❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female


    Clothes Mood» AH Music Date: 12/1/2016 Location » Home OOC:

    "Sure, I ain't busy. The parents just know I've gone out. For all they know I'm at the cafe talking to folks. Hoping to bring the flowers back home to mum as a surprise. All the plants have died at home, so we kind of need new ones anyway." Aidan explained. "How've you been anyway?"

    Estelle smiled, leading him to the upstairs part of the shop, where her house happened to be. She took the plant she had picked out for him, and sat in the kitchen, Leaving her apron there as well. She smiled nervously and sat on the couch, motioning for him to sit down beside her. "I've been good, just... um... well... Vega has been putting me to work no problem." Estelle laughed. "I've been working on some new stuff too, for my drawing and such...." She explained. She took a piece of paper out from her pocket. "See... it's umm a rose." Estelle explained. "It's my favor flower..." She said. "Um... I've also been working on my mermaid Manga too, it's up in my room." She pointed to another set of stairs. "I'm in the attic." She said.

    "Um.." Estelle said awkwardly. "It's seems like all I do is work... it's nice to talk to someone for once." Estelle said cheerfully. "I'm.. I'm not a very social person, but.. I'm glad you came by... because.. um.." Estelle was having more trouble talking today, then ever in her life. "I feel like we're kind of friends... already. Even though we only talked for a little bit the other day...." Estelle explained to him shyly. Her face was still red from the earlier but now she looked like she had a fever or something. She hoped Aidan wouldn't notice. She felt her heart pumping fast in her chest, it was so loud, she was sure he could hear it too. She was silently panicking in her head
  2. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    Sophie was normally a morning person, but not after a night like last. When Pierce woke her in a rough manner, she almost punched the girl in the face. Well, maybe it hadn't been all that rough, but she still didn't feel great. Still, as the first thing she saw was Pierce's smile, it wasn't all bad.

    You're in a rather good mood this morning, Sophie commented while stretching.

    She was left in the room to dress, and a whole flood of suspicions entered her mind. Why the good mood? Especially after last night; this was really, very unlike Pierce. She was the sulky sort — the outwardly sulky kind. Maybe because today was New Year's? That seemed like a silly reason. Maybe she had reconciled with Oliver. That would be no good. Perhaps, the most likely reason, she was faking it.

    Sophie frowned and joined her friend downstairs after dressing, and she set her blue shoes by the door for later gathering. She saw the girl on her phone, tapping away. That struck out Oliver. If that's Oliver, I might like you to apologize to him for me. Last night was terrible. She briefly flashbacked to apologizing to Pierce, and wonder if it went unheard. She hoped so.

    What were they going to drop off again? The two of them ate a nice breakfast while it was thought about. It was quiet, other than a little anticipation about what the spa would be like. Well, we should get going now. They tidied up the plates and cups they used, then grabbed their jackets and headed out to her car.

    She gazed down at the DVD in Pierce's hands and began to think of where the nearest BlueBox was. She couldn't recall if they could simply drop it off at any one or not. Probably. They drove in silence for a few minutes before Sophie flipped on music from her iPod that then poured from the speakers. Anything was better than silence, and Pierce didn't seem much for talking.

    She must have been faking it, earlier.

    Eventually they were there, and Sophie turned to Pierce. Do you want to take it, or shall I? she asked.
  3. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007


    WEATHERCLOUDY, COLD 33°! ✖『DATE & TIME』 1/1/2016 - 10:21AM ✖『DAY』 12

    When she said she would see Professor Julius again soon, she hadn't really meant as soon as she woke up the next day. It was just such a compelling thought that she had herself up, fed, groomed and ready to leave home just an hour after waking. The quiet, warm house she had grown up in was beginning to lose it's appeal ... Noëlle found herself very attached to the consistent things in her life, and now that things out of her control had began slowly shifting and changing, she was looking for a new rock. A new point of stability. One that she would have to find within herself.

    It was time to get job, a car, and place of her own. Changes were long overdue. It's why Bryan was finally leaving her behind. She knew that so long as she had some kind of support system [ Professor Julius ] she could finally take the steps forward towards actual adulthood. It was scary, but she wasn't alone. Everyone had to grow up.

    Her talk with Professor Julius had been extremely motivating. He hadn't had to say much. It was enough to know that someone was there. So, today, she would go visit him in the hospital again to thank him. After the visit, she planned to stop by the grocery store and pick up some ingredients for cookies [ she would find out what his favorite ones were today ] and bake them for him. Maybe if Bryan was home, she would ask him to help.

    Thoughts of Bryan were coming a lot less frequently than they ever had before. Soon, she was almost afraid they'd stop coming completely. Like a frozen tied. It was ... strange, not thinking of him as romantically, but it was also a bit empowering. It made her feel like she was finally breaking away from that piece of her youth she never thought would leave her. Like she was finally growing ... Even though it hurt ... She was still a bit sore at Bryan for never exchanging his ticket for his second present.

    He clearly doesn't care. She would think to herself from time to time. But even the resentment was beginning to fade away!

    Along with such negativity would go her urge to smoke and drink, which she had died down on already once the major depression really kicked her ass. Instead of dwelling on some kind of pain in her chest or horrifying memories of 2013 before bed, she found herself thinking of all of the places she wanted to visit someday. She had already decided to unfollow the self-harm blogs she had gotten into after the talk with her mother a year ago, and now just a bit more angst-purging was necessary before she felt she'd really be alright.

    With a new job would probably come some serious therapy sessions ... She knew herself to be emotionally fickle enough to relapse, but she hoped she could make it until someone could help her.

    No, she WOULD make it.

    I'll always be around whenever you need help or anything...I'm not going anywhere for a very long time alright kiddo?

    Julius' voice rang through her head, and Noëlle nearly giggled in her spot on the bus, instead chewing down on her bottom lip and scrunching up her face to shoo the growing smile away. Despite all the talk of growing up, she felt like an elementary schooler again. Man, this is what is was supposed to feel like to have a crush! Not all of the angst that came with her feelings for Bryan-- wait.

    A ... crush? She breathed to herself. On ... Professor Julius? Heat flooded her cheeks and suddenly the thick, blue scarf around her neck felt like too much. Her knuckles went white as she clutched the snowy white bag in her lap, feeling the rumbling of the bus beneath her shoes.

    Hm? What was that? Came a voice at her side. Somehow, the bus was really crowded this morning. Commuters who weren't headed to work or lunch were probably heading to some New Year event. The man sitting next to her wore his own, darker scarf around his neck. His leather coat was snug firm around him and he had a matching hat on. Silvery green eyes stared at her curiously from behind a pair of glasses.

    Oh, nothing, excuse me! She turned to stare nervously outside at the snowy streets of Candlewood. The man went back to reading something on his electronic device.

    The most embarrassing part about it was that the man [ along with a two others ] ended up getting off at her stop. Her heart was pounding in her chest. He must of thought she was a crazy person! A crazy person heading to the mental analysis ward, or something. She took a deep breath of cold air and as soon as she was in the hospital, grabbed a small cup of water to calm herself down. Julius couldn't see her so flustered.

    ... She wondered what his marital status was.

    With that out of the way, she took the elevator up to Julius' floor. At first, she didn't find anything strange about the two people in front of her. Then, she took in the color of the man's scarf and perked an eyebrow. It was the same guy from the bus. That alone wasn't ... too weird, she guessed. Still, paranoia flared up inside of her and she waited a few seconds for him to disappear around the corner before pursuing him. Her chest tightened with anxiety as she tried her best to mute the sound of her shoes against the porcelain floors.

    The hallways were eerily silent ...

    She peered around the corner and watched as the two men stopped in front of Julius' door. Noëlle panicked. She reached into her bag to look for some kind of means to defend herself. Nothing but the vile of Cupid's Brew she purchased, though she didn't know why that was in there.

    What were they going to do? Why were there no doctors around? It was probably nothing -- .

    You should have ran, little girl.

    She was hiding behind the corner, and legs felt like jello. He hadn't turned back to see her ONCE while they were walking, there was no way he was talking to her. She just had to stay still ... Just had to be quiet. She took a step back ... The color drained out of her face as the man from before suddenly stepped out from around the corner to take her into view, staring at her with an exasperated expression.

    The second man was gone and before she could turn and run for the stairs, the lights went out and Noëlle screamed.

  4. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    WEARING DATE 01/01/2016 DAY 12 & 1/4
    Sophie steered her car in the direction of the BlueBox, stopping when they finally reached one. Pierce kept her smiling face on, but said little. She just sat in silence as music filled the car and they drove. Eventually they were there, and Sophie turned to Pierce. Do you want to take it, or shall I? she asked.

    I'll take it, she responded. Pierce pulled the case out of her purse and opened the car door. When she stepped out, her phone fell out of her lap, but she didn't notice. She left the door open and walked to the machine quickly. It took a minute to load up and eat the case before saying that it was returned. Pierce pressed okay and spun on her heel to head back to the car. The door thunked shut behind her and she picked up her phone and buckled up. All set. she told Sophie.

    It took a little over a half hour, but they finally pulled up to the spa. Pierce double checked that she had the passes on her person and then smiled at Sophie. Just from the outside alone, it looked extravagant and expensive. Her mom had been really lucky to win these tickets. She felt bad that she wasn't the one here today. Her mother had been working much too hard and really deserved a day at the spa more than she did. Pierce tossed her phone in her bag and got out of the car.

    The lobby was extremely neat with soft relaxing music playing. She could already feel her insides loosening up. This was good. It would be a fun day. The last fun day she would spend with anyone in a long time. Pierce tried to push those thoughts out of her head and the horrible images of the text she sent Oliver earlier. It made her feel sick and she didn't want to feel that way here.

    Welcome ladies, the receptionist greeted them with a cheery smile. How can I help you today.

    Pierce swallowed and rifled through the bag for the passes. U - um, m - my mom won th - these tickets for a fr - free day... She set them down on the counter with shaking hands. Pierce had never been anywhere so extravagant looking.
  5. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts:Stupid me...|Place:Freddie's House|Mood:Sick|Music:x| Day: 1/4 ]

    It took her a moment, but Zoey figured she should look around Freddie's place for some cold medication, something for her cough, fever, and headache. She didn't want to bother him, so she took it on herself to look around silently for anything that could help. She looked under the sink before she found a medicine cabnet and found some Dayquill pills. Sighing out in relief, she took two gel pills from the cabnet and took it with water from the tap. Again, she rubbed water on her face and then stumbled out of the bathroom.

    She was still feeling pretty crappy, but she didn't want to go back in bed. Instead, she found the stairs and walked down them, feeling a bit light headed. She then found the living room and stumbled back to the couch, shivering from a chill that had shot suddenly through her body. She found a blanket on the couch and wrapped it tightly around her before flopping on the cushions and faced the living room window.

    As she laid there, her mind couldn't help but to wander. What if she had control of the situation back when she was a little girl? What if she lived with her mom instead of with her dad. Would she still have both eyes? Or would something else would have happened instead? She sighed out, coughing as quietly as she could under the blanket. No, she couldn't really ponder on the what ifs. She didn't know what life would be like if she didn't meet her crazy step mother.

    ...We can chase the [U][B]dark[/B][/U] together; if you go, then so will I...
  6. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
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    The Google search had been fruitless, but that wasn't very surprising. It was a shady thing, this proclaimed 'love potion', but it had Quentin's interest completely hooked, and he did want to purchase another vial, just to see if it would really work on one of his girls. He wanted to get to know them more, first, but he was definitely interested.

    He held fast and vigilant to his search, but nothing was coming up. Maybe there was no more site? That was annoying. With a sigh, he closed his current tab and then opened another one. A bright flash of pink and red showed up. I wasn't expecting that. he thought while rubbing his eyes. . . . It's the site! he thought to himself, but he was confused. He didn't do that, or look for it anymore.

    Interesting. He grinned, and then clicked the link on the fluffy ad, which then led him to the sought out site. 'We, the witches three'. Quentin tapped his finger against the desk and rested his chin in his other palm. Who were they, he wondered? He hadn't thought about it much the first time around, but . . . And what were these five mysterious ingredients? Hmm.

    That was odd; he didn't remember seeing those others before. Not only was there just the 'Love Potion', but there was a 'Hate Potion', a 'Healing Elixir', and finally, a 'Memory Potion'. As usual, none of them had descriptions, but they seemed pretty self-explanatory, save the Healing Elixir. While Quentin was only after the love potion at first, he decided that he had enough to purchase one of each bottle.

    . . . He wouldn't use all of them, but he wonder who else knew about them? Curious. What did they do? He assumed this for three of them:
    • Love Potion: Made someone fall in love with you.
    • Hate Potion: Made someone hate you. ( Although why anyone would need that . . . )
    • Memory Potion: Made someone remember or forget something?

    But what about the Healing Elixir?

    With a few clicks, he sent in his order and wondered when it would arrive. He pulled out his phone and leaned back in his chair. He felt like doing something today, it being the New Year and all. He wondered if So - . . . No, she wouldn't talk to me even if I did message her. That bothered him. Instead he tapped Noëlle's name and began typing up a message.

    TO: Noëlle
    Hey, busy today? I feel like doing something.
  7. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    "You should have seen it! it was amazing!...I mean sure we've seen much more flashier...but still the thrill the feeling...its totally different! celebrating new years was amazing!" Jonathan said happily with a bright smile as he sat by the side of his brother's side. There were so many things Jonathan got to witness, so many things he got to enjoy like any other. He felt alive and it felt wonderful. So many emotions were built up and Jonathan was struggling to keep calm and not just let it all out in a mere single moment. He truly didn't regret his choice and if there were any regrets it was that he never did it sooner. "Man...it was great..." Jonathan said leaning back to his chair with a smile.

    Julius merely listened to his brothers words silently with a smile as merely crossed his arms. Jonathan was quite awake bright and early and seeing his brother so energetic was quite refreshing as well. Sure they tended to fight quiet a bit, but that what brothers normally do and to see Jonathan take such an important leap in his life only brought brotherly pride to the man. "I see then...but you could be doing more...ever since you got here I've been having you run around doing my work for me...sorry kid" Julius said closing his eyes with a sigh.

    "Oi is the mighty Julius apologizing to me?! you'd better not be going soft on me...I've chose to accept these duties cause I want to....I have no problems doing it and if you do have a problem with it then I will merely beat the crap out of you when your well to make it even" Jonathan said looking down with a soft smile "And maybe...maybe we can hang out...just like the old ti-" Jonathan began to say meekly before the light immediately shut off and the sound of a scream echoed through the area "Whats going on?!" Jonathan yelled immediately rising to his feet.

    A chill ran down Jonathan's spine as he gulped and glanced around the darkened room. Something screamed out to him...its instructions were very precise and clear as day...it told him to run...it told him to do whatever he could to get the hell out of there as fast as he could before disaster arose. The voice...it was his mind...it instinctively told him to run, but at the same time he couldn't do that...if anything were to go wrong then he had to stick by Julius and make sure nothing was wrong. His legs shook as he resisted the urge to run out of there and seek help...and soon enough it happened.

    The door to the room opened up and based from the sound one person entered the room. "Who's there!?" Jonathan yelled as he tried his best to find whoever was in the room. No matter how much he squinted his eyes he just couldn't see anything, but soon enough the light suddenly began to flicker on and off and then Jonathan saw exactly who entered the room. His body moved on it's on and totally ignored any sense of fear at all. He knew exactly what he saw and he just could let stay for a mere second. He tackled the dreaded man that held a knife ready to stab his brother and together they fell to the floor.

    For Julius the scream alone was a bad omen and immediately he was on high alert the moment the lights were shut off. His body ached with searing pain but he just couldn't sit around like this. He heard somebody enter the room and prepared himself for whatever came, but when the lights came on it was far too late as he glared at the man that held knife. Julius was ready to do something, even if it meant his death, but all too suddenly Jonathan tackled the man and the two were on the floor. "JONATHAN!" Julius yelled as he witnessed Jonathan on top of the man while holding back the arm that held the knife. And so no matter the pain, Julius tried his best to get out of the bed. It was something he couldn't bear to witness. He was the older brother, he was the one who was supposed to be fighting...not his baby brother. He swore he would kill this man with his bare hands.

    The struggle between Jonathan and the man continued and though Jonathan continued his best for his brother's sake, Jonathan in the end lost his match. The man who was under Jonathan managed to press his foot underneath Jonathan and with his strength Jonathan was kicked off of him and sent pushed back stumbling to a wall. With no hesitation the man rose to his feet and with his foot, the man kicked Jonathan right at the abdomen. With that one kick it was over, the breath knocked out of Jonathan, the male soon fell unconscious from the blow.

    "TIme is up"

    A voice, as if being spoken to from a radio had been heard, but Julius didn't give a shit about any of that. He didn't give one damn that the man had a knife or that his wounds were bad...he saw his brother get hurt and he was pissed off severely. Not only did the man hurt Jonathan but what he began to do next was unforgivable. The man had grabbed the unconscious boy and attempted to leave the area. "You degenerate son of a bitch" Julius yelled as he rose to his feet. His feet shook from the pain and fatigue, but Julius tried to ignore it. Julius did his best to reach the assailant, but in the end there was not much a wounded man could do. A punch connected to the man's face, but a kick, weaker than that that hit Jonathan knocked the wounded Julius back and that gave the man all the time he needed to escape.

    Julius fell to the side of the bed and soon enough fell to the ground. It was never supposed to happen like this. What kind of brother would let it happen like this? All Jonathan did was help him, and when Jonathan really needed it he couldn't help him. "DAMN IT ALL...THIS IS NOT HOW ITS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN! I'LL KILL THAT BASTARD" Julius yelled as he tried to rise to his feet, only to fall to the ground once more.
  8. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    Noëlle hadn't been answering her phone, which made him a little nervous, but maybe she was getting used to being away from him? That was a little bittersweet, but he was glad that she was finally, maybe, getting out there and making more friends. He loved her, a lot, but he was worried that maybe, just maybe, the two of them together, all the time, wasn't healthy for either of them. Her being with other not-him people was good.

    It also made him a little sad.

    But that was okay! He couldn't be thinking about himself so selfishly all the time.

    He and Harley had attended the funeral yesterday, but it was only for a short period of time. Bryan didn't like funerals, they were . . . Sad. He laughed to himself; of course they were sad! Still, it was a little different for himself, especially since that summer.

    The fact that his sister nearly always answered his calls, and now she wasn't, was nervewracking, but he was still trying to talk himself down from going out and looking for her. If she was having fun with new friends, would she be unhappy if he came for her? Maybe . . . He didn't want to get in the way of her progress.

    She thought about what they talked about on the phone those few days ago. She wanted to move away from here because of a bad feeling she had. Bryan clearly didn't understand, but he thought that he made her feel bad because it was a ridiculous notion for himself.

    I should go visit Professor. He would know where she was. He had to have noticed that Noëlle and Professor Julius spent a good deal of time together. He was a good man, and Bryan liked him a lot.

    "Harley, I'm leaving!" he called as he grabbed his keys and walked out the door.

    The drive to the hospital with the Professor's admittance was a bit of a ways, and Bryan had to blast music in order to keep himself from thinking of what Noëlle was doing and if she was okay. Surely she was. She wasn't stupid right? Hopefully she had come to visit him today, so that maybe the Professor would know.

    "Professor Julius Menon?" Bryan asked with a smile, and the clerk blushed, and then gave him the room number, which he swiftly left for.

    He stopped at the door, took a breath and then raised a hand to knock. Voices coming from the inside . . .? Maybe someone was already here, visiting him. He rested his hand by his side and then leaned against the wall next to the door, deciding to wait for just a bit.

    He took a stroll down the hallway with his hands in his pockets, turned the corner for a minute, and then turned around. When he rolled back around the corner again, he saw someone going into the room. A mysteriously shady figure. Bryan frowned as the door closed. That didn't look like anyone he knew . . .

    He made his way to the door, and then there was a scream. Bryan set off at a run towards the door, and then the were a loud thud. Oh god. Memories flashed through his mind. The smell of blood and metal. He stumbled back to the other wall.


    . . . That was Professor!

    No one came out of the room and things were quiet for a long minute. Bryan pulled himself off the wall and then threw the door open. The lights flickered on, and Bryan saw Professor Julius on the floor.

    "Professor!" he exclaimed, and immediately went to the older man's aid, lifting him. There had been someone else in here — where were they?! "Are you alright? Oh, god, what happened?" He set him on the bed, breathing heavily from the scare. "Wh - Wha . . . " He took a deep breath, "Was there — I saw — Someone came in here, where are they?!"
  9. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    The sound of the door opened and immediately Julius prepared himself for combat despite the position he was currently in. Filled with anger and sorrow them man stared up at the newcomer only for his eyes to widen in shock upon realizing just who the newcomer was. "...Bryan..." Julius said softly as he was lifted up to to his feet and aided by Bryan. "...I don't have any clue as to what happened...or more specific I do not know what led to it" Julius said closing his eyes as he gripped his hair with his right hand as tightly as possible.

    "The lights went out and there was a scream...a man walked in with a knife and tried to murder me" Julius said as the grip on his hair tightened "Jonathan...my brother...that bastard took him and left....I tried to stop him..but..." Julius began to say before letting out a loud yell of anger before slamming his fist on a nearby wall. "...I was weak...I didn't even get to see where the man went...whether it was through the door or even through the friggin window" Julius said as his fist tightened.

    "But you know what pisses me off even more?" Julius said closing his eyes as tight as he could. "That female scream...it sounded familiar...I can't...I cant bear it if I let two people I know get captured by those bastards..." Julius said. The scream just couldn't escape from his mind no matter how hard he tried he just kept on hearing it over and over. Without anymore words he gently pulled away from Bryan and soon enough he placed his casual clothes over his bandaged body "The time for sleeping in is over...I'll kill him..." Julius said.
  10. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Maria got dressed at her parents house before leaving. She still had a few dresses at home and she got ready in a hurry. There wasn't anything planned for today, she just wanted to get out of there quickly. Maria hated being at home. She walked out to her car and noticed the head-shaped dent in the roof. She cringed and her hand lifted to her forehead. Maria glanced around making sure there was no one around. The last time she approached her car she was attacked. She and Stephan still hadn't talked about it. He was refusing to bring up the matter and she was refusing to talk to him.

    Maybe I should just move out. Then I don't have to deal with him and he won't look at me like a burden for not working. That would mean getting a job. Maria had never worked a day in her life. That would be interesting. She glanced over her shoulder again feeling incredibly anxious before getting into the driver's seat of her car. Her fingers rapped lightly on the steering wheel as she started it up. Music filled the Jetta and she adjusted the mirror. It was obvious Stephan was the last person to drive her car. None of the settings were to her standards. She pulled out into the street and started driving towards her apartment. If only there was somewhere she could go, but to be completely honest, she wasn't in the mood to see anyone.
    The ride home was relatively uninterrupted. When she pulled up to the apartment building, there was a sense of dread that coursed through her. Maria pulled into her designated spot and shut off the Jetta. She checked her phone which was lacking messages [ surprise, surprise ] and grabbed her purse. She stepped out of the car carefully so that she wouldn't slip and walked up to her building. She had to take the elevator to the third floor. The bell chimed and she stepped out onto her floor. Maria had to rifle for her keys, but by the time she reached her door, she noticed it wide open. There was something off with that. Stephan would never just leave the door open.
    She pushed on it slightly and it swung open. Her blue eyes fell on the deadbolt and noticed it busted. Whomever came into the house had broke the lock. She took a careful step into the entry. There were no sounds coming from within the apartment, but she was still nervous. Her hands gripped the bag tightly and she stuck her key between two fingers to use as a hidden weapon if need be. Her breathing caught in her throat when she noticed the state of the kitchen and living room. EAP's food dish was knocked over and a serious wave of panic rose up in her. She was more terrified for the small kitten then for herself. Was he even still in the apartment. With the front door being open he could have ran out. She should have taken the stairs! Tears pricked at the back of her eyes. The living room was in an uproar. The rest of the house didn't look any better.
    No one appeared to be present. They had already came and went with a good amount of big ticket items. There was a note on the broken coffee table. A torn off sheet of paper with sloppy handwriting that read: We're only half even. What did that mean? Were they going to come back? Was it the same people that attacked her after the movie? There was only one thing she could determine for certain and that was it being a message for her brother. What did he do?
    She swallowed down a lump in her throat that seemed to settle dead center in her chest. Her voice cracked as she called out for the kitten. EAP? EAP where are you? Are you in here baby? Maria thought she heard a muffled mewing coming from her bedroom. Her jello legs seem to move on their own as she rushed to her room. It was just as trashed as the rest of the place. Her laptop was missing from its spot on the desk, but that mattered little. The mewing was coming from her closet. Thank God! She flung the door open and a pair of golden eyes stared up at her from the darkest corner of the walk-in. EAP! She dropped to her knees and scooped up the small animal in her arms, hugging him close.
    Maria sat in the corner of the closet with him. She buried her face in his soft black fur and whispered reassuring words meant for the both of them. Tears streaked her face and she shut the closet door in front of her. What if those people came back wanting more? She needed to get out of here, but she just couldn't bring herself to move. Call the police! The three words played over and over in her head but she couldn't do anything but hold the kitten and tell him how it would all be okay. Stephan was to blame and he refused to tell her why. Things were only getting worse. If she moved out, would they still be a threat? Would whomever attacked her attack her again in her new place? If she had a roommate, would that then put them at stake? This was only half over. That meant there was still more to come. What was even happening? It hurt her head. Her phone lit up at her feet as she sat curled into a crying ball, but she ignored it. After about fifteen seconds the screen went black and she was surrounded in darkness once more.

    Wearing Music Date: 01/01/2016 Day: 12 & 2/4
    Mood: Terrified Interaction: Location: Car//Home
    : TuckerActivity: Party OOC:
  11. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    Bryan listened intently to Professor Julius with a racing heart. Someone tried to murder him? Why? And then he was told that a boy named JonathanThe Professor has a brother?! — was taken. Oh, god. Bryan didn't know what he would do if someone took Noëlle . . . That roused a whole round of thoughts in his mind.

    She hadn't been answering her phone.

    What if someone had taken her? His heart began to thud hard against his rib cage.

    A yell of rage startled Bryan back into reality and the professor's fist flew into a wall.

    ". . . I was weak . . . I didn't even get to see where tha man went . . . Whethere it was through the door or the friggin' window."

    Bryan took a breath, "I - It definitely wasn't through the door b - because I didn't see anyone come out." It probably wasn't of much consolation, and Bryan was feeling helpless.

    "But you know what pisses me off even more?" Bryan swallowed hard and almost didn't want to hear it. "That female scream . . . It sounded familiar . . ." His mind began to race with panic, his heart was speeding impossibly fast. His throat grew tight and he gripped the hem of his coat with white knuckles. "I can't . . . I can't bear it if I let two people I know get captured by those bastards."

    Those bastards? Did Julius know who took his brother — who took that . . . other girl? God. Things were adding up, and . . . He was in major panic mode. He hadn't even noticed Julius pulling away from him and changing into casual clothing.

    "P - Professor," he choked out, "Sh - She . . . My . . . N - Noëlle hasn't been answering h - her phone." He gripped his eyes closed. Maybe he was over-thinking. Maybe it was just a coincidence! Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe.

    I - I should try calling her again . . . He pulled out his phone. His hands were really unsteady and his fingers were trembling to the point where he nearly dropped the device a few times. He barely managed to sort through and dial her number before slumping into a chair and letting it ring.

    Bryan couldn't imagine why anyone would kidnap Noëlle. She had never done anything to warrant such a punishment, and now that it might actually be a reality, he couldn't handle it.
  12. FuzzyBlueLights Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 20, 2009
    Owl City
    Ulysses trudged back to his room, weaving through the sparse human population that remained on campus. Thirsty, he drank the last bit of his coffee, trapped in the depths of his thermos, which had lost it's warmth in the sudden chill of the outside world. He felt a little reluctant to return to his room and get back to game playing, but fatigue was knocking on the top of his skull and in fact he stopped to take a deep breath as a yawn escaped him. He continued his almost solemn walk to his door and opened it.

    His thermos was tossed into the kitchen sink and his body plopped wearily onto the couch facing his T.V., briefly he wondered if he'd made an indent in the couch cushions yet and figured that it'd be a bit more time before that came to be. He always sat in the same spot when he played his games or watched a bit of television, smack dab in the center seat. The view was perfect, not a drop of glare or anything else to interfere with his video game consumption. Hours of having his bottom pressed into this cushion would have to leave a mark sooner or later. Sometimes though, an annoying little thought would wiggle it's way into his head. What if he died today? And a ass pressed into a cushion was all he had left into the world? Most times he could shake that thought off with a bit of game play, but sometimes it would stick and stay, and he would have to remind himself that he was a straight A student, in college. One of the most prestigious music schools in the country if not the world. And his musical skills were top notch, he'd have to be remembered for something. He hoped.

    His brow furrowed, for once the thought was not brought up by his subconscious, it was instead brought up by him. And that was upsetting. What did it say about him? That he wanted something more then his video games and comfortable couch? Pfft, there was no way he was going to give those things up, as long as he fine tuned his musical skills and kept listening to the best music video games had to offer, he'd be just fine. And with that, his mind was settled, and he could finally sleep.
  13. al215 Kingdom Keeper

    May 29, 2013
    Aidan listened and looked at the drawing he was shown. He nodded.
    "Good drawing. Better than what I can do. That said, I don't usually draw flowers, but even then, you do Manga for a job so you're infinitely better than me." Aidan said. It was a very good drawing. She then pointed at a flight of stairs and told him that she was in the attic. Aidan nodded.
    "I'm upstairs too, though not quite that upstairs. Our attic is full of boxes and is dusty as hell. Not a great place to live in." He commented. He could notice her face turning red slowly but surely. It must have been quite embarassing for her for him to walk in while she was in her PJ's drawing, only to have her sister walk in on them talking, boss her about, leave and then for her to take him upstairs. He could understand, not that he'd been in that rather unique situation before.

    "If you work a lot I guess you're hard working and that ain't a bad thing." Aidan was trying to think of appropriate things to say. Then she started talking about them being friends. A curious thing to say... But regardless he'd comment on it.
    "I'd say we're friends. I like to think we are. I can sympathise with the socialising thing. I'm not great at it either. Usually I just turn into a massive fail. I've had better luck recently but that didn't last long. Only friend I had died at a party which wasn't terribly great. I think I saw you at the funeral if I'm not mistaken?" He asked. Now that he thought, he could have sworn she was there. He wondered why, but kept quiet about that. He'd ask depending on what she said next. He noticed now that she was very red. She looked a bit ill honestly. It was the kind of red you got from people with fevers.
    "Hey are you alright? You look a bit ill." Aidan asked, concerned. He knew she was getting redder as the conversation was going on, but he never expected her to be THAT red.
  14. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» Nervous/Upset Music Date: 12/1/2016 Location » Home OOC:

    "I'd say we're friends. I like to think we are. I can sympathise with the socialising thing. I'm not great at it either. Usually I just turn into a massive fail. I've had better luck recently but that didn't last long. Only friend I had died at a party which wasn't terribly great. I think I saw you at the funeral if I'm not mistaken?"​

    Estelle smiled at first but... he started talking about the funeral. "Oh Aidan... I'm so sorry.'" She said, starting to tear up. "Yes I was there... I saw a girl in the hospital named Zoey, she was from the party, and... I just thought I should go." She explained to him. "Zoey was so upset and I... just felt like that... I owed it to her to be there." Estelle explained. "I'm very sorry about you're friend...I.... if I had known.." Estelle cut herself off. She felt so bad for Aidan... she knew how he felt... Stelle was her best friend... if she were to die... and she nearly did once.

    "Hey are you alright? You look a bit ill." Aidan asked, concerned.

    "Yes!" She said quickly. "I'm-I'm fine...." She explained. "I've just... never been alone with a boy this long before...." She whispered quietly. "I'm just a little nervous...." She said, looking away from him. She couldn't believe how red her face was. "I mean, I don't mind you being here or anything like that it's just..."
  15. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: Content (X) Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Home (X) OOC:

    After getting in a few extra minutes of sleep, Shane finally awoken. He took a few moments to get up from his bed before starting his routine. When the last step of it was finished, he walked out the bathroom fully dressed. Next on his list was to get some breakfast. He opened the fridge door to see if there was enough milk for him to get some cereal. Fortunately for him there was plenty of milk. Since he already had the cereal he was going to eat and the bowl already out, all that was left was to pour the milk into the bowl and eat the cereal.
    Placing the now dirty dish into the sink, Shane left his home with his hands in his pocket. Maybe he would pay Estelle a visit today. It wasn't like he had other urgent plans at the moment. He recalled what she'd told him about she'd live and headed in the direction of the café. A gardening shop couldn't be too hard to find.
    Just as Estelle had said the previous day, the shop was across the street. That definitely made it easier to locate. Now that the hard part was over, he headed inside the shop. Aside from noticing all the different flowers around, he also took in the smell the flowers closer to him were emitting. Sure he was used smelling flowers before, but something made this experience different for him.
  16. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    The exterior of the spa was just what she thought it might be; extravagant and almost gaudy. No wonder her mother liked such a place; it was just like her. If the outside was like this, what would the inside be like?

    Once they were in, she decided she liked the interior more; it was less cluttered and ugly. More refined, simple. Soft music played as they walked up to the receptionist who was a pretty lady with a neatly pulled back bun of brunette hair. Sophie looked over at Pierce for a moment to gauge her reaction to everything and it was something close to expected; she was nervous.

    Welcome ladies. How can I help you today?

    Next to her, Pierce rustled through her bag for the passes they so kindly received from Ms. Mhenjer. U - Um, m - my mom won th - these tickets for a fr - free day . . .

    Sophie smiled and gently grabbed Pierce's hand, giving her a comforting squeeze. The woman looked at the both of them, and then down at the tickets. She glanced up at Sophie. Miss Bennett! she exclaimed, and Sophie raised her eyebrows, You . . . are Miss Sophie Bennett, right?

    Cautiously, she nodded in reply. She had hoped this wouldn't happen, but Sophie looked a great deal like her mother, the eyes of which were a dead giveaway. I am here with my friend, and we would like to be treated kindly today. It was thanks to Pierce that they were here, Sophie didn't want any of that ridiculous treatment that would come from being Ursula Bennett's daughter.

    The receptionist reddened slightly and then nodded, continuing on to make some notes in her book. Follow me, she told the pair with a renewed confidence. Sophie began to walk, and didn't let go of Pierce's hand.
  17. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    His body hurt and a massive migraine began to assault his mind. There were so many things that were running through his mind and he was finding it far too hard to even think straight. With his free hand Julius gripped his temples and rubbed them with a huge sigh as his gaze turned to Bryan. It was only now that he realized how affected he was with this news and how much of an issue it would be for him. Bryan was in no shape to be dealing with this and he certainly didn't have the experience Julius had with these kind of situations.

    Julius realized that overreacting would definitely make things worse and merely venting his anger would cause more discomfort for Bryan. Julius tried his best to remain calm as he buttoned up his shirt, but the sudden mention of Noelle shook him to the very core. His eyes widened and his hand began to shake as he stood dumbfound at the possibility that Noelle was the one that screamed. Did she scream because of the power outage? or maybe there was another man in the hospital. He deduced that they were not working alone since he heard a voice coming from a radio.

    He needed answers, but the answers were surely going to be incredibly hard to find. He swore he would kill anybody that harmed Jonathan, or Noelle and he was ready for some payback. It took a while but he calmed himself to the best of his ability and soon enough the lights returned back on. Just who could have wished to kill him? who would wish to harm Noelle as well..........and then it hit him....he had no proof nor was he completely sure about this. It was a hunch that had a good chance to be wrong...but were they trying to get some form of revenge on them?

    "Bryan....I'll need you to calm down...I know its hard and even now I am struggling with it but if you cant do that I will have to ask you to return home now for your own mental safety..." Julius said closing his eye. "We need to investigate what happened...there was a scream...we'd best check out where that scream came from and if that person is still around....we also need to see if any of the people in the hospital have any clues" Julius said as calm as possible. What bugged him greatly was that nobody else had run in here except for Bryan. Reaching into his pocket, Julius brought out his cellphone and brought it up to his ear "For now I'll call the police" Julius said before making the call.
  18. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    WEARING DATE 01/01/2016 DAY 12 & 2/4
    The receptionist was familiar with Sophie. Had she been here before? Why didn't Sophie tell her? She swallowed nervously as the woman stopped in front of what appeared to be a locker room. She pushed open the large double doors and Pierce let out a small gasp. It was the nicest locker room she had ever seen. It was in pristine condition and smelled like jasmine and lavender. There were fresh white fluffy towels sitting on a rack on the wall and hanging from hooks were clean white bath robes. There were wooden bamboo lockers for people's personal belongings and soothing fountain was in the corner. Water bubbled and trickled down the front of it and the same soft relaxing music that had been playing in the lobby was coming through the speakers here as well.

    The receptionist smiled cheerily at them as she flipped a page on the clipboard she brought with her and motioned for the both of them to take a seat on the bench. Now, the journey commences with the Spa Ritual, designed to prepare mind and body for deep relaxation. The ritual begins with a shower in the resting place, which is to your left there. She pointed to a large fountain-like bath. With the assistance of the attendants, indulge in the O-furo, a Japanese bath featuring falling streams of water that gently massage the shoulders to alleviate stress. Follow this by selecting from the spa's diverse menu of restorative skincare treatments, body therapies, massages, fitness services and nutrition counseling. Choose a package, such as Princess or Prince Charming or Tropical Bliss, for a full-day of pampering treatments that restore and rejuvenate. Schedule a fitness assessment with one of the personal trainers, and learn techniques to improve fitness or begin an exercise program. Maintain the relaxation achieved at the spa by learning stress reduction techniques that can be helpful at home. Jeez. This woman talked a lot, but it was all apart of her job. She probably had a speech written on that paper. Pierce craned her neck, trying to see, but the receptionist kept it out of view. Continue the journey to well-being with a visit to the Spa Café for a cup of herbal tea or a meal of healthy spa cuisine prepared with the freshest ingredients. Visit the Spa Boutique for gifts, clothing and spa products to enjoy at home.

    She stopped talking to look at them. So, which would you like? The receptionist listed off each of the different options and what they included -- skincare treatments, massages, Ayuverdic body treatment, hydrotherapy sessions, facials, the Iron Man, fitness services, or a mixed spa package.

    Pierce looked to Sophie for help. She felt so incredibly overwhelmed. What did any of that even mean? There was a panicked look on her face. Sophie was the one that always took control. Now would be no different and she would actually appreciate not being left to make the decision. The look on Sophie's face said otherwise. Dear God she would have to pick. Her heart was racing. Pierce could feel her hands beginning to tremble. U - um... th- that m - mixed p - package sounds g - good.

    The receptionist made a tick mark on her clipboard and glanced down at them again. And what would you like to include in it?

    She bit her lip and tried to remember everything that was listed. There was just so much. Th - the Waldor A - Astoria m - massage. The one you d - do with your friend. A - and the Ayuverdic b - body treatment. With the herbal wr - wrap therapy and the o - oxygen f - facial. Pierce wanted to kill herself. So much for soothing. Talking to people was another matter altogether. She swallowed down the lump and the woman finished making marks on the board.

    All right then. If the both of you want to put your belongings in the lockers and wash up in the bath over there, you can put on a robe and someone will be here to collect you momentarily and bring you to the massage. She smiled once more before spinning on her high heel and disappearing out the locker room.
  19. al215 Kingdom Keeper

    May 29, 2013
    Estelle looked upset after he mentioned the funeral and he mentally facepalmed. Why did he bring that up? He hoped she was alright.
    "Sorry Estelle, I didn't mean to upset you..." Aidan said placatingly. "You had no way of knowing, so don't be sorry. It's fine." She'd turned away now and was talking about how she'd never been alone with a boy this long. He felt bad. She looked quite uncomfortable. He hated making people feel like that.
    "Sorry, I didn't intend to make you feel uncomfortable. I mean, I'm just as new to this whole thing as you are." He explained. Maybe it was time to go? It seemed like a bit of a shame to cut it off so soon, but maybe it was for the best. Well, maybe she wouldn't send him away.
    "Look, if it's easier I can go..." He said. His voice dropped so he sounded a little disappointed. He couldn't blame her. It was him. He'd screwed this up. Shoddy timing and his poor choice of conversation. Dammit Aidan! Why was he such a damn mess?

    He wasn't the smartest socially, he'd be the first to admit. As he spoke, he reviewed how it all had gone. Overall, it was pretty awkward. He'd walked in on her and that'd made things just a bit weird. Then he'd suddenly been brought upstairs, had a quick encounter with her sister and then they were here. His conversation points were fine, that was until the funeral. Then things took a downhill turn. She looked ill, embarassed and now upset.

    He was sorely tempted to just turn around and leave. That wouldn't be good... But would it be easier? No. That wasn't polite. If it was clear that he should leave soon then he would do so of his own action if he wasn't asked to leave earlier. He'd made a mistake and now a friendship was potentially on the line. He didn't know her well enough to predict a reaction so all he could do was hope.
  20. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» Calm Music Date: 12/1/2016 Location » Home OOC:

    "Sorry Estelle, I didn't mean to upset you..." Aidan said placatingly. "You had no way of knowing, so don't be sorry. It's fine."​

    Estelle looked down for a second. "It's fine Aidan, I just get upset too easy... it's not you're fault." She explained.

    "Sorry, I didn't intend to make you feel uncomfortable. I mean, I'm just as new to this whole thing as you are. Look, if it's easier I can go..."​

    Estelle's face started to return back to it's original color. "I didn't mean it like that..." She explained. "I would love if you could stay a bit longer." She said smiling. "I'll get you something to drink" She told him, going into the kitchen, only to see her little sister Amaya making a tray with 2 glasses of water on them, and a few cookies she thought were Pizzelle. [COLOR=#00ff00][COLOR=#99ccff][FONT=trebuchet ms][SIZE=4][COLOR=#99ccff][FONT=trebuchet ms][SIZE=4][COLOR=#99ccff][FONT=trebuchet ms][SIZE=4][COLOR=#99ccff][FONT=trebuchet ms][SIZE=4][COLOR=#00ff00][COLOR=#99ccff][FONT=trebuchet ms][SIZE=4][COLOR=#99ccff][FONT=trebuchet ms][SIZE=4] She heard [COLOR=#ff9900][COLOR=#ff6600]Vega[/COLOR][/COLOR] calling her, saying she heard the door. But Estelle thought she could wait a few minutes. [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=#00ff00][COLOR=#99ccff][FONT=trebuchet ms][SIZE=4][COLOR=#99ccff][FONT=trebuchet ms][SIZE=4]She mouthed 'Thank you' and went back into the living room, and sat down again, putting the tray on the table, nearly spilling it. "Oh gosh, I'm so clumsily." She said. "I tend to be accident-pron." She told him. "So Aidan... what are your parents like?" She asked him. [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#00ff00][COLOR=#99ccff][FONT=trebuchet ms][SIZE=4][COLOR=#99ccff][FONT=trebuchet ms][SIZE=4] Her mother and father, were not exactly there at all for the girls, especially in they're older years. Her mother's favorite was [COLOR=#ffff00]Stelle[/COLOR], if anything happened to her she would run over... but all the sisters could see through her fake kindness. As for her father, he had left town one day and never returned, making her mother cold and bitter. As soon as [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=#00ff00][COLOR=#99ccff][FONT=trebuchet ms][SIZE=4][COLOR=#99ccff][FONT=trebuchet ms][SIZE=4][COLOR=#99ccff][FONT=trebuchet ms][SIZE=4][COLOR=#99ccff][FONT=trebuchet ms][SIZE=4][COLOR=#00ff00][COLOR=#99ccff][FONT=trebuchet ms][SIZE=4][COLOR=#99ccff][FONT=trebuchet ms][SIZE=4][COLOR=#99ccff][FONT=trebuchet ms][SIZE=4][COLOR=#99ccff][FONT=trebuchet ms][SIZE=4][COLOR=#00ff00][COLOR=#99ccff][FONT=trebuchet ms][SIZE=4][COLOR=#99ccff][FONT=trebuchet ms][SIZE=4][COLOR=#ff6600]Vega [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]was old enough, she brought the shop and she moved us all her, about... 7 years ago. She felt her sisters were her really family. [COLOR=#ff6600]Vega[/COLOR] was strict but loving. [COLOR=#ffff00]Stelle[/COLOR] even though sick, was a very good listener. And [COLOR=#00ff00]Amaya[/COLOR] helped everyone, putting her own goals aside. Estelle tried to be there for her sisters, but it was hard. She quickly got those thoughts out of her head, trying to focus better on the conversation. [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#00ff00][COLOR=#99ccff][FONT=trebuchet ms][SIZE=4][COLOR=#99ccff][FONT=trebuchet ms][SIZE=4] Her nervousness suddenly went away, after taking a few sips of water she felt much better, and realized that it wasn't as scary as she thought it was. She laughed under her breath, only to herself. Why had she gotten so red before? It was awfully silly now that she thought about it. She remembered a time where her sisters had brought friends over, none of them nervous at all. She felt a little more open now, not caring that she was in her Pajamas. [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR]

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