jumped when she heard the voice, being pulled out of her fresh morbid memories. She hesitantly turned to see no other than Julius standing there. Her heart began to pound in her chest and her frame began to shake like an autumn leaf. Her face was all drained of color and her good eye was opened wide; her pupil was extremely small as well. She had other wounds that Julius or anyone else couldn't see, but she wasn't going to show them. When she made her escape from her hiding place and almost slipped to her death, she ripped her jean pants on the rocks and scraped her left knee pretty badly. If Julius looked more closely at her, he would probably see that there were more scratches on her face that didn't stick out so much like the one on her cheek.

    "Alright Zoey what happened? Are you okay?" Julius asked grabbing her hand immediately in order to get a better look at the wounds.

    Zoey winced through her teeth when Julius grabbed for her hand. Her palm was exposed to him. Even though her hands were wrapped up nicely and barely any blood could be seen, it still hurt badly. And if he pushed up her sweater sleeve, he would probably see more scrapes and scratches with the bruises on her arms. She quickly shook her head that she wasn't okay, far from that.

    'Dont tell them what happened,' she heard Cane's warning in her head. But she had to tell him, somehow. She had to warn the others of the dangers of hanging out in Bentley too long. As far as she knew, no one saw her face last night. Not even Patrick. But she had to be extremely careful. Since she got back and got somewhat over the shock of being a survivor of the bloody night, she thought this through of how to tell without really telling.

    "I-I w-went to look around and a-ask questions," Zoey began. She swallowed, looking away from Julius. Great, now she was stuttering. She took in a shallow breath of air to try to stable herself before she continued in a very low voice that only Julius could hear. "I was told that the festival was for the celebration of spring... A l-lady asked for my age... She told me if I was caught at the festival, I would face s-serious consequences, I was directed to the lake... I texted Freddie, Estelle, and Sh-Shane where I was going-"

    'Dont tell them what happened.'

    She then put her free hand on the book that sat in her lap, hidden by another sweater she had. Shivering, she picked it up and placed it on the table, opening her eye again. "I found this on Estelle's bed." She pushed the sweater carefully away, showing the book to Julius. "Trovald and I were looking for this back at the library... Estelle and Shane weren't in our room..." Zoey felt a knot in her throat, but refused to break down here in the open. Tensing now, she opened the book to the page that was marked, the one that talked about Killer Cupid. Inside was a little note card with small handwriting scrawled on it. It was Zoey's handwriting.

    The one eyed girl pulled her hand away from Julius and took her mug of hot chocolate, but didn't drink it. She just stared down at the contents of it. She was rigid, tense, but she knew she need to calm down and get her head cleared if she was going to be able to help this group still.
    ...If you go, then so will I...
  4. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Dennis Baker:
    [---Day 4 (1/4)---March 17h---Location: The Inn---Mood: Confused---Ooc: N/A]

    Dennis woke up groggily. He could've sworn that he heard someone crying. In his half awake stupor he could've sworn he even saw a familiar figure but kind of went back to sleep, only to wake up roughly ten minutes later finding himself unable to go back. He got out of bed and looked around the room, seeing it was basically just as it had been when he went to sleep last night. He walked over to his suitcase and grabbed out his new outfit for the day. He decided to get all the morning routine things done before putting on his blue sweatpants and blue long sleeve shirt. He looked around the room until he realized something strange was with the room. It looked exactly the same as when went to bed.

    His side of the bed was the only part of the bed that was really messed up and the other bed was still perfectly made. It was almost if he was the only one who slept in the room that night. He knew he was the first one in, so he didn't actually know if the other three came in. Fear started to encompass him and he was overall confused as to what was going on. After thinking about it for awhile he started to wonder if someone actually did come into his room this morning.

    He decided to walk outside to see if anyone else was up, and to eat breakfast, when he noticed two people talking already. They both had eyepatches so he knew that they were Zoey and Julius. Team Eyepatch like jokes started to enter his head but quickly shook it off as stupid humor. Then his fears were slightly uplifted. Zoey was here and well meaning her Shane and Estelle probably just did something last night late into the night without coming back into the inn. Totally that, no other reason at all. "Good morning Zoey, Julius."
  5. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    For now Julius merely listened to the girl speak about what happened as he stared down over at the wounded hand. So far the hand was well treated and unless Julius wished to actually see it then he would have to remove the bandages and see for himself. She was nervous and having difficult time speaking, and though Julius wished she would get to the point, Julius remained calm and didn't say a word while she spoke.

    The explanation began and all too instantly Julius found Zoey was already beginning to hesitate with her explanation to him. Julius question just what was there to hide and before he knew it the topic changed instantly over to a sudden book that Zoey began to show him. Julius was starting to get fed up and had he not kept his cool then the book would have found itself being flung half way across the room, but regardless Julius merely grabbed the book and stared down at the page that Zoey showed him.

    Scanning down at the book, his eyebrow raised in curiosity as he noticed the card and immediately read just what it had to say to him. After reading such a thing, a flood of things entered the mind, but regardless Julius closed his eyes. The first thing that stood strong and clear in the mind of Julius was that he couldnt arise any suspicion, and so Julius merely let out a sigh and closed the book. "....look I don't care about a book like this at the moment, I don't want you running around like an idiot in the middle of the night...I don't know whatever you did last night but...whatever..."Julius said letting out sigh once more before noticing the arrival of Dennis "Ah..perfect timing...keep Zoey company would you?" Julius said before heading off with the book in hand.

    Julius merely hoped that Zoey had at least realized that he actually got the note, but whether she got what he was trying to hide or not was not the issue at the moment. Even though he got to look at it, he still merely skimmed it and didn't get the most proper time to check its contents. A migraine was starting to form and many things were changing in his mind. Julius never read nor saw the hunger games, but he knew what Zoey was trying to get at and made it clear that others were hunting each other. Pierce, Oliver, Shane and Estelle were also there...but did they come back? did they survive? Patrick was an enigma so him becoming a threat was no surprise, but still...from what Zoey said it seems that there were people in Bentley that knew of this.

    Reentering his room once more, Julius merely closed his eyes and lightly tossed the book onto Erik's sleeping form. "Hey, its morning...time to get up...there is something important I want you guys to read" Julius said loudly to the three other that shared the same room as him. Cane didn't want Zoey to say anything so at the moment Julius had to watch his own moves.
  6. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Location: Inn {} Mood: Happy {} OOC: c:
    Sasha woke up with a smile on her face. She still had thought of yesterday, thinking whether it was a dream or not. She was damn sure it was NOT a dream. She couldn't be happier. For the first time in ages, she hung out with others and had fun besides sitting down and using a computer. Opportunities like these never came up in her life even before she and her major transformation.
    She hopped up from her bed and walked up to the mirror. She still had paintball bruises on her mostly around her arm area and some on her legs, but otherwise, she looks like she had a good rest which she did. She enjoyed her night with Dennis. It almost felt like...a DATE???
    She blushed furiously and looked away. Nonono that was no date! It was just...a friendly hangout! Yea that's what it was! A Hangout! She stared at her hand and sighed. "But...I didn't want the night to end." She missed holding his hand she held in hers, even if it was on instinct.
    She shook her head and walked out the room quietly before making her way to the dining hall for breakfast. On the way, she spotted Dennis and Ms. Eyepatch Person Number 2. She gave them a wave, but mostly it was for Dennis. "Morning Dennis and...sorry I don't remember your name." She gave Zoey an apologetic bow.
  7. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts: Why...|Place: Inn at Bentely|Mood:Shaken up|Music: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)|Day: 1/4]
    Julius merely let out a sigh and closed the book. "....look I don't care about a book like this at the moment, I don't want you running around like an idiot in the middle of the night...I don't know whatever you did last night but...whatever..."

    For a moment there, Zoey panicked and shot him a look of terror. Oh no, Julius didn't read the note. He was going to walk right into a trap, and it would be her fault. Ahhhh!

    "Good morning Zoey, Julius."

    She recognized the voice right away. The boy that gave her the lollipops at the party, who was at the hospital with her, and who she drew a parrot with a mustache and a hat for. She thought he really didn't care about her since he never bothered to text her after that. But that wasn't going through her mind at the moment.

    "Ah..perfect timing...keep Zoey company would you?" Julius said before heading off with the book in hand.

    The book was gone in an instant, and Zoey watched as Julius just walked off with it. Wait, if it wasn't important, why would he take it?

    'He saw your note, doofus.'

    One and two connected in her jumbled up brain. He got the message. He was going to tell the others that came with them about her note. That put her mind at ease, but not completely. Even though she was still in great shock, she finally looked over at Dennis. He didn't know what was going on. He didn't hear her running in maybe. She felt her heart begin to hammer in her chest and didn't dare to look him in the eye. This time she was not just any kind of extra.

    << Kline, what is your reason for acting? >> Trovald said in her head from many months ago.

    "Um... I guess for fun. To meet other people... To help others stand out more. I usually get the extras."

    This time, she felt like she was playing one of the main roles. It wasn't fun and games anymore. She wasn't going to help others stand out more this time. She had to act dumb, put her feelings about the night before and put it in a box. If any signs of weakness were shown, she would be dead. She knew it would be a while before they went home. They didn't have all the answers yet to what happened to the four people at the party, Noelle and Johnathan, and now it was Pierce, Oliver, Shane, and Estelle. If she slipped up on her role now, she could put everyone in danger. Zoey understood why Cane wanted to keep her hushed about it. Patrick was the leader of this town. Everyone obeyed and respected Patrick, she saw that last night at the campfire by the lake. And if Patrick found out that Zoey was part of the Classic Bentley's Hide and Seek Game... She was glad Julius played his part so casually, even though it was harsh. But they had to make the lies seem real if they wanted to survive.

    Zoey swished the hot chocolate in her mug around before she looked up at Dennis, allowing herself to relax against the chair. "Hi," she said quietly, smiling a little. She then forced herself to take a sip of the lukewarm liquid, letting it sooth her throat.

    Hearing someone else approach, she looked over to see a girl she never talked to before. She saw this chick here and there, but not a whole lot until now. She looked happy and cheerful.

    "Morning Dennis and...sorry I don't remember your name." She gave Zoey an apologetic bow.

    Zoey let herself smile and giggled half heartily. "It's fine." She waved at the new girl to signal her she didn't really have to bow to her. "I don't remember your name either." Oh thank heavens, this was making things so much easier right now. She wondered how long this charade would last though. "My name is Zoey, nice to meet you, um..." Zoey trailed off, giving the girl a chance to introduce herself. She took another sip of the liquid and looked down at it. She really needed to get this warmed up again.
    ...If you go, then so will I...
  8. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    It felt like there were webs that clung on from under his eyelids, not letting them open. He let out a small groan as he shifted in his bed, from his side to his back. His right hand reached up to his eyes, rubbing them with his thumb and index finger lightly. He forced them open as he inhaled deeply and blinked hard. He tilts his head to the left and right slightly, examining the room around him.

    Part of him couldn't believe their entire group was doing something like this. They were all playing CSI, which was very dangerous because they weren't exactly detectives. The most of what they were are actors and that shouldn't take them too far. Of course, Bentley wasn't the place where all the bad things happened - not really, not from back then at least. Bentley was just incredibly suspicious, the off customer service in the inn and the candy shop with the incredibly peculiar people. The thought of remembering those moments though, like the little diagram/note the little girl gave him in the candy shop, made a shiver go down his spine. It was horrible.

    Tucker's eyes widened as he thought, yes, it was horrible! And that was a no-no! Horrible thoughts were no longer welcome, not during the day at least! The sunlight that seeped in from outside screamed at him for it. His eyes still burned a bit. Man, was he sleepy. With a groan he pulled himself up to sit and glanced at the other boys in his room. Still asleep. One missing. Hm? What was that about?

    Curiously, he got out of bed. Perhaps he slept in another room? In the lobby? He should probably look for him. He got to his feet and peered at the two sleeping forms. Quentin, check. Er, some other guy, check. Who was missing? He had a face in mind but couldn't exactly find a name... he was always terrible at this.

    Like a lightbulb, a more positive realization entered his mind. He was probably already awake! Riiiiiight. He laughed a bit at himself. That was pretty pessimistic of him. 'This is why you don't have bad thoughts during the day!' he smiled to himself as he walked over to the closet where he unpacked his clothes, grabbed a new outfit and went to the bathroom to change. After which, he returned to his room wearing his new set of clothes, tossing his old ones then finally going out to the others.

    As he walked down the hall, another door closed behind him. He didn't spin around fast enough to find out who it was but it seemed to come from the room where Erik, Julius, Bryan and Maria stayed. He had the intention of greeting them good morning first but then he heard voices from a distance. Surely awake and probably awake company? The choice was obvious. He about-faced and walked over to where the voices were coming from. Three early birds were grouped by a table. Little fem! Julius, aka: Zoey was sitting with a blanket draped over her shoulders was joined by a boy, Dennis, and a girl, Sasha. He only knew their names because they were actors and singers for the production during Christmas where he handled all their mics. He walked up to them with a warm smile, "Hey-o kids! Good morning!"

    As he stood by them, he looked over at Little fem! Julius who had bandages on her wrists. She wasn't looking so great either but there seemed to be quite a sunny atmosphere amongst the teenagers so he figured not to raise anything and maybe aska little later. Plus, that wasn't exactly what disturbed him. He finally remembered the boy missing from his room: Oliver. He wasn't there.
  9. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Dennis Baker:
    [---Day 4 (2/4)---March 17h---Location: The Inn---Mood: Alright---Ooc: N/A]

    No sooner had Dennis arrived had Julius left with a book in hand. Dennis thought it was a bit weird, but didn't really feel like questioning it. Probably just some important adults meeting anyway. In addition to that someone else had joined just as soon as Julius had left. That person being Sasha. She seemed to have a bit of a skip in her step which was good considering how much anxiety she seemed to be feeling over the last few days. She greeted the both of them though it turned out that Sasha didn't know Zoey, and it also turned out the reverse was true. Before Sasha could respond the peppy adult that was Tucker all greeted them with a good morning. "Morning Sasha. Morning Tucker." It was then that he realized he just indirectly introduced Sasha to Zoey rather than the girl introducing herself and had a quick 'whoops' thought.

    It was at this moment that he saw Zoey had bandages on her but he wasn't exactly sure to approach a question asking about them. He was still in denial that anything bad could've happened last night and wasn't about to ask the question anytime soon. And seeing as she wasn't bringing it up at all, he figured it'd be best not to try and tread in those waters right now. With all introductions and perceptions out of the way, though, Dennis got to thinking about today. Even though they were in Bentley, after last night Dennis didn't feel like anything was too wrong with this town (completely missing the whole everyone has the same eye color thing.) The only weird thing so far was the atlases being different. Other than that he was at a total loss for today. "So guys. What do you think the plan for today is?" It did seem like an obvious question, but other than "how was last night?"(which he was trying to avoid) he couldn't think of any other ice breaker type questions.
  10. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts: Why...|Place: Inn at Bentely|Mood:Shaken up|Music: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)|Day: 2/4]
    Oh, so Sasha was the other Gil's name then. Well that took care of awkward introductions. Zoey was surprised how much Dennis had change since she last saw him. He didn't seem to be as scared and timid as he use to be. But if he went through what she went through last night, she was sure he wouldn't have made it very far. She was glad it was her instead of him.

    Another bright and cheery voice sounded within the room. Tucker. He wasn't there either. Zoey was mentally marking off who was appearing and who wasn't. If something happened to Shane and Estelle, she wouldn't be able to forgive herself. She just hoped the two of them got a different hotel room or something.

    Hearing Dennis' question, Zoey just sighed heavily and stared out in front of her. More CSI crap was about to commence... But would they really find anything? This town kept secrets, erased their mistakes by wiping out even their own people through services and games... What was possessing these people to do such horrible things?

    "I don't know," Zoey answered honestly in a heavy tone. She quickly drank the remainder of her cold hot chocolate, not making eye contact with anyone. She wasn't going to bring up the festival at all. Everyone seemed like they were in such a happy mood, she didn't want to be the black rain cloud for them.

    ...If you go, then so will I...
  11. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Location: Inn {} Mood: Unsure/Worried {} OOC: c:
    Sasha giggled. "Yea sorry about not introducing myself and stuff." She scratched her head in embarrassment. "Hmm hopefully we can do something today more upbeat. It feels as if this town could use something more exciting and fun." She then reminded herself she wasn't here for fun, but for work. "A-anyways. We should go down and get some food first. Can't start a day without breakfast right?" She gave them a smile and made her way down first.
    In truth, Zoey's tone bothered her quite a bit. She could notice a hint of heaviness in her tone as if she just seen something that was bad...VERY bad. It was confirmed with the bandages on Zoey as well. Kinda hard to trip and scrape yourself in an inn with floors softer than her bed at home. Something happened. Not in the inn, but outside of it. She didn't want to bother Zoey by pelting her with random questions. It was hard to tell what happened since she was the first one back to the inn. It means...last night? It was probably more than just a simple tipping over a loose stone.
    It doesn't matter now. Don't start raising suspicion until it's confirmed. Until then...play safe. She nodded and made her way down to the dining hall, unsure on how to go on her suspicion.
  12. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 4 - 2/4 | DATE: March 17th, 2016 | LOCATION: Inn

    Freddie woke up in a daze. He rubbed his eyes as he sat up and looked at his phone to check the time. It was about 9:30 in the morning. He had slept peacefully that night. No unpleasant games of hide-and-seek or getting chased by people. Just a regular night of tossing around in bed trying to find the most comfortable position to sleep in. Although his joints were a little sore. He got out of bed and rubbed his aching joints as he walked to the door.

    He looked in the other bed and saw only one other person. If he remembered right, there were supposed to be two more people with them. His paranoia kicked in and told him something happened to the other two. However, he quickly dismissed the idea.
    Not this early in the morning, dammit. Not wanting to let his mind fall back into that, he quickly went out of the room.

    After taking a few steps beyond the door, he remembered Zoey had sent him a text the night before. Something about going to a lake.
    Wait... did something happen there? He continued to walk towards the kitchen to grab a bite to eat. Although an unsteady feeling was settling in his stomach. The feeling that something bad had happened refused to leave his mind. Oh man, did something really happen? I really, REALLY hope not. Perhaps getting some food would get rid of that feeling. Maybe. Hopefully.

    When he got to the kitchen, he was confronted by the sight of Tucker, Julius, Dennis, Zoey, and Sasha all gathered together. Presumably to eat breakfa-
    What the hell? Before he could finish his thought, his eyes trained in on the fact that Zoey has a scratch on her cheek. Not only that, she had bandages on her hands. She definitely was not in that state last night. Oh god. What the hell happened?

    Freddie made a bee-line for Zoey. He put his hands on hers and said, "What the hell happened? You definitely weren't like this yesterday." He put his hands on Zoey's face and looked in her eyes to see if anything weird was happening with her. It didn't seem like it, but the fact that she was hurt meant something happened. Oh god, my bad feeling. Now I REALLY don't like this. Shit!
  13. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts: Why...|Place: Inn at Bentely|Mood:Shaken up/Apprehensive|Music: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)|Day: 2/4]
    Zoey was startled when she saw Freddie come out of no where. She didn't have time to react when he grabbed her hands and then her face. "Ow, Freddie!" she hissed through her teeth. He didn't know it, but he brushed against some of the bruises and tiny scratches that dotted her face. Her eye was forced to look at his, and this sudden contact temporarily brought down her walls. A flash of trauma and shock flickered across her eye before she looked away. Great, and she was doing so good too to keep up this mask that everything was fine. Freddie was going to blow their cover if he kept this up!

    Acting on pure instincts. she stood straight up, almost making the chair fall backwards on the floor. The blanket crumbled on the chair in a heap and Zoey's eye was wide when she grabbed Fred's arm harshly. She winced when she felt a stinging pain shoot up her palm, but she just dug her nails further into Freddie's skin. Her eye was wild; she barely knew what she was doing. "Not here, dammit!" she begged under her breath.

    Not even looking at the others, she took her big brother by the hand and almost dragged him to the bedrooms. She whimpered and faltered a step when she stepped on her bad knee, but she stood back up and kept her head high. She couldn't say a word, Cane warned her not to say a thing about this. So she had other plans to tell Freddie like she told Julius.

    She burst through the room where Julius, Erik, and her other teacher was and shut the door behind her and Freddie. "He needs to know," she croaked, feeling very stressed and still felt like she was being hunted. Zoey looked over to the bed where Erik was and released Freddie from her death grip. Blood was starting to stain her bandages with the hand she used to grab Freddie, but she didn't care. She snatched the book up and flipped to the marked page, then shoved it in Freddie's hands. "Read. It." Her voice was menacing, almost threatening.

    'STOP IT!'

    Her hand was shaking as she reached up to tuck a lose strain of hair behind her ear. She took in a deep breath, trying to calm herself down to get a leveled head. "I don't know about you two, but we need to figure out something, and fast." She looked down at her palm that was throbbing and saw the blood. Her face paled but then she tucked her palm out of sight. No, she couldn't go back into shock. She needed to be brave and work with the others around this. "I think Patrick is on to us. He wants us out. I think this is a warning."

    Zoey backed up until she felt a chair behind her and sunk down in it gradually. Her uninjured leg was shaking nervously as she began to process things rapidly in her head."This is all the more reason to stay though," she said, looking up at them. Her eye showed that she was tired, drained, traumatized, but it was also darken over as if something was keeping her going. Insanity maybe? Or perhaps she just wanted to get things solved. "Whatever we do, we have to be careful." She shot Freddie a look, her jaw clenched together. "No one else knows about last night except for you two, me, Oliver, Pierce, Estelle, and Shane. I didn't see Estelle or Shane when I went in my room though," she repeated, taking in another uneven breath of air. All of this was starting to make her feel sick with worry. "Someone else was there too. I didn't get a good look. Freddie, was everyone in your room this morning?"

    ...If you go, then so will I...
  14. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 0 « OOC: N|A :

    The current sucked him deeper into the freezing depths of the lake. His body twisted and rocked with the rhythm of the waves. A few seconds in and his heart started to pound. He flailed under the depths, reaching and clutching for her. Nothing but water ran through his fingers. If he could only grab her leg, or her arm, and yank her down with him. If only he had yanked her back with him, and put his hand over her mouth, and dragged her under the water. Why didn't he think to do so? He cursed himself, over and over. His lungs needed air - but was it safe to go back? His snapped eyes opened. He immediately winced. Was he really so ... scared? His muscles flexed and tightened.

    It was so cold ...

    His lungs ached. He needed to breathe. He needed to swim.

    He couldn't.

    Not for what felt like a long while.

    His limbs felt numb. His head spun. His vision filled with darkness.

    Eventually, he let his fingers fall. Pierce wasn't there, and it was because he left her. He didn't even try. He didn't even think to, until it was too late. He heard some kind of saw - and ... His mind started reeling with thoughts of survival. It wouldn't have taken much to yank Pierce under with him. He didn't even think about it. He just wanted to hide.

    Finally, his lungs felt as if they were about to burst in his ribcage. He kicked up to the surface and gasped wildly for oxygen. It was quiet, with the exception of his splashing. He had drifted quite far from the cliff's edge, and swam back to the shore. He sat there gasping and holding his stomach, retching onto the sand.

    He waited.

    There was nothing. No Pierce. Blood smeared along the beach.

    A couple of teenagers from Bentley walked passed him, but they only made eye contact and kept walking. It was over. It didn't feel like it. He stared off into the water. It was so cold. His heart ached. His eyes burned.

    About an hour passed and Oliver finally stood. His legs pricked with needles, sand sticking to his skin. He lugged his body from the shore and back through the trees. Dead bodies lay scattered about. Some of the corpses just looked as if they were sleeping. He took a deep breath and kept walking until he found the ledge he and Pierce and leapt from. His shoulder cracked as he pushed the boulder away. Her bag.

    He picked it up and held it to his chest.


    It took him hours to get back to the inn. He had to find his way past the forest and back to the stairs that lead to the festival. The stands remained, though the square was empty. They would be resuming their festivities tonight, he imagined. He wondered how long the festival lasted, but the curiosity didn't stay.

    The sun was up.

    He clutched the bag in his arms tighter as he stood outside of the inn. He didn't want to be here. He wanted to go back to Candlewood. There was no way he would be able to face everyone. He couldn't. He felt sick.

    Quietly, he walked past the inn and through a small space between the building and a neat white fence. He traveled down a small slope until he reached the back of the building. He didn't know where he was going, but the small brick path he stumbled upon ended up winding into a beautiful garden. He felt nauseous. The bright colors and vivid scents were too much.

    He took a seat on a white garden chair, bag on lap, and laid his head down on the circular glass table. Wrists give out.
  15. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    A N X I E T Y

    Lucas had woken up that morning feeling unwell. His sleep had been less than satisfactory, and frankly, the strong and sickeningly sweet scent of Bentley was starting to get to his head. It was merely a combination of things that made him feel unwell, which included, but not limited to, stress, worry, frustration, vengeful rage, and slightly urging tendencies towards a few particular people.

    It had been difficult sharing a bed with TORVALD, for a few reasons. One, he was still a violent beast, even in his sleep, and two, Lucas had to try hard to resist physical contact of any kind with him.

    He sighed, and then left to the restroom to dress and put on his glasses. Having never been to Bentley before and only knowing what NICO had told him, Lucas hadn't known what to expect, but a festival certainly wasn't one thing he would have thought of. What bothered him most about it was that she told him to return to the inn, and she would go exploring herself. Clearly, that choice didn't sit well with him, but he was never one to defy orders. Still, he had to admit that she wasn't a meek little girl anymore, and that she was mostly capable of taking care of herself.

    Being quiet to not disturb the others, Lucas slipped out of the room and walked down the hall towards the staircase. His initial instinct was to check on NICO, but he didn't have the key to her room, and wouldn't be able to get in, which annoyed him to no end. Mostly at a loss for what to do, he stood by in the dining room, where people already seemed to be.

    No one else knows about last night except for you two, me, Oliver, Pierce, Estelle, and Shane.

    Lucas wondered what last night had been about. He went to sleep before much event could happen for him, which got him thinking . . . Did something happen last night?

    Someone else was there, too. I didn't get a good look. Freddie . . .

    He peered around the dining room to see if NICO was around, but when he didn't see her, his face fell and he glanced at the ground. What was he supposed to do now? It wasn't as if he hadn't been on his own before, but being responsible for himself was a little . . . hard, to manage. Discarding that train of thought, he took a seat a few chairs down from the others, feeling anxious.

    Did something happen last night?❞ he asked, glancing up at ZOEY over the rim of his glasses.

  16. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DAY04 & 3/4
    " AND SO IT BEGINS... "
    Erik was just beginning to stir when a book hit him. He groaned and sat up in bed. "Hey, its morning...time to get up...there is something important I want you guys to read." Julius loomed overhead and Erik glowered at him. He pushed the sheets back and lifted the book. It seemed to be some volume about legends. Really? Was this necessary. He lifted it up by its side and a notecard fell out. Oh. Dropping the book in his lap, he scanned what was written. Clearly the book was just a cover. His brown eyes stopped shifting back and forth when he came to the end. This was bad. Erik jumped out of bed and pulled a shirt on over his head.

    "Who did you get this from?" He asked sharply. Julius confirmed that he had received it from the eye patch wearing girl, Zoey Kline. "Hey, you two," he shook Bryan and Maria, tossing them the card. Maria was the first to rub the groggy layers of sleep off her eyes. She put on her glasses and quickly began to read.

    "Oh god," she murmured, handing it to Bryan. Maria seemed to jump into action then, grabbing some clothes from her bag and rushing into the bathroom. They needed to get moving. The notecard was eventually handed back to Julius and Erik took a seat on the edge of the bed.

    "First things first, as should see who all is actually here. Maybe everyone made it back and Zoey just hasn't seen them yet." He said, running his hands through his hair.

    Maria came out of the bathroom wearing a pastel lavender sundress. "I can check the rooms and take a head count. I'll grab Tucker too. He should be here. And maybe Sophie. If Pierce is missing, then aside from the four of us, Tucker and Sophie are the last ones that were here with us. They should know what's going on." She insisted. Maria put her hand on the door knob in time for it to fly open.

    Does came barreling in with Freddie in tow. She shut the door behind them and Maria looked a little dazed. There was a red spot on her forehead and he sighed. "He needs to know," Zoey demanded as she snatched the notecard out of Julius's hand. She had Freddie read it and then began speaking. " ... ... I think Patrick is on to us. He wants us out. I think this is a warning. T This is all the more reason to stay though," she stated.

    "I agree," he told her, and then let the fifteen-year-old continue.

    "Whatever we do, we have to be careful." She shot Freddie a look, her jaw clenched together. "No one else knows about last night except for you, me, Oliver, Pierce, Estelle, and Shane. I didn't see Estelle or Shane when I went in my room though," she repeated, taking in another uneven breath of air. "Someone else was there too. I didn't get a good look. Freddie, was everyone in your room this morning?"

    Erik waited for Freddie's answer before rising. "Zoey, you should lie down for a bit. You need to rest. Maria, get Tucker and find out who the other person was that Zoey saw. We need an exact head count of who is present and who is missing. Don't stir up too much attention with everyone else yet. We don't want them to panic. In a little bit, we'll have to tell them what's going on. Give them the option to stay or leave. We really shouldn't have this many people here anyway. It's not safe."

    Maria had the door open when Lucas's voice rang out to them. "Did something happen last night?" She bit her lip anxiously and ushered him into the room.

    "They'll explain," she said, ducking out.

    Erik gave Zoey a sidelong glance and shook his head. "We're going to need to know exactly what happened last night. You should rest, but if you think you can manage it, retelling the details sooner rather than later is for the best. Your memory is still fresh." He shoved his wallet in his back pocket. They needed to get out. As bad of an idea as confronting Patrick is, they still need to. He will go,with Bryan and Julius. Erik didn't trust them to just go as the two of them. He had a feeling no information would be received that way. "After Maria comes back, three three of us should confront Patrick. Maybe not come outright with the fact that we know what happened last night, but something. We'll figure out what happened to everyone, but in the meantime, we can't let this town think they've beaten us. Lucas, Freddie, if you're willing to help, will you tell everyone it's best for them to head home while we're gone?" He asked them.


    Tucker! Maria's voice rang out high-pitched and shrill. It wasn't it's usual smooth soprano tone. When her blue eyes locked on him, she marched forward quickly. Her heart was racing and she grabbed his hand, dragging him away from the others. I need you to come with me now. She pulled him outside and quickly began to explain the situation in hushed tones. She stood close so that she could whisper. Her hand hadn't let go of his, but the other flailed wildly as she motioned dramatically about what she just heard. We need to figure out who all is here, she said at last, just then realizing she had his hand. Maria dropped it and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and took a deep breath.
  17. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    All sorts of chaos was instantly staring to form and Julius could only hope that they really did not make such a huge scene at the moment. Everybody in the room was running all over the place and Julius merely stood in one place trying to gather his thoughts about the situation and what they would do next. Telling the police or anybody else was not something he felt they should try to do, for all he knew this event could have been normal for these Bentley bastards. They would not like hearing about outsiders meddling, not at all.

    The card was swiped away from him so Julius merely glanced down at the book that Estelle had hid from them. It told of a demon named killer cupid and its brew of love. It was such a childish book, but one thought came up into his mind. "Cupid's....Brew..." Julius said out loud as he continued to stare down at the book. He knew of the brew as he had heard of it from others before, but he didn't know what this book had to do about the actual brew on sale. A fairy tale like this couldn't be real...could it? Julius never really ruled out superstition, but even he was doubtful of this. When he continued to think about it he merely came to the conclusion that this brew was possibly something based off the tale in this book.

    With a sigh he shook his head and closed the book in his hands. The book was intriguing so he decided to keep it with him for now, but there was a far more important discussion going on at the moment. Erik decided that they should head off and confront Patrick despite everything that went on. Such a decision was an extremely high gamble, but Julius was willing. Going to meet Patrick meant death, but Julius was willing to hold onto that risk and do so. If he had to die...then he wouldn't let Patrick live...

    Arms crossed he leaned against a nearby wall and watched the others, and closed his eyes. "Zoey, make sure to add any little detail you can remember...what may seem unimportant to you, may be the changing factor later on" Julius said calmly.
  18. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts: Why...|Place: Inn at Bentely|Mood:Shaken up/Apprehensive|Music: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)|Day: 3/4]
    "Zoey, you should lie down for a bit. You need to rest. Maria, get Tucker and find out who the other person was that Zoey saw. We need an exact head count of who is present and who is missing. Don't stir up too much attention with everyone else yet. We don't want them to panic. In a little bit, we'll have to tell them what's going on. Give them the option to stay or leave. We really shouldn't have this many people here anyway. It's not safe."
    This made everything more easier for Zoey. The leaders were actually being leaders now and getting their butts into gear. She could allow herself to relax a little bit. That was until Lucas stepped in the room.
    Did something happen last night?❞ he asked, glancing up at ZOEY over the rim of his glasses.
    "They'll explain," Maria said, ducking out.
    Seeing Lucas there only confirmed to Zoey who else was missing. Lucas was never without Sophie. She didn't see Sophie yet. But to be sure, Maria was going to get a head count with Tucker. She felt her heart sink further and further as she began to feel tremendous guilt to stay hidden like she did.
    Erik gave Zoey a sidelong glance and shook his head. "We're going to need to know exactly what happened last night. You should rest, but if you think you can manage it, retelling the details sooner rather than later is for the best. Your memory is still fresh."
    "Zoey, make sure to add any little detail you can remember...what may seem unimportant to you, may be the changing factor later on" Julius said calmly.
    "Cane told me not to tell!" Zoey blurted. She covered her mouth soon after she said it. Yes, she was still scared. Who wouldn't be? But she looked around at everyone in the room. She could trust these people, she just needed to put a little faith into them. Curse and bless her elephant like memory.

    She exhaled unsteadily, pulling her good knee up to her chest and hugged it. "I'm sorry, I'll tell. I don't think I can sleep anyways." She looked up at Erik then back at the floor. She was going to tell.
    "So, I was with Shane and Estelle at the festival. Estelle got mad at me because she liked Shane and wanted to be alone with him. I left them and went to go paint-balling with Ryder... But then I remembered why we were here. So I told him we needed to look for answers, left him, and I went to a candy stand to ask some questions. I think Ryder got mad at me, because he didn't follow... Anyways, I asked what the festival was about, the lady at the candy stand told me it was a celebration of spring and I paid for some cotton candy. She noticed I wasn't from around Bentley. She then asked me for my age, and I said I was sixteen years old. She said, 'Oh, you better head to the lake. If they catch you here, you'll face serious consequences...'"

    Zoey paused for a moment and then forced herself to continue. "I texted Estelle, Shane, and Freddie where I was going. I didn't see you guys around," she said in a hushed tone, looking up at Julius, Erik, and Bryan, "so I decided to head down to the lake before I got caught and tossed the cotton candy away. All I saw around me were little kids, grown ups, and old people. I didn't see any teenagers there at all.

    "I put my hood up to make sure my face was shadowed and went there. When I got down to the lake, there was a campfire there, and all the teens were gathered around it. At the head of it was Patrick. He was telling ghost stories. The one I walked in on was about a girl named Jenny who wore a green ribbon around her neck. And a boy named Alfred liked her and asked her why she wore the ribbon all the time. She said she couldn't tell him. They fell in love, got married, but still Jenny wouldn't tell Alfred about the green ribbon around her neck. Then they grew old, Jenny was dying, told Alfred now was time for him to know about the green ribbon, he untied it, and her head fell off."

    She smiled just a bit before it faded away and returned back to a remorseful frown. "We all thought it was pretty funny," she said quietly. "Then I noticed that Oliver and Pierce were there. I didn't think they saw me though. Then Patrick told the group to settle down, and that he had something to say before the service began. I instantly thought this was some kind of cult, but I listened. He said 'Tonight marks the sixth night of the festival. I am immensely grateful to those of you who have attended. You have all proven yourselves to be worthy citizens of Bentley and each one of you should be immensely proud of yourself for coming this far.'"

    Zoey's heart began to pound in her chest as Patrick's words echoed in her mind. She could see every little detail in her head, smell the lake, smell the fire, feel the apprehension in the air. But she needed to speak up. She couldn't stay silent. Staying silent could get them all killed if they didn't know what was up. "Then he said 'Through your triumphs, there have been many failures ... Our hearts are heavy with grief, and the fallen young men and women from the nights prior to this will always be remembered in our hearts. Do not forget them. Take care of their siblings and parents and support each other as best as you can. We are a community of love and loyalty - above all. For those of you who do not make it tonight, please remember what you are dying for.'"

    She swallowed hard and hugged her knee tighter. "I wanted to leave. I knew it was a bad idea to come to the lake, but I was just trying to find information. We couldn't leave though. Someone who looked like their were in their late twenties stepped by Patrick. Someone in the circle tried to escape, a teenage boy... he had green eyes. The other man whispered something to Patrick and pointed out the boy that was trying to leave. Patrick said something to him and the guy walked towards the boy. He looked so... emotionless. I kept my eyes on Patrick, because no one else was looking at what was happening."

    Zoey dug her nails into her jeans and continued in a shaky voice as the vivid memories stuck out to her. "I heard the boy scream, beg, and plead for his life. He tried lying about his age. He didn't want to die... It sounded like there was struggle, more screams, but they became gurgled a-and... Dammit." She pressed her forehead to her kneecap. Now wasn't the time to stutter. Her frame was shaking but she held her head up. She didn't look at anyone though. "The guy walked back up front to stand by Patrick. There was sounds of movement and then s-silence... I heard Patrick say '... Spring marks a season of change and new beginnings. We purge the mistakes of Winter and start anew. Without further delay, let us begin the game. Classic Bentley Hide - and - Seek.'

    "He explained the rules to us because I guess there was new thirteen-year-olds there. He told us we could hide anywhere around the lake. We couldn't go back the way we came, we couldn't use cellphones. There would be no service down by the lake anyways, and he was right. He said that Leader Kevin would be watching, I think he meant the guy that t-took care of the younger boy... We had one hour to hide, and the goal was to not be caught. He said that this game was dedicated to The Hunt." She paused, letting it sink in for a moment before shaking her head. "I didn't know what that meant, but I wasn't going to ask. The lady at the stand could tell I was an outsider by just looking at me, so I didn't want to draw attention to myself even though I had my hoodie over my head. Patrick told us we had goodie bags, and we could find them in our coordinates. They came in the day before or something. And he told us if we didn't have any to come to him, but we better not be lying to him. Anyone caught stealing someone else's goodie bag would be severely punished. Those who used cellphones would be punished too. Patrick then said, 'This year we've got somethin' special for you. It seems there are some outsiders with us this evening. Anyone who brings one of 'em back dead can leave the game a victor, unlike usual where if you kill one of your peers you simply get an advantage next round.'"

    Zoey choked back a sob and buried her head in her arms. Her shoulders shuddered as the buried emotions began to resurface. She didn't cry out loud again though, she did it in silence. She wiped the back of her hand against her good eye, trying to get rid of the tears. She wasn't done yet. She had to keep going. Getting herself mostly composed, she sniffed and she continued with a faraway look.

    "I ran when they gave us the go. I didn't look back, but I heard screams as I ran from the lake, like someone was already caught. I got separated from Oliver and Pierce. I fell into some mud, and then thought to this book I read and remembered one of the characters used whatever they could to blend in with their surroundings. So I rolled around in it, and then got up and kept running. I didn't know where to hide... I got to this ravine and then I thought maybe I could hide in there or something. I found a small crevice on the way down, and shoved myself in there and held perfectly still. It hurt so much... But I didn't want to be found.

    "An hour passed I think, and then this big bright light went off. Then... More screams, more crying, and I heard people getting killed from where I was at." Zoey's body was shaking more and more as she continued her story, but she didn't stop even though her voice was strained. "I heard shots, people running above me, and I even heard a chainsaw at one point. I swear. I heard movements in the trees... And then I realized I was right above a river. It wasn't an empty ravine like I thought it was. I heard splashes, people screaming and falling in. I had an urge to go look for Oliver and Pierce... And I thought I heard someone else I recognized too and I wanted to come out of hiding and find them, but I was scared." The eyepatch girl slammed her palm against her knee, barely noticing the pain that shot up from there and up her arm. "I was a f***ing coward..." She gasped and massaged her hand against her throat to try to get rid of the constricting feeling. She was almost done, almost there.

    "I heard something above me towards the end... A group of girls I think. They lingered around my area way too long. They were loud. I heard the chainsaw closer, right above me. They screamed they found someone, and then found another. And then, after that, there was silence... Then shots were fired to signal the game was over. I stayed put still... And then I tried to get out. I almost fell into the river. Th-that's how I got these." She held her hands out, palms facing up as she looked to the side. Blood was starting to seep through her palm that she used to grab Freddie and slam against her knee.

    "I scraped my knee too p-pretty badly, ripped my jeans. I got out, I ran through darkness until dawn came... followed the smell of sweets back to town, stayed in the shadows s-so I don't think anyone saw m-me, came to the Inn, Cain saw me, told me not to tell... and I came to my room I was sharing. Dennis was the only one there. Estelle and Shane were gone. I found that book on Estelle's bed... And that's... all..."
  19. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Maria first confirmed with Tucker just how many people were already downstairs when she had pulled him away. Zoey said there was one person she hadn't recognized in the darkness. They already knew the safety of Erik, Bryan, Julius, Lucas, Zoey, Freddie, Quentin ( through Freddie ), Sasha, Dennis, Tucker, and herself. They still needed to find out about Dakota, Torvald, Evan, Ryder, Oliver, Pierce, Sophie, Estelle, and Shane. Hopefully they all made it back just fine. Heading back over to the others that were gathered in the dining area, she approached Sasha. She asked about the girl's roommates -- Dakota, Sophie, and Pierce -- and found out Dakota was the only one in bed when the dark - haired girl awoke. That was a bad sign. Was Sophie the other person Zoey saw? It would explain why Lucas looked so on edge.

    She grabbed Tucker's hand and led him up the stairs to the room belonging to Lucas, Torvald, Evan, and Ryder. With a quick knock on the door, a disheveled looking blond - haired boy stood in front of them. Ryder looked a bit amiff and the both of them locked eyes, blue on blue. What? he said crabbily.
    Are Evan and Torvald in your room? she asked, with only a hint of concern in her voice.
    Ryder crinkled his brow and gave a nod. Yeah, they're both still here. Mr. Revolutionary was up all night shouting and now --
    Maria turned away while he was still talking, not caring for an explanation. She heard Ryder make a disgruntled groan and then shut the door. Okay. So that confirmed the whereabouts for everyone except for Oliver, Shane, Estelle, Sophie, and Pierce. She didn't want to give up yet. They could be around here, just not inside. Zoey made it back. What's to say she was the only one? Maybe we should check around outside, she told Tucker.
    She made her way down the stairs and out the front doors. No one was in the entry area, so she decided to take a look around the exterior of the building. Maria was about to give up and head back upstairs when a familiar head of blond hair stuck out in the garden. Oliver. Oliver was okay, relatively speaking. She approached him from behind and came to a stop beside him. Maria let go of Tucker and set one hand down on Oliver's shoulder, stroking his back lightly. Oliver, she said softly. Hey, we know about what happened last night. He was soaking wet. We should get you inside before you get sick. He seemed distant. Maria motioned for Tucker and slipped one arm around Oliver's waist. She pulled out her phone quickly, shooting a message up to Erik to inform him on what they found, and then with Tucker's help, got him to his feet.

    Message To: Erik Winst
    Found Oliver in garden.
    Missing: Shane, Estelle,
    Pierce, and Sophie.
    Coming up now.

    Wearing Music Date: 03/17/2016 Day: 04 & 3/4
    Mood: Proactive Location: Inn
    : TuckerInteraction: Tucker OOC:
  20. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    The situation literally exploded. He stood there at first, with the three young ones - half of his mind still wondering where Oliver had gone, but then Zoey kind of just jumped into this new character he had bever seen before (and he knew it wasn't because of the coffee or hot cocoa or whatever she was drinking). Then everyone just followed to the door they were headed - the adults' room (minus himself).

    He stood there dumbfounded at the moment, completely lost at what was going on. With Oliver missing his heart began to race. Was his mum right about things? Were they all destined for something horrible just because they went here, rather, just because they were this group. He gulped down nervously and grabbed the locks of hair by his temples, 'No! No bad thoughts! You're jumping into conclusions, Tuck! Not during the day, save it for the night when no one's looking...'

    It grew increasingly harder to believe himself. It was easy just a couple days ago, but lately it was tough. No. He worked so hard getting back to this state where other people seemed so much happier with, like his mother, his little half-brother, his step father, Sean and even some people int his group. He wasn't a burden, he was just happy-smiley Tucker, the ray of sunshine. He gulped down nervously, forcing a smile desperate to make himself believe in the voices in his head.

    He breathed out frustratingly, it wasn't the time to smile though, it was time to be a detective and find out what happened. He dropped the forceful smile and his tensed hands to his side then walked towards where everyone else had run. Lucas seemed to be awake and already joined the others. They all blocked the doorway so Tucker was kind of in the back, it was hard to hear what they were saying.


    The tone in her voice was alarming. Something bad did happen. It was for certain, but he just didn't want to believe it. Her blue eyes confirmed that and his expression grew even more worried. I need you to come with me now.

    Before he could even begin to speak, he was dragged away outside. The sun was warm on his bare arm, but the air was a little chilly and the atmosphere was eerie. He didn't like it. He didn't like what Maria began telling him even more. For a while, as she talked, he forgot about how close they were. It was like Christmas suddenly, her voice was kept hush so they had to keep that distance, or the lack of it actually. He was sure his expression was not pleasant. What she told him made his stomach turn and the demons he so carefully locked up began to crawl out of the dark corners of his mind again. He kind of trembled in horror.

    We need to figure out who all is here,

    She dropped his hand. Oh. She was holding it all this time? It made him blush a bit, flustering him even more. He looked away and inched back the slightest. He didn't really understand why she had pulled him out but it was nice to be talking to her again, despite the horrible topic they have. He looked down at her, placing his hands gently on her shoulders as he leaned forward to whisper back to her. He smiled. He had to. "And we will, don't worry."

    Then he and Maria went to work and started checking if everyone was alright and who was missing and who wasn't. They went up a couple rooms, including Ryder who confirmed where others were. But really, his heart just fluttered when they found Oliver. He looked terrible - but they found him. He was speechless, happy that they found him so thank goodness Maria did all the talking.

    Hey, we know about what happened last night. We should get you inside before you get sick.

    He nodded as he slipped an arm by Oliver and helped him up. Maria was busy texting but Tucker began to bring him back inside. It amazed him how calm and collected Maria was right now. That was good because he felt incredibly lost. He lead Oliver back to their room, "You need to get dressed and out of those wet clothes before you get sick." he sat him down on the bed and grabbed Olive'rs bag, pulling out a clean set of clothes. "Change. I'll wait outside then we have to join the others. Don't worry, everything will be alright." He patted him on the shoulder. "When you're done, just come out." and Tucker left the room, letting him have his privacy. He stood outside their door, and saw Maria approaching. He smiled at her, couldn't help it, "Thanks for finding Oliver. That was a great idea. I was really worried."
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