❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//fOutfit-|Thoughts: What in the woooorld...|Place: AT THE LIBRAAAARY!|Mood:Timid|Music:x| Day: 3/4 ]
    << No more of that clown! I have seen his fat pudgy face in sixty of these damn censuses! Please sit down, Kline. >>

    Zoey was at loss of what to do and just stood there with her notepad over her lips, blinking at him with her good eye. Did he just say that the mayor had a fat pudgy face? In spite of herself, she smiled under her notepad but resisted a giggle. No laughing time now. Working time now. Especially around Travold.

    x<< Please take a seat, and pardon me. >> Torvald looked away.

    "Oh, it's okay." Zoey's nerves were starting to calm down now that Travold was speaking in a much softer voice. He seemed to see that she was in distress, and that made her feel more at ease then the first time the two of them met. "Thanks." She took a seat where he indicated for her to sit and then placed her notepad down, ready to jot down any notes.

    << I am happy you were out trying to genuinely find something. At the very least, all of the towns of Percival County share some history, and I am getting the feeling as if this Doughman is an important figure. >>

    She nodded her head in agreement. If he had his face in sixty damn censuses, then he must have been super important. More important than any mayors she ever knew. "Actually, his name is Doug, not Doughman- but you probably around knew that." She hunched her shoulders, glancing at him with her blue eye.

    << This reminds me. I shall, by grace of the many revolutions of knowledge, be just enough to share with you that which I have acquired. >>

    Zoey glanced over the big book that Travold had, seeing the population spike. That was surely a lot of people over the space of a small certain amount of time. She quickly jotted it down on her notepad, right underneath the mayor's name.

    << This is a cause of intrigue. Do you understand, Miss Kline? Nine hundred, ninety-one people entered the small town of Bentley in the year 2010. This is extremely unconventional, and no revolutions occurred to allow this. Do you have a theory? >>

    Her pencil stopped once he asked her a question and she tapped the tip of the eraser to her lips. "I have a few... Maybe some new jobs opened up in Bentley, like oil and gas rig, ranching, some sort of crop was discovered, a factory was built... Booms usually happen like this when there's something that creates new jobs for hire. At least, that's one of the ways that the population boom could have happened. Or maybe people just got super hormonal and decided to have babies like ra-"

    << I'm hearing more noise, keep it down ... >>

    << Oh god no. >> Torvald whispered under his breath.

    Zoey looked up just in time to see the lady that was with Travold earlier pop out of no where and raised an eyebrow at her. Were they really being that loud?

    << How's it going, re-vo-lu-tion-ary? >>
    Immediately she turned her attention to Kline, widening her eyes and smiling. << Gosh, you're a cutie! Where'd you come from, and why are you with this idiot?>>

    "Uh... He's actually very smart..." Zoey really didn't know how else to answer to that. She looked to Travold for help, but her view of him was suddenly cut off when the lady sat down in between them.

    << Don't tell me you're trying to find some information on Bentley too, are you? >>

    "Maybe?" Zoey said with a shrug. "I'm actually kind of interested in Whittlerose. It seems like a pretty place," she said with a smile. Hopefully that sounded convincing. Then she remembered the task at hand and looked to the census. "Hey, um, do you know what caused this population spike in Bentley? This was a year before Mr. Doug L. Westerchest was elected, yeah? Were any factories or oil rigs built in Bentley? Or... do you have a book or newspaper that can tell us anything about this?"
  2. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Evan Allen Walker:
    {~~~Day 2 (3/4)~~~March 15th, 2016, Tuesday~~~Location: Lyberry~~~Mood:To Reading!~~~Music~~~Ooc:~~~}

    Evan had ended up being alright with his rooming arrangement. Mostly with people he was neutral with, but hey it was a new opportunity to make more people to talk to about...whatever. He grabbed his room key and walked up to his room. Entering the hotel room he found a place to put his bags and his fedora, he wasn't going to need it for today, no he had a new outfit planned. He grabbed the clothes out of his suitcase and went into the bathroom. After a fancy magical girl-esque transformation sequence changing he walked out of the bathroom in his new attire. That being a a t-shirt with a music score on it and gray sweatpants with a blue stripe running up the outside of both legs. He was tempted to put on his rollerblades before they left but a voice told him there was a time and place for everything, and that stopped him from putting them on. The sunglasses were still in his pocket though, because you never know when a pun is going to spring itself on you.

    He walked outside with the rest of the group on their way to the library and admired the town. It was a place with all sorts of people running around, shops that he was interested to see if they were selling rollerblades, and just had an overall nice atmosphere. Evan would've loved to check up on his rollerblade theory but he was out to gain intel on Bentley and gain intel he would...unless like none of the books or people knew anything about it. If that were the case then this would just be a fun reading excursion.

    They had made it to the library. How did he know? A gut feeling, the sign that read library and the giant floating text above it that said library. Granted that last one wasn't actually there, but it would have been so much more convenient if it was. The gang of 19 entered in separate intervals as to not look odd of being just 19 people sauntering into a public library for no real reason. He walked in there and was instantly elated at the sight of all the books there. Evan wasn't exactly a reading nut, but what he did enjoy about the sea of books was the covers. Specifically all the colors bouncing around making rainbows as far the eye could see. Evan merrily walked around the library picking up books, not even paying attention to where he was or what he was picking up. Regardless he eventually found a place to sit down and read the seven books of varying colors and began his dive into the world of text.

    Evan had ended up finding absolutely nothing of interest...or at least not to the case. The red book was a culinary guide on how to make great pastries, the orange book was all about old poets and stuff, the yellow book was on firearms in general, the green book was about trees and various plants, the blue book was on the history of the kazoo, the indigo book was on birds and bird watching tips, and the violet book was on clouds and the different types of them. Despite going through all of them, due to the fact they had nothing of interest in them he just kind of didn't absorb any of the info at all. Maybe he should actually focus on something specific to the case that would help.
  3. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves

    { 1 0 : 0 0 }
    xxxxxxAs the clock struck 10, the entire library filled with a deep, resonating chime.

    << You got that little ditty right! Whittlerose is a pretty old place. I've been living here with mama for three years, and I like it. Nice, quiet, has some pleasant history. So many books, books and things to learn everywhere! >> Jenna touched her cheeks, swooning.

    Torvald looked at Miss Zoey Kline suspiciously, raising his eyebrows. What? What was she doing? What was she saying to the Jenna girl? He looked away, a bit disgruntled. << You are giving me far too much credit, Kline. My intelligence is as limited as the range of reading material that is around us. >>

    Jenna did not spout out a retort to this, but seemed to tap her nails on the table impatiently. Torvald gazed at the collection of censuses and newspaper scraps, looking away from the two girls.

    << I was just pulling legs, y'know. Don't think anything incredulously silly of it! The revolutionary and I are the best of buds. >>

    Torvald winced painfully, as if taking a boot to the head. He whipped around in a sharknado of violent flurry.

    << We are not anything but what you would call buds! >>

    Jenna smiled like a fox, sticking out her tongue. << You all seem to be so intent on Bentley. >>

    Torvald hit the table with a soft thud and sighed, resting his head upon his free hand. << Kline, do not mind her, she has enough work to do later. >>

    << Hold it! >>

    He turned in heaps of frustration. << What do you want? >>

    << I never answered her question. >> Jenna's face had grown blank, and she was playing around with her nails, pretending to pay no heed to the little discussion going around her.

    << Well? >>

    Jenna looked back up at Torvald, then back at her nails. She turned her head to look at Zoey Kline, and Torvald noticed that her mouth was in a fitful state of perturbed resignation. Her eyes seemed to have grown a bit more careful, and her ordinarily whip-like movements became much more careful and steady.

    Torvald's eyes widened.
    << ... You know something. >>

    << You're smarter than I thought. >> Her voice had suddenly grown a bit quiet.
    She turned back to Kline. << It-- I don't know why the population spike jumped like that in those years. But, well-- >>

    << Well? Get on with it! >>

    Jenna turned on Torvald in a huff, back to her visible, red-faced frustration. << Didn't Marx teach you how to wait? Ugh. >>

    There was something else in her voice, something he didn't quite notice before.
    It was sharp, it was sour, and it poked out like a spear. It was the sensation of mild pain her voice.
    This, Torvald gleaned, was a very delicate topic -- no, something else.

    Jenna inhaled very lightly, blinking.
    << Bentley has always been ... weird? It may explain the incident that happened. When I was a girl, maybe ... maybe seven or eight, I was-- We went to Bentley, the-- the camp. >>

    Torvald raised his eyebrows in curiosity. This was new.

    Jenna stared at Torvald, a deeply serious, melancholic mask painted upon her youthful face. In the soft library light, the shadows edged closer to her skin, and it felt as if she had aged many years.

    << The memories from that time are a blur. I-- I just can't-- maybe I don't want to? I don't really know. There was this one guy, really big and buff, who wouldn't leave me the fuck alone. Treated me like a kid. Made me so helpless, and drove away the Emalynn girl who never decided to return to Fortissimo after that incident too-- >>

    << You're trailing off, Jenna. >> Torvald's voice was surprisingly gentle and calm, but direct.

    << Yeah. Uh, everything smelled like baked goods, I don't know if it was always like that. I was just -- my mind was blocked by so many things and all of the worry and frustration. It wasn't pleasant. I wanted to get out. >> She tapped her fingers on the table and gazed at them distantly, tilting her head to the side.

    << There was a candy shop. Now that I'm older, it definitely is one of the largest in the county.
    And-- and the girl-- >>

    << She predicted your futures. >>

    Jenna's eyes jumped forward to meet Torvald's face. The creases of his mouth were lined in doubt.
    << You know? >> Her lip trembled, her mouth open and trying to look for words. << But, but you don't-- >>

    Torvald stood up and walked over to Miss Kline. Of course he would know. How many times had the others told the story? But he could not deny his surprise as well. Not once had any of them mentioned this girl with them, as if they just forgot she existed for whatever reason. Torvald's sides ached.
    << We are students of Fortissimo Academy. >>

    Jenna popped out of her chair like a jack-in-the-box, sending it flying backward.
    She stood as if she were ready to fight, every inch of her on suspect and defense, her hands wide and trembling, her stance low. She breathed calmly, and Torvald could have sworn she mouthed a curse, but he could barely tell in this light.

    << The others? Are they here? >>

    Torvald tilted his head back, gently pressing the tip of his index finger to his chin.
    << Mmmm. Yes, yes they are. >>

    Jenna was silent.
    Torvald looked at her calmly, adjusting his tie.
    << Do you want to see them? >>

    She walked over to her fallen chair and set it upright, sitting on it with her legs together and her hands in her lap. Jenna looked down, avoiding Torvald's gaze. Suddenly, her ego felt as if it had deflated completely, and it made Torvald feel very uncomfortable.

    << I-- I don't know yet. >>
    << ... Right, okay. >> Torvald began to strut off. << Thank you for your time, Jenna. I will keep this a secret for now, until you are strong enough to get out of your shell. Let us go, Kline, the revolution awaits-- >>

    << The fourth floor has more information. >>

    Torvald tilted his head back at Jenna, but kept his posture in its strutting position. << Do tell. >>

    << Local Myths and Legends. >>

    Her voice was ambivalent, confident yet speckled with seeds of regret.

  4. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» .... Music Date: 2016 Location » Library OOC:

    Estelle started reading her books, but didn't find anything interesting, until she picked up the dusty old book. She blew it off and started to cough, was it really THAT old? She read out loud. "The Adventures Of Killer Cupid." Estelle read carefully, still whispering to herself. "What is this nonsense?" She asked herself. She looked at the picturebook. Watercolor painted... She started to read of it.

    "A young demon by the name of Cupid, who feasts on the souls of vulnerable lovestricken humans and damns them to hell by intoxicating them with his poisonous brew...." Estelle read the rest of the story. "Because he cannot forcibly alter a human's life himself, he can only manipulate and tempt the human into partaking in his toxic love potion. Once a human decides to take and use the brew, both them, their victim and even their close acquaintances are doomed to suffer a life of eternal damnation and despair both in the human world and the spiritual eternity...." She felt her hands sweat, her heart beating fast. She found it hard to breath, had she found something that was better to stay secret?

    "At the end of the story Cupid accumulates enough power to unlock a portal to Hell on Earth. After a millennium of torture, the Earth is engulfed in a sea of flames." She whispered to herself. Some kind of legend? She felt her face grow hot. She took the story in bit by bit. "It's a Demon... who finds people that are in love... and he tries to trick them into taking the potion... a love potion?...." Estelle said to herself. A love potion... if this was really... real... would she dare?... could she? No no she mustn't it's just some stupid story... Still though the idea intrigued her.

    "Victim?... but if it's a love potion... or is a fooled? Does it backfire if used wrongly? Maybe it's just wording. Maybe it's like... a Demon who looks for people who lust?...." Estelle thought for a few minutes more. It was just a silly story. It's not like it would help in anyway. But still something pushed her to keep thinking. "Could it be like Death Note? A Demon put something on his earth that was said to be good but really evil for they're personal enjoyment?...." Estelle asked herself. "Yes because life is an anime Estelle." She heard Vega in her head. Maybe Estelle would have a second opinion. She took the book, and looked around for Zoey... she looked busy with her history.

    Maybe she would have to ask Shane. She looked around for him, maybe if not him someone else. But for some reason she just knew he could understand it better. It looked like there was a second or 3rd book talking about the legend... "We have to find it..." She whispered. She looked around for him again. "Why this book? why does this intrigue me so...?..." Estelle wondered... 'Maybe it's because you lust also...' She thought. 'Would you use a love potion Estelle?' She asked herself. No no... If this was true it was some trick... but what if it wasn't... what if it worked... She shook her head. She must be crazy. But she needed to know more.
  5. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//fOutfit-|Thoughts: What in the woooorld...|Place: AT THE LIBRAAAARY!|Mood:Tired/just a tad grumpy|Music:x| Day: 3/4 ]

    As e scene was unfolding before her, Zoey took liberty to jot down some important key notes from what Jenna told her. A place that smelled thickly of sweets, the population shooting up in 2010, a girl that could tell fortunes... This was all sounding so bizarre! Zoey wished that Travold would be nicer to the poor lass so they could get more info out of her, but that wasn't going to happen. Besides, Jenna gave them another clue to follow anyways. Perhaps they found what they could on this floor then. "Thank you for your time!" Zoey said with a smile and a slight bow of her head. She stood up and grabbed for her backpack. "I hope you feel better soon and have a good day."

    Zoey trotted until she caught up to Travold. Se had a lot to chew on now. "It seems like Benley has some serious bad rap, Tannhauser," Zoey whispered to him as they walked. "I think we should be cautious of what we say abut the place to everyone else around." She tapped her pencil on her chin thoughtfully, thinking of how the next floor could possibly tie in to what they were looking for. "Tell me, do you believe in the supernatural?"

    It was a curious question, but Zoey really didn't fully believe in this stuff. Maybe ghosts existed, maybe demons and witches were out there, but no one could be sure. "I wonder when that candy shop opened too... Did it open in 2010? Or later? Hm..."
  6. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Location: Library {} Mood: Bored/Deep {} OOC: Blerg :/
    After getting situated, which was basically taking a look in her room since she brought nothing, she followed the group out and towards the library. She still wasn't clear on why they were here or why they even decided to go to the library in the first place. A university sounded much more convincing, in her honest opinion, but alas this was a 'group' effort and so she had to play along, no matter how bad their ideas are.
    Arriving at the library, she detested the library. The only thing she enjoyed about it was its calm and peaceful attitude (except for some random couple flirting at the next section). Besides, with the internet available at the fingertips, why would a library be necessary? Even still, wouldn't they look suspicious looking for information on a person even if they managed to do it in discreet?
    Not bothering anymore, Sasha walked over to the newspaper section and grabbed one. Examining it, it was a 3 month old newspaper. She could probably brush up on some history since she was in the hospital around that time (she still has no idea who took her there anyways). She found the article about the Candlewood incident and skimmed over it.
    "High toxicity, suicide, arrests, my it seems many things happened while I was out. Also targeted by many conspiracy theorists" She placed it down and picked up a magazine 2 years old. On the cover, Candlewood again. "Hmm...looks like our lovely little place has a long history of bad stains." She skimmed through it and eyed some of the reports. "No wonder it has a lot of conspiracies around it. More deaths 2 years ago. Not pretty ones either. Hmm could there be a clue on what happened 3 months ago? Maybe the 3 month and the 2 year has some sort of connection..." She decided not to bring it up and headed back to the group. Her theories weren't even concrete. Perhaps if she could get some info on the people who were there 2 years ago...
  7. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Things were starting to get set and for now all that is left was for them was to start their investigation so they would be fully prepared for their Attack on Bentley. Julius felt they wouldn't get as far as they wanted but they still needed to try and any information, no matter how small, was better than nothing. Julius figured that there were places that they needed to avoid and merely staying in one place was not a smart idea.

    For now Julius felt that they should at least avoid anything involving the authorities. The police weren't somebody he was willing to put faith in, especially with their reaction to Bentley. Did Bentley have some sort of political power? it was annoying to believe such a thing and if things turned out like that then everything would be extremely hard. The booking for the rooms was quite...odd as a the woman in charge of booking continued to stared over at him. He raised an eyebrow and blinked, but what caught him of guard was that Bryan was willing to room with both Erik and Maria. Rooming with Bryan was something Julius had to do in order to keep the guy in check, but for him to want Erik and Maria joining them was something he definitely did not expect.

    With all that done Julius head off to his next destination. If he was to find out things about Bentley then a library wouldn't be a bad place for him to start looking. Rubbing his temples he hoped the others didn't attract any attention, they main goal was not to arise any suspicion. With a sigh he pondered on what to search up next. Mr.Grant seemed to have much influence in Bentley and the Dreamer family were suspicious, so it wouldn't hurt to find out more about them.
  8. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: Investigation Time (X) Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Inn --> Library (X) OOC:
    Once the room situation was all settled, the first thing Shane did was to put on a change of clothes. He definitely wasn't planning on wearing the same thing two day sin a row. Seeing as how getting changed didn't take long, he soon left the room and headed outside. It was there he noticed a bunch of people leaving. Doing what he figured was the best idea, he followed along with the group.
    They're walking eventually led them to the library. Well the library was definitely a good place to start looking for information. So at least they might be able to get some kind of information while they were here. Going on inside the first thing he did was try to figure a good starting place. No doubt there'd be plenty of places to search for information here, but some of it might not be helpful to there cause.
    After giving it some thought, he decided to head to the Myth's and Legends section on the fourth floor. He might as well start there since the legends here might be different than the ones that he's heard. There was always the chance of that being the case or if not, he could read about the ones that he didn't know about. So without wasting anymore time, that's were he headed.
    Not much to his surprise the fourth floor sleeves was filled with books about different myths and legends. That gave him enough options to search through. Taking a few steps towards the bookshelf, he ran his finger along the spine of the book in front of him. Right now he was looking for a title that interested him. If one book didn't meet his criteria, then he would move on the next one and so on. Repeating this process until he came across something. One thing for certain was that this may take awhile.
  9. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves

    { 1 0 : 0 5 }
    xxxxxxTorvald slowed his pace so that Kline could catch up with him. This girl was certainly a riot. Why was she so intent on following him around like this? At the very least, she was helpful and had a bright mind, so Torvald could not object to that. Surprisingly enough, he was not very annoyed by her presence. It felt ... how you say, just mildly calming? Maybe. Everything turned three shades more grey in apathy to him after the events of January and February.

    << It seems Bentley has a bad rap, Tannhauser. >>

    Ack. There it was again.

    << The others were saying that the foolish police pawns began acting ... how you say, strange when the town was mentioned. It is unreasonable. Bentley is a useless hamlet in the boondocks, and not many people seem to know about it. Not many even wish to speak about it ... >> His voice trailed off, shaken with the small leaflets of fatigue.

    As they continued to walk through the fifth floor, Kline asked Torvald if he believed in the supernatural.

    << Hahaha! There is no scientific proof about all of the garbage everyone speaks of. >> He turned to Zoey Kline with a mildly menacing expression. << I hope you are not scared of this so-called curse. It is middling. Mincing. They all visited when they were impressionable children, and escaped without coming to logical conclusions about anything. >>

    He continued to walk, calling Kline along gently.

    << I refuse to believe in the paranormal. Myths and the unknown have no place in the eternal revolution, and serve only to satisfy us with lies and false-truths that obscure the mirror's complete reflection. When we visit Bentley, we will understand the truth behind the saccharine falsities it may provide. The paranormal, the superstition, it is, to say, a creation of those who accept mysteries unsolvable in their natural state. >>

    When he reached the other end of the bookshelves, he stopped. << That, you can say, is a glaring logical fallacy. >>
    Torvald looked up at the shelf. Most of them were more censuses and historical records, but these were focused on economic institutions and businesses. Mostly bank accounts, but accounting records were also out in the open. He held out a hand to some of the books on the shelf, tracing his thick finger along the hardcover spines.

    << The one thing they do offer is a reflection of social mores and actual events happening at the time. The Jenna proletarian worker is not in the wrong for directing us to the myths and legends, for if we find enough on Bentley there, we understand that these negative PR stories are based and grounded in reality. Murders. Executions. Rapes. Other events. >> His voice was flat as he spelled out these horrific incidents, without a tune of empathy or remorse.

    << But you certainly have a point. Along my finger are a few business records of Percival County. It is true -- we may perhaps find something about the candy shop in question here, if it may mean anything. >>
    Torvald bit his tongue and read through the titles, absentmindedly drawing his finger along the spines.

    << ... Tell me, Kline.
    You are a kind girl. This is a dangerous mission. We are among dangerous people, and death is a certainty. One of us will die again in the near future, and you will never see their living face again. >>
    He took out a few blue business collections from the shelf, and turned to Zoey Kline.

    << This is at advantage of discovering the truth. Do you have the courage to continue this investigation through fear of death, or through fear of loss? We just spoke to a ghost, and she was much a hollow shell as any of us. Do you wish to see what it means for a human to be supernatural in this world? >>
  10. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» .... Music Date: 2016 Location » Library OOC:

    Estelle heard someone coming up the stairs, with book in hand, she looked around. "Hmm.. I was probably just hearing things..." She thought. She turned the corner of one of the book shelfs. She fell backwards, looking up at non other then Shane. Her face brightened up and she smiled. "Erg... Hello again. Didn't see you there." She said, brushing herself off. "Wonderful Estelle..." She thought. "Hey Shane, maybe you could help me with something?" Estelle asked him, showing him the old dusty book.

    "See it's a legend about a Demon named

    Killer Cupid, who feasts on the souls of vulnerable lovestricken humans and damns them to hell by intoxicating them with his poisonous brew." She explained to him all she head read and took a deep breath. "It's kind of scary but I want to look into it, even if it is just an old-wives tale." She said. "Will you maybe come sit with me to read it again, I would like to see what you think... then maybe after we could look for the other 2 books?" Estelle asked him shyly. Still with a light blush on her face.

    "I think I've really found something... for some reason I'm so intrigued by it..." Estelle said. "It's not something someone would expect to be the cause of the murders..." She said. "I was just thinking though, maybe it's like a copy cat thing. The Killer read the books themselves and thought it might be a good idea to use this legend as cover." She explained to him. "Sorry I could go on forever if you let me.." She said looking away for a moment.

  11. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//fOutfit-|Thoughts: What in the woooorld...|Place: AT THE LIBRAAAARY!|Mood:Tired/just a tad grumpy|Music:x| Day: 3/4 ]

    Curse? That word wrinkled her brow. "What curse?" She asked, seeing that Travold had followed out with her question and began searching the shelves to help find anything. Not waiting for an answer to her question, she hummed at Travold's philosophy of the supernatural and what was actually going on in Bentley. "You know, I heard stories of people believing so much that something supernatual is real that it comes to life to them; whether through illusions or some kind of... Um... Mental energy? You know how when someone runs on lack of sleep and they start hearing, seeing, and feeling things that they're not suppose to? I guess kind of like that. Like a mirage of sorts."

    Thinking this could be some kind if aha moment, she wrote what Travold said about murders and then the mental state people could get into to believe it was real. But, what if the folklore and legends were true? she was going to keep that tucked in the back of her mind.

    Suddenly, a sensitive topic was brought up. she stopped writing and looked up at Travold. why did she come? she pressed her lips together firmly before she relaxed and gave him a small smile. "I already lost something," she said. she raised her index finger to her eyepatch and tapped at it. "And I lost it because someone just stood by and watched, and waited for it to happen, even though they knew it was coming."

    She swallowed hard, letting her hand drop from the eyepatch. "I already lost Alex too. We knew the risks when we came. if we die, we die. I just don't want to sit by and watch and wait for what's going to happen. " She shook her head. "I can't do that to someone, even though I may not know them. I want to help, save more lives. These strange deaths need to be stopped, once and for all." She clenched her hand into a fist, looking up at Travold. "I don't want to do what my father did to me... Just sit and wait even though he knew something was going to happen. I'm not going to keep watching people die. I'm going to try to help to do something about it."

    Zoey felt a stray tear lingering on her cheek and furiously wiped it away. There was no time to get emotional. And this wasn't about Zoey Kline. It was about Noellë and Jonathan and the four that died after Christmas. "Let's keep looking for when that candy store was built... " and with that, Zoey went searching through the shelves once more."
  12. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Evan Allen Walker:
    {~~~Day 2 (3/4)~~~March 15th, 2016, Tuesday~~~Location: Lyberry~~~Mood:To Reading!~~~Music~~~Ooc:~~~}

    What else could Evan find in this library about... well not something that had no bearing on the case at all. He tried to think of all the facts in his head that he knew, which was next to none. Man he really knew jack all about Bentley.'Hmmmmmm,' he started pondering on what would be of importance to the case. There was the curse rumor going around, so maybe fantasy and legends would work out well. Though that might end up with more useless junk that had no real bearing on Bentley and just folklore stuff. Maybe trying to go and find the history of the town would give him some backstory on the town of Bentley. That seemed to be the most logical of choices and might give him a better understanding of just where they were going.

    He walked around until he went to the first floor in the history section. He started to mull over all the things he could find in the library. What kind of history would he be looking for? Also just when should he go from. He hardly doubted Bentley had been such a strange and mysterious town since it's beginnings. So really he should probably think of going for more recent history. He figured anywhere between the last five to ten years would be a good time period to see if anything of importance or just anything out of the ordinary has happened. With that mindset he picked up a book that he figured was probably containing the info he sought for and just sat himself down in the middle of the isle and dove into the book.
  13. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    WEARING DATE 03/15/2016 DAY 02 & 3/4


    When they had been told to pick roommates for the night, Pierce hadn't wanted to stay with Sophie. She wasn't up for hearing whatever explanation her friend had to give her about being in the same cabin as Oliver. It was probably a lie. Sophie was a notorious secret keeper. The details would be more than she could bare. Instead, she ended up in a room with Sasha, Dennis, and Shane. That felt weird. She would obviously share a bed with Sasha, but the idea didn't exactly make her comfortable. The only person she ever shared a bed with was Sophie. Not to mention, she wasn't really friends with these other people so talking to them was nearly impossible. Why did they have guys and girls in the same room? The thought of it was going to give her an aneurism.

    After the others had left their room, Pierce pulled out her phone and locked the door to the bathroom. She looked up the phone number to the inn in Bentley and sucked in a deep breath. Talking on the phone wasn't any easier than talking in person. She would undoubtedly stumble over words and sound like an idiot. She did. The receptionist, Cane, sounded just as unpleasant as Pierce remembered her. She hadn't liked the idea of any of them returning, but when Pierce assured her that they would be paying for their rooms this time, she seemed to ease up a little bit. After a lot of apologizing and even a bit of crying, she managed to get out the fact that she was expecting a package to arrive. In the unnatural chance that it got there before her, Cane was to keep it at the front desk and hand it over upon arrival. If the package came after they showed up, then she only need to call her down to the desk to pick it up.
    She informed the woman of how many people would be staying and the number of rooms. If Bentley didn't know about their arrival, they certainly would now. When the call was over, she sighed deeply and fixed her face before heading down to the lobby to meet with everyone else. They were going to the library. That was good. The library meant little talking and keeping themselves preoccupied with books. Books were good. She held back on the walk, falling in sync beside Sasha. Her hope was to hide behind this other girl until they arrived and she could take off in some hidden section of the building.


    The library was pretty huge. Her chocolate brown eyes bugged out for a minute as she stared up at the beautiful large building. Libraries were meant to be huge and filled with books. Books were magical inventions that took the sting of real life away for a period of time. Her gaze was so transfixed on the outside of the building that she hadn't even noticed everyone else disappear inside until she was the last one left standing on the sidewalk. With a quick jog to the doors, Pierce scurried inside and began her search.
    There was a small stack of books beside her. They ranged from How its Made: Candy, to The Invention of the Trolley, and How to Run an Inn [ For Dummies ]. None of those seemed quite on par, but she decided to keep them on her anyway. They all lay open to various pages on the desk while she clicked through on the computer.
    Pierce sat in front of one of the resource computers in a secluded corner of the library. Outdated newspapers were cataloged in the computers, rather than kept on hand. The stacks would just be far too large. If there were going to be any articles on Bentley in the county paper, this would be the way to find it. She clicked the search bar up in the corner and typed in a few sets of key words:
    Dreamers' Candy
    Patrick Grant

    She wasn't really sure what to find, but with those selected terms, there was bound to be something. The paper would have run articles on the history of Bentley during its creation week or something. Every town had an anniversary date of when it was founded. She also wanted to know more about Patrick Grant, along with Dreamer's Candy ( maybe even a little about the Dreamers' as well ). While they had been in Bentley, she never saw the Bakery, but there had to be one. Why else would the town smell like sweet rolls and other baked goods? It was sickening how that aroma never seemed to fade the entire time they were there. It was giving her a stomach ache just thinking about it. How did the residents put up with it? The obituary was a long shot. The odds of her actually recognizing any of the names of Bentley residents that had died was slim to none. However, that David guy's death would probably be recorded in the June obituary from 2013. Remembering that moment made her nauseated. Lexi didn't have to kill him. True, he was strangling Noëlle, but look where she wound up -- in jail. None of them should have to go to jail because of some freak chain of events.
    Hm. She clicked open one of the articles that popped up in the list.
  14. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: Investigation Time (X) Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Library (4th Floor) (X) OOC:
    For the early part of his search Shane was in his own little world. Completely oblivious to the world around him as his focus remained on the books before him. So far all he found was a bunch of legends on things he already knew about. There were a few that he didn't, but those were the one that he didn't care to learn about. Yep, it was a slow and boring task going through all these books, but fortunately he wouldn't need to do it much longer.
    "Erg... Hello again. Didn't see you there. Hey Shane, maybe you could help me with something?"
    While he wasn't expecting to run into Estelle up here, he still turned his attention away from the shelves to greet her. "Oh, hello Estelle." She'd brought with her a pretty old book considering how much dust was on it. "Sure."
    "See it's a legend about a Demon named Killer Cupid, who feasts on the souls of vulnerable lovestricken humans and damns them to hell by intoxicating them with his poisonous brew."
    Killer Cupid? Did someone make a dark version of Cupid? There was that, or that this was the original story of cupid. Either way it showed just how much lore about Cupid he knew.
    "Will you maybe come sit with me to read it again, I would like to see what you think... then maybe after we could look for the other 2 books?"
    "Alright, I'll help you." He was already intrigued just by the title of the book, something that the books he went through failed to do. Maybe there would be something interesting in this book after all.
    "I was just thinking though, maybe it's like a copy cat thing. The Killer read the books themselves and thought it might be a good idea to use this legend as cover."
    "I see. Well that certainly is a possibility." One that he'd really didn't think much about. Though it that was the case, it would only explain a small part of why there were here and not the whole picture. "Well, let's start reading this then."

  15. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female

    Clothes Mood» Thinking Thinking Thinking Music Date: 2016 Location » Library OOC:

    Estelle sat down and moved close beside Shane, opening the book and reading aloud from it. "The Adventures Of Killer Cupid." Estelle read to him.

    "A young demon by the name of Cupid, who feasts on the souls of vulnerable lovestricken humans and damns them to hell by intoxicating them with his poisonous brew...." Estelle looked up at him. "Because he cannot forcibly alter a human's life himself, he can only manipulate and tempt the human into partaking in his toxic love potion. Once a human decides to take and use the brew, both them, their victim and even their close acquaintances are doomed to suffer a life of eternal damnation and despair both in the human world and the spiritual eternity...." Estelle explained.

    "At the end of the story Cupid accumulates enough power to unlock a portal to Hell on Earth. After a millennium of torture, the Earth is engulfed in a sea of flames." She ended off.

    "I was thinking about it earlier. It seems to be a Demon, who finds people that are hopelessly in love and tricks them into getting they're crush to drink a love potion." Estelle told him. "I think when it refers to the User, Victim and then people close to them, well it can be taken in 2 ways." Estelle told him. "If the Brew works, it's almost like selling your soul to the devil and after a certain amount of time with the love potion in effect he'll come back to take your soul. The victim of the potion will die with a broken heart due to the one they have been in the mindset to love thanks to the love potion, and then kill himself also. Anyone close to them will be devastated about both of them dying."

    Estelle took a breath. "But, if the potion doesn't work, I'm thinking that whatever happens to the people involved, is just entertainment for whatever kind of Demon this is. Or it could be that in the story Killer Cupid, is giving humans said potion, 'cause Killer Cupid could think since people will do anything for the love that do not love them back, it could be taken as lust, which Killer Cupid could be trying to get rid of, thinking they're doing the right thing." Estelle took another breath.

    "This is just a story but it holds some truth, some killers, even some people believe they're doing the right things when they are. If you look at Hunchback of Notre Dame, Judge Frollo is killing Gipsy's because he thinks they've all committed crimes, and thinks he's doing the right thing by getting rid of them. Maybe the killer, thought they saw something they didn't and tried to use the cruse to cover up what was really going on.

    Telling people around here they story, could be why the books weren't together, people are reading about it for themselves and blaming the Killer Cupid. But again it's just a possibility. We should go look for them after this. Hm... If this Potion was real what would you do with it?" Estelle asked. "Sorry I talk a lot, but I can feel it, this is the key... or at least a piece of the puzzle...." She said. "How much can you tell me about Noelle and Jonathan?" She asked him. "Just tell me what you think and everything you can." She told him. "And thank you for helping me out..." She whispered softly to him.

  16. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    "I see great minds think alike" said the voice of Julius behind Pierce as he placed his on top of the back of her chair and crouched over her shoulder and stared over at the computer screen. The internet was always a great source for information and it was quick to boot. Heading to the computers was a good choice for Julius but he didn't expect to find Pierce there as well.

    Pierce was always quiet and far too nervous but he always felt that the quiet ones could always surprise a person the most when shit came down. Julius was quite impressed to see that Pierce was searching up what he was going to search as well so Julius decided to join the girl and see just what she could find on the net.

    "Sorry to interrupt, but lets see what we can find shall we?" Julius said. So far from what he saw Julius could tell that the girl was searching up exactly what he wanted to search so there really wasn't any point for him to get another computer. Nothing was needed to be said at the moment, but he did hope that the girl wasn't getting nervous due to him, it would be quite annoying.
  17. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 0 « OOC: N|A :

    The library was a waste of time in his opinion. Oliver didn't discover anything of interest, not that he looked very hard. As soon as he realized they weren't getting much of anywhere, he sat down at one of the tables and began to text. As eager as he was to end the curse, he felt another location would have been more helpful. He had asked around [ before giving up ] about Bentley but no one really gave him a straight answer. Frustrating, but understandable. This wasn't Bentley, how did they expect to find crucial information in any of these record books?

    Eventually they all stopped their wandering and met back together again outside. The sun continued to smile down upon the city of Whittlerose, and the streets were cramped with cars going to and fro. He could only wonder why they were such busy residents. Whittlerose didn't look nearly large enough to house all of the people he was seeing walking around. At least this was good for them, as they didn't stand out nearly as much.

    Before heading back to the inn, they decided to walk around the city a bit more, scouting out some new locations to possibly check out in the morning before the left for the boat. The caravan discovered city hall, a museum, Whittlerose University [ which seemed to be off for break like Fortissimo ], a super mall, and an immensely eerie looking graveyard. Oliver was sure they had literally trekked through the entire town, and felt like his legs were going to collapse beneath him if they continued. Fortunately, they didn't go any further than that, and made the long and tiresome adventure back to the inn.

    Man, why hadn't anyone rented a bus or something?


    Once they arrived, the dark-haired stranger from earlier mumbled something about being hungry and ignited the decision to settle down and eat. They had passed a few exquisite looking restaurants on their way there but figured it would be less expensive to take advantage of the inn's amenities. Everything was trying so hard to be fancy.

    When Mary asked what Whittlerose was like, he frankly replied 'pretentious'.

    After dropping off the couple of books he DID check out, he returned to the dining room where a cherry-nosed, freckle kissed woman greeted him. A small but tasty looking buffet was set up, and gratefully no one else had reserved the dining room for this particular time slot. They had an hour to eat together.

    He grabbed a plate of mainly meats and starches and took a seat at the corner - by one of the heads, not waiting before indulging. A warm, electric jolt shot down his spine at the zestily seasoned pillow of fluffy mashed potatoes on his tongue. At least they could cook, this was excellent!

    In his fatigue he continued stuffing his cheeks with the meal. His plate was basically empty by the time he finally spoke up, gazing up with his green eyes and looking around the table - while avoiding Pierce. It was oddly quiet. They wouldn't get anywhere with this sort of attitude.

    Sooo, he cleared his throat and wiped his mouth with the provided napkin. did you guys find anything?
  18. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female

    Clothes Mood» Thinking Thinking Thinking Music Date: 2016 Location » Library OOC:

    Estelle saw that it was almost time to go eat. "Shane I'm going to go... if you want to, find me later and we can talk about it.... and don't mention it to anyone else." She whispered. Estelle grabbed the book and started to head out of the library. They probably wouldn't miss it for a little while... The whole walk home she was thinking about that stupid book. The only thing on her mind... she just needed to forget about it... it probably wouldn't help at all... but still... She had to let it go... she thought that anyway. But something stronger thought over wise. She just thought about Dinner... oh ya... she told Shane she had to talk to him about something later... didn't she? She sighed.

    She went into her room to change first. Someone Else's stuff was here... "It must've been SOPHIE probably." She thought. She changed into another Dinner outfit. She also did up her hair again. As Estelle got dressed up she had thoughts exploding in her head "Do you think he might like me?", "How do I look tonight?", "What was I even going to tell him anyway?" She wondered. That was a very good question, she didn't really have something in mind she just wanted to talk to him later. Oh gosh... now she needed to lie or figure out something.

    Soon Estelle joined the others in the dinning room, not saying much, but just looking around. When Oliver asked if they found anything, she jumped up a bit. "Nope, nothing that interesting, just a silly children's book and boring fairy tales." Estelle said as quickly as she could. She didn't want to tell the others about the book just yet... she wanted to look into it more. Even if it didn't have anything to do with the case it still sparked her curiosity. After she was finished eating she still sat with the group to be polite, twirling her hair every couple of minutes. She sighed. She felt so stiff she didn't know how to talk all of a sudden. Zoey and Shane she seemed to talk to fine, Zoey even a little too much. But now she didn't feel like saying anything... all she could feel were her cheeks burning and her racing going a scarlet red. Maybe she was catching a cold? Or maybe she was just too shy to say anything to anyone. She felt so awkward. She looked up for a friendly face, but she could barely lift her head, still in fear of messing up.
  19. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves

    { 1 6 : 0 5 }
    xxxxxx<< Comrade Grant, I think I can speak for everyone when saying the library was very much a waste of time. >>

    Torvald had set his fork gently next to his knife on his messy plate. A few browned rosemary thorns found their home among tiny stains of grease and indiscriminate dark sauce. Beads of leftover potato chunks, not adequately mashed, dotted the sides of the yellowing porcelain. Torvald picked up his handkerchief and dabbed away near his mouth.

    << I took a look at the Percival County census records with the gracious assistance of the good-hearted proletarian worker bee that is Miss Kline. >> He paused for effect. << There was something that would pique a hundred revolutions of glorified interest. >>

    He stood up. << A few of you have visited Bentley before, yes. From 2009 to 2010, the town's population jumped up an astonishing 991 people. This may very well be insignificant with the information we currently have at our disposal, but there has been a lack of concurrent record for why this jump happened. >> His cold tirade was dampened by his full stomach, and it cushioned his words. << It is a statistical anomaly, and we can only guess what happened. Perhaps a revolution. That is all. >>
    He sat back down and set aside his handkerchief. << Tomorrow I hope we may drive forth our revolution to find the truth by looking elsewhere. >>

    << One more thing.
    I met a young little revolutionary whom all of you seemed to forget about. Jenna gives her regards. >>
  20. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Location: Dining Hall {} Mood: Deep in Thought {} OOC: Blerg :/
    After a while at the library, the group decided to go have dinner right after they left. Sasha dropped the magazine back to its spot and rejoined the group as they left. So far, she learned absolutly nothing of what they were supposed to learn, but she did refresh herself on what happened back then. Candlewood was a place slowly getting unwanted attention from media everywhere. If there were to be more events occurring, Candlewood may undergo a lockdown due to all the deaths occurring there. The care relating to the events 3 months ago may just place the final nail in the coffin of Candlewood.
    Or Sasha could just be over skeptical and overthinking. She shook her head and focused on getting back, her stomach growling for food. She probably wasn't thinking right from the lack of food. She may not look like it, but she eats a lot for her size. As she entered the dining hall, she felt embarrassed as she was still wearing the same clothes she had while everyone else dressed a lot more fancy. Hey it wasn't her fault the group didn't give her a packing list or any sort of info.
    Grabbing a place stuffed with meat, potatoes, and bread, she quickly grabbed an empty table a bit close to the group, but not close enough where she could get dragged into unnecessary chatter. Team or not, she wanted to have as little involvement to this case as possible, but focus on the impact it would have on Candlewood itself.
    Chomping down on a large bite of ham, she scrolled through her phone, examining the many articles posed about Candlewood. Huh...lot of protests keeping it open. After skimming it a bit more, she stopped at an article and examined it a bit. "Mysterious toxin found in dead bodies. Surely if it were any poison, it would've been figured out by now. But why not? Is it a different type?" She continued chomping down on her food as she pondered.
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