❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: Somewhat Irritated (X) Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Home -> Flower Shop (X) OOC:
    Shane's hope for a peaceful start were soon crushed when his mom called for him. Apparently she wanted him to go get some flowers since there old ones had died. Like always she was pushing something that she could easily do onto him. He'd think they he'd be used to this happening to him considering how often it happen to him, but there was always a small hope that it would. Nonetheless, he got up from his bed and went ahead to take his shower.

    Making his way out the front door, he headed towards the flower shop. Considering what he was going for, he was positive Estelle wouldn't mind him dropping by unexpected. It wasn't like he was planning on doing anything besides buy some flowers.Upon getting to the flower shop, he was greeted by the same pleasant smells that he encounter the last time he came.

    After standing there for a few moments, he started to look around for the flower his mother wanted. As he looked around, a thought pooped into his head. Why didn't he ask Estelle how to identify the different types of flowers? Aside from roses and a few others, he really had no idea how to tell the difference between some of them.
  2. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    "Good to see you, Bryan . . ."

    Julius began to move towards Bryan, and then rested his hand on Bryan's shoulder, looking up into the sky, "Bryan . . ." he began, "They say that a man is truly at his best when something precious to them is at stake . . . They would do whatever it takes . . . They would devote their life like no other in order to receive the desired result . . ."

    Green eyes followed the hand that went from shoulder to pocket, and then his arm was grabbed, and he blinked. Something was set down in his hand. A thin chain . . . A silver necklace. His already unsteady breathing hitched, and his eyes went wide. All hopes that maybe, just maybe, she just wasn't answering her phone crashed into the cold ground.

    "I need your help in this investigation . . ."

    His hand closed around the silver chain. For a long moment, he recalled her face when he put it on her. That smile . . . He suddenly wanted to see it again. His free hand tugged at the warm green scarf that was almost forever-present around his neck.

    . . . He never exchanged his GIFT TICKET!!, had he?

    One deep breath later, Bryan latched the silver necklace around his neck, under his scarf. Until he got her back, this is where it would remain. And he would get her back. He turned to Julius with a determined expression.

    "What do we need to do first?"
  3. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    She ate her lunch in silence while attempting to go over the math problems. It was seriously making her head hurt. Math was stupid. Her phone beeped and she glanced over at it, but didn't check it. It felt like she needed to keep everything a secret from Sophie,which also made her feel guilty. Finishing her food quickly, Pierce gathered up all the dirty dishes on the tray and slipped her phone into her back pocket. She waited to look at it until she reached the kitchen.
    She felt a swell of joy and relief inside her. He didn't hate her. That was good. It was so good. She bit her lower lip and smiled brightly. He asked what time. That meant he was still going to go out with her. She dumped the dishes into the sink and sat down at the counter. The web search for Cupid's Brew was still open on her phone, but all she had found was other people's speculations, not the real site. Huh... She reopened the conversationand clicked reply.
    Pierce closed the thread and got up from her seat, heading back to Sophie and her homework.
  4. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts: Just another day.|Place: Estelle's Flower Shop|Mood:Mellow|Music: Song from a Secret Garden| Day: 2/4 ]

    Zoey looked up when she heard the shop bell ring, indicating that another customer had shown up. She saw a guy walk in, looking around at the flowers. She couldn't help but to smile a little. "Hi," she said, speaking up. She coughed weakly after that, turning her head away from the stranger so she wouldn't get any germs on him even though he was quite a ways from her. "Sorry, I have a bit of a cold." She took out a handkerchief and blew her nose before she stuffed it in her jacket pocket again. "Here to look at the flowers? Maybe a gift for someone?" she asked as she pulled out some anti-germ juice and poured some on her hand, getting rid of the nasty cold germs on her hands. That too was shoved back in her pocket. She then readjusted her scarf, letting it hang loosely around her neck.

    "Which one is your favorite?" she asked, gesturing to all the choices around her. She was trying to make friendly conversation, but then again... Was she saying too much? Maybe the thought of Alex still lingered on her mind. She was afraid she was going to be alone again, and was craving for something to fill that void. Maybe a friend? Someone to talk to? She hadn't heard anything from Dennis in days. She hoped he was alright... Last she saw her, he was in the hospital barely holding it together.
  5. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Julius looked over his shoulder and stared over at Bryan's determined look and gave him a small smile. He was grateful to see that Bryan had been able to control himself well and he really appreciated the help that he would receive from him in this dire time. Facing Bryan, Julius suddenly began to close his eye and place his hand on his chin. What Bryan asked was an extremely simple question, but at the same time it was a good one that Julius honestly did not have the answer to. All that talking and swearing really didn't matter much if they didn't really have a plan.

    "hmm....good question...." Julius said calmly as he tried his best to gather up his thoughts. Once he started to clear his mind a bit Julius opened his eyes and stared back at Bryan. "Alright, first thing is first, we have to think about as much things that were affected during the attack and we've gotta find out just what they did. Other than failing to kill me there is a chance they must have screwed up at some other point...I hope" Julius said looking over at the hospital. "The lights went out right before the attack commenced...in that short time both Noelle and Jonathan were kidnapped at that point...The lights were obviously tampered and if there is any lead I'd believe that would be a good place to start" Julius said.

    Crossing his arms Julius continued to stare at the hospital. "Another thing....what we are facing is a group...Noelle's kidnapping proves that there was another person in that hospital at the time and I heard a voice during the raid in my room. The voice seemed to be coming from a radio...telling the raider that time was up....this shows that they were limited by time....most likely due to the lighting. Hospitals have backup generators so they must have been trying to get out before any of the lighting revealed who they really are" Julius said closing his eyes "Lighting could be a reason they were in a rush...but there could be other unknown reasons as well" Julius said.
  6. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    Sophie had remained in her pajamas for most of the morning while working on psychology and lit with Pierce, whose mood had seemed not-so-great. She was more internal and less talkative than usual, which bothered Sophie. What had her so up in a riot? Well . . . Silent riot, she guessed. Her shot was Oliver. She was slowly growing to hate him. A part of her wanted to seduce him, and the other part wanted him to disappear off the face of the earth, forever.

    What did she see in that boy, anyway?

    Sophie definitely didn't like it when people kept secrets from her that had potential for being interesting and having to do with who she was interested in. She felt that Pierce was keeping something from her, but what? She watched the girl walk away to the kitchen and was disappointed when she took her phone. Had Oliver replied? Sophie had been looking through it while the other girl was asleep — and she didn't feel guilty.

    They might have thought that it was none of her business ( and all rights reserved, it wasn't ), but she would be damned if she didn't make it her business.

    Finding herself unable to concentrate on her current work, she set her pen down and began twiddling with her fingers, waiting for when Pierce would return.

    And when she did, the girl was in a decidedly much better mood than before. Had it been Oliver?

    I'll be returning home, tonight. she said when the other sat down, her tone excluding emotion. I'm sorry for intruding so long, especially what with New Years Eve. That had been mentioned on purpose, mostly to drag out a reaction. You'll be glad to be rid of me, I suppose. A part of her cringed at the thought of that even being positive.

    For a little while, she wondered what she could do to make Pierce look exclusively at her. Bonus if she could make her hate Oliver? . . . It made her think of Cupid's Brew, but with what happened to them, was she really willing to risk it? Maybe it reacted badly to them or something — or maybe it really was just some poison sold to suckers.

    She pulled out her phone and scrolled through the contacts. There was a way that she knew to make Pierce hate him, but it would be a bit dangerous and her relationship with the girl would be in danger of being lost. As a bit of insurance, she had saved his number, but was positive, almost, that he didn't have hers. Why would he? Didn't he hate her, or something?

    Her pale eyes danced over to Pierce, and then back to the screen that wasn't visible to her. Then again . . . Dangerous games were the only kind worth playing. Maybe she shouldn't start off tonight, since there was school tomorrow, but soon. Weren't the two lovebirds supposed to go ice skating tonight? That might be a good start. If . . . he was coming to pick her up, she could follow the two of them, but one was bound to notice, and her car would be immediately recognized.

    Hmm. There had to be some way she could know.
  7. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 1 « OOC: N|A :

    From: Pierce
    :] 8? Same place?

    Oliver glanced at the time, staring down at his phone. That would be some hours from now. What would he fill his time with until then? He lowered his gaze back to the shirt he was ironing and frowned deeply.

    Tch. With his attention back to his phone, he typed in a quick reply.

    To: Pierce
    Sounds good.

    Maybe it would be nice to get one last skate in before Lake Maer started to thaw out. He wondered if Reed would be upset knowing that he'd gone without him, despite it being their idea to start skating there. That had all kind of gone to hell when Mary had canceled her trip, anyway ...

    When he finished ironing his clothes for tomorrow, he took the few steps necessary to reach his living room and plopped down on the couch. His laptop was on the coffee table, probably heating up the glass beneath it. He should do something about that. In the corner of his eye he could see his messenger icon blinking and refrained.

    He sunk further into the couch, staring up at the ceiling.

    What a mess ...
  8. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes (The One of the Very left) Mood» Cheerful Music Date: 12/2/2016 Location » Home OOC:

    After Estelle had gotten yelled at for being so clumsy and had cleaned herself up, she walked down the stairs. "Oh hello Shane." She said, glad she was in her proper uniform today. "It's very nice to see you, here." She said, walking over to him. "Is there anything you need?" She asked him. She said looking at the flowers he was looking at. She looked over at the girl beside him.

    "Oh, Zoey... I remember you, what a surprise." Estelle said cheerfully. "Do you guys know each other?" Estelle asked. "Do you need something as well Zoey?" Estelle asked her.

    No one else had come into the shop today, so she was glad Shane had, even if he was just buying flowers. She was surprised to see Zoey here too, it had been so long since they had talked that one day. Vega would be happy that she sold something today.It was winter, so not many people bought flowers, other then Poinsettia's for Christmas. It was busier in the spring and summer.

    She refocused her mind, and remembered that she was technically working, even if she was helping one of her friends.
  9. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    WEARING DATE 01/02/2016 DAY 13 & 3/3
    Pierce laid comfortably on her bed. She hadn't had time to even pick up her textbook when Sophie pipe up. I'll be returning home, tonight. she said when the other sat down, her tone excluding emotion. I'm sorry for intruding so long, especially what with New Years Eve. Pierce frowned. She had been trying not to think about it. There was such a mixture of emotions boiling inside her about that night. You'll be glad to be rid of me, I suppose.

    She slapped her hand down on the Stats book and scowled at Sophie. Why would you say that? Pierce had a feeling Sophie was doing this on purpose, but why? What gain would she get by making her feel even more guilty? The way Sophie's mind worked perplexed her greatly. I like that you've been over here. I don't - I don't have to be by myself all the time then. Sophie you're my friend. Pretty much my only one. I like hanging out with you and doing stuff together. She sat up, leaning her back against the headboard. If I wanted to be rid of you, I wouldn't have asked you over in the first place. I know how it feels to be alone in an empty house, and mine isn't nearly as big as yours; but at least you have Lucas to keep you company. She sighed. Why did things always have to be so complicated?
    Her phone beeped. Pierce took her brown-eyed gaze off Sophie to check the message.

    She smiled at it and then glanced over the screen to see the look on her friend's face. She closed out of the messages without looking and rested one hand on Sophie's back. That was my mom. She said she'd be off work by five so dinner is at six if you want to stay for it. So she lied about the sender, but the latter was still true. Her mom had texted her earlier saying that she would be home in time for dinner if Sophie wanted to join them before heading home. That was her mom, always looking out for others. Unless... you'd rather head home before dinner?

  10. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: A bit surprised (X) Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Home -> Flower Shop (X) OOC:


    Hearing the voice, Shane turned to see who it was. What he saw was a pleasant surprise. It was the girl with the eye-patch he saw before. Though before he could respond, he waited for her to finish coughing. "Hello." He said.

    "Here to look at the flowers? Maybe a gift for someone?"

    "Yeah, I getting some for my mom. The ones we had wilted ." He explained. Since she left the option of what kind of flower to get, he wanted to get something that wasn't normally seen in a household. Though that only sent him back to square one.

    "Oh hello Shane. Is there anything you need?"

    Talk about perfect timing. Now he could get some help finding some flowers. "Yeah, actually I need some help finding flowers for my mom." Considering that she knew more about flowers than he did. She;d easily make his task a whole lot easier.
  11. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Getting tired of being in bed, Sasha eventually got permission to wander about and not in bed. She had enough of sitting around being injected with drugs and constantly being questioned. Havjng some time to herself really put her mind at ease...and a bit of concern. She swore she heard some sort of screaming in the hospital, but she didn't want to point it out. She didn't want another reason to be stuck in the hospital longer.

    Speaking of which, when people are hospitalized, friends usually visit them. She flipped on her phone and looked around. It was lonely in the hospital with no one to visit her. Perhaps someone could? Her list was pretty full from numbers before her incident. She caught the names Dennis and Evan. She remembered befriending both if them back before the incident. One had a similar life like hers while the other was a kind of a fruitcake, always writing in rainbow.

    Mustering up the courage, she decided to send a text to Dennis. Evan kinda creeped her out with his colorful mood. She hoped he would remember her.

  12. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes (The One of the Very left) Mood» Cheerful Music Date: 12/2/2016 Location » Home OOC:

    "Yeah, actually I need some help finding flowers for my mom."

    "Oh, I see." Estelle said. "Well, Lilacs might be a good choice, or Hydrangea." Estelle said "It really depends on what she likes, what kind of colors... stuff like that. Do you know what kind of flowers you had in your house?" Estelle asked him. "Sorry for so many questions." She laughed nervously. "I should you a couple of different ones that I think would be nice." She went to the back room and got 3 pots, and put them onto the desk

    "These are the Lilacs." Estelle said, putting the first one on the table. "These are Snapdragon's." Estelle said putting them onto the table as well. "And my personal favorite the Hydrangea." Estelle smiled. "I'm sure your mom would like any one of them, they're all very nice flowers." Estelle said cheerfully. "Is there anything else you need?" Estelle asked.

  13. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts: Just another day.|Place: Estelle's Flower Shop|Mood:Mellow|Music: Song from a Secret Garden| Day: 4/4 ]

    Zoey saluted to the two of them, seeing that they got occupied and ventured further into the shop. She didn't want to pry on anything personal anyways. She looked at all the many different flowers that were in here... But she didn't want something that would live in a vase for a week and then wilt away. No, she felt that she had a little green thumb coming on. She was thinking of roses, maybe one of those miniature small rose bushes. What color would she choose though? White? No, that reminded her of the larger roses she put on Alex's grave a few days ago. Red? No. Reminded her of the Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland. Maybe orange. That wasn't a bad color to start out with. She looked at all the other plants around her, waiting for Estelle to be done with the other guy she made brief conversation with.
  14. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: Content (X) Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Flower Shop (X) OOC:

    "Well, Lilacs might be a good choice, or Hydrangea. It really depends on what she likes, what kind of colors... stuff like that. Do you know what kind of flowers you had in your house?"

    "Back home we just had average flowers." He replied. That was all to there flowers, pure decorations, not a single thing special about them. In fact there were completely unnoticed by anyone who visited and even by the ones living there. The good thing was that he was given fully control over what to get, so he'd planed on getting that would stick out.
    When Estelle came back with the flowers, Shane waited as each one was placed down on the table before him.

    "These are the Lilacs. These are Snapdragon's."And my personal favorite the Hydrangea."

    Each one had there own charm, that for certain. The Snapdragons were the first thing that caught his attention. To him they looked cool and like they would definitely stick out, unfortunately this wasn't for himself so he looked on to the other ones. Next he looked a the Lilacs and Hydrangea. Both of them had a more subtle vibe about them unlike the Snapdragons. "I think she'll like the Lilacs and Hydrangeas." He said, making his decision.
  15. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes (The One of the Very left) Mood» Cheerful Music Date: 12/2/2016 Location » Home OOC:

    "I think she'll like the Lilacs and Hydrangeas."

    "Very good choices." Estelle smiled, she rung them up on the machine. She leaned over the counter and moved closer to him. "I would give you a discount, but." She looked over at her older sister, who was watching her like a hawk. Estelle laughed. "Better not to risk it." She said, going back to the machine. "That will be $10.50." She said, putting the flowers in a bag for him.

    "Is there anything else you need?" She asked. She looked at the clock, they would be closing soon. Maybe she would get more time to talk to him tomorrow.
  16. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: Content (X) Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Flower Shop (X) OOC:
    Shane followed Estelle towards the register, feeling good that he'd managed to get through this relatively easy. Now all that was left was to get the flowers back home in one piece.
    "I would give you a discount, but. Better not to risk it."
    "Yeah." He'd rather not get into trouble because got got a discount when he wasn't supposed to. Fortunately the price wasn't too high, so he took out his wallet and searched it for a 10 and a 1 dollar bill. Once they were out, he handed her the cash. "That'll be all, thanks." He said. This was all that he was planing on getting anyway. Maybe some other time he'd come back for a flower for himself. Right now however he needed to get back home soon.
  17. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts: Just another day.|Place: Estelle's Flower Shop|Mood:Mellow|Music: Song from a Secret Garden| Day: 4/4 ]

    Zoey's eyes widened when she stumbled upon a pot with little tiny orange roses. She grinned and giggled quietly to herself, so happy that she found what she was looking for. She already had the equipment at home, and looking at the time, she figured it was time to skedaddle. She picked up the pot and quickly went over to the register where Estelle was, waiting to check out. She pulled out her phone, texting her dad to ask him for a ride home and where she was at. She shoved her phone in her pocket and then looked up, watching the interaction between the girl and the boy. She heard bits and pieces of the conversation. They were kind of cute together, she imagined. Maybe something would spark between those two, maybe. But that conclusion came from merely observing what she saw for at least thirty seconds.
  18. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    There was a while before Julius answered his simple, yet so complex question. He listened intently to what the professor had to say on the matter. He did recall the lights going out, and it had been then that both Noëlle and Jonathan disappeared. Why them? Why now?

    . . . A group of people took them? In the recesses of his mind, he tried to think of anyone who would want to harm her; any group, any people . . . There was a small idea in the back of his mind, but that was two years ago. Why would something like that, someone like them pop again? And they had seemed pretty average at the time. When he did think about it, they were kind of strange, weren't they?

    "Well, the hospital has security cameras, doesn't it?" he asked, blinking at the building, "But . . . I don't think they would let us see them, even if we did tell them what happened. No one seemed to believe us, yesterday." Which was strange. "We could try to sneak through to the security footage?"

    It sounded like a faulty plan, but they didn't have much of a lead to go on at the moment. Julius was right, though. The lights would have to had been tampered with, and the control panel of the electricity of the building would be a good place to start. Surely they couldn't walk in there willy-nilly, though. "I think . . . We'll need a disguise." he said, feeling silly at the thought.

    He remembered Harley telling him about one of his crazy escapades, where he had sneaked into a hospital disguised as a doctor to retrieve medicine for his friend. If he could do it, then surely Bryan and Julius could.

    They walked into the hospital looking relatively nonchalant and passed the reception desk to walk down one of the hallways. They needed to find the employee wing to see if they could ring up outfits that were suitable for them to move around the hospital freely, and get down to the electric control panel to find evidence of tampering.

    Hopefully, they would be successful.
  19. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes (The One of the Very left) Mood» Cheerful Music Date: 12/2/2016 Location » Home OOC:

    "Ok goodbye Shane." Estelle smiled, feeling her heart rate go back to normal. She would have to

    She then rung up Zoey's purchase. "Just in time." Estelle said smiling at her. "Zoey, you're welcome to come by anytime you know, It's been a while since I've seen you." She said. She got a pen and paper out and wrote down her number. "Here you go, call it anytime if you need me." She said smiling.
    After Zoey had left, she closed down the shop and headed up stairs.

    "That boy has came 2 days in a row to see you, whats going on?" Vega asked

    "Nothing. And his name is Shane." Estelle said, folding up the laundry.

    Vega laughed "You have quiet the little crush don't you?" She keep laughing.

    Estelle blushed, her face turning very bright red. "I barely know him, we're not even that close, never mind liking him!" She said in protest.

    Vega chuckled to herself. "Say what you want, you're not fooling me. But why would he waste time with you?" she smiled walking into her room.

    Estelle went to her room and shut the door hard. She changed an then flopped on her bed. She shook off her sister's words. They didn't mean anything. She just remembered, she would be going to school tomorrow.... could she? She had the deal line this week, she had to finish her story and get it in... she sighed. So much for making new friends. She said. She remembered something Stelle had said.

    "You only need 2 friends in the world to be happy, if they're good friends then you don't need other ones."

    Estelle smiled to herself... maybe... just maybe she was right... she started to fall asleep.
  20. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: Content (X) Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Flower Shop -> Home (X) OOC:
    As Shane was walking from the shop, he noticed out of the corner of his eye the girl with the eye-patch was about walking in the same direction. While he did want to say something, he needed to get home before his mom had one of her usual fits. So he said nothing as he headed home.
    Soon enough he ended up back at his house. Since there was no one there in the living room, he went ahead and assumed that everyone was in there room and went ahead and placed the new flowers into the pot. Can't have the new flower dying on the day he got them. That would just suck.

    Once that was done, he went towards the bathroom so that he could take his shower. Taking his usual amount of time, he was soon out and headed into his room where he got into his bed and fell asleep.
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