❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» ... Music Date: 2016 Location » Boat OOC:

    At first he wasn't saying anything, which got Estelle more annoyed then anything else. She was getting ready to get up to chase after Zoey but then she heard him speak.
    "I-I didn't do anything."
    Estelle looked at him, he looked scared almost. Now she felt bad for yelling... "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..." She was going to reach out to touch his shoulder, but she stopped midway. "I-I I'm going to check on her." She said. "I-I'm not mad... don't worry....." She said, getting up. "I'm sorry Shane...." She said. "Forgive me... for wrongfully accusing you?" She asked seriously and then headed off onto the deck.

    "Zoey! Zoey!" She called out to her friend. "Zoey are you ok?!" She asked, running over to her. "Listen I'm worried about you is something wrong?" She asked. "Did I say something wrong?" She bent down to her level and said beside her. "Are you ok?" She asked. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry if I did something to you..." She said. "Please, tell me whats wrong. Maybe I can help..." She said, looking Zoey straight in the eye. "Your my best friend... so please... I want to know the truth." She plead.
  2. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    w e l c o m e,
    xxxxwearing hair music ooc

    It was really rather glorious under the table, she had to admit. No camera, and no idea of what was happening on the surface, or around the yacht ... It would have been better with a tablecloth, she thought, and without the loud insufferable rap music - which they still hadn't shut off for whatever reason - blaring over the intercom. The vaguely familar, honey-eyed male from before was still kind of hovering around, and she was becoming increasingly more anxious - feeling a bit like a zoo animal locked in a cage for entertainment. Her knees bent in front of her, and she pulled them closer - thighs against her stomach - and rested her arms there.

    Dakota, she acknowledged the voice, but did not look up. It was only when Erik knelt down and crawled beside her under the table that she reacted. Her chin lifted and she furrowed her eyebrows at him, displeased with his closeness. Hey, what are you doing down here?

    There was a moment of silence between them. Her icy glare was clearly doing him no damage, so she looked away, resting her chin atop her arms. Wasted effort ...

    Dakota it's okay to come out from under the table.

    A loud snort reverberated through her nose and throat. That was ridiculous. Well, maybe not completely ridiculous ... She didn't honestly believe that something horrible would befall her once returned to the surface. It just felt better down there, tucked away under the table. She flexed her toes in her shiny black platform shoes.

    Erik didn't stop there. Of course he wouldn't. Dakota was beginning to wonder if he understood what personal boundaries were. Without warning, his hands wrapped warmly around her skinny wrists and pried her arms away from her face. Her dark, straightened hair tickled the sides of her exposed cheeks and she glowered at him as he stroked it away. Her stomach was doing all sorts of violent kicks, spins and backflips. She hated such feelings. She would rather not feel anything.

    Or, I could stay under here with you, if you'd rather not leave.

    Why was this happening to her?

    What had she done to deserve this?

    As soon as he let go, she buried her face back into her arms and let her hair fall over her face and knees again. The two were quiet for a bit, while she tried to make sense of the conversations from above them, and when it was evident that Erik wasn't going to leave her alone quite yet, she finally muttered a response.

    Why did you come and vi-visit me? Her strained voice was muffled against the fabric of her scarf, so she lifted her chin a bit and readjusted, staring angrily down at Erik's feet and trying desperately to unlock some kind of hidden power of pyrokinesis. I mean - uh ... Ugh, when you would come to my house ... ? We weren't close before I left school, so I don't ... [​IMG]

    I don't understand. Leave me alone.

  3. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//fOutfit-|Thoughts: X|Place: Amon a boat|Mood:Drained|Music:x| Day: 2/5 ]

    Zoey almost flew into the water when she heard Estelle's voice. She could wither up and die right then and there if she could. Estelle trusted her a lot. Zoey felt so guilty for what she had done... But it wasn't really her fault. She didn't fling herself into Shane on purpose. But Estelle wouldn't see it that way. No, she would be blind to that fact that Zoey kissed Estelle's Shane. Oh boy....

    She finally mustered enough courage to look Estelle with her good eye. Zoey looked so tired and drained from all the extreme emotions she underwent over the last couple of days. She sighed out heavily, looking down and away from Estelle. No, she couldn't be truthful. Not now. Not when feelings were so raw and judgment was clouded. "I'm sorry, um Estelle, things have just been..." She remembered that a certain someone that was part of her train wreck of feelings was sitting right behind her.

    She blew out a long stream of air before she looked back at Estelle. "I um... I kind of told Shane you like him!" She blurted out, cringing as she waited for the response from her friend. She didn't expect things to go too well. She could still feel Shane's lips burning on hers. Oh how embarrassing and awkward. "I'm... Sorry," she said timidly, fiddling with her fingers. "I knew you wanted to tell him yourself... It just came out." It wasn't a complete lie, but it wasn't the complete truth either.

  4. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» ... Music Date: 2016 Location » Boat OOC:

    "I um... I kind of told Shane you like him!" She blurted out,

    "You... You what?...." Estelle froze. She turned bright red and turned away.

    "I'm... Sorry," she said timidly, fiddling with her fingers. "I knew you wanted to tell him yourself... It just came out."
    "It's fine... he was going to find out sooner or later." Estelle said to her. "I wasn't going to be able to tell him..." She explained. "At least you did... now maybe it will be easier for me to tell him how I feel." She said. "I'm not mad Zoey.... I promise." She said cheerfully. "It was an accident and accidents happen. I was worried he did something to you... you're more important then my silly little secret..." She explained. "Come on, lets go back inside, everything's alright now." She stood up, putting her hand out to Zoey. "We're best friends right, our bond is too strong to let things like this tear it down." She smiled.

    "So... did... Shane say anything about me?...." She asked her. "I can't read him at all.... I don't know how to get my feelings across, I keep trying but every time he doesn't seem to notice...." She sighed. "Zoey. Please give me some advice." She begged her.
  5. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Maria was tuning everyone out as she gripped onto the couch cushion with everything she had. She was pretty sure her nails were tearing into the fabric. That would be bad for Julius. The lurching of the boat and all the shouting had her even more on edge than usual. The last couple times she had to ride the ferry was a nightmare and this was even worse. The boat was smaller with more people crammed in it in comparison. Her legs bounced up and down anxiously and she felt as if she might just kick through the floor and open up a giant hole. Every little creak and rock made her jump. She had never been this bad on boats. Boats were fine, it was just swimming that was the issue. Nowadays that was not the case.

    Blue eyes shifted frantically back and forth. Her breathing was shallow and her heart beat rapidly. How much longer until they were safely off this thing? The shouting died down and for that she was grateful. It had only made things worse. She sucked in a deep desperate breath and clenched her eyes shut tight. Her hands managed to find their way to the arm of whomever was sitting beside her, but she really had no idea who it was. Maria felt dizzy from being so short-breathed. She hadn't noticed much at all for surroundings since the moment they stepped onto the dock. She had a serious case of tunnel vision and there was only one thing on her mind, not drowning -- a third time.

    Only four will suffice for now, Professor. I want to get a better idea of what exactly is going on here. Torvald's obnoxious voice rang out clear again. Did he ever shut up? It didn't seem like it. He was always talking. People that talked too much were annoying -- they took attention away from her. But, she wasn't nearly as attention - seeking now. First, can you give me a detailed recap of the strange things you did find in Bentley? I need to understand them mentally so this revolution of ours can go along smoothly. Second, I require you to inform me about as many things as you may remember about the candy shop, especially the interior. Third, I wish to know if there were any changes in your students at the time of the incident. Julius wasn't the only person to go to Bentley. Did he ever think that maybe, just maybe, some of the others might have a pretty clear memory on what they experienced as well? Not to mention, they had pretty much all compared notes on what went on after it happened three years ago.

    Maria couldn't think of how many times they had recounted their story for everyone else. The details were always the same. He was just so stuck up all the time. Ugh. She rolled her closed eyes. Finally, I want you to tell me your opinion on why Bentley has become locked to the public in this manner.

    Wearing Music Date: 03/16/2016 Day: 03 & 2/5
    Mood: Going Insane! Location: Yacht
    : Interaction: OOC:
  6. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//fOutfit-|Thoughts: X|Place: Amon a boat|Mood:Drained|Music:x| Day: 2/5 ]

    That whole speech made Zoey feel even worse... And she was going to make sure she kept her mouth shut about this whole thing. Maybe she could forget about it and move on with this.

    But that was her FIRST KISS. And it was with Shane. Did it still count even though it was an accident?

    She felt some sort of pain inside of her when Estelle started her daydreaming about Shane again. Nothing happened. Nothing at all. She took Estelle's hand and stood up, forcing a smile. "Um, no... I was too embarrass to get anything out of him. And he was *cough* quite shocked by the whole thing." She longed to be on the deck longer, but that wasn't going to happen. Estelle would know for sure if something was up if she kept distancing herself.

    "Boys are clueless, Estelle," Zoey said, fighting down th hurt and pain. She really needed Freddie right now... "You gotta make them see what you see. Then they can take a hint from there..." She hoped that Shane would not tell Estelle about the kiss. She hoped that they would both forget about it, and he would forget about her and really fall for Estelle. If only if it was that easy though.
  7. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» ... Music Date: 2016 Location » Boat OOC:

    "Um, no... I was too embarrass to get anything out of him. And he was *cough* quite shocked by the whole thing."

    "Oh that's too bad...." She sighed. "I guess he could be shocked..." Estelle laughed.

    "Boys are clueless, Estelle, You gotta make them see what you see. Then they can take a hint from there..."
    "Hmm... Ok... next time I'm alone with him I'll tell him how I feel!" Estelle said excitedly. "I just don't know what I say... to him... I get so nervous..." Estelle smiled. "Thanks for the advice Zoey." Estelle smiled. "If you want to, come back with me to the lower deck." Estelle smiled. "I'm going to go talk to him." She said smiling.

    She made her way down to the lower deck. She walked over to Shane. "Can I talk to you for a minute, privately?" She asked him, motioning to the steps to go back onto the upper deck. "I mean... if you want to..." Estelle said blushing. "It's ok if you don't... I mean... erg... Please come with me." Estelle asked.
  8. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DAY03 & 2/5
    " AND SO IT BEGINS... "
    As soon as Erik released Dakota's wrists, she went right back to concealing her face. He sighed. This girl. He shook his head and prepared to get out from under the table. She was impossible. Women. He rolled his eyes. When he was around her, she always seemed like she hated the very idea of his presence, but then every so often he would steal a glance at her and she'd look lonely. Dakota was such a complicated person.

    Dakota finally broke the silence when he had just about enough of it. "Why did you come and vi-visit me?" Her voice was strained and muffled against the fabric of her scarf. He watched closely as she lifted it from her chin and then diverted her eyes to what he assumed was his shoes. Was there something wrong with his shoes? He opened his mouth to reply, but then she piped up again right after. "I mean - uh ... Ugh, when you would come to my house ... ? We weren't close before I left school, so I don't ..."

    "Dakota," he said sharply and lifted her chin to look her in the face. She was always diverting her gaze. "It's not like I didn't want to be close in school." His chest felt weird. "Even back then, you were an impossible little girl. But it's not like 13-yr-old boys are supposed to like hanging out with 9-yr-old girls that aren't their sister, or even their sister." He grimaced. Erik was in middle school when Dakota stopped showing up. She started being home schooled. The only time he ever saw her there was during assemblies and finals, which she rarely showed up for. It's why he had started visiting her in the first place. He didn't like not being able to see her anymore. "It's not like you gave me much of a chance to get close during school, and well... I still wanted to see you after you stopped showing up."

    He shrugged his shoulder and dipped his head as he got on his hands and knees. "If it's really that much of a bother, I'll just go." Erik climbed out from under the table. "I do appreciate you coming though." He glanced back over his shoulder giving her a sad smile before rising to his feet and leaving the table behind. He moved to stand beside Julius and leaned against the wall.
  9. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    A deep sigh escaped his lips. He brushed back the mess of cherry red hair that sat on his head. He pressed his lips together as his eyes looked around the empty lobby. He honestly wasn't expecting that. He understood if the others hadn't arrived but none of the staff seemed to be present either.

    He just wanted to see the others again. Especially Erik, Bryan, Julius and… Maria. Things weren't so great the last time he was with them and the entire group of kids really. It was just death after death after death. First it was the four kids, then Elisa had committed suicide (ooc: dinny tip ,it was an accident! lol) and then there was the discovery of Noelle and Jonathan… It was safe to say as well that he wasn't at his best either. Aside being embraced by the atmosphere of the grim reaper his emotions were waaaay off. Things were just so new to him and it felt like his feelings were just detonating everywhere, it drove him kind of crazy. He'd work until he couldn't and try to keep up with his relationships with people. It wasn't really going so well. His emotions would eat him up and a sick thought would always be in his mind, like, who was going to die next?

    Eventually his mother came to get him. She thought the environment wasn't any good for him and it really wasn't but he didn't want to leave. That wasn't an option. His mother was back from Europe with the rest of his family and decided to have Tucker stay in their home a couple towns away. He tried to keep talking to others, especially Maria but eventually he lost the connection. His mother originally didn't want him to come but during the time away, Tucker eventually returned to ignoring how he felt to keep going on with life. He learned how to smile again, fake smile of course and just be happy so no one would be upset anymore. This convinced everyone he met and he convinced his mother in time as well, but it was much too late to join everyone from Fortissimo so he went straight to Bentley instead.

    He slipped his backpack off from his shoulders and walked towards the empty reception desk, leaning forward on his elbows. Lots of memories were in this place, he could almost see it flash before his eyes but no, that wasn't good. He cleared his throat and untangled his right arm from his left. He reached forward to ring the bell on the counter but then a loud, angry voice came from the room around the corner - the dining area if he remembered right.

    "It's just a package!"

    That was a familiar voice. He straightened up and slowly began to Pink-Panther style tip toe to the door frame of the dining area. He felt like a spy. His chestnut eyes were filled with wonder and curiosity as his fingers curled over the edge of the door frame and he poked his head out enough to be able to peek in and see what was going on.

    "I think someone should take a look into it first! My husband should run a full inspection of that package."

    It was the woman from before. Not the young inn keeper who stood beside her. Right, the young inn keeper was Cane. This woman… Glenda! Yes. The man they were speaking to though… Tucker felt like he's never even seen him before. He pressed his lips together rightly, forcing himself to keep silent and hopefully, unnoticed.

    "Jesus Christ, they're children." Cane.

    "It's them kids. My husband should look into it." Glenda.

    The man stays silent as the two females continue to argue. Tucker just stood there and watched silently as everything unfolded. It was obvious that Cane didn't want anything to happen to the package and felt like it was her responsibility and it was right that they didn't tamper with it. Glenda however, as suspicious as Tucker remembered she was, wanted her husband to check it out.

    The bickering voices were silenced when the man finally spoke. His voice was serious and stern. "Glenda, your husband has my permission to inspect the package before the girl receives it."

    Cane explodes in a series of 'waits' and whines but there seemed to be no use. They all stand to leave and head towards the door… oh.

    Tucker immediately runs back to the lobby. There was a second of him frantically standing in the middle of it and looking around for options. He bit down at his bottom lip as the options were getting pretty close to zero. He turned on his heel and snapped his head left and right, desperate for some kind of sign. Finally, he funs towards the front door and grabs his backpack, hung it on his shoulder and opened the door silently. It was totally text book but he hoped they'd buy it.

    Head out the door. Do not close. About face into the lobby. Hand on door handle from outside. Neutral expression, looking around the place as if searching for life form. Lean forward. One foot in the lobby, one still outside. Pressure on the right foot that is in the lobby as if walking into the room. Look up at Cane and her shocked expression as she appears in the lobby from the dining area. Bingo! Complete the pretend half step and walk into the lobby. Close the door. Speak before she can with a chipper tone and a small wave:

    "Uh, hi! I'd like a room please?"

    Smile. Mission Complete.
  10. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    What Torvald asked for was not something unreasonable and in general could benefit them quite well in their endeavours. Julius knew that Torvald was a smart one...weird...but smart regardless. With a sigh Julius could merely stared forward and continue to drive as he started to gather his thoughts about what had occurred that day. "Alright then...I shall answer your questions to the best of my abilities" Julius said

    "It starts after the sudden fire in the camp...we were on the ferry back home when it mysteriously tipped over...many died, but the rest of us managed to get out. It was then that Patrick Grant and his wife Delilah conveniently appeared and took us to Bentley. We arrived at their private dock...something an aristocrat would own. They put us in a car and in a few ours we reached at the Bentley inn run by a girl name Cane. She was a bitch and seemed to hate us mooching off her, but she did it cause Patrick said. Across there was a clinic for us to be mended....it smelt like a bakery..." Julius said narrowing his eyes at that part before returning to his reply. “we spent the night there, and before we decided to leave to catch the train we decided to explore a bit. We took a trolly and soon reached the Dreamer’s Candies. It smelt of sugar and bubble gum. It held two floors and was not unlike any other candy store one would seem. The owner’s name was Lucas and his wife’s name was Glenda. They had a daughter…and she drew an odd picture…a picture of a forest on fire, people sinking, a train, a truck, a rest sign, and a bloody knife. Each sign had a happy or sad face and only the truck and knife had a smiley face…” Julius said taking the time to answer two questions at once.

    “Take that picture as whatever you want, in the end Glenda took the girl away and we head for the train. The train stopped and then the conductor Frank….” Julius began and paused as he tried to maintain his cool after saying the piece of ****’s name. “….he told us it was the end of the road…that his cousin David would take us back to Candlewood. He did so…but he passed through the toxic city named LightBrook…yellow gas assaulted the people that sat on the back, but David refused to let any of us in…Noelle tried to stop him and let us in but he attacked her. Bryan got David out of the truck, Lexi found a knife in the truck and killed him…” Julius said before closing his eyes and let out a sigh. “We decided to take the truck back home…some of us died while at the pitstop due to the gas in LightBrook, but in the end we made it home” Julius said. “One more thing…there was a message in the cellphone…it was from Frank and it said that we were important, it revealed that the trip through LightBrook was something that wasn’t supposed to happen and they needed us unharmed…they said we were important…They had a meeting scheduled for the next morning and it included somebody named Victoria…” Julius said.

    “None of my students really developed any drastic changes in their personality…true paranoia has hit them hard, and true they have learned a lot from this encounter, but nothing I can say drastic.” Julius said answering the third question before moving onto the final and most difficult one. “As for what I think…well it’s still too early to predict anything, but still…they are up to something…and they need guinea pigs for whatever they are planning. They needed us unharmed…but for what?...thats the question…” Julius said.
  11. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    It used to be that Bryan didn't care, maybe even enjoyed, being around kids and people who were having fun, but now it just irritated him and his feelings all together. He couldn't stand that there was one voice mixing from the mix, and that they were too damned cheerful for the destination. Some of them really had no idea, did they? He almost wanted to gag.

    Maybe it would be a good idea to toss some of them overboard now, which might save them from being killed later.

    So far, the most annoying ( but helpful, Bryan had to begrudgingly admit ) was Torvald. He was loud, and . . . What the hell was with that shark suit he was wearing? That black-haired girl, Estelle, was also annoying, and made Bryan want to cut out her tongue. They were all acting like a bunch of grade-schoolers, which irked him to no end. When Julius returned the loudness with more loudness, Bryan cringed and internally sighed.

    When Torvald started shooting off his curiosities, Bryan mentally answered each of them with cool recollection. He glanced over at Maria, who seemed to be regarding Torvald with almost as much disdain as himself. They never did get along, did they?

    Off on the horizon, Bryan saw the dock coming up while Julius began to explain their previous relationship with Bentley. As the sentences and details passed by, he recalled all of them vividly. Their whole stay had been uncomfortable, he realized, and on second though, Noëlle had been on edge there, a lot of the time. How did all of this pass him before? He clenched his fist.

    There was a point where Sophie had somehow become present, and it was just before they were docking. "The Dreamers' shop had a third floor that was off-limits, and was gated away from the rest of the store. I can only imagine that perhaps something less-than-savory was going on, and since we found out that the candy they produce is highly addictive . . ."

    Ah, he could see what she meant. He hadn't gone up there himself, but with those two points together, he wondered what kind of chemicals they churned out.

    "That's worth checking out," he mentioned in a low tone to Julius.

    Soon the boat was docked and Bryan was making his way through it to get everyone out, making sure his voice was loud enough for everyone to hear. Most of them were stepping of the yacht, and he looked around for anyone who might receive them. If not, they would start in the direction of the inn from before.

    The group stood around for a little while ( all of them were off the yacht now ), but no one came and Bryan was getting a little irritated. Eventually, he let out a heavy sigh and motioned for the group to follow. He had visually memorized his way to the inn after imagining how this situation would go many times. They were finally here, back in the place where it might have all started.

    Without thinking about it, he cracked a bit of a grin.

    They found there way to the inn without much trouble, and then walked into it as a group. There, in the lobby was a familiar face. "Tucker," Bryan unconsciously blurted out, surprised to see the other. He didn't even think . . . Ah, never mind.
  12. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Walking. Walking. And more walking. It seemed like that was all they ever did anymore. Maria was getting really sick of walking. Her legs burned and her feet were sore by the time they reached the inn. She couldn't wait to get up to the room and take a hot bath. She had managed to calm down once they safely stepped off the yacht. That moment couldn't have come fast enough. She wasn't going to cry in front of everyone, but had been pretty damn close to tears by that point.
    Maria was so wrapped up in herself that she hadn't even realized that Bryan stopped walking once they crossed the threshold and stepped inside the inn. She rammed right into his back and stumbled. Rectifying herself, she apologized softly. She hadn't heard the name he blurted, but she hadn't needed too. As soon as she was situated, her blue eyes moved past his shoulder and to the person standing a few feet away.
    She stopped breathing. Her grip on her purse weakened and it clunked to the floor at her feet. Her icy blue eyes met with Tucker's chestnut brown ones and she felt like the life had been sucked out of her. It was like a punch in the gut. She hadn't seen him in weeks. He had been gone and was rarely at school. She also had made little effort to see him as well. At first it seemed like Tucker was really trying to move forward, and then he just left. He took off to stay with his mom and stopped talking to her completely at some point.
    Maria was torn between lunging at him and throwing her arms around his neck to wrap him in a warm embrace and kiss him before he could panic or push her away; and other side of her wanted to march over to him and smack him across the face. She was so angry, but there was this lingering painful desire to just be held by him. Instead, she just stood there. Her hands shook and she held them behind her back. She kicked her purse beside her luggage. Her heart thumped painfully in her chest. She was still having troubles breathing and was beginning to feel light headed. Maria couldn't take her eyes off him no matter how much she wanted to. Her cheeks burned with the mixture of flared anger and burning desire, which made her more angry.
    She opened her mouth to say something, but no noise came out. Her tongue was dry and words seemed to be frozen in her throat. This was torture. Maria bit her lip. She had received no word of Tucker meeting them there and she had been slightly relieved to think he wasn't coming when they got on the train and he wasn't present. Part of her felt empty inside and now that part didn't feel quite so hollow, but the other part ... The other part she couldn't describe ...

    Wearing Music Date: 03/16/2016 Day: 03 & 3/5
    Mood: Stunned Location: Inn
    : TuckerInteraction: OOC: Music recommended by Jayn
  13. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 0 « OOC: N|A :

    The rest of their trip was tiresome and discouraging. As soon as Pierce said that Bentley already knew they were coming, he lost all hope. It was true that they hadn't a plan to begin with, but any element of surprise they could have had was gone now - tossed away into nothing. Now Bentley had time to prepare and hide away anything they wouldn't want their group finding.

    Some sort of madness broke out amongst the group and Oliver watched as Pierce scurried away to the bathroom like a frightened mouse. He thought about checking on her, he really did, but once he finally brought himself to stand up and leave the bridge, he found himself unable to. He walked passed the bathroom instead and carried himself up onto the deck with still-sore legs.

    Unfortunately, he was not the first one up there. While the company was unwanted, he adjusted quickly to their presence and managed to effectively tune them out. A light mist nipped as his skin as he leaned over the rail to gaze down into the dark, crashing waves around them. They were going awfully fast, but he hadn't expected any slower a speed from Julius. A man on a mission ... Hah.

    He filled his lungs with cool, salty air, and after a moment or two - released it. If he survived this, there would be a lot of thinking to do ...

    A shore was coming into sight now, and considering Julius hadn't steered away, he assumed it was their destination.

    When they docked, he got off of the yacht and stood around with the others as they waited for some kind of greeting. His muscles were stiff, and his eyes were tired. Being inactive wasn't helping with that, so he was glad when they finally started walking.

    It took forever and he was about ready to pass out. Why didn't any of them have a rental car - or bikes - or something?! All of this walking would kill him before Bentley did.


    He lifted his eyes and peered past Bryan. Oh. He hadn't even noticed they had gotten there. Somewhere during the walk he had basically dozed off. [ This was also around the time Jayn started imagining Tucker as big, buff, black man with a wig ]. The place was ... foul. He felt immediately nauseated upon stepping into the inn. It smelled so ... sweet.

    He shook his head.

    Hey, man. He greeted casually, as if it had only been a few days since they last saw one another. He was so tired ...

    There wasn't much time for a meet-and-greet as almost immediately after they entered, a coarse, foreign voice cut through the candy stained air. Behind Tucker stood a medium-height woman with bright, almond-shaped emerald eyes. Her thick Rapunzel like tresses were bundled up in a low, braided bun with a tropical blue ribbon, which complimented her dark boots and long sky blue dress.

    Welcome back, freeloaders. Oliver flinched. He hadn't even been there last time. Cane turned on her heel and settled down behind the receptionist's desk. Her eyes scanned them over like needles, and her expression flickered between cynical and concerned for a few silent moments.I see some new faces ... and notice a few missing ones.

    They were all still kind of standing around but it looked like the woman was going to wait patiently for them to gather themselves. Oliver used this opportunity to sneak another peek at Pierce. She looked nervous. He should talk to her ... Sophie hadn't been all too chatty with the nutmeg haired girl, either. He wondered if she was lonely ... He kind of was. Just a little, though. He rested a hand against his jean pocket, feeling for his phone and breathing in another breath of putrid candy air.

    WELL? What're you waitin' on? I've better things to do if yer just going to stand around! She snapped with a sour expression, tossing a pen towards them from her desk. It hit the guy named Shane in the forehead and Oliver was tempted to shift his backpack to the front to protect himself from any more projectiles. This chick, tho ...

    It was time for them to check in.
  14. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//fOutfit-|Thoughts: We're going to die...|Place: Amon a boat----> Bentley|Mood:Apprehensive|Music:Come, Little Childrenx| Day: 3/5 ]

    Nothing too drastic, like or life and death event, had happened on the yacht. Well, maybe Estelle finding out that Zoey kissed Shane may have killed her, but that seemed so silly now that they were getting closer to the infamous town. It seemed like they were lucky so far... A little too lucky. It was like whatever was waiting for them at Bentley was preparing for their arrival. It scared her. She got a briefing about what happened in Bentley a long time ago, and it seemed like the whole town wanted to kill the last group that was there. Or maybe, trap them in their sweet candy land forever.

    When she got off the yacht, she grew very quiet. It was time to focus, no goofing around or any shenanigans of the sort. She looked around with her good eye as she held on to her backpack. The vibe of the place really scared her. It seemed so intimidating, yet at the same time so.... Hospitable? She wasn't sure if that was the right word. They were here to find out what happened to Noellë and Johnathan? She had a feeling this place wasn't going to cough up information so easily. Another thing that scared her was that they had no freaking plan. Nothing. They were just going to waltz in and play by ear. That made her even more nervous.

    Also, another thing tugged at her. Her and Torvald were told to look in the folklore and myths section if they wanted to find out about Bentley back at the library. They never got the chance to. What was in that section that was so valuable to know?

    No plan, some expectation of what was going to go down, and a whole group of inexperienced kids mixed with those with experience.

    In other words, they were seriously screwed.

    The walk to the inn was long, no doubt about that. But that didn't bother her. When they entered the inn though and it smelled thickly of sweets, THAT bothered her. And when she saw the inn lady, she gulp. Seriously, screwed.

    The lady recognize the faces of those who been here before, and that was YEARS ago since they were last here. She also noted that there were new faces. Zoey shifted uncomfortably in place and scooted close to Julius. Though they hadn't talked since the hospital, it was a face she recognized and could trust.

    She gasped when the lady suddenly threw a pen from where she was at and hit Shane right in the forehead. Good aim. Yup. She needed to be focused and keep on her toes if she was going to live through all of this.
  15. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DAY03 & 3/5
    " AND SO IT BEGINS... "
    Erik rode the rest of the trip in silence. He hadn't said another word to Dakota after crawling out from under the table and unless she approached him, he probably wouldn't for awhile. He couldn't wait to get off the yacht when they finally did, he wasn't much happier. The trip from the docks to town was long on foot. It had been long in the cars, but now it was a much larger distance. He hoped they wouldn't have any problems with people collapsing on the way. Occasionally, Erik would steal a glance at Dakota to see how well she was managing, but nothing more.

    Arrival the inn was both welcoming and frustratingly disappointing. It didn't take long for the sickly sweet smell of baked goods to engulf them as they approached and standing inside in the lobby was someone he was very glad to see. "Hey Tuck," he greeted cheerfully. It had been too long. When school was going, he had to be in teacher mode all the time and rarely saw many friends. Not to mention Tucker had been rather absent at the University from what he had been told. Behind him stood the ever so cheeky Cane. She was just as Erik remembered her -- medium height, almond - shaped emerald eyes, hair in a bun, those boots, and a dress. Those boots had been something of notice before. She looked foreign and exotic. He always wondered what brought her here. Was it like the others in the population spike? Granted, the shill had no knowledge on the cause of the spike, other than the possibility of some highly addictive candy. That couldn't really be it could it?

    "Welcome back, freeloaders." That was rude, but rude was Cane. For owning an inn, she severely lacked hospitality. It was a wonder her inn even managed to stay open. "I see some new faces ... and notice a few missing ones." That was a sting to pretty much everyone there. Yes, they had lost quite a few people and replaced them with new ones, but they couldn't be replaced in any of their hearts. He shook his head.

    Erik opened his mouth to speak, but Cane was as fast - mouthed as she was sharp - tongued. "WELL? What're you waitin' on? I've better things to do if yer just going to stand around!" She snapped with a sour expression. He moved to step forward and approach the desk when a pen came flying towards them. Erik shielded his face, but that did little to protect Shane. The pen assaulted his forehead and Erik scowled.

    "Are you okay?" he asked Shane before turning his attention to Cane. Erik marched quickly across the lobby, stopping inches from the desk and leaning in. "That was really unnecessary, and it's not like we're freeloading this time. We have money to pay for rooms, which means that everyone deserves the same hospitality you would share with any other guests you acquire. Unless this is how you treat your guests." He cocked a brow and pressed his hands down on the counter. "We would have paid last time too, but Grant insisted." He shook his head. This wasn't the point. "We need four more rooms aside from the one Tucker already got. Double beds. Can you do that without pelting any more kids with office projectiles?"
  16. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//fOutfit-|Thoughts: We're going to die...|Place: Amon a boat----> Bentley|Mood:Apprehensive|Music:Come, Little Childrenx| Day: 3/5 ]

    When she saw that one of the teachers asked Shane if he was okay, she cringed. Oh, yeah, better make sure her friend was okay. "Are you alright?" she whispered to him, looking to his forehead. She then looked over at Estelle and felt something tug at her gut. She patted Shane on the shoulder hesitantly and then bent over and picked up the pen. She rolled it around in her fingers before she jolted when Erik suddenly started to carry on to the inn keeper.

    She just watched in horror as he snapped at the shrewd lady name Cane. This was exactly what they weren't suppose to do; tick off the residents even more. Panic tighened at her throat.

    "We don't mean to be impolite!" Zoey blurted, stepping forward. Oh goodness, did she just say something? She cleared her throat nervously. Fear quickened her heart rate. Maybe Cane said some very inappropriate choice words to push buttons, but they needed to be reminded why they were here and keep their heads clear. Redemption would be made to those that passed, and they would always be remembered by those who knew them or not. But Zoey had a feeling that the town was going to test them and prod them. They needed to be strong.

    "Thank you for taking your time to greet us," Zoey said softly as she stood by Shane and Estelle. When eyes weren't on her, she slipped the pen into her pocket. Pens were always good weapons to have. "Sorry," she whispered to everyone and then stepped back to stand with the rest group. What he was sorry for, she wasn't sure. She hoped no one would get mad at her for speaking out like that.
  17. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» ... Music Date: 2016 Location » Boat OOC:
    Estelle didn't get a chance to talk to Shane on the boat, she had to be one of the unluckiest girls ever, cause they were close to land and would be docking soon. 'Damn it!' She thought. They made they're way in as a group, Estelle stayed close to Erik, since he was leading them to the Inn. She watched as the desk lady started to talk to them
    Welcome back, freeloaders.
    Estelle was a bit startled. 'Welcome back?' She wondered. 'They had been here before?... and they didn't pay?' Estelle looked over at the group, a few looked a bit startled like her. Others didn't look surprised at all.

    WELL? What're you waitin' on? I've better things to do if yer just going to stand around! She snapped with a sour expression, tossing a pen towards them from her desk.
    Estelle jumped back at the pen went flying, hitting Shane in the face. She was going to say something to him, but it looked like Erik and Zoey took care of that. 'When did she and him become such good friends?....' She wondered bitterly. She shook her head, 'Zoey is naturally nice I'm sure it's nothing'.
    "That was really unnecessary,
    "No kidding..." Estelle muttered to herself. She wouldn't be able to tell Shane how she felt if he got hit with flying office equipment
    and it's not like we're freeloading this time. We have money to pay for rooms, which means that everyone deserves the same hospitality you would share with any other guests you acquire. Unless this is how you treat your guests."
    Estelle smiled. Erik really knew what he was doing. At least he wasn't crazy like Mr.Sharkman and Mr.Captain. Even though looking back on it now that whole scene was a bit childish and silly, they nicknames would still say, considering that one of them was childish enough to be wearing a shark suit. 'Maybe I'm taking things too seriously.' She wondered. To be honest it was funny. But she didn't think that the others thought so.

    "We need four more rooms aside from the one Tucker already got. Double beds.Can you do that without pelting any more kids with office projectiles?"
    'Wow that was awesome!' Estelle thought to herself. She would never be able to talk to anyone like that, she was told it was simply not done... but she had always somewhat wanted to, stand up for herself like he stood up for the group. She smiled and looked around at the others.
    "We don't mean to be impolite!" Zoey blurted, stepping forward.

    'Woah go Zoey!' Estelle cheered on in her head. 'Wow she's so shy I can't believe I did that.' Estelle thought.

    "Thank you for taking your time to greet us," Zoey said softly as she stood by Erik

    'Zoey must be the bravest shy girl I know....' Estelle smiled. She was so proud. When he came back to join the group she poked her on the shoulder, and smiled at her. Now they would just have to wait and see if they would get a room anytime soon. Then they would hopefully decide what to do and then go do whatever that was. And hopefully this time she would be able to talk to Shane. She sighed. Maybe fate was keeping them apart. She felt like she wanted to facedesk. She shook her head and waited some what patiently.
  18. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves

    { 1 4 : 0 5 }

    xxxxxx After Torvald changed out of his shark suit, he had spent some time back on the boat mulling over all of the details Julius had explained to him. It cleared up many things, he had to admit, but at the same time, Bentley felt even more enigmatic and mysterious. He was the last one off the boat, and as he slowly followed the others into approaching the inn, Torvald acutely realized that this must have been the particular establishment of the working class featuring the strange lady.

    At the very moment, he needed to gather his thoughts. He seized up, and slid behind the others who were busy glancing at this strange woman Cane. Erik paid, but Torvald kept some money close in the case of this terrifying lady suddenly pouncing at him for thinking he was not part of the group. He took out his first aid kit and sat on a comfortable leather chair near the inn's window. The faint smell of sweet buns caked the panes, as if the air outside was thick with this bakery scent, but for all he could tell it may as well have simply been his imagination and fear of Bentley.

    Regardless, he had some ideas to settle. He would not be able to partake in the Bentley investigation just yet, especially when there was little to work on. The others would investigate well enough. He opened his first aid kid and retrieved a small spined notepad, and grabbing a pen, began to scribble down a web of connections that helped him draw rational conclusions. It looked like messy scribbles; Torvald had already gained enough experience in hand-writing like a doctor.
  19. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    Cane was pretty much the same as before and treated him as if two years hadn't passed. He laughed off her snarky comments and tried to keep a casual and happy (at least on his side) conversation to pass the time and just be polite too. It was good she didn't question his I-just-walked-in-routine. Guess he wasn't as bad of an actor as others thought! Heh, that was ironic. He saved it as a mental note to tell that to Maria... um, later.

    He did get a room for himself though and was able to settle in. He chilled in his room for a while, keeping himself occupied as he looked around it and unpacked things from his backpack because he didn't really have much to do. He checked his phone but the signal was a bit weak and he couldn't send anything out. He tried to send one to his mom but that didn't seem like an option.

    Tucker let out a sigh, he needed to find something to keep himself occupied to maintain his current state. He felt pretty neutral which is good and he really didn't want to start thinking about the others. It was easy when he was with his mom because he had his little half brother to play with and take care of the entire time. Cabin alone though? Yeah, not so much to occupy himself with.

    He decided to go back out again, perhaps Cane was outside in the lobby again. Talking to her wasn't the most pleasant of things but it was much better than talking to himself. As he walked out the door, he suddenly remembered the scene he witnessed when he first arrived. Now there was an idea! Perhaps he should go all Sherlock or Bruce Wayne and uncover somethings. He was feeling pretty god about how he fooled Cane earlier. With a determined little smirk, he closes the door behind him, smoothens the wrinkles of his shirt and walks down the hall casually toward the lobby.

    Cane was there, on the reception desk as earlier. He hopped over in front of her, placing his elbows at the desk as he leaned forward, he greeted her with a smile, "Hey Cane!" She barely looked up at him and said nothing which made his lips curl upside down for a moment but he remembered to keep that smile on. Not exactly what he planned... what was his plan?

    "Um, so, a-are we allowed to have things sent here or from here? You know, like mail?" that wasn't so direct right? His tone was just like he always talked, casual and charming. He looked down at her as her almond shaped eyes stared up at him. She answered with a quick yes but before any of them could utter another word the door swung open behind the cherry haired twenty three year old.


    He turned on his heel at the call of his name. He stood there with his chestnut eyes open wide, his lips separated in a small gasp. [no jayn babbu he was not big, buff and black] as he looked at the group entering. His lips grew into a grin quickly as he walked over to the others, "Whoa! Hey! You guys are here! Finally! Man, I thought you'd all be for another day. Thank god." he said happily. His eyes traveled from Bryan to one person to the next and finally meeting with the pair of blue eyes he knew a little too well. His smile disappeared for a second as he loked at her, with a similar expression as hers. Maria. He didn't really know what to do with her. He's tried to um, do something and be more pleasant towards her than anyone before because well, because he really just wanted to. But when he went away it just grew very distant and it helped not thinking about her sometimes because it would get really messed up in his head.

    He blinked, regaining his cheerful grin as he looked at her and sent a small wave. She didn't look away or say anything. Others greeted him politely and he greeted them back but quickly Cane took over the situation before he could speak to the others and Erik just as quickly retorted back. A couple more voices chimed in, in a much more positive note and he smiled. That was nice.

    He kept his smile on as he looked over at Cane, he went to stand next to Erik. They all planned on getting double beds. He actually already had one, not really realizing he got a double bed room. He looked back at the group, he was pretty willing to share he supposed. They did look like he needed it. He cleared his throat, "I got a double bed room thing uh, I don't mind sharing if you guys need it." he said with a smile as he looked over at the others once more.
  20. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 3 - 3/5 | DATE: March 16th, 2016 | LOCATION: Inn
    OOC: Blerg, I don't even... blah

    The Ferry ride seemed to have passed without incident. Although he wondered what was going to happen when they did get to Bentley. He knew so little about that place. The only things he did know were the things he happened to over hear on the boat. Something about candy and boats and droppin' it like it's hot or something. Yeah, he had no idea at all, his mind was in a million places at once when he was on the boat. To him, it almost seemed like it had been three days since he had talked to... well, anyone really. In fact, it seemed like three days since he had even moved to do anything. Maybe he was just having an off day or something. That could be it. Either that or he was feeling INCREDIBLY lazy. There is that possibility.

    At any rate, they were now in some kind of inn, which smelled suspiciously of candy. Like, it smelled super sweet. Like, almost sickeningly so. It's as if you were in a candy store, except there's no candy in sight and instead there is some rude lady standing behind a counter calling the guests freeloaders. Oh wait a minute... That is what is happening. It's as if... ah screw it, the image is already in place, no need to unnecessarily repeat what was already established.

    So this lady named Cane seems to run the Inn. And they are going to be staying in this Inn, despite the fact she seems to be hostile towards them.
    I guess that's a thing? I don't even understand what is going on. Freddie just went along with whatever was happening at the moment, since he really didn't seem to be contributing anything of his own to the investigation effort. At this point, he seemed something like the tag-along kid getting dragged around for some unknown reason. Well, his sister might have something to do with that, but for the most part he just felt like he was getting taken along for the ride.

    At this point, he was hoping he wouldn't become the butt monkey and be subjected to all kinds of crap first. That is something he would not want to happen. Nope. No way. Even though Polnareff was a cool guy, he did not want to become that guy. In groups like these, there is typically the person who is subjected to everything but through some miracle ends up surviving. Well, most of the time, anyway. That is not who he wanted to be in the group. Nope.
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