❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. al215 Kingdom Keeper

    May 29, 2013
    Aidan wiped his brow as she went to get a drink. She'd not reacted all that badly and it seemed like she'd got her composure together now. Thank god. At least he hadn't screwed up TOO bad then. He muttered a silent thanks to whatever force in the world caused that to happen. He smiled a bit and reached down to catch the drinks as she nearly spilled them but she held it so his help was totally unecessary. Apparently she was clumsy and accident prone. She asked him about his parents.

    "Well, mum's called Delilah. She's a nice woman. I suppose nurturing is a good way of saying it. She likes to keep everything tidy, as in OCD tidy. Really, really tidy. She can get quite irritated especially when my desk is super cluttered when she's trying to clean and stuff. She works at an office for some company which is pretty reasonable pay. Me dad's called James. He's a pretty cool guy, though his temper's a fierce one when it's roused. Terrifying I suppose. Used to scare me half to death when I was young. But when you get past the temper, he's a nice bloke. Very into technology which mum isn't so adept at. Me and him sometimes play games with each other. He nearly always wins, but it's a laugh nonetheless. He works for Hitachi in an office as well. I'm alone at home until 5pm on weekdays 'till Mum gets home, then about 6:30 when Dad gets home." Aidan explained. "I've got a brother and sister, but they ain't around. They're in the UK in the Midlands. 'Round Birmingham. Haven't seen them in years... It's a lonely living, when you're on your own but I've got myself and my computer, so it's all fine at the end of the day."

    "So yeah, that's me. What about you?" He asked. He'd explained his family so she could explain hers. He didn't see a parent around. It looked like it was her and her sister, but was there anyone else. He could easily have missed something after all.

    He thought about how he got here for a moment. Just a random meeting in a cafe, then he decided to go out to see her and pick up some flowers for Mum on New Year's Day when nobody probably would. They'd got talking and then this happened. Life threw unexpected things at you it seemed. He just hoped he could keep up.
  2. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» Calm Music Date: 12/1/2016 Location » Home OOC:

    Estelle listened attentively, trying to take in all of the information. "I see..." She smiled. "It's too bad about you're brother and sister though, it would be nice if I got to meet them too." She said cheerfully.

    "So yeah, that's me. What about you?" He asked.​

    Estelle laughed. "Didn't I already tell you silly?". "I have my sisters.... my-my parents don't live around here." She said. "I haven't talked to them in a while, they're very very busy. Thats why when Vega came of age, they left us with her." She said, still keeping a smile on her face. "My sister's are very different from each other, but we're all very close." She explained. "Vega is strict, she yells a lot, she's bossy, and she likes to bug us, but she's a good sister. She's a hard worker too, but she spends a lot of time in the green house, and she doesn't really have time for things that a girl her age should, but I don't think she minds." Estelle explained. "Stelle is my twin sister. She's sick right now, but she still has such high spirits. She's a good listener and she gives very good advice." Estelle told him. Stelle was a touchy subject. "Amaya is kind, she puts aside her goals for anyone in trouble. She's very quiet, and she makes very good food." Estelle smiled.

    "Anyway...." Estelle said. "Erg... Aidan..." She looked away from him. "I'm all out of 'Get to Know You Questions'." She laughed. "It's very nice talking to you though Aidan... if if we can't think of anything to say." She laughed. "Do you have any more questions for me?" She asked brightly.
  3. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts:Stupid me...|Place:Freddie's House|Mood:Sick|Music:x| Day: 3/4 ]

    After what it seemed like hours passed, Zoey opened her eyes once more to find herself still in her brother's living room, all wrapped up in her blanket. Her fever had broken, but her cough was still there. She cleared her throat as she sat up, massaging her forehead as she looked to the carpet. She sighed out, looking to the wall to see what time it was. Maybe Freddie was still asleep. Well, it didn't go hurt to try to wake him up, would it? She let him sleep for a good long time.

    Zoey coughed in the crook of her arm, her body aching and feeling completely miserable. She groaned as she pushed herself to stand up, wrapping the blanket over her head. Her long black hair dangled in front of her bad eye to obscure it, but she hardly noticed. She ventured up the stairs once more, scanning the doors to figure out which one was Freddie's. This was going to be a fun game.

    "Freddie?" she called, tightening up the blanket around her. She coughed once more and stopped in the hallway to take a break before she ventured out again. "Freddie? You awake yet?" She rapped her knuckles against the door she thought was her brothers and leaned her head against it. What if he went to work and she didn't hear him slip out? "Freddie, are you there?" She knocked on the door once more, still pressing her forehead to the door, waiting for a reply from her older brother. She imagined she probably looked like some scary banshee from the dead with the way her hair was decked on and having the blanket over her head like a shroud. She smiled at the thought, waiting for her brother's answer.

    ...We can chase the [U][B]dark[/B][/U] together; if you go, then so will I...
  4. al215 Kingdom Keeper

    May 29, 2013
    Aidan laughed with her. So that was her family.
    "I'm out too. It's been nice speaking to you. It's good to have someone to talk to again." Aidan said with a smile. He forgot when Seraphina died what it was like to have a friend. He was getting the feeling back now thank God. He didn't want to be lonely again. It felt like a good time to go. He'd had a nice chat, got some flowers for Mum out of it and now he had pretty much acquired a friend for sure. That made him feel better. It was nice to have the hole filled. Perhaps he should try more social ventures.

    Aidan drank his drink and grabbed a cookie. He looked at his watch.
    "You know I think I ought to go." Aidan said. "It's been really nice seeing you and thanks for the chat." Aidan put the flowers and the cookie down and got his wallet out. He took $5 out and held it out to her.
    "I really should pay for them. You won't get any business if you give them away for free. I appreciate the gesture but you know, I figure it's good to give you what you should have gotten." He felt like he owed her something for the hope she gave him for his social future, for their friendship's future he supposed. Perhaps he could get out of that bedroom and into the real world more. Maybe, just maybe.

    He looked around a bit. It looked comfortable enough. He hoped he could come again. It would be nice to see her again, maybe get to know her family better, and her his. He didn't know how far they would go. Romance? Maybe? Aidan wasn't sure if he was ready for that, but he'd see. Oh he'd see mo doubt. He wondered what happened to that other bloke they met in the cafe. He ignored Aidan which he thought was quite rude and hijacked their conversation which was also rude. He doubted he'd ever see the guy again so it was probably a moot point though he did wonder...
  5. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» Calm Music Date: 12/1/2016 Location » Home OOC:

    "I'm out too. It's been nice speaking to you. It's good to have someone to talk to again." Aidan said with a smile.​
    "You know I think I ought to go." Aidan said. "It's been really nice seeing you and thanks for the chat."​

    Estelle smiled. "Oh ok, I'll walk you down stairs, do come back soon." She smiled.

    "I really should pay for them. You won't get any business if you give them away for free. I appreciate the gesture but you know, I figure it's good to give you what you should have gotten."​

    Estelle laughed. "I guess Vega wouldn't like if I just gave them to you." She smiled.

    "Estelle!" She heard Vega yelled as she came down stairs. "You've had another boy waiting here for you all this time!" Vega yelled from the green house. Estelle turned around, blushing again. "Shane! Oh... ummm Hi!' She said cheerfully. She wanted to say it wasn't what it looked like, but she figured the damage that already been done. She elbowed Aidan lightly, hoping he got the hint that she should go. The last thing she wanted was a conflict. "I'm so sorry, I didn't hear the door." She said. "Do you need something?" Estelle asked. "Oh! I did ask you to come over didn't I?" Estelle said. "I totally forgot, I'm so sorry. I hope you haven't been waiting very long." Estelle said. "Anyway um.... I'll show you to the upstairs, if you want..." Estelle said.
  6. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City
    OUTFIT| MUSIC | OOC: starting and ending both Tuck's and Elisa's days because school is too busy major gomen |MOOD JUST NOPE

    Elisa woke not so early that morning, in fact, it was already half past noon. She groaned as she turned away from the dainty clock on her living room wall. Living room wall? Living room? She rubber her eyes and blinked a couple times to fix her vision. She was home! It was almost the afternoon and she was home!

    She glanced down at her outfit, still the one from the night before - which brought her bright blue eyes to look ahead of her. Her legs brushed against another warm body and just like she expected, Ryder was there with her. His eyes were shut and his breathing was steady. He looked all peaceful but tired again - just like that other night he fell asleep on the couch. He must have carried her all the way here, put the blankets on too.

    A sigh escapes her, she must have been another burden for him again. Then she pouted, 'Could have at least snuggled up.' she thought bitterly. She then thought about cuddling up to Ryder, suddenly remembering those times she and Richie would force him to join their photos, and she giggled. Once she did, she put a hand over her mouth. Wow. That's the first time in days she's been able to think like her old self again...

    It made her frown and start to feel incredibly awful. What was she doing being happy? Her best friend was dead. That one person who changed her life was now gone! Sure, Richie would probably want her to be the happiest little kitten she could be but how on earth could she? She felt like vomiting and crying and all that nasty things. Instead, she jumped off of the couch, ran up to her room and grabbed the bottle of pills on her desk. She took just one (for now) and swallowed it.

    The effect wasn't immediate but the thought counted. She felt calmed already - mostly because she knew in time that it would work and she would go all empty and things would be better. But for now, right! There was Ryder. She shook off the skirt that hung on her hip bones and pulled her shirt over her head. She then jumped into a shirt and shorts and freshened up in the bathroom, clipping her fringe away from her face.

    She hopped back down to Ryder, who was still sprawled on the couch and began poking him to wake him up. He soon rose and she got him some cereal to eat, since her mother didn't seem to leave anything out for them when she left for work, lying to him that she already had some - which he obviously didn't believe and forced to feed her. This was disgusting but she played along with it anyway - only taking in a little flake when he'd look at her. After their little breakfast Ryder had to leave and so she led him out the front door, thanked him for everything, apologized for the trouble and watched him go.

    She leaned on the door frame for a while, before locking the front door and heading up to her room. She already began feeling drowsy but it was still nothing. She then spent the day trying to figure out what to do. The pill didn't seem to affect her as she started cleaning up her messed up room - but she stopped when she landed on a pile of things that belonged to Richie or things she's made with him. Took another pill. She walked downstairs and looked around the house for something to do - but she saw the pictures up on the wall of how Richie had become part of this family too. She ran up her room and took another. She lay in bed for some time, hoping to fall asleep but all that got her was thinking. Thinking. Thinking. Thinking. So to stop her thinking, she got up and took another. She opened up her laptop at one point of the later afternoon. The last time she updated her blog was forever ago and there seemed to be a lot of concern but when she looked at all those comments it just made her feel a lot worse than comforted. So again, she got up, and took another. She started to feel sick and super drowsy - much more than before. Her head was kind of spinning - like when she'd take a little more than she probably should. Did she finally take it too far? She's never been to a hospital because of this before, was it going to happen now? Was she going to join Richie? Hm, probably not. She began thinking of if she actually cared if she did die. She wasn't exactly sure by the time she drifted off to a very deep sleep.[DOUBLEPOST=1373320329][/DOUBLEPOST]

    Tucker hadn't slept very well, despite how blissfully he had fallen asleep. He had plenty nightmares, of his father punishing him. Well, at first it was just him but then he started to see others too. He saw Richie and Zachary getting punished in their caskets by his father and the other men who were as sick as him. He tried his best to wake up at this already but he was trapped again. He tried to get away but they wouldn't let him. The worst part was when they went back for him, with all their tools and wicked grins and this girl strapped to a chair. She was held down to face him the entire time, as the sick men began what Tucker thought he ran away from eight years ago. And it was so so sick and it felt so so real and when he looked up at the girl, it was Maria. Who was watching the whole time and had fear and disgust all over her face.

    He woke up with a sick kick to his stomach and sweat making his clothes stick to his skin. That was at around 4am, a little less than 4 grueling hours of nightmares after he had gotten home. For a while it was hard to breathe and he couldn't find himself to go to sleep again. So for the rest of that dark morning, he grabbed his guitar and tried to calm himself and after some hours of not being able to handle being alone and the sun rising, he went to the shelter. He knew Sean was with his family a little ways out of town so he knew he could be alone with the animals.

    He got dressed and showered without stopping by the mirror, put on a coat and drove to the shelter. He unlocked the door and walked in, locked it behind him and went straight to where the dogs were. At first they were all sleeping but when that loud metal door opening they woke at once and leaped happily at the sight of him. He let them all out to roam in that space and played with them for a bit. It did make him smile but he still felt rotten inside. After some time, as the dogs tired out, he sat with them and they all cuddled up next to him. It was warm and nice and the one thing he thought of was how they were just dogs and not humans and this helped him not go all ninja on all the bodies pressing down on his legs and hips.

    While they were all sound asleep he felt the loneliness creeping in again. He didn't want to get up and wake any of the dogs, even though the sun was already well out. He reached for his phone and began to text Maria, the only person he felt like talking to at the moment. This took a couple more minutes because every time he typed something up he ended up erasing everything and starting again. Eventually he went with,

    To: Maria
    Hey! : )
    Hope you're doing well and um yeah
    just wanted to say hi. Do you want
    to maybe hang out today?

    Although he absolutely wanted to summon all sort of magic to simply stop it from sending, the deed was already done and he couldn't do anything about it. So he held the phone in his hand and waited for a response. As patient as he was hungry (which was pretty darn hungry), he waited but no response came even as the hours passed. His stomach grumbled by the time noon was approaching and one by one the dogs did start to wake. He woke the last dog on his lap and got up. He stuffed the phone in his pocket and got up to the dog food. He put bowls down on the ground and fed them all a nice heaping pile - just for the holidays. He tended to the other animals too, like the cats, the birds, and the very few reptiles and insects. After cleaning up the bowls of dog and cat food, he ordered some lunch by delivery for himself. Eating next to a cat, namely Moster Mouth (since this kitten ate so much), wasn't so bad. He did wish for a more human company but this was alright.

    He sent a text to Sean too, telling him not to bother coming back in town because he handled the shelter and he was honestly scared it would make him come more but that was just his ego talking. Sean agreed to stay with his family a little longer and said he'd be back tomorrow morning which made Tucker happy cause he had the rest of the day to himself. More hours passed as he continued to care for the shelter, including cleaning the place up and stuff, and Maria still had not replied. It did worry him but maybe she just didn't want to talk?

    By the time it was getting late, he locked up the shop and made sure all the animals were back in their respective cages. Then he drove home. He took another shower because all he smelled of was animal. He lay in bed for what seemed like more hours than the day combined and still waited on that response from Maria - which he still got nothing from. He fell asleep eventually, after all the exhaustion from the day pretty much got to him.
  7. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: Content (X) Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Home (X) OOC:
    "Oh! I did ask you to come over didn't I?"
    Shane nodded. "Well I didn't have much plan to do today anyway." He took another look around before continuing. "So this is where you live."

    I totally forgot, I'm so sorry. I hope you haven't been waiting very long."
    "Don't worry, it wasn't too long." He replied. In truth he didn't know just how long he'd been waiting. he was too preoccupied looking at all of the flowers to notice. There was quite the assortment of colors and kinds of flowers around.

    "Anyway um.... I'll show you to the upstairs, if you want..."
    "Sure." After all, he was curious as to what else that she had her. Why not accept the free look upstairs. "Is that were your room is?"
  8. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» Calm Music Date: 12/1/2016 Location » Home OOC:

    "Sure. Is that were your room is?"

    Estelle laughed. "Oh no, it's the main part of the house, my room is in the attic." She explained, taking him upstairs. "It's not much, but it's home." She laughed, sitting down on the couch again. "It's very nice to see you, I didn't think you would come." She said. She noticed that Amaya had put some more cookies and 2 new glasses of ice tea out on the table. "Again, I'm sorry you had to wait." She said. "Do you need something? Or did you just want to talk?" Estelle asked smiling still. Xion popped up and sat on Estelle's lap. "This is Xion, she's my kitty cat. She's very small, as you can see. But she's so cute." Estelle giggled. Xion looked up at Shane with her big eyes, and then leaped off the couch and went into another room. "She's a bit shy, like me..." Estelle said, blushing again.

    She tried to keep calm, and she was, but she was also a bit more worried this time.... she thought she better get to know him a little better. Although, there are some things you can't learn by forcing conversation. It's better to live in the moment. Thats what she thought anyway. He was a nice guy though, wasn't assholish. That was good.

  9. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Dennis Baker:
    [---Day 12 (3/4)---December 1st---Location: Home---Mood: At ease---Ooc: N/A]

    Dennis awoke in the morning feeling fairly drained. He walked out of bed and just went through with his morning routine like he usually would. He was a bit confused as to what had happened the night before, which at that point he remembered he went to the party. He smiled fondly at the memory of everyone socializing and just having a merry little time. This slightly caught him off guard as he was sure that, at best, a party after a funeral was probably going to keep his mood the same. However having been able to talk with others, which he hadn't really done any of in the past few days, was probably the best thing for him.

    He looked over at the calendar and noticed today was...not december anymore. He walked over and flipped the page to see that it was now New Years day. "Well let's just hope all that just stays in the last year." He smiled thoughtfully thinking that this was going to be a good year, or at the very least it would be an average one. He didn't want to think of those deaths any longer and figured they'd just stay in the past. He continued on with his routine and was all dressed and ready for class when he realized two things. One, he was going to be horribly late and two, break still was on for a few more days. After realizing that Dennis was just sort of at a loss of what to do.

    With no real plan to hang with anyone for the day, and no one he could really think of to hang out with anyway he just sat on his couch and flipped his television. He sat there watching television thinking on what to do next. He probably wasn't going out today, but that didn't really matter to him. A day of rest, actual not depressed rest, might do him some good. Maybe he should hold an event like everyone else was doing recently, though he didn't exactly think about what he'd do, or where it would be, or- yeah that totally wasn't happening. Regardless he was going to let today pass and think of what to do for tomorrow later. Right now, the television was his focus.
  10. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 12 - 3/4 | DATE: January 1st, 2016 | LOCATION: Home

    Upon hearing a voice, he woke up after what seemed like a few days.
    Ugh... What the hell? After lifting up his head, he heard his little sister calling out to him. That's right... She spent the night... He stood up, yawned loudly, and stretched his body. As he went to his door, he scratched his head with his eye lids half closed.

    "Hey, morni- Whoa!" The sight he was greeted by when he opened his door was less than pretty. With her messy hair and pale complexion, she much resembled some kind of banshee. Not something he was expecting at all. "Wow... umm... You-uh... Well... You look... Umm..." He was at a loss for words. Not to mention that he was still half-asleep. "You look uh... interesting. I should um... I should uh... Umm... Uhh... Oh, Happy New Years." The words left his mouth as he remembered what today was. He slipped passed her with some nervous laughter and went to the kitchen to fix up something to eat.

    She was sick, so he prepared her some soup. Chicken-flavored Ramen Noodle Soup to be exact. The food of choice for college students. It wasn't much, but it was something she could eat and hopefully help her get better. The steam, at least, would help clear her sinuses, and the heat would sooth her sore throat. While that was cooking, he prepared himself some eggs and toast. Nothing much, but it would fill him up, at least.

    After about five or so minutes passed, the food was ready. Nothing fancy. Simple, mostly home made food. He set the bowl of soup on a table with a spoon and a fork nearby.
    "Okay, here... you... go." After setting the table for Zoey, he set his own plate and began to eat.
  11. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Maria? Ri where are you? I know you're here. Your car is outside. Stephan's voice was collected yet laced with anxiety. Heavy footsteps padded through the halls of the apartment until they finally came to a stop outside her bedroom. After a moment, they started again, moving closer and closer until the door to the walk-in closet was flung open.

    Maria looked up to see her brother's worried face staring down at her. She hugged EAP closer to her body and buried herself further into the back corner of her closet. Her face was pressed into the kitten's back. He mewed loudly at her, but she ignored it.
    Come on Ri. Get out of the closet. You'd think after all these years you would finally grow out of this. He reached down for her and she jerked away. Don't be like that. I already feel bad enough the way it is. Didn't you get my calls?
    Her blue eyes shifted to the phone on the floor at her feet and shook her head. There was a heavy sigh above her and she looked up to see Stephan clearly frustrated. Just go away, she mumbled. Her finger poked at the phone and it lit up. There were a dozen missed calls from Stephan and what appeared to be a text from Tucker. Maria didn't have the heart to open it right now -- maybe later.
    Get up Ri. Stephan's strong muscular hands came down on her shoulders and she struggled to get away from him. He looped his arms up to the crook of his elbows under her armpits and hoisted her to her feet. Her dress slid halfway up her body and he grabbed the ends of it, yanking it down.
    She glowered at him. I don't want anything to do with you. The apartment has been robbed because of you. My car has been smashed and last I checked, I got the shit beaten out of me and I don't even know why. Her tone was just as sharp and angry as the look on her face. She watched as her brother just shook his head sadly.
    Just lie down and don't go anywhere for a couple days. I promise I'll take care of it. I'm going to start dinner and clean the place up. He pressed his lips lightly against her forehead and bent down to pick up her phone, handing it to her. Everything will be okay.
    I don't believe you. I'm moving out. I can't keep living in fear like this. I'm afraid to be home. I'm afraid to go out by myself. I'm afraid to spend time with my friends. Everything means bad news. People are dying again. The apartment is getting robbed. I'm getting attacked. I can't do this Stephan. I'm moving out.
    And then what? he questioned her from the doorway.
    I don't know. I'll think of something. I'll get a job and make money. Maybe I'll move into the dorms, maybe I'll transfer schools -- I'll think of something. She sat down on the edge of her bed, still clutching EAP and her phone.
    Stephan just shook his head and walked out of the room. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me. I'll bring dinner back for you when it's done. He walked out the door.
    Maria let her kitten go and curled up into a ball on the bed. EAP hopped down to the floor and followed after Stephan, probably to get food. She sighed and unlocked her phone to read the message from Tucker.
    Her blue eyes scanned over the words repeatedly. She should text him back. He messaged her hours ago, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. She didn't want to hang out today -- well in all honesty she did, but that would involve explain her lousy mood. Texting him back just seemed like so much work. Instead, she let the phone lie face up beside her and dragged a blanket on over her body to force herself asleep. About an hour later Stephan had woken her to eat. He made Macaroni & Cheese with grilled chicken. It took all her energy to eat the food. Afterward, she took out her contacts and changed into pajamas, not caring what time of day it was.
    Maria crawled into bed. The sheets were pulled up to her chin and EAP came to curl up beside her. The soft purring helped her relax. Instead of a fighting to fall asleep, his body warmth and engine-like purring lulled her to sleep.
    Wearing Music OOC:
    Mood: Terrified Day: 12 & 4/4 Date: 01/01/2016
    Interaction: Stephan Location: Home
  12. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: Content (X) Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Home (X) OOC:

    "Oh no, it's the main part of the house, my room is in the attic."
    "Oh." Shane replied. He was quite surprised to hear that she her room was in the attic. Then again, considering the number of people that might staying under the same roof, someone would have to end up sleeping in a spare room of some kind. That being the attic in this case. Shane soon took a seat on the couch when they came to it.

    "It's very nice to see you, I didn't think you would come."
    "Well I decided to stop by today." He said, before noticing the glasses on the table. Since there were two of them he figured that the other one was for him but didn't reach for it right away. "We can just talk right now." That was when her pet cat made an appearance. That didn't bother him much since he did like cats, it was just that he was more of a dog person. Even if he's never had a dog or a cat before in his life.
    "This is Xion, she's my kitty cat. She's very small, as you can see. But she's so cute."
    "Xion, that's a unique name." It was defiantly better than naming it Fluffy or something like that. "How long have you had her?" He asked.
  13. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» Eh.... Music Date: 12/1/2016 Location » Home OOC:

    "Well I decided to stop by today. We can just talk right now."

    Estelle smiled. "Oh, I see." Estelle laughed. "Thanks good." She said, taking a drink of her Ice Tea, and nearly spilling it when she put it down.

    "Xion, that's a unique name.How long have you had her?"

    Estelle smirked as Xion escaped to the other room. "Yes, It took some thought, but I choose it because, in Japanese, it uses the word for "Tide", and I like the ocean. Also in the shop, there are flowers called 'Shion' and that means 'I won't forget you.'" Estelle explained. "About 5 years ago." Estelle said. "She got separated from the rest of her family, and she was too young to take care of herself, so I took her in, much to Vega's protest. She's always been such a good Cat though. She's not very big though, she's only a little big bigger from the day I got her" Estelle told him cheerfully.

    Estelle ran her nail over her thumb lightly, a little nervously. "Um... is there anything specific you want to...erg.. talk about?" Estelle asked nervously. Somehow, this was worst then before. She heart was beating fast and she could've sworn she could hear it pounding in her chest. She drink some more of her drink so she could get to face to go back to her normal color. She prayed to God she didn't mess this up.

  14. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: Content (X) Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Home (X) OOC:

    "Yes, It took some thought, but I choose it because, in Japanese, it uses the word for "Tide", and I like the ocean. Also in the shop, there are flowers called 'Shion' and that means 'I won't forget you.'"

    "I see, you put a lot of thought into naming her." Shane said. From what little skills he had when it came to naming things, giving it some thought was the best way to avoid simple and well used names like fluffy or mittens. Also it helped to avoid naming a female with a boys name, but he only did that in a video game. Not like he was going to mistake a girl for a boy in real life.

    "About 5 years ago. She got separated from the rest of her family, and she was too young to take care of herself, so I took her in, much to Vega's protest. She's always been such a good Cat though. She's not very big though, she's only a little big bigger from the day I got her."

    "I'm assuming that she get's along well with all your sisters then." He took another casual look towards the other drink on the table. It would be such a shame to let it go to waste. "Was the other drink for me?" He asked, directing her attention to the other class on table. There was a small ring of liquid on the coaster it was on due to how long it'd been there.

    "Um... is there anything specific you want to...erg.. talk about?"

    "We could talk about the different kinds of flowers that you have here." Considering where they were, that seem like a good start when in came to starting a conversation.
  15. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» Eh.... Music Date: 12/2/2016 Location » Home OOC:

    "I see, you put a lot of thought into naming her."

    Estelle laughed to herself and smiled. She didn't think she had done, it was the same thing she did for her characters in her Manga

    "I'm assuming that she get's along well with all your sisters then. Was the other drink for me?"

    Estelle "Haha, well, she does... sometimes." Estelle told him. She giggled. "Yes silly. Sorry I didn't tell you earlier."

    "We could talk about the different kinds of flowers that you have here." Considering where they were, that seem like a good start when in came to starting a conversation.

    "Well, there are... a lot." Estelle laughed. "Ummm well, We have Dendrobium Orchids, Delphiniums,Carnations, Peonys, Queen Annes Lace, Tulips, Snap Dragons and Daisys... the list goes on and on." Estelle explained. "My favorites are Roses though, and we have a lot of those, which is nice because I like to keep some on the desk when I'm working downstairs. Though I don't often, only once and a while to deal with the plants. Anyway normally high schools will buy a whole bunch of roses when there's dances to ask dates out and stuff like that." She explained. "I've heard of blue roses... but we never get any here... since they're genetically modified in japan, but I would really love one...." She said, realizing she had been talking for a tad too long. "Oh I'm sorry... I'm not really a florist like my sisters are, but I do love flowers...." She explained. "I do tend to go on forever sometimes..." Estelle said.

    "Anyway I am really glad you did come, I forgot to give you my phone number, and I didn't know when I would see you again." Estelle said laughing a bit. She wrote it down on a piece of paper. "Here, I don't have a cell phone, but you can call the house anytime..." Estelle said. "I'll guard the phone so none of my sisters pick up." She laughed. "Maybe we could hang out again sometime." She said. "When does you're school started back up?" She asked.

  16. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    OOC: Since I'm restrained to my phone for the rest of the week, I won't be able to make such great posts and confined to PHONEY posts.

    IC: Screams. Sounds of cars crashing. And beeping. A whole lot of it. Sasha's dreams were always strange in many cases. Usually, they revolved around bad events, but this one was more off scale.

    Sasha woke up in a hospital bed, extremely familiar with its surrounding. She remembered passing out and calling for help. She deeply regretted her decision. She probably hassled the person who rescued her. She sighed and looked out the window. It was already night. Well at least it's night... On that note, she fell to sleep
  17. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    This was pure and utter bullshit

    The call was made and Julius began his investigation in order to find the girl that screamed. He scoured the area for the person but there was nothing and his anger started to grow slightly. He needed some sort of clue, but Julius just couldn't find it and he was getting nowhere.

    Why did they need Jonathan? was he bait? the person wanted to kill Julius but why take Jonathan....did this have to do with his father? It was maddening to think of the possibilities. He hoped Noelle was safe and hoped Bryan at least managed to get a hold of her or something, his mind would take a heavy toll if Noelle was taken as well.

    Julius' anger only grew even after speaking to the nearby doctors. Apparently they heard nothing and Julius nearly began to yell had it not been a hospital they were in. It was truly ridiculous how nobody except Bryan managed to hear all of it. Soon enough he returned to his room and have reported to the officers that had arrived. After reporting what happened they were soon off but even they found it odd that nobody else heard.
  18. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts:Stupid me...|Place:Freddie's House|Mood:Sick|Music:x| Day: 4/4 ]

    Zoey couldn't help but to smile at her brother's reaction when he finally came out of his room and saw her in the state she was in. Maybe she looked like the Grudge... just had fluffier hair than that scary weird ghost lady did. Oh, and it was New Years? Wow. It didn't feel very new to her at all. What a way to start out a New Year with a cold. "Happy New Years," she said with a cough, hiding it away from her brother before she followed him into the kitchen. "Sorry if I crashed any party plans you were going to have," she groaned, following him like some haunted phantom from the frozen swamps or something. "And that I got germs all over your house... and blanket... I hope you don't catch anything."

    She attempted to clear her throat before she found herself at the kitchen and sat down, watching as her brother made breakfast. She could see he was making noodles for her... Ha... She loved ramen. "Thank you," she said with a smile, taking the soup as she gently blew on it. "I use to love this as a kid; still do," she giggled, taking in the warm liquid gradually. She couldn't help but to close her eye as it relaxed her sore throat and loosened up some congestion in the back of her throat. Finally, she pulled the bowl of soup from her lips and set it back down, then she let her face lean over the steam. "It's very nice of you to let me crash your place last night," Zoey said quietly, fiddling with her fingers.

    There was a moment of silence before Zoey finally spoke up again. "Do you... really want to know what happened to my eye?" she asked, looking up at him from her curtain of hair, the blanket now snugged around her shoulders to still keep her warm.

    ...We can chase the [U][B]dark[/B][/U] together; if you go, then so will I...
  19. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: Content (X) Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Home (X) OOC:
    "Well, there are... a lot. Ummm well, We have Dendrobium Orchids, Delphiniums,Carnations, Peonys, Queen Annes Lace, Tulips, Snap Dragons and Daisys... the list goes on and on.
    "You weren't kidding about there being a lot." He was really glad that she didn't continue on with the list, there was no way that he would be able to remember all of those names. No matter how hard he tried.

    "Oh I'm sorry... I'm not really a florist like my sisters are, but I do love flowers...."
    "I can tell." He said with a smile on his face. Anyone who could tell someone this much about flowers clearly had a passion for them. There weren't much that he could say that he had a passion for, unless you count electronics.
    "Here, I don't have a cell phone, but you can call the house anytime... I'll guard the phone so none of my sisters pick up. Maybe we could hang out again sometime. When does you're school started back up?"

    Shane couldn't help but chuckle as she said this. That would be on record the most a girls done to talk to him. Still he took the slip of paper and put the number on his phone. "I don't think all that would be necessary." While his phone was still out, he check the calender for the date. "It's starts on the 3rd."
  20. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» Eh.... Music Date: 12/1/2016 Location » Home OOC:

    "I see, my school starts on the 3rd also." Estelle said. She looked at the time. "Oh my gosh it's late!" She said. "I hope your parents aren't worrying about you, sorry, I didn't realize it." Estelle told him. "This was fun, I hope we can do it again sometime." She smiled, standing up from the couch. "I'll take you down stairs." Estelle said smiling. "See you again, tomorrow maybe!" She said cheerfully.

    After Shane had gone home, Estelle flopped onto her bed. She felt Xion curl up on the pillow next to hers. She looked out at the stars. 'Star light.. Star bright, first Star I see today.. I wish I may I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight.' Estelle thought to herself looking at the star. 'I hope I make more good friends like these.' She thought smiling. She thought about the day, Shane and Aidan seemed to like her company, even though she talked and rambled a lot they didn't seem to mind. Lucky her, to have such accepting people as friends.

    She kept thinking about different things, she also heard Vega watching TV and she listened to it, her mind wondered, but she was restless. She keep looking out the window and then finally she fell into a more peaceful sleep, dreaming about many friends to come
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