❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: Curious (X) Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Square (X) OOC:
    "Erg... Shane... do you have any girls you're interested in?"
    Once again her question caught him off guard and it was pretty similar to the last question she asked him back of the yacht. "Uh, well um... there's a few." Trying to keep his answer a vague as possible as he got on the ride. Once again the swirl of emotions that he'd managed to with held and not worry about can flowing back in an instance. He really needed to get this internal problem solved if he was going to get rid of these emotions.
    The ride itself was perfectly fine. It went just about the way that he expected it to do. At a moderate pace, very peaceful and quiet. Well aside from the music the ride made it was quiet. Luckily the ride also took his mind of just about everything going on his head, so when the ride ended and they got off, they were the least of his concerns. That was until he heard phone's text message noise.
    Really, did it matter where they were at? Still he was now curious about what was going on at the lake now.
    Pressing the send button, he looked towards Estelle. "What do you think?" Clearly something was going on if it required all the teen at the lake. That or the adult were stingy pricks who wanted to separate everyone.
  2. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» -__- Music Date: 2016 Location » Inn/Park OOC:
    "What do you think?"
    "I think it's a bad idea. Baaaaad." Estelle said, then sitting normally on the bench. "I think we should go back to the Inn. This is going to get dangerous I just know it." Estelle said. "We should really go back. I don't like this at all." She told him. "We weren't told this before, so I don't think that it is a rule, plus I'm 19 anyway, I'm not a teen." She told him. "Thats besides the point, if this is a trap, it's dangerous, and it's not putting your life at risk." Estelle took a breath. "I don't want either of you to get hurt, so I don't think we should go." Estelle told him. She wanted to walk away, but she stopped herself.
    "But if you're going, I'm not letting you go alone. Because if anything happened to you I wouldn't..." Estelle bit her tongue. "I would have to live with my self, knowing that I could've stopped and accident that didn't need to happen if we went together." Estelle told him. She knew her sisters wanted her home safe, that she made a promise. But she was also taught to put her friends before everyone else. So she would do that. If she was going to die on this trip, she rather die knowing she saved a friend, then living to know a friend would die.
    "Anyway. Thats what I think." Estelle told him. "I make a promise to my sisters to come home safe, but I'm not putting you or Zoey in danger." She told him seriously. "What happened between you guys anyway?" Estelle blurred out. "I mean.. um..." Estelle wished she could take that back. She already knew what happened, so why did she ask? Maybe she just wanted some honesty.... But still was this really the time!? She felt so stupid, her face began to blush again. She sighed. She would just need to wait and see what he said.
  3. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Evan Allen Walker:
    {~~~Day 3 (4/4)~~~March 16th, 2016, Wednesday~~~Location: Enemy Territory(The Festival)~~~Mood: Was Fun~~~Music~~~Ooc:~~~}

    While they hadn't really figured anything too important out, it would be a lie to say the night that went by was a pointless one. In the end the two hadn't done much but eat and talk about other things. All in all Evan would say it was a pretty fun night and Dakota was a good companion to spend it with. With the night all said and done the two walked to the inn together and finally parted ways once they were inside. He walked over to his room, got dressed in sleepwear and dived into his bed. Tomorrow would probably an even bigger day than today what with the possible interrogation of Patrick and/or the attack on the Candy Shop. These mysteries will be solved and they will be done so in a timely manner...or whenever they revealed themselves. All Evan knew was that he was going to get them done one way or another and with that he fell asleep.

    Dennis Baker:
    [---Day 3 (4/4)---March 16th---Location: The Festival---Mood: Tired ---Ooc: N/A]

    With the day over at the festival Sasha and Dennis ended up making their ways back to the inn. It seemed rather awkward of a day at first but all and all it ended up being a fun night. He really wished there could be more times like this during his normal life and he may actually have to think of being more active and going to festivals and stuff at other times. Not to mention the festival actually ended up helping Dennis. Up until now he felt really nervous about the whole trip, but tonight had relieved a lot of it and he probably wouldn't be as reluctant to do everything anymore. Regardless once they got back to the inn Dennis went to bed and slept the night away.
  4. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DATE⁞ Wednesday, March 16th, 2016 DAY⁞ 03 4/4
    LOCATION⁞ Bentley Square//Inn INTERACTION⁞
    Ryder was waiting on Zoey to join him when she suddenly stopped walking. He raised on blond eyebrow as she seemed to be thinking something over. "Hey, we're suppose to check things out," she said quietly. "I'm going to take a look around. Maybe we can play back at home." She nudged him in the shoulder before smiling at him. "Good luck, see you around."
    What the fuck was that bullshit about? He watched her go and the people in line were getting rude and antsy. He was holding up the line. Ryder stepped out of the way and began to strip off his gear. She had been the one trying to coax him into playing paintball -- he would have been fine without -- and then she just bailed. Fucking bitch. That's the last time he would try to be nice to her. She better not be expecting it to happen a third time. Screw that shit.
    He handed the suit back to the attendant and hopped on his skateboard. He was so done with this festival. Ryder boarded back to the inn as quickly as possible. He was really annoyed and fed up with all of these people. The ride back was quiet. The town was so dark and empty with everyone at the Square. It was eerie, but he didn't care.
    When he finally arrived back at the inn, he jumped off his board and kicked the end. It sprung up and he caught it one - handed, hanging it over his shoulder. Cane was absent from her desk and he wondered if she had gone to the festival as well. The whole town seemed to be present there. He marched up to the room he was sharing with those obnoxious freaks from the night before and slammed the door shut. His skateboard lay lifeless in the corner of the room and he changed into a pair of sweatpants for bed. With there being no electricity in the rooms, he blew out the lamp on the nightstand and crawled into bed for sleep.

  5. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Location: Square/Inn {} Mood: Happy/Sleepy {} OOC: c:
    Sasha smiled all the way back at the inn with Dennis. She waved him a goodbye before heading to her room, arriving a bit early since no one else was there. She never felt so happy in her life. Well sorts as she was pelted in bruises where paintballs hit her. It was well worth it though. It was so much fun. Dennis wasn't too bad either. She just hummed a tune as she picked one of the beds and hopped in it. It's been a great day. I can only hope that it can stay that way sometime in my future...She smiled, closing her eyes as she drifted off to sleep.
  6. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: Curious (X) Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Square (X) OOC:
    "I understand how you feel but think of it this way. All Zoey told us was that teenagers were supposed to be at the lake, no specifications just teens. SO unless they do something to there own residents here, there shouldn't be much to worry about." He explained. Though this was all based of the little information that he knew about this place. Meaning that if he was wrong, things might not turn out the way he hopes if was.
    As he listen to explain more of her feelings, he could help that part of his mind thought back to his family. More importantly his dad. When it came to that man, a promise was suppose to be kept no matter what the conditions were and while he couldn't say that he'd kept all the ones he's made in the past. His promise to come home was something that he was aiming to keep.
    "I make a promise to my sisters to come home safe, but I'm not putting you or Zoey in danger. What happened between you guys anyway?"
    "I made the same promise to my dad and I intend to keep it. That said though, this might be a chance to learn more about this place." It was clear about what his course of actions were. Though he kept quiet about the last part with hopes that she wouldn't press on about it.
  7. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆

    ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆

    Quentin had decided to turn in early that night, there had been nothing for him at the festival, even if he had originally been determined. For some reason, he had been so tired, but it was probably because of all that walking, and the constant stressing on the yacht from earlier. He was glad that part was over, but they still had to ride it away when they left Bentley.

    A few of the others decided that they were going to stay at the festival, and Sophie was among them. It seemed Lucas was coming back to the inn as well, and he wondered why that was, but he didn't like that she would be staying behind, especially since she seemed to stand out. Well, all of them did, but since he saw her as different from the rest, she stuck out more than the others. Quentin knew that if he tried to persuade her, she would just shoot him out of the sky, and he would be left feeling inadequate like he sometimes felt with her.

    She'll be alright. he told himself uncharacteristically, and then almost talked himself into going back.

    After forcing himself into a shower, he climbed into bed and fell into a restless sleep.
  8. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DAY03 & 4/4
    " AND SO IT BEGINS... "
    Tucker informed them of what happened prior to their arrival. Their side of the carriage was a little cramped with three grown men on one side. He shifted uncomfortably, adjusting until he could find an appropriate sitting position. It didn't take long for Tucker to explain what he overheard and then Maria chimed in about Pierce mentioning that Bentley already knew of their arrival, even though they hadn't confirmed how. She couldn't help but wonder if they were connected. After they filled Tucker in on everything else they learned, they all went over a plan for that to do next. Dakota had spoken to Cane and received information about Patrick Grant. Seeing him would probably be the best decision.

    Tomorrow, that was exactly what would be looked at next. After their visit with Patrick, they had decided upon investigation that sketchy giant candy shop after the visitation tomorrow. Hopefully the could learn something during the day that would make sneaking in later at night safer. Were they really going to break into a candy store? What had become of him? He was rapidly declining in credibility as a teacher.
    When the carriage reached the bottom again, they split to head back to the inn. Erik went with Tucker and Maria, but didn't want for them on the way to the room. He felt drained from the yacht and festival. Erik had been asleep for some time when Maria came to the room. She changed and crawled into the other bed, not waiting for Bryan and slept as close to the edge of the bed as possible.
  9. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» scared but comforted Thoughts: If it were anyone but Shane... Music Date: 2016 Location » LakeOOC: We're all going to die.
    "I understand how you feel but think of it this way. All Zoey told us was that teenagers were supposed to be at the lake, no specifications just teens. SO unless they do something to there own residents here, there shouldn't be much to worry about."

    Estelle listened to him carefully. She still had a bad feel for all of this but... she needed to go with him. She had to, or else she knew she would feel bad forever. And
    Forever is a very long time.
    "I made the same promise to my dad and I intend to keep it. That said though, this might be a chance to learn more about this place."
    Estelle smiled. "Ok well.." Estelle thought about it. "If your going I'm going too." She told him. "This seems totally crazy, and if it were anyone else I would've gone to the hotel already." Estelle muttered. "Ok, lets go, before I change my mind." Estelle said laughing as her and Shane headed for the Lake. "I hope Zoey's alright." She told him.
    As they made they're way down there, things got a bit creepier and creepier, but he had a point, if the others were supposed to be here... it must've been ok?.... right...? She shook her head. It was too late to turn back. As long as she was with Shane she didn't feel afraid. "Looks like we're always here." She said, then stopping in her tracks. "If you're sure you want to this..." She said, then she headed to the lake shore.
  10. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 3 - 4/5 | DATE: March 16th, 2016 | LOCATION: Bentley Square ==> Inn

    After wandering around the Square, not really doing much, he checked his phone after it vibrated in his pocket.

    He didn't like the sound of that, but he was starting to get really tired and wanted to get back to the Inn. Quickly, he sent her a text of his own.

    After making his way back to the Inn, he trudged his way up to the room he would be sharing with Oliver, Quentin, and Tucker, he lay down on one of the beds and stared at the ceiling for a good while. There wasn't much he could do other than that. Freddie fell asleep soon after.
  11. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    Meanwhile, as Bryan and Lucas became completely irrelevant, the two of them were somehow, magically back in the hotel, and each went to sleep in their respective places while Saxima tried to focus on Sophie and this lake thing that's probably going to end in hellfire.
  12. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 0 « OOC: N|A :

    Oliver, Pierce whispered from beside him. He looked down at her curiously. That's Patrick.


    He looked back to the speaker; a tall coffee-skinned man with dark hair and speckled green eyes that flared in the firelight. He was Patrick? Pierce looked into his eyes and he felt his breath catch in his throat.

    Let's go, Surprised, Oliver considered asking her if she was sure. He didn't get the chance to before Pierce tugged gently on his hand and pulled him closer to the blazing flames and group of teenagers. He didn't feel he belonged here, and just when he was beginning to let the thought eat away at him, Pierce squeezed his hand. Had she been drinking?

    He watched her, and continued to flick glances at her even when they sat down. He was expecting her to pull away from him, so when she didn't ... His fingers wiggled their way between her own to give them a new closeness, and he looked away. Pierce leaned against him and his heart started to race. And then ... guilt. Guilt, guilt, guilt.

    She probably hated him. He left her. He avoided her. He spent this whole trip so far texting Mary! ... He took a deep breath, feeling her shift beside him. ... What happened on the train didn't matter right now. They were in this freaky ass town, this freaky as place, together. If something happened, neither of them were alone. He sighed and leaned closer to her, just to peck her on the top of her head, somewhat of a wordless 'I'm sorry'.

    The teens suddenly made a load of commotion, and Oliver looked up again. Patrick was laughing, having just ended some kind of ghost story. He readjusted on the log he sat on and grinned at them.

    I see. Not scared, huh? Tough crowd! How about this one ...

    Once there was a girl named Jenny. She was like all the other girls, except for one thing. She always wore a green ribbon around her neck. There was a boy named Alfred in her class. Alfred liked Jenny and Jenny liked Alfred. One day he asked her, “Why do you wear that ribbon all the time?”

    “I cannot tell you,” said Jenny. But Alfred kept asking, “Why do you wear it?” And Jenny would say, “It is not important.” Jenny and Alfred grew up and fell in love. One day they got married. After their wedding, Alfred said, “Now that we are married, you must tell me about the green ribbon.” “You still must wait,” said Jenny. “I will tell you when the right time comes.”

    Years passed. Alfred and Jenny grew old. One day Jenny became very sick. The doctor told her she was dying. Jenny called Alfred to her side. “Alfred,” she said, “now I can tell you about the green ribbon. Untie it, and you will see why I could not tell you before.”

    Slowly and carefully, Alfred untied the ribbon…

    …and Jenny’s head fell off.

    Oliver cracked a grin. He remembered that one from elementary school. Some of the other teens laughed. Patrick stood up and brushed his hands off on his pants. A woman, presumably his wife, emerged from the darkness behind him, handing him a dark, rouge red cloak.

    Hah, yeah, yeah. Settle down. Before we start the service, I would just like to say a few things more. Patrick slipped into the robe and kissed the woman on the cheek, whispering something into her ear that made her smile and sit down. Tonight marks the sixth night of the festival. I am immensely grateful to those of you who have attended. You have all proven yourselves to be worthy citizens of Bentley and each one of you should be immensely proud of yourself for coming this far. His eyes looked over them and he began to pace.

    Through your triumphs, there have been many failures ... Our hearts are heavy with grief, and the fallen young men and women from the nights prior to this will always be remembered in our hearts. Do not forget them. Take care of their siblings and parents and support each other as best as you can. We are a community of love and loyalty - above all.

    For those of you who do not make it tonight, please remember what you are dying for.

    Oliver's expression fell completely flat. This was bad. He looked around them, wondering if there was some way to discretely escape. Someone else seemed to have the same idea. A boy, around fifteen or so, wiggled to the back of the group on his hands and knees. He moved passed Oliver and Pierce, his face wet with tears and body trembling, and his own green eyes followed. His chest felt constricted.

    Patrick went on in his speech, only to be interrupted by a new figure emerging from the darkness. Oliver squinted his eyes towards the man. He looked ... really familar. The man nodded towards the kid crawling off by himself, and Patrick muttered something to him in response. Oliver's head turned back around to face the front. No one else seemed phased by the events, he had to blend in.

    He stared at Patrick, tuning in and out of his ... pep - talk.

    The boy screamed.

    He said he didn't want to die.

    He said he wasn't a teenager, yet and that he lied.

    He begged.

    Oliver stared forward, clenching Pierce's hand in his even tighter.

    There were sounds of struggling coming from behind them.

    Don't look back.

    The boy gasped, and shrieked.

    His screams became gurgled.

    The man walked back to the front.

    Don't look back, Pierce.

    He could hear the sound of shifting - more like spasming coming from behind.

    Then it went quiet.

    ... Spring marks a season of change and new beginnings. We purge the mistakes of Winter and start anew. ... That's enough of my rambling though, you guys already know how things work here!

    Without further delay, let us begin the game. Classic Bentley Hide - and - Seek! You should all know the rules, but for you thirteen year olds, let me refresh. You can hide anywhere along the shore of the lake. That means you cannot go back up the stairs. Leader Kevin here will be watching ... You have one hour to hide before the game officially starts. The goal? Don't get caught. There will an hour dedicated to The Hunt.

    Your 'goodie bags' can be found in your registered coordinates. These arrived in the mail yesterday morning. If you did not get one, come see me. You best not be lying, though. Anyone who steals another's 'goodie bag' will be severely punished. Anyone caught trying to use a cellular device will be severely punished as well, though there should be no signal down here in the first place ...

    Patrick smiled.

    Oliver's head was pounding. Goodie bags? What the ****!? Jesus CHRIST! Was this a JOKE?

    This year we've got somethin' special for you. It seems there are some outsiders with us this evening. Anyone who brings one of 'em back dead can leave the game a victor, unlike usual where if you kill one of your peers you simply get an advantage next round.

    The group swiveled around this way and that, searching the faces of their peers. Quickly, Oliver ran his fingers through Pierce's hair, hiding her eyes behind it and sitting a bit more in front of her. He looked at her, trying to will her to stay calm if she wasn't.

    It is time to begin.

    3 ...

    2 ...

    1 ...

    Ready or not ...

  13. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    This whole entire decision to check out the festival showed that some of them really did not know the true meaning of this trip to Bentley. They were not here for fun and games and had they at least said something that gave them a good reason for this investigation then Julius wouldn't have been so annoyed by this decision. Regardless there was an actual chance that something could happen and they could actually find out something about Bentley. There were times where Julius felt that this was more than Frank, and quite possibly something about Bentley.

    Unlike the others he didn't care about Bentley nor did he care about all it's citizens, but what Julius cared about was the murderer of the two precious people in his life and those associated with him. Even if they did meet Frank he still didn't know exactly what he would do, but that would be a thought for when it came up or when it seemed their meeting would come again. With another sigh Julius could only stand with the others that decided to stick in the group.

    The sudden voice of Tucker reached his ears and soon enough a discussion began about what was going on and how they were truly going to discuss their issue. The Ferris wheel sounded nice and was a great place, but after their encounters with fate, he felt ill at ease about it. Regardless of this fact, they entered it and after a discussion they head back to the inn. Fatigued and tired, Julius head onto the bed and fell asleep.
  14. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» scared but comforted Thoughts: We're ****ed Music Date: 2016 Location » LakeOOC: .....
    This year we've got somethin' special for you. It seems there are some outsiders with us this evening. Anyone who brings one of 'em back dead can leave the game a victor
    Estelle Nearly screamed, but instead looked over to Shane. "Shane..." She whispered. "****ing run." Estelle said, taking Shane's hand and heading back for the festival. "We have to get out of here." Estelle muttered, as they were at the gate of the fair grounds. "Shane, what do we do? Do we go for help? Call the police?" Estelle asked him, almost out of breath. "We need to think of a plan, we need to tell the others." Estelle said. She was panicking. Her legs hurt from the running back here, and she felt like she would faint. But this was terrible. "Shane, we have to hurry." She told him.

    This was bad why did she put her life on the line for a stupid boy? A boy that didn't like her? Stupid Estelle, Stupid, Stupid Stupid. "We need to tell Erik or Bryan or any of the others. Where are they?" Estelle asked.
    "Zoey! What happened to Zoey! Did you see her!? Where did she go!?" Estelle panicked. "Ok, lets get help first, we can't go back for her. Holy ****, **** **** ****...." Estelle muttered. "At least we're on the festival grounds we can make a scene here if anything happens." Estelle said. "Be on your guard though..." Estelle told him. "Do you have any weapons?" She asked him. "I have a Swiss army knife, but I doubt that's going to be helpful." She took it out anyway and held it in her hand.
  15. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    As Estelle and Shane attempt to depart the shore, Kevin - the vaguely familar one from before - stops them. He shakes his head back and forth in disapproval, and pulls out a stun gun, shooting them both. As they fall, he drags their bodies down the stairs by their ankles and throws them back onto the sand.

    Estelle is taken care of first, a sharp hunting knife pressed against her throat and slashed over the skin. The blood comes quickly. He moves on to Shane, doing the same. The deaths are quick and undramatic, done simply to kill them and nothing more.

    Once their throats are slit, he drags each body back to the campfire to burn. Patrick watches his wrist watch with anticipation.

    Estelle and Shane are dead.
  16. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    WEARING DATE 03/16/2016 DAY 03 & 4/4


    Patrick was telling ghost stories when they arrived. Pierce did not like ghost stories. They gave her nightmares. Oliver felt so warm beside her and she had to resist the urge to bury herself in his side. His fingers wriggled between hers and they were suddenly interlocked. How could such a simple thing as a different form of hand holding feel so much more intimate. She was grateful for keeping her head down because at this moment her skin was burning red. It would have been even worse if he could see it. Something pressed against the top of her head and she felt a shiver run down her spine. What was that? Did he - did he kiss her? Pierce shifted, meeting his green eyes. Green. Just like Bentley. Her face was scarlet and she dropped her head quickly again. They couldn't see that she was without green eyes.

    The others made some sort of commotion and Patrick laughed heartily. He readjusted on his log and through her bangs she could see that he was smiling at each of them. Pierce dropped her gaze in time for him to begin another story. He really wanted to prove that he knew some scary ones. This wasn't so bad. People did this at camp all the time. They gathered around the fire and told ghost stories -- not that she ever participated! This was harmless.

    ... ... Why do you wear that ribbon all of the time? ... ...

    She didn't recognize this story, but the ribbon was obviously key. This wasn't important. She couldn't listen to the ghost story. It wouldn't end well for her if she did. Pierce lifted her free hand up to her right ear and buried her left in Oliver's arm. She tried to tune it out the best she could, but the end still rang out clearly in her head.

    ... and Jenny's head fell off.

    The backs of her eyes stung. Don't cry. Don't scream. This was awful. It was dark and this story was scary. Scary things were bad. Her breathing was low and shallow. The other kids were laughing. How is this funny? Pierce could feel the panic beginning to bubble up. Patrick rose to his feet and a woman approached him. Pierce remembered her as his wife Delilah. She handed him a cloak after they shared a kiss. This was it. This was what they were really down here for.

    Before we start the service, I would like to say a few more things. Service? Was this some sort of bible study? That wouldn't be so bad then. She began to unwind for a brief moment in time. ... ... Each of you should be immensely proud of yourselves. It was working. They were safely blending in. Patrick didn't notice anything out of the blue. He began to pace. Why was he pacing? Through your triumphs, there have been many failures ... ... ... the fallen young men and women from the nights prior ... ... ... What was he talking about? That moment of peace was gone. Panic was back in full force. Pierce could feel the terror in building. This had been a bad idea. What was about to happen. ... ... We're a community of love and loyalty - above all. What was he getting to? Pierce had a feeling his speech was coming to a close. For those of you who do not make it through tonight, please remember what you are dying for.





    Pierce clamped her hand over her mouth. Dying? What had they been lured into? That woman had seemed so friendly and helpful. She didn't want Pierce to get in trouble. How could this happen? She was tricked. They were going to die tonight. They were going to die tonight. She started hyperventilating. Oliver shifted and Pierce followed his line of sight. There was a boy backing away from the fire. They got what they came for -- information. Now would be the time to leave, before anything else happened. What kind of sick cultish town was this? She was feeling dizzy from her uneven breathing. Everything felt tight and the stinging at her eyes transformed into full - blown tears. She didn't sob, but the salty water trickled down her cheeks in terror. Her hands were trembling, even the one locked with Oliver's.

    Patrick kept talking and someone else appeared. He looked really familiar. Pierce narrowed her gaze on him. He didn't seem like someone she had encountered at Bentley before. Patrick and the man spoke in quick hushed tones and then the man was walking past them. They should leave. Oliver's head turned and Pierce's gaze followed. She saw in her peripheral that he redirected his attention to Patrick, but she couldn't stop watching the boy. With the positioning of her body and her face pressed against his arm, it was easy for her to watch without physically turning her head. The boy screamed. Terror consumed her further. Tears streaked down her face more heavily. She wanted to run to him. The man had him. Oliver's grip on her hand tightened and she was afraid he might break the bones in her hand, but it was comforting at the same time. She couldn't peel her eyes away. The boy shrieked. Through the darkness, she could see a shadowy hand on his throat and gurgling noises escaped him. Don't scream. Everything went silent behind them. The man began to approach the circle again.

    Pierce shifted and turned her attention back to Patrick. Her hair concealed the tear - stained cheeks on her face, and she sniffled. What was wrong with these people? They truly were living in a nightmare. I'm sorry Oliver. She wished there was some way she could convey the words to him. This was all her fault. She asked him to come to the lake with her. They were going to die and it was her fault.

    Without further delay, let us begin the game. Classic Bentley Hide - and - Seek! ... ... ... Leader Kevin here will be watching ... ... Leader Kevin? That's why he looked familiar! That was Kevin the Head Camp counselor. They had said that Kevin was found hiding out in Bentley after everything that happened. What the hell happened to him while they were in Bentley last time? She was beginning to wheeze. Pierce thought she might faint. ... ... ... Don't get caught. ... ... ...

    Your 'goodie bags' can be found in your registered coordinates. These arrived in the mail yesterday morning. If you did not get one, come see me. You best not be lying, though. Anyone who steals another's 'goodie bag' will be severely punished. Anyone caught trying to use a cellular device will be severely punished as well, though there should be no signal down here in the first place ...

    Oh God!

    Patrick smiled. Pierce didn't like the look of that smile.

    This year we've got somethin' special for you. It seems there are some outsiders with us this evening. Anyone who brings one of 'em back dead can leave the game a victor, unlike usual where if you kill one of your peers you simply get an advantage next round.




    Pierce lifted her head, locking eyes with Patrick. He knew. Of course he knew. This was all her fault. Not just the game, but the fact that he knew they were there. This was her fault. If these people didn't kill her, everyone else would. Tears poured out now. She couldn't feel her finger tips. Her head was pounding and her eyes burned.

    The group shifted and began searching the faces. Pierce hadn't taken her eyes off of Patrick. Quickly, Oliver ran his fingers through Pierce's hair, hiding her eyes behind it and sitting a bit more in front of her. What was he doing? Oh right. His eyes were green. The other kids might not realize he wasn't from Bentley. She on the other hand, was in dire danger. She swallowed.

    It is time to begin. Ready?

    3 ...

    2 ...

    1 ...

    Ready or not ...

    They were going to die. Time to run. She couldn't feel her legs. Pierce lunged from the bench, pulling Oliver with her. She didn't care about some goodie bag or anything else. She didn't want to die. This was her fault. Oliver couldn't die because of her. What did she have on her that could help? Cell phone -- no service --, Cupid's Brew -- love potion bullshit --, money, driver's license, jeans, and sneakers. Nothing. Nothing that could help. Oliver I'm sorry! she said to him. She was panicking. There were some trees along the lake. It was dark and hard to see. She could probably use her phone as a light, but that would track attention. It was like the scavenger hunt at camp, but deadly. More deadly then the time of the fire that started all of this. They were going to die.

    Pierce couldn't feel her legs by the time they entered the trees. Her feet hurt. She needed to change quickly. They had one hour to hide. It was so dark here. She couldn't even here the waves crashing from the water anymore. Oliver, she whispered into the blackness, I need to change into pants. Reluctantly, she released his hand and slid her bag off her shoulder. It thumped to the ground and she used her phone to as a light to dig through and pull out her jeans and sneakers. Stepping behind a tree, she let the light disappear and changed as fast as she could, fumbling with the button for a minute. She bunched up the dress at the bottom and cinched it around her waist. Are you still there? she whispered into the murky blackness when she was done. Pierce was so afraid Oliver might leave her.
  17. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 0 « OOC: N|A :

    Oliver was right there with Pierce as she shot up from their spot. Their hands still linked together, they began to run. He stayed in perfect sync with her, if not a bit ahead at times, and finally when the sounds of the waves had fallen behind them, they stopped. There were nothing but trees, and it was so, so dark. The neon lights above them were beginning to die out one by one.

    Oliver, I'm sorry! Pierce cried. He winced. He didn't ... His heart pounded and his head reeled. God DAMMIT! He pulled her closer to him, getting just as much comfort from being near someone else as he hoped he gave her. He was terrified. Oliver ... I need to change into pants.

    He was about to judge her for it, but it would making running a lot easier on them, so he let her go. Pierce let their hands fall apart and dropped her bag, using her phone to pull out something new to wear before disappearing behind a tree. All was still, aside from their breathing.

    This was unreal.

    It was so dark.

    Are you still there?

    Of course I'm still here. He almost sounded irritable, but it wasn't that. He was just ... He slumped down with his back against the rough bark of the tree, letting his head fall into his arms. They were going to ... He swallowed hard. Pierce ... Come find me.

    He said, as quietly as she had spoken before. He held his arms up to help her find where he was, and lowered her down with him in the blackness.


    He was at a loss. His eyes blurred and he rubbed the building tears away. Aaah, man, this was awful. He didn't want to die. He didn't want to die. He didn't want to die. He felt so helpless. He sniffed, unashamed even if Pierce heard him. You ... you haven't been stuttering with me, tonight?

    He didn't mean for it to sound like a question, he could barely breathe right let alone think. It was such a dumb thing to bring up, too, but he noticed. He tried to get his breathing under control. The silence was horrifying ... Knowing that the moment it broke, without it being them ...

    What do you want to do ... ?

    He didn't exactly understand what he was asking her, even if he was the one asking. Part of him was wondering if she wanted to just give in, wait here to be found and bask in each other's company, or if she really wanted to try to survive. She changed for a reason ... He just didn't know. He felt so loss. It was all so surreal.
  18. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    WEARING DATE 03/16/2016 DAY 03 & 4/4


    Of course I'm still here. He sounded mad. At least he hadn't left her. It was dead silent. Pierce ... Come find me.

    She stumbled through the darkness, not risking turning on her phone. It was nestled into her back pocket and she tripped over her bag. Her fingers brushed against the warm soft touch of Oliver's hands and she grabbed a hold of them, letting him pull her into his arms. They sat curled up on the forest floor pressed together. This was like the highlight of her lifetime and it just so happened to be occurring as she was about to die. Go figure. He couldn't just be patronizing her feelings, could he? Silent tears streaked down her face and she buried her head into his chest. It was so peaceful. If they were going to die, this wouldn't be so bad. As much as she was afraid of the dark, she didn't feel that scared wrapped up in Oliver's arms like this. Pierce wiped her face with the back of her hand and brushed the hair out of her eyes.

    You ... you haven't been stuttering with me, tonight? Oliver's soft voice broke the vast silence that had been stretching out around them.

    She lifted her head to look at him, but it was too dark to make out any distinguishable features. Huh, I guess you're right... she hadn't really been thinking about it. Fear had seized control of all thought processes.

    They were so close together. Pierce could feel Oliver's heartbeat beneath her. It was rapid, like hers and his chest rose and fell lightly. It left her body feeling tingly every time it disappeared in that fall. She pressed herself closer to him, not wanting lose any of it.

    What do you want to do ... ? he asked her finally.

    What was there for them to do? They were going to die. These other kids were trained and prepared in this so called game of 'Hide and Seek.' They knew the ins and outs of it. They also had motivation. Them. How many of the others had taken a seat at the campfire? She hadn't looked. Hopefully none. This was her fault. She could barely handle the idea of Oliver dying because of her, let alone the others as well. If only there was some way she could contact them and warn them to get out of town. They needed to go now. It's my fault, she said to the darkness. They knew we were coming because of me. I'm sorry Oliver. I'm so sorry. She shook her head and buried her face in his chest again. She didn't deserve to take comfort in him. He would die because of her. You should try to find a way back to the inn. This is my fault. I don't deserve to go back. I don't ... I don't deserve being held like this by you ... if it wasn't for me, we never ... we never ... Tears spilled out faster.

    She pulled away and pressed the heels of her hands to her eyes. If only this would stop the tears from flowing. She sniffled. I don't want to die. she cried. Pierce rubbed her arm furiously against her eyes, smearing tears everywhere. I don't want to die. she repeated much softer. The crying was making her feel tired, but if she fell asleep, then she would die for sure. I'm sorry. She wanted him to kiss her. She wanted Oliver to pull her in tight and stroke her hair, saying everything would be all right. They would make it out safely and there was nothing to worry about. That wouldn't happen. She didn't deserve any sort of affection from anyone and they weren't going to make it out alive.
  19. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    MOOD . . .❤!! 0%WEARING


    ♡ ~ ✖ ~ ♡

    Sophie had wandered around the festival for a while, meeting all sorts of people who gave her odd and foreboding looks. After the sun had set, she decided that it was probably a bad idea to continue wearing the sunglasses and took them off, slipping them into her bag once more. She had been disappointed, to say the least, when both Pierce and Oliver disappeared, but decided not to spend the time looking for either one of them. Still, if they had met up somewhere . . . The thought of stabbing Oliver sounded more appealing than it had before.

    She glanced into her bag and saw her pocket knife that Lucas always made her carry around.

    As she continued to explore, she noticed one more thing; besides the fact that everyone around her had green eyes, there were no teenagers. Everywhere she looked, there were only adults and younger children, but there didn't seem to be a teenager for a while around. For some reason, that bothered her.

    Before she could make up her mind about staying or retreating to the inn, an middle-aged man found her, and explained to her that all the teenagers should be down at the lake. The way he stared at her was almost scary; Sophie knew that he knew that she wasn't from Bentley — it was the eyes. Ahg, if there was ever a damned time to conveniently have green contacts on her . . . The man didn't seem to want to leave her until he practically dragged her to the lake, where he then left her.

    Teenagers, everywhere. I wonder if this is some sort of side activity for them. It reminded her of those summers spent at Camp Fortissimo, a little.

    Apparently, Sophie had arrived just in time to hear the end of a ghost story involving a dismembered head and a green ribbon. She vaguely remembered something like that from when her uncle would try to scare her before bed when she was younger. It hadn't been very amusing. The man on the stage who had been telling the story then dawned an odd red robe, and Sophie got a decent look at his face.

    . . . Patrick? she thought to herself. She thought . . . Ah, what's going on? He had begun to talk again, and with a growing suspicion and curiosity, Sophie listened intently, standing aside from the concentration of the group with her arms crossed. At the mention of a study, she felt annoyed since she wasn't at all religious — that was what the man had forced her down here for? Annoying.

    Through your triumphs, there have been many failures . . . Our hearts are heavy with grief, and the fallen young men and women from the nights prior to this will always be remembered in our hearts. Do not forget them. Take care of their siblings and parents and support each other as best as you can. We are a community of love and loyalty - above all.

    For those of you who do not make it tonight, please remember what you are dying for.

    . . . Dying for? What the fuck? Was it some sort of group sacrifice to a pagan god who could only be pleased by young blood? Well, shit. She didn't come here for that. Alright, I would like to leave, now. This situation was doubly terrible because Lucas wasn't with her, and she cursed herself for sending him away in the first place. If there was going to be killing, she couldn't think of many better for the job than him . . . This was sort of terrifying.

    Her expression fell dark. This was bad.

    The next events that transpired had her clenching her fist against her chest to keep her person steady, to not pass out, to not make a scene. So many triggers, all at once, and she had to perfectly maneuver around them to not attract attention. She closed her eyes, she thought of a song, she turned the mental volume all the way up until it was practically blasting.

    . . . There was no escape. This . . . is not good.

    Sophie tuned back into Patrick talking, only to hear him tell the group that they already knew how things worked. She wished he hadn't. What kind of gathering was this? She wasn't going to have to fight for her survival, was she? That was a bit of a problem because one, her physical form wasn't exactly peaking, and two, this real-life situation was very . . . real life. She had never really put self-defense skills to work, only against Lucas — and she knew he would never actually try to kill her. Her life was on the line . . . Again.

    Classic Bentley Hide-and-Seek. Yes, this was definitley bad. Patrick elaborated on the rules, and - . . . Kevin? She narrowed her pale eyes. It couldn't be the same Kevin she was thinking about; Camp Fortissimo camp leader Kevin. Ah, fuck her. A hunt, okay. One hour of time alotted to hide, okay. One hour dedicated to The hunt, okay.

    When Sophie heard the bit about 'goodie bags', she knew she was automatically at a disadvantage, and her chances of living to see the hour through were even more slim than they had been before. All she had was a pocket knife and a slightly faulty body clocked in with self-defense skills. It was a start . . . Not good enough. Quickly, she shoved away that defeatist attitude. Sophie would not be overpowered by anyone. I hope. She quickly shook her head, and listened on.

    No cellphones, that was fine; there wasn't any reception anyway. What was the punishment, she wondered? Maybe this is just a joke.

    This year we've got somethin' special for you. It seems there are some outsiders with us this evening. Anyone who brings one of 'em back dead can leave the game a victor, unlike usual where if you kill one of your peers you simply get an advantage next round.

    Not a joke, then. Shit. She was now a prime target, and even in the dark her eyes still made her stand out. She quickly adjusted her bag to be more secure.

    She knew it.

    She was going to have to run.


    Avoid danger.

    Avoid everyone.

    Or she would die.

    It is time to begin.

    Her heart thumped in her chest.

    3 . . .

    Her legs shook.

    2 . . .

    Her breathing started to become labored.

    1 . . .

    Her eyes clenched shut as she grasped the strap of her bag.

    Ready or not . . .

    She wasn't ready.

    . . . !


    As soon as they were given the go, Sophie was working her legs immediately. Since she wasn't apart of Bentley's Young Life Cult of Demonica Workings, she highly doubted that she was getting a 'goodie bag', and so what she had, she was stuck with. Before returning to her own survival, she wondered if anyone else from their group had been stupid enough to come down to the lake.

    Oh god, Pierce . . . Oliver . . . Or Freddie. Or Quentin. Shit.

    She prayed to whatever fucking god that she was the only dumbass down here.

    Even in the dark, her eyesight was definitely better than normal, but she had almost tripped a few times. She needed to find a hiding place to stay away from all of the other hunters for the hour. She had good time to find one, but she didn't know what advantages the others had over her. Cameras? Enhanced fucking genetics? Goddammit, Nico. she thought to herself, Pull your shit together.

    Still, having gone to Camp Fortissimo for the last fourteen years couldn't have left her with nothing. She had all of that experience of the wild ( contained, at least ), and on top of that was Lucas . . . I can do this. Fuck, she had never been more terrified in her entire life. Not to mention, the extra added pain from her wounds. Fuck you, Ursula. I hope you burn in hell.

    Breathe in.

    Breathe out.

    Breathe in.

    Breathe out.

    Sophie weaved through the trees in her white canvas shoes. At least she had decided to wear semi-decent clothing today, even though she hadn't planned for this situation . . . How much time did she have left? She didn't want to risk bringing out her phone to check. No phones. That was fine. She could manage. She could do this.

    Her nose and eyes burned, threatening to tear up.

    Eventually, she had thought she'd gotten at least a good four hundred meters away from the original starting spot when she had finally slowed down to a jog. There were noises all around her, and she didn't know if they were from other Hunters, or from the wild life. She vaguely, almost bitterly, recalled the scavenger hunt at Camp. The fire from two years ago.

    Everything started there. It was definitely fate.

    Sliding up against the trunk of a tree, she gazed up into the canopy, taking a precious moment of deep breathing to let her eyes adjust. It would be dangerous to go up there and then have no way down if someone found her, but it was also a somewhat safer way to avoid trouble. How many of the Hunters could climb trees? If they had trained for this . . . The odds are completely against me.

    If her self-preservation instincts kicked in, surely she would be able to get a job done, right? She needed to find a hiding place . . . At least five minutes had already passed.

    Even if she hoped that no one else from the group was in this situation, a part of her wished she wasn't alone. She was scared out of her mind. Would it be easier to be alone? Moving in a group could be troublesome, but more intimidating to other Hunters on the prowl.

    Sophie found herself sitting on a tree branch, passing the time. She could have swore, a few minutes into her brief rest, that she had heard someone die below her. Those spasming, squelching sounds. More triggers. She felt nauseous. This wasn't a good spot, but she waited a little longer to climb down and move elsewhere. Expecting to trip over something ( a dead body ), Sophie moved slowly, but never met anything.

    How am I supposed to find a good hiding place?

    What kind of barbaric game is this?

    Why am I even a part of it?

    I don't have anyone.

    I'm scared.

    At least fifteen minutes had passed by now. One hour and forty-five minutes until this hellish nightmare was over, she hoped. She had found a few more trees to climb, but didn't feel safe in any of them. Still, she had to admit it was better than nothing. When was someone going to find her?

  20. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//fOutfit-|Thoughts: We're going to die...|Place: Festival of Doom---->Game of Killer Hide-and-Seek|Mood:Scared/motivated|Music:Get Out Alive

    The story teller at the fire was trying to scare the kids with silly ghost stories. Psh, sheesh. This sounded like those crazy nights of summer camps with her dad. But given for the place she was at, this wasn't normal to her. It just raised her suspicions further. She heard someone whisper that this was Patrick... They were going to his place to ask questions, right? But she stayed silent, keeping under the shadow of her hoodie.

    Suddenly, things changed around. A service? It sounded like some kind of cult...

    Her fears were confirmed about that when Patrick started to talk about spring and change and some shizzles like that. Then, she heard the words. Men and women... Died? Over the last six days? What were they dying for? What the hell was the mumble jumble?

    She didn't look when someone from the town was cornered by someone who looked intimidating and scary. She heard the boy beg and plead. Oh dear god, what was happening?! No, she had to stay calm. She kept her eye away from the struggling, tried to drown out the horrible sounds. She didn't dare look, she forced herself to not even flinch. She had to blend in with everyone else, no matter what.

    Before Zoey knew it, it was over. Then some sort of game was starting to be explained. Goodie-bags? She wasn't going to get one. One look under her hood from the this Patrick guy and she would be marked and killed very quickly. Lord of the Flies, The Great Game, and the Hunger Games were all popping into her head when the game was revealed to be hide-and-seek. They weren't going to kill each other this year but-

    The outsiders...

    Her heart leapt in her throat. She was an outsider. Her whole group she came with were outsiders. No way... No way in hell was this happening!

    But it was. Ooo, it was.

    The countdown had begun, and when the word was given, Zoey was off like a frightened Jack rabbit into the darkness of the forest.

    Zoey gasped when she tripped on a root and fell forward with a splat into something gooey and sticky. She pulled her head up, only to see that she landed in a puddle of mud. Thinking back to Hunger Games, she rolled around in it, wiped some on her face, and then stood up, continuing to move her way through the forest of death.

    She kept on her toes, being so careful not to trip again as she moved into the darkness. Hide-and-seek from the children of the Candy Corn. She could do this. How was she keeping a leveled head? She had no idea. She wished she didn't poke around and went paint balling with Ryder, DAMMIT! Speaking of that, she needed a weapon. She pulled out the only thing she had in her pocket, a pen. That would have to do.

    She kept her breath as light as possible, made special care to not step in any dry leaves or bushes. The less sound, the better. The noise of the lake crowd was melted away now, but she knew she wasn't safe. She was wearing camouflage, but she needed to find a place to hide and hold absolutely still. She either needed to be high or low. Someplace obvious but not so obvious at the same time.

    She slipped down a very steep hill that seemed to eventually turn into a rocky ravine, and a couple of small ledges.

    Wait a minute...

    Getting on her hands and knees and putting the pen between her teeth, Zoey carefully made her way down the steep face of the ravine a few good feet. She almost slipped a couple of times, but she kept a good grip. Her eye found a crevice in the side of the rock ledge that was really a tight squeeze, but she would fit. With a grunt, she pushed herself into the small space and huddled into a ball. Her hood was tight around her head, and her pale complexion was well hidden with nature's goop. She felt that the mud would help conceal her more where she was at. She would look like part of the forest, maybe look like part of the crevice with all the leaves stuck to her, if she didn't breath or blink. Any movement could catch a human's eye, or any eye. She remembered a school friend once told her that even eye movement could attract anything. Another plus for her, she could see nothing but a rock wall on the other side. She wouldn't be at eye level, and she was high and low. But she would have to be careful when she crawled back out, otherwise she would have a nice fall to look forward to.

    She was shaking, feeling the coldness of the mud seep through her clothes. Maybe that wasn't such a good idea. She held her breath when she heard movement for a moment... But then that sounded faded away. She prayed and wished that she would make out of this alive. She had so much to tell Freddie, so much to do with him. If she didn't live through this...

    No, that wasn't the way to think.

    She held the pen that Cane threw at Shane tightly in her hand, making sure the tip of it was out and ready, but concealed. Now it was time to play the waiting game... She knew there was no way back to the inn now. The towns people would be out and ready to grab them and send them back to this "service" for punishment. And Patrick said one other thing; there was no cell service around here. She hoped this night would just pass on by very quickly...
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