❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» -__- Music Date: 2016 Location » Inn/Park OOC:
    "How bout the carousal first."
    Estelle smiled "That sounds great." She said, locking elbows with him and then shyly laughing. She looked back. "Zoey, come on." She laughed. She was pretty sure Shane couldn't see her, and looked at Zoey with dagger like eyes and a 'I'll deal with you later' kind of look.
    'I still can't believe she did that... was it just an excuse to mess up our date on purpose?' She wondered. 'It isn't exactly a date Estelle.' She thought she heard Vega say. 'Why is She always the one I hear in my head anyway...' She thought. She shook her head. 'Back to the Zoey deal... I'm sure it's nothing but I can't help but feel like theres something she's up to.' She wondered.

    'Maybe she is just serious about the case... but it's not like we're going to find anything important.' She said, remembering the book. She rolled her eyes. 'I'm not telling anyone about that book... other then maybe Zoey later. It seems too dangerous for us to know. And what if like... Dakota finds out about it or something. Or any of the others? Something isn't right with some of them either.' Estelle thought. 'How do we know that someone with us isn't the murderer, and is planning to get us next....' Estelle thought.

    She would have to be careful from now on... that idea made a lot of sense, but who could it be? She shook her head. 'Focus Estelle Focus! You're on your own mission!' She thought, nodding her head. They made they're way over to the carousal.
    "I haven't been on one of these before." She told Shane. "Well, I haven't really been to a festival like this before either." She smiled. "I'm glad I came on this trip... even though it's kind of dangerous... as long as we stick together, we'll be fine won't we?" Estelle laughed. "Looks like we'll have to wait in line for a bit, lucky it's not too long though." Estelle said.
  2. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    A couple kids ended up bunking with him, which was great! Some young company was nice. He would have liked to stay with the older ones for once, especially since he wanted to talk to them about the scene he initially walked into once he got to the inn. It reminded him of happy memories of camp (disregarding unfortunate events), even one of his old campers, Quentin, was with him! He helped them settle in and before they could have known, they were suddenly carried off to a festival.

    There were people every wehere! Tucker couldn't help by grin and marvel at everything. It was quite colorful and had so many things to do! He kept his happy expression on for the entire time as he followed everyone at first, but he suddenly remembered that they weren't really at Bentley to have fun. He plastered on a more determined, but still smiling, expression as he told himself to chime down on the childish excitement and focus.

    He walked over to the group of older individuals who all roomed together and left him out, passing by the people from the town. Their eyes were beautiful! All of them so green and vibrant. He sometimes wished he had another eye color, blue like Maria's or green like everyone here in town.

    W-wait, everyone?

    He looked around, left and right, and realized that it was everyone in town. That made him feel a bit uneasy and started to take in regard the unfortunate and freaky events that happened to them before. He gulped nervously and quickened his pace towards the others. He stopped between Maria and Eirk, placing a hand on both of their shoulders to halt them for a moment. He looked at the others, Bryan and Julius, as well, "I know I seemed like the happiest 5 year old a couple moments ago but I've got a weird feeling in my gut about this festival." he kept his voice low and in a whisper, for only the small group to hear. He cleared his throat, suddenly remembering what he delayed on telling them "Oh and something was going on in the inn before you guys all came."
  3. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Evan Allen Walker:
    {~~~Day 3 (4/5)~~~March 16th, 2016, Wednesday~~~Location: Enemy Territory(The Festival)~~~Mood: Excited~~~Music~~~Ooc:~~~}

    As soon as he asked his questions Dakota looked like she went from not right to totally horrible. He may have actually decided to take her back to the Inn or find someplace to get her checked out if she didn't continue talking after that.

    "A-assuming they're not all related ... Maybe there's something in the water ...?"

    Hmm. The water?

    "Uh. You know I heard about the government putting stuff in our water. Not just that fluoride stuff either. Like, poisons to cut our life spans short. Pop-population, you know - ouch."

    Whoa the government was putting stuff in their water? Evan always knew they were monitoring every little thing they did. That's why he hardly ever used his phone and never trusted the tv. Really most of his info came from forums and stuff on the internet, but even then he wasn't entirely sure those posts weren't government controlled. He'd probably have to go buy a new water filter when all this was done. Tangent aside Evan was a tad worried by her sudden "ouch" but then realized it was because she probably yanked on it, seeing as she was habitually (most likely) rolling her hair in her hand.

    "Maybe we should get a sample of water from somewhere and ... I don't know. Um. We could do an animal test. We should catch a squirrel, or something, maybe."

    Evan was kind of interested by this conjecture. He never figured the water could've been something that was affecting the populace of Bentley, but even then use a squirrel to test it on? Evan had tried to catch squirrels many times in his younger years and was met with very little success. In fact his closest time was when he was out in the backyard with his father and a squirrel actually ran towards him. Unfortunately his dad ended up killing the squirrel before Evan could hug it and the situation never presented itself again. With that in his mind he realized that catching a wild animal of any form would probably prove to be really difficult. But that's when the proverbial lightbulb went off and he recalled something.

    "Hey remember that petting zoo that's here. If we could get some water in like a cup or something than we could probably bring it over there and give it to one of the animals there." He thought about that for a second and thought maybe if the animals lived here they might already have green eyes, but he'd cross that bridge when they got there. "You're pretty good at this investigating thing Dakota." He gave her a thumbs up. "Well let's go." With that Evan started to get excited and went along with Dakota's plan to get some water and test it on the animals at the petting zoo.
  4. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Maria wasn't a fan of this festival idea. They didn't even need to go for it to have bad news written all over it. If this were another town at another time, she would be giddy about the idea. Festivals -- especially in the evening -- were romantic and beautiful. It would be the perfect opportunity to fix things with Tucker, but not here and not now. This was Bentley. This was the place that the creepy nurse said something horrifying to her and the hometown of the person that abducted Noëlle and Johnathan. That conductor was in for a whirlwind of pain. They would get answers, eventually. She doubted that they would leave until they did -- most of them. She could imagine some of the others going home, all the high schoolers and the college students that felt little reasoning to really be here, but for the small group of them that had been to this town before, finding answers was important. There were only seven of them left -- eight counting that little Jenna girl that was apparently living in Whittlerose now. How did they lose so many? To think that all those people died...
    A hand came down on her shoulder, drawing her out of her reverie. She glanced up to see Tucker standing between Erik and herself. A shudder ran down her spine and Maria redirected her gaze to Bryan. When they were picking rooms, she accepted Bryan's offer to bunk with them again. She had been surprised by the decision, given that Tucker was there now. She figured that it would be an all - male room after that, but apparently not. Maria had wanted to share bed with him rather than Bryan, but the very idea of being able to sleep in a bed with Tucker made her feel ridiculous. It had taken all of his energy to sleep in the same room as her over Christmas. He definitely wasn't going to do it now while they had been growing apart.
    Without looking up, she could feel Tucker's gaze on her. After a moment, his chestnut eyes shifted to the others and she breathed out in relief. I know I seemed like the happiest 5 year old a couple moments ago but I've got a weird feeling in my gut about this festival. he kept his voice low and in a whisper, for only the small group to hear.

    So does everyone else, she muttered to herself. There was something very wrong with this place. The hairs on her arms were standing on end and a prickling sensation kept running over her body.

    He cleared his throat, Oh and something was going on in the inn before you guys all came.

    With that, Maria lifted her head. Her icy blue - eyed gaze connected with his sweet chestnut brown eyes. Warmth spread inside her. What do you mean there was something going on?

    We should probably find someplace secluded to talk. We don't want anyone overhearing our conversation and it couldn't help to fill in Tucker on what we learned in Whittlerose. Erik's calm voice came from beside her and she glanced over at him.

    She always felt so out of place, being the youngest of the five. Bryan was only a year older than her and he was easy to joke and get along with, but ever since Noëlle disappeared it felt like he was in a whole new world -- one that could only be safely accessed by Julius. Maria glanced around until her blue eyes rested on a lit up mechanical ride not too far away. What about the Ferris Wheel? Once we're inside the car no one will be able to hear us, especially if we're all the way at the top. Tucker can share what he saw before we arrived, and we can tell him about what we learned on the way here. She looked at the others for validation. It seemed like a pretty logical plan. Then, we can make plans for the rest of our stay -- what and who we want to investigate each day. Sound good? Her gaze shifted between Bryan and Julius. They were the ones officially heading this expedition, but everyone had their own reasons for coming.

    Maria brushed Tucker's hand off her shoulder without looking, but her fingers didn't leave his. As mad as she was that he had been avoiding her, a strong part of her wanted some sort of confirmation that there was still something there. She sidestepped closer to him, hiding their hands behind their backs. Her grip was light. If he wanted to let go, she wasn't going to have the other three seeing it. It was hard enough sorting out the mixture of feelings raging war inside her while trying to stay focused at the task at hand, she didn't want to be humiliated with rejection on top of that. His hand was warm against her cold one. She was easily chilled, and with only her dress on and the sun rapidly setting, goosebumps were beginning to take shape on her body.

    Wearing Music Date: 03/16/2016 Day: 03 & 4/5
    Mood: Contemplative Location: Bentley Square
    : TuckerInteraction: Tucker//Erik//Bryan//Julius OOC:

    DATE⁞ Wednesday, March 16th, 2016 DAY⁞ 03 4/5
    LOCATION⁞ Bentley Square//Paintball INTERACTION⁞
    Ryder, as unobservant as always, hadn't seemed to notice the key facial distinguishment between the town of Bentley and those of Candlewood. Regardless, he kept his sunglasses on. Everyone was beginning to break off and do their own thing. This consisted of actually enjoying the festival or beginning the search for hunting clues. As for himself, he could really care less. All he had really wanted was to see the town that Elisa and Richie disliked so much. Well actually, now that he thought about it, they seemed to have enjoyed Bentley overall. It was everyone else that had some sort of sketchy experience that turned them off about the place. It was the same as now. People really didn't change no matter how long they lived for.
    He was by himself like usual, music played in his ears and his board wheeled through the square slowly. Ryder mostly just stood there and occasionally kicked the ground to keep it moving. It was a very slow pace. He didn't want to piss off the people that everyone believed would kill them before the trip was over. Tch. Whatever. He shrugged, stopping in front of the paintball tournament. Bentley had really gone all out on this festival thing. He had never been to one of such magnitude. Candlewood had a carnival every year, but it was dinky in comparison, even though the town was like 15 times the size of Bentley. That was peculiar. Why throw something so grand, and for no real reason?
    He watched as people were splattered with paint from small plastic orbs. They weaved in and out of blown up obstacles until they were shot somewhere vital and taken out. It seemed like a fun thing to do. If only he had someone to do it with him. He wasn't really here about some conspiracy theory or unsolved answers. It was just simply to keep himself from having to sit at home with his family and be bored. Paintball is always a fun idea. Maybe someone from their group would pass by and be willing to join in with him. This course was way detailed and they even provided suits. Not that he needed one, but whatever pussy joined him might and it looked like wearing one might be required, because there wasn't a single soul without one on. He leaned on the fence a little, getting a closer look. Would it close down once night was in full bloom, or did they have some high powered outdoor lighting so that you could see what you were doing? That would be really cool. He was getting kind of into watching this, and kicked his board up.
    The skateboard rested against his knee and Ryder pulled his earbuds out. He crammed them into his front jeans pocket and let the cheerful noises of festival goers fill his auditory sensors in the same enjoyable way as music usually did.
  5. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Dennis Baker:
    [---Day 3 (4/5)---March 16th---Location: The Festival---Mood: Let's have fun ---Ooc: N/A]

    They had all finally made it to the inn after that yacht ride. He had ended up walking in on a pretty interesting situation that he couldn't make heads or tails of. In fact the whole situation got really awkward, especially when another person started interrogating both of them. It didn't help when they got to the inn and he ended up being roomed with all three of them. This night was going to be interesting for sure. Not soon after everyone got situated in the inn did they learn that apparently the old atlas was correct. With that confirmed apparently everyone thought it was a good idea to go to a festival or something like that. Really Dennis thought examining some suspicious areas would be more useful but he had to go with the flow. The Festival was bright and blooming and everything was just peachy. He was sort of suspicious of the whole thing but he figured he try to have some fun while he was here.

    "U-umm hey Dennis. S-sorry about all I said on the yacht. I wasn't...thinking right. Umm...would you mind if we walked together to the festival? I'd love to accompany you."

    "Oh no it's fine, really. You were just on edge is all." He tried to reassure her. Granted he hadn't been the best at trying to calm or reassure her beforehand and he was doing probably a crap job now, but he was going to try and at least be happy he was here. "I'd be honored for you to accompany me." He let out a bit of a chuckle and bowed. When he figured they should probably actually go do something."So um, where exactly do you want to go?" He started scratching his head and gave a goofy smile because he wasn't entirely sure about where he wanted to go at all. He didn't go to festivals like this often and as such he didn't really know what would be the best thing to do was. Plus he was trying to make Sasha feel better and figured he should give her the choice of what to do.
  6. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Location: Square {} Mood: Happy/Embarrassed {} OOC: c:
    Sasha smiled as she heard his response. Looked like he wasn't too mad or uncomfortable at her for her sudden outburst. "Thank you Dennis for that. It really made me nervous of how you reacted." Before he could respond, she grabbed his hand and ran along towards the festival. She hasn't been this happy or glad in her life in years. Too happy in fact she ignored his question.
    It wasn't until they reached into the center that she regarded his question. "Hmm...well it is past half the day so we gotta choose some events carefully..." She then realized she was holding his hand the entire time and let go blushing furiously. "Oh! I-I'm sorry Dennis. I just...grabbed on an instinct..."
    She turned away in embarrassment. Stupid Idiot! You just made up with him and look now! She shook her head before turning back to Dennis, still bright. "S-So sorry Dennis. I just...yea..." She looked away, embarrassed and ashamed to say anything to him.
  7. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//fOutfit-|Thoughts: We're going to die...|Place: Festival of Doom|Mood:Apprehensive/annoyed|Music:Labyrinth of Dreams

    This was getting old really fast. She wasn't even being acknowledged at all by either one of them now. She looked to her right and someone caught her eye. There, standing out from the crowd, was Ryder. Her earlier thought of being with him rather than Estelle and Shane tugged at her stomach. He looked lonely... And when she peered closer to where he was at, she saw it was paintball. She smiled, thinking of the memories of playing laser tag. This was different, but Zoey knew how to get rough and dirty.

    Sure, the time that happened on the train still stung, but there was something deep down that told her to try again. Maybe something could happen.

    "Hey, hold my spot for me just in case, will ya? Text me every fifteen minutes if you can you two. I'll be back."

    And with that, she walked over to Ryder. She felt very hesitant, but hey, she didn't know what else to really do. She had a feeling Estelle wanted to shake loose of her anyways. She looked up at him before looking at the paintball field. "Hey Ryder," she greeted without looking at him. She bit her lower lip and folded her arms over her chest. "You wanna try that?" she asked, looking up at him with a small smile. She didn't bring up anything about the train. She wasn't unless he did. And if he wanted to be alone, she would respect that. She just wanted to try to be his friend once more...

    "For a one eyed girl, I have good aim," she claimed, trying to maybe impress Ryder. But in the end, Zoey figured that he would have to see her in action to believe it.
  8. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Dennis Baker:
    [---Day 3 (4/4)---March 16th---Location: The Festival---Mood: Let's have fun/Awkward ---Ooc: N/A]

    He was happy to see that Sasha had been feeling better all around. It was nice that any air of awkwardness between them had been dispelled and he was about to respond to her saying that she was happy that things were cool between them...and then she grabbed him and ran through the festival. He hadn't been expecting it but it didn't really matter. He was laughing all the way as they ran throughout town until they finally stopped in the center.

    "Hmm...well it is past half the day so we gotta choose some events carefully..."

    Oh? He was assuming that she was leading him somewhere specific in mind. Well it was alright. Dennis tried to think of a place to go to when suddenly he noticed that Sasha's face was seriously red. What had happened that had her so red in the face?

    "Oh! I-I'm sorry Dennis. I just...grabbed on an instinct..."

    Eh? That's when his eyes went down and noticed that she was still...holding his hand. Well this was really awkward and made Dennis a tad nervous. His face started blushing as well and then they let go hands. The moment of not awkwardness was there and then it passed them by really fast with this situation.

    "S-So sorry Dennis. I just...yea...

    "O-oh no worries." He let out a nervous chuckle and tried to think of what to say. Did he really just say no worries? Dennis was really mentally kicking himself for not being able to respond to this situation. After all it was just Sasha and they were just hanging out and having a good time. Clearly with this new awkwardness they needed a distraction of some sort to break out. "Um, s-so how about, um... paintball! That's fun right we should totally play paintball. Let's go there." He was still nervously chuckling as he spat out his words in quick succession. This night was so not going well for them.
  9. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DATE⁞ Wednesday, March 16th, 2016 DAY⁞ 03 4/5
    LOCATION⁞ Bentley Square//Paintball INTERACTION⁞ Zoey

    Ryder was still watching the people play paintball and listening to the repetitive sounds of the balls firing out of the guns when someone stopped beside him. He didn't look to see who it was. He could care less to be frank. "Hey Ryder." Oh. It was her. He glanced to the side, seeing Zoey not looking at him.

    "Hey," he replied simply. Ryder turned, leaning his back against the fence and staring off into the throngs of people clustering the streets.

    "You wanna try that?" she asked, looking up at him with a small smile. Her arms were crossed over her chest and he glanced down at her through his dark shades.

    He didn't say anything.

    "For a one eyed girl, I have good aim," she claimed.

    Was this her way of asking him to play with her? He rolled his eyes and pushed off the fence. Ryder began to walk in the direction of the signup table and glanced back at her from over his shoulder. "If you wanna play then you should get over here." There was no indignation in his voice whether he was pleased or annoyed. He had been hoping for a real challenge, not some fifteen-year-old girl. Beggers can't be chooser.

    Ryder got in line and suited up. With the gear on, he was handed a gun and turned towards Zoey. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He wasn't going to hold back, even if she was a girl.

  10. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    There was some silence between them where Dakota fidgeted nervously and stared out over the water, wondering what the name of the city that was past it was. She was still trying to figure out what kind of witchcraft Bentley was pulling with this music when Evan spoke.

    "Hey remember that petting zoo that's here. If we could get some water in like a cup or something than we could probably bring it over there and give it to one of the animals there."

    She had completely forgotten the petting zoo, wow. Not that it would matter.

    "You're pretty good at this investigating thing Dakota."

    Her chest tightened, and she stared at him for a few moments. Heck yes, but 'pretty good' was an understatement. He gave her a thumbs up and she blinked, her fingers twitching as she tried to decide whether or not to return it. Luckily, "Well let's go."

    The kite was put away and they walked back along the dirt path together. Before arriving at the petting zoo, Dakota got a paper cup from one of the stands, and filled it with the water from the fountain - which was presumably the same as the tap water. They traveled to the petting zoo and she wrinkled up her nose at the smell, looking at Evan nervously.

    After a while of just kind of standing about, they crossed over to a goat small goat nibbling hay in the corner. Dakota walked to it's side and sat down on provided stool. She felt a little bad. If the water was poisonous or something ...

    When she was certain no one was apparently watching them, she held the cup out. The goat sniffed a bit and then licked at the rim of the cup. Dakota felt uncomfortable, like she was invading on something and looked away. She had never been so close to an animal before ... Well, not one that wasn't a dog, or a cat.

    The creature lapped at the water noisily and Dakota felt a bit sick, continuing to look away and distract herself with the sight of a little girl bickering with her mother over a balloon.

    Her attention was recaptured when she felt a tugging on her paper cup. Her head whipped back around just in time to catch the goat taking a bite from it.

    "Aah, uh, no," she mumbled, pulling it away before it nipped her fingers or something.

    Evan and her watched quietly for a few seconds, and those seconds turned quickly into minutes ... Nothing was happening. She thought about it. Obviously, it wouldn't happen instantly, but ...

    "Sorry." Maybe it wasn't the water. At least with catching a squirrel or something, they could see the effects of prolonged - uh - drinkage ...
  11. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Location: Square {} Mood: Enthusiastic {} OOC: c:
    Sasha smiled, following him along. She was suggesting something not so actiony and stuff like that, not to mention she wasn't a person who liked to shoot and get shot at (unless it was a video game), but still, she didn't want to say no. If he really wanted it, she would agree.
    "Painball huh? Sounds like fun! It's just gonna be like video games!" She walked close by his side, looking all around them as the festival illuminated in the night. It was already close for the day to end. It kinda made her sad. She wanted to spend just a little more time with Dennis. She really needed some mingle time with people. It was tough getting back into a society when she was cut off from them for years.
    "I'm glad I get to spend time with you Dennis...I never had the chance to hang out with others the past 6 years..." She smiled, shuffling along with him as they made their way to the paintball arena.
  12. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    WEARING DATE 03/16/2016 DAY 03 & 4/5


    Pierce had been angrily petting a goat when a green - eyed family stopped near her. The child, roughly around seven, started to enthusiastically pet a small white rabbit. The little boy picked it up to show his parents and they all looked so happy together. She watched sadly, remembering happier times when her family was whole as well. The goat bit Pierce's hand while she wasn't paying attention and she jerked to back to her chest where she clutched it tightly to her body. She glared angrily at the animal, but it just bleeted at her. It apparently disagreed with the way she had been petting it.

    She glanced back in the direction where she had come, not seeing Sophie or Oliver anymore. They probably went off somewhere together. That only made things worse. She sighed sadly and groped the outside of her bag for the bottle of Brew. It was still there. She needed to do something. She wasn't really sure what she was referring to though. Do something about investigation, or do something about Oliver? One thing at a time maybe?

    Pierce sighed and reached into her bag, pulling out her phone. She would start with Oliver. Hopefully there was still time. She mashed her lips together and crinkled her brow. What was she supposed to say? They hadn't spoke since he left her in the train car. Things were so uncomfortable. She took a step away from the goat to get a better signal. When her bars reached two, which was better than the No Service sign she had been getting before, she opened the conversation and began typing.

    To: Oliver
    Um, are you with Sophie?
    Would you want to join
    me by the animals? If
    you're not busy that is...

    She put her phone back in her bag. She didn't want to see the response. Either Oliver would join her or he wouldn't. She would find out in due time. Pierce returned to the goat, but he had wandered off to another location. She sighed, looking for a new animal. There was an angry looking llama spitting on people and she was wary of it. Working her way carefully around it, Pierce stopped by the little boy that was holding the rabbit. His parents were taking picture of him and she smiled sadly. She picked up a duck with clipped wings, and began to stroke its feathers lightly. The mother knelt down beside her son and Pierce decided she needed to work up the courage to say something.

    Pierce took a deep breath. She was going to talk to someone -- a total stranger at that. She sucked in air and approached the woman, still stroking the duck to help keep herself from panicking. E - excuse me, um, Ma'am. I was wondering i - if I could um, ask you something? The woman lifted her head, redirecting her gaze from her son to Pierce. Brown eyes locked with green and she felt her heart skip a beat.

    Can I help you? the woman asked pleasantly enough.

    Ah, um... You see, I'm k - kinda here on v - vacation, and I was w - wondering if you um ... could tell me a l - little bit about Dr - Dreamer's Candy? All the reviews talk about it b - being highly addi - addicting, but none are fr - from B - Bentley residents ... Stroking the duck did little to help her nerves after all.

    Oh, their candy is the best thing ever! the woman praised. Would you like some?

    Of course. Pierce shouldn't have expected anything else from a Bentley resident. O - oh, that's ... that's nice. N - no thank you. I think we're going there tomorrow. I'll g - get some then. she replied. She was feeling uneasy now.

    How old are you? she asked Pierce. There was something about the look on her face that made her extremely uncomfortable.

    Reluctantly, Pierce told her. She saw no sense in lying. Um... I'll be eighteen ... tomorrow. Why?

    The woman looked a little worried and hastily replied, You're not supposed to be here, the teenagers are down by the lake.

    Huh. Pierce looked around. She hadn't noticed that everyone was adults, small children, or the elderly. It was just like her lack of observation on the green eye front. She bit her lip. What was down by the water and why were all of the teenagers there?

    You should really get down there before anyone sees you. She gave Pierce a light nudge in the direction of the lake. The woman seemed friendly enough, but for some reason was dead set on getting her out of there. What would happen if she stuck around?

    Th - thank you, she told the woman before walking away. Pierce set down the duck and returned to the angry goat that bit her. He was back in the spot where she left him before. It couldn't hurt to check out the lake, but she was kind of scared to go alone. The dark had never been her friend. She decided to pull out her phone after all and see if Oliver replied.
  13. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Evan Allen Walker:
    {~~~Day 3 (4/5)~~~March 16th, 2016, Wednesday~~~Location: Enemy Territory(The Festival)~~~Mood: Excited~~~Music~~~Ooc:~~~}

    The two had made with their plan and eventually got to the petting zoo with a paper cup of water. While it did seem odd to be giving an animal that was meant to interact with little kids some potentially poisonous, green eye making water, the case had to be furthered and they had to eliminate all possibilities. He watched as Dakota stepped up to the goat and gave it the water. After what appeared to be a little tussle between the goat and Dakota she managed to take the cup before the goat ate it. They both watched for a bit before they found that...nothing at all happened. It was a bit disappointing, but hey, that was part of the investigative process.


    "Oh it's fine. I mean I wouldn't have thought of it and it narrowed our possible green eye making culprits down." He gave her another thumbs up for a job well done. Then he started to put on more of a thinking face. It was very unlikely for the town to give birth to, uh, lots of green eyed people...unless green eyed people were all that ever came and lived in this town. What else could do this to them. Maybe it actually was the candy, though that didn't make much sense if other people already ate it. Then again it could be as likely as the water.
    "Well provided prolonged exposure to this water isn't necessary to for your theory then maybe the culprit is the candy after all. Like Torv said it is the locals biggest product they sell or something like that. I mean sure some people did eat it before but maybe it's like, eating it over a long period of time? Though we probably couldn't try it on an animal without it dying and we shouldn't use one of our own as a 'test subject'" He started rubbing his head. He couldn't really think of anything more to do here, at the festival of what could be going on."Sorry for not being good at this detective thing. Really the only place I'll think we'll get info from now is that mysterious third floor of the Candy Store and maybe Patrick." He felt a bit bad about not being able to think of things as well as Dakota was, but he decided to turn it around and maybe just have some fun for the rest of the night. "Well unless an epiphany strikes I'm not sure what else to do so, want to just have fun for the rest of the night? Since I kind of chose kite flying, we can do whatever you want now."
  14. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 0 « OOC: N|A :

    He had been sitting down alone at one of the food stands, partaking in a funnel cake when his phone vibrated. This wouldn't have been anything out of the ordinary, since he had been texting Mary this entire time, but Pierce's text tone was different from the default one. He was always paranoid he'd miss a text of her's and make her think he hated her.

    He was reluctant to look at it, but when he finally did, he snorted.

    He set his phone down. Every time he broke free, she tried to reel him back in. Not intentionally, he was sure that she wasn't a maneater or anything, but ... Ugh, Sophie. And the incident on the train ... Pierce and him weren't mean to be. Not while Sophie was in the picture and not while she was so down on herself and dramatic all of the time. He gazed down at his phone stubbornly and took a bite out of his funnel cake.

    What did that mean? Was something happening? What woman? Why the lake? He lifted his face and scanned the crowds of Bentley locals around them. It didn't seem like anything was weird. Why was she texting HIM? Why not ... He scowled and raked his fingers through his hair. What to do, what to do ... He chewed on his bottom lip until he finally decided to get off of the bench he sat on and throw the rest of his funnel cake away.

    Dammit, Pierce.

    The walk was short and quick and as soon as he saw her, he checked her all over to make sure she looked alright. Where the **** was the lake? Their eyes met and he felt guilty again, averting his.

    Let's just go. He mumbled, taking her hand in his so she wouldn't trail behind and walking further from the petting zoo. He had no idea where he was going until he saw the sign for kite flying standing right before a path. Further out, he could see the glint of light over a water source, and pulled her towards the trail.

    The trail split two ways. One, going up, where the kites were. The second was going down, towards - maybe - the lake.

    Be careful, he warned, parting some tree branches for them both and maneuvering down a steep flight of wooden stairs. The sound of crickets chirped around them and the further they went down, the louder they got. If it weren't for the moon , the faint glow of neon kites in the sky, and a row of dim lanterns it would have been completely dark.


    Inside, he was mess of gooey horrible emotions that made him angry, but on the outside ... Pierce's hand felt warm in his. Dumb, dumb, dumb ...

    They walked on in a comfortable silence before a campfire came into view, around it were several teenagers huddled about and totally engaged as some guy told them something he couldn't quite make out. He slowed down his walk and breathed in slowly, looking at Pierce again.

    You want to go sit, or ...? He asked in a low voice. They weren't in view of the others quite yet and he felt majorly awkward with the situation. He squeezed her hand lightly, knowing that if he was somewhat freaking out, she would probably be, too. It's up to you.
  15. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: Amazed/Nervous (X) Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Square (X) OOC:
    Having Estelle lock arms with him felt weird at first, but he managed to keep up a straight face as they headed towards the Carousal. During which he took a look around the square. While he didn't notice it when they first arrived, it finally struck him that there was something interesting about the people here. As far as he could tell, they all had green eyes. While he didn't know the odds of something like that, he was certain that the odds of an entire town having the same eye color was pretty low.
    "Well, I haven't really been to a festival like this before either. I'm glad I came on this trip... even though it's kind of dangerous... as long as we stick together, we'll be fine won't we?"
    "Yeah, I'm sure we'll be fine." Unfortunately there was no way he could guarantee his own words. After all, they were in a town where only a small handful of them had previous experience with. If only this was a average trip, then there would be nothing to worry about.
    "Looks like we'll have to wait in line for a bit, lucky it's not too long though."
    Shane went ahead and looked ahead at how many people were ahead of them. As she said there weren't too many people ahead of them. Not like this was the longest he'd ever had to wait in line. The lines he was used to got pretty long from time to time.
  16. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» -__- Music Date: 2016 Location » Inn/Park OOC:

    "Yeah, I'm sure we'll be fine."

    Estelle smiled, feeling a bit reassured. "Erg... Shane... do you have any girls you're interested in?" Estelle asked, but just her luck.

    Estelle sighed. So close. So close. "Oh it looks like it's our turn." She said, hoping on the carousel. She liked the ride, it was a lot of fun, but she didn't get an answer of her question. It was getting late... she looked up at the sky, to see the bright stars shining. As soon as the ride was over, she looked around, half waiting for Shane, and half looking to see what everyone else was doing. She sat down on one of the benches. Where was everyone? It seemed like most of them were going on the Ferris wheel. She was starting to get a bad feeling about it. About all the people here. Maybe it was something in the air. Or maybe it was... contacts or something.
    She wondered what he would even say to her question. It was unlike her to do things without thinking. Maybe it was just part of liking someone... not thinking before speaking and letting her heart talk for her. She pulled up her knees to her chest. How could she do something like that? She was going to be embarrassed for sure. He was probably going to tell her he just wanted to be friends. Oh this was bad, this was really bad.
    She suddenly wished Zoey was here to give her advice, but she didn't want to talk about Shane anyway... she would probably just roll her eyes at her again... Oh God what was she going to do. Maybe she would go with one of the groups... what was better? Getting an answer or waiting for one? She didn't know. She didn't want to go ride the death trap either, so maybe she would head back to the Inn soon. But then again she really didn't trust the Inn Keeper either, she didn't want to go by herself. Bah this was so confusing.
  17. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//fOutfit-|Thoughts: We're going to die...|Place: Festival of Doom|Mood:Apprehensive/annoyed|Music:Labyrinth of Dreams

    Zoey was genuinely surprised when Ryder seemed to want her in the tournament. She grinned and began to follow him. Suddenly, she stopped in place at something tugged at her mind. Remembering her purpose, she passed the table and went to Ryder. "Hey, we're suppose to check things out," she said quietly. "I'm going to take a look around. Maybe we can play back at home." She nudged him in the shoulder before smiling at him. "Good luck, see you around."

    Zoey turned with her hands behind her back and strutted off. She figured being alone was the worst thing to do, but no one else seemed to be doing anything. She decided to head over to the candy stands and take a look there. She kept hearing a lot of strange things about the candy. What was so special about it anyways? Besides it being super addictive. She approached a colorful candy stand and took a look at the variety of items. Everything actually looked very good. She really didn't know what to choose- wait a minute, she wasn't actually going to eat it. What was she thinking?

    Zoey looked up to see the woman behind the cart watching her patiently. Zoey smiled at the vender and waved in a friendly manner. "Hi there. Wow, this all looks good. What do you recommend?"

    The lady smiled and chuckled. "I thought you might ask dear. You looked a little confused. The large lollipops last a long time, but if you want to taste something very sweet and light, I recommend this warm cotton candy. It's fresh."

    "Mmm, I'll take that then," Zoey said, fishing in her pocket for some money. She said thank you to the nice vender lady and just held the cotton candy in her hand without taking a bite. "This is a really cool celebration... What are we celebrating again?" Zoey asked casually as she took a look around.

    "Why, we're celebrating the coming of spring dear- oh my..."

    Zoey looked over at the lady, only to discover that the lady was staring closely at her... Not at the eyepatch even, but at her normal eye. The lady's smile faltered a bit but then she pulled away. "You're not from around here are you? I can tell... How old are you?"

    Suddenly, Zoey felt a little nervous. That's right, she had blue eyes. Could they really tell who was outsiders then? Clearing her throat, she decided to cooperate and answer the question. "Sixteen."

    "Oh my, you must head to the lake. All teenagers must go there. You'll get in big trouble if they catch you, dear. You don't want to face serious consequences now.."

    Zoey was stunned. What kind of festival was this? "Um, th-thanks." She took a step back from the stand and had a look around. Sure enough, Zoey could see right away that there were no teenagers around. Just little kids, adults, and old people. Okay, this was officially weird. She whipped out her cellphone after cradling her cotton candy in her arm as she walked, quickly texting the three people who had her number-

    She closed her phone and then hurried up, following the signs that lead to the lake. Why did all the teenagers have to be at the lake? It seemed so... Weird. Nonetheless, she pulled her hoody over her head as she approached the water front. It smelled so clean and crisp down here, but it was kinda hold. She rubbed her hands as she approached what it seemed like a small group of teens and kept her head low, but kept alert. She hoped she knew what she was doing...

    She then noticed two kids from her group. She didn't know their names but she sighed out calmly. Se wasn't alone, good. She approached the group by the fire and took around before sitting down. There was a man at the head of the fire, telling a story or something.
  18. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    Bryan had easily felt the vibe that Julius was giving off about watching his steps. Even if he felt like drawing a few screams out, he did know how to control himself. It was a little insulting that Julius thought otherwise. Then again, if he was Julius, he might doubt himself, too. For the meantime, he would stick to the other's side and observe.

    As far as investigating was going, well . . . It wasn't. That irritated him. Not to mention, people kept offering him candy. Isn't that the most shady fucking thing to do? Being offered candy . . . He wondered why they tried so hard to press it on him, and even wanted to watch him eat it. He decided, whenever they went off to see Patrick ( Bryan wanted to see him soon ) that it was one of the things he would ask about. If he didn't get a deliberate answer . . . Ahh, I should be more patient.

    "Yeah, yeah . . ." he said in reply to Julius, although he really did mean it.

    Tucker began to talk, and Bryan was immediately paying attention. ". . . something was going on in the inn before you guys all came." Right, Tucker had been there before all of them. What sort of going on? Bryan wanted to ask him then and there, hardly being able to contain himself. Maria got to the question before he could, and then Erik suggested that they all find someplace more private to talk, and so Bryan began to scout around a bit.

    When Maria suggested the Ferris Wheel, Bryan looked skeptically at her and it. The high-ride would give them privacy, but at what cost? He had some bad feeling it would jam while they were at the top, or even come off of it's spool and it would roll away, crushing them. Still she made a good argument, and the group naturally started moving towards the ride.

    He briefly wondered where they others were. Julius would completely beat himself up about them suddenly disappearing, or go even more ballistic than Bryan himself would. He wasn't sure if he would stop him, were that the case. He might even join him. A good thrashing every now and then was good for the nerves.

    Eventually, their group of five reached the ride and were welcomed on there. He eyed the carriages suspiciously, but they piled into the car where Maria sat next to Tucker, and then he was wedged between Julius and Erik. Well then. He didn't know if he was annoyed by this, or what.

    Slowly, the Ferris Wheel came to life and Bryan had the strong notion to cling onto something, but he figured it would be weird for him to latch onto both Erik and Julius so he shoved his hands in his pockets and wished for a smoke.

    "Alright Tucker, so what's up?" he prompted, almost grupily.

  19. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    WEARING DATE 03/16/2016 DAY 03 & 4/5


    Pierce hadn't received a reply and was afraid she might have to go to the lake alone. Walking through the dark by herself brought back a lot of horrible memories. She was just getting ready to give up and start walking when a familiar head of blond hair appeared through the crowd. Oliver marched over to her and she felt a flutter in her chest. Let's just go. He mumbled, taking her hand in his. He didn't say hello or ask what her message meant. Oliver pulled her along through the swarms of people. She had no idea where the lake was, but he seemed to be doing a fairly good job at figuring out the way. Her hand tingled from the contact and she couldn't help but smile to herself.

    Oliver stopped them in front of a sign that pointed to two trails. They headed in the direction of the one pointing down and Pierce was really thankful that Oliver came to join her. The trail was rocking and without his help, she would have tripped and been covered in cuts and bruises by the end of the fall. She felt safe with him beside her. They hadn't said anything during their searching, but that was okay. She didn't mind. Be careful, he warned, parting some tree branches for them both and maneuvering down a steep flight of wooden stairs.

    The silence was nice. It gave her time to sort out her thoughts. She kept going over whether or not she should tell him what happened at the petting zoo. Well, there was always once they reached the lake. The walk wasn't too long, but long enough to become a little tiring. Her legs were beginning to burn trying to keep pace with Oliver. He walked incredibly fast. There was a campfire ahead and around it were several teenagers huddled together. They all seemed to be focused on some man in front of them. Pierce squinted her eyes trying to get a better view of the person. Oliver slowed down his walking and looked over at Pierce again. She smiled at him sheepishly. Her gaze shifted back to the person and the group of teenagers and suddenly recollection hit her. She knew that face. Pierce suddenly felt very cold inside.

    You want to go sit, or ...? Oliver asked in a low voice. He squeezed her hand lightly. It's up to you.

    Of course it had to be up to her. It was her idea to come down here after all. Pierce sucked in a sharp intake of air, feeling frigid and uneasy. Oliver, she whispered, That's Patrick. She pointed to the man that all of the teenagers were gathered around. Her eyes met with his. This was a really bad idea, but they might actually learn something. Let's go, she told him. She gave his hand a gentle tug and began to walk over to the fire. Amazingly, she was coming off more confident then she felt. If something was going to happen to them, she wouldn't be able to forgive herself.

    Pierce kept her head low in the off chance that Patrick might recognize her. It had been three years and she wasn't one to stand out in a crowd, not to mention her hair was a lot shorter than it used to be. She should be okay, but if the green eyes were as dead a giveaway as it seemed, that might be an issue. The voices grew louder as they came closer. The smart thing to do would be take a seat beside some of the others. She gave Oliver's hand another squeeze. It was reassuring knowing that there was someone grounding her. Her heart was racing, but not as much as it would be if she had come alone. There was a break in the seats and Pierce sat beside some blond girl. Fire cracked in the pit before them and she was feeling a lot warmer from the heat. Any other time, she wouldn't be so comfortable around Oliver, but she felt the necessity in being as close to him as possible.

    She didn't let go of his hand, and sat nuzzled into his side. Her cheeks burned and her whole body was feeling numb, but it was better than the icy chill that had settled in her when she realized Patrick was leading whatever this group was doing out here. She still kept her head bowed, with her cheek pressed into his arm. Hopefully this wouldn't draw too much attention for them. They just looked like a normal couple, right? What was a normal couple like? She had zero knowledge in that department. Everything was so foreign and now they were in enemy territory. Pierce swallowed nervously. Asking Patrick about the atlases was clearly going to be a bad idea.
  20. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Dakota was honest in saying she didn't really want to do anything, so they ended up grabbing a bite to eat - avoiding places that could have cameras - and discussing other possibilities. It was mostly her stuttering and glaring and him being all kawaii rainbow and crap, but it was nice.

    The fireworks were being set off when they decided to head back to the inn early. They went together, which made her uncomfortable and hyperventilate-y but it felt good to be away from the crowds. Cane wasn't around when they got home, but they were able to get in okay and head to their rooms after a short good night.

    Dakota took some time to tape up everything she hadn't gotten to before before getting dressed in pajamas and curling up on the floor to sleep and stay out of her room mate's way.
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