❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: Confident yet Nervous (X)Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Home -> Park N' Ride (X) OOC: Banner made using Jayn's tutorial and finally decided to do something with Shane’s parents

    As Shane awoke and took his shower, his mind was unusually clouded with thoughts. Mostly they were about the recent death and what he was going to do today. After all, he knew little about Jonathan and Noelle, but still he was going to head to Bentley.

    Making his way down the stairs, he found that his father was sitting on the couch.

    “So, you’ve decided to go after all.” His dad said in a more serious tone than his usual one. There was some silence between them before he spoke.

    “Yeah, I don’t know what I can do, but something’s better than nothing.” Shane replied, prompting his father to get up from where he was sitting and move in front of Shane. Again there was some silence before his father broke it.

    “In that case, promise me that you’ll come back.” In the way he said it, that was enough emotions for Shane to get the message. In turn, they share a touching father-son moment before Shane left.


    Finally arriving at the Park N’ Ride, he a bunch of people there. There were some he knew and some he didn’t clearly recognized. “Hey guys.” He said.
  2. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 1 - 2/4 | DATE: March 14th, 2016 | LOCATION: Home ==> Park 'n' Ride

    Freddie spent some time sitting in his room, contemplating. He wasn't exactly sure what was going to happen. All he knew for certain was that a classmate and a relative of one of the teachers had turned up dead in the woods at the outskirts of the city. Even worse, their bodies were brutally mutilated. It was so bad, they had to have a closed-casket funeral. Even though he wasn't particularly close to either of the two, the fact that they had been mutilated meant that someone had to have done that to their bodies. Some sick son of a bitch actually did that to their bodies and then just left them. Out in the middle of nowhere.

    He stood up and changed his clothes. Despite the fact that he wasn't close to the victims, he can say for certain that he doesn't want some savage killer running around doing whatever he pleases. Especially since there isn't a clear cut reason why this happened. That means that anybody could be the next victim. Even his little sister. He didn't want that to happen. He couldn't let it happen. He won't let it happen. There were so many things he still wanted to do with her. Talk to her. Take her to places she hadn't been to before. Make up for all of the lost time between them.

    After he finished changing his clothes, he grabbed his luggage and went into the car. He took a moment to catch his breath, firmly gripping the steering wheel, and make sure he was absolutely certain about going. After all, there was no telling what could happen on this trip. More people could end up dead as a result of this decision. Was it really wise to go through with it? At this point, he still had the option of not going. Staying behind seemed like the rational choice in this situation. Stay home where it is, for the most part, safe.

    No... I can't just sit here and do nothing. If there is something I can do about this, then I have to do it. If I can do even one thing to help stop this guy, then it'll be worth it. With a surge of determination rushing through him, he drove off and headed for the Park 'n' Ride where people had decided to meet.

    Sometime later, he had arrived. After parking his car, he took his duffle bag and saw a group of people had gathered. He just stood there for a little while as they stood there and spoke to one another. Admittedly, he was still nervous, despite the reassuring he had done earlier. It didn't really matter now, though. With a hard swallow, he walked towards the gathered group.

    When he got close and saw Zoey there, his mind immediately thought of the worst case scenarios. He would have to make sure she was safe on this trip. If she got hurt while he was around, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself. So he had to make sure she was extra safe. He took in a deep breath to calm himself down and rid himself of the thoughts created by paranoia. After letting it all out, he continued to look around to see who else was here already. To his surprise, he saw Sophie. He thought that she wouldn't come, especially with all of the... things she's been going through.

    He made his way over to her and cleared his throat.
    "Hey... um... How've you been holding up?" To be honest, she had looked terrible. Still, he should try to find out how she's been doing. Otherwise, if he didn't talk to her at all after what happened, how could he call himself her friend? At the very least, he could talk to her, even if she might lash out on him.
  3. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» Nervous Music Date: 2016 Location » Home OOC:
    Estelle looked over at Zoey who had come over to her giggling. This couldn't be good. Zoey was always up to trouble.

    "Look who's here~!" she cooed in a sing-song voice before she twirled away

    She saw Shane coming into the group. She smiled at Zoey and looked over at him shyly. It had been, so long since she had talked to him. She had missed talking to him so much, even though she had made new NPC Friends she remembered the good time she had spent with him over the holidays. "Hello Shane." Estelle said walking over to him, trying to say claim. "It's nice to see you again, we haven't really talked in a while." She said to him. Her cheeks burned red already and she had tried to hard not to let it show. She was very pale so she knew he would notice. She looked away for a second.

    "Shane..." She said. "Umm.. would you like to sit with me on the train?" Estelle asked, hoping it wasn't too forward. She looked down nervously, her face getting a brighter and redder shade of red. "Umm.. I was just thinking maybe she could catch up." She said, putting with the grass under her shoe.

    Her throat felt dry and she was getting more nervous by the second. She was trying to keep it all inside.

    'Gosh Estelle please try and stay calm... and normal... don't say anything werid.' She thought to herself.
  4. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    ♡ ~ ✖ ~ ♡
    Although she had been standing next him for some time, she and Quentin barely spoke three sentences to each other, and she refused to let go of Lucas' hand. For the moment, Sophie felt like it was the only thing keeping her sane.

    Her pale, intense eyes had fallen on Pierce and Oliver numerous times, checking their behavioral status, and the tension between them was so thick, it could be cut with a knife. She wanted to cut Oliver with a knife, sometimes. It depended on her mood, actually; sometimes she would want him tied to a bed, other times she would want him strung up like a pig.

    She let out a breath and flexed her hand in Lucas' larger one. Like this, she almost felt like a little girl. At least things had been easier back then . . . Kind of.

    A voice dragged her out of her pain-induced daze.

    Hey . . . um . . . How've you been holding up?

    She looked up to see Freddie. For once, a face she didn't completely loath to see. Subconsciously, she let go of Lucas' hand. Very tiredly. she replied at first. An awkward silence began to build up and then she ran both hands through her long hair, and then winced at the pain it brought. . . . Did I tell you that my parents are back in town?

    Looking around, she checked to see if anyone might be watching, and then she reached for the buttons of her off-white shirt and un did a few of them with her bandaged fingers. It revealed a white tank top which she then pulled down to reveal her torso wrapped in white bandages; angry red marks were slightly visible over her shoulders and above her breasts. She glanced up to gauge his reaction, They were delighted to see me.

    Nico, Lucas began, We are in public; you shouldn't show anyone that. She sighed and then fixed herself to look socially-acceptable once more.

    . . . Sorry. What about you? I kind of missed you.
  5. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DATE⁞ Monday, March 14th, 2016 DAY⁞ 01 2/4
    Ryder voted against taking his car to the park and ride. Instead, he rode leisurely on his skateboard. It was nice having the snow melted so that he could board wherever and whenever he wanted. His backpack hung off his shoulders and he kicked at the ground, propelling the skateboard forward. He was just coming into the parking lot when his phone buzzed. It was probably another message from his mom. She had been texting him every thirty seconds since he left the house. It was so suffocating in there. He couldn't get away from home enough. There wasn't really anywhere for him to go beside the park these days and even when he was there, he didn't stay for long. Too many memories plagued his thoughts. It was one thing losing Richie, but then losing Elisa within a two-week time frame was too much. He really tried to make her feel better, and yet -- well, it was plain to see how well she handled it with the sleeping pills.

    He stepped off the skateboard and bent down to pick it up. Ryder lifted it up over his shoulder and approached the others. He still wasn't even sure why he agreed to go. Granted, he had always been interested in the town that his brother and Elisa talked so much about. Elisa...

    Ryder shook his head and nodded at the others upon arrival. The train would be there any minute and everyone seemed to be gathered into their little groups. He didn't really fit in with the rest of them. This was Richie's group of friends and acquaintances, not his. "'Sup?" he greeted rather flat faced. This was going to be loads of fun. How much longer would he have to wait until they were on their way? His free hand slipped into his front pocket and uncapped the bottle of pills that were hiding in there. Without pulling out the bottle, he dipped his fingers inside and pulled one out before slipping the cap back on and popping it into his mouth dry.

    He had always been sort of into various harmless drugs, but now it seemed to be a little more than the occasional. Ryder had a feeling his mom was starting to notice and he was being forced to be more careful about it. After the last time she went through his room, things got pretty bad.
  6. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 1 - 2/4 | DATE: March 14th, 2016 | LOCATION: Park 'n' Ride

    "Very tiredly," she answered. An awkward silence began to build up between the two of them. As she ran her bandaged fingers through her hair, she winced from the pain it brought. "... Did I tell you my parents are back in town?"

    "No, I don't think you mentioned it..." He looked down as he said it, the tone in his voice low and somber. The pained expression on his face meant that he knew what had happened when they met her. Sophie looked around to see if anyone was looking. After making sure no one was, she began to unbutton a few of the buttons on her off-white shirt. Underneath it was a white tank top, which she pulled down to reveal her torso covered in bandages; angry red marks slightly visible over her shoulders and above her breasts. Freddie mashed his lips together as he saw the red marks on her bandages, grunts of discomfort escaping him. His hand was inside of his pocket, where he tightly clenched it into a fist.

    "They were delighted to see me." It was painful just to even look at them. As much as he wanted to avert his eyes, though, he couldn't bring himself to. It was a sight that burned itself into his memories.

    "Nico," Lucas had started, "We are in public; you shouldn't show anyone that." With a sigh, Sophie had fixed herself up to look socially presentable.

    "... Sorry. What about you? I kind of missed you." Freddie took a few seconds to regain his composure. Well, after seeing something like that, who wouldn't be shocked?

    After taking in a few deep breaths, he finally answered,
    "Well... I've been trying to keep myself busy. Try to get my mind off of things..." It was true, he tried a whole bunch of different things to distract him: writing music, playing video games, etc. But none of it really worked. "I can't really say it worked, though." He sighed as he scratched the back of his head.
  7. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    "Good morning, Julius. Are you really down for this?"

    The voice caught his attention instantly, but all Julius really did was merely close his eye without even turning his attention to the person standing right beside him '"Heh...come now...thats something I was going to ask you...but even so I know the answers....I know this is something we've been looking forward to for quite the while now" Julius said before opening his eye and glanced over his side and at Bryan.

    Before he could say anything anymore another voice was directed towards him and Julius could only smile softly at the person that spoke her greetings. He merely gave her a nod before the girl left the two of them to their space and let them talk a bit more. Such innocence was nice, but it was a pity to see such a person joining such a mission. He didn't wish to see anymore die, but if ending things in Bentley would end it all then he would have to do what it takes to get everybody out there safe and sound.

    "Bryan....only you can understand what I'm feeling....we know exactly what we have to do..." Julius said. He never gave up hope that Johnny and Noelle were still alive, but this changed nothing....for hurting the two he cared about was something he could not have forgiven, he would make them pay dearly. Had he been murdered, had it only ended there...then he would have passed on without a single regret. If there was anybody he could truly trust fully it would be Bryan. Bryan was the only one who understood his pain, Bryan was the one that he was able to talk to and what the two had formed what like a kinship . "Whatever it takes...let us make them pay" Julius said
    narrowing his eyes with what seemed like a dark smirk creeping across his face before closing his eyes and letting out a silent chuckle.
  8. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    ♡ ~ ✖ ~ ♡
    The number of people arriving finally slowed to one or two every now and then, and Sophie gazed around, taking stock of their little group — and what an unlikely one they were. What were a bunch of misfits like them going to really do, anyway? Then again . . . She did want to know what was so off about that place; Bentley. She still remembered the smell and look of the oddly-shaped sweets shop, and the little girl.

    The receptionist with the attitude, the one from the Inn. And then there was the drunken man that attempted to bring them home. He failed miserably.

    It was obvious that Freddie hadn't been pleased to see Sophie's battle wounds, and she almost felt ashamed for showing them to him. Perhaps he thought badly of her now, for not standing up to her parents, but, annoying and hateful as they were, those few nights on their arrival home, she couldn't bring herself to do it. Maybe she had missed them, or something. Annoying.

    His reaction to her sort-of-accidental confession of missing him please her, though. Little things like that always still brought her pleasure. He took a few deep breaths before answering.

    Well . . . I've been trying to keep myself busy. Try to get my mind off of things . . .

    Her smile was almost sympathetic; fortunately, she'd had Lucas for that. Then again, as friends, they could help each other. She winced slightly at the movement of her arm that stretched the skin on her back.

    I can't really say it worked, though.

    He sighed and this time, she frowned. When Mommy and Daddy Dearest are away, you should come over more often. I'm sure we can think of something. She knew she didn't have to mess with her tone to insinuate anything, but distractions didn't always have to involve sex — it was just a generally good method. Well, if we come back alive, that is.

    As it were, Sophie felt she knew that there was something very wrong with Bentley. Without even thinking about it, she grabbed Freddie's hand and sighed. Would you like to sit with Lucas and I on the train? Due to all the physical stress from her wounds, she would probably just fall asleep.
  9. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts: My Dad is SO going to KILL ME!... Oh well. :3|Place: Park and ride|Mood:Mellow|Music:| Day: 2/4 ]

    Zoey looked around for someone to talk to. Now that Shane was here, Estelle was going to be so distracted. Zoey SO did not want to be the third wheel on this trip, that was the last thing she wanted. She smiled when she saw her brother come, but watched as he went straight to Sophie. Her question she asked him a long time ago about that girl was still unanswered, but Zoey could probably guess that yes, her brother cared a lot for her. And if he trusted and cared a lot for her, then Zoey should too despite what happened. It probably wasn't Sophie's fault anyways. Or anyone's for that matter.


    The girl turned to the voice to see Richie's brother standing there, kind of aloof from the crowd. Ryder was his name if Zoey remembered correctly. He not only lost his brother, but rumors of a girl committing suicide also drifted around the school. Someone who couldn't handle the deaths that happened. Someone that Ryder knew. Her eye softened a bit as she watched him from where she was at. Well, it couldn't hurt to say hello to him anyways, right?

    Mustering up the courage, she drug her rolling suitcase behind her and approached the other boy. "Hey, Ryder right?" Zoey smiled as she tilted her head, extending a hand out to him. "My name's Zoey. I was in the musical with your brother last Christmas. I didn't know him very well, but he seemed nice. I know it's been a while... But I'm sorry." She looked at him, her smile faltering just a bit. Her eye looked sincere, like she knew kind of what sort of pain this guy she barely knew was going through. She was still going through the grief of losing Alex and seeing the deaths first hand. If it wasn't for her medications, she would be an insomniac by now. She cleared her throat and adjusted her hat on her head. "I'm ready to get down to the bottom of this whole mess. What about you? Got anyone to hang out with on the train?"
  10. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    "Heh . . . Come now . . . That's something I was going to ask you . . ." He began to reply without turning to Bryan. He adjusted the sleeve of his dark jacket and cracked a bit of a grin. "But even so, I know the answers . . . I know this is something we've been looking forward to for quite the while, now."

    The Professor glanced sidelong at Bryan, whose grin got a little wider; he even gave a little chuckle. It was true, they had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. He patted one of his pockets for the butterfly knife he had recently become a pro with.

    A girl, Bryan recognized her as Zoey Klein, came upon them and he turned a critical eye on her immediately, them having been interrupted. He had found that his patience had become really thin over the last year. He used to have the patience of a saint, but then everyone started getting on his nerves after she disappeared. The girl left them to their company once more, and with their things, they began to head for seats in the train.

    What were half of these kids doing here, anyway? He guessed they all had a death wish or something, so that was their deal . . . Not his. But Julius still cared for them, so he pulled through that he would protect them. No more would die.

    "Bryan . . . Only you can understand what I'm feeling . . ." Julius began again, and Bryan felt that surge of humanity once more that only seemed to come when they spoke of the situation and when he thought about the past. "We know exactly what we have to do . . ."

    He was right; even if Jonathan and Noëlle were, by some miracle, still alive, it changed nothing. Bryan would stop at nothing to get the blood he craved. Julius knew it; he knew the feelings, the charge, the speed, the drive. They would do it together.

    "Whatever it takes . . . Let us make them pay."

    At the words, his expression grew dark, almost slightly deranged if you looked close enough, and he smiled.

    The two of them found their own train cabin and left the door slightly open in case anyone wanted to join them; at this point, Bryan was feeling much calmer and was down for anyone. Meanwhile, he and Julius talked about this and that, the subject, for the time being, remaining lighthearted. They couldn't get bogged down in their violent emotions yet, no matter how much he wanted to burst out and slit a few throats.

    "D'you think we'll stay at that inn again?" he asked, remembering the bitchy receptionist.
  11. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 1 - 2/4 | DATE: March 14th, 2016 | LOCATION: Park 'n' Ride ==> Inside the Train

    He saw her frown after his last comment, which made him feel little worse for making her do that. "When Mommy and Daddy Dearest are away, you should come over more often. I'm sure we can think of something." It sounded like a great idea. He did enjoy the idea of hanging out with her, though he was hoping she wasn't suggesting... something else. "Well, if we come back alive, that is." Her comment suddenly forced the point home that what they were about to set out to do was not to be taken lightly. It didn't matter if he tried his hardest, there will always be the chance that someone will die on this trip.

    His thoughts were interrupted by Sophie suddenly grabbing his hand. It pulled him back into reality as she sighed. "Would you like to sit with Lucas and I on the train?"

    "Yeah... I think I'd like that," he said as he lightly gripped her hand in his. He looked at the time on his phone. Just about 8:30. It was probably a good idea to head into the train now. "C'mon, let's go." With her hand in his, he guided both Sophie and Lucas into the high speed train. He found seats where the three of them could sit right next to each other, with Sophie in between Lucas and Freddie. Sitting there with them felt nice, though he wasn't sure if the feeling would last.
  12. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    As much as he looking forward to the trip to Bentley, Julius knew that they needed to remain as calm as possible otherwise they would be running in blindly and trying their best to kill others. If they truly did such a thing then in the end only they would be the one that would find themselves in a grave and only then would they truly truly fail their mission. With the trains arrival and having entered the train, Julius began to speak along with Bryan as they entered the cabin, trying their best not to go mad.

    Crossing his arms as he watched out of the window and all too suddenly after hearing the question brought up by Bryan, Julius' eyebrow immediately raised. The question was a pretty valid one and if they were going to survive all this then they really needed to truly plan all of this. It was a good while since they came from Bentley so things could have changed, but at least there was a chance things didn't change and with that they could use that to their advantage.

    "Being close to the enemy...might not be such a bad idea..." Julius said closing his eyes as he tried to gather his thoughts about their next destination. "Everybody we met in Bentley...they all have ties to each other...they were willing to give us all help for free...nobody we met can be trusted..." Julius said before opening his eyes "But there is something that really caught my attention that time....That girl from the Dreamers...that drawing of hers....just how did she predict everything?" Julius said.
  13. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DATE⁞ Monday, March 14th, 2016 DAY⁞ 01 3/4
    When Ryder wasn't paying attention, a small black-haired figure approached him. "Hey, Ryder right?" Zoey smiled as she tilted her head, extending a hand out to him. "My name's Zoey. I was in the musical with your brother last Christmas. I didn't know him very well, but he seemed nice. I know it's been a while... But I'm sorry." She looked at him, her smile faltering just a bit.

    Ryder resisted the urge to scowl. He did his best not to talk about Richie or Elisa and when people brought them up it really pissed him off. Instead, he swung his skateboard off his shoulder and let the end of it rest on his foot. "Yeah, thanks," he said rather coldly. He just wanted to get on the train and not be bothered about his brother. Was that so much to ask?

    She cleared her throat and adjusted her hat on her head. "I'm ready to get down to the bottom of this whole mess. What about you? Got anyone to hang out with on the train?"

    Ryder's blue eyes slowly raked over Zoey for a moment. She was short, young, and pretty; but with young being the operative word. She couldn't be over sixteen and that wasn't okay with him. With a shrug, he turned to the now present train and began to ascend the stairs. "Not really. Didn't really plan on hanging out with anyone, Olive Oil." The eyepatch made him think of Popeye, but her features were definitely more similar to Olive Oil than Popeye. Calling her Popeye would just be mean.

    He lifted his board up so it rested under his arm and walked down the aisles until he found a vacant section of seating.

    DAY01 & 3/4
    " AND SO IT BEGINS... "
    "But there is something that really caught my attention that time....That girl from the Dreamers ... that drawing of hers .... just how did she predict everything?" Julius said.

    Erik opened the door and stepped in. "I hope you don't mind company," he said apologetically before setting his bag down. "There was no way I was just going to sit out there with the kids when more serious things were going on back here." Erik took a seat beside Julius and kicked his bag under the bench. There was nothing important in it anyway. Remembering what Julius had just been in the process of saying, he ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "What if it wasn't a prediction?" He asked. "Nothing about that town seemed right. What did that text message you read say? Something about needing us safe or whatever? Maybe the little girl overheard something she wasn't supposed to and then repeated it. And if they needed us safe, that doesn't really explain what happened to Noëlle and Jonathan unless that need was no longer necessary." He was starting to talk too much. However, they did need to get this all out in the open if they planned on successfully searching.

    There was a light knock on the door and his brown eyes flashed up in time to see Maria walk in hesitantly. "Hey," she greeted softly. "I uh... I just thought you might want another person that was actually present to be here." She looked uncomfortable as she stored her things. "Granted I spent most of the trip to Bentley doped up, but I did get some quality time with their too touchy medical staff..." She hadn't really told anyone about that, or what the nurse said to her that day. Maria took a seat beside Bryan and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze before plucking at the skirt of her dress absently. "There's something really uncomfortable about being around those people."
  14. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts: My Dad is SO going to KILL ME!... Oh well. :3|Place: Park and ride ---> Train|Mood:Anxious|Music:| Day: 3/4 ]

    W-wait, what? Olive Oil?" Zoey wrinkled her nose when Ryder called her that. What was that suppose to mean anyways?! Everyone called her so many different kinds of nick names in the past, but someone never called her that before. And another thing she noticed too... He seemed pretty upset when his brother was mentioned. Zoey decided to put a lid on that sensitive subject and not bring it up for the rest of the trip. She could respect other people's feelings and leave him be. She wouldn't want anyone prying into her past after all. She hadn't had the courage to even tell Freddie about what happened to her to get this eyepatch in the first place.

    She followed Ryder up the stairs of the train, still curious to why he called her that and she was determined to find out. She put her big piece of luggage where it was suppose to go, but kept her handy dandy backpack. It had the essentials in it, just in case her suitcase didn't make it. She gripped the shoulder strap and then made her way through the train and then spotted Ryder. She followed him and then sat down in front of him, letting her backpack take up the seat next to her. "Olive Oil?" She cocked her eyebrow, giving him a strange look. She then giggled looking out the train window to see the view of the town. This was going to be scary, and Zoey didn't know what to expect, but she wanted to help out anyway she could. Now, back to what Ryder called her....

    "What made you call me Olive Oil?" She looked at him with a slight smile on her face, her eyebrow still raised. "I mean, I know the eyepatch gives people ideas with nicknames," she tapped at it with her index finger before continuing, "but I never heard that one before."

    Zoey then began to notice the strange attire he was wearing and then sat back in her seat with her hands folded in her lap. She resisted the urge to laugh at it and instead just smiled wider. "Like train rides, Captain America?"

    Captain America who dressed in the dark, she thought slyly. Well, it wasn't bad as that other guy's outfit. Devan? No, his name wasn't Devan Zoey realized. Evan maybe? She had no idea. She then realized she left Estelle behind with Shane, but then again, they probably didn't need her company. Estelle probably forgot about her and was more focused on Shane than anything, blushing and looking at him with those big goo goo eyes of a love stricken school girl. Freddie was going to be with Sophie, and thus Zoey was pretty much alone to meet and greet with everyone else and try to mingle. Ryder just seemed like the perfect candidate. He brought up an interesting subject after all.
  15. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    Bryan intently listened to Julius' thoughts while looking at the window, watching the already-speeding-by land. He was right; everyone in Bentley seemed . . . Hmm. If he had to choose a word for it, it would be 'cult', they just had that way about them, and all knowing each other. ". . . Just how did she predict everything?"

    "She" had been referring to the daughter of the Dreamers. What sort of surname was that, anyway? He remembered her distinctly, when he thought about it. She seemed scared. Why was she so willing to help them, back then? That didn't do anything but raise his already high-level suspicions about the town. If she really was alive, and would be anywhere . . . Bryan had his money on Bentley.

    "There was definitely something up with them, and her." he replied, mindlessly rubbing two of his fingers together, "When we get there, we'll definitely find out what it is."

    The door slid open and Bryan looked up to see Erik. "I hope you don't mind company," He set his bag down, "There was no way I was going to sit out there with the kids when more serious things were going on back here."

    . . . Well, he had a point. Bryan didn't know how to feel about Erik anymore. Since all that stuff with the deaths had been going on, he hadn't been focused enough to even care for anyone else except for her. Siblings or not, it was hard to love anyone else that wasn't her.

    Staying quiet, Bryan listened to the on-going discussion of the suspicious Bentley and formulated his own thoughts with it. Slightly, he twitched when her name left his lips, and glanced up at him with dark eyes. The door slid open once more and the odd expression was gone. He looked over to see a hesitant Maria. With little to no interest, Bryan averted his gaze out the window once more.

    "I, uh . . . I just thought you might want another person that was actually present to be here."

    You're useless, why would we want you? He kept the thought to himself. At least Erik could be helpful.

    "Granted, I spent most of the trip to Bentley doped up, but I did get some quality time with their too-touchy medical staff . . ."

    He remembered that. He didn't like him putting their hands all over the campers, plus her, plus himself. If he had the time to spare, maybe he would remove their hands and ice them to hang on a public wall.

    The seat next to him nudged down and his hand was grabbed. He almost crushed the other hand that began to hold his. He glanced down at it, and then up at Maria. She seemed to want to comfort him. He didn't want to be comforted by her. Regardless of what he thought about her before, there was only one person who could really bring him solace — and her name wasn't Maria Hartwick.

    Still, it would be rude to let go, so he kept hanging on.

    "We've established that." he said coolly, looking out the window again and resting his chin on his hand from his propped-up elbow. "We should probably get some plan of action going, Julius." He mentioned Julius specifically on purpose, "Can't just blow up in there like dynamite. Think staying at that inn again would be a start."
  16. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DATE⁞ Monday, March 14th, 2016 DAY⁞ 01 3/4
    Zoey seemed to follow Ryder and then sit down in front of him, letting her backpack take up the seat next to her. "Olive Oil?" She asked. Ryder remained silent, pulling out his phone. Maybe if he didn't say anything then she would just go away. Zoey cocked her eyebrow, giving him a strange look. She then giggled looking out the train window. What was so funny? His brows crinkled in annoyance as he tapped on the screen.

    "What made you call me Olive Oil?" She looked at him with a slight smile on her face, her eyebrow still raised. Apparently his plan was a failure. "I mean, I know the eyepatch gives people ideas with nicknames," she tapped at it with her index finger before continuing, "but I never heard that one before."

    "You look like Olive Oil from Popeye," he replied simply.

    Zoey seemed to have some stupid large grin on her face. What was that -- "Like train rides, Captain America?"

    . . . . .

    His features twisted in confusion. Captain America? He opened his mouth to tell her he had no idea what she was talking about when realization dawned on him. "Oh, my shirt..." He mashed his lips together and shrugged. "They're all right. I'm indifferent about them." He slipped his phone back into his pocket and pulled his hat down low at the bill. Didn't she have some friends to sit with? How to go about asking without seeming like a jerk... -- hm. Ryder clicked his tongue to the roof of his mouth and chewed on the inside of his cheek. "Why did you want to sit with me? Aren't your friends waiting for you?"


    Another message from his mom no doubt. He didn't bother checking. Telling her where he was going had been a bad idea, but with everything going on he didn't plan on lying to her -- about this.
  17. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    The conversation continued, but the sudden appearance of Erik caught Julius by surprise. The way things were moving Julius merely forgot about the others and it just felt like only Bryan was the only one travelling with him. Erik entering the cabin brought no real distress to Julius as he had confidence in the previous co-counsellor. Erik proved his worth and at the moment he was probably the most competent out of the rest. He heard him speak about the girl and how she must have overheard them, but there was something that still bugged him.

    "I..don't think its that easy...that girl, she knew about the fire in the forest. Those Bentley people didn't cause that fire and even so....I don't think such a claim would be so simple..." Julius said with a sigh. He wasn't somebody who tossed out the supernatural, and if there was something like the so called curse then he would merely find a way to shatter it. Soon enough Maria entered the scene and Julius...didn't know exactly how to respond to this.

    In terms of this discussion, Julius didn't feel Maria would be of any real help to them, but he really didn't feel like being rude to the girl and he did have the hope that these kids would surpass his expectations so he let her presence be. Bryan was far different than he used to be and had become far too anti-social, so it was really up to him to keep up the discussion in order to get anywhere. The time now was for them to decide what they should do, but this was a very hard decision and a very hard one to boot. "First step is getting to Whittlerose...since its close to Bentley maybe it would be best to investigate the town and see what we can learn" Julius said closing his eyes. "Then after the ferry ride...there is a chance we will be encountering Patrick Grant once more...that is if nothing goes wrong...if we reach that area then it will take us an hour or so by driving to reach our destination..." Julius said.
  18. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    w e l c o m e,
    xxxxwearing hair music ooc

    Dangerous[/url], dangerous, dangerous, D A N G E R O U S! Panic levels rose and fell with each timid step she took towards the train. One moment she'd feel like she was going to pass out, then it would fade ... and then she'd want to turn back around and sprint back to her car.

    Not like anyone would notice her anyway.

    Why was she doing this? She didn't know these people!! Well, not anymore ... Things had -- err -- definitely changed since grade school. It was nostalgic and a little sad when she caught notice of a few childhood friends standing about in the basically empty parking lot of the park-and-ride. It had been so long ... Bah, it didn't even matter, she wasn't 'apart' of their little group and the situation was a scribbled mess in her mind. Dakota could only grasp a few things from what she had heard. People were dying. People were dying and the authorities were doing nothing. Who would even consider trusting those pigs in the first place? It was embarrassing that it'd taken so long for the public to react.

    What was confusing, then, was why a bunch of babies were leading this particular operation. Erik had briefly explained the situation but she didn't quite understand. Were they a part of a suicide pact? That made the most sense to her -- some kind of die trying or die later deal, maybe. They wanted to go out with a bang! ... haha.

    The only reason she had any doubt was because she was asked to come along and she was definitely NOT planning
    to[/url] jump off of a bridge with anyone here. They needed more adults to come along and she knew a thing or two about Bentley. When she was a little girl, her family had driven through the oddly colorful town on their way from Lightbrooke to the closest ferry terminal. They got a flat tire, crashed into one of the trolleys, and ... it all went black from there ... All she remembered was that she was scared most of her stay, and that their dog -- Roxy -- hadn't come back home with them.

    Okay, so she didn't remember much about the town. STILL!! She was a valuable asset to the team, maybe.

    Who am I kidding ...[​IMG]

    Her voice was small and easily drowned out by the churning machinery around her. She ran her tongue over her bottom lip and took a deep breath, lifting her gray eyes. It had been a while since she rode a train. Her heart was pounding. Taking the first step to board might have proved impossible if someone hadn't shove her inside to get through himself. She scowled, yanking her small suitcase back to her side. Why the hurry, even? This is why she hated going out.

    Where had the others gone to sit? Her eyes danced around but her ears picked their voices up before she spotted them. Just as she did, the doors to the cabins started to slide close one by one. The train gave a couple of signals and then started chugging forward. She nearly fell over.
    Her[/url] heart raced again and she quickly found a place to sit in one of the compartments, alone.

    The bag hanging from her arm was settled down beside her and her luggage was laid down on the floor. She pulled out a pair of headphones and her phone, placing them over her head and switching on something classical to listen to. Her shoes tapped in metronome to the gentle piano and she watched the world go by in a blur from the window.

    Jeeze, who invites someone to go on a life-threatening trip and then ignores their existence? Mr. Erik Riley Winst, apparently! Nah. He probably didn't think she'd show up. She never actually confirmed that she'd be going with them. It had just been so long since she went anywhere or saw anyone. Her attendance here was very much impulsive.The last time she saw Fortissmo students anywhere upfront and personal was during that beautiful production they put on.

    It was there and then, that fateful night, where the gloriously passionate lead -- Torvald -- had ... W-well.

    This trip wouldn't be all bad. Everything was a big question mark. A mystery! No, a ... conspiracy, maybe?! ... Dakota was a tad bit obsessed with conspiracy theories.

    Her heart sank. She forgot to search the room. Her phone was stuffed into her bra and she stood up, rummaging through her handbag for a few things. Scissors, duct tape,
    black[/url] sharpie ... Her fingers pried at the cushions of her seat but they wouldn't budge. She looked at her scissors but decided to backtrack a bit before tearing anything apart.

    It wasn't hard to find the security camera. A thick piece of duct tape was slapped over the lens. She did a little victory dance ... No one would be watching her during this ride! Bastards. Then the cutting began. The scissors were jammed between the cushions and ripped down the middle. Each crease was thoroughly examined on her side of the cabin and then the other. It was there that the blades snagged and she found a wire. Following it back to the camera confirmed it was an audio cable. She clicked her tongue.

    Just terrible. [​IMG]

    With no remorse she snipped it.

    Feeling at peace now, she plopped back down near the window and resumed her music listening, wondering when they'd arrive at Whittlerose.


  19. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: Slightly Nervous (X)Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Park N' Ride ->Train(X) OOC:
    At first Shane spent the first few moments just looking around at all the people. The expression he wore as he did this was much like a deer in headlights. Confused and unsure, those two words perfectly described how he was feeling right now. Though it was too late for him to turn back know. Fortunately he was brought back to reality upon hearing a familiar voice.
    "Hello Shane."
    "Oh, Hey there Estelle." Right now he was glad to be talking to someone that he knew. Maybe talking to someone he knew would help clam his nerves some.
    "Umm.. would you like to sit with me on the train? Umm.. I was just thinking maybe she could catch up."
    "Sure, that's fine." When the train had arrived, they made there way onto it and sat in the first available seat that he could find. "So, what've you been up to?" Considering that she wanted to catch up, he just needed to get the ball rolling in their conversation.
  20. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts: My Dad is SO going to KILL ME!... Oh well. :3|Place: Park and ride ---> Train|Mood:Anxious|Music:| Day: 3/4 ]

    "You look like Olive Oil from Popeye," he replied simply.

    "Oh?" She wrinkled her lips together, thinking about the cartoon about the guy with the big muscle and ate a lot of Spinach. He had a girlfriend named Olive Oil. that's right. She wasn't expecting that answer at all. She relaxed and then beamed. "Oh... Thank you," she said, glancing out the train window. She was usually called the pirate's wench or made fun of for poking her eye out with a pencil or something anyone felt that was funny to say. To make a comment that she looked like a female character that was pretty in a cartoon show made her feel a little better about herself.

    "They're all right. I'm indifferent about them." He slipped his phone back into his pocket and pulled his hat down low at the bill. "Why did you want to sit with me? Aren't your friends waiting for you?"

    "Hm?" Zoey was pulled out of her thoughts and brought back to the present. She ran the question through her head one more time and shrugged her shoulders. "Well, two of my friends are all love stricken and whatnot. Spring fever I guess. Estelle is so twitterpatted for Shane, I wouldn't really exist around them. Plus I don't want to ruin their mood, you know?"

    She pulled up her knees and hugged them to her chest, letting her chin rest on them as she looked at Ryder under her own hat. The way he looked, it seemed like he didn't want much to do with her. Or much with anyone for that matter. The way that he was frowning and scowling and trying to hide his face from the world reminded her of Grumpy from Snow White. She could see herself standing up now, putting her hands on her hips like Snow White and say to Ryder, Oh, you must be Grumpy! in a fake deep voice. She would then fold her arms over her chest like the princess and smile at her own joke. But she couldn't blame him for being like this. A lot had happened to him in a course of a few weeks. She herself excluded herself from talking to anyone for years when she first came to the school, until recently that is. Loneliness was like a disease sometimes; it made her sick.

    "My brother Freddie is with Sophie and Lucas. I think they need some catching up to do without me being there. Other than that... I really haven't made many other friends." Zoey sighed out and then sat up straight, letting her feet touch the ground. "I just followed you because I was curious why you called me Olive Oil, and no one seemed to be really talking to you... And I kind of wanted to try to make new friends on this trip. I mean, since we're going into some dangerous territory, it's good to have a companion or two, right? Just in case something happened?"

    She grabbed for her backpack and scooted to the sliding door, getting ready to leave if she needed to. Perhaps Ryder liked to be the Lone Wolf. Zoey didn't want to keep poking at him until he snapped. "I can leave you alone if you want me to. It's no biggie. I can find another place to sit." Even though that was a complete lie. She didn't want to be alone, yet she didn't want to bother her brother and friends. And if she was alone, she would become more anxious and question her dicision to come on this trip in the first place. Noelle and Johnathon were taken out of the blue after all, and someone tried to kill Professor Menon. Why not any one of them now?
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