❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Dennis Baker:
    [---Day 1 (4/4)---March 14th---Location: The Train---Mood: Anxious---Ooc: N/A]

    He hopped on board the train alongside Sasha and sat down next to her. Things were alright between them, they had been able to chat for a good while to each other about a bunch of different things over the past few months and they had been able to hang out rather often. He felt like saying something, though he didn't really know how to start off a conversation in here. They were on a train to the oh so infamous Bentley and the severity and tension could be felt throughout the entire group before they entered the train. Dennis was still sort of contemplating the reason he even decided to go on this trip. Sure he didn't like the super natural rumors spreading about him and the entire cast of the musical being cursed, sure he didn't like all the unsolved murders and sure he didn't feel like being ignorant about these things...but he did enjoy his peaceful home life. Maybe this was all just some big mistake after all, then again he was already on the train so, short of jumping off the moving train, he was stuck on this journey like it or not.

    While he hadn't done much aside from sitting on a train and walking to said train, he still felt exhausted. That was probably due to the lack of sleep the previous night provided him with. His anxiety that had accumulated about this trip had all manifested itself in a sleepless night , last night. Really needed some shut eye for tomorrow, when the whole...whatever the hell they were actually going to do was going to start. For now he needed his energy. "Night Sasha," he said as he left for an empty cabin. He laid down with many a thoughts racing through his head about this whole trip and why it just felt like a bad idea, but eventually sleep overtook his body.
  2. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC// Outfit-|Thoughts: This is interesting.|Place: Train|Mood:Scared|Music: InuYasha's Lulalby| Day: 4/4 ]

    Zoey continue to stare up at Ryder, waiting for him to do something. Suddenly, she felt her feet move from under her as he pushed her to the wall. She gasped, her eye growing wide with fear. She was expecting things to get physical, but not like this. Her hands fell from his shoulders as she pressed herself against the wall, trying to distance herself from him. His arms were out on either side of her though, pinning her to the wall so she had no where to go. Ryder leaned down to close the distance even further between the two, letting their hat bills touch. He was so close to her, she could feel his warm breath on her nose. She swore he could probably hear her heart beating heavily in her chest, threatening to just beat its way out of her.

    "Why are you crying?" He mashed his lips together feeling frustrated.

    Zoey winced at the words, her eyes darting down away from his glazed blue eyes to his patriotic shirt. She could feel her cheeks wet with her tears, but she had no answer for him. Because she was scared for him. Because this reminded her of why she got her eyepatch. Because losing the people she was just barely getting to know was starting to take a toll on her. Because she was scared for everyone on this trip. Because, because, because... So many reasons to why she was crying, but she didn't dare talk, not anymore.

    Her legs felt like jello by the time Ryder pulled away from her and walked back to the place where they had come from. She slid down the wall, collapsing on the floor of the train. She was shaking as memories of the past entered her head. She swallowed hard, pulling her knees up to her chest as she just sat there for a good moment, staring into nothing.

    "Are you coming?" he called back from the doorway, not looking to see if Zoey was following.

    She jumped when Ryder called out to her and looked up, just in time to see him disappear. No. No she was not coming. She was going to leave. Just be alone. Zoey pushed herself from the floor, swaying as the blood rushed up to her head. She put a hand to her forehead as she pressed her hand on the wall for support. She made her way to the compartment, not saying a word to Ryder as she picked up her sketch book and shoved it in her backpack.

    "I'm sorry," she muttered, sipping it up as she then grabbed her blanket and folded it in her arms. She pulled her hat lower over her face and then existed the cabin, closing the door a little harder than needed to behind her.

    It seemed like forever, but she finally felt like she was far enough away from Ryder and entered a cabin. She wasn't sure if it was empty or not, but from what she could see in the dark, it seemed empty. She threw her stuff on the seat and then collapsed on it, pulling her blanket over her head as she curled up in a ball. She sobbed softly, clutching at her chest as the pain of the past overwhelmed her. Zoey should have saw that coming. Why was she crying. She shouldn't be crying. She asked for it. She did ask for it.

    "Stop crying," she muttered to herself, hitting the sides of her head with her hands in frustration at herself. "Stop it." She let out a shaky sigh and sat up under her blanket, pulling out her phone as a light. She saw she had a message from someone, but she would check it out later. She snatched her pill compartment, taking what needed to be taken that night with a swig from a bottle of water she had in her bag of stuff. Breathing out heavily and then wiping the stray tears away, she looked at her phone to see the message was from Estelle.

    To: Zoey
    From: Estelle
    Omg Zoey Lol. I'm doing fine but I'm so nervous I got like no idea what to say to him. I'm not good at these things! Heeeelp~

    She didn't feel like replying, but she didn't want her friend to worry. Zoey sniffed as she pushed herself against the wall of the cabin, using her backpack as a makeshift pillow.

    Zoey listlessly pressed send before she realized she hadn't heard anything from Freddie all day. A little bit worried about him, she scrolled through her contacts and found him.

    She let the phone topple in her lap as she breathed in and out slowly, allowing herself to calm down. She gradually laid her head against her backpack, blinking into the darkness of the cabin where she was at. Ryder probably didn't know what he was doing. He was drugged after all. Drugged was like being drunk in a way. People really couldn't control their actions.

    Zoey grimaced at the thought, touching her eyepatch lightly with her hand. Either way, it was probably best to stay clear out of Ryder's way. Maybe she would just look after him from afar, make sure he didn't do anything stupid or something like that. What was she thinking? He wasn't her responsibility. He was even older than her. Bah. She closed her eyes, listening to the sound of the train as it chugged along. This was going to be one hell of a long trip.
  3. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    WEARING DATE 03/14/2016 DAY 01 & 4/4
    Between her mixtures of sniffle - hic - sobs, Pierce could feintly hear Oliver lingering at the door. Me too. I don't ... get why you're crying. It's not that I didn't want to kiss you. I just didn't want to make you uncomfortable. You ALWAYS seem uncomfortable. Wouldn't want to push it. He sounded irritated. Oliver always seemed so mad at her. How was she not supposed to be uncomfortable. It was like the slightest thing would set him off. Whatever. The door slid open then slammed shut.

    She looked up with blurry, tear - filled eyes. He was gone and she was alone. She was always alone. She had gotten her hopes up when he came over on New Years Eve while she felt so alone, but he ran out that night; just like he left now.
    Pierce shook her head and buried her face deeper into her arms. She should go look for Sophie. Sophie wouldn't leave her. Sophie was always there for her when she needed it [ and even when she didn't ]. She should find Sophie and tell her it's her birthday in three days and make plans to do something with her because Sophie is her friend and she is always there for her. Even if Pierce didn't want to do anything too extravagant -- what extravagance could Bentley offer? -- Sophie would come up with something for the pair of them to do that would suit Pierce's tastes.
    She tried to get up, but her legs gave out on her. Pierce collapsed into a mess on the floor and rested her tear - stained face against the seat. She shivered and pulled her body in tighter against herself. She felt tired from crying. Her eyes were heavy. She decided that she would leave Oliver alone from now on. It's what she should have done from the beginning. If only she had listened -- she shook her head. Brown hair tickled her cheeks and she sneezed. It was a gross snotty sneeze. She sniffled again and wiped her face off on her arm, rubbing it against her side. So stupid.
    She fell asleep the same way she always felt -- alone. Pierce never had the energy to actually go look for Sophie. She just stayed where she was until the crying made her too tired to stay awake any longer. This is what she got for believing people might actually like her ...
  4. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Location: On board Train {} Mood: Sleepy/Sad {} OOC: Tiem to sleep for her c:
    On board the train, Sasha and Dennis did have some chat here and there, but she wasn't one to talk much in depth since the air in the train was tense. She didn't want to say anything that can ruin the tension even though she hated the tension in the cabin. She was still regretting on going on this trip. This wasn't a vacation. It was a trip to find who was behind all of the crap she could care less about. Even still...would she then lose her only friend? She didn't wan that. She wanted to cherish hat for a long time, maybe even forever. She treasured her friendships even when she was devastated years ago, but it was all one sided. She didn't want that anymore.
    Seeing how Dennis was tired, she smiled at him and waved at him. "Goodnight Dennis. Sleep well." As the cabin was slowly getting emptied, she sighed and stared out the train window, the outside dark except the passing street lamps. It made her sad. She could hear ambulance sirens go off in her head, reminding her of that horrific night. Is this how I should go on my life? Sis...it hurts just to think...She shook her head and stared at her feet. No...this time I'll make it work. I won't fail again! I don't want another person to fall because of me!
    She opened her phone and stared at her screen. It's been months since her brother texted her of his trip. It worried her. Usually, he would text her every now and then on his trip with his half-assed attempts of jokes he would send her that would make her chuckle. She slipped it back in her pocket. No use worrying about it now. Guess I'll just get some sleep and hopefully tomorrow will go well. She didn't bother going into the empty cabins because she was a noisy sleeper in some cases so she just sat their, laying her head against the train window, watching the lights fly by the train. Mom...sis...hope you're having fun up there...She closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep, wishing for once her dreams would be happy and not end with her waking up in tears.
  5. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» Nervous+ Music Date: 2016 Location » Train OOC:

    Estelle looked over at her phone again, to see Zoey had texted her back, Thank God

    To: Estelle
    From: Zoey
    Just be natural~ If you need me, let me know where you're at, okay?

    To: Zoey
    From: Estelle
    Thanks Zoey you're awesome! I'll let you know~

    Estelle yawned herself, trying not to be rude.

    "I'll tell you later, I'm starting to feel a bit tired."

    Estelle giggled. "Ok." She said smiling. She watched as he instantly fell asleep on the back of the chair. She laughed to herself. She thought she was a being a little silly, to feel so strongly about a boy she had only talked to a few times. But every time they talked she was so happier. She shook her head, like it was ever going to happen. She looked out the window, seeing the stars out the window. She looked at them for a little while. She felt so at home looking at the stars. She started singing quietly to herself She tried to sing quietly enough so she won't wake Shane up, but she remembered the song from Vega singing it to her little sister as a kid.

    She was looked over at Shane after she was finished, he looked so peaceful, but he was probably going to be sore in the morning. Estelle laughed to herself. This was her first time sleeping somewhere away from home. She lied down onto her seat and curled up into a little ball. She slowly started to fall asleep, hoping that her and Shane would talk more in the morning.
  6. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 1 - 4/4 | DATE: March 14th, 2016 | LOCATION: Train Cabin

    Freddie had enjoyed the time he spent in the cabin with Sophie. It felt wonderful to talk to her, despite the fact that some... unsavory topics would come up. Just talking to her made him feel a little better. It made him feel calm, as if nothing was wrong.

    Lucas left sometime before they started having their conversation. Of course, he didn't leave without Sophie's permission. He didn't really do much without her say-so. Although, he did call into question what happened during that incident. It was impossible to think that they were really responsible for something like that, but... No. Thinking about it would just make him feel worse, and he didn't want to ruin his mood.

    Sophie mentioned that her father would be willing to help her during the trial. It was nice, but it wouldn't excuse what they did. Just looking at them made his body hurt all over. He really wished he could've done something about it. Done something for her in that situation. Thinking about it now wouldn't help things now, though. It already happened, he couldn't do anything about it. That's that.

    "I need to use the restroom," she murmured to him, standing up and letting go of his hand.

    "Alright then." She went to the door, slid it open, and leaned against it for a little bit.

    She turned to glance at him. "... Thank you." After she left, he smiled to himself as he sat by himself in the cabin,

    Sometime had passed as he sat by himself and he started to feel sleepy. Since there wasn't much else to do, he promptly fell asleep leaning back against the wall of the cabin.
  7. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    w e l c o m e,
    xxxxwearing hair music ooc

    Time on the train moved quickly for Dakota with the assistance of her music and the steady sounds of the train tracks beneath them. They were in the dark for a long time, but soon enough the light of the moon was shining through her window. It was beautiful of course, but also a bit irritating since she was trying to sleep.

    Right now it seemed like they were in the middle of nowhere. There was nothing but grass, hills and mountains spread across the foreign terrain to the right of them. She wondered what was on the other side, but that would require leaving this Dakota-safe room and that wasn't going to happen.

    There was a shade bundled up above the window, so when she was done taking in her new surroundings, she pulled the cream colored string and let it tumble. The dull orange light that had flickered on earlier in the tunnel remained, but it wasn't bright enough to bother her any. She knelt down to unzip her suitcase and pull a blanket and small pillow from it. Once it was closed, she made herself a little nest to snuggle in and wrapped her body up as well as she could.

    Being out was tiring. It had been years before the play since she left her house. This was only the second time since then, wasn't it? She wondered what meeting everyone again would be like -- if she ever got to.

    She yawned.

    Very tiring day indeed.


    Dakota shot up, head reeling, and clumsily threw her covers away. She chuckled to herself, stretching outwards and popping up off of the plush cushions beneath her to make the necessary strides back to the cabin door. How could she almost forget something so e s s e n t i a l? Her eyes were wide and anxious as her pale fingers trailed over the deep auburn wood, searching for a lock. She wouldn't be able to sleep, if the doors didn't lock. She would rather die than sleep in a smallish compartment, on a train full of strangers, with no lock. Gods strike her down now if there was no way to lock this door.

    O-ohh, sweet Hell on Earth. [​IMG] She breathed, wildly. Her fingers shook.

    A few muted but distraught minutes later, the door slid open violently with a BANG and Dakota stepped out of the room. The elegant curls in her dark hair had fallen completely flat and her knuckles were white from how hard she was clenching them. Her eyes scanned the hall. Empty, mostly.


    There is no lock on the door.
    On top of that, the doors slide open too quietly for comfort. This is a key problem.
    Maybe there's a lock on one of the other doors. That won't do, I don't have enough energy to debug that room, too. The train staff will come investigate if I destroy too much.
    Maybe I can jam the door? Wh-what if I end up stuck inside? No.
    Aah, upon checking, there is a lock! It locks with a key from the outside!
    I could ask someone to lock the door from the outside and unlock it later. Per-perfect! They may forget about me and I'll miss my train stop. No one even knows I'm here!
    Okay, maybe I don't have to LOCK the doors. I just need a signal that someone is entering so that I can defend myself ... Aha!

    Dakota slid the doors shut again, satisfied with her new plan. Her chest heaved with ragged breaths and her eyes danced back over her safe room. She took some steps back, resting her back against the veiled window as she took in the full scope of the sliding door. There was a space in the doorframe. The frame came first, with a sharp groove that fell into a straight metal rail [ at the top, the width of the doorframe ] connected to the sliding doors.

    Hmmm ...

    Right, then.

    She yanked her handbag from it's seat and grabbed the roll of duct tape from earlier. The next several minutes were occupied with her making a complicated webbing of duct tape over the door frame. Anyone who opened the doors from the outside would be immediately assaulted by the sticky side of the tape. Even if it didn't stop them, the sounds of peeling tape always woke her up. It was just enough to make her feel safe.

    When she was done she was down to half of a roll. That was okay, she had five more in her bag.

    Finally, absolutely exhausted, she climbed backed into her nest and covered herself with her one blanket. Her breathing slowed and she was finally able to get some sleep.

  8. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Ever since Noëlle disappeared, Byan has been different. He didn't seem to be that accepting of her death. The whole ordeal left her extremely unsettled, but she was trying to get past it. She cared about Noëlle a great deal and the thought her actually having been brutally left a piece of her feeling completely broken, but Bryan seemed like he had gone off the deep end. She didn't really like him to the same degree that she used to, but Maria still took notice to certain behavior he may not even realize he was exhibiting. Every once in awhile her gaze would wander and land on him and see what he was trying to conceal -- it was something she had picked up a long time ago. Even now, being in the same cabin as him, while he may have been trying to keep his intentions masked, she could see that there was something more there. It was hard to say what exactly, but there was definitely more.

    After awhile, Torvald's obnoxious voice sounded throughout the train and Bryan used that as his cue to end the discussion for the night. It's late. he said factually to the others, We should probably rest. She nodded and stopped her plucking at the hem of the dress. He got up and left the cabin for a minute, coming back with pillows and blankets. She sighed. Maria stretched her legs out. She was sort of avoiding Tucker at the moment. It would be good to go find him, but she didn't have the ambition to leave.
    Out of the corner of her eye, she watched as Bryan situated himself so that she could use him as a pillow. It was surprising given his overall aura since she entered the cabin. Maria rifled through her purse for her contacts case and plucked the small clear lenses out of her eyes quickly. She blinked twice. It felt good to be rid of them. Maybe she would just wear her glasses tomorrow... She kicked the purse back under her seat with the heel of her foot and glanced over at Bryan again. He must have been tired because it didn't take him long to fall asleep. Erik excused himself and left the cabin, saying goodnight as he did so. It was probably too small of room for the four of them. She gave him a smile and a wave as his back disappeared out the door.
    With a sigh, she kicked her legs up onto the bench and curled up, resting her head against Bryan's thigh. Maria pulled the blanket tight around her. Why couldn't she have this sort of closeness with Tucker? This much physical contact would put him into a panic induced coma. It was becoming too much to deal with. She was trying so hard, but every step forward seemed to lead to three steps back. She sighed and shut her eyes, letting sleep wash over her. She needed to try and talk to Bryan before he did anything rash. They were going to Bentley for answers -- just answers. She was getting the feeling he -- and possibly Julius -- had some sort of secret agenda. She really hoped not. Maybe there was the minute possibility that Noëlle and Jonathan were actually alive somewhere, but she couldn't allow herself to think that way, it would only hurt more if they found out otherwise.
    It took awhile before sleep finally pulled her in. Bryan's leg was warm, but it wasn't exactly the most comfortable sleeping position. With some effort, she managed to drift off.

    Wearing Music Date: 03/14/2016 Day: 01 & 4/4
    Mood: Unsure Location: Train
    : Interaction: OOC:
  9. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DAY01 & 4/4
    " AND SO IT BEGINS... "
    Erik left the cabin after Bryan gathered blankets. His bag was slung over his shoulder and he wandered down the dark, dimly lit hall in search of an empty cabin. He stopped in front of a dark door and slid it open. When he went to step forward, he noticed something incredibly ... wrong. He poked the sticky wall in front of him with curiosity. Duct tape? Erik pressed his hand flat against it and pushed. It seemed to give with some pressure and through a crack he could see a sleeping figure. He squinted into the dark trying to make out who it might be. It looked female and he could only chalk this sort of antic up to one of two people -- Torvald or Dakota. Since the shape curled up didn't seem quite large enough to be Torvald, whom he had heard shouting down at the other end of the train, he figured it must have been the latter. So she did come. Why did she always have to seem so paranoid? Even when he would go to visit her -- because she would never leave her house -- she was skeptical of him. It was cute in her own unique way.

    Her antics definitely kept him on his toes. Well, there was only one way to prove to her that she needed to improve her game. He cracked a smile. Maybe this trip wouldn't be all bad. It got the hermit out of her house at least. He carefully began to peel the tape away on one side. His hands moved slowly as to not make any noise. He wouldn't want to wake the angel and let her on to his plan. She acted like some sort of super spy or something. Well, the spy needed to perfect her game.
    When the side was peeled away, he stepped carefully to the other side, letting his bag fall to the floor. He reached around the tape and slid the door shut. His hands ran over the wall silver and pressed it back against the door frame. Brown eyes flicked across the small dark room. Dakota seemed to be undisturbed. For having gone through so much work to secure her cabin, she was a rather hard sleeper. That was a bonus for him at least. He walked over to her and slipped his hands into his back pocket. She was cute when she slept -- so harmless. She would probably kill him if she knew he was watching her. Something about that amused him. Erik brushed the hair out her face before turning around.
    If she wanted a secure cabin, he would give her one. He pushed his bag against the door and laid down on the floor, using the bag as a pillow. Erik positioned himself directly in front of the door. He would be her dutiful watch dog. It was surprising to really see her. If he had known she was actually going to come, he would have waited and looked for her. Dakota mentioned having known something about Bentley. Her information might have been helpful during the discussion. She also knew Lightbrooke from before it was a toxic gas infested wasteland.
    He shut his eyes with a heavy sigh and rolled onto his side uncomfortably. Sleeping on the hard wooden floor would take some work and he would undoubtedly hurt in the morning, but hopefully it would give her some peace of mind. There was a small smile on his lips when he finally dozed off. Sometimes dealing with Dakota was like dealing with a small child, maybe that was why he liked teaching, or her...
  10. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Nothing was said other than him talking and soon enough fatigue was starting to build for the others. In the end they really didn't come up with anything at all and so far had to rely on what Julius told them. It was a pain, but like before he would have to act like a leader and push forward in order to come out victorious in their mission. Who knew what exactly would arrive before them and what exactly would happen. Julius still held on to the belief that Jonathan and Noelle was alive and as long as he continued to breath, Julius would do whatever it took to find the answers and end everything.

    Erik soon left the cabin and Bryan soon went and returned with pillows and blankets to sleep on. Before he knew it, Bryan and Maria were off sound as sleep, leaving Julius the only one awake in the cabin. Resting his elbow on the windowsill and his cheek on his hand, Julius sighed with a soft smile as he watched the two of them sleep. "Heh...wish things could be this peaceful all the time..." Julius said closing his eyes with a sigh. Bryan's mind had been breaking at a fast rate and if he didn't know better it would have been shattered had he not been able to maintain himself with the others. Thinking about the fate of everybody brought stress to him and all he really wished for them was that they lived their life happily not cause some damn curse. Regardless, Bryan and Julius shared the same goal and knew just how hard things would be and what the consequences of their travel would be.

    It hurt so bad every time he thought about Noelle and Jonathan. Jonathan had only just began to start living his life, he began to truly see the world for himself and for this to happen was tragic. It was only a day before that Julius told Noelle that she had nothing to fear, that she would live a long life and that he would be there whenever she needed him......BUT WHERE WAS HE WHEN SHE TRULY NEEDED HIM?! HE WAS WEAK! HE WAS USELESS! HE WAS PATHETIC! HE COULDN'T DO ANYTHING AS THE TWO PRECIOUS PEOPLE IN HIS LIFE VANISHED BEFORE HIM!

    A massive migraine hit Julius and the man instantly began to hold his head in pain. The pain of regret and sadness was great and as he held his head the tears he tried holding back fell. He couldn't be weak, he couldn't falter, he would turn his mind to steel if he had to in order to save them. And so Julius hid those feelings of regret and anguish, he locked them away and chose to remain the man that focus on his mission and the welfare of his own team. The tears that fell stopped and Julius merely wiped away whatever remained. He would end this...his self-worth meant nothing. His eyes closed and arms crossed, Julius soon drifted off to sleep.
  11. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    {~~~Day 1 (4/4)~~~March 14th, 2016, Monday~~~Location: Train~~~Mood:Comrade!~~~Music~~~Ooc:~~~}

    After his brief conversation with Torvald, Evan was getting all sorts of warning signals from his body that bed time was this time. He bade good night to the youngish revolutionaire and rollerbladed off to his cabin...that was to say find an unoccupied cabin and claim it as his own for the night. He removed his tie and fedora, for those were not proper sleeping attire, along with his rollerblades. He was excited as the great Bentley investigation was nearing it's start. He'd give it everything he had or his middle name wasn't detec- wait he already established that it wasn't. Regardless he was going to put his best foot forward and get to the bottom of the case. Only then would everyones lives go back to the normal, the wrongdoers would be caught and all would finally be right with the world. Evan was not a serious man, but he was serious about this.
  12. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    Bryan's sleep had been pretty crappy, but he had to admit that the warmth on his lap soothed him. When he first pried open his eyes, he glanced down and thought he saw a familiar mess of cherry-red hair; he had smiled and moved a strand of it away. It had stayed like that for a long time until a shred of dawn appeared and the hair wasn't the color he thought it was.

    Considering all things, he really hoped he wasn't becoming delusional like his mom. Aside from that, Bryan didn't deserve the relief a long-term hallucination would give him. He had been too pathetic back then, caring about his privacy more than his beloved sister's feelings, and for that, he would never forgive himself. Ahhh, do you mind the difference?

    There was no doubt that he had changed, even he could see it for himself through the veil spun of anger and bloodlust. If they did meet again, would she mind? He had always, always, always been protective — overprotective of her; the only time he stopped was when his mom commented on it, and he laid off because he thought he was smothering her . . . And this was what happened when he laid off. He should have never gone to Harley's.

    That morning, at Benny's . . . Would none of this had happened if he had just stayed? He thought about this specific event all of the time, and a guilt so heavy plagued him. I wonder if she hates me.

    Through the wall of his messy bangs, Bryan glanced up at Julius. He, Bryan thought, was the only person still able to pull on the few left strings of his humanity, but Bryan didn't need taking care of, and Julius shouldn't spare the time away from himself. Losing Jonathan and Noëlle must have really done something to him that even Bryan couldn't understand. Still . . . For him, losing Noëlle was enough.

    Throughout his thoughts, he had been subconsciously playing with Maria's hair. Somehow, he found that it kept him focused, and made him feel a little more calm. Gently, as he arranged to stand, he moved her head and shed his black jacket. She was still so nice to him, for some reason, even if he was cold towards her now. He didn't get it, and it kind of annoyed him. Hope she doesn't like me. He slid his pillow under her head, and then grabbed a small box from his carry bag, quietly slipping out of the cabin.

    Everywhere was quiet, and Bryan didn't have any trouble finding a small and secluded outside spot where he could sit and think for a little longer. He reached into his pocket and brought out a small lighter that he had once found in Noëlle's room. She hadn't even listened to him then, about smoking. The thought made him laugh a little. With a flick, he lit up the cigarette placed between his lips and took a long drag, feeling the familiar and pleasant warmth spread through him.

    Bryan hated smoking.
  13. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female

    Clothes Mood» Morning Personish Music Date: 2016 Location » Train OOC:

    Estelle could feel the bright light coming through the window. She tried to get up and looked over at Shane. Lucky he was still asleep. She went to go change into a different set of clothes and freshen up in one of the bathrooms. She carefully brushed her hair and carefully put it up. She wondered how much longer they would be on the train for, as she got a bobby pin and fixed up her hair. After she was finished, she went back to her seat, trying to be as quiet as she could. She lied down on her chair and put her head phones in, then getting her sketch book out.

    She hummed to herself quietly, her hand guiding her artwork. She would look up every couple seconds to look up at Shane. She tried not to stare, since it was kind of rude, but she couldn't help it. He looked so peaceful. She smiled to herself. "You're so weird Estelle." She could almost hear Vega say to her. She felt so different though, around him, and just by herself.

    She felt longing for human interaction, which had never happened to her before. She got complimented by her looks, which also never happened until she went back to school, her new outfits were stellar and she got tips from her youngest sister on how to do her hair up. That all never seemed to matter to her before. She tried though not to be vain.

    She started drawing again, trying to put her thoughts aside. But there were questions that were turning and burning inside her. So many questions and so little answers. She went back to drawing her picture, trying to concentrate once more. She got out her colored pencils and started to color her picture.

    She looked over at Shane once more, "He should be up soon" She thought, putting the finishing touches on her drawing. "What will I say to him?" She asked herself. "Why do I get so nervous all the time?" She sighed. After her picture was almost finished, she looked at it for a little bit. She looked at it and smiled. She loved the sunset as much as she loved the night sky. She fixed it up a bit an then signed it, looking at the window and wondering when the real adventure would start.
  14. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    ♡ ~ ✖ ~ ♡

    Sophie shifted on the cushion, aware of her chilly feet. The rest of her body seemed warm, and she was curled into a ball to preserve that warmth. She must have fallen asleep next to Freddie last night, or Lucas had come back and he was across the way on the other seat.

    Lucas, I think my bandages need changing again . . . she mumbled tiredly, and shifted again, covering her feet with the blan . . . ket. She felt the unfamiliar fabric and realized that it was a jacket instead. Must have been Freddie's. Lucas would have gotten a blanket, so Sophie guessed he hadn't come back. Bandages . . . she murmured to herself, and then rolled over, wincing and becoming a little more awake.

    Sophie sat up and tiredly rubbed at her eyes with balled hands. After blinking a few times, her vision cleared and she looked across the way to see someone else that wasn't Freddie or Lucas.

    . . . Oliver? she said, almost dumbly. What was he doing here? She looked at the jacket in her lap. Leather sleeves. It was his. He put it on her? Sophie's mind was still blurry and it was hard to think straight. What happened last night? Annoying . . .

    She quickly stood, but then found herself plopping back on to the seat and one of the shoulders of her blouse fell over. Unbuttoned blouse. Tousled skirt. She glanced up at Oliver's sleeping figure again. He looked cold. If she couldn't remember anything, she thought as she got up again more slowly, she must have passed out last night, and he . . . brought her here. Hmm.

    Briefly, she wondered if he saw the cuts and thin lash marks. Embarrassing and annoying. Maybe she should gouge his eyes out. Making herself suitable, she left the cabin, and then returned with a blanket that, at first, been tossed on him and covered his head. With a sigh, she fixed it, and then sat back down.

    What did Pierce see in this boy? Was it because he was older, handsome? Oddly, Sophie didn't know her friend's taste in men. It would be easy to make her forget about him, and she had thought about it so many times before — there were so many opportunities, too. However, she didn't want Pierce to hate her, which was idiotic because since when did Sophie care about a thing like that?

    She recalled her thoughts from around New Year's; divide and conquer. Even though she was so tired from everything that had been happening with the trial, Sophie wanted to manage to have time for her interpersonal relationships, which did mean Quentin, Freddie, Pierce, and apparently, now, even always since the play, maybe, Oliver.

    With a sigh, she watched as he shifted in his sleep.

  15. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    WEARING DATE 03/15/2016 DAY 02 & 1/4
    The jerking motion of the train forced Pierce awake. She stretched uncomfortably on the floor. Every muscle in her body was stiff and there were goosebumps all down her arms and legs. With a shiver, she grabbed the seat and pulled herself to her feet. Her eyes and head hurt. She rubbed at her eyes with the backs of her wrists and sighed. That's right, yesterday had been horrible. Her stomach growled painfully and she slung the bag over her shoulder and grabbed her suitcase by the handle. She needed to change, then she would go find Sophie and see if she wanted to share breakfast. Her mom had been adamant on packing meals for Pierce to take along. There was probably more food in her suitcase than clothing. She smacked her lips together and marched to the bathroom where she changed quickly. It felt nice to not be all wrinkly.
    Pierce washed her face in the train sink and did her best to straighten out her hair. Even with clean clothes on, she still looked like a mess. Well, this was better than nothing. She sighed and grabbed her things. Now where could Sophie be? She was probably with Lucas, so if she just found Lucas then she would find Sophie. Last night still hurt and bothered her, but just like after New Years, she would smile and pretend everything was fine. She wasn't going to upset anyone else. She could always cry to herself -- or her father -- later. It was hard putting up a front that was so opposite of who she was, but she had to try. Sophie, Sophie, Sophie. Where could she -- oh!
    She stopped in front of one of the cabin doors. Through the small window she could see Sophie sitting beside a sleeping figure. Maybe Lucas wasn't up yet? That seemed odd. It was more likely that the sleeping person was Freddie or Quentin. Recently Sophie and the latter had been making amends with whatever damaged their friendship to begin with. Hm. She slid the door open with a bright smile on her face and let her brown eyes fall on her best friend. Two more days until her birthday. She would tell Sophie about it later tonight. It might actually be fun to do something with someone other than her mom for once. She had been so set on just not saying anything, but now she really needed a pick-me-up. Sophie, I -- ... ... ... Her gaze shifted to the blond hair peaking out of the blanket. None of them had blond hair -- Freddie, Quentin, and Lucas. Pierce's jaw snapped shut and her eyes seemed to burn at the familiarity of that, blond with a tinge of red, hair. Oh. I see ...
    She backed up, her suitcase wheeling out into the hall. I just came to tell you that the train stopped. Her chest constricted and she slammed the sliding door shut rather forcefully before turning down the hall. She suddenly felt so dead inside. The backs of her eyes stung and she bit down hard on her lip to keep the tears from spilling over.
    Of course...
    Oliver left her and then went to Sophie. It was a good thing she didn't go looking for her friend last night. She wouldn't have wanted to interrupt whatever went on between them. Her breathing was becoming irregular. So much for holding it together and putting on a happy face. She wanted off this train, now!
    There was an exit door up ahead and she yanked it open. Pierce almost hadn't seen the figure sitting on the floor smoking. She sighed heavily. S - sorry Bryan. I was ... I was just ... She shut the door between the quickly and turned around. This was terrible. She hadn't remembered ever seeing Bryan smoke before, but given recent events she didn't blame him. Actually, she kind of wanted a cigarette right this moment as well, even if she had never tried one before.
    She moved down the hall until she unfortunately came back to the cabin she had been in with Oliver. Pierce dropped her stuff by the door and curled up in the corner of the bench, between the two walls. She just wanted to disappear. Was this what the entire trip would be like? It just might give her a heart attack before someone has the chance to try and kill her. Hah! She bit her lip again, hating herself for thinking that. Of course Sophie and Oliver slept together, it only makes sense...
  16. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    ♡ ~ ✖ ~ ♡
    For a long while, Sophie watched Oliver and contemplated what she would say and ask him when he woke up, and how they came to be in this situation.

    A few minutes later, Sophie saw someone appear from the corner of her eye, and then the door slid open, revealing a bright-eyed Pierce. Her birthday was soon, wasn't it? They would have to do something together . . . When the other girl shifted to look at Oliver, a feeling of disdain swept over Sophie; this was a bad setup. Don't you even . . . she thought to herself, mentally glaring at Pierce.

    Oh. I see . . .


    I just came to tell you that the train stopped.

    Sophie hadn't even realized. She wondered what they were stopping for — surely they couldn't be in Whittlerose, yet. The expression on Pierce's face made Sophie feel terrible and angry all at the same time. This was unfortunate, wasn't it? She could already see the scenario's forming in her friend's head over what had happened, and she was going to cry.

    She abruptly stood when Pierce backed out of the cabin, and then ran off. Sophie darted out of the cabin after her, only to fall onto the wall and watch her disappear into another car.

    So dramatic. she thought to herself, clenching her fist against the wooden wall.

    After a moment of deep breathing, she pulled out her phone and began typing up a message.

    TO: Pierce
    Don't you dare do this.
    Stop being so dramatic.

    She glared at the screen, and then sighed, running her still-bandaged fingers through her hair. This was silly; what was she even doing?

    She walked back into the cabin, and then gently ( although she wanted to slam his head up against the wall ) shook Oliver's shoulder, Wake up.
  17. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    WEARING DATE 03/15/2016 DAY 02 & 1/4
    There was another jerk of the train and it seemed to be moving again. Huh. Maybe another train had been coming or something? Trains often times had to stop when they were sharing a single track.

    Pierce chewed on the nail of her thumb. She hadn't broken down into tears quite yet, but it felt like only a matter of time. She felt so hollow. It hurt. Her chest hurt. She had told herself she would be fine with Sophie and Oliver, but she clearly wasn't. It wasn't fair. Sophie had what seemed like a line of guys trailing behind her. Why did she need one more?
    Her phone off. Begrudgingly, she released her legs, letting them slide down flat against the seat of the bench, and reached into her bag to find her phone. After a minute shuffling her fingers wrapped around it and she lifted it to her face. When she pressed the unlock screen, she could see a message waiting from Sophie. What could she have to say to her? Her lips mashed together, turning white, and she opened the message.
    She glared at her phone. That wasn't fair of Sophie to say. She didn't do anything. Sophie was the one with Oliver. Pierce pulled her legs closer again. She was angry now and she rarely ever got angry at Sophie. It wasn't fair! She sighed, letting the anger fade away. As soon as it was gone, she just felt lonely again. Everything was fine before the musical. She was happy just being Pierce & Sophie. A single tear managed to leak out and she wiped her face with the back of her hand. Pierce felt sad and alone, but mostly just alone. Things were less complicated with just Sophie. She sighed outwardly and typed a reply.
    She was torn. Part of her just wanted it to be simple with Sophie again, while the other part really wanted things to work with Oliver. Even if they did do something, she wasn't completely ready to give up. But what could she offer that Sophie couldn't? Nothing. Sophie was gorgeous, smart, in college with him, poised, confident, and fun to be around. She was none of those things. She was average in looks and academics, as graceful as a rhinoceros on a tightrope -- both with her tongue and her feet --, and had zero self-confidence. There was no way she could possibly outmatch Sophie, nor did she want to. She didn't want to lose her friend. Not over a boy. Not when the last boy she liked had been such a mistake, it just didn't seem like it at the time.
    She tapped open the web browser on her phone. There was one thing, but it was dumb and silly. She couldn't find it the last time she looked. Maybe if she kept trying? But what good would that do? There was no way something like a love potion could actually work. Pierce nibbled on the inside of her cheek. Cupid's Brew. Cupid's Brew. She typed it into Google. She also opened up a couple extra windows on her phone searching general terms like love potion and love charms. This was stupid. She felt dumb just attempting to find it, but what other option did she have against someone like Sophie? It was more fair and harmless than actually trying to fight her friend for a boy. If she somehow did manage to find it and it obviously didn't work, well then she would have no other option than to admit defeat. A sad frown crossed her face at the thought of that.
  18. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 2 « OOC: N|A :

    If it weren't for the cold, his sleep on the train may have been peaceful and satisfying. Instead, it was spent with tossing and turning and groaning and curling up and nearly falling more than once. He felt restless and all sorts of anxious, and when he finally did drift down into a deeper level of slumber, he was shaken awake.

    Wake up, she said plainly.

    He recognized the voice right away. Sophie hadn't died in her sleep. That was good. He sat up after a moment or two of internal protesting. He really didn't like being around others when he was just waking up. He felt incomplete for the world. He needed some time. Time he wouldn't get.

    Cue mild irritation.

    His hands reached down into his jeans for his phone, and he took a quick peek at his notifications. A whopping two messages! Wow. One from Reed and one from Mary. They could both wait, he decided, and returned the phone back to it's place in his pocket.

    Good morning, Sophie, he grumbled a bit absently. His green eyes met with her blue ones. She didn't look too good. ... What's going on? You still drunk - or whatever that was?

    His face flushed at the memories of last night and he looked out of the window to avoid imagining it again. The sun was shining brightly over the train, not a cloud in the sky. Outside had gone from an endless amount of hills and fields to a beautiful river countryside, with lush trees, and a few gorgeous -- and expensive -- looking houses scattered about.

  19. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    ♡ ~ ✖ ~ ♡
    Sophie didn't have to wait long before there was a vibration that tickled one of the cuts on her chest and caused her to blink. She quickly pulled it out before Oliver stirred awake and typed a reply.

    FROM: Pierce
    Do you ever wish it's
    just the two of us?

    TO: Pierce
    Sometimes. Don't change the subject.
    When you're feeling better, I'll
    tell you what happened. Misunderstanding.
    You're so silly sometimes.

    Meanwhile, she gave Oliver a bit of space by sitting on the other side of the cabin and slipping her phone away. Pierce was being silly. Just because she has a crush on this guy. Sophie didn't understand it well, and would have to force some information out of the girl when she got the chance.

    Oliver wasn't a morning person, she took it.

    . . . What's going on You still drunk — or whatever that was?

    She stared at him. Drunk? Ah, right. She had passed out last night, but couldn't remember much before that besides being in constant pain. For some reason, he blushed. Outside, the scenery had changed quickly and the morning was about all of them. It was pretty.

    I'm sorry. she replied plainly, and then glanced down at the floor, taking a breath, I was tired. Haha, drunk. I don't stumble when I'm drunk. Did you bring me here? I don't really remember what happened. she continued as she buttoned up her blouse.

    There were only a few reasons why Pierce would be freaking out as she was; she must have thought the two of them slept together or something, which was a laugh, because Sophie was pretty sure Oliver didn't even like her. Either way, she would straighten this business with Pierce out. There was no reason for her to be so dramatic . . .

    I think Pierce thinks we did something.
  20. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 2 « OOC: N|A :

    Sophie took a seat to the other side of him, and he was genuinely surprised that she hadn't left yet. He watched her for a moment before straightening his back out against his bench / couch thing, settling his eyes on his jacket, all of the way on the other side of the cabin. Her side. He wanted to bash his face against the floor to erase remnants of last night. Maybe he shouldn't be completely embarrassed, as it seemed Sophie had returned the favor. He had a blanket draped over him. He almost hadn't noticed it.

    I'm sorry. He wasn't sure what for. He watched her look down and pressed his lips together. I was tired. Haha, drunk. I don't stumble when I'm drunk. Did you bring me here? I don't really remember what happened.

    Oliver was uncomfortable with Sophie. After New Years, and after last night ... He couldn't really wrap his head around the situation, or closeness.

    Tired? ... Tired his ass. He sighed and let it go. I did. You fainted. I didn't want to leave you alone.

    There was nothing sentimental about it [ maybe ]. He wasn't that horrible a person.

    I think Pierce thinks we did something.

    He perked an eyebrow but it didn't take long for him to fit the pieces together. Pierce probably walked in on their sleeping arrangements somehow. She would jump to a conclusion like that, wouldn't she? Sleeping with Sophie didn't even make any sense. Unless it was hate sex, and even then he'd probably end up dead after.

    He fixed his shirt and twisted his necklace around to face the right away.

    You should go fix it with her, don't you think? His question sounded more like a low and impassive statement. Why was Sophie even still in here? She should be running too poor Pierce's side, making up for all of the horrible he had done. Fixing his fuck ups. He had a headache.
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