❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    WEARING DATE 03/14/2016 DAY 01 & 1/4
    When are you going to be back? Mrs. Mhenjer stood in the kitchen, rapping her fingers against the counter.
    I'm not sure. We haven't really gotten that far into planning. Pierce bounced around in the kitchen. Her legs were restless. Her stomach was in knots and she felt like she was going to throw up. This was a bad idea. Why did she even agree to go with?
    Are you going to be back in time for your birthday? I had that dinner plan --
    I don't know mom. Plus, I told you I don't want to do anything for my birthday. I don't want to go out for dinner or hang out with friends. I haven't even told anyone that I'm going with about it. Pierce bit her lip and grabbed the suitcase waiting at the bottom of the staircase.
    What about So --
    I have never told Sophie when my birthday is. Can we just drop it mom, please? Pierce looked up at her mother with pleading brown eyes. It was early, she was dressed and ready to go back to a place that caused more nightmares than she could count, and all her mother cared about was making sure she had a pleasant birthday? Augh! I need to go now, she insisted.
    Her mother nodded and pulled her into a tight embrace. Pierce's grip on the suitcase handle was ripped away as she was pulled into her mother's chest. She inhaled the sweet scent of her mom's body wash and let the warmth of her body encompass her. She was going to miss this more than anything. The idea of going back to Bentley quite thoroughly terrified her, not that she didn't scare easily. They wanted their lives to go back to normal, and so what did everyone decide, to go back one of the sources of their despair. It was just as insane as those that continued to go to camp in the summer. Nope, not for Pierce. She wouldn't go back to camp. If it wasn't to make Sophie happy given what she was currently going through, there was no way she would drag herself out the door to go on this trip.
    I love you. Please be safe and call me every night before you go to bed, even if I'm working. her mother said as she pushed her away from her body.
    Pierce nodded. I love you too mom. She wiped a stray tear away and turned back to her suitcase.
    She took a cab to the Park 'N' Ride. Pierce gave the driver a twenty and climbed out, pulling her suitcase out after herself. Her chocolate brown eyes searched the parking lot and landed on two female figures. Estelle and Zoey. Great. They were people she didn't typically talk to, which meant she wouldn't need to say anything. Her heart hammered in her chest and her knuckles were turning white around the handle of the suitcase.
    Pierce had been fairly successful in her avoidance endeavor. She was rarely leaving her house anymore. Occasionally she would reply to a stray text here and there from Sophie and Oliver, but seeing them was sparse. Pretty much the only times she saw Sophie were on the occasional weekends. Both Sophie and Oliver were students in the University, while she was finishing High School, it proved easier to avoid them than she originally thought. However, with all this court stuff going on, Pierce had made sure to spend more time with her friend. They wouldn't seriously put her in jail, would they? As for Oliver... well, that is something else...
    She swallowed nervously and crossed the parking lot, stopping near Zoey and Estelle. U-um, hi. she greeted while brushing a stray lock of hair out of her face.
  2. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» Cheerful Music Date: 2016 Location » Home OOC: It's good to be back

    "Uh-huh, suuuuure. You can't wait to meet everyone? Or are you just excited to see Shane again," Zoey said, slyly raising her eyebrows twice. She had a feeling something was brewing between the two. She saw it last year around New Years, and hadn't stopped teasing her friend about it ever since. She laughed and then put a hand in her jean pocket, resting her weight on one hip as she grinned at Estelle.

    Estelle blushed scarlet as she heard Shane's name. Zoey was right, as always. "N-No it's nothing like that!" Estelle said. "I've already told you-" She started to giggle as her face got even redder. Zoey always teased her about Shane, ever since she could remember. "Ok maybe you're right but don't say it too loud!" Estelle said. "Yes I'm sort of excited to see him, but don't tell anyone ok?" She told Zoey. She had mixed feelings about Shane. He didn't seem to want to be more then friends with her, and she didn't know what she wanted to do. She was shy, so she couldn't tell him, she didn't want him to reject her, and she didn't know if she had been friendzoned. Boys were so complicated to her and so were her feelings.

    As Zoey explained what was happening to her around this time, Estelle her someone coming up to them.

    U-um, hi.

    Estelle looked up, her face still cooling off from Zoey's comments. Pierce. She had seen her around, but never really talked to her that offend. "Oh hello Pierce." Estelle tried to said friendlily. "How are you today?" She asked, praying to God that she didn't hear anything about Shane. She probably wouldn't care, but she didn't know these people very well, and she didn't want rumors to start. "It's going to be nice getting to know you better, along with everyone else that is." Estelle said politely.

  3. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts: My Dad is SO going to KILL ME!... Oh well. :3|Place: Park and ride|Mood:Mellow|Music:| Day: 1/4 ]

    U-um, hi.

    Zoey looked up when she heard another voice and turned to see no other than Pierce there. She as well didn't talk to the girl much, and hadn't seen too often. But still, it didn't hurt to say hello. Plus if they were on a murder investigation, they would have to get to know each other quite well. If they didn't know each other very well, then they would be in big, big trouble. Zoey gave a little wave, smiling towards the girl. "Hey Pierce, good to see you."

    "Oh hello Pierce." Estelle tried to said friendlily. "How are you today? It's going to be nice getting to know you better, along with everyone else that is." Estelle said politely.

    Zoey didn't want to overwhelm the poor girl with so many different conversations so she kept her mouth shut and folded her arms over her chest. She leaned against her rolling suitcase, taking a look at the sky. It was somewhat of a pleasant day today. She wondered what was going to happen on this trip. There was so many of them going. Would that draw too much attention? Oh yeah, and did someone mention they were going to travel by boat? She grimaced at that thought. She hated boats, hated the ocean... Ugh. But despite all of that, she was still a pretty good and strong swimmer.
  4. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Location: Home {} Mood: Neutral/Happy(?) {} OOC: Hopefully I can do more now that I'm done with my vacations for now...

    Sasha sat in her room, clicking away on her computer as she hacked and slashed her way through the dungeon. The next few months had been calm for her. After being released from the hospital, thankful to get away from that dreadful cot where she would be stuck there away from her computer and stuck with needles, she made her way home and locked herself in for the next few months, not making contact to anyone else...well kinda.
    She did attempt to make contact with some of her old friends only to be cussed out by them or just hanging up on her just hearing her name. It seemed her name carried a lot farther than the camp. It hurt her heart knowing she wouldn't be able to reconnect with the people she once loved and adored. It seemed that way except for everyone she tried to talk to except for one person.
    Dennis Baker was a kind person. Since that text from the hospital, she eventually talked to him more and more, even meeting up with him a few times (in secret though. She was careful not to hurt Dennis' reputation). It was her first friend she had after her release from her first accident years ago. He hung around her mind a lot. It made her wonder if they were more than just friends at this stage...
    She misclicked and got her character killed. She sighed and pushed herself away from the computer and looked outside. She hasn't talked to Dennis for a while. Perhaps she should text him? She did want to meet up with him again. She grabbed her phone and started to text him.

  5. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 0 « OOC: N|A :

    School started and things went relatively smoothly for a while. He studied as hard as he worked, and poured nearly all of his focus and energy into schooling. Despite some questionable behavioral issues, he really was a dedicated worker and enthusiastic worker. It also proved much more beneficial to him to pay attention to school rather than to drift away for anything else. Elisa, the pretty doll-faced student he had come into contact with, had passed away. Shortly after that it was discovered that Noëlle and Jonathan had gone missing. Their bodies being found had pushed him over the edge into reclusion. He was much happier now with school and the internet to distract him.

    Much happier ...

    Eventually that happiness was shattered, ripped apart and burned to the ground. His brief normalcy was shredded away as rumors of some kind of curse started going around. It was mainly directed at the originals -- Julius, Eric, Bryan, Quentin, Sophie, Maria ... Pierce -- but it was extending to the rest of them involved in that play, as well.

    That was just not going to do. He wouldn't live out his entire life in fear. So when it was suggested that they do something about it, well ... Why not? Either die trying or live the rest of his life worrying about dying? He was still pretty sore about the whole thing, though.

    When morning came, he called his parents and brother briefly to talk about life and schooling. He kept what was going on out of it, but his brother could sense that something was up. Oliver really thought that he wouldn't come back home after this. He tried not to be so negative most of the time but this was just ... Reed was given a fist bump goodbye, and then it was off to his uncle's where he sat on a stool and watched the old man work for a few minutes, giving off hand comments about this and that. They parted with a hug and he was off to the park and ride.

    He brought nothing but a backpack. They didn't really have a set date on when to return but he wasn't planning to be there more than maybe three days? Hopefully. Please.

    He slung it over his shoulder and climbed out of his car, taking a deep breath and gazing around him. The sun was annoyingly bright this morning, and he mentally groaned at the prospect of hot weather. Gross. He had missed the sunshine and all but the heat was not and never would be welcomed.

    He settled his sights on those present and summed it up to 'no one I care about except for Pierce'. The time told him they had about twenty minutes left to wait for others, so he comfortably walked over to her. She was engaged with someone so he nodded and smiled towards them too.

    Good morning. With the general greeting to everyone out of the way, he looked towards Pierce and smiled before somewhat shyly diverting his gaze. How are you feeling?

  6. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    WEARING DATE 03/14/2016 DAY 01 & 2/4
    Hey Pierce, good to see you. It was Zoey first.

    She gave a sheepish grin to the one-eyed girl and a half wave. H-hey, she replied.
    Then Estelle: Oh hello Pierce." she said in a friendly manner. How are you today? It's going to be nice getting to know you better, along with everyone else that is. Estelle seemed rather polite which was nice.
    Pierce's brown eyes settled on Estelle and she gulped nervously. Her insides still felt twisted and like she was on the brink of vomiting. F - fine. Y - yeah it is. Th - this'll be g-great for everyone... She didn't feel that way. Pierce felt like this would be a death trap for everyone. It was like they were asking to die or something. She was ready to go find a bench to sit on and wait for the bus rather than further continue any form of human interaction when a voice came up from behind her.
    Good morning. The sound of that voice caused her to stiffen. The hairs on the back of her neck were standing on end and a chill ran down her spine. Pierce gripped the handle of the suitcase even tighter and now with both hands to hide the face that her hands were shaking. She made no attempt to return Oliver's early morning pleasantries. She just wanted to disappear. Her gaze was angled to the ground but that didn't stop her from glancing up in time to see him smiling at her. Busted. He somewhat shyly diverting his gaze. How are you feeling?

    How was she feeling? Feeling about what exactly? The trip (?) -- not good. The deaths (?) -- definitely not good. She took a breath before nervously meeting his beautiful green-eyed gaze with her brown one. F - fine. Everything's fine. S-sorry for not g - getting back to you s - sooner. Things have b - been a little... hectic. Pierce began to chew on her lower lip, a nervous quirk that she can never even realizes the truth. H - how are you, b - by the way....
  7. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 0 « OOC: N|A :

    Pierce tensed up and the familiar air of discomfort graced the two. Tension of every sort [ including sexual ] surged between them, connecting their auras -- if those existed like Grace said. He looked away again, and their eyes started to play some kind of awkward back and forth. He'd look at her, then she'd look at him, then their eyes would meet and they'd both look away from each other. Just awful.

    "F-fine. Everything's fine. S-sorry for not g-getting back to you s-sooner. Things have b-been a little... hectic. So much stuttering!! Apparently they weren't passed this yet. His expression stayed the same. H-how are you, b-by the way....

    Don't worry about it. It was a slow but honest start. No one needed any more to worry about, especially not her. He slipped his arm through the second loop of his backpack and looked around again. No one new had arrived, but not that much time had passed, he guessed. The park-and-ride was big but mostly empty. If his car wasn't a piece of junk he'd be concerned about leaving it here. I've been getting by.

    Evasive as always. He wasn't exactly lying, it was just more than that. But he figured she wasn't being completely honest either. Who would be 'fine' in this situation? Some kind of rotten, apathetic bastard they'd have to be.

    The sound of an electric gate buzzing to life caught his attention and he looked passed Pierce curiously. The train station and parking lot were connected by a short bridge and a steep descend of a stairs to an underground platform. A gate closed over the bridge to keep homeless people and other unwanted loiters away at night. Since it was lifting, he figured the trains were about to start running. He sighed. A train ride to hell.

    He needed to stop being so pessimistic.

    ... An awkward silence took the place of the already uncomfortable conversation and Oliver nervously tightened and loosened his grip on his backpack. Being around Pierce was so infuriating and conflicting. He liked her, he wanted her to warm up to him, but he was also terrified of ruining things the way he had with Grace. It'd be harder with Pierce, she was actually ... around. He'd have to deal with the loss of their friendship in a way he hadn't done with anyone else. He usually didn't get involved with people who were present but there was something alluring and competitive about breaking through Pierce's rape-victim personality.

    On top of all of that he wanted to kiss her, really badly, which was probably not okay given the situation with Mary ... Then again Pierce didn't have to know about Mary and Mary didn't have to know about her. One of the more beautiful traits of a long-distance relationship.

    I'm a bad person.

    Was he really? He was always conflicted on whether he was horrible or just human. What was so wrong about not wanting to get attached? It was selfish but he was twenty-one. He didn't have to stop being selfish for another four years, at least. He was honest with himself and that's all that mattered. Everyone else could suck his dick.

    I should have taken a candy before I got out ...

    He felt himself getting emotional and almost made up some lie to go back to his car to wait, but a quick glance at his phone confirmed that everyone else should be arriving shortly ... hopefully. His chest felt tight. Shaking it off, he finally spoke again.

    ... What made you come? He didn't expect Pierce to be up for something like this.
  8. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DAY01 & 2/4
    " AND SO IT BEGINS... "
    Erik felt pretty good about this. There was no way he could say no to the request to join. Going back to Bentley seemed dangerous, especially after what Bryan and Julius witnessed, but there was something about that town that always left him extremely unsettled and if it meant getting answers, he was game. Bryan and Julius just didn't seem to be at peace about it all -- granted, the circumstances would leave no one at peace. If he had a sibling that was mutilated and left dead in the woods with no one in jail over it, he would probably be as crazy as the both of them were.

    He pulled his car into the parking lot. He could hear the sounds of the train approaching. There was a small group of people already gathered. Erik reached across the seat to grab his bag and slung it over his shoulder. With his keys in his pocket, he locked the doors and got out. Erik gave a wave from across the lot and patted his back pocket to find his cigarettes. He lit one up quick and stuffed the pack back into his pocket. He would definitely have cigarettes this time they were in Bentley. On top of all the weirdness that occurred there last year, not having them had been torture some.

    Erik hooked the thumb of his free hand through his belt loop and walked over to the rest of them. He kept a few feet back so that his smoke wouldn't bother anyone, but he was within earshot. "Hey," he greeted before taking a long drag off the cig. A cloud of smoke puffed out of his mouth when he exhaled slowly. This would be the only way to keep himself in check while they were there. No matter what happened, someone needed to stay calm and last time had nearly pushed him over the limit. Between Julius, ( hopefully ) Torvald, Lucas, and himself, there should be enough adult level-headedness to keep everyone from panicking or freaking out. Going back to Bentley was a big deal and was somewhere none of them had been since that time. It was kind of a miracle that everyone agreed to go, especially these people with no connection to the town and the incident from two years ago.
  9. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts: My Dad is SO going to KILL ME!... Oh well. :3|Place: Park and ride|Mood:Mellow|Music:| Day: 2/4 ]

    Zoey watched as Oliver and Pierce interacted with each other. She could tell that the both of them seemed to... have conflicting feelings about each other. With the way the air felt right now, and the way they were acting to each other, she could see that they had their struggles. She sighed out as she adjusted her hat on her head, looking around the lot. They would be leaving soon on a quest to find out what was happening. Zoey never been involved with anything like this before until now. She always kept to herself, got good grades, didn't bother to make any friends. Something had changed that though. She was trying to figure out what it was exactly that changed her mind. The play? What happened at the party? She wasn't sure...

    ... What made you come?

    Zoey wasn't paying that much attention to the fact that Oliver was talking to just Pierce and not everyone. She blurted, "I'm sick and tired of these unknown causes of death. For crying out loud, there's something weird about this if the stupid police-" She turned her head to see that Oliver was talking to Pierce. Not her. She bit her lower lip, rubbing the back of her head nervously and looked the other way. "Oops, sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt anything." She even took a few steps back from them so she wouldn't interrupt them on accident anymore. "So sorry." She bowed her head politely to the two of them, directing her attention now to the car that had just drove up and parked in a parking space. She could see that it was Erik and felt a bit of relief. Some adult supervision was coming to help them, yay~


    "Hello!" Zoey called out to the older guy with a smile on her face and a wave. She then saw that he was taking a smoke and decided not to bother him further either. She bit her lower lip and looked at her feet. What was to be expected from this? Danger, that was for sure. Death? Possibly. But who wanted to dwell on that for long?
  10. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    {~~~Day 1 (2/4)~~~March 14th, 2016, Monday~~~Location:Home***Park and Ride~~~Mood:Detective-y~~~Music~~~Ooc: No need to fear with this man on the case~~~}

    Evan had woken up that morning and stared at his giraffe dart board calendar, thing,and realized that today was the day. It was a morning just like any other, the world was in black and white or maybe a sepia filter, and it was lightly raining outside with stormy clouds overhead...only that neither of these things were true. Evan was actually quite upset with how beautiful a morning it actually was, totally not fitting for his whole detective persona he was going for. Regardless he got out of bed and started to get all his things together. He had put on all his clothes and looked at himself in the mirror. A pink long sleeve dress shirt, blue jeans, a white fedora and a rainbow polka dotted tie. After examining the outfit thoroughly the man simply looked away and uttered a single word,"perfect."

    Why was the man wearing such a fancy attire and imaging the world in an unrealistic color scheme, some might ask. The answer was quite simple. He had been asked to join a large group in order to thoroughly investigate a recent happening of murders.The disappearance, followed by the murder of, Noelle Chambers and Jonathan Menon. Furthermore the investigation had ended with nary a culprit to be caught.Truly only the loosest of cannons would dare take the investigation into their own hands to bring the wrongdoers of the law to justice. Enter Fortissimo Crime Investigation Group, Team, People. There was no way Evan was going to miss out on this sort of action. The thrill of investigating, finding clues, setting traps that were needlessly complicated and doomed to blow up in your face every time you used them. The only thing missing was a talking dog, but he digressed.

    With everything all set he grabbed his keys and his two suitcases, one filled with all his spare clothes and one with his lucky quarter of flipping and dice of rolling if ever they came across a crossroads of sorts. He walked outside with nothing but his socks on and opened up his car to find the final suitcase in there, the one he had kept in his car and was saving for this day. He opened it to find inside was a pair of sunglasses and a new pair of rollerblades. His old ones were worn out and if he were to travel, he'd need these new travel rollerblades. The sunglasses were a precaution in the event someone, or himself, decided to make a really obviously bad pun. Securing his rollerblades on he looked ahead to the general direction he was going to and said, "i guess it's time to," he put on his sunglasses, "roll out." With that he locked his car up and rollerbladed his way to the park and ride.

    Rollerblading in he noticed a handful of the Fortissimo group there. Some kids and a few adults as well. The gang wasn't nearly close to complete yet, but he figured everyone was probably making last minute preparations and were probably going to arrive, last minute. He started off early, so even if he was just rollerblading he made it at a reasonable time. As soon as he got close to the group he halted himself. Fully grasping the atmosphere of the situation he said, "wassup people?" in his usual cheerful, goofy demeanor.
  11. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    WEARING DATE 03/14/2016 DAY 01 & 2/4
    Don't worry about it. Oliver told her.
    She nodded slowly. Her brown eyes darted to him again. He really did have pretty green eyes. What? She swallowed and began to pick at the hem of her shirt. Oh, okay ... she mumbled.

    I've been getting by. he added.

    That's - that's good, she said. God! It was just so hard to talk to him. Every time it seemed like they were starting to have normal conversations she felt really weird and it immediately stopped. Was it like this for everybody? Probably not. Sophie never seems to have issues talking to guys, even older guys.

    She glanced up at him again. Oliver and his blond hair and green eyes -- he looked a little troubled. Pierce bit her bottom lip and gave her suitcase handle another squeeze, the time for reassurance. She just needed to say something, anything really. She could hear the gate buzz and watched as he diverted his attention. Her brown eyes followed the path of his gaze. The train was probably coming soon. Oh... the train... Would Oliver want to sit with her if she asked him? She should ask. But what about Sophie? Sophie would probably sit with her and ever since New Years Eve Pierce has been trying her darnedest to not be with the both of them at the same time -- one or the other, never both. But Oliver would probably want to be with the others that are actually in college and whatnot. They were people he saw on a regular basis and probably knew him a lot better than she did. Ugh. She made an uncomfortable grimace.

    Just ask. Oliver, do you want to sit with me? Simple. Eight words. She could manage eight words without stuttering or looking away or freaking out. Yeah. Pierce opened her mouth and her throat seized up. Her jaw slammed shut and she dropped her gaze back to the ground. Her heart was pounding still and she felt a little dizzy.

    ... What made you come?

    What? Her head snapped up and she stared at him with wide eyes. Why did he ask that? Her mouth moved back and forth oddly, but with no sound. Why is she going? Bentley lead them through so much distress and for someone that does not do well with scary things in the least bit, this was quite literally going to give her a heart attack. Sophie? Sophie was always her excuse for pretty much everything. There was more to it than just Sophie. I -- she started.

    I'm sick and tired of these unknown causes of death. For crying out loud, there's something weird about this if the stupid police-

    she jumped at the sound of Zoey's voice. For a minute Pierce had completely forgotten that there were others standing by them. Of course he was asking them all. Ha ha ... Why would he just be asking her?

    Oops, sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt anything. Why was she apologizing? Wasn't Oliver talking to everyone? So sorry. Zoey took a step back from them. What was going on? It was making her head hurt.


    Pierce looked over to see Erik approaching them with a cigarette in his mouth. She gave him a wave. H --

    Hello! Zoey greeted him cheerfully. Oh, maybe she should just stop trying to talk...

    Another figure approached from behind Erik and was oddly dressed. Upon further inspection she realized it was that Evan guy. Why was he dressed like that? Wassup people?

    She swallowed and attempted to work up the courage to say something once more. H --

    Oh good, the train isn't here yet. Platinum blond hair and blue eyes seemed to appear appear out of nowhere. Maria stopped beside them and leaned on Evan's shoulder for a minute as she rifled through her purse. Hey guys, she greeted cheerily, but there was something in her voice that didn't sound so cheerful. Was this bothering Maria as much as it was her?

    Her eyes flashed to Oliver beside her and she gave him a slight tug on the sleeve of his shirt to get his attention. Her hand fell to her side abruptly after and she felt terror spike through her. U - um... Do you - do you want to ... to um... s - sit with m - me ... on th - the um ... the train? She bit her lip and searched his face for immediate signs of rejection.
  12. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    ♡ ~ ✖ ~ ♡
    Quietly, Lucas nursed numerous wounds on Sophie's back as she winced and yelped. She felt so tired, and a lot of bullshit had taken place over the last few months. Life was becoming ridiculous, and to top it all off, both she and Lucas had a trial in just a few days. Spending time with Pierce, and very slowly, Quentin, was her only consolation. Her parents had been hysterical about the situation, and her mother carried out a very . . . severe tongue lashing.

    For once, Sophie had taken it.

    There, you're done. he murmured as he pulled himself out of the car. Lucas lent her his hand and he pulled her out and then helped her fix her top properly. You shouldn't move around too much, otherwise the wound will open up again.

    I don't see what the point is of coming here. she huffed as she fixed her sleeve. I don't want to see any of these people, and I honestly doubt that they want to see me.

    Lucas sighed and looked at her, You're being awfully bratty today.

    She glared at him. I have a six-inch gash down my back, not to mention plenty of other cuts because my mother is an idiot. I think, over our last few months of being pressured and hounded on, I'm finally allowed a little freedom.

    Sophie forcefully grabbed Lucas' hand, didn't look him in the eye and, with all of their things, they walked towards the group. The first thing she spotted was Oliver talking to Pierce. It was good to see her friend again, but since she was content with him, Sophie stood by and leaned on Lucas for support. Subconsciously, she had actually, somehow, found herself pretty much back-to-back with Pierce.

    . . . Going back to Bentley was not on the to-do list for Sophie. She didn't understand what compelled her to even come. Noëlle and Jonathan, on top of that, Elisa, they were all dead . . . It obviously wasn't a normal situation, and that town, and those people had something to do with it.

    Through rigorous amounts of sex and therapy with Lucas, Sophie had eventually gotten over what happened in both Lightbrook and her house. Much of her life had been normal, up until Camp Fortissimo 2013, and since then, the same people kept popping up and out of these terrible situations. Was it something like Fate?

    U - Um . . . Do you - Do you want to . . . to um . . . s - sit with m - me . . . on th - the um . . . the train?

    Her body numbed slightly at hearing the quiet and bashful words; she seemed to be fighting a losing battle, here. Sophie tightened her grip on Lucas' hand and decided that standing in the spot wasn't such a good idea. She moved past Oliver and Pierce and went to stand in a less secluded area, next to Quentin. Her back hurt.
  13. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» Cheerful Music Date: 2016 Location » Home OOC:

    Estelle looked around and realized that a lot more people were coming, she started to get a bit nervous. She tried not to eavesdrop on the more private conversations that were going on around her. She looked around, her fingers brushing over her lip. She took her headphones out of her bag and put her Ipod in it. She keep one on her left ear, and then kept her right free so she could still hear when they would have to be going.

    She looked over at another cheery personal, Evan. She had heard girls talk about him before, because he seemed so care free. Estelle rolled her eyes and sighed lightly. Maybe that would be something to try. Maybe on this trip she would let go of some of her responsible demeanor. She sat down on a bench near by and started to think to herself. She had always wanted to have time to herself, nothing to do and for once no one to take care of, with no work or chores or to-do lists in the way. Maybe this would be the day. She stood back up after a few more minutes of trying to boost up her spirits.

    "So long much longer until we go to catch the train?" Estelle asked to the group, she always forgot to bring a watch with her. She knew she had forgotten something. She ALWAYS forgot something. She knew someone would know. She looked around again. She could almost hear Zoey again " Or are you just excited to see Shane again," She almost laughed to herself. Was it really that obvious to her? Zoey was her best friend, but she wondered if anyone else noticed she was looking for someone. "Oh, and how many more people are we waiting for?" Estelle continued. She watched as some more people came into the sea of teens and young adults. Lucas... and... hmm... she didn't seem to remember the girls name. She did have a very bad memory after all. She wondered how many more would be coming along. So many people wanted to help, she guessed. She looked around one more time, trying not to get her hopes up.

  14. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 0 « OOC: N|A :

    He was waiting for Pierce's reply when suddenly a rather chipper girl chimed in. Half of him wanted to glare at her for interrupting a barely moving conversation but the other part of him was grateful. Her name was ... Zoey, if he remembered right. Zoey wasn't the sort of name he'd forget -- especially associated with a girl who had an eyepatch. She was in the play, and very pretty -- nope, too young.

    I'm sick and tired of these unknown causes of death. For crying out loud, there's something weird about this if the stupid police-

    He smiled when she caught herself and shook his head to signal it was fine, even though she didn't seem to notice and kept excusing herself.

    Oops, sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt anything. So sorry.

    Hey, no problem. I am kind of curious about everyone -- oh okay, well. Bye, I guess. He watched her step back and divert her attention. Erik had arrived. He greeted them plainly and Oliver returned the favor. He was getting antsy again. It didn't help when Evan popped up all sharp-looking and rollerblading.

    This is ridiculous.

    Maria arrived. Sophie and Lucas followed. He greeted them all. The trial for the two would be this month. He felt for them, even though he found them suspicious as hell and was still pretty traumatized about that morning when he really thought about it. Though, now with this whole ... Julius-murder thing going on, he wasn't so sure if they were to blame.

    Still, it seemed that their little ... team, was coming together now. Such a colorful, awkward bunch of kids. He swallowed hard. He didn't want to see any of them die.

    His grim thoughts were interrupted by a gentle tug on his sleeve. He looked back to Pierce and smiled. She was a kid too, wasn't she? Aah, hell.

    U - um... Do you - do you want to ... to um... s - sit with m - me ... on th - the um ... the train?

    Oliver wasn't exactly sure what to say. He was ... surprised. He almost asked if she wouldn't rather sit with Sophie, but figured it would be better not to push it.

    Sure. He answered simply. Then he looked away again as to not make it too awkward.

    So how much longer until we go to catch the train? Thank God for Estelle. He looked at his phone.

    About ten minutes now.

    Oh, and how many more people are we waiting for?

    He didn't know the answer to that one so he stayed quiet. Whoever showed up showed up.
  15. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Before leaving that morning, Maria dropped EAP off with Joel. He was a pain, but also great with animals. She moved into the dorms after the new semester started and was unfortunately stuck in the same building as him. That's what you get for calling housing at the last minute. She didn't trust leaving EAP with Stephan and her parents had a zero pet policy at the house. That pretty much just left her with one person to tend to her kitten. EAP was getting pretty big now. Three months living with her and he was a little chubby thing.

    The drive didn't take long, but with each building she passed by, a little more of her felt dead inside. They were really doing this. It wasn't just talk anymore. Noëlle was gone. Bryan was pretty messed up. And Tucker ... well, that was Tucker still being Tucker ... It really hadn't gone anywhere over the last couple months and she was beginning to lose more and more hope. It didn't help that she barely left her dorm room anymore. She would leave for classes and occasionally go out, but not often. It just didn't seem safe. Everything was going horribly wrong. The more she thought about the ferry ride the more it twisted her insides into knots. Maria pretty much only rode the ferry to and from camp these days. If it involved water, she would have none of it.
    When she pulled into the parking lot, there was already a decent sized cluster of people gathered. With a deep breath, she shut off her car and got out. The trunk button on her keys was pressed and she pulled her suitcase out. It was hard to pack just one suitcase when they hadn't decided how long they would be gone for. She swallowed nervously and slammed the trunk shut. All right. Happy Face. This would be fine. Everything will go just fine and there will be no problems and they will all be happy and it will just be some silly vacation they all decided to take to a strange town that just so happens to be part of a series of events that led to a great number of deaths almost three years ago. She clenched her hands and her nails bit into her palms. Pain. All right. Another deep breath and she grabbed her things while pressing the lock button on her car.
    Oh good, the train isn't here yet. she noted upon arriving beside the group. Her voice was cheery and there was a smile on her face, but she couldn't stop thinking about the ferry which left her unsettled. Maria set a hand on Evan's shoulder so that she could get her money out for the fare. When she found it, she let go and lifted her gaze to encompass everyone. Hey guys, she greeted a bit delayed. The train would be coming any minute now and then they would be off on a nightmarick adventure.

    Wearing Music Date: 03/14/2016 Day: 01 & 2/4
    Mood: Unsure Location: Park 'N' Ride
    : Interaction: OOC:
  16. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    "...They wanted to kill you..."

    "Yeah...which is why this is something I have to do...its all my fault..."

    "If your going to blame yourself do it when you ****ing return you brat...I'm sure as hell going to blame the hell out of you when the two of you return..."


    "I leave this in your care...find his body...return so I can kick both your asses....if you take to long I sure as hell am going to act and things will NOT be pretty..."

    "...same as always...father..."

    All sorts of feelings assaulted the mind of Julius as the days moved on. Like a plague infecting a town it infected not just the mind of Julius, but as well as the others a part of this game of life. It was nothing surprising with all the news of the sudden talk of being cursed and the deaths that went around. It hurt him dearly to see such suffering and to be honest he rather him to have been actually curses than all this. If he was cursed then merely avoiding everybody he loved, tossing away his happiness...he would have done it in a heartbeat.

    He needed to act, he need to head over to Bentley and confront whatever was after him. Many people wanted to join, many people wanted this madness to end, but would this truly do so? would things really end? how many would die in this trip? He didn't want anybody joining this trip, he didn't want anybody to risk their lived, but it was their choice and he couldn't stop them.

    They were all afraid and they were all scared for their own lives. They all had their reasons and they were all different. Julius still held on hope, he still believed they were alive, he believed that he would see his brother and Noelle. He found the things that went on fishy and so too did his father. He needed to investigate and he needed revenge. He was not that soft hearted and he was ready to do as he must, it was the unfortunate result of his training. With the exception of Bryan none of them could truly understand what they felt. It was true that they were all hurting from the deaths, but to lose a precious person and know that the person responsible was still alive was something maddening.

    The car that Julius drove soon found its way until the parking lot and once it reached there he parked immediately. Ever since the investigation and finding about the deaths his interactions with the others were extremely rare and limited, he just couldn't face them and the only person he ever even spoke to was Bryan. With the car parked, Julius merely walked out and with his eyes closed. The friendly cheerful face of Julius, it was hard to find behind his serious face. As he walked over towards the others he merely opened his eye and put on a soft smile "Good Morning everybody" Julius said calmly. The smile was hard to put on and the fatigue he felt certainly didn't help.
  17. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    Bryan hummed to himself tunelessly as he pulled up to the train station. Just as soon as he grabbed his bags, he spotted everyone and smiled more, despite himself. Things were . . . different, for him. Much instability in his personality had appeared over the last year, and it was only to be blamed on Noëlle's "death".

    He never took off the silver necklace, and couldn't be spotted without the green scarf. The GIFT TICKET was folded neatly in his wallet. He clinged to these things. To everything about her. From her. That was her. He might have actually kept her corpse under his bed if it wasn't so . . . against the law.

    A humorless laugh escaped his lips. Ahhh, I miss you. he thought to himself for the nth time. He grabbed his bags, half-wondering what was going to come of this trip. A part of him wanted all of this Bentley shit to be over with, but then the other part of him wanted to strangle, maim, slice, stab, torture, set on fire the people who had made his life hell.

    The worst part, besides himself, was Ms. Chambers, who had been in a complete state of denial for about two months. Bryan had come home from Harley's, finally, and she continued to believe that Noëlle was simply at a friend's house, too. Even when they had gone to the funeral, that closed-casket funeral, she still thought Noëlle wasn't even around. Bryan didn't know what to think, what to do.

    Ahhhh, man. he thought to himself, lazily. Jesus Christ, I miss you so fucking much. He adjusted his glasses. It still bugged him, that closed-casket funeral. They had never even gotten to actually view the body, mutilated or not — fuck that noise. In the back of his mind, there was a tiny light, so very tiny, that softly glowed and kept his hope that maybe . . .

    I wonder how many journals she kept. She had always loved journals, and it felt like she was getting new ones. He'd buy her one for her birthday, and she'd fill it up by the time Christmas came around, so he'd buy her another one, then. It was her most prized possession; one that even he was forbidden from looking through. He had found a few of them ( she probably had at least fifty ), and had been conflicted for many months on whether he should read them or not.


    He didn't want any of the others to look his way, or even think about him as he appeared, so he slipped around them in a relatively subtle way, and then he spotted Julius. He and the professor had sort of bonded over their shared losses; Bryan had liked him before, but now, it was kind of different. Something much more deeper than that. Not a crush or anything, but . . . Eh.

    "Good morning, Julius." Bryan greeted quietly, pulling himself up to stand next to him. "Are you really down for this?"
  18. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Dennis Baker:
    [---Day 1 (2/4)---March 14th---Location: Home---> Park and Ride---Mood: Nervous---Ooc: N/A]

    Today was the day. One he had been dreading for quite awhile now. Earlier he was unsure of whether or not he wanted to go on this grand trip to Bentley, but now he was even more so regretting packing up for it. Why were people even wanting to go to that haunting place? Regardless he figured he had to go as well, since staying home wasn't doing him any favors at all. All that would happen would be those curse rumors would keep spreading around and people were already acting a little shifty around him as well. Going on this trip was the only thing he could really do to try and put all these odd deaths and murders behind him. Thankfully there was a large enough group going that he felt safe enough, but still he wasn't too excited about it. Not like a certain someone probably was.

    With all the preparations done and nothing in his way he decided sooner rather than later was probably better to go. Granted he had no way there other than walking, because he was not leaving his bike locked up in some area again for days on end. Especially one where who knows who goes there. He checked his phone and noticed he had a new text from his good friend Sasha. Why exactly was she asking to hang out today? She was invited and it was pretty hard to forget today that they were going on a grand scale trip to do some detective work.
    To Sasha:
    Don't you remember what today is? We're supposed to be at the Park N Ride and meet up with everyone there so we can go to Bentley.
    With that out of the way he grabbed toast out of his toaster as a snack on the way there and slung his travel backpack over his shoulder. He started his long walk from home to the Park and Ride and somewhere along the way he realized just how far the thing was and just how barely on time he was going to get there. With little time to spare he finally arrived at the Park and Ride and noticed the large crowd that was already gathered. When he got close enough he said "hey everybody." Generic greetings out of the way he kind of just wandered a bit just sort of standing around. The atmosphere was certainly tense but there was no real reason it shouldn't be. He was still nervous about the whole trip thing but he was here now, so he was going whether he liked it or not.
  19. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts: My Dad is SO going to KILL ME!... Oh well. :3|Place: Park and ride|Mood:Mellow|Music:| Day: 2/4 ]

    Hey, no problem. I am kind of curious about everyone -- oh okay, well. Bye, I guess.

    Zoey shrugged her shoulder a bit and then took a look around again. It seemed like more and more people were showing up. Even Sophie and Lucas. Sophie didn't look so good though. Zoey had mixed emotions about the two of them. They were the main suspects of the four deaths that happened that one morning... But even they seemed just as surprised and shocked as everyone else if Zoey could recall that memory correctly.

    She said her hellos to everyone else that had shown up and then noticed a new face there. Shane. Estelle's crush. She giggled and moved over to Estelle's side, nudging her shoulder. "Look who's here~!" she cooed in a sing-song voice before she twirled away from her friend with her suitcase and almost ran into Mr. Menon.

    She blinked with her one eye, looking up at him. She highly respected this man. This was another reason she was on this trip. She wanted to help Julius and even Bryan get some closure. Maybe the closure she couldn't get with Alex's death.

    She smiled at her teacher, saluting him respectfully. "Hiya Mr. Hen- I mean, cough, Menon. I'm ready for duty." And she meant that too. She wanted to bring who ever was responsible for this mess to justice. She didn't care if she didn't know Noelle or Johnathon that well, they were still peers at the school. Zoey wondered if someone would do the same for her if something like this were to happen to her. She lowered her hand and stepped back away from him and Bryan so they could have their space.

    Everyone had been worn down about this lately. She could feel it in the air; nervousness, brokenness, heartache, sorrow, anger, anticipation, deep anguish- it was all swirling around her head. She took in a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. They would get their answers. She knew they would.
  20. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Location: Home {} Mood: Somewhat annoyed {} OOC: N/A
    Sasha bit her lip after seeing Dennis' response to her text. She was half embarrassed, half annoyed. The real reason was because not only did she forgot the event, but she didn't want to go to it. She had no connections whatsoever to the murder of the people and to be honest, she didn't want to get her hands into the whole thing. Not to mention she didn't want to offend anyone affected by their deaths.
    She powered down her computer and grabbed her phone and headphones before making her way to the kitchen, grabbing a banana and a slice of bread before heading out to the meeting place. If Dennis really wanted to go, who was she to argue? After all, he was somewhat involved in the whole ideal. As a friend, she should support him at the very least. That's what friends do right?
    She eventually made her way to the station, tossing away her banana peel. She kinda stuck away from the group mostly because she still wasn't integrated with them yet. She also didn't want to make a bad start. Seriously, none of them looked like they wanted to make a new friend. Business was serious today and it's also that she too stay serious as well. On that note, she gave Dennis a small smile and a wave, not wanting to bother him if he was doing anything.
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