❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    ♡ ~ ✖ ~ ♡
    At first, it seemed like Oliver was going to the press the subject. She fainted. It made sense, considering she hadn't been sleeping well, and her body had been under immense stress for the last few weeks. It wasn't the first faint, so no surprise.

    Still, for it to happen in front of him . . . Annoying.

    Thank you, in that case.

    Oliver seemed to think about what she said about Pierce. It was annoying that she didn't know what he actually thought about her, or if he even liked her, which would have been terrible for Pierce if he didn't, but fortunate for Sophie. Or maybe he was just messing around with her for some reason, for any kind of gratification. Pierce, Sophie had to admit, was easy to take advantage of.

    You should fix it with her, don't you think?

    She let out a little laugh, and pulled out her phone and then waved it at him. I'm going to, but . . . You're involved, too. Do you want her to hate you? Sophie wouldn't mind that, it would make things easier for her, but . . . With Pierce involved, she would feel bad about her hated Oliver. She knew that if she told it, she might spin in in a direction for her.

    Sophie reached into her blouse and rubbed at her shoulder, and then winced, ready to gasp in pain. Quickly, she ran her hands down her skirt and down her legs and then back up, breathing deeply to let the pain that had suddenly come pass. After rolling her shoulders slowly she crossed her legs again and glanced at him, Do you like Pierce, Oliver?
  2. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 2 « OOC: N|A :

    Thank you, in that case.

    It didn't sound sarcastic, but Oliver didn't really trust her. He rolled his shoulders and forced himself to relax. The conversation carried on, and she gave a little laugh at his question.

    I'm going to, but . . . You're involved, too. Do you want her to hate you?

    He pressed his lips together again and shifted uncomfortably. If he were completely honest with himself in the moment, he didn't want to be 'involved'. Ideally, either Pierce and him would work out out and things were relatively normal between them, or he carried on. He wasn't going to fight for her or anything. They had gone out twice, maybe three times if you counted the pizza-night, and worked together for a school project. That was hardly any reason to be in love. He was interested, not head-over-heels, and he wasn't about to fight over her with a girl.

    Not exactly. She shifted and for a moment, he thought he noticed an expression of pain flashing over her face. It left as soon as it came and he relaxed again. Something was up with her but it was none of his business.

    Do you like Pierce, Oliver?

    What kind of a question was that? She didn't expect him to answer, did she? He felt nervous, and laughed a little. Nope. It was hard enough telling someone he trusted how he felt, Sophie wasn't getting anything from him.

    The train jolted and his paranoia shot up inside of him again for a minute, before he realized they were there -- Whittlerose. He looked out of his window. The train station was bustling with people, unlike how it'd been at Candlewood. A voice played over the intercom alerting them that it was time to get off, unless you were going forward to Blackmoore.

    He stood up, crossing over to Sophie and grabbing his jacket. His backpack was slid onto his back and then he opened the doors to the cabin.

    Time to go. Try not to faint again. She didn't look like death anymore, so he was fine with leaving her there and stepping off of the train and onto the platform, waiting for the others.
  3. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Time to Go !
  4. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010


    Some time later, after Bryan had finished off two cigarettes, he had gone back to the cabin to wake up Julius and Maria. Erik hadn't stayed with them last night, which was fine, he guessed. They would be arriving in Whittlerose soon, and they would have to have their wits about them. He didn't expect any good to come of this trip from a group-wide-benefit point of view.

    Earlier, the shy one, Pierce, had stumbled in on him smoking, but then quickly left. He wondered what that was about, but didn't care enough to pursue the interest.

    After changing into a fresh set of clothes, Bryan gathered all of his stuff and made sure Julius and even Maria were up and on their feet.

    Eventually, the train came to a stop and he hopped off it with a little gusto. The air felt nice, and he realized that he might actually be in a good mood. As others came off the train, he went through plans in his head. "We're probably staying in Whittlerose for the night," he mentioned to no one in particular. He wondered if people knew they were coming; if it was Bentley, he wouldn't be surprised. The thought of someone from Bentley recieving them almost excited him, as he could draw out a few drops of blood earlier than he'd hoped.

    Killing wouldn't make him feel better, probably, and he kind of figured that if he crossed that threshold, he might not make it back clear. Hopefully, if he went off the deep end, Julius would be there for him.

    In the meantime, I might as well have some fun.
  5. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female


    Clothes Mood» Morning Personish Music Date: 2016 Location » Train OOC:

    Estelle felt the train come to a halt. She started to pack up her stuff. Putting it all back into her backpack, and keeping the picture she drew in her purse, planning to show Zoey or Shane later. She started looked over at Shane, and shook him slightly. "Shane, Shane." She said, laughing to herself. She got her bags from beside her to make sure he had everything.

    "Check, check, double check." She said to herself, putting her headphones on around her neck. "Shane you hopeless sleepy head, the train's stopped we have to go!" Estelle said, grabbing her bags. She smiled at him and winked as she left and headed to the landing, waiting for him to follow.

    As she stepped onto the platform, she felt a little dizzy. "Hello, what a lovely morning." She smiled, looking at the people she thought were Oliver and... who was that... she couldn't remember. "It's nice to be off the train, I'm very glad that it was a safe ride." She said cheerfully.
  6. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    3 / 4 / 5

    T R O U B L E D M I N D

    Sophie had found Lucas sometime after the train came to a stop and he helped her dress into something else after he once again dressed her wounds with bitter hands. His mood, since her wretched parents had come home had been extremely low, and he had not tolerated anyone. He had spoken out against them several times when SOPHIE wasn't around, but they were immature adults who didn't deserve the title of parents. There was little for him to freely say on the subject . . .

    But what he could say was that he wanted the both of them dead. Unfortunately, anything like that would have to wait until after the trial, as they were still useful to both he and SOPHIE.

    The two of them had quickly returned to their cabin and woke up FREDDIE. After that, Lucas grabbed their belongings and led her off the train, quickly observing the area.

    It might have been a bad idea for the two of them to come to Whittlerose with their trial so close, but he had seen it coming. When the toxicology report had come in, he had to admit that he was shocked. Just what was Cupid's Brew? It scared even him . . . He had purchased a vial of it, but considering what had happened around Christmas, was extremely hesitant to use it.

    He moved farther away and out of the train, and let SOPHIE sit down while he stood next to her. They waited for the others. Soon, QUENTIN had also come off the train, and he glanced down at her to gauge her reaction. She seemed relatively indifferent, how odd. Briefly, he wondered where FATIME was. He didn't know if she had come or not.

  7. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves


    { whittlerose }

    xxxxxxTorvald could not sleep very much at all throughout the entire trip. He noticed that someone had come into the same room as him and went on about some weird detective work. To hell if he was going to focus on more detective work right now. Why was he even coming with this capitalistic simpletons again? He had gone through enough death in his life, and the tribulations surrounding everything. So Torvald sat alone in the back until the train came to a grinding halt.

    Avoiding the gaze of the Conductor, who continued to chew his wad of gum slowly and obnoxiously, Torvald stepped through the train's doorway, down the steps, and out by the station. The platform was clear and relatively empty. Red rust emboldened the creaky metal and the granite pillars holding up a decaying ceiling looked like broken bones. The Whittlerose station in its entirety seemed very much like a rotten carcass of metal and stone, but at least the smell of an early spring was pleasant enough. Blasted moneybags probably keeping the public works from getting any more funding ...

    He moved like a hunched shadow in his long coat, and saw a few of the others stepping out of the train cars as well. Bryan, whom Torvald had wanted to stay away from since such a vicious change in behaviour, growled that Whittlerose would be where they would be staying tonight.

    << AH. AH. IT WOULD BE LAVISH INDEED IF WE EXPERIENCE THE SALT OF THE EARTH IN THE WORKING-CLASS MANUFACTURING TOWN THAT IS WHITTLEROSE. >> Torvald enunciated and pressed his hand to his chest, before returning his tone to something less ostentatious. << There is a map over there, by the station, that may help us find a place to stay. Alternatively, we may simply ask one of the wonderful working-class station workers. >>

  8. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Mood: Slightly Nervous (X)Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Train (X) OOC:
    As Shane continued to sleep, he could slightly feel something nudging him, Assuming it was his imagination, he attempted to go back to sleep but that became difficult due to the uncomfortable position he was in. During the night it didn't bother him as much, probably because how tired he was. Oh well, nothing he could do about that now.
    "Shane you hopeless sleepy head, the train's stopped we have to go!"
    That explained the nudging for earlier. It was Estelle trying to wake him. "Alright." He didn't even bother to open his eyes as he responded. Instead he waited for a couple of seconds before actually making an attempt to move. First he grabbed his things and slung the bag over his shoulders. Since he didn't see her, he figured Estelle had already left the train. There wasn't much left for him there so he walked out the door as well.
    Once he was outside, he quickly looked for Estelle. It didn't take too long for him to find her, so he walked towards her and spoke. "Thanks for waking me." He said.
  9. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A

    Location: On board Train {} Mood: Groggy/Neutral {} OOC: o:
    The stop of the train was enough to wake Sasha up. She yawned and rubbed her eyes, realizing she was laying on both of the train seats. She blushed slightly, somewhat embarrassed of her sleeping nature of moving around a lot. She opened her window and blocked her eyes from the glaring sunlight pouring into the cabin. Well...looks like he arrived.
    Sasha walked over tot he cabin where Dennis slept and knocked on it a bit. "Hey Dennis! We're here now! Get up before it takes you to the next stop!" She then walked off the train right after that action. She was sure he would wake before. If not, well then...what a load of crap she was gonna be in as well as Dennis.
    She hopped onto the train platform. She literally brought nothing but her phone and the clothes she was wearing with her. She basically assumed that it was gonna be a short trip, but now seeing some of the people with bags and luggage, she deeply regretted not bringing at least a set of new clothes to change into. "Well dammit. I just hope we don't do anything physical heavy here..."
  10. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail

    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//forgive me, but I'm not feeling good Outfit-|Thoughts: This is interesting.|Place: Train----> Off the train|Mood:Tired|Music: InuYasha's Lulalby| Day: 1/4 ]

    Zoey rapped her knuckles on Ryder's door and opened the cabin. "Train stopped, time to get off." She left the door open and stumbled her out of the train and on the platform with her stuff in tow. She yawned and stretched out and took a look around. She felt a lot better then the night before. Ryder scared her now, but she figured she would get over it.

    She sighed, stretching out once more before looking up in e morning sky. "Bleh... Sunshine."She put on her sunglasses before she spotted her friends Estelle and Shane. "Hey you guys!" she called out to them and then got over to them. "So, what do you guys think of this trip so far?
  11. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    Evan Allen Walker:
    {~~~Day 2 (1/4)~~~March 15th, 2016, Tuesday~~~Location: Off Train~~~Mood:To Adventure!~~~Music~~~Ooc:~~~}
    Evan woke up to notice that the train had come to a complete stand still. Apparently the gang had made it to their destination and part 2 of their journey was about to get underway. Well it's not like there was anything the jovial man needed to do other than leave the train so that's just what he started doing. Flipping on his Fedora he grabbed his bags and went around. He ran into Dennis and after pleasantries the two stepped off the train and got off the train, to see everyone else out there.
  12. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013

    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 2 - 1/4 | DATE: March 15th, 2016 | LOCATION: Train Cabin ==> Whittlerose

    Lucas had woken him up and started gathering their belongings from the cabin. He had led Sophie off of the train as he was still collecting himself. His mind was not fully functioning as he staggered up and got his things. After sometime passed as got his things and walked out, he realized that they must be in Whittlerose. It only makes sense since they were getting off now.

    As he stepped off of the train, he looked around and took in his surroundings.
    "So this is Whittlerose, huh?" Freddie hadn't been here before, so he took some time admiring it as he aimlessly wandered around the station. Slowly, thoughts of what could've happened filled his head. He continued to look around hoping to distract himself from the paranoid thoughts filling his mind.

    After taking in the sights of this new area, he spotted Lucas and walked over to him.
    "Thanks for waking me up, man. If you hadn't, I might be somewhere else." He scratched the back of his head and laughed a little bit. His laughter wasn't so much from embarrassment as it was to calm himself down. After all, anything could've happened in there, especially on a little trip like this one.
  13. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007


    w e l c o m e,
    xxxxwearing hair music ooc

    Dakota couldn't function without peace of mind. Worry was crippling and actual fear was heart attack-inducing. She had no problem with other humans, as long as they didn't come across as threatening, but she absolutely loved being left alone - as long as her surroundings were in her control, of course. That being said, sleeping here was not an ideal predicament. Getting rid of a camera and cutting an audio cable wasn't nearly enough to protect her, but in situations like these, it was peace of mind that mattered. It was giving her brain a reason to shut up and stay calm.

    Of course, then, when she woke up and noticed a figure on the floor, her heart stopped pumping blood for a moment. Her face completely drained of color and her muscles went stiff.

    A - aah. Um ... [​IMG]

    Her breathing became wild, deep huffs of air - and her lungs felt like overfilled balloons with each gasp, straining and threatening to pop. She hadn't blinked since locking her gray eyes on the figure, and they were beginning to burn like fire and blur with tears.

    Uuugh, oh, no. [​IMG]

    If she didn't hurry, she was probably going to faint.


    I'M GOING TO -- UGH -- DIE.

    Fiercely, Dakota threw her blanket away. Her bag was snatched up, scissors grabbed and thrown open. Her eyes flashed. This was it. Life or death. The beginning or the end. Every moment in her miserable existence had led up to this point. Finally, she would get some answers. Her pale fingers wrapped around a chunk of the stranger's brown hair, yanking his head back and holding the sharp blades of her scissors to his neck.


    Her voice cracked and squeaked towards the end. It had been a while since she yelled like this. She didn't even recognize her own voice! E x h i l a r a t i n g! She sat on top of him now, on his chest, fully prepared to slit his throat if he tried anything ... and then the train jolted and she was sent rolling. Her back slammed into the side of the seat and she yelped, dropping the scissors.

    Embarrassing! She scrambled about for the scissors, but by that time, the guy was stirring. Her heart lurched into her throat and her eyes went wide.



    Brown eyes met with her duller greys and her drained face immediately filled with a deep crimson color.

    Erik ... ! [​IMG]


    Dakota scrambled to her feet, shyly tucking a lock of hair behind her ears and laughing nervously. What ... was she supposed to say? The scissors dropped and she quickly picked them back up, feeling buckets of shame. This was a disaster.

    Quietly and mouse like, she picked up her things. It was time to get off of the train. And off of the face of the planet.

    She apologized quietly - not even sure if he could hear her, and then, when he was ready, scurried off of the train and onto the platform.


  14. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female

    Clothes Mood» Nervous, Sick and Embarrassed Music Date: 2016 Location » Train OOC:

    "Thanks for waking me."

    Estelle smiled. "Oh no problem, I wasn't going to leave you on there." Estelle laughed sweetly. "I wish we had more time to talk on the train though..." Estelle said. "I erg... I have to talk to you about something later..." She said nervously, kicking the ground with her foot ever so slightly. "But it can wait." She said.

    "Anyway..." She said, trying to look up at him. She felt her face burn bright red, and she felt like she couldn't breath. She held her head, and stumbled a bit forward. She looked down to the floor, closing her eyes. What was wrong with her? It had to be the train. Maybe she would just need to sit down for a second. She tried to keep herself balanced.

    "Sorry..." She whispered, trying to look up again. This really had to stop. She felt so sick. Maybe it was because she hadn't had anything to eat since breakfast, other then a quick snack on the train. She remembered how poor her immune system was and started to worry a bit. She took a deep breath. "Stay calm Estelle, only a few more minutes you guys will head off somewhere to organize a game plan or something." She thought.

    She was so embarrassed she couldn't even think of what was going on in Shane's head right now. She thought about Zoey's advice but it didn't really help her out here. She sighed, finally looking up at him again slightly. Her face burning and feeling so embarrassed, praying to God they would leave soon.
  15. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    14 / 15

    WEARING DATE 03/15/2016 DAY 02 & 1/4
    While pierce was scrolling through link after link, trying to find one that looked promising, her message alert went off again. She looked up at the top. The notification bar previewed a text from Sophie. She opened it reluctantly.

    She clicked her tongue to the roof of her mouth and sighed. Sure. She was being silly. Pierce shook her head, brown hair tickling her cheeks. She closed the messenger and reopened the web browser.

    That was odd. She hadn't clicked any of the links, and yet a page was open. Huh. Pierce began to browser the page. It looked familiar, if not a little updated. It was a monochromatic pink scheme. An image of vials was displayed on the homepage and she clicked on each of them.

    Love Potion.
    Hate Potion.
    Healing Elixir.
    Memory Potion.

    This was definitely the site, but there hadn't been so many options before. She briefly wondered what the healing elixir and memory potion did. How did it heal, what memories were affected? They weren't important. There was one goal for coming here and she was thankful for finding it, or it finding her -- she still wasn't sure how this strange site worked. She tapped the shopping cart and placed the Love Potion in her order. Pierce began to type furiously, filling out the sections. When she got to Ship To:, she stopped. If it were sent home, then she may not get it until it was too late. She could always have her mom ship the package to her while they were in Bentley, but she wasn't sure how long that would be for. It would probably be easier to send it directly to the Inn and pick it up when the checked in.

    She opened another page and searched the internet for the address of the Inn. There was only one in Bentley, so it wasn't too hard to find. No webpage, but Google Maps was a wonder. Quickly, she typed in the address. She would have to call the inn later when she was alone and inform them of an expected package. How long did it take last time? Pierce hit submit and the train jerked to a stop. The conductor's voice came over the intercom, informing them that they were now at the Whittlerose station. She gathered her things, dropping her phone into her bag, and pulled her suitcase down the halls of the train. When Pierce stepped down onto the platform, she lost her footing and fell to her knees. Ouch.

    Pierce jumped to her feet and looked around, red in the face. She saw Sophie sitting on a bench beside Lucas. Pierce bit her lip and gave Sophie a small smile and a wave. Everything was fine. She wasn't freaking out. Whatever happened between Sophie and Oliver wasn't going to bother her. Nothing happened. She's okay. She wheeled the suitcase across the platform. It clunk - clunked against the wooden floor. She stopped a little ways away from Sophie, but didn't act as if anything bothered her. She was fine.

    She watched as the others exited the train. Ryder jumped down, his bag over one shoulder and his skateboard tucked under the other arm. He stopped against a support beam and stood his board up in front of him. Maria came off after, looking as movie - star perfect as always. Pierce sighed. If only she could look that pretty and perfect.
  16. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007


    Gaining sleep was far too difficult for Julius as he was plagued with unpleasant thoughts. These thoughts were not new to him as they were things that plagued him for the many months that had gone by without Noelle and Jonathan. A peaceful rest did not seem like something that Julius was going to get unless he found Noelle and Jonathan....whether dead or alive. He needed his answers and he was going to get them.

    The sound of Bryan reentering the cabin had caught the attention of Julius and soon enough Julius found himself awake and ready for the day. With him finally getting up, he got himself ready and prepared to leave the cabin that he was in. Everybody was staring to get up and upon realizing they reached their place, Julius exited out of train and decided to await the others.

    With a yawn, Julius merely walked out and stood outside with his arms crossed. They needed to get themselves in gear and if they really stuck around one place for too long then something tragic was bound to happen.
  17. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood

    DAY02 & 1/4
    " AND SO IT BEGINS... "
    "WH-WHO SENT YOU? WHO DO YOU WORK FOR?!" Shouting stirred Erik from his sleep. What was with the shouting? Then there was weight on his body. Was someone - was someone straddling him? His eyes fluttered open in surprise and the body jerked off him. Erik sat up in time to see Dakota across the cabin. What was she doing? "Erik ... !" He gave her a confused look.

    She scrambled to her feet, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. She had scissors in her hand. Did she expect to defend herself with scissors? He got to his feet at the same time that Dakota dropped the scissors and then scrambled to regain them again. She was such an odd duck. She hurried out of the cabin silently, clearly embarrassed.
    Erik sighed and tossed his bag over his shoulder, following after her. The train must have been stopped now. Aha. Dakota was an interesting one. Always has been. He cracked a smile at the thought of what she just did and stepped off the train, onto the platform. He walked over to her, resting one arm across her shoulders. "Are you better now?" he asked teasingly.
  18. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: Slightly Nervous (X)Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Train Station (X) OOC:
    While Shane waited around as more people got off the train, he listen to what Estelle was saying. "Well, we can talk now." It wasn't like something was stopping them from doing so. Still it was up to her if she wanted to do so. Especially since she apparently had something to tell him. Sure he was curious as to what was on her mind, but he wasn't going to force her to say something that she didn't want to.
    During the silence between the two of them, he started looking around. Mostly was to just look around at where they were, but there also was another reason. A part of his mind couldn't help but think back to the girl he saw back at Estelle's flower shop. While he didn't think about her at all during the 3 month period, his curiosity about her never left though. It just wasn't given much attention.
    Turning his attention back to Estelle, he noticed that she was being oddly quiet. Completely opposite to how she was last time he checked. "Are you okay." If there was anything that he could help with, he wouldn't mind doing so.
  19. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» Fine Music Date: 2016 Location » Train OOC:

    "Are you okay?"

    "Huh?" Estelle shot up almost within the second he spoke. "Ya I'm fine I'm just feeling a bit, 'cause of the train." She explained to him. "Erg... Um...." She said nervously. "It can wait..." She said. "Anyway is there something that you want to talk about?" Estelle asked him, her face still bright red.

    She looked at him and smiled sweetly. "I can show you what I drew on the train, if you would like." Estelle told him. She looked around for a bit, she wondered where they would be headed and what they were even going to do on this trip. "Erg... Shane... Do you have a girlfriend?..." Estelle asked him, looking away from him for a second.

    Her eyes scanned the group for Zoey. Zoey. She wished Zoey could help her. She was so nervous. She could felt her heart escaping from her chest. She wondered what her sisters were doing, she missed them dearly... but she did think this was a very very good idea. She brought her eye contact back at Shane, and smiled again, almost laughing to herself. Who was leading this group anyway? She wondered.
  20. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    w e l c o m e,
    xxxxwearing hair music ooc

    Once the embarrassment faded, Dakota was left with an overall sour mood. There were a lot of people here, and paired with the remnants of adrenaline from earlier, she was feeling anxious. She walked until she found a pillar, out and away from the current of humans. It had a nice bit of shade going for it and Dakota wasn't really a fan of long amounts of sun exposure. She leaned against the wooden pillar and stretched out her spine, settling her suitcase out in front of her.

    Her lips were frozen in a frown and apart of her wanted to hop back on the train and see what the heck Blackmoore was all about. She resisted. Her fingertips were tingling at the memory of her freak out in the train. Gods, she could cry - but she wouldn't. Instead, she stood scowling, waiting for a plan to be made, or shared. The others weren't too far from her ...

    Suddenly, a warmth spread over her as an arm found it's way around her shoulder. She jumped, nearly panicking and elbowing the assailant in the face.

    Are you better now?[​IMG]

    Erik. He was touching her. Dakota didn't like being touched. She shrugged his arm away and rested her skull against the pillar, glaring out in front of her.

    ... Leave me alone.[​IMG] Her voice was flat and her chin dropped dramtically, sending jet black hair feathering over her face. How did you get into my room?[​IMG]

    Obviously the tape wasn't meant to stop anyone, but she was frustrated. Who would pause when opening a door to walk into a room? He couldn't have gotten in without getting all messed up, without stopping and moving the tape before continuing to walk forward. Even then ... There was not a moment in her life she could remember not waking at the sound of peeling tape. It was hardwired into her.

    C o n s p i r a c y.


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