❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    As they sat at dinner, Maria picked at her food unceremoniously. She didn't have much of an appetite even though they did a great deal of walking today. She brushed her platinum blond hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. The ends fell off her shoulder and almost touched her food. With a sigh she pulled it back into a low bun so that she could eat in peace. After a few silent minutes, Oliver broke through the peace.

    Sooo, he cleared his throat and wiped his mouth with the provided napkin. did you guys find anything?

    Did they? She had been rather unsuccessful in her search endeavors. Hopefully the others had done better. There was a nudge at her elbow and she glanced over to see Pierce scribbling something on a piece of scratch paper beside her. She slid it over to her and Maria scanned the words. Was she really so shy that she couldn't get this much information told to the group of them at the table? Hm. Must be. How unfortunate.

    Torvald started to talk and she had to forcibly keep herself from tuning him out. At least he wasn't on one of his shouting revolutionary kicks. He stood up. A few of you have visited Bentley before, yes. From 2009 to 2010, the town's population jumped up an astonishing 991 people. This may very well be insignificant with the information we currently have at our disposal, but there has been a lack of concurrent record for why this jump happened. That was actually quite surprising. It went up 991 people? What is that, like a double in population? Geeze. It is a statistical anomaly, and we can only guess what happened. Perhaps a revolution. That is all.

    Perhaps not everything is a revolution, she commented to herself.

    He sat back down and set aside his handkerchief. Tomorrow I hope we may drive forth our revolution to find the truth by looking elsewhere.

    Maria glossed over the information again, preparing to speak.

    One more thing. I met a young little revolutionary whom all of you seemed to forget about. Jenna gives her regards. he added.

    Erik made a choking noise and his face turned red. He spit out some brisket onto his plate. His face was watery with tears and his brown eyes looked bugged out and red. Did you say Jenna? Jenna? That name sounded vaguely familiar. When did you see her? Man, he raked his hand through his hair. Jenna was my camper. She just kind of vanished after we got back from Bentley. She never started school in the fall. The last time any of saw her she was this little 13-year-old girl. He looked uncomfortable and more than a little upset.

    Oh, I remember her. she muttered. How sad.

    With a sigh, Maria picked up the note Pierce slipped her. So, according to Pierce, she made sure to inform them that this was not her information. Delilah is related -- Wait, who's Delilah? she glanced over at Pierce who snatched the paper from her and scribbled quickly. Her face was turning a slide shade of pink and Maria couldn't help but just roll her eyes. She handed it back to her and Maria continued, Ah, Delilah is Dreamer's wife. She is related to a notable city council representative of Bentley, named Dolton Buford, who passed away in an accident right after being elected for mayor in 2012. The position was then filled by Trenton Sheffield. Huh. She glanced around at the others and in a bit of confusion. Does any of that sound familiar? Torvald, you said your census spike was in 2010 right? And then they got a new Mayor in 2012 who died for some unknown reason? She sifted through the rest of the note and frowned.

    The only other stuff on here is some reviews about Dreamer's candy and how it's highly addictive and the best in the world. None of the reviews are from people of Bentley, which is odd. They're all from passersby. Huh, maybe that's why. Maybe the candy is secretly some sort of crazy drug and once someone eats it they feel drawn to Bentley and then everyone ended up moving there. She was mostly just joking at this point. It's not like that could be true. How would that explain those of them that had tried the candy when they were there almost three years ago.

    Wearing Music Date: 03/15/2016 Day: 02 & 3/4
    Mood: Meh Location: Inn
    : Interaction: OOC:
  2. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//fOutfit-|Thoughts: What in the woooorld...|Place: Reluctantly at dinner!|Mood:Drained|Music:x| Day: 3/4 ]

    "It almost sounds like Hanstel and Gretel," Zoey said softly, poking at her meal. "Lure people in with something sweet, trap them for whatever they see fit. Make them servants... I don't know." Se rested her chin on her hand, just staring down at the plate. The library seemed like a waste of time... And now they had to be on their way in the morning. And she still didn't know what this curse was. She looked at her notebook on the table, wondering if there was anything in there worth saying. Probably not.

    "Are we really ready to face what ever is waiting for us at Bentley?" She said to really no one as she poked at her vegetables. She was tired and done for the day. After what Travold asked her earlier today, she wondered if she was worth anything to the group. Ha... She hardly knew anyone here. And the people she did know were too caught up in their own world to see her.

    She sat down her fork and massaged her forehead before flipping her notepad open, jotting some more details that she didn't have written down before.
  3. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves

    { 1 6 : 1 0 }
    xxxxxxTorvald played around with his fork as he listened to the others speak, swiveling it in a circle. << She works at the library, as a volunteer, >> he said to Erik, without taking his gaze away from the plate. << I do not know what incongruous anti-proletarian bourgeois riff-raff ridiculousness led her to what she has become, but whatever details happened those three years ago is making her scared to even see all of you again. >>
    He put his fork down, listening to the information that the blonde bourgeois puppet began spouting off. Well then -- it actually seemed a bit useful.
    << She is a widow? Ridiculous clap-traps and their capitalist privacies with marrying and remarrying ... But anyway-- >>

    He turned to Pierce, his gaze boring deep into the skittish girl's skull. He frowned and grimaced.
    << You have, perhaps the most valuable information out of all of us. Congratulate yourself, you deserve it. Do it. >>
    Torvald turned back to the others. << It is entirely possible there is a connection behind the enormous spike in people and the strange activity that occurred afterward. Unfortunately, we know little of this nine hundred and ninety-one mysterious citizens of the infinite revolution, and two years is too long a time for things to influence each other so strictly. >>

    He rapped the ends of his fingers on the table. << This does not mean there is no connection. This Sheffield fat-cat is suspicious enough, for contributing to the current state of Bentley's isolation. The widow of the late mayor influencing the candy shop is also a potential link ... >>

    << Right. >>

    Torvald picked up his fork again and grabbed some leftover peas off of Evan's plate.

    << We have a few pieces of the puzzle. We understand: >>

    He placed one pea on the plate.
    << There was a population spike in 2010. A point of interest. >>

    He placed another pea on the table.

    << In 2012, the late mayor perished in an accident before anything could happen. This is a point of interest. What happened in the two years is currently unknown to us. >>

    He placed a third pea on the table.

    << In 2012, the mayor Sheffield then assumed power. This is a point of interest. >>

    He placed a fourth pea on the table, but this time next to the second pea, creating a small "T".

    << Presumably around the same time, give or take a year or two, the woman Delilah, widow of the late mayor, married the candy shop owner. This candy shop would have not been so successful without either a large amount of sales or ... something else suspicious. If it is the latter, then the candy shop would have appeared after the migration of the 991 people. This is a point of interest. >>

    He placed a fifth and final pea on the table.

    << And in 2013, the Camp incident occurred, where you all enter Bentley and witness the supernatural future-telling girl, along with other ridiculous events. This is after all of these events. This is where we stand. >>

    << There is a clear connection, but it is muddled. What little we can gleaned from this is patchy, like a soggy red army banner left in the muds of revolutionary warfare. However, you claim that there are only reviews from outsiders of this particular candy store.

    << Bentley is a small town, and does not attract many visitors. This means its success in candy must come from economic prosperity ... or something else suspicious. >> Torvald said those words with a careful, deep tone. << It had a huge amount of candy from what you all say. Assuming it is economically prosperous, from a Marxist economic standpoint, this means that would only make sense if the other residents of the small town came often. However, there are reviews only from outsiders. This is a contradiction, and could only mean this: >>

    He placed his hands together. << There are no reviews from the locals, because the candy shop is an every day part of Bentley life -- or one of the many every day parts. Assuming it is pure economic prosperity that the shop is based on, this means that the candy shop, and potentially other shops, have a more-than-significant influence on the life of Bentley's citizens. >>

    Torvald looked back at the others. << For those of you who once visited. Tell me now. Was Bentley an active town? Was it relatively empty? How many people did you see? >>

    He felt an itch on the back of the neck.
    Kline, the bright girl, mentioned the Hansel and Gretel story.
    << What cantankerous capitalists of the worst top-hatted kind! Say that may be true, assuming that economic prosperity is not the reason for the shop's immense size. That would perhaps be the alternative option. This leaves us with two routes: the luring, or the economic prosperity. Both routes, however, converge in meaning that the candy shop holds influence over the life of Bentley's citizens. >>

    << Are we really ready to face what ever is waiting for us at Bentley? >>

    Did she really say that? Oh Marx's glorious beard ../
    Torvald stood up, wide eyed, at the girl who was playing around with her food, walked over to her, and swiveled her around, placing his hands on her shoulders and looking her in the eye. His face was a deep crimson, and his lip began to tremble in frustration.

    He felt his heart rate drop, and he looked away just for a second, before re-establishing his face.
    << Kline, >> He said gently, but his voice was loud enough for the others to hear. << Do you know what this revolution is about? It is about finding the truth. It is a certainly one of us may be in danger of losing our lives. It is entirely possible the events of three years ago will repeat themselves. But if we live in fear and false happiness -- go to beaches and forget about our friends who died under such mysterious causes -- >> Dammit, did he really call them friends? He bit his tongue, looking for words. << Then what would that make us? There is something deeper here. We are the only ones who can find out. Today you asked me if I believed in superstitions, or curses, or witchcraft, and the answer was a resounding no. What do I believe in? I believe well enough that everyone in this room is wrapped in a different kind of curse. A curse to fall to our own chaos, our own inabilities to say things or express them to others, our own false curiosities leading to deaths, our own ignorance or arrogance or ineptitude. And we are cursed to be the only ones who can deal with this, and preventing this to happen.

    This is the curse of humanity; this is the curse of the individual who chooses their own path. It is the burden of free will. >>
    He relaxed his grip.
  4. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//fOutfit-|Thoughts: What in the woooorld...|Place: Reluctantly at dinner!|Mood:Drained|Music:Secrets and Regrets| Day: 3/4 ]

    She gasped when she was turned around all of the suddenly, her eyes wide with fear. Not this again, please. Her eye suddenly grew cold as she became rigid in Travold's hold, as if she was a cat cornered. She clenched her jaw as tight as she could, staring out into nothing as Travold's words watched over her. Se was really getting tired of being manhandled, even if it was gently this time. What he was saying to her made sense, but she felt like she was getting stabbed with each word that he said. She didn't understand it, nor was she in the right mind set to.

    When he let go of her, she took in a shaky breath. She had a couple of choice words to say to him but bit her tongue. "Excuse me," she said between clenched teeth and got up from the table, leaving her notebook behind. She pushed by Travold and left dinner, just like that.

    She found herself wandering outside in the dark and just stayed in the shadows of the porch at the Inn. She growled at herself and hit the back of her head against the wall before she made a fist and punched her palm, hard. "Way to lose your cool, Zoey... Next thing you know, Mr. Menon will send you home. If not him, someone else...." She took in a deep breath and found herself wandering to the nearest tree. With a cry of frustration, she took a punch at it. It stung her knuckles, but she could hardly feel a thing through this anger and frustration. She took another punch at the tree, but this one was soft and weak. She sighed out heavily, letting herself sink to the ground.

    This just seemed so frustrating and aggravating to her. She didn't want to live in false happiness. She just wanted to be cautious. For all she knew, maybe Whittlerose had a connection with Bentley. What if they were already for them to come and this was some kind of trap? They had no idea what they were really wandering into.

    What good was she to everyone? She didn't know them. Let alone, she felt like some didn't want her to come. Or maybe it was her own paranoid mind.

    "ACK! YOU'RE SO STUPID KLINE!" She raked her fingers through her hair, letting her fingernails scrape across her scalp. And then she found herself looking up in the night sky.... She felt so small, pretty much alone. She was just a spect out in the universe. People would forget her over time... She sighed out, her shoulders relaxing. "I'm sorry we're taking so long guys..." She leaned her head against the tree, letting the night air cool her off as her mind fought with herself.
  5. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 2 - 4/4 | DATE: March 15th, 2016 | LOCATION: Inn ==> Outside of Inn

    Freddie had been sitting there, picking at the food on his plate and tuning in and out to what people had been saying. He hadn't been a huge help with finding info. In fact, he hadn't found anything useful at all. Just a couple of erotic novels that he got distracted by. He couldn't help to start reading that stuff, he actually got interested.
    Maybe I could try some of this stuff on... No. Nope nope nope. Do not think about that. Nope. Suffice it to say, the things he read weren't helpful to the investigation at all.

    Suddenly, he saw Tannhauser man-handling Zoey.
    The hell is this all about? After he was done with whatever bullshit he was spouting, she went outside. He got up and went over to Tannhauser, "We're gonna need to have a little chat later, Tannhauser." As soon as he finished saying what he wanted to say, he followed after his little sister.

    He found her leaning her head against a tree. Freddie groaned a bit before approaching her. He really had no idea what to say to her. It was frustrating to see her like this, and it was even worse not knowing what to say. There wasn't much that he could do. The only he could try to do now was comfort her. He hoped that he could do that at the very least. After running his fingers through his hair, he went up to her and put his hand on her shoulder.
    "Hey, how are you doin'? Tell to me all of your problems" He said the last bit with a ridiculous accent in an attempt to lighten the mood.
  6. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: Investigation Time (X) Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Library --> Dining Hall (X) OOC:
    While Estelle read the story of Killer Cupid, Shane started to have severe doubts about this having anything to due with the story of cupid he was used to hearing. To him this sounded more like a screwed up variation of the original. So when she finished the tale, he was having mixed feelings about it. Unfortunately there wasn't much time to talk about it since it seemed like everyone was starting to leave.
    As he got ready to leave, Estelle said something very 'interesting' before she walked off. Did she just say what i think she did. If she did, then he had no way to react to that. Still, he chose to put that somewhere in his mind where he wouldn't think about it too much and left with the other.
    During the time everyone was at the dining hall, Shane remained quiet as everyone else shared what they had learn. He would've said something but since Estelle didn't want to share what she'd told him and the fact that he found nothing else of importance, he just sat there and ate his food.
  7. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    w e l c o m e,
    xxxxwearing hair music ooc

    Dakota did not enjoy their gallivanting one bit. There were far too many people in Whittlerose for her liking and all of that squeezing by and involuntary eye contact made her breathless. When they were in a larger space, she trailed far behind the group - letting them converse amongst themselves and tune her out of existence while she fiddled with the sleeves of her black jacket. Not everyone in the group seemed as enthusiastic as the others. A couple of them just looked angry, while at least two others gave off a similar vibe as herself.

    After hours of exploration, they walked back to the inn. A headache was blooming, and her stomach felt emptier than it had in a long while. At home she was able to spend the day snacking. Not here. Her nose crinkled as the vapor trail of a hot, home cooked meal reached her nose.

    Hungry ...[​IMG]

    Once it was decided that they would eat, she followed a blonde-haired boy directly to the dining hall without returning to her room. She didn't really want to see her room mates react to her - uh - tendencies. They were greeted and seated after grabbing a plate of food. She sighed, staring at the plate of food longingly. She couldn't eat yet. Not until someone else had - to confirm it hadn't been poisoned. So long as no one had a reaction within twenty minutes of partaking ...

    Did you guys find anything?

    Dakota raised her eyes across the table, towards one of the corners. The blonde boy again. It was odd, he hadn't been so prominent - or noticeable, rather - up until this point.

    Nope, nothing that interesting, just a silly children's book and boring fairy tales.

    A dark-haired girl with stunning blue eyes answered right away. Dakota scowled at her from her place at the table. Jumpy girls were liars. She didn't have too much time to get upset about it, because a beautiful, passionately woven voice was carried through the air immediately after.

    Comrade Grant, I think I can speak for everyone when saying the library was very much a waste of time. I took a look at the Percival County census records with the gracious assistance of the good-hearted proletarian worker bee that is Miss Kline ... There was something that would pique a hundred revolutions of glorified interest.

    A few of you have visited Bentley before, yes. From 2009 to 2010, the town's population jumped up an astonishing 991 people. This may very well be insignificant with the information we currently have at our disposal, but there has been a lack of concurrent record for why this jump happened. It is a statistical anomaly, and we can only guess what happened. Perhaps a revolution. That is all. Tomorrow I hope we may drive forth our revolution to find the truth by looking elsewhere.

    Dakota was sure she could listen to Torvald speak for all of eternity. His words - his entire presence captivated her. Her probing stormcloud gaze locked upon him from across the table. For a moment, the bland interior of the inn melted away as if rained down upon with acid - and Torvald was speaking only to her of such mysterious things. It was only her, Torvald, and [ she inhaled deeply ] the revolution.

    One more thing.
    I met a young little revolutionary whom all of you seemed to forget about. Jenna gives her regards.

    She didn't know who that was, but it didn't matter, Torvald was speaking. But it seemed that as quickly as it came, the beautiful voice faded away. Reality settled back in and Dakota shifted in her seat, looking down at her untouched plate of food. A couple of others spoke but it didn't sound important so she tuned it out.

    So, according to Pierce, Delilah is related -- Wait, who's Delilah? ... Ah, Delilah is Dreamer's wife. She is related to a notable city council representative of Bentley, named Dolton Buford, who passed away in an accident right after being elected for mayor in 2012. The position was then filled by Trenton Sheffield. Huh. Does any of that sound familiar? Torvald, you said your census spike was in 2010 right? And then they got a new Mayor in 2012 who died for some unknown reason?

    The only other stuff on here is some reviews about Dreamer's candy and how it's highly addictive and the best in the world. None of the reviews are from people of Bentley, which is odd. They're all from passersby. Huh, maybe that's why. Maybe the candy is secretly some sort of crazy drug and once someone eats it they feel drawn to Bentley and then everyone ended up moving there.

    Elected mayor and then killed? Stuff like that was always fishy. Mayors were elected every four years, if she remembered correctly. The spike in population took place between 2009 and 2010. The last mayor was elected in 2008!

    Torvald spoke again, this time mulling things over. Someone chimed in, a older man with an eyepatch - like the girl. He corrected them. Apparently Delilah was married to Patrick Grant, some guy who saved some of them after a ferry crash.

    It almost sounds like Hansel and Gretel, Lure people in with something sweet, trap them for whatever they see fit. Make them servants... I don't know. ... Are we really ready to face whatever is waiting for us at Bentley?

    A girl with an eyepatch spoke up from her side of the table and Dakota mashed her lips together. She knew she wasn't particularly ready for any of this at all, apart of her still wanted to go home.

    Do you know what this revolution is about? It is about finding the truth. It is a certainly one of us may be in danger of losing our lives. It is entirely possible the events of three years ago will repeat themselves. But if we live in fear and false happiness -- go to beaches and forget about our friends who died under such mysterious causes -- Then what would that make us? There is something deeper here. We are the only ones who can find out.

    Today you asked me if I believed in superstitions, or curses, or witchcraft, and the answer was a resounding no. What do I believe in? I believe well enough that everyone in this room is wrapped in a different kind of curse. A curse to fall to our own chaos, our own inabilities to say things or express them to others, our own false curiosities leading to deaths, our own ignorance or arrogance or ineptitude. And we are cursed to be the only ones who can deal with this, and preventing this to happen.

    This is the curse of humanity; this is the curse of the individual who chooses their own path. It is the burden of free will.

    If she hadn't been so lethargic, she would have stood up clapping. What bold words! REVOLUTION, TRUTH, THE CURSE OF HUMANITY! The corners of her eyes pricked with tears; she felt so emotional. Eyepatch girl was getting emotional, too, and left the room to gather herself. Simply gorgeous, his ability to move the heart.

    Some empty moments passed and Dakota finally started on her food. It was cold now, and she regretted making a plate so soon before she ate it. It was too late by then, so she suffered through it.

    When she was finished and the silence remained, her face drained a bit. She should probably say something.

    Uh. Aah, she already wanted to faceplant the floor. It had been a long while since she did any sort of public speaking ... She reached down into her bag, pulling out one of the three books she checked out [ well, stole from the 'hold' section in one of the backrooms that just happened to be open ]. It was a thick, colorful Atlas with a glossy hardback cover. Found this. It - uh - has a lot of maps. Outdated maps. I found Bentley. It was - um - different, in this map, from the map in the Atlas that was on display in the Library. The outdated Bentley is larger than the up-to-date Bentley in the maps. I don't think it really is, though, geographically speaking. I think it's a CONSPIRACY. I think they edited the new map to get rid of SECRET LOCATIONS! [​IMG]

    Her eyes were wide with excitement. She took a deep breath, feeling a bit more comfortable despite a couple of skeptical looks [ or looks of confusion as they tried to decipher who the heck she was ]. They wouldn't recognize her from grade school like she had them ... Only natural. She didn't really care.

    Delilah was related to Dolton, who passed away in an accident before becoming mayor. That doesn't mean they were married. Maybe she was already married to Patrick. He was the one who saved you and brought you to Bentley in the first place, so says Mr. Eyepatch over here ... If the town is as cultish as you all say it is, I don't expect he could have gotten away with that if he weren't a notable person himself.

    The missing link here is how were Delilah and Dolton related and who exactly is Patrick Grant to Bentley? When did the two marry?

    Population jumped between 2009 and 2010. The last election would have been 2008. In oth-other words;

    2008: Mayor is elected.
    2009 - 2010: Population spike.
    2011: ?
    2012: Dolton is elected and dies, someone else immediately fills in.
    2013: You all arrive in Bentley.

    To fill in the year 2011, the old Atlas I found, which I believe to be accurate, was published in that year. The new version was published in 2012.

    [spoiler=New List]2008: Mayor is elected.
    2009 - 2010: Population spike.
    2011: Accurate Atlas published.
    2012: Dolton is elected and dies, someone else immediately fills in, new Atlas published and Bentley appears smaller on all maps following.
    2013: You all arrive in Bentley. [/spoiler]
    What if things started to get weird in Bentley in 2008 with the new Mayor? Perhaps Dolton was an advocate against whatever things they were doing and was killed because of it, despite the public voting for him. That goes with what Tor-Torvald was saying, about the higher-ups having a more-than-significant influence on the life of Bentley's citizens.

    All of this is fantastic information for one trip to the library, but there are still questions. Like, who is the new mayor? If Dolton's death WAS murder, what does the new mayor Trenton Sheffield stand for that exempts him from assassination? And who was the mayor in 2008? What did he [i]do[/i] during his term? How - if at all - does the candy relate to it? Why would the map be changed?

    Above all, though, how does this have anything to do with you [i][b]or[/b][/i] your [color=red]dead friends[/color]?[IMG]http://i1064.photobucket.com/albums/u361/Jaynabelle/cursor_7-3_zps6b4e0807.gif[/IMG]

    - Bed Time - ​

    The night dragged on and on, and finally it was time to sleep. Everything had become rather somber and cloudy after their little dinner discussion. Dakota truly couldn't piece it all together, and even though they had speculated quite a bit, she didn't know how it helped them at all. Maybe they just wanted confirmation that weird stuff was going on? She didn't know.

    There was something missing. Something that would tie it all together ...

    One by one, they all gathered into bed, her on her chair, and Dakota eventually drifted off to sleep thinking about Bentley, conspiracies and Torvald.

    - Wake Up, Bitches - ​

    Sunlight peeked through some thick, oddly spaced blinds laying against the only window in their room. Dakota shifted and winced, a cramp assaulting her neck. Her back stretched against the rough fabric of the chair and her eyes fluttered open, adjusting quickly. She was the first one awake, and though she really wanted to turn back around and try and sleep again, she forced herself up so that she could spend some time alone in the bathroom.

    Finally, much to her pleasure, she took herself a proper shower and washed her hair. The inn provided a hair dryer and flat iron, so she took full advantage of them after drying off, lotioning up and getting dressed. Today was the day! It was also her last chance to escape back home before anything got too intense. She sighed, staring at herself in the mirror. She knew that the pull of Bentley was too strong. She wanted to know what the missing link was and now that their investigation had really gotten started, she wouldn't be able to stop until she knew.

    Stream trailed out of the bathroom behind her as she left, and she slipped on her shoes, ignoring her roommates as she gathered her things and used her scissors to start removing the tape from the places she had painted with it. When she was done, she threw the sticky wads of silver away and left the room quickly.

    They would need to eat breakfast here before heading to the docks. The blonde boy from yesterday night had reserved the dining hall for the morning, and she was grateful to him.

    This meal was a bit more individual than last night's had been. Some of the group chatted amongst themselves, but Dakota stayed quiet, mulling things over until she trusted the food enough to eat as well. How long had it been since she last traveled by boat? She chuckled dorkily to herself at the thought of it sinking. The one time she gets on a boat ...

    - The Docks -
    1:23pm ​

    Another walking adventure commenced and for a while there was conversation considering stopping by one of the places they voted against yesterday. Instead, they ultimately continued forward. Dakota was only half disappointed, wondering what could have been ... She fell behind again, tuning in and out of the conversations coming from in front of her.

    They walked for a long time before the smell of saltwater finally wafted overhead. She felt a bit excited, and that excitement only grew when they actually reached the water. The sloshing sounds from underneath the damp wooden dock clashed against the pillars, whipped with the current.

    It wasn't nearly as busy down here versus the rest of the city. There were a few people scattered about, and a mostly empty looking seafood restaurant to the far right of them.

    They traveled along the dock until they came to a quaint little stand. A tall, bearded man with a pipe greeted them with a stare. Guy-with-the-Eyepatch took the role of a leader and stepped in front of the group, making the necessary arrangements for the rental. Dakota wondered how people could do that - step up to the forefront and actually do helpful things without prompting. How old was eyepatch man?

    It was a bit of a wait, so a few of them had scattered along the docks talking with each other or thinking alone until Mr. Eyepatch came back around with the keys to a small yacht. She had most definitely never been on a yacht. Eyepatch Man must have been rich. She chewed nervously on her bottom lip as they were all rounded up and shuffled inside.

  8. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Location: Inn/Docks {} Mood: *Le Gasp* {} OOC: ...
    After having a quiet dinner to herself, still fumbling about her pointless hypothesis, she decided to drop it. She only had information on the events back then and even the one three months ago didn't help her at all. It just gave her info on the history of Candlewood. No need to start making up silly hypothesis and theories connecting the 2 year period to the 3 month incident.
    Back at the hotel, she left the group first, even though she ate like 3 large plates of food in a short period of time. All she did was hop onto one of the large beds and feel asleep in them, hopefully the other girl in their group won't be so picky about it.
    Next Morning, Sasha woke up and slipped out of her bed, trying not to wake the others up as she took a 'shower' which was just washing her hair since she didn't do too much physical movement yesterday. Rubbing and blow drying her hair out, she decided to let the group sleep in a little more before she made her way down to the dining hall for breakfast. She still wasn't sure how to comprehend the information they shared out last night. It's hard to take in info when you weren't there yourself. It just didn't wrap around her head very well. Perhaps maybe today she could contribute...just maybe...
    Making her way to the docks later on the day, she eyed the boat impressively. She didn't think they'd be riding on a yacht today. Jul-whatever Mr. Eyepatch's name was, he sure knew how to impress. Inside was very impressive. She was a sucker for luxury items that she could never imagine having in her life. She was sure she would enjoy the yacht ride more than the destinations they would be going to.
  9. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female

    Clothes Mood» *Facepalm*/Scared Mortified. Music Date: 2016 Location » Inn/Docks OOC:

    Estelle didn't get that much sleep that night. She had met up with Shane after dinner, to talk about her theories on the Killer Cupid story, but nothing else. She tried to bring up her feelings but the words didn't seem to come out of her mouth. She had felt so stupid since she blew her chance to tell him how she really felt about him. It was morning now, she sighed and got up reluctantly, took her clothes and went inside the washroom to get ready. She stuttered as the water from the shower hit her skin... water. She shook her head and went back to brushing out her hair.

    She dried herself off, looking at her refection in her mirror. She pulled on her outfit piece by piece, staring down the earrings as she put them back into her purse. "One day..." She muttered, she would get over her fear of earrings. "Fear.... Boat... Boat... F***." She muttered to herself. They would be taking the boat to whatever today. She then started to put her hair up. She stepped out of the bathroom and waved goodbye to her fellow room mates, going to breakfast. She didn't say a word, she was terrified of the idea of a boat.

    Estelle made her way to the dock, her arms and knees shaking, still trying to hold her bag tightly. It was a fancy boat, meant for rich people, Estelle could tell. That didn't help with the fact that she was terrified. She went inside of the boat, it was nice enough. She sat on the white couch on the very right hand said, pressing her self up to edge and to the wall. She looked around for Shane or Zoey, so she wouldn't totally snap on this trip. They hadn't boarded yet. She shivered. "I hate boats... I hate water..." Estelle thought to herself. She felt like she was going to cry, but remembered that there were other people around and she held it in. She remembered, Vega said a long time ago "You can only cry when you're alone, or in the arms of a close friend." Estelle remembered that, she had been crying because someone was picking on her at school.... when she was little, for having a the fear of water that she did. Estelle was more then scared she was mortified.

    Her Uncle and Aunt owned a boat, they were well off and had something like this... a rich person boat she had called it. They were sailing one day when they hit a storm... and the boat rocked. Estelle had been watching the waves, she loved the ocean, Vega saw this and race over to her. Estelle held fallen and held onto the rail. Vega had tried to grab her and tried to pulled her up. She held on with all of her might, until Vega was pushed against the railing and let go of Estelle's hand. Estelle fell into the water, and nearly drowned, if not for a ship that was pasting by that had been able to hoist her onto their deck. Estelle was traumatized and never even went close to the ocean or any type of water. She loved to draw the ocean though, what she would never be able to go near...

    Estelle tried to keep calm, remembering the story wasn't helping. They haven't even left yet, lucky, but she felt it rock under her feet. She stood there, unable to move, with a blank expression on her face. She was so scared. "Where are Shane and Zoey?" She asked herself... She wondered if anyone else on the boat would notice her uneasiness. Estelle was so embarrassed this was terrible. She looked around the boat to see the others she hadn't gotten to known, she wondered what they thought about the case... and the trip. She remembered she had the Killer Cupid book in her bag, maybe she would read it later. She took out the drawing her drew on the train, and touched it up a bit. Drawing kept her mind away from the thoughts of the water, but she was still stiff as a plank. 'Calm Estelle, Calm...' She muttered, writing the date and her name on the back of the picture. She kept it with her so she wouldn't get distracted by the stupid boat.
  10. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 0 « OOC: N|A :

    When morning came, Oliver dressed and got ready to go and swiftly as possible. This was it. Make it or break it day. They day when probably half of them would be killed. He grabbed his backpack and left the room, scarfing down his breakfast and heading outside to wait for the rest of them.

    His thighs were sore and burning from yesterday [ he didn't do many athletic things ], and the walk to the docks most certainly didn't help them. He would have called for a cab if he could have fought off the guilt of leaving everyone else behind. He spent the walk texting and sneaking glances at Pierce, trying to gauge whether or not she was okay. He was still irritated with everything, of course, but still ... her little display of shyness or whatever at dinner had made him feel just a little bad.

    They reached the docks and Oliver plopped down on the damp wood, not caring about his attire getting wet. So tired ... It took a while but eventually Julius presented them their rented yacht. Oliver was surprised that he knew how to drive one - probably had a license of some sort. Maybe it wasn't too surprising, considering Julius was the oldest between them all. Maybe.

    They got in and Oliver wiped his jeans before sitting down on one of the cushions of the beige couch closest to the helm of the yacht. He ran his fingers through his hair and massaged his scalp with a quiet groan.

    You know, we never actually came up with a plan for how to enter Bentley without being too suspicious. He rolled his eyes, remembering the dramatica he was caught up in on the train. Julius took the captain's seat. Unless you 'leaders' discussed it without the rest of us?
  11. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    There was much information going about from the other day, and though they learned much, it was still hard to learn how to use it effectively for their cause. Julius spent most of the time pondering and making as much of a note in his mind to find any sort of clue for them to use. It was mind-boggling and the importance of him finding out what to do was critical to their survival. They were going to Bentley and they still had no plan or anything. Regardless of this fact, when morning came Julius prepared himself for the morning and got his things ready.

    Everybody started to get ready and together they began to head off to docks. This was the final moment of peace that they could have and depending on what would happen next, Julius had to be on guard at all times. Who knew what would await them at Bentley and even while they were traversing past the water. With this Julius head over and rented him a boat. They needed something that would hold good power as well as be able to hold them all. At first Julius' eyes drifted over at the row boats and thought the idea of whipping the others into shape sounded tempting, Julius went for the yacht.

    With a sigh Julius entered the yacht and waited for the others. With another sigh Julius sat down on the driver's seat and glanced forward. Hearing the words of Oliver only made Julius let out a third sigh. "....we tried...." Julius said groan as he rested his head on the wheels. Raising his head, Julius grabbed the hat next to him and placed it on his head before staring ahead. "Alright...this shouldn't be too hard now...so long as a Sharknado doesn't hit it should be alright....I've seen enough movies to run this thing" Julius muttered quietly to himself before he started the boat. With everybody on, a smirk crept across Julius and before anybody knew it, the yacht began to speed forward instantly, heading towards its destination as Julius grinned.
  12. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Dennis Baker:
    [---Day 3 (1/5)---March 16th---Location: The Boat---Mood: No turning back---Ooc: N/A]

    The night and day had been pretty bad for Dennis. He didn't really enjoy not going immediately to Bentley, as the faster they could figure this, whatever was going on, out the better it would be. Even if they only stopped to spend the night to gain information, he still wasn't too fond of the idea. Not to mention they ended up going to the library where he found jack all about anything. Though he was interested in what everyone found out about. Apparently this large ass candy shop was supposed to be one of the most important buildings in all of Bentley, which made perfect sense to Dennis because who doesn't like candy. But even still what was up with all the weird stuff about Bentley. He really didn't like the thought of going to this town after learning all this shit that made it sound even more odd than he thought it was before...but it's not like the curiosity in human nature would let him turn back.

    After dinner he spent the night in the inn room with the other 3 of his room. Shane asked him so he couldn't turn it down, and Sasha probably usually didn't have others to hang out with for whatever reason. Pierce was not someone he was expecting to meet in his room though. The four of them spent the night pretty quietly. Dennis felt awkward spending the night with two girls in the same room, but he eventually went to sleep nonetheless. When morning hit he woke up and got out of bed reluctantly, noting that today was finally the day they'd get to Bentley. With nervous thoughts, he got dressed and went downstairs to eat breakfast before finally leaving for their grand expedition.

    He walked around the town with the rest of the group until they got to dock. He watched the water as his mind drifted to mentally prepare himself. This was it, after getting on this boat there was no going back. No just walking away and forgetting about the whole thing. The only place from this boat was Bentley. He was so afraid of what waited in that unknown "cursed" town of Bentley that he didn't move until Julius finally presented the boat to the group. Trying his best to through all his fears away he walked onto the boat to set out on this journey to the unknown.

    Not too long after everyone got on did Julius start the boat, and as such they took off to their adventure. He thought that it would be best to get situated somewhere on the boat and socialize the trip away. He found Sasha and sat on a sat near her. She was probably the best person to talk to on this trip because he didn't really know what to talk about with anyone else. Then again with his opening question he could've been talking to anyone. "So how are you feeling now? I mean about this trip and Bentley." Despite trying his best Dennis was still pretty nervous about the whole thing.
  13. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//fOutfit-|Thoughts: What in the woooorld...|Place: Outside of the inn/dock|Mood:Drained|Music:x| Day: 1/5 ]

    Zoey gasped when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Se turned to see that it was Freddie. Her eyes softened and she smiled at him. As quickly as her smile came, it disappeared. She suddenly hugged her brother tightly, burying her head in his chest. "I don't know what I'm doing anymore," she whispered. "I mean, I don't see how much help I can really be, and-..." She trailed off and sighed, taking a step from him. "Let's talkon the ferry... I'm kind of tired. Good night, Freddie." She gave him one last hug and then went inside.


    Afternoon was here and Zoey found herself on the yaht. She leaned against the railing, looking out on the lake. "Oh boy, this is going to be... Interesting." She sighed out and looked down at the water, watching it churn.
  14. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    w e l c o m e,
    xxxxwearing hair music ooc

    Dakota sat and gazed around the cabin nervously. There was a security camera, to make sure they didn't do anything illegal or harmful with the rental. Julius probably had to sign some kind of agreement with the renters. It was making her itch. Hesitantly, she took a seat by the table. It was one of those black orbs of a camera, so she couldn't tell where it was looking. Her suitcase was tucked away over the seat and she placed the black handbag she got onto her lap.

    You know, we never actually came up with a plan for how to enter Bentley without being too suspicious. Unless you 'leaders' discussed it without the rest of us?

    Dakota looked up at the camera, wondering if it recorded audio too. She wanted to break it. Her fingers twitched.

    ....We tried....

    Her head snapped in his direction. What did that mean? They tried? So, they really didn't have a plan? They were going into a town full of secrets to investigate the deaths of two of their peers WITHOUT A PLAN? She wheezed, covering her mouth after and burying her face into her scarf timidly. They were all going to die! Her heartbeat accelerated.

    The yacht became a bit cramped for her liking and she closed her eyes, trying to calm herself, and pushing her body into cushions behind her.

    Without much of a warning, the vessel shot forward like a bullet, jolting her from her spot and against whoever was sitting next to her. She yelped into her scarf and apologized, wanting to hide away somewhere. She was glad she had decided not to deal with that camera, otherwise she probably would have been thrown into the helm and out of the window.

    About to fall into a full-blown hysteria, she let herself slip down underneath the table.

    Oh, Gods.[​IMG]


  15. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆

    ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆

    Truth be told, he wasn't sure what it was that compelled him to come along on what he thought might be a suicidal trip. Even though it had been three years, and he had gone through loads of therapy, maybe he wasn't completely over it. And then there was the fact that the people involved in those times ( and then some ) were dropping like flies. It was scary.

    Maybe, if he thought about it, he did know why he came; Noëlle's disappearance and apparent death hadn't sit well with him. They weren't exactly the closest, but he had felt a lot for her, and had been — was distraught over the loss of her.

    He, and pretty much everyone else, didn't know the circumstances of the deaths, only what the press told them. Quentin didn't like the media, and felt like it wasn't true — she couldn't be dead. Last time around, he definitely knew that there was something up with Bentley and he didn't like it; there was also the drunk man named David who almost killed all of them, before being killed himself.

    Quentin blinked away the memory.

    He was determined to find out the truth.

    In the meantime, he was still trying to grasp being on this boat. Ever since the first ferry incident . . . It just amped up his fear of water. Thankfully, Sophie teased him into being comfortable, and he was grateful that she stayed by his side even if it was only for a little while.

    There was something wrong with her, he thought. She looked more pale than she usually did and sometimes she would move and wince like she was in pain. It had him worried.

    Drowning is not on my to-do list. He hoped Julius was more than capable to driving this thing. Everyone that had been involved before was tense, he noticed, and the others were probably picking up on that.

    He laid his head down on the table and groaned to himself. Still, at least he had gotten his vials of questionable content. Without Noëlle, though . . . They almost felt useless.

  16. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    WEARING DATE 03/16/2016 DAY 03 & 1/5


    Pierce took a seat on the floor by the door with her suitcase--just in case -- and plucked anxiously at the hem of her dress. It wasn't that she was afraid to be out on the water, but this was the first time since the ferry sunk that she had been on it with so many classmates. It just put her on edge. She took a deep calming breath and chanced a glance at Oliver before refocusing her gaze on the floor before her.

    You know, we never actually came up with a plan for how to enter Bentley without being too suspicious. Oliver commented and rolled his eyes. Oh no. This was it. She would have to tell them. Julius took the captain's seat. Unless you 'leaders' discussed it without the rest of us?

    She sucked in a sharp breath, keeping her head down. Her hair covered her face so no one could see what she was hiding. Her heart felt like it was going to explode out of her chest and her hands began to tremble. Her dress was left abandoned as she busied herself with repeatedly clenching and unclenching her fists. Knuckles turned white. She felt like she couldn't breathe. There are a lot of people on this boat and at least half of them would be pissed at her. There wasn't going to be any good hiding places and she would definitely need one.

    ....we tried.... Julius said groan as he rested his head on the wheels. Raising his head, Julius grabbed the hat next to him and placed it on his head before staring ahead. Alright...this shouldn't be too hard now...so long as a Sharknado doesn't hit it should be alright....I've seen enough movies to run this thing. he muttered.

    She lifted her gaze as the boat lurched forward and left the dock. Pierce fell back into her suitcase and pulled herself upright. She swallowed nervously and looked first to Oliver, then to Julius. If anyone was going to protect her from the others, it would be him. But given what she had to say, even he would probably want nothing to do with her. She clasped her hands together and bit down on her lip. U-um, about... about that... ah- her heart continued its tyrade. Don't let them be too mad at me. She sucked in air, almost gasping. Um... B-Bentley, they kind of...it kind of... they know. They-they know we're... ... coming, that is... ah, her body was crimson and she scratched nervously at the back of her head.
  17. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves

    { 1 3 : 4 5 }


    xxxxxxPerfect, excellent, the singe upon the ashes of Lenin would be proud of his situation!
    Torvald stared at his reflection through the mirror. Except, the reflection showed something much different. An human, monstrous figure; white and amorphous, dangerous and enormous, with a long protrusion gently nudging the dirty ceiling of the yacht's bathroom itself. He looked down at his white-gloved hands and pulled the stretchy waterproof latex, snapping it back with a crack.


    Torvald admired the giant shark suit he was wearing.
    The simple thought of having to go through the water made him shudder. He had sneaked onto the yacht before many of the others could have seen him, hugging a crinkly paper bag filled with the shark suit close to him like a well-used security blanket. This was a cheap relic of a party from Dough whatshisface's mayorhood, but the flotation properties of the giant shark suit were astounding; using it, he could easily swim around the water freely.

    This came at the disadvantage of having to waddle around in the thing. But no matter! Sacrifices must be made in the name of the revolution!
    Wearing the giant shark suit, Torvald exited the bathroom and continued his look for Kline. They had spent discussing their evidence for a while before packing things in, but -- as expected in a place that treats its working class as nothing better than horse manure -- not much honest information could be found regarding Bentley. No matter, no matter! What left Torvald sleepless last night was the fact that the little eyepatch girl had been scared away, and she did not seem to recover to his expectations. Torvald knew she was strong, but was she also so fragile at the surface?

    When he spotted Kline leaning by the railing, Torvald waddled over in his giant shark costume, careful to make sure nobody else noticed him at this moment.

    He stood next to Kline's other side, this giant shark, leaning on the railing just as casually as her and watching the waves go by.

  18. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female

    Clothes Mood» Pissed off, Scared Mortified. Music Date: 2016 Location » Boat on deck OOC:

    Estelle could barely stand up from her seat. It seemed Shane had forgotten his promise. Estelle's blood boiled. 'Whatever, screw him' she muttered to herself. She tried to walk up on deck. She crused to herself, almost falling twice. She looked around, Zoey was by the railing, beside a shark man. Estelle must've been seeing things. She grabbed the railing at hung on tight, remembering that dreadful night. She made her way over to Zoey.

    "Zoey..." Estelle barely said, gripping onto the railing with her life. "How's it going?" She asked, looking over the edge, and nearly fainting. "You're so brave being out here so close to falling over the edge." Estelle shivered. 'Not everyone is afraid of something stupid like water Estelle' The voice of Vega shouted in her head. "You wouldn't have happened to see Shane have you?.... he promise he would sit with me.... cause... I can't stand water.... or boats..." She told her. Estelle closed her eyes, this was terrible. "Where ever he is he's late..." She muttered to herself.

    "Oh gosh I'm so dizzy... she said... I think I'm seeing things I thought I saw a Shark man." She told her. "Zoey will you come inside with me? Please?" She begged. "I'm so scared..." She told her. She was barely able to breath. Her chest got tight, she was in a cold sweat. She felt ill and she just wanted for this to be forgotten. It was terrible. Did the leader of the group even know how to drive the boat? That made things worst. "I don't believe that the person driving this thing is qualified...." She muttered loudly to Zoey.
  19. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves
    There was a post here. It is gone now.​
  20. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female

    Clothes Mood» Pissed off, Scared Mortified. Music Date: 2016 Location » Boat on deck OOC: XD I love Estelle, but since she's a bit Bipolar sometimes isn't she?

    Torvald waddled over to Estelle and immediately struck a fabulous pose in his shark suit, flexing his shark flippers like a shark bodybuilder who just went three rounds on the sharknado in a work out.

    "WHAT THE HELL" Estelle screamed nearly jumped on Zoey but hiding behind her instead. "IT'S THE SHARKMAN HE'S GOING TO EAT ME!"


    "Ahhhhhhhhhhh Zoey! Beat him! Beat him with a stick! I'm scared! WHO INVITED A TALKING SHARK ON THE BOAT!?" Estelle yelled, holding Zoey tightly from behind.


    "I DON'T WANT YOU'RE HELP AND I'M NOT SEA SICK YOU CRAZY SHARKMAN!" She yelled still hiding behind Zoey in fright.


    "Zoey! Help me!" She yelled, shaking in fear. "NOTHING TO FEAR!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Estelle yelled at him. "You're a freaking Sharkmanboy!" Estelle said to him. "Zoey saved me tell me when it's over!" Estelle said closing her eyes.

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