❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DAY02 & 1/4
    " AND SO IT BEGINS... "
    Dakota slunk away from Erik's arm. He shrugged and hooked his thumbs through his belt loops. "... Leave me alone." If you say so. Erik just gave her a smug grin. He couldn't help teasing Dakota. She made it too easy. She dropped her head and jet black hair fell in her face. "How did you get into my room?" There we go. The smile on his face was stupid big.

    "That's my secret." he told her. Erik held one finger up to his lips and winked. It would probably bother her for awhile and the thought of that would give him hours of pleasure.
    He clapped his hands together and looked around at everyone. They should really get going. He had a familiar sense of déjà vu. This wasn't good. They really needed to get going. "All right," he started, taking a step away from Dakota to make her feel less uncomfortable. "We need to get moving. If we're going to get to Bentley, than we need to head to the ferry." He cast a sidelong glance at Bryan and Julius. "Unless, we have other plans before we set off from Whittlerose?" It would be best to just get there as soon as possible, but from their talk yesterday, Erik got the feeling that the other two wanted to do some sort of reconnaissance on Bentley from here. "We should at least get to town. There's no sense in standing around here waiting for trouble to find us." Because it always seemed to go that way.
  2. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: Concern (X)Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Train Station (X) OOC:
    "Do you need to sit down?" He asked. There was probably somewhere that they would be able to sit at if that would help her. Considering potential length of this trip, getting sick wouldn't be a good thing right now. Though it wasn't exactly showing any signs of being truly sick. Maybe she was just tired or feeling exhausted. Either way, he chose to leave it at that.
    Hearing her mention the drawing that she'd drew reminded him of the one he saw before. which in turn brought a smile to his face as he replied. "Sure, that'd be fine." He soon began to start wondering what exactly to was that she drew. Was it off the top of her head or inspired by something. Questions like this went through his head until Estelle asked her next question.
    "Erg... Shane... Do you have a girlfriend?..."
    That left a surprised expression on his face, along with a slight red blush. Considering how sudden and completely out of nowhere the question was, he didn't have much time to compose himself as he answered. "Uh, n-no I h-haven't." Why would she ask him that of all thing? Was there something else tat she wanted to ask him?
    "All right, We need to get moving. If we're going to get to Bentley, than we need to head to the ferry."
    His questions would have to wait since they were about to get moving. So he looked towards Estelle again and said. "I guess were about to head out." The light pink hue was still on his cheeks, but it had slightly faded from when it first showed up.
  3. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» Fine Music Date: 2016 Location » Erg... Land? OOC:

    "Do you need to sit down?"

    Estelle nodded but then realized they would be going soon. She would feel better once they got moving. When he mentioned her drawing she decided she would show him later, considering how sick she felt.

    That left a surprised expression on his face, along with a slight red blush.

    She looked up at Shane, blushing and she was blushing now herself, redder then before, if that was even possible.

    "Uh, n-no I h-haven't."

    "Oh... Ok." She said smiling sweetly once more. Inside she was in total panic mode. Had she said the wrong thing? Probably. "Damn it Estelle." She muttered under her breath. The one time she thought she hadn't messed up. Oh Zoey where were you to help her? She wished she would somehow get out of this.

    "All right, We need to get moving. If we're going to get to Bentley, than we need to head to the ferry."

    She jumped for joy inside. Live saver Mr. Whatshisface here just saved her from saying anything dump. Thank Goodness. Wait... Ferry... did he say Ferry? He meant the things with wings right? Please? She suddenly felt sick inside. Not a Ferry not a Ferry anything but a Ferry. She didn't know that she would need to go on a Ferry Boat. She could feel her face heating up and tears starting to build up.

    "I guess were about to head out."

    She looked over at Shane. "Y-ya... Erg Shane..." She said. "Shane did he just say Ferry?" Estelle asked with a worried expression on her face. "I don't know if I've mentioned it before but I have a slight fear of water.... and boats...." Estelle explained to him. "Will you stay with me when we go on?" Estelle asked. "I know I'll feel a bit better if one of my friends are with me, but seriously... I think if I was alone I would like... freak out... I'm really not kidding." She said almost with tears in her eyes. She hated water. Bad experience, thats all she had to say. She was freaking out. This was worst then asking Shane anything stupid. This nervousness was waaay worst then anything ever. She took a deep breath. "I'm sorry... Sorry... I'm just... I'm so scared." She said looking at him, even though her eyes were full of tears.
  4. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    Bryan stood aside, watching everyone get off the train. Why did so many of them come? He seriously minded it because he would have to watch over them like he was their babysitter or something. Ahhh, can I just tie them to a post that might be struck by lightning? He looked over to see a girl with Erik that he didn't really recognize by name. He frowned, but more glowered internally. He probably shouldn't care anymore, but still. Regardless of who she was, he probably already didn't or wouldn't like her.

    "Alright, we need to get moving. If we're going to get to Bentley, than we need to head to the ferry." Erik looked at both him and Julius, who stood next to him.

    Okay, so who died and put you in charge? he thought to himself, Of course, I could always kill you and then Julius could be in charge. Bryan wasn't exactly an 'alpha type' personality, but he could pull through on this stuff when he needed to, or wanted to.

    Their first plan had been to investigate Whittlerose and see what they could find out about Bentley before actually going there. Not to mention, it would take a ferry ride to get to Bentley, and he didn't know if he was ready for that again. He had some doubts that it would stay floating this time, and that they would be picked up by the same overly-cheerful couple. The thought of slitting their throats and taking the boat to Bentley themselves was a pleasing one, but they had to know where it was, so he cancelled it.

    "For insurance purposes, we decided the best shot would be staying here, tonight." Bryan told the group, leaving no room for debate, "Erik's right, though. Let's get moving."

    He waited for all of the others to grab their things, and then began leading them away from the platform. They followed a path that was surrounded by trees for a little while while the group passed the time by chatting among themselves. He couldn't tell if all of them were uneasy as he was, because this wasn't a vacation, and for anyone who thought it was, they were better left behind or dead. Useless people were not wanted, and he could easily pick out the ones who would be on the death list.

    Eventually, the path broke out into an open area that was dotted with buildings here and there and . . . Snazzy. This place was nice, he had to admit. A notch below the freaky-ass Bentley, but it had a style all its own. There weren't many people out, which was strange, but not unexpected. The architecture reminded him a bit of the Edwardian Era, maybe a little sleeker and modern.

    Some of the residents that were around watched them with cautious eyes as they kept to the side and continued to walk. Bryan narrowed his own eyes at any who looked, and they remained unbothered until they stumbled upon an inn surrounded by well-tended green grass and flowers that trailed up the steps to the main entrance. The closer they got, the sweeter the smell of the atmosphere was, and he recalled how sickingly sweet that shop in Bentley had smelled. Here, it wasn't as intense, but just enough to irritate.

    The lobby was rather grandishly designed despite the relatively humble exterior, and Bryan thought that he didn't like this place that much, but bloodthirsty beggars couldn't be choosers. With Julius in tow, he walked up to the desk of the receptionist, who received them with a lot of caution. "How may I help you?" she asked slowly, but then formed a smile.

    "We'd like some rooms for the night."

    "Ah, are you all on a field trip?" she replied.

    He blinked at the question, and almost laughed. ". . . Something like that."

    She explained to them the rooming to him ( though she mostly looked like she was talking to Julius, which annoyed him and made him want to cut out her tongue ), and it seemed like there were four to a room. That was fine. He immediately decided that he would room with Julius either way, and Erik and Maria, if they both wanted. There were nineteen of them, so that was four groups of four and one of three, which worked out.

    "Alright, make room buddies among yourselves." he started, "I don't care who, just get on with it." He then turned to Julius, "I was thinking me, you, Erik, and Maria." He snagged the room keys from the clerk and then passed them out to everyone. "Go settle in."
  5. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Maria followed behind Bryan wordlessly on the way to Whittlerose. Everyone was so lively, but she didn't understand why. With every step forward they took, it brought them one closer to pain and misery. Nothing good would come of this trip. Erik's mention of the ferry had per on edge, but she didn't address the matter. At least it would be another day away. Tomorrow -- like the last two summers heading to and from camp -- would be terrifying. Every now and again she would glance up at Bryan and a whole new wave of unease would settle over her. There was something dark there. She highly doubted he would bring it up on his own. That meant prying and prying could possibly severe what thin threads of friendship still held them together. Just great.

    When they arrived at the inn, her blue eyes bounced from wall to wall. There was so much to take in. The interior was so much more grandiose compared to the humble looking exterior. She had to readjust her glasses to be sure she was taking it all in properly. She swallowed uncomfortably. Maria hadn't stayed at an inn in nearly three years -- hotels, yes; but inns, not so much. Her gaze followed Bryan as he took lead on getting them rooms. The receptionist clearly didn't take him seriously as leader of the group. Her gaze kept jumping to Julius and she had to resist the urge to laugh. Bryan didn't find this act as amusing as she did. She stood off to his right, fidgeting with the fringe at the bottom of her dress.
    After a few more minutes, he turned around to face the rest of them. Alright, make room buddies among yourselves. he started.
    Oh right. They would need to share rooms. Her gaze flicked from face to face, unsure of who she dared ask. Maybe that tall black - haired girl Erik had been friendly with earlier? No. Probably not. Well maybe. She didn't feel comfortable bunking with any of the younger kids, but she would have to pick someone one. She could always as Sophie and Pierce. They had both been here before. The fact that the three of them were the only surviving girls from that time left a pain in her chest. All right. Sophie, Pierce, and the strange black - haired girl.
    I don't care who, just get on with it. He then turned to Julius, I was thinking me, you, Erik, and Maria. He snagged the room keys from the clerk and then passed them out to everyone. Go settle in.
    Oh. She hadn't expected that. Maria hadn't been standing that far away from Bryan, so she was able to fully hear what he told Julius. She had to be honest, it really caught her off guard. Thanks Bryan, she said in surprise. She took a key from him and nodded. Given his aura yesterday when she entered the cabin, she hadn't expected being invited to stay in their room. Especially because she was to be the only female in it, not that she minded.
    After everyone grabbed a key, they spread out to find the rooms. Maria looked down at the number on her key and began to ascend the elegant staircase. Her suitcase cl - clunked up the stairs until she finally reached the top. She glanced up at the sign and turned left. Down the hall on the was their room. She came to a stop in front of it and opened the door. The room was small, but cute. There was definitely enough room for all four of them. She set her stuff down by the desk and took a seat on the corner of one of the beds. They would probably head into town after this. That sounded like the intelligent thing to do. With a heavy sigh, she rubbed her eyes and gave the men a smile and grabbed her purse. She didn't want to stay in the room.

    Wearing Music Date: 03/15/2016 Day: 02 & 2/4
    Mood: Unsure Location: Inn
    : Interaction: OOC:
  6. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: Curious (X)Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Station --> Inn (X) OOC:
    "Will you stay with me when we go on? I know I'll feel a bit better if one of my friends are with me, but seriously... I think if I was alone I would like... freak out... I'm really not kidding."
    He wasn't expecting this either. Not that there was anything wrong with having a dislike of water. Though just by how she was explaining it to him showed how serious it was. "Alright, it it'll help you feel better." He answered before following everyone else.
    Upon getting to the inn, Shane just stood idly by as Bryan went around handing out keys to everyone. That was pretty much all that he could do right now. Well that and try to look for a roommate. There was no need for him to be picky about who he was going to room with since either way it was going to be with someone that he barely knew.
    His look around to find a roommate went pretty quick the first time. At that point he was just taking another look at everyone. When he did it the second time however, he actually made an attempt to find someone. Eventually his search ended with him finding someone he figured that he could get along with. So he made his way towards the potential roomie. "Hey, you mind sharing a room with me?"
  7. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Evan Allen Walker:
    {~~~Day 2 (2/4)~~~March 15th, 2016, Tuesday~~~Location: Inn~~~Mood:To Adventure!~~~Music~~~Ooc:~~~}

    Evan just sort of stood there looking around while everyone was getting off the train. He looked at the town and thought it was the perfect place to start their investigation. After all the scene of the crime wasn't the only place to gather intel. He heard Erik's suggestion and thought to himself that it was a good thing Erik was here, he seemed to have that whole natural leader vibe that the group was probably going to need. After that he heard Bryan say that they were spending the night in this nice little town. It seemed a fine enough idea, after all most of the kids still seemed anxious and nervous all over the place so a day of rest before the large excursion would do the Junior Detectives good. With that thought in his head he hoisted his bags along and walked with everyone to the hotel.

    Once in there he looked around in the lobby and found it to be quite nice looking. The floor looked so clean and smooth that Evan decided that he would put on his rollerblades outside of the hotel just out of respect for the floor, (and not because the inn owner would probably kick him out for it.) He then heard that it was four for a room and that Bryan, Julius, Erik and Maria were already together. Probably a good arrangement too. Evan didn't really think that Bryan and Julius were really ready for this case, and was slightly concerned that their emotion would cloud their judgement and probably get in the way. Erik would probably be able to keep them in check and Maria was just...well she was probably good at managing emotional people. However Evan needed a roommate, and the "Little Baker Bro" probably wasn't going to be up for staying together in a room with him, so he turned his attention to his Marxist Comrade.

    "Yo Torv, wanna share a room together with me and any other working class buddies of yours?" Evan wasn't entirely sure who else to room with, but Torvald was bound to have some friends he'd like to room what with being such a likeable fellow. Some might think he was mocking Torvald by trying to mimic his speech but in actuality Evan was just sort of liked the way he spoke and thought he'd probably respond better to it. After waiting for Torvald's response he followed up with, "so after we get situated in our rooms what say we go around town and gather some good old intel on Bentley from the good old middle class fellows of Whittlebrooke. I mean ignorance is like, the real enemy or something and how much do we even know about Bentley?" He was pretty sure that was an expression, so he went with it.
  8. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» Better Music Date: 2016 Location » Erg... Land? OOC:
    Estelle smiled. She felt so much better now, and she would get time to spend with Shane on the boat. Not that it made her like the idea of going on the Ferry anymore, but she was glad he didn't laugh at her fear of water. She remembered her sister joking around with her, saying that she wasn't Elphaba and the water wouldn't melt her. Estelle didn't think it was very funny, considering her sisters knew where her fear of the water came from. She then put her headphones in and started listening to her music
    She was overjoyed and started to follow Bryan, who seemed to be taking the group leaders spot. As they got to the Inn, Estelle figured out fast that she would need a room mate. She walked over to Zoey and smiled. "Zoey I've got, so much to tell you!" Estelle whispered to her. "Would you like to room with me?" Estelle asked her. She hope she would say yes she had so much stuff to tell her about the trip and she was wondering what she did for the whole ride.

    She looked around at everyone else, she wondered who would be rooming with who. Since she didn't know anyone other then Zoey and Shane, she would feel a bit more comfortable with one of them, preferably Zoey. She turned her headphones down a little bit, so she could hear Zoey's response. She couldn't hear all too well and kept it on Max Vol, but it didn't come in handy when trying to ask people things and listen to there answers.
  9. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A

    Location: In Town/Hotel {} Mood: Curious/Anxious {} OOC: o:
    After getting off the train, Sasha made one final check on herself before following the group. Well specifically Dennis as she and the rest made their way through town. She kept close because she often had a habit of spacing out while walking, usually resulting in her being lost which was NOT a good thing to do here. Not to mention the group won't give a damn if she went missing because she was relatively 99% ignored by the majority.
    In town, Sasha looked around, curious on what the town had. It looked...really good. She couldn't say much more or think. It was a nice looking town anyone would want to settle down in. She could almost picture-No stop Sasha! Focus!
    She shook her head and blushed slightly, continued to walk with the group until they reached an inn. Outside looked nice, but the inside was very snazzy. Like VERY snazzy. She never went into a nice looking hotel before. It amazed her. The group thing caught her ear. Looks like they'll be going into rooms by groups. Well if it came to this, she already had at least ONE person to room comfortably with. She turned to Dennis. "Dennis, you wouldn't mind if I room with you right?"
  10. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//fOutfit-|Thoughts: This is interesting.|Place: Off the train---->Inn at Whittlerose|Mood:Tired|Music: InuYasha's Lulalby| Day: 2/4 ]

    Zoey was hardly paying attention to the world around her. What happened last night between her and Ryder was still fresh on her mind. She shuddered, pulling her hat more over her eyes as she looked around Whittlerose under her shades. It seemed quiet, quaint... She barely heard the announcement from Erik, let along Biran. Something about a ferry, and then something about staying here for the night. No way, she wanted to keep moving. But if they had to stay, she guessed they must have to. She shuffled along with the rest of the group, not minding being ignored by Shane and Estelle when she talked to them earlier. She was used to stuff like that. Plus, it sounded like they were talking about something important, something Zoey didn't need to butt into at the moment. So she hung back, her backpack hanging off one shoulder as she drug her suitcase behind her. She still felt a bit upset still about the night before, how things seemed to go wrong with Ryder. He wanted to be lonely, fine. She wasn't going to get her head snapped off a second time and risk the awkwardness like what had happened the night before.

    "Zoey I've got, so much to tell you!" Estelle whispered to her. "Would you like to room with me?" Estelle asked her.

    "Huh?" Zoey looked up and blinked her eye at her friend in a dumbfounded matter. What was going on?

    One look around, and she saw they were in a hotel like place. "Oh, um," she processed the question Estelle asked her through her brain one more time before she pulled off her shades and set them on top of her hat. "S-Sure, I'd love to room with you," Zoey said with a small smile, shrugging her shoulders. She was covering up the fact she was still bothered about Ryder. Estelle had no idea what happened. No one did. She didn't want to pass rumors or start some drama. Whatever happeend between the two of them last night, she was going to keep it to herself. That was a fact. Freddie didn't need to know either. He would probably punch Ryder's lights out if he knew anyways.
  11. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 2 « OOC: N|A :

    It was hot. That was annoying. Oliver hated the heat. Aside from that, though, Whittlerose was pretty great. Clean, busy ... If Bentley was anything like this then he didn't know what everyone else was getting on about. They left the train station immediately, weaving through the clusters of busy looking people and walking down the sidewalk for a short while -- it seemed -- before reaching a shade covered path to travel along. It felt kind of silly, walking in a group like this. A group of practically strangers [ specifically a dark haired woman he had never seen before ] off to ... do something. People were talking to each other but he tuned them out, eyes ahead.

    Oliver was usually a bit more social than this but he really couldn't stand most of anything right now, let alone pretending to care. He may have been more partial to try if Pierce and Sophie weren't around. Maybe he could make friends? After a while, his sour mood had turned lethargic and he just wanted to rest and think and maybe get back on the next train to Candlewood.


    The path faded away and they continued to walk. He had no idea where exactly they were going or how Bryan knew exactly [ he himself was a bit lost without his gps app ], but he followed along compliantly and eventually they reached an ugly looking inn. He hoped it was a bit more modern on the inside ...

    It wasn't.

    He clutched the straps of his backpack.

    Alright, make room buddies among yourselves. I don't care who, just get on with it.

    That was annoying ... Sure, most of them were young but they could figure something like that without prompting. He couldn't blame the guy though. Noëlle was his sister.

    Slowly but surely, they began to pair up. In the end the groups looked like so;

    • Erik, Maria, Bryan, Julius
    • Torvald, Evan, Lucas, Ryder
    • Zoey, Estelle, Sophie, Dakota
    • Dennis, Shane, Sasha, Pierce
    • Freddie, Oliver, Quentin

    He didn't really have a preference on his group, so once their keys were gotten, he greeted them all and shuffled up the grand staircase [ why was this there ] to his room. He took the liberty of unlocking the door, and spent the next several minutes getting settled in.

  12. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
  13. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» Better Music Date: 2016 Location » Inn OOC:

    "Zoey, the train ride was so awesome, I got to talk to Shane, and we slept in the same cart thing but not like that." Estelle spoke very very fast. "And then we talked some more and I got him to ride that Stupid Ferry with me, I hate water like really hate water so I'm glad he did. I'm terrified of water." She said. "Anyway so then I asked if he got a girlfriend and I started blushing and he started blushing and it was all cute and then he said he didn't so I was so glad, but I couldn't believe it he's such a nice guy and all how could he not have someone interested in him." Estelle took a breath. "I was so so so so sooooo nervous though like unbelievably nervous." Estelle told her. "You have to give me some advice on what to say to him next time, I was freaking out." She said. "Anyway this looks like our room, lets unpack and decided what we're going to do." She said, swiping the key and opening the door. "Well this is nice I guess." She said, sitting on the bed and putting her suit case at the end of it. "Who else is rooming with us again?" Estelle asked her. "Whatever, anyway I'm so so so excited now I wonder where we're all going to go, I just I feel this burning inside me I have to see him again." She told her.

    "Anyway enough about that how was your ride on the train? I didn't see you for the whole time" Estelle asked. "Oh and thanks for texting me back I was so happy when I saw you were ok." Estelle told her. She started to take a teddy bear from her bag and laid it on the bed. "Have you meet everyone already?" She asked. "I've heard names but I haven't really talked to anyone I've been a bit distracted as you can tell." She looked around the room some more. "Zoey I think maybe we should share a bed, since we know each other, I don't want you sleeping in the chair and we did get here first.." She said. "Plus I rather since I don't know the others very well. I wonder if we'll get along with them." She said.

    "Sorry I know I talk a lot I'm just, super excited and I can rant on forever if you let me." She said laughing.
  14. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DAY02 & 2/4
    " AND SO IT BEGINS... "
    After they all got settled into their rooms, Erik took the opportunity to change out of the clothes he had been wearing on the train. When he was done, Erik called the Front Desk to look up good sources of information in Whittlerose. The receptionist had been helpful enough, naming off a handful of different places they could check out. The four of them talked it over and after a bit of debated, they settled on the Whittlerose Library. They met everyone down in the lobby and informed them of the decided upon location. It took a bit of time for the nineteen of them -- did they really have that many in their party? -- to get prepared to leave, but when they were finally departure - ready, they all set off.

    A normal person would have been able to make the walk to the library in no time at all, but with the sheer number in their party, it took a bit to get there. Oh well. Erik took in his surroundings as they made their way there, ensuring they would be able to find their way back without trouble. Shops lined the streets and businesses seemed to be filled with the break from school. Students of all ages roamed about heading this way and that. Whittlerose wouldn't have been such a bad town to spend Spring Break in if things were different. He would have even enjoyed the state of the inn. Many of the buildings had apartment complexes built on top of them, much like his own. There was a sub shop and a law office below his two - bedroom condo. The place hadn't been in the best condition when he bought it ( acquiring it at a low price because of that ), but with the renovations he had put into it, it was unrecognizable to the one he first moved into.

    He saw the green street sign of a person holding a book ( representative to that of a library ) and informed everyone that it was down the next street. Erik was feeling good. He had a sense of purpose other than teaching that he hadn't felt in a long time. It was rather unfortunate that the last time he felt this useful was under even worse pretenses than the present. A large building rose up before them and a sign on the front of it read: Whittlerose Public Library. He smiled, proud of himself and turned to face the others. "Well, it looks like we're here," he said matter - of - factly.

    When they got inside, he checked the directory on the wall for the Resources section and began the investigation. If they were to find information on Bentley their best bet would be under Resources. He turned down an aisle, stopping in front of a row of books and skimmed through the titles on the binding. There must be something here about the local area. All libraries had books on the founding of towns in the area, along with documents about city laws, public buildings, and important happenings. It was true that this was Whittlerose and not Bentley, but with them being neighboring towns, the odds were still pretty good.
  15. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//fOutfit-|Thoughts: Omg Estelle, shoosh. Shoosh already..|Place: Inn at Whittlerose---> AT THE LIBRAAAARY!|Mood:Tired/just a tad grumpy|Music:x| Day: 2/4 ]

    Zoey barely heard what Estelle was saying to her. What was this rumpus. What in the world was she even saying? Something about sleeping on the train with Shane, (heh, that rhymed) but it wasn't anything like that. She heard Estelle ask who was rooming with them again, but she didn't know. She didn't even have time to answer. She put her suitcase in the closet and out of the way, but kept her backpack on. She wasn't going to let go of it any time soon. She was burning to see Shane again, eh? Well, Zoey would make sure not to get in Shane's way with Estelle, or the other way around. It seemed like she was going to be a third wheel in this friendship. Oh the bundles and joys at the thought of that...

    "Anyway enough about that how was your ride on the train? I didn't see you for the whole time" Estelle asked. "Oh and thanks for texting me back I was so happy when I saw you were ok." Estelle told her. She started to take a teddy bear from her bag and laid it on the bed. "Have you meet everyone already?" She asked.

    Zoey nodded her head, letting every word that Estelle was saying soak in now instead of blowing it off and letting it run over her head. "No problem with the text back, train ride was okay... No, I really didn't talk to anyone or meet anyone." She didn't even bring up Ryder. No. She wasn't even going to mention that poor bastard. There wasn't much conversation between the two anyways. He probably barely remembered running into her. All that he would remember was that Zoey was being a crybaby and annoying. That was probably all.

    "I've heard names but I haven't really talked to anyone I've been a bit distracted as you can tell."

    As if I couldn't tell, Zoey thought with a roll of her eyes before leaning against the wall and then forced a smile for Estelle. She saw the teddy bear on the bed, but didn't say much to it. She could live with a third person/thing in bed, just as long as it didn't talk to her.

    "Zoey I think maybe we should share a bed, since we know each other, I don't want you sleeping in the chair and we did get here first.." She said. "Plus I rather since I don't know the others very well. I wonder if we'll get along with them. Sorry I know I talk a lot I'm just, super excited and I can rant on forever if you let me."

    "We can share a bed," she said with a small smile. This was so easy hiding her emotions; Estelle was too distracted to see anything wrong with her. Good. No talking about what happened on the train and why she was blurred eyed and looked like poop with her blood shot eyes from crying herself to sleep. "Well, let's not rant forever now," Zoey said, pushing herself from the wall as she looked into the hallway and saw everyone going. "Looks like we're going on a field trip."

    A little bit later, and Zoey wandered in the library with everyone else. She was slightly taken aback with the size of it and just goo goo eyed at it all. It was so majestic and very beautiful. But hey, they needed to focus right now. The mission? To find as much information about Bentley as possible, their final destination. She heard about things here and there, but not much.

    She looked over at Estelle and smiled at her. "I'm going to head in the history section. I think Shane might be looking for you," she said with a little bit of a teasing tone and nudged her in the shoulder. She wasn't going to wait for Estelle to follow her. She followed the signs in the library right up to the history section and began her search there for anything that could help with this quest.

    Zoey found one title labeled The History of Whittlerose. She flipped through the table of contents and found nothing but "boring useless stuff like settlers and white people stealing land from other people, yaddayadda fun stuff. Some information on the mayors of the cities leading up to the year 2011 -- the newest mayor being Mr. Doug L. Westerchest"

    There was freaking nothing here! "Baw." she shut the book and tried to look for anything on Bentley, but nope, nothing. Maybe some newspaper clippings... Where would she find that though?
  16. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» Pinkie Pieish Music Date: 2016 Location » Inn OOC:

    Estelle barely heard what Zoey was saying her mind was too full of thoughts. Zoey seemed to not be too interested in her love life, but she didn't think much of it. She was happy that she hadn't hit her with a pillow or something to get her to shut up. Oh well Estelle was much to happy to care. She heard field trip and livened up. As they traveled to the Library, Zoey looked so determined. Like a girl on a mission. That was good, she wondered what she should look for. Estelle loved reading and all kinds of books, maybe she would get a bit side tracked...

    "I'm going to head in the history section. I think Shane might be looking for you," she said with a little bit of a teasing tone and nudged her in the shoulder.

    Estelle laughed. "Haha very funny." She said rolling her eyes. She walked around a bit, but then looked back at Zoey. She looked so serious, she wondered what Zoey was looking for. She sighed, probably better not to ask. She found herself in the fantasy section, even though it didn't seem to have anything interesting. She was wondering what she could find though, maybe about curses or something. She was supposed to be looking into why these people died. She pulled out 3 or 6 books, and then sat down on one of the desks and started to look through them. Curses, Spells, maybe something they could use.

    She was wondering about Shane though... even though she was on a mission herself, she was a bit distracted. "Oh course you're distracted..." Estelle muttered to herself. "I'm sure Zoey can tell..." She said. She read to herself, whispering out loud as she looked through the books, hoping to find something.
  17. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves

    { 0 9 : 4 0 }


    xxxxxxTo Torvald, everything felt dank. Putrid, incessant, bourgeois parrots! Fools and shoes that would be trampled by the revolution! Torvald was fuming at this entire town. Everything was such a terrible, tacky contrast! The buildings rose up like shimmering European capitalists trying to fly away from their imminent graves! It was all too Edwardian and ostentatious for him, just begging to be toppled. And oh no, it would be fine if they were all alone, these boisterous god-blasting stigmata on the very soul of the working class that these buildings were, but no! They had to be situated among the trees right near dilapidated, ruined buildings. Ruined buildings where the huddled, cold, and poor hung in masses. Tired, empty of eye and empty of soul ... alas, alas, Whittlerose was a product of the oppression of the working class! Torvald would see to it that they would get out of this ridiculous mockery of the facets of human existence as quickly as possible.

    But for now, he was busy. He was busy enough trying to get his mind off of the ridiculous insanity of this place and the patrician fools he had to bunk with tonight. Even if the library was huge, and gaudily decorated, it offered a good enough resource to look at things about Bentley.

    What kind of town was Bentley? Those peons of the bourgeois, they used to speak about Bentley in hush-hush from the incident of years ago involving the camp. Alas, alas, the poor deceased! Torvald clutched his heart and struck a pose, as a few of the readers nearby turned to look at him with frightened, suspicious expressions. He dropped his hand and began to think.

    Bentley was nearby at least, and it was a fairly large town, which meant that there should be something to know about it. But this felt pointless. They could just go straight to the damn place and get it over with. At least this place was filled with good, kind-hearted plebians. It helped him cope with the overly luxurious-yet-dilapidated nature of the town to some extent. How could such a place of contrasts exist?

    Everyone had long spread out by now, and Torvald decided to go to the library's third floor. It certainly was a very large place, and even Candlewood's library could not hold a candle to Whittlerose. More than anything, the only thing Torvald could appreciate about this putrescent locale was that Whittlerose was a centre of learning.

    When he reached the elevator, he pressed the small white button and waited, tapping his foot. He looked around at the readers, and--


    was ... was that. Was that the Communist Manifesto?

    Torvald gushed, his eyes widening, his face reddening, and his hands shaking ever so slightly. He-- he needed-- he needed ...

    He ran over to the small bespectacled man engrossed in the book and jumped onto his table with a slam that startled everyone else reading in the vicinity.


    Torvald felt an arrow strike him as the corner of a book hit him square in the back of the head. He twirled and collapsed off of the table, sending the small man in a flurry. He began to sweat, closing his book and rapidly scuttling off, as some of the others looked on in horror.

    No. No imbecile would get in the way with this. He would not stand for this!
    Torvald got up, holding up his fists and fuming.


    He looked around rapidly at the horrified faces. But off in the corner, by the open elevator, stood a tiny girl with the librarian uniform, missing its tag. Her expression was one of discontent, and her eyes narrowed in incredulousness from behind her small glasses. She held a cart piled upon with books next to her, and readied a large world atlas with surprising strength.

    << YOU!

    She threw another book at him and Torvald ducked, but with lightning speed she moved in front of the large man and pressed a notepad to his face.

    << Can you shut your ignoramous trap, you psychotic dolt? What in the nine circles of all that is hellish are you doing here? >> She whispered.
    She took the notepad away from his mouth, and Torvald lowered his fists.

    << Good. >>

    << What? Do you want me to call security? I thought you Whittlerose U drama geeks had their break on Wednesdays. I wanted some inhibitions, some peace. >>

    << Just listen to me. >>

    She scrunched up her nose.

    Torvald glared at her menacingly. << Can you help me find information on Bentley? >>

    << What? What are you-- >>

    << You're a librarian! A wonderful product of the working class. It is your job to help me. >>

    Torvald looked down at her. Every facet of her was extremely tiny. She only came up to his chest at most, and her lips were scrunched up in a pouty manner. Her rosy cheeks puffed out a bit in defiance, and her wide eyes seemed to carry a callous lustre to them. Her hair was neat and clean, in long, well-kept strands that became just slightly curly at the ends as they reached her shoulders. But every little nerve of this girl was set to a tune of apprehension. No, this little one didn't trust him one bit.

    << You caused such a grandiose troubadourian bandstand just to call an attendant? >>

    Torvald coughed.

    The girl looked at him in shock, before walking back to her cart. << Just go. I'm a volunteer, I can't really-- >>

    Torvald followed. << Stop! You realize, yes, that it is rude to throw books at people. I do not want you to lose your volunteering position. >> That should do the trick.

    The girl stopped by her cart. For a moment, she stood still, debilitating, tapping her polished nails on the metal rail. She then walked over to the elevator, pressed the button, and with a ping the elevator doors opened.

    << Get in, you incongruous philistine. Fifth floor. I'm taking you to where you can find some information on that place and that's that. Hmph. >>


    << Now, there are a bunch of places you can find some information. >>

    The two slowly walked through the enormous bookshelves of the fifth floor. These ones almost reached the ceiling, and the passageways were narrow enough to block out light. The fifth floor seemed dark, empty, and almost forgotten. Only the large man and the petite young lady pulling the cart of books made any semblance of noise here.

    The girl continued. << You have Resouces down below, then you have Local Area on the fourth floor, and a cacophony of other places. But personally? >> She stopped and looked sharply at Torvald, smiling like a little imp. << The fifth floor is my favourite. Nobody really comes here. Peace and quiet, y'know? It has newspaper clippings, censuses, and all kinds of juicy stuff on the entire county. You're bound to find something here. >>

    << Aaaaaand, it has all the juicy stuff too. Hehe. >> She winked and poked her tongue out of her mouth.

    Torvald turned slowly like a stone statue.<< Juicy stuff? >>

    << You knooooow. >> She whistled and continued to drive her cart.

    He followed. << What? Uh, like the juices of the oranges you say? >>

    The girl giggled. It was warm, like honey, but held a sharp sting to it. << You really are some kind of obnoxious dolt. I'm keeping you here so that the actual librarians don't find you and make a ruckus about disturbing the peace. Let's just hope that nobody reports you ... >>

    << Nonsense! >> Torvald said. << Nobody would report a true revolutionary. >>

    << Truuue revolutionary? >>

    << Yes! >> Torvald closed his eyes and ruffled the edge of his coat in a dignified manner. << A true revolutionary, one who shall rescue all of the tired and huddled masses from the terrifying claws of the world. >>

    For a moment, the girl paused for a second. Torvald could not see her face very well, standing behind her. But soon enough, she continued driving forward the cart.

    << Ah, rescue. Sure thing, Enjolras. >>

    Torvald and the girl eventually reached the edge of the fifth floor, filled with the censuses, newspaper clippings, and other goodies. He sat down by the round table, sighing as he flexed his fingers and closed his eyes. To his surprise, however, the girl sat down in front of him.

    Torvald opened his eyes and quickly narrowed them in suspicion.
    << ... Oh. Yes, thank you for your help. You will be going to work now, yes? >>

    The girl began to look away and play around with a curl of hair.
    << Say, why do you want to know about Bentley? >>
    She had small creases of uncertainty on her face.
    Was something going on?

    Torvald tipped his chair back and lounged on his arms. Without a second thought, as if preplanned in his head hundreds of times, he said:
    << County research, sociological data for a project. >>

    The girl turned back at him and extended her arms upon the table. << Sociology, yeah? >>

    Torvald nodded.His gaze met the girl's, and in it he felt he saw, for a split second, a speck of dust that did not belong. A fleeting thought, something that was out of place in everything going on within this volunteer's mind. Something that kept her in the midst of concern, and shook Torvald up.

    But a minute passed, and though they stared at each other, the rough-and-tumble upstart said nothing.
    She eventually rose and walked back to the cart. << I'm on this floor if you need me. >>

    << Wait. >> Torvald bounced from his chair.
    << What is your name. I need to know whom I am speaking to when looking for them. >>

    The girl stopped pushing the large cart, pausing to think.

    << Jenna. >>

    And with that, the nymph returned to the forest of bookshelves.

    Torvald did some looking through the large blue tomes containing the various sample clippings of everything in the country. After throwing away three books on the biography of some idiot capitalist politician named Dough L. Whatshisface that was apparently pretty important in this godforsaken town for sticking his loins in a cake in celebration of his mayorhood, he came across a certain piece of information that sparked his interest.

    It was a recent census, but the blue hardcover was already collecting dust. The words "PERCIVAL COUNTY CENSUS 2010" were scrawled across in faded silver marker, and Torvald opened it gently to a random page.

    Okay. Alphabetical, right? Tilapok. Lightbrooke. Candlewood. Bentley- here we go.
    Torvald looked at the jump between the years 2009 to 2010.
    305 to 1296.

    That was ... 991 people? Immigrating to a boondock town? What was going on?
  18. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//fOutfit-|Thoughts: What in the woooorld...|Place: AT THE LIBRAAAARY!|Mood:Tired/just a tad grumpy|Music:x| Day: 2/4 ]

    "Huh?" Zoey perked up from her slight defeat to the sound of the familiar, booming voice. "Oh, it's that one crazy dude spouting revolution and whatnot..." She sighed and looked back to the history book again, opening it up once more. Pulling out a notepad from her backpack, she jot down the book title, some history, and then the name of the current mayor. For some reason that stuck out to her, but she didn't know why exactly....

    << YOU!

    Finally, Zoey was quite curious to know what the revolutionist was going on about and saw him from where she was just in time to see him talking to someone and asking questions. The girl seemed a bit annoyed with him at first, and then led him away elsewhere. Curious, she put the book back on the shelf and followed after them casually, hoping to not come off as a stalker of sorts.

    Soon, she found herself on the fifth floor. This might be the place where she was going to next. The lady left Travold alone and then she cleared her throat. "Here we go," she whispered to herself, walking up to the guy that intimidated her around Christmas.

    "Hey, Tannhauser." She couldn't believe she remembered his name. After all this time too. But after that little night of fearing she offended someone, she practice that name over and over again in her head. She came up to him, timid and shy. "Found anything?" she asked, holding out her note pad in front of her. "I found a book on the history of Whittle Rose... Something about the current mayor, Mr. Doug L. Westerchest. Maybe we can work together... " She bit her lower lip, looking up at him with her good eye. He was nice under all that loudness, she had to remind herself that. He was the one that gave her a candy cane after she offended him after all.
  19. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves

    { 0 9 : 5 5 }


    Did-- did someone call his name? His ... well, his last name?
    Torvald looked up from the strange discovery to see the face of this sudden informant upon his shores, and was surprised to find Zoey Kline, the girl with the eyepatch.

    She said she found something about that mayor guy and Torvald scrunched up his face.
    << No more of that clown! I have seen his fat pudgy face in sixty of these damn censuses! Please sit down, Kline. >>

    He motioned towards a chair, looking back at her. She seemed ... what? Her fingers were moving anxiously, and her eyes avoiding contact with his.
    Tone it down, Torvald.
    He cleared his throat, and adjusted his tie.
    He lowered his voice to something softer.

    xxxxxx<< Please take a seat, and pardon me. >> Torvald looked away.

    << I am happy you were out trying to genuinely find something. At the very least, all of the towns of Percival County share some history, and I am getting the feeling as if this Doughman is an important figure. >> He looked back at her with suspicious, cold eyes. << When did he become the mayor, exactly? >>

    He tapped his finger on the shut blue census book. << This reminds me. I shall, by grace of the many revolutions of knowledge, be just enough to share with you that which I have acquired. >> He opened it back to the page on Bentley, and pointed at the sudden spike in population between 2009 and 2010.

    << This is a cause of intrigue. Do you understand, Miss Kline? Nine hundred, ninety-one people entered the small town of Bentley in the year 2010. This is extremely unconventional, and no revolutions occurred to allow this. >> He fixated his eyes at Kline's. << Do you have a theory? >> His voice was pressing and assertive, but he tried his best to keep it calm.

    << I'm hearing more noise, keep it down ... >>

    << Oh god no. >> Torvald whispered under his breath.

    Jenna popped out from the narrow alleys between the bookcases, carrying a few thick poetry anthologies with her. << How's it going, re-vo-lu-tion-ary? >>
    Immediately she turned her attention to Kline, widening her eyes and smiling. << Gosh, you're a cutie! Where'd you come from, and why are you with this idiot? >> She walked over to the table and plopped down on the chair between them. Her voice suddenly felt a bit exapserated << Don't tell me you're trying to find some information on Bentley too, are you? >>
  20. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    w e l c o m e,
    xxxxwearing hair music ooc

    The group she ended up with was more of a last pick sort of thing that reminded her of grade school. It wasn't that she was bullied or neglected in groups, just that there came a time where she was so afraid of such rejection that she would go hide out elsewhere instead. She couldn't remember exactly where the fear had come from. She was told later that such things happened to children, sometimes.

    Erik had left her alone just like she asked and that both immensely pleased and bothered her. On one side of things, Erik was being a bit of a jerk, putting her on edge like that. His words still echoed in her mind. On the other hand, she was alone, in a strange group of children and unfriendly adults. Dakota herself had remained so quiet and unsociable that she wasn't even sure if her group noticed her at all. She had followed three other girls to their room and quietly settled in. Her heart pounded in her chest, and she wasn't even engaged in their conversation. One of these days her heart would burst, she was sure of it.

    ... Where had the fear come from?

    Her thoughts wound and spun as she stared at her pale reflection in the bathroom's mirror. All of the preparation in her appearance was for naught. Her hair was tangled and dry, the skin under her eyes was speckled with discoloration from sleep deprivation, and her lips were chapped ...

    All for naught ...[​IMG]

    Quickly, she splashed her face with water and pulled her hair up into a bun. Her fingers were shaking and it took a few good gulpfulls of air to calm herself. Carefully, she began to wash herself up - longing for a real shower ... When she was through, she changed clothes. The whole time she could hear the conversation from outside of the bathroom door. They were discussing sleeping arrangements. She didn't mind sleeping on the chair. The two chatty girls could share the bed, the quiet one could take the other bed and she'd ... sleep on the chair. It was fair enough.

    A few moments later they were getting ready to leave. Something about exploring.

    Dakota waited until everyone had shuffled out of the room before leaving the bathroom -- where she would likely spend most of the night later. Her steps were light against the carpeted floor of the small hotel room. For a moment she just stood there, fiddling with her fingertips and running her bare feet over the carpet, generating warmth over her toes. Then, when she was sure no one was coming back, she got to work.

    Her belongings were moved to the ruby and gold embroidered chair in the corner of the bedroom and out came more duct tape and her trusty pair of scissors. She had almost slit Erik's throat with these scissors, yikes. No, she shook the thoughts from her head and looked up to the ceiling.


    She worked quickly as to not raise any suspicion - not that anyone would notice her absence, and once finished; the windows, vents, smoke detector were all covered in tape. The beds and closet were searched as well as every light source she could find in her haste, just in case. Lightbulbs pulled and shaken lightly, phone disconnected, outlets tapped upon ... Any sort of mechanical buzzing or movement detected and she would have chopped a wall down if she had to.

    Luckily, everything checked out and she was able to slide out of the hotel room and catch up with the others with a much clearer mind. She trailed behind until they arrived at the library, where she immediately wandered off alone.

    Hmmm ... Bentley, Bentley ... That's what they were here for, right? Information? Pff. You couldn't trust anyone or anything when it came to these matters - especially not the books in a public library! How easy would it be for someone to waltz in and take the books of importance back home for burning? How simple would it be for the government to edit away the secrets or tear out the essential pages? They could even publish fabricated books to distract them all from truth!

    Libraries gave her the creeps. Shelves upon shelves of lies, and this one was huge. It didn't take long for her to locate the security cameras. She hunched over into herself as if she had some kind of a shell to hide in, and maneuvered to an empty book aisle, scanning the spines of these terrible lie-filled albums for something of interest.

    Even if she wouldn't immediately believe whatever it was she discovered, being presently invisible and not even assisting left a bad taste in her mouth. These children had apparently been through hell and back, for all she knew they would eat her in her sleep if she proved too useless.

    Dakota chuckled nervously to herself.

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