❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    Finding out about their findings in from before he joined them cleared up some things - except whatever was going on with him and Maria. When she had brushed his hand off of her shoulder and so smoothly held it from there earlier, he felt like he had been shot with a mix of feelings. He felt some guilt, some tension, some nervousness and some bliss. He didn't pull his hand from hers or move away when Maria had side stepped closer to him as well, tensed up he did but not move away. They walked side by side and even sat next to each other during the ride and the discussion. There was an air of awkwardness and Tucker really attempted to kill it with a smile but grinning too much would have been inappropriate during the discussion.

    Together with Erik and Maria, they walked back to the inn after that discussion. It was pretty obvious that Erik was tired and he had left on his own, probably sleeping immediately after. So then that left just himself and Maria. Alone... well, alone-ish. He remembers gulping a lot and looking at the side nervously. Aside the guilt of not speaking with her for so long he didn't exactly know why he was so nervous - or rather, tried to ignore the reasons behind it. This entire investigation would be tough on all of them, almost returning to that horrible moment from two years ago and he knew, or rather wanted to be, some sort of light in all of this. He didn't want to burden anyone, he just wanted to help - and one of those ways was to be the more positive side of the group, or at least he thought.

    He cleared his throat in attempts to break the silence between them. He smiled at her. It really was nice to see Maria again though - and, of course, everyone else too! But yeah, seeing Maria seemed to be particularly nice, despite the guilt and nervousness. It seemed to be easier to smile with her around.

    "I-it's nice to see you again." was pretty much the only thing that he remembered he said to her that had significance. She must have been tired or something because she didn't exactly talk much and so they kind of ended the awkward conversation there. Tucker bid her good night with a charming smile, walked into his room where there were already two sleeping bodies, went to shower quickly and then crawled into his own bed, falling asleep. He hadn't been having peaceful sleeps lately, but that night, the nightmares didn't seem that terrifying.
  2. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 0 « OOC: N|A :

    Pierce buried her face into his chest and he stroked her hair, closing his eyes and trying to really think things through for once, without getting all caught up in the negatives. This was like their time, at camp, when they would have the scavenger hunt. Except this time it was deadly, and they weren't likely to stumble upon anything to help them through. He started to wonder, though ... What would the penalty be for stealing a goodie bag from someone who had been killed ... ?

    Huh, I guess you're right... For her to stop stuttering NOW of all times ...

    Once the initial shock of some Hunger Games bullshit being pulled on them started wearing off, Oliver had to ask himself if he was truly surprised. He had left Candlewood knowing full well he might not return. But ... like this? And for what? He didn't give a **** about Jonathan, or Noëlle. Why did he come, again?

    Oh, right.

    Because he wanted to survive.

    Because he wanted to get to the bottom of this, so that he could live his life without fear of being killed somehow by this 'curse'. More like by this CULT. What did Jonathan and Noëlle do to be offed?

    It's my fault. They knew we were coming because of me. I'm sorry Oliver. I'm so sorry. Pierce nuzzled her face into him. He held her tighter, wishing she'd stop apologizing. He wondered what everyone else was doing. For 'men on a mission', Bryan and Julius didn't seem to be making any heroic appearances. You should try to find a way back to the inn. This is my fault. I don't deserve to go back. I don't ... I don't deserve being held like this by you ... if it wasn't for me, we never ... we never ...

    She was crying. He swallowed to keep his own emotions down. Pierce pulled away from him, her body shaking. He heard her sniffle. He wished he could see her, but was glad she couldn't see him. The more she put it on herself, the more he felt guilty, like maybe he should have stopped her. They should have seen the camp circle and left it at that, alerted Bryan and Julius that Patrick was down there. He clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, balling his fingers into fists. He always seemed to do the wrong thing.

    I don't want to die.

    Pierce. He couldn't handle any more.

    I don't want to die ... I'm sorry.

    Helpless. Oliver wasn't trained in any sort of self-defense. He wasn't superman. He didn't even have a weapon. He couldn't save her, he had no idea what to say. He didn't want to die, either, but what could they do but hide? Like cowards. ****ing hell!! He couldn't save her. He started to breathe heavier, eyes wide in the darkness. He couldn't do anything, he couldn't say anything. He couldn't do anything.

    I don't want to die, either, he told her, doing his best to keep his voice leveled and steadied. His palms felt sweaty and he wiped them over his pants. After a few more minutes of silence, he found her hand and held it tight. Come on.

    He didn't give her any time to protest, lifting up and helping her stand with him.

    I'm not gonna lie to you, Pierce. I have no idea what's going to happen. He was shaking, as hard as he was trying not to. He slid his thumb over the back of her hand gently. He couldn't see her. He wished he could at least see her face. I don't really know what I can do.

    He had to consciously remind himself to speak quietly.

    I think we should try, though ... I'll do my best to make sure we -- you get out of here alright. What was he doing? Could he really die for someone else? His heart grew heavier. They weren't married or anything. As much as he liked Pierce ... Oh god. He shook his head. Now wasn't the time to be selfish. God. He wondered how Sophie would feel. What would she do if it came down to her or Pierce? ... What awful thing to think about. Sophie wasn't here.

    He started to pull Pierce further into the darkness, trying to step as lightly as he could around roots and anything else that could be hiding about. He really needed some light, but they may give them away, so he dealt with it - stumbling a few times and being able to warn Pierce who was just a bit behind him to watch out.

    They walked for what seemed to be a long while. He kept thinking about the game they were playing. The teens didn't have to slaughter everyone, from what it sounded like. Not if they didn't want to. He was safe, assuming they didn't all know each other. He had green eyes, and he was an adult. He could prove that. Assuming the teens decided just to hide, then who or what were they hiding from? If no one killed, who was the enemy? Clearly someone. It wasn't just a tag you're out sort of thing. Even if the teens DIDN'T kill, something would be coming for them ... and that something was bad enough that you'd be willing to kill a stranger just to be excluded from it.

    Suddenly, Oliver came nose-to-dirt with a dead end. He stepped back and felt along the earth. It was a wall. Looking up, he could see the top of a ledge. He dug into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone, shining light along the edge. There were vines. It wasn't too high, either. They could probably climb up there. He mashed his lips together.

    Let's try it.

    He looked at her. She should go first, so that he could catch her if she fell.

    Before they could start the climb, a shot rang out. He almost shouted in surprised, but bit his tongue instead. He had never heard a gunshot that loud before! The sky flashed with red for a moment and his heart practically stopped. The entire forest lit up. He pressed Pierce against the wall behind him and stepped in front of her. They had ran so far, thinking they were alone ... Maybe it was his mind playing tricks on him, but as soon as the sky flashed, bodies became visible, scattered within his view. Some were clinging to the branches above the trees, huddled between bushes, others standing in plain sight - as caught off guard as Pierce and him had been ... and those were only the ones who weren't hiding well enough not to be found.

    The light was gone now, and the forest buzzed with subtle movements, whispers and wildlife.

    The shot meant that their hour was up.

    ... Hurry. He whispered, but Pierce, again, had no chance to. A scream came from above, followed by a body tumbling down the ledge and at their feet. ****!! Oliver tried to process it, and it wasn't working. There's no way they had gone so far just to be insta!found by Patrick or whoever the universal enemy was. The teenagers were killing each other.

    Why were they killing each other if they didn't have to!? What kind of people ... He gripped Pierce's hand, once again at a loss. The body fell from above ... Didn't they have to prove they killed the person? They could be coming back, for the body - or at least identification. The forest sounds were getting louder. ****! He tugged Pierce away slowly at first, still hesitating, but then he found himself running full force, using his phone to guide him regardless of the consequences. **** this. He'd haul Pierce over his shoulder if he had to. People were tripping and falling all about, trying to escape just as they were. Nope. Pierce better not ****ing fall.

    They ran along the edge for a long while. There were shouts and screams coming from all around now, minutes between each other. People were dying, and most of the killers would be looking for them. The outsiders.
  3. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
  4. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    MOOD . . .❤!! 0%WEARING


    ♡ ~ ✖ ~ ♡

    The hour had passed by in an odd manner, and the entire situation was making Sophie lightheaded. It was so surreal, that she was here, having to hide for her life, that she wondered if it was all just a dream. It definitely wasn't good for her perception of reality, which was more screwy than others by far. But if it was a dream, then there was no need to worry about dying, right? No, not even in dreams did Sophie want to die — and if this wasn't a dream . . .


    HOLY FUCKING SHIT. Sophie was grasping onto the branch in the thick of the leaves for dear life. Her heart nearly beat its way out of her rib cage and she had to choke back a sob. She peered through the leaves to see red light coloring the sky, and she quickly took the moment of clarity to gaze around her area. Her stomach flipped at the sight; they were all scattered everywhere. She looked into the next tree and a younger girl, looking absolutely terrified, made eye contact with her. She squeezed her eyes shut. Had the girl seen the color of her eyes? Shit. Now one of them knew she was here, and . . . Fear could do drastic things to people.

    The red light died away and the forest came to life again. Sophie needed to move away from this tree. With a deep breath, she reached for a foothold and began squirreling her way around. Ah! Fuck. Her hand was cut.

    From behind her, from about the same area where she once had been sitting, there was a scream of bloody murder, and then a loud thump as something hit the ground, hard. Had it been that girl? Completely disregarding that thought, What if I took a dead one's bag? It was sick, she knew, but she wanted to survive, so what else was she supposed to do? I don't want to die. Would she do anything to stay alive? Deep breaths.

    Sophie had worked her way through the trees, slowly but surely, but when there were more screams, it wasn't an efficient manner of travel anymore, she thought. Still, she was too terrified to even go down, for those long moments of vulnerability while climbing down. Just a little while longer . . . she thought to herself, wrapping up her bleeding hand and continuing to move far.

    She needed to find sanctuary, fast.

  5. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    Did you really have to kill him so dramatically?! All you've done is inform the hiding rats that we're coming down. Fucking idiot.


    You are being too loud.


    It's not like it matters if they run. They're just going to tire themselves out, you know. I bet half of them didn't even get any water in their goodie bags! They'll dehydrate and pass out before they get too far. Let's just gooooo!


    No, no, no. Stop. Do not jump down the ledge! Goodness gracious ... Be careful! I'll shine the flashlight down, you three hurry it up.




    Got his ID! ... Riley Proctor. Ahaha, didn't you have a crush on him in elementary, E?


    If only I remembered, dear. Elementary school is as bit of a blur for me as it is any of you. ... Come along now, time stops for none ...


    Useless fucker only got a piece of rope in his goodie bag! What a piece of shit.


    He was ... what? Nineteen? What do you expect? The oldies always get the worst goodie bags. Last year I got tear gas and a hunting sword. This year I just got this stupid knife and a bag of chips.


    Goodness, at least you've got something. Unlike those outsiders.


    They're fucked! ... Hah, I bet they're all shitting themselves right about now. Wonder how many of the slimy snakes there are slithering about. Can't wait to split 'em right down the middle with my saw. [/REV REV]




    Stop that, keep quiet. Let's check the trees around this area first. Kill anyone you see hiding, but save the outsiders for last. We want as many kills as possible before leaving the game.

  6. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
  7. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts: We're going to die...|Place: Game of Killer Hide-and-Seek|Mood:Scared/motivated|Music:Get Out Alive

    Zoey finally caught her breath as she huddled in her hiding spot. Her shaking had pretty much ceased as she focused to stay as calm as she could. If she played her cards right, she could get out of here. If only things were more simple though... The forest was pretty quiet for the most part as she laid there, pressing her back as far as she could into the small space she was in. She figured her legs and other parts of her body was going to go to sleep, which would be really uncomfortable, but she would have to hold still unless something happened.

    Suddenly, she flinched when she heard a loud gunshot and then saw a flash of light from where she was at. She couldn't see what was going on, but she had a sinking feeling that this demented "game" had begun. 'And may the odds be forever in your favor!' she heard in her head. Ugh. At least in that story, everyone could grab a backpack, get a weapon, and even got training before they had to go through hell. She had to improvise. So did Oliver and Pierce she figured. She hoped that those two would be okay... She wanted to find them and help them, but she knew that was impossible now. Besides, how would she be of help?

    All she could see was the opposite side of the rock wall of the ravine for a brief moment, and then the strange light faded out. She clenched her pen tighter and moved her tongue around in her mouth as she heard noises within the forest. Soon, she heard another shot, a scream somewhere far away. Wait, were they killing each other too? But weren't they the targets? What was this? Was Patrick preparing some kind of army and was combing out the weak while they were still young for a later purpose? She silently wished she was back at the inn, making theories with Travold, or was talking to Freddie about the past. Hopefully Shane and Estelle just ignored her text and went back to the Inn with everyone else.

    Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard the sounds of a chainsaw- Chainsaw? WHAT?! WHAT WAS THIS?! Sure, she was expecting guns, but... A FREAKING CHAINSAW?! She forced herself to keep quiet and closed her eye. She found that she could actually "see" better if she just listened. By the sound of things, the forest was crawling with people... Or creatures. There were cries ringing out here and there, kids being slaughtered in many different matters she imagined. The chainsaw was pretty far away, but this night wasn't over yet.

    ...If you go, then so will I...
  8. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    WEARING DATE 03/16/2016 DAY 03 & 4/4


    With the game started and bodies turning up, Pierce was in even more of a panic. There were so many people and it turned out they weren't alone at all. Oliver dragged her along the ravine. She was trying her hardest not to scream, trip, or fall. They ran, weaving through trees and jumping over branches. She didn't want to die. They were grossly outnumbered. They needed a place to hide that wouldn't be discovered. Where to go?!

    Her breathing was heavy and she felt ready to collapse. Keep going. Pierce kept pushing herself forward. She could hear the lake again. Oliver, what if we got in the water? They would probably freeze. How much time did they have left? Maybe they could float out there for the rest of the hour. She came to a stop. There was a drop below, leading to the water. Was it rocky below? Could they jump down safely. Happy birthday to her. She was going to die only a few short hours before her eighteenth birthday.

    We could jump... it was so unbelievably risky. Footsteps came from behind. There were voices and screams and screams and other strange noises the she didn't want to know the source of. The water would ruin her phone. Maybe she could set her bag down somewhere and come back for it after. Where were they? She kicked around until she found a large bolder that wouldn't budge at the slight nudge. Pierce bent down and pushed it aside, setting her bag on the ground and rolling it over gently, as to not break the bottle or crush her phone. All set, she told him.

    Tonight was a night of terrify firsts. Adrenaline coursed through her veins as she lunged herself off the cliff and into the water.
  9. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
  10. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 0 « OOC: N|A :

    Eventually during their sprinting, Oliver turned off the cell phone light. The sounds of the dying made him sick. What would they do if they knew he wasn't a teenagaer? Would it make a difference? Why was this even necessary for them to do?

    He thought back to the population spike ... Hmm.

    Oliver, what if we got in the water?

    That sounded like an awful idea. He looked towards the sound of her voice before spinning around. They had elevated somewhere along their escaping. The moon poured light down over onto them, making him feel exposed and vulnerable. The lip of the small cliff shrouded it's bottom in darkness, but the sound of the lake let them know it was there.

    We could jump...

    Aha, no.

    Pierce bent down and moved a bolder out of the way, setting her back there. He stared at her, and subconsciously reached for his cell phone. His cell phone. He didn't want to leave it here or get it wet. It was his baby. He saved all of his most treasured text messages, sorting them into different folders and - and ... all of the pictures he had saved over the years. He felt heartbroken.

    He pulled the phone out of his pocket and felt his lip tremble a bit, removing the sim card and sliding it safely into Pierce's bag. He prayed it'd be alright. He had been holding onto those memories tighter than he had thought. His phoooone.

    All set, she said. He didn't feel like he had much of a choice in the matter. He was about to suggest that he go first, just in case death awaited them upon jumping, but he didn't let her. Pierce took off, lunging into the water. His heart was pounding. This was terrible. Terrible, terrible, terrible!

    1, 2, 3 -- ****.

    Okay, for real.

    1, 2, 3 ... God damn!

    He paced nervously for a moment, until he heard a scream - much too close for comfort. Survival instinct finally decided jumping was the better option regardless, and he leapt into the water with his eyes closed and body as relaxed as he could make it.

    Water flooded his ears and the screams became muted and obsolete. He tried to kick his way to the top for air, but the current was so strong, and the water was so cold. He was tossed about by the waved for a bit, flailing and panicking in the hold of the lake. Then, when he felt that he might take in a gulpful of water, his fingers brushed up against the familiar softness of skin. Pierce. His fingers wrapped around hers, and he felt a surge of motivation as he kicked upwards until his face was out of the water.

    He gasped, opening his eyes and blinking water away from his lashes. He turned towards Pierce, wondering what to do next, but she wasn't there. Maybe she couldn't swim? Panic.

    He tugged on her hand, pulling her upwards. The water made her lighter ... actually, ridiculously light. Like a feather.


    Oliver looked down into the murky depths, lifting his and Pierce's joined hands up and out of water. He immediately gagged. It wasn't Pierce after all. It was just a hand. No, an arm. Blood still leaked from the severed limb. He flung it as far as he could manage, and gagged again, throwing a hand over his mouth.

    When he somewhat recovered, he spun around again.

    P-Pierce! So cold ... Jesus Christ! Pierce!

    He called again, just loud enough. The waves would crush the sound of his voice to anyone near, he hoped. He felt hysterical. He needed to see her pop up from the water. Oh god.

  11. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
  12. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts: We're going to die...|Place: Game of Killer Hide-and-Seek|Mood:Scared/motivated|Music:Get Out Alive

    Sounds of the slaughter fest echoed around the forest. Zoey kept her breaths very light as her heart pounded heavily in her chest. She kept her eye closed, listening for any movements that would come by. Once in a while she swore she heard footsteps run along the edge, but then they would disappear. Screams reached Zoey's ears here and there. If she was completely alone, she would have covered her ears and broke down and cried. But instinct was keeping her alive right now. She could live with the discomfort she felt in her body and the noises of this nightmare.

    She had dealt with crazy in the past before, but she felt like that kind of crazy didn't prepare her for something like this. All she knew was that these kids were going high on bloodlust. She could hear whoops and hollers here and there when a successful kill was made.

    Zoey thought back to when she said goodbye to her dad. She lied to him about this being a school trip. Ha! This sure did topped the Magic School Bus adventures, that was for sure. She then thought about Noellë and Jonathan. Could they even still be alive? Were the bodies the police found from some other festival before they arrived? Maybe... She held on to that little sting of hope that answers would be found eventually. Everyone was pretty smart in their group, even though they acted silly and weird. She missed them...

    ...If you go, then so will I...
  13. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
  14. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    MOOD . . .❤!! 0%WEARING


    ♡ ~ ✖ ~ ♡

    The night was drawing on as Sophie continued to maneuver her way through the branches of the trees. A few times, she had switched between above and below, and then once or twice found herself at the edge of the forest. No thank you, on that.

    Some time into the more calmer part of her walk, she had heard the sounds of rushing water, and moved towards it, reaching into her bag and flicking open her knife. It's just water . . . she thought to herself, but she was taking no chances. Her mind must have been playing cruel tricks on her because she thought she might have heard the voice of someone she recognized, and moved towards it, but no matter how much she strained her hearing, it was only water.

    Deep breaths. she thought to herself. I want to get back up . . .

    Constantly talking to herself in her mind was the only way she felt like she could keep calm and sane, even though it had probably only been an hour and some change since this hellish nightmare started. She had been seen by at least ten others, four of which wanted to pursue her, two of which died right in front of her, and the other six that mercifully let her go for whatever reason they had. So many triggers in one night. Keep calm Nico. You can do this. She could last for however much more time she had, right?

    She wanted to get to the other side of the river . . .


    Hey, A sudden whisper almost made her cry out in fright, and she immediately spun around to see a dull light shining in her face. She backed up to a large, thick tree trunk, hiding her knife in her pocket. The dim light was shifted to reveal a tanned face and a pair of darkened green eyes. You're one of them. One of the outsiders. He sounded normal. Except for that word — outsiders.

    She didn't reply.

    No, no, don't worry! he said in a hushed tone, I'm not gonna hurt you. I don't even care about this stupid game.

    Despite that, Sophie couldn't hop off guard. He was bigger than she was ( Who wasn't? ), but was probably younger. She wasn't really even a teenager anymore, at nineteen . . . This was ridiculous.

    If you're not going to hurt me, then you should leave. she said as monotonously as she could muster, Unlike you, I was never supposed to be involved.

    He chuckled, making her feel even more uneasy. Christ, what does he want from me?

    You're awfully pretty. he said, taking a step forward, and she leaned even farther back into the tree. It's a shame you got caught up in this.

    She narrowed her pale eyes at him. Turn off that light.

    He took another step closer. And then another. And another. I thought you said you weren't going to hurt me? she thought, not surprised in the least bit about the lie. She could see it, in his hand, a hatchet that was concealed from the light. Such pretty eyes . . . he murmured as the light clicked off, and then Sophie immediately spun around, her back crashing against the rough bark of the tree and probably tearing up her shirt.

    The shing and then clak of metal into a tree sounded off, and Sophie knew this could very well be it. She could die right now. Despite herself, You're a liar. she hissed as she ran away, and his footsteps followed right after. He was definitely faster than her and would no doubt catch up, but he wasn't prey — and even a cornered gazelle was dangerous.

    And now, Sophie found herself between a rock and a hard place — literally. She forcefully fell to the grassy ground as a whoosh headed her way, and then collided with the hard stone behind her. Seeing her chance, she lunged for his legs and the momentum from the push helped her small frame bring him down. Miraculously, the hatchet fell out of his hand, and she quickly reached for it.

    Before she could grab it though, he clocked her in the face, hard. White lights spread across her vision and she nearly blacked out, laying completely limp on the hard ground, breathing heavy and feeling completely and totally lethargic. There was movement, and then she saw the hatchet being picked up. The teenage boy made his way back over to her and the pale moonlight showed some of his face. He looked sad, tired.

    It's nothing personal . . . he murmured, while raising the hatchet, and Sophie wrenched her neck to look at him directly as he pinned her down. One of her hands was free, and she reached to her pocket where she had stashed her knife before, slowly, tiredly, scared.





    Even a cornered gazelle was dangerous.

    There was a sputtering, shining, squelching noise, and then a clang to the ground.

    It was silent for a long time. Neither body breathed.

    And then Sophie felt a heaviness on her, and blood trailed down her arm, leaked onto her neck, shirt, and face. The hatchet was on the ground right next to her. There were more spasming noises, struggling to talk, to cry, to yell, to do anything. But there was nothing, only a heavy body on top of her much smaller one.

    With a yank, the knife was removed from the flesh, causing even more blood to fountain out, and with a yelp, she pushed the boy off of her, sitting up and breathing hard, heavy. Her hands were stained. Her shirt was stained. Her face was stained. In a daze, she reached into her bag and pulled out a sea green hair tie, puling her dirty hair out of her face tightly and into a more manageable state. Maybe I should cut it off. she thought distractedly.

    Her eyes were dull, dark, and relatively devoid of life. She pulled herself to her feet and leaned up against the large stone. Her entire body hurt, and she needed to find a place to rest . . . She looked down at the body, a part of her feeling nauseous.

    I wonder if you had planned to die tonight. she murmured, squatting down next to him and closing his eyes. He was quiet handsome at this angle, dead and all. Dead and all. He was dead. She killed him. Sophie closed the dirtied knife and slipped it back into her pocket, discarding her rings into her dirtied white bag. She had liked this outfit, too.

    Her body ached, but she bent down again and reached for the small hatchet, gripping it tightly in her left hand and looking like a yandere. The boy didn't seem to have anything else on him, which was a shame. She began to make her way back to the ravine, slowly. All of her senses were currently dull, and so she was vulnerable to anything at the moment. At the sound of rushing water once more, she walked towards it, and then sat near it, setting the hatchet between her legs and cleaning off her damaged hands and face, still relatively dazed.

    When she was done, she kept on the bank of the ravine, still slowly moving around in a zombified state, the hatchet being clutched onto for dear life. Every now and then, she would pass a dead body, but she didn't pay attention to it. So many triggers that they're cancelling themselves out.

    Sophie found herself struggling up another tree, and when she reached a decent, sturdy branch, she rested her head back. Her entire expression was dead, limp. Her pale eyes stared into the minimal light provided by the moon. Tears trailed down her face.

  15. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    WEARING DATE 03/16/2016 DAY 03 & 4/4


    Pierce swallowed a mouthful of water. She felt dizzy. Odds were she was bleeding from somewhere. This was bad. The water numbed the pain. Her eyes stung. She couldn't see. Pierce splashed her hands around in the water, coming in contact with a tree branch protruding out of the rock wall. She grabbed onto it and wiped furiously at her face.

    Pierce! Jesus Christ! Pierce!

    That was Oliver's voice. Oliver. Oliver I'm over here, she called to him. She could see his splashing form. Something waded over to her and at first she thought it was him, the on contact she realized it was the lifeless form of another dead body. She screamed. Her hand clamped down over her mouth and she kicked the dead boy away. Oliver, she repeated his name.

    Pierce pushed off the wall and swam as hard as she could to reach him. Her arm wrapped around his a
    nd turned back in the direction of the branch. She latched onto it, feeling the pull of the water stretch her arm. Ow. She cranes her neck to see him, water splashing in her face. The current was strong and the water cold. Oliver, are you okay? She asked him.

    This was too much. I'm sorry, she apologized. Pierce was pressed up against him, soaking wet and barely holding on.
  16. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
  17. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    Where to next? I think we should head back towards the campfire. G, what's your clock say?


    ... 28 minutes ...


    Oh, good! If we go now, we'll make it back -


    We are not returning yet. The outsiders are living. No signal has gone off to signify anyone has achieved immunity.


    Who gives a fuck about them now? We don't need some stupid immunity if the game is halfway over. Besides, I'm tired of listening to these pussies beg.


    Ala - ... A. If you really believe that Mr. Grant will only repay us with some silly immunity, then you are truly naïve. You can not possibly suppose that these outsiders will be set free by the end of this?


    Yeah, imagine what will happen if the game ends without them being offed! They'll tell everybody! Outsiders have no sense of loyalty. Let's hunt them!


    Mr. Grant is sure to greatly reward us, girls. Come along now, there is only a half an hour left. You can stand that much, can you not? Where do the thirteen-year-olds usually hide? In the forest, the lake, and the trees. We will start here in the forest and push through. Keep an eye out above you.

  18. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 0 « OOC: N|A :

    Oliver. Oliver I'm over here, He splashed around in the water as he tried to wade to her body, relieved she was okay. Really relieved. When she screamed, his heart dropped, but he noticed the dead body and bit down on his lip. If there were limbs and dead bodies here ... Then the lake ...


    He settled his wide green eyes back on her, breathless. She held onto them and grabbed at a branch. He pried her fingers away and held their place inside of her.

    Oliver, are you okay? I'm sorry.

    He wasn't okay at all. Why was she saying his name so much.

    I ...

    Ugh, he couldn't even pretend.

    What, they were just going to ... wade here? It was so cold. He pulled Pierce tighter against him. There were dead bodies in the water. Who was killing people in the water? How many people ran to the water? He still didn't understand anything about this game. Why were they killing each other - who / what was the common enemy? There had to be a common enemy.

    He didn't understand.

    He just wanted to go home.
  19. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    The night was almost over. In comparison to the beginning of the hour, the screams had died down and deaths had become much less frequent. C.A.G.E - or , that group of crazy girls, continued to raid the forest in search of THE OUTSIDERS, slaughtering anyone who stood in their way [ not that many did ].

    As they said they would, the four started from the edge of the forest, searching the trees as they went. E, the leader of the group, used her flashlight [ from her goodie - bag ] to expose those hidden inbetween the branches and within the hollows of tree trunks. Once discovered, G would shoot them repeatedly with her sling shot until they fell. If that didn't work, E would use her stun gun to immobilize them, or A would climb up after them and saw off the branches they clung to. Assuming the fall didn't snap their neck, the victim would either die via stabbing by C or dismemberment by A, whoever got there first.

    The girls were quick and experienced, moving through the trees and ravine without mercy.

    Sophie was found on the way.

    Once they left the forest, they headed towards the lake. Quite a few teens were found lounging about on the shore. They were killed. Well, all but one - who managed to get away.

    Though C.A.G.E was originally going to walk back towards the camp and call it a victory, a scream from over the water urged them to turn back around and investigate near the cliffs.

    The revving of A's saw alerted Oliver of a hostile presence before he was spotted. He shifted back quickly and pried Pierce away from him, bobbing back further behind the cliffs, fighting the current, and diving under the water.

    Pierce was found.

    Feeling accomplished, C.A.G.E returned as soon as the signal went off alerting them that the games were over.
  20. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Day Four
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