❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    w e l c o m e,
    xxxxwearing hair music ooc

    Dakota, she wasn't planning on looking at him, but then he took her chin between his fingers and made her. Her breath caught in her throat, and she felt like he was about to trigger some kind of seizure in her. She wanted to move, but she couldn't force herself to. His eyes dug into hers. It's not like I didn't want to be close in school. Even back then, you were an impossible little girl. But it's not like 13-yr-old boys are supposed to like hanging out with 9-yr-old girls that aren't their sister, or even their sister.

    What was he talking about? She had done nothing to pique his interest to begin with. Her lips curved into a frown. She wasn't an extraordinary child or anything, regardless of how much more she attempted to interact back then. He had no reason to want to talk to her.

    It's not like you gave me much of a chance to get close during school, and well... I still wanted to see you after you stopped showing up. She kept him in sight as he shrugged his shoulders and got on his hands and knees to leave. When he dropped her chin, the skin he had left untouched felt ... tingly, and warm still. Some kind of poison, no doubt. She wiped furiously at her skin with her scarf and huffed out. If it's really that much of a bother, I'll just go.


    I do appreciate you coming though.

    He gave her some depressing smile that left her feeling a little guilty, and then left.


    A part of her regretted bringing along a suitcase with how much walking their group seemed to be doing. She trailed behind as usual, occasionally wiping at her chin and internally hyperventilating. Her cheeks filled with warmth, and she was pretty sure her anxiety was giving her a fever. There were so many thoughts going through her head. Fears about Bentley, and then ... Erik.

    By the time they arrived at the Inn, she was panting and clawing at the top of her shirt black every so often. The smell in here ... it was ... what was this? It was nauseating. She felt like she was going to faint. Her eyes darted nervously from the violent woman 'welcoming' them, and what she assumed to be the bathroom. Her stomach continued it's backflips and her knees felt weak.


    That was really unnecessary, and it's not like we're freeloading this time. We have money to pay for rooms, which means that everyone deserves the same hospitality you would share with any other guests you acquire. Unless this is how you treat your guests.

    Dakota's shoulders tensed and she breathed out heavily, dragging her suitcase to a chair nestled in the corner of the lobby and plopping down. She felt like she was deep underwater, with only a second or two every few minutes to attempt to catch her breath.

    What was Erik doing? Oh, Hell.

    We would have paid last time too, but Grant insisted. We need four more rooms aside from the one Tucker already got. Double beds. Can you do that without pelting any more kids with office projectiles?

    We don't mean to be impolite! Eyepatch-girl clocked in. Zoey was her name. Thank the Gods for Zoey.

    Dakota lifted her eyes and had to put her head back down. This smell ... She was having a hard time processing it along with everything else. From what she could tell, the woman looked a bit irritated - but no more than she had when she had first greeted them.

    ... Oh? You think I treat 'em any differently? This is my inn, boy, I'll treat you how I'd like! Silly me, thinkin' it was hos-pit-al-ity enough lettin' you stay at the only inn in toon. Ugh, what accent was this? Dakota felt nervous again.

    There was a small clapping sound and she peeked up just in time to see the woman's slender hands pushing Erik's cheeks together, making him look like a fish. She would have laughed at the sheer ridiculousness of it if she weren't so sick

    The woman pulled away from him with a fox-like smile and sat back down on her seat with crossed legs, as if it were throne. She sighed, and bent over - pulling out a box of room keys and slamming it down onto the table.

    I'd make you sleep outside if I really had no decency ... at least one of you has some respect, she muttered, presumably about Zoey. Respect, yeah, hah ...

    Once keys were shelled out and rooms were checked into, the group kind of huddled about again. More pairing ... ugh. They had to decide who slept where.

  2. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
  3. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    w e l c o m e,
    xxxxwearing hair music ooc

    As soon as they were partnered up, Dakota maneuvered passed some of the kids and took the key to her room. It wasn't long before she was climbing the staircase to the second floor. They had really lucked out ... So empty. If it had been a holiday, maybe the rooms would have been booked up and they wouldn't be able to fit somewhat comfortably.

    The key was pressed into the lock and twisted, and as soon as she pushed the door open, she was assaulted by the scent of peppermint and coffee and a flood of uncomfortable warmth coming from ... candles? There were no electrically powered lights. She gagged and dropped the handle of her suitcase, along with her bag, running quickly to the bathroom and kneeling before the toilet. There wasn't even any time to check for a camera.


    It took awhile for her to finally crawl out of the bathroom and when she did, she overheard talk of them going to a festival. That sounded like a horrible idea. All she wanted to do was sleep. There were no chairs in this room, so she would likely end up sleeping on the floor or something else uncomfortable - but maybe if they left her behind, she would have a chance to get some real rest before they were back and she moved.

    That wouldn't happen though. She didn't trust this place, with it's bright colors and disgusting smells. If she were left alone and something were to happen ... Ugh.

    Finally, she returned to the bathroom, this time to change clothes and her hair. When she was done she picked up her bag and left the room, trying to escape before OCD completely took over and she went on another duct tape spree.

    It was dark outside when she stepped out of the room. She stood in the lobby, waiting for the others. They would leave here via the trolley and arrive shortly in Bentley Square, where the festival was being held. She wondered if they would stand out ...

    While she waited, she decided to approach Cane in an attempt to ask her about the atlas. It didn't go over too well at first. There was a lot of stuttering and 'ugh's, and of course sassy remarks from Cane that made Dakota want to cry - and slit her throat with her scissors all at the same time. Luckily, the guy she couldn't remember [ Evan ] approached her and helped out a bit and they were able to get through the question - Why WERE the atlases different?

    Cane stared at them with an odd expression at first, and then she clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth, shifting in her chair and muttering something about having known they 'weren't just visiting'. Her voice was low when she said it, but she told them that the old atlas was accurate, but that they wouldn't be able to get anywhere without Patrick. By the end of the conversation, she had slipped them his address and phone number. They asked for a bit more information, but she only snapped at them to 'bug off', saying something about being busy.


    The rest eventually arrived in the lobby and they were off to the festival! There didn't seem to be a reason for it, other than it being Spring, which was nice - she guessed. It was the strangest thing, though. As talkative as the trolley guy - Carman - was, there was literally NO ONE on the streets around town. No cars, either. It was completely empty.

    That was, until they arrived at Bentley Square. Children, adults, elders all gathered around, flooding the colorful streets with cheerful banter and friendly conversation. There seemed to be a lot of things to do.

    • a giant carousel
    • a japanese garden
    • a puppet theater
    • a stage set up for performances and a talent show
    • arts and crafts - pottery and jewelry making
    • various food and candy stands
    • a paintball tournament
    • night kite flying
    • face painting
    • sparklers, clothes and trinkets for sale
    • a haunted house
    • bumper cars
    • a petting zoo
    • a ferris wheel
    • fireworks being prepped for later

    There were so many people, she was terrified. She wanted to go back, everything was way too lively for her! Though, it all seemed ... normal ... the weirdest thing about it was that ... Everyone seemed to have green eyes.

  4. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    Bryan had openly flinched when Maria clumsily walked into his back, and he almost spun around to grip her shoulders tightly and glare at her, but he was still too taken aback by Tucker being around to make much of a move. A familiar accented voice dragged him away from his thoughts.

    "Welcome back, freeloaders." Ahh, it was that lady from the last time. Seeing her was somehow refreshing and he remembered being fond of her the last time around, even if her attitude had been a less than grand. "I see some new faces . . . and notice a few missing ones." Her expression seemed different, somehow. Normally, Bryan thought Cane was all hostilities, but she almost seemed . . . worried?, or something, and that bothered him.

    "WELL? What're you waitin' on? I've better things to do if yer just going to stand around!" Cane then proceeded to chuck a pen at Shane, hitting him square on the forehead, and then Bryan violently choked back a laugh, quickly moving to the side to cough into his fist. After calming down, he looked over his shoulder and saw Zoey moving closer to Julius; his eyes narrowed.

    Erik handled the pen-throwing situation better than he did by actually checking on Shane, and then explaining their position defiantly to Cane, causing Bryan to roll his eyes. Still, at least he had set up their rooms.

    "We didn't mean to be impolite!" Bryan turned a sharp and piercing look on Zoey, wishing she would shut up.

    Tucker cleared his throat and Bryan looked his way, "I got a double bed room thing uh, I don't mind sharing if you guys need it." He thought about it; honestly, he wouldn't mind sharing a room with Tucker, but it was convenient and safer to be with Julius. The thoughts left him feeling annoyingly conflicted.

    Cane was squeezing Erik's cheeks and making him look like a fish, and Bryan burst out into a bit of a laughing fit, trying not to be too obvious as he bent over the counter, half-dying with coughs. Ahh, this was really too much for him. He wondered if Noëlle had liked her, too. After the little episode, she brought out a box of what was probably room keys and slammed it on the table.

    "I'd make you sleep outside if I really had no decency . . . at least one of you has some respect,"

    Then they had to start grouping off, two to a room this time around. He glanced at the others, and then at Julius. He was the obvious choice to share a room with; no one else was really alright with Bryan. He grabbed one of the keys and showed it to Julius, "I guess we're roommates," he murmured, not really leaving much room for argument. Since there were rooms of four, again, he looked to Maria and Erik for their compliance.

    With that settled, Bryan set off in the direction of the room and once there, set his things down by the bed and headed for the restroom. He padded his pockets for his knife and then brought it out, flicking it open. He set it down on the sink and then removing his shirt, he gazed at his torso . . . which may or may not have been carved by a god's hands ( herka ).

    The infirmary would be a good place to start, he thought to himself. I wonder if they would talk any about the candy. If the candy was 'famous', then the residents of Bentley would have comments on it, right? He brought up the butterfly knife against his tanned skin, but then blinked. He should probably wait.
    Since they had all arrived, not much information had been gathered, but Cane, bless her, had directed them to Patrick, who, for some reason, Bryan thought would be a good person to see for questions, since his wife was down for the count. He had a feeling her death had something to do with the shadiness of Bentley.

    Meanwhile, for some reason, they had decided a festival sounded like a good idea. News flash, it wasn't They weren't in this godforsaken place to have fun — was that even possible here? He couldn't help but feel like some crazy shit was going to go down there. Jesus Christ, this life.

    Still, the colorful streets and bright conversation was . . . almost nice. Mostly discouraging and a little unnerving, but kind of nice. Bright-faced children and adults were all around, engaging one and other with smiles that Bryan faltered at. It reminded him of the fact that he hadn't genuinely smiled in what felt like a long time . . . Noëlle might have liked this, he decided. The thought made him want to pull to the side and have a smoke.

    Huh, they all have green eyes. he thought to himself after they all walked around for a little while. He had been trying to find brown or blue, but it was without success and Bryan wondered what the deal was, poking at his own cheek near his eyes. Were they all inbred? Hahaha, if he had been actually born in Bentley — what a laugh!

    "I wonder what the festival is for," he asked aloud. Maybe they're celebrating a successful genocide or sacrifice.

    With his hands in his pockets, finding comfort in his knife, he walked over to a stand with a puppet show happening that a group of children were excitedly gathered around. Green eyes, the lot of them. Weird. He watched the show, feeling a little nostalgia at the sight. When he and Noëlle were little, their parents had taken them to see a large-scale one . . .

  5. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» WOWOWOWOWOWOW Music Date: 2016 Location » Inn/Park OOC:

    As soon as they were partnered up, Estelle realized that she was with Shane.... also Zoey and Dennis but with Shane.... In the same room. She felt overjoyed and at the same time a bit sick. But she was going to be so much fun. She walked into her room, and put her stuff down at the end of one of her beds. Estelle got changed and then headed back out of the room. She heard that the group was going to go to some kind of festival.
    'Prefect!' Estelle thought. 'Shane and I can hang out during the festival! And then I'll confess my feelings for him!' Estelle smiled, going back into the lobby. She smiled as she saw Dakota and Evan down in the lobby and waited for the others. Soon they were off to the festival. Estelle stayed close to Shane, and also kept an eye on Zoey. As soon as they arrived in the town square, Estelle looked around in awe. She looked up... the Ferris wheel. That was prefect! Although she glanced at the stage for the talent show... she looked away, remembering her mission. She sent a text to Zoey.
    To: Zoey
    From: Estelle
    Omg this is prefect, Shane and I can hang out and maybe I'll be able to tell him how I feel.
    Estelle smiled over at Shane and went to stand by him. "Hey Shane... Erg... would you like to walk around the festival grounds with me?" Estelle asked shyly. "I was thinking, maybe we could go on the Ferris wheel." She said smiling. She knew that they were on a murder mission, but it was ok to have a little fun right? At least she thought so. She had been thinking about telling someone what she had found in the book, but maybe she would talk about it with Zoey later. It was sort of awesome that they came on festival night after all, she might as well enjoy it. Everyone looked so nice, smiling and sweet. And all had beautiful green eyes. All of them... or at least the ones she saw... Had green eyes... she wondered about it, but then remembered her own mission. "So, how about it, Shane?" She giggled shyly.
  6. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Evan Allen Walker:
    {~~~Day 3 (3/5)~~~March 16th, 2016, Wednesday~~~Location: Enemy Territory(The Festival)~~~Mood: It's a party!(and sleuthy)~~~Music~~~Ooc: sorry no rainbow~~~}

    They had arrived at the inn basically flying blind. Sure they had gotten some info on how things were 3 years ago and were able to pull some info from the library, but other than that they were going in dark. Regardless the gang all stepped off the Mystery Machine boat and went into the inn, the place they'd be staying for the nice. They were greeted by a less than friendly receptionist, (who had a good throwing arm on her,) and eventually got all their rooms. Evan was a part of the same group that he was in back at Whittlerose. And that had been hella fun so he was totally looking forward to spending the night with each and everyone of them. After throwing his stuff in his room he decided he'd try and gain some info. Apparently there had been a festival that was coming up on them and they all figured to go there. Before that though, Evan decided to figure out something that had been bugging him. That conspiracy gal, Dakota, had brought up a good point about the two atlases being different and he wanted nothing more than to figure out what the conspiracy was. He decided to ask the belligerent receptionist and was directed to speak with Patrick if they wanted to get to any of those old atlas areas. However that was all the info she was willing to give and with that they went off to go to have some festival fun.

    The Festival looked fantastically fun. There was all kinds of exciting things to do around the place, and given any other circumstance he might've enjoyed it to his heart's content. But he was in town of many conspiracies, Bentley. And he had to be ever vigilant to make sure he didn't fall into some trap...though that didn't mean he wouldn't try to have some fun while he could. Granted it'd look weird to have some festival fun without someone else as festival fun partner. He decided to rectify this immediately and the first person his eyes told him to pick for said partner was none other than his perfectly sane, calm, and rational acquaintance...Dakota. He also felt like this would be a good time to check up on her, seeing as he had no idea how she was feeling after Erik took over on the boat. He walked over to her and went, "hey Dakota. You feeling better now? If so want to hang out and do some festival fun activities with me?" However he soon then added in a quieter tone, "and maybe try to see what's up with all these people? I don't really know why, but this place seems too suspicious to be this normal." He was not entirely sure what was with the whole vibe he was getting here from the fair, but his suspicions were nagging away at him. This festival thing seemed like it was all part of one big cover up or probably have some weird cultish undertones to it.
  7. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    ♡ ~ ✖ ~ ♡

    Bentley was just as sickeningly sweet as she remembered. This was the scent and scene that haunted some of her worst nightmares over the last two years. Fortunately, she had Lucas with her this time around, and was able to be aware. Another plus was that she was rooming with Pierce, which she had over Oliver, even if she thought he might have felt so strong about the other girl. That thought was a hinderance because she may have been overexerting herself, adhering to the thought that he might have to physically remove him from the picture — or something to that effect.

    Even though she had told Pierce that she would explain what the girl had seen in the train car, Sophie wasn't so sure she wanted to anymore. Even if it did complicate things between the two of them, it went even more far into the small, almost nonexistent relationship between Pierce and Oliver, which was pleasing.

    It seemed like they had been walking so much today, but Sophie didn't feel so bad about it because she had a lengthy and surprisingly relaxing nap on the yacht; it was probably only because Lucas had been playing with her hair and loosened her up. She was still tired from all the pain, but it was better now that the wounds and cuts were a few days old. Still, as soon as they came back home ( if they ever came back home ), Sophie knew to be prepared for more.

    This festival sounds extremely risky. she murmured to Lucas as they stood among the crowd of people. Everyone around them seemed so chatty and bright, and while Sophie enjoyed the vivid colors and the sounds of children being delighted, there was a part of her that was completely nervous and on guard.

    Nico, Lucas began, pulling her aside, and then he bent over to whisper in her ear, We stand out.

    Sophie was slightly confused by this. I suppose I see what you mean. Elaborate?

    Your eyes, they're different from the native residents'. Most of them, anyway. They may act . . . different towards anyone they think or know is different. You should be careful. He motioned to her bag.

    With this statement, Sophie did a quick sweep of the area and looked from eye to eye. How odd; everyone around them had green eyes. She had to admit that it was a pretty eye color, but that was awfully suspicious, and she narrowed her own, pale eyes. If she wanted to, she could pass for blind, but playing that ploy the entire night sounded unpleasant and tiring, and Lucas would have to chaperon her everywhere.

    From her bag, she pulled out a pair of sunglasses and subtly slipped them on, reminding herself to only take them off when there weren't many natives around. She looked up at Lucas and he nodded; she felt a little exasperated that he was having her do this, but as long as she had him watching over her, he wouldn't waver. What a good little puppy he was. At least the sun was still up, although it was close to setting over the horizon beautifully; they wouldn't look out of place.

    Somehow, she found herself in between a distant Oliver and Pierce, and then looked at the both of them, inspecting the situation. She could take either where she wanted to go, even if he might not comply. This is nice, she said with a volume that both could hear, What do you think? Although the question was actually directed at both of them, she wondered if they would become confused.

  8. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Julius did not want to get out of the inn...

    Had he had the choice, had it only been a luxury he could have then he would have stayed in the inn as the others went about and gallivanted around carelessly. A festive brought Julius great displeasure and it was not because of any danger or any sort of disaster. A festival brought thought that he did not wish to think and it pained him to even think of them. Even though he hated the thought, he had to go with the others and he had to make sure things didn't go wrong.

    Festivals were things that were meant to bring smiles to other faces, but Julius, who had trouble genuinely smiling, could not enjoy such an event. It reminded him of why they were hear and it reminded him of the two people he would have loved to bring to such an event. Back then there were times where he thought maybe taking out his class on a field trip to a festival would have been a great reward, that they would have lots of fun and be happy. He was sure Noelle and Jonathan would have had a blast...but how could he ever take them to one now? did he truly miss such a chance?

    With a sigh Julius soon found himself out of the inn and along with Bryan he walked along to the festival. At the moment Julius truly hoped that this trip actually had some purpose other than to merely have fun otherwise if something unexpected would occur then there really wasn't anybody to blame. For now they had to blend into the crowd to the best of their ability and hope nothing goes wrong.

    "Lets keep close...with this amount of people it may be easy for one of us to be whisked away without the others knowing it..." Julius said quietly over to Bryan as they walked on. Even in this crowd, Julius merely hoped that Bryan didn't do anything rash otherwise all sorts of problems would arise.
  9. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Location: Shop {} Mood: Guilty/Down {} OOC: :<
    Sasha was down. A lot after she made they stupid comment. She had a bad habit of blurting things on her mind. That was not a good time. it just made her look really bad and make Dennis feel uncomfortable too. She wanted to hit herself, but didn't. She stayed silent on the rest of the ride towards their new destination, hoping she could keep herself in check this time. Dumbass...
    At their destination, she followed them in silently, feeling down still, not even reacting to the new location of where they'll be sleeping at and even the partner changes. Perhaps it would be best if she didn't speak to Dennis for a bit...maybe...or not...it hurt her head, and more it hurt her heart.
    After getting situated, she was examining her new roomates. Only one was from her old group and they all were foreign to her. Hopefully it stays like that. The news of the festival perked her ears up. Perhaps it could be a good time to make up with Dennis and make things right between them?
    She located Dennis in the lobby and cleared her throat. "U-umm hey Dennis. S-sorry about all I said on the yacht. I wasn't...thinking right. Umm...would you mind if we walked together to the festival? I'd love to accompany you."
  10. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//fOutfit-|Thoughts: We're going to die...|Place: Amon a boat----> Bentley|Mood:Apprehensive|Music:Come, Little Childrenx| Day: 3/5 ]

    It didn't take long for Zoey to put all her stuff in her room that she was sharing with Estelle, someone else she already forgot, and Shane. Oh boy, this was gonna be very awkward... Zoey was nervous about being in Bentley she couldn't turn back now from this. She was already here. What was going to happen would happen, and she would have to work her way through this with everyone else. They got some valuable information from the inn keeper, but it looks like they have to look into it further later after the festival that was going on.

    As they walked into the festival grounds, Zoey was stunned by on the colors and magic that seemed to be happening all around them. There seem like so many activities to do, but Zoey wasn't in the mood to do any of them. She wanted closure on what happened to her friends and peers. 'All in good time,' she thought to herself.

    The girl felt her pocket buzz and quickly pulled out her cell phone, seeing she got text from Estelle. Raising an eyebrow, she opened the phone to see the most stupidest text message ever. Furiously, she replied back.
    Before Shane could say anything to Estelle, Zoey came up to them and placed a hand on both of their shoulders. "How about we all do something else as a group?" She raised her eyebrows as she smiled nervously, looking over at Estelle. 'Check your phone,' she mouthed to her before looking over at Shane. Seeing that she made her point, she patted both of them on the shoulder before taking a look around at the crowd. Every single person she saw seemed to have green eyes. How rather... Odd. "Yeah, we should totally stick together. What do you guys want to do besides the fairis wheel? And we are so still not going to the haunted house..." She hated to be a stick in the mud, but she wanted to be safe and keep her friends safe as well. And both the haunted house and the Ferris wheel seemed like a death trap.
  11. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    WEARING DATE 03/16/2016 DAY 03 & 3/5


    It didn't take long for them to figure out rooms once they received their keys. Pierce was with Sophie -- this would be the first real interaction she had with her friend since before arriving at the Park 'N' Ride --, that strange Dakota girl, and Sasha -- whom she shared a bed with the night before. Everyone was pleased to get their keys and most seemed to be happy with their sleeping arrangements. She stood near the entrance for a long time, waiting for everyone to vacate the lobby. It had taken much longer than she anticipated. Pierce thought they would never leave. After a bit of antsy back and forth bobbing, she made her way up to the desk and a crabby looking Cane.

    Pierce sucked in a deep breath. Talking to this woman would be no easier in person than it was on the phone. She needed to get everything out quickly before the woman would have an opportunity to snap on her, saying how she needed to spit it out and that she was a busy person with no time to waste; or something like that. Pierce brushed the hair out of her face and her lips split apart. Ah, um... Cane? M - my name is P - Pierce. I uh... I called you, about the ah, package? She took a deep breath. Is it um... in, yet? There was a silence that seemed to stretch on forever. Something odd crossed Cane's face and Pierce couldn't quite distinguish what exactly it was. After a moment she replied and pulled out the box from under the desk. Pierce gave her a hasty thank you before rushing up the stairs.

    As she inspected the box on her way down the hall, it looked strange, like it had already been opened. That couldn't be. Why would anyone open it? That was a federal offense. Opening someone's mail was a felony. She shook it off and quickly tore the packaging off until all that was left was the familiar heart - shaped bottle. It was exactly as she remembered. Pierce couldn't help but wonder just what happened to her original one. Who had stolen it? Where had it ended up? She shoved everything in her suitcase before entering the guestroom that she would be sharing with her best friend and two others. Pierce didn't want to draw attention to it. She hoped none of them knew what it was if they stumbled across it.


    They had been informed of a festival going on in town and that gave her an idea. It was the perfect opportunity. Was she really going to do it so soon? The sooner the better, right? This was really wrong. Maybe she wouldn't need it? If she asked Oliver to hang out with her -- presuming that he did in fact hang out with her while there -- and things went well on their own, then she wouldn't use it. But, if things were just as terrible as usual and it seemed like there really was something going on with him and Sophie, then she would use it. However, she couldn't neglect her friend as well. This all felt so weird. These thoughts shouldn't even matter right now. They were in Bentley and could all potentially die because these people are weird and this town is strange and it reminds her of, Invasion of the Pod People. It was just so sketchy.

    Pierce talked to Sophie for a little bit, waiting patiently for Dakota to come out of the bathroom. It seemed like forever before she finally did. She would spend some time with Sophie and then move onto Oliver. But first, she needed to freshen up. Wow. This felt weird. Pierce had never really cared how she looked -- people made fun of her regardless. Now, she felt the strong desire to look her best, not that her best was very good to begin with. She had to try. When Dakota finally made her way out of the bathroom, for however brief a time it was, Pierce used the opportunity to clean up. She worked quickly. Unfortunately, she didn't really have anything much nicer to wear. All her clothes were of the same quality. She hadn't really expected to be going to a festival in Bentley.

    There were a lot of jeans packed in the event that they got dirty. If they were supposed to be scouring Bentley for clues, that meant being outside and getting down to the nitty - gritty. Once she was out of the bathroom, it seemed like Dakota had fled right back into it. She must be even more antisocial then Pierce. At least Pierce attempted to talk to people, sometimes. Dakota seemed to only ever want to be invisible and lurk in the shadows. Maybe she was a ninja or something. While Dakota was changing or whatever it was she was doing, Sasha and Sophie headed downstairs to meet up with the others. Pierce informed Sophie that she would be down in a minute. She didn't want anyone to see her pull the Brew out of her suitcase.

    Pierce tossed a small bag over her shoulder. There was a pair of jeans and sneakers -- just in case -- inside, along with her money, the Brew, her cell phone, and her driver's license. If something happened to her -- God forbid -- she didn't want to be unidentified. With everything in place, she joined the others downstairs. Dakota came down some time after that. She and Evan approached Cane about the strange atlases. That was a good idea, although they didn't learn much. She did confirm that the old one was the correct of the two and gave them Patrick Grant's information for contacting him later. That was much appreciated, but she doubted the usefulness of it. Grant seemed to be practically running this town when they were here three years ago. He had informed them all that they would not need to pay for anything during their stay. That was suspicious enough as is, but all the owners easily complied with his request to let them be assisted for free. There were just too many things that didn't add up.


    The trolley ride had been just as Pierce remembered it. It even had the same conductor -- Carman. He didn't offer to take them to Dreamer's this time for free candy and that made the tension in her chest ease just a little bit. She sat alone on the trolley. Sophie was with Lucas so that option was out. She found herself searching the rows of seats until her eyes rested on the back of Oliver's head, before turning her attention out the window. There was a fluttering in her chest and she bit down on her lip.

    When they arrived at Bentley Square, she had been surprised to see just how all out the town went on this festival. Pierce had subconsciously found herself standing near Oliver, but with a few feet between them. Sophie and Lucas were there too. She hadn't really been paying much attention to anyone of them. She was too busy absorbing the surroundings. Everything was so creatively decorated and glowing with light. There was a pleasant ambiance to it. It wasn't until she glanced over to see Sophie putting on a pair of sunglasses that she realized something was amiss. As she glanced around, Pierce noticed something a bit strange. How had she not noticed it three years ago? Everyone, and she did mean everyone, seemed to have green eyes. True, green eyes were a rather common one, but not this common. The only ones that seemed to not have green eyes were them, well, some of them. The others had green ones as well. She even remembered seeing Cane with green eyes. It made her feel a little more on edge and self conscious. It was like their eyes would be a dead giveaway that they weren't from here at all. She wanted a pair of sunglasses now too. Maybe there would be a stand somewhere.

    It was starting to feel like a bad idea coming here already, but maybe they could learn something. It was like the whole town showed up. There was bound to be someone that spilled a little more then they should if they asked the right way, unfortunately, Pierce wasn't the best at talking to people. She couldn't even charm up a conversation at concession stands, and that would probably be the easiest way to strike up a talk.

    When she looked around again, she was surprised to see Sophie occupying the space between Oliver and herself. When did that happen? She pursed her lips and turned away. Something was definitely up. She was having a hard time focusing. The right thing to be doing was investigating, but she really wanted to put a stop to this whole Sophie - Oliver situation before it progressed any further. It was making her feel insane. She had never felt like this about anything or anyone before. She didn't want to hurt her friend, she just didn't want her in the middle of things.

    This is nice, Sophie commented, What do you think?

    Pierce shifted her chocolate brown - eyed gaze to her friend and nodded before looking away again. It's nice, she said flatly. There was just no way she would enjoy the festival like this, and maybe that was a good thing. If she wasn't having a good time, then she could at least focus all of her attention on the real matter at hand. When had she started to become so boy crazy? It wasn't even boy crazy per se, just Oliver and Sophie crazy. The both of them drove her completely bonkers. She sighed. There was a petting zoo nearby and Pierce glanced back at the two of them with a beaten expression on her face before starting to walk in the direction of it. I'm going to the petting zoo, she told them. She needed some time to think. Hopefully the cute animals would help with that.

  12. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: Amazed/Nervous (X) Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Inn --> Square (X) OOC: Take 2
    After finding out who he was going to be partnered off with, he begun having some mixed feeling. Having Estelle in the room would make things awkward if the wrong thing was said or if something slipped out. That much he could survive, however the addition to Zoey as well made it a bit more complicated. He already had to deal with his own feelings, but now there were other ones added to the mix. That only made his situation problematic. Granted, he couldn't just stand there and worry about that. Instead he went to put on a change of clothes. Aside from a different shirt and jeans, he also put on a light jacket.
    Upon re-grouping with the others, he heard that they would be heading to the Festival in the Town Square. quite interested in the festival, he welcome the news with open arms. Not exactly overly excited one, but more like curious one. When they arrived at the Square, he was pleasantly surprised by what he say. Aside from the expected thing you'd see at a festival, there were some things that he defiantly wasn't expecting. Though he eagerness to try something was put on hold.
    "Hey Shane... Erg... would you like to walk around the festival grounds with me? I was thinking, maybe we could go on the Ferris wheel."
    Okay, based off what he's seen on TV shows and movies that had a Ferris Wheel, he could take a good guess at what Estelle wanted to do on it. no doubt it was about the new that Zoey had told him. After all a Ferris Wheel was a potentially romantic place. When it's not used in a horror movie that it.
    "How about we all do something else as a group?"
    "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." He added in. On the inside he was feeling quite grateful to Zoey for getting him out of that situation before he was put in a awkward situation. Even with the knowledge of about Estelle feelings for him that he knew about, there wasn't much that he could do until he figured out how he felt about her.
  13. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    w e l c o m e,
    xxxxwearing hair music ooc

    Why did everyone have green eyes? Her head reeled with possibilities, and they all turned up as red flags. Something wasn't right here. She felt sick again, and pulled her hair further into her face, wanting to hide away behind all of it. Once off of the trolley she just sort of stood around, clutching her bag to her chest and doing deep breathing exercises. Oddly, it didn't smell as ... strongly here. She gazed around for some kind of street camera as well, and found nothing - which made her more nervous because the eyes that were inevitably watching were hidden.

    Speaking of eyes ...

    Dakota stepped timidly away from whoever else remained in their group, and looked around for some kind of accessory vendor. With her hair draped over her face like the grudge girl she was able to successfully purchase a pair of sunglasses to hide her eyes. They'd look silly come nighttime but ... maybe by then she would find a way to part her hair so her eyes were hidden. She regretted the rare trim of her bangs she had gotten recently.

    hey Dakota. You feeling better now? If so want to hang out and do some festival fun activities with me?

    Slowly, she turned around. The voice was too different to be Erik's. It was ... that one guy. It was driving her crazy, not knowing his name. She took a deep breath, hoping she would melt away and become invisible - like a ghost. Her fingertips slid over her arms, trying to calm the risen goosebumps. What kind of thing was he asking her so directly?! What was this? Some kind of trick? Her eyes dug into his. Before she punched him the face and ran for it, he spoke again.

    and maybe try to see what's up with all these people? I don't really know why, but this place seems too suspicious to be this normal.

    ... Oh? He wanted to ... investigate suspicions? She felt feverish again, and picked nervously at the hem of her dress. The drumming of her heart echoed into her ears and she started to breathe deeply again, mind reeling. So silly ... Like he would be asking her to spend tonight like a date or something, that would have been absolutely, horrifyingly terrible.

    S-Su ... uh ... sure, yeah, okay.[​IMG]

    She answered finally, with a good amount of hesitation. He couldn't see her eyes from behind the glasses, but she kept looking at him - and then away - wondering if he was wearing eye contacts. The color of his eyes ... Was he a mutant? A government experiment gone wrong - desperate to get to the heart of all conspiracies to find out who he truly was? Her heart fluttered.

    Probably not.

    Life was full of disappointments.


  14. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 0 « OOC: N|A :

    This is nice ... What do you think?

    Oliver looked up from the screen of his cell phone. Sophie. He peered passed her, noticing Pierce had yet to walk off. They had been standing pretty close before, and he was trying to work up the courage to ask her if she had been alright - despite a world of other, much more important things he should have been focused on. Things that also did not involve texting Mary.

    It's nice, Pierce answered before he got a chance to. He looked at her, and then narrowed his eyes at Sophie with an exasperated sigh. I'm going to the petting zoo.

    And she was off.

    Maybe he would have stopped her if Sophie wasn't right between them. He watched her, and then turned his attention back to his phone without looking up again.

    What are you doing? He muttered. It was directed towards Sophie but he didn't really care if she caught it. She was annoying. He wanted her to make up her mind and quit messing with him. He didn't want anything to do with her and Pierce's 'thing', and if she wanted the stuttering beauty to herself, he wasn't getting in the way of that. He took a step back, shoving his phone into his pocket. He had yet to eat.

    For a second, his eyes lingered on Pierce's form, and he hoped she'd be okay ... then he turned around and walked off in the opposite direction, leaving Sophie to do whatever. Hopefully leave him alone.

  15. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» -__- Music Date: 2016 Location » Inn/Park OOC:
    Estelle heard a voice and looked behind Shane.

    "How about we all do something else as a group?" She raised her eyebrows as she smiled nervously.

    'WHAT THE HELL ZOEY!?' Estelle facedesked mentally. She checked her phone. 'I guess she's right....' Estelle thought. 'But-" She was cut off by Shane

    "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea."

    'What do you mean it sounds like a good idea!? You didn't want to be alone with me!?" Estelle turned around so she was able to facepalm. 'How could he say that it's been taken the totally wrong way.' She turned back around and composed herself.

    "Yeah, we should totally stick together. What do you guys want to do besides the fairis wheel? And we are
    so still not going to the haunted house..."

    "Zoey that sounds like a wonderful idea." She said, keeping the best non-fake smile she could. "Hmmm ya I didn't think of the Haunted House... how about the Carousel? Or the talent show...." She wondered. She hadn't bought her violin with her, but she did have her singing voice. Even though she was sort of shy, maybe she could impress Shane. She knew Zoey said it wasn't the time for all of this... but she really didn't care. She would just need to get him alone, without leaving Zoey too far behind. She felt like her date was being watched over by a parent. Zoey was younger then her for crying out loud. She wasn't the most mature person in the world... but still.

    "How about you Shane? Do you have anything in mind that you would like to do?" Estelle asked sweetly, being able to have a real smile on her face. 'I swear once we get back to the hotel Zoey is going to get an ear full from me.' Estelle thought to herself. She could've have just sent her the text and trusted her to be more careful? "I wouldn't trust you either." She could've sworn she heard Vega say. Maybe Zoey couldn't but that wasn't the point. She looked back over at the 2, half of her blazing with anger and the other filled with romance...
  16. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//fOutfit-|Thoughts: We're going to die...|Place: Festival of Doom|Mood:Apprehensive/annoyed|Music:Labyrinth of Dreams

    Zoey felt a twinge of relief when Shane agreed with her. But that relief melted into frustration when Estelle spoke up. What was her friend even thinking? It was like she wasn't thinking at all, just acting on impulse. Sure she was younger than Estelle, but Zoey figured that she would know better and act more maturely than this. It felt like she was a mother of sorts, watching over these two hooligans. Now she was starting to wish she was with Ryder instead of these two. She was worried that little incident on the ferry was going come out anytime. And with the way Estelle was acting, she was fearing for her own life and Shane's as well.

    Zoey puffed out her cheeks in annoyance. 'Keep it cool girl,' she thought to herself. She could feel the tension from her best friend thick in the air. She could tell that Estelle was angry at her, but Zoey hoped she would thank her later for saving her life. Yup, she was gonna be the third wheel in this group after all.

    The one eyed girl kicked at the ground hard. She was trying her best to contain her own anger. For all that mattered, Zoey could slap Estelle across the face for acting like an idiot. Instead she shoved her hands in her jean pockets, looking around at all the people. At this point she figured that her friend wanted to ignore her, and only focus on Shane. What a pain in the butt.
  17. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    w e l c o m e,
    xxxxwearing hair music ooc

    Dakota didn't have to ask what he wanted to do, not that she would have. He led them around a massive fountain, and passed several other attractions. They were walking for a comfortable time, descending upon a short dirt road shrouded by trees, before they finally reached what seemed to be a kite flying station; a massive green hill littered with flowers, overlooking a body of water and some other city quite far from them.

    All of the kites were left set up on what resembled a bike rack, and a gentle piano melody was playing from somewhere she couldn't place [ this bothered her ... a lot ].

    She wasn't going to fly a darn kite in a situation like this. She had never flown a kite before in normal circumstances. What was the point? They looked like little alien spaceships, glowing in the rapidly darkening skies. Her eyes flickered to the boy again. Maybe this reminded him of his people. Her heart ached. If only.

    Shifting her weight from heel to heel, she folded her arms over her chest. There weren't too many people up here, compared to behind them, but the skies were still taking on a neon glow with the few kites above them. It reminded her of the aurora borealis, and she was feeling a bit nervous, no matter how beautiful it was. What was she supposed to say? She dug one of her heels into the earth beneath her and rubbed at her arms, regretting her decision to leave behind a sweater.

    Uh.[​IMG] She pressed her lips together, making them a thin line. It took about seventy-three percent of her deliberate control to resist turning back around and leaving him here. This was awful, she couldn't even think of the words to attempt to formulate.


  18. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Evan Allen Walker:
    {~~~Day 3 (4/5)~~~March 16th, 2016, Wednesday~~~Location: Enemy Territory(The Festival)~~~Mood: It's a party!(and sleuthy)~~~Music~~~Ooc:~~~}

    S-Su ... uh ... sure, yeah, okay.[​IMG]

    Well that was good. Travelling not by yourself, especially in horror movies at festivals, was always a good idea. However he also noticed that she had put on a pair of sunglasses, which was weird since it was night. He thought about it for a second and then realized everyone and their mother who was here happened to have green eyes. What, did this town have a green eye fetish or something? Evan's already strangely colored eyes would probably make him stick out from the rest of the Bentley folk. Thankfully Evan always had his pair of sunglasses on hand, but when his hand reached into his pocket a sudden confliction happened.

    Evan was perfectly able to put on these sunglasses, but the opportunity for a pun hadn't prompted itself. What was a man to do? Go with guaranteed safety or follow the (self-made) rules of the sunglasses wearing. He could try to think of a pun, but then he'd be forcing it. And what's the point of forcing a pun, than it just seems unnatural and bad. In the end he resigned himself to his own safety and put on his sunglasses. With that ordeal done he decided that kites would be a good place for the two of them to go to. Afterall most of the attention would be drawn to the kites, instead of them two, and it could possibly show them something interesting about the citizens of Bentley. Like if they used metal razor blade kites of death or something...also kites were cool because they flew, but that was a secondary motivation as opposed to the others.

    With that done the both of them walked over to the kite area and were greeted by it's majesty. It was absolutely awesome looking. The hill had some nice flowers and the view showed a city and great looking lake, water, body, thing. Point is it was a great view. For some reason there was also a piano melody playing from who knows where. Regardless he grabbed a kite and began to let it sail through the sky (after doing all kite flying procedure stuff.) It was sailing through the air quite nicely, alongside all the other kites that were there. He was a bit absorbed into it until he realized that he hadn't really seen anything that warranted suspicion (except for the odd music playing,) and his female conspiracist hadn't said much.


    Uh? Usually someone said that when they were trying to bring something up...or were just uncomfortable. He looked over at Dakota and noticed she looked the opposite of well. Was she feeling alright? Was she cold? He decided to check on her and see how everything was after pulling his kite back to him. "Hey you doing alright there? Something the matter?"
  19. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    OOC: formatting later.

    Dakota went pale at his questions. Sure, she hasn't given him much to go off of but ... S
    Couldnt he initiate the conversation?! She looked away and up at the glowing kites floating about above them.

    "Uh ... Um."

    Oh gods.

    She snuck a peak at his glasses. That was something, yeah? It took a few inner monologues and prep talks before she was able to, but she finally spoke again.

    "Glasses. You noticed. The eye ... Thing." This was awful. She tucked some hair behind her ear and then changed her mind, pulling the thick strands back against her cheeks. "What do you, uh, think ...?" Personally she had no idea what to make of it. "A-assuming they're not all related ... Maybe there's something in the water ...?"

    Haha. Silly. Water, right.

    "Uh. You know I heard about the government puttig stuff in our water," her fingers begn twirling around her hair tightly. "Not just that fluoride stuff either. Like, poisions to cut our life spans short. Pop-population, you know - ouch."

    She unwraveled her hair from her hand, having accidentally yanked it.

    "Maybe we should get a sample of water from somewhere and ... I don't know. Um." She wasn't a scientist. She didn't have a lab. She wouldn't even know what to do it she had one. What tests could she even run? It was a dumb suggestion. Wait. "... We could do an animal test. We should catch a squirrel, or something, maybe."
  20. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: Amazed/Nervous (X) Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Square (X) OOC:
    Now that he'd managed to avoid going on the Ferris Wheel, that gave him more time to think. Though he didn't now how much time that he would have and didn't bother to try and over think that one detail. Instead he jut put that thought on hold for a moment.
    "Hmmm ya I didn't think of the Haunted House... how about the Carousel? Or the talent show...."
    All three of those suggestions sounded like good idea to him. He's never been to a haunted house and would like to do it at least once. Assuming it was like most ones, he figured that he wouldn't get scared by it in the slightest. The carousel would probably be short and quick, giving them more time to check out some of the other attractions and as for the talent show, unless they provided a drum set or piano for use, there wasn't much that he would be able to do.
    "How about you Shane? Do you have anything in mind that you would like to do?"
    "How bout the carousal first." So long as it went as quickly as he was hopping it would, they could still do something else. Heck, maybe they could grab a snack or something along the way. After all, there was nothing wrong with snacking at a festival.
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