❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: A bit relived (X) Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Hospital (X) OOC:

    "But... it's new years eve... don't you have plans already?"

    "Well most of my plans are a bit later in the day. My parents like to do things close to midnight" Shane replied. It was an interesting tradition that they had set up, a lot better than some of there old new years traditions. Especially the ones that ended badly. "All we do is watch fireworks from the front lawn." After what ever his dad cooks is eaten of course, he was a very picky man when it came to that.

    I mean... not that I'm trying to get rid of you or anything, because I'm not."

    "Not really, normally I would just be coupe up in my room until it's time. So, do you have any plans?" It was a fair question to ask given the circumstances. In truth he didn't mind the rambling much at all. He figure that alot might just be on her mind. "So, do you know the general area of where your house is, maybe I can help?"
  2. al215 Kingdom Keeper

    May 29, 2013
    Aidan left the funeral and didn't bother to go to the party he'd heard about. It seemed wrong to him. Having a party after mourning just felt disrespectful, particularly since they were killed at a party. He didn't want to disrespect their memories, what little he had of most of them. He had quickly phoned mum and she took him home. He had no idea what to do with himself. He figured he'd do what he did usually.

    Aidan logged on to Skype and began talking to his friends on there, both real and virtual. He opened up Google Chrome and opened up a few browser windows. He logged on to the forum he commonly hung around on and made a few posts. Just as usual. It felt a bit weird, being business as usual on such a day. It felt a bit apathetic. What could he do? Go to a party and get smashed out of his head and risk the same fate or do this? He quite liked what he was doing thank you!

    Besides what was he going to do at the party? Sit there all evening all alone? Why would he do that? Aidan booted up Starcraft 2 and entered the multiplayer. His thoughts from there, looked something like this:

    glhf random dude. Damn. Zerg player. He better not 6 pool me like they usually do. Right, get probe out. Build, build build? What build? Hmm... One gate and early gas expand seems good. Zealot, Colossus, Stalker, Void Ray seems good. Pylon, pylon SHUT UP! I'm trying to construct additional Pylons! Game, I am trying to get more Vespene gas... Dammit probes work faster! Ooh look, some Zerglings. Mop that up with a Zealot. 'Kay, looks like it's expansion time. Get the robotics bay up. Dual Stargate up too, hmm... Should I go Tempest too? Or maybe even Dark Templar. Welp, when behind, Dark Shrine. Not behind yet though. We shall see, oh yes we shall see...

    OoC: Note to self. Never ask Cal what the in RP time is again.
  3. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    [​IMG]Clothes Mood» Calm Music Date: 12/31/2015 Location » Street OOC:

    "Well most of my plans are a bit later in the day. My parents like to do things close to midnight"

    Estelle smiled. "I see..." Her family used to do things like that... before all of this happened. "We don't really do anything..." She said sadly.

    "Not really, normally I would just be coupe up in my room until it's time. So, do you have any plans?"

    "Oh no... No I don't have any plans... and if you're not busy... um... maybe we could go do something..." She said. "My house is by the cafe, so maybe we can talk for a bit, until you have to go anyway..." Estelle said. "I-I mean... if you want to.." Estelle said. "I was just thinking... maybe we could get to know each other better." Estelle said, nervously, her skin bright red. Her skin felt explosive as dynamite. Her heart was pounding. She hadn't made friends very easy, let alone a boy. She was fine at first, but now she was very nervy. She took a deep breath.

  4. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DATE⁞ Thursday, December 31st, 2015 DAY⁞ 11 2/4
    LOCATION⁞ Car//Elisa's//Maria's INTERACTION⁞ Elisa
    Ryder read the message and sighed. He had drove off before anyone else arrived. When he pulled up to Elisa's he noticed the lights on through the windows. There was movement in the living room, probably Elisa's mom. The car door thunked shut as he climbed out of the driver's seat and headed up the sidewalk. Ryder slipped on a patch of ice and caught his balance. He hadn't told Elisa he was coming. That was too much work. Plus, she said to get him if he went to the party, so here he was. He knocked on the door and was greeted with the the smiling face of Elisa's mom. His arrival was rather late in the night and unexpected, but she didn't seem bothered by it. On the contrary, she seemed pleased that Elisa was going to be getting out of the house.

    He talked to her mom for a few minutes before making his way up the staircase to her bedroom. Ryder only knocked once before opening the door without waiting for a response. "Elisa get up we're go--" His eyes fell on bluenette and what she was wearing, or more accurately, wasn't wearing. "Er, uh..." Ryder's face flushed red to his ears and he stared down at the ground, rubbing at the back of his neck awkwardly. "P-p-party," he stammered, shoving his hands in his pocket. "G-get dressed..." He turned on his heel and quickly walked out of her bedroom. His heart thumped rapidly in his chest. Ryder was feeling suddenly restless and he squeezed his legs together, sliding down the wall until he was sitting on the floor. He just needed a minute.
    When Elisa finally came out, he averted his gaze and got to his feet. He didn't say anything to her the entire walk out to the car. His face was still red. He shouldn't be so embarrassed, but it was Elisa. Ah... He scratched the back of his head and climbed into the car. Ryder turned on the radio. It blared through the speakers and he used the music to break the silence. He couldn't bring himself to say anything the whole way there. Ryder had never felt so awkward in his entire life. Elisa was practically a sister and there she was lying on her bed in nothing but her underwear. Just thinking about it made his face burn.
    The car pulled up to the house and he parked it out front. The engine died out and he glanced across the lawn. There was something strange going on. His blue eyes narrowed on the odd movements. What was going on? "Do you--do you see that?" he asked Elisa from his spot in the car.
  5. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Dennis Baker:
    [---Day 11 (3/4)---December 31st---Location: Maria's House---Mood: Annoyed/---Ooc: N/A]

    While he was ever so reluctant to do so, Dennis did indeed go to the funeral, and had to bring along Evan because he had no way of otherwise getting to the funeral. However before they entered Dennis had forbidden Evan from actually going with him. Why? Because Dennis had been with Evan at the last funeral they went to for an old friend of Dennis's, and Evan in all of his mood dissonant glory started chuckling because randomly the anatomy of a duck popped into his head and he always found that funny. That caused Evan to get kicked out during that last funeral, and Dennis wasn't risking him having another laughing fit during a funeral.

    Dennis had just quietly sat in the back during the entire thing trying not to do anything. He tried to be an emotionless wall, because if he didn't he'd be a complete wreck. But the strange sense of obligation and closure on all of these deaths overpowered him. He had no idea why he felt that way, but in the end he did. Despite his odd urge to go to the funeral, he absolutely went nowhere near the caskets. It was one thing to come here, but another to look at all their lifeless bodies. Even if he didn't know them too personally it isn't like the sight of someone completely unmoving wasn't going to look completely terrifying to him. For the entire thing he just sat back and listened to all of the speeches given, and then simply left once the whole thing was over.

    Despite contemplating the purpose of a somber funeral afterparty, Dennis still felt like going. After all a party could be the best treatment for the terrible depression they were all likely going through. In addition he told Evan about it because he still literally had no way of getting to the party without Evan's car, and he himself couldn't drive. Evan, with his ever so prevalent bliss, happily accepted to drive him there, but not before doing something he had planned for his own New Years "party." It was something Evan always did when he was home by himself. He got a giant cake that no one man could possibly eat that had giant candy numbers for the new year on them. He figured that everyone else could enjoy the cake as well at the party they were going to. The two of them simply went to the bakery and bought the cake. Evan effortlessly brought it back to the car and the two were off to the party.

    For some reason it the traffic was hell and couple that with Evan's "magnificent" driving skills and the awful weather and the two had arrived to the party superbly late. When they arrived they noticed something awfully strange. There were to people on the lawn who appeared to be duking it out in some manner. It was a rather odd sight and despite Dennis's protests at noticing what Evan was doing, Evan still did it anyway. He bounded out of the car and just jumped on the both of them with much jovial laughter. Dennis literally facepalmed at this, but then decided it wouldn't be worth trying to stop Evan from whatever he was doing.

    Dennis simply got out of the car and went to the back seat to pull out the cake that Evan had bought...only the cake was way heavier than he thought it would be. How strong was Evan, even? Regardless of the unexpected weight of the cake, Dennis still lugged it with him to the door and evaded the awkward combat as best as he could. Once there he knocked on the door praying that his arms wouldn't give before the door was answered.
  6. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    P A N T H E R A N D T I G E R

    I watched TORVALD mutter something to MARIA, which he meant for me not to hear. Most likely something ridiculous, but I stayed and smiled where I was.

    I know well enough why you are here, you bloody murderer. WE SHALL, AS THEY SAY, DANCE.

    I laugh. ❝Dancing with a beast? They say that, in their own ways, beasts have grace. Do you, tigr?❞ The monster grasps my hand tightly and I'm pulled up from the couch, and then let myself be dragged out of the living room and towards the door. Such ferocity, this one has, but I suppose we are both eager to tear at each other.

    The door swings open and we are stopped short by the sight of a young man with cherry-red hair. TUCKER, yes. That was his name. I immediately recall that he spent much of the night with MARIA during the Christmas party at home. It makes sense that he would come. We didn't stop to say hello.

    I was thrust out the door, but did not let go of the beast's hand. The momentum forced us both to the ground. Apparently, we were not the only to to go down. TUCKER was laying in the snow, next to us, but his presence was of little matter to me. MARIA began to yell at the two of us, but her annoying voice was drowned out by my not caring. I valiantly held on to the beast's hand.

    There was a door slam, and then it was quiet. I laughed.
    Perhaps they looked silly, laying in the snow as it were, but it was such an unexpected turn of events that Lucas felt the need to laugh. ❝See what you've done, you ungraceful feline? Now we're both turned out.❞ He laughed again. Not that I mind.

    He sat up and finally let go of TORVALD's hand. It had been warm. He was a hot-blooded creature, so what else did Lucas expect?

    A car pulled up, and the two young men were still ridiculous. Lucas stood and reached for TORVALD, grabbed his hand once more, and forcefully pulled him up. ❝If we're going to make a spectacle of ourselves anyway, we might as well begin with looking respectable. Perhaps we could settle this elsewhere?❞ He looked at him square in the eye, ❝You do, after all, owe me a dance.

    He waved at the occupants in the car, not knowing who they were.
  7. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    From the hall of the bedroom wing, Maria could hear a knocking at the door. She glanced back at Stephan's door and sighed. She really should quit trying. If only there was some way to get him over that last hurdle... Maria shook her head and left the wall, moving towards the front door. She passed through the kitchen and plopped a cracker in her mouth. It was pretty much the first thing she had eaten since the funeral reception. There were meats and cheeses to go with the crackers, but she couldn't keep whomever was at the door waiting any longer than she already had.

    She chewed slowly, stopping at the end of the hall adjacent to the kitchen. It wasn't so much a hall as it was a small archway that led to the mudroom. It was much too small to be a foyer. Maria swallowed down the cracker and opened the door. There were two men outside the door and she could still see Lucas and Torvald out on the lawn. Sheesh. She smiled up at the guys, recognizing one as Dennis. The other was unfamiliar. Dennis seemed to be holding some sort of large box. Her blue eyes widened and she quickly stepped out of the way. You can set that down in the kitchen. It's this way. Maria directed them towards the kitchen where the food and drinks were.
    Feel free to help yourself, she told the both of them. Thanks for coming. There's snacks, sweet tea-lemonade, movies, games, and music. There aren't a lot of people here, but that's all right. She watched as Dennis opened the box. Her eyes widened further at the sight of the cake. It was huge. Oh my, that wasn't necessary. Really, no one needed to bring anything. She did appreciate it though. The cake looked sweet and delicious. Maria loved cake. She chewed her lip debating whether or not she should get a slice. She wanted one, but she also didn't want to scarf down a bunch of sugary sweetness and get sick. Her stomach was unsettling enough the way it was.

    Wearing Music Date: 12/31/2015 Day: 11 & 3/4
    Mood: Nauseous Interaction: DennisLocation: Family Home
    : TuckerActivity: OOC:
  8. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    The door had opened so suddenly, as if the person behind it already knew he was going to be there and knock at that moment. However, that wasn't what shocked him the most. He expected to see the beautiful face of his friend Maria, but instead was greeted by Torvald's - though, greeted probably wasn't the best word for the situation. It was Torvald, then it was the butler guy from Sophie's party and then it was just bodies.

    The two other men slammed into him before he could even raise an eyebrow at them. Their overpowering strength and combined weight and momentum caused him to slip off the porch and fall under them. He could feel their bodies pressing against his and he quite literally fell into a panic, shutting his eyes and trying his best to scurry away. They were all tangled together for a while until they - well at least, he - finally slid away from them, lying in the snow beside them - still trying to grasp what exactly just happened. However before he could even think of that, Maria rushed to his side. There was a good amount of yelling and foul language and well, Tucker was pretty much just speechless.

    Eventually, with the help of Maria, he was pulled up to his feet and went inside. It was much warmer inside and Maria immediately tended to him, bringing him to another room where she pulled out a new set of clothes for him to change into. He studied his own, guess they were a bit damp at the moment (okay, quite more than damp as he would like to admit). Plus, they were really cold! His fingers felt incredibly frosty. Maria left him to change, closing the door behind her after leaving.

    He stared blankly at the closed door for a while. Still kind of lost at what happened. He didn't really want to remember it, he was pretty scared. It felt like the other two men had tackled him - and was prepared to do other things. Well, he didn't really want to think the other two would even like to or think of doing that but he couldn't help it. The force that knocked him down was all too familiar. As he slipped off his jacket he tried to get it out of his mind. 'No! This is going to be a good time and you're done sulking and just STOP.'

    Tucker let out a frustrated sigh and ripped his shirt off of him. He placed it sloppily ont he bed momentarily as he reached for the neatly folded shirt Maria had given him. Standing there half naked for those few seconds, his chestnut eyes glanced at his scarred body. He bit his lip as the thoughts tempted to vandalize his calming mind. He immediately pulled the shirt over his head and wasted no time in changing into the new pair of jeans.

    The clothes fit him quite snuggly, the shirt was a little loose and the jeans dropped to his hip bones a bit but they were really comfortable and warm. It was very home-y and he honestly liked that. He stared down at his own pile of clothes and packed them up neatly. Putting his shoes back on, he then left the room quietly. He half expected to see Maria waiting out for some reason, but she wasn't there. With his clothes in his hands, he began to walk down the hall. He could hear her voice somewhere nearby, and followed it.

    Ah, kitchen. There she was, with some others who probably just arrived. He cleared his throat a bit and put on a smile before he joined the group with a polite greeting, "Hey everyone." He noticed that had been the first word he said to Maria all this time. He looked at her and let his smile grow a bit wider, mouthing out a little 'thank you'.[DOUBLEPOST=1373027734][/DOUBLEPOST]

    Opening her eyes grew very difficult over the minutes that passed. She didn't really know if Ryder was coming for her or if she would even be able to get up when he did. She kind of forgot about it anyway after a couple more effort-full blinks. She was getting especially drowsy. She shifted in her bed, letting her lashes flutter to a close and arching her back as she stretched a bit. Keeping her eyes shut, she groped for her stuffed polar bear. The soft fur finally made contact to her fingers and palm and she pulled it close to her side, keeping it in a headlock next to the curve of her torso.

    She just lay there for a few moments, breathing. She wondered many things, well actually no, she wondered of little things - but it just seemed plenty because her mind wasn't exactly in the state of deep discussion... or any discussion as of that. She thought about what happened to the presents she left Richie, wondering if he enjoyed them and was putting the stickers on the clouds up above... She hoped that calories counted in the afterlife and that Richie truly enjoyed the macaroons she left for him (and yes, got fat in the process. Maybe metabolism was a lot slower up there?)... She also hoped he framed the photograph and took care of it as much as she did. It was her favourite after all... Every pause felt like her shut eyes drifted her for a moment of sleep. Maybe she was actually dreaming already? No, it couldn't have been. She never remembered her nightmares.

    "Elisa get up we're go--"

    That sounded way too real. At least, it was much louder than the soft murmurs in her head. She turned her head to the side as she slowly opened her eyes. Her vision was kind of blurry and going in and out of focus. The blonde haired, tall teenager stood by her door. He muttered something that she couldn't make out and immediately looked away from her. He stared at the ground.


    What did he say? Huh?

    "G-get dressed..."

    Oh. Oh, party. Okay. Party... right? Before anything else happened, the boy turned on his heel and shut the door. Was it just her or did that all happen too fast? She licked her dried, tainted lips as her heavy eyelids came to another close. She opened them again after and put all efforts to get up from bed. Her skinny body glided out of her bed, with her bare skin sliding against the fabric. Her blue eyes looked at herself in the mirror. She reached up to brush her hair with her fingers to a slightly neater look. Her face didn't look too ridiculous. She glanced at her near naked self and shrugged, walking over to the closet. She opened it up and stared at her clothes - for once, not knowing at all what to wear. She thought about Richie, who would usually stand behind her and point at something for her to wear when she couldn't think of anything. It would be just like that, she'd be in her cute undies and he'd be behind her and they'd giggle and help each other with outfits. But no, she was alone now. She pulled clothes over her undergarments, a large shirt and a skirt - being too lazy to put on anything else.

    She didn't grab anything to bring with her and finally walked out of the door. Ryder was on the ground and without a word, they walked out of the house and into the car. He still didn't speak but had turned the radio on. Elisa wasn't bothered by his lack of words or the excessive noise from the radio. She was much too druggish to notice. She pulled her seatbelt on as she ride shotgun but rested her head on the cold glass of the window, shutting her eyes. She tried her hardest to stay up, letting the music be a constant reminder to stay awake.

    "Do you--do you see that?"

    Alarmed by his voice, the turquoise teen opened her eyes slowly, turning to face Ryder with a raised eyebrow. The car had apparently stopped and the engine was already off. The radio had also died out but she didn't notice that either. When did that even happen? Had she fallen asleep already? See what? What was she supposed to be looking at? What? Huh? "Hmmmmm?"
  9. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: A bit relived (X) Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Hospital (X) OOC:

    "Oh no... No I don't have any plans... and if you're not busy... um... maybe we could go do something..."

    "Sure, I don't mind." Shane replied. After all, he still had some time to kill before he was needed to head back home. So why not just hang out with her. He took a quick second to stand up, he felt like it was time to give his legs a stretch before going somewhere.

    "I was just thinking... maybe we could get to know each other better."

    "That's fine by me." While he was open to the idea of getting to know her better, he wasn't good at starting a topic without something to go off of. Though he might not have to worry about that too much, it's not like there going on a date of some kind. All it was was just two friends hanging out. "Shall we go then?"
  10. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    [​IMG]Clothes Mood» Happy Music Date: 12/31/2015 Location » Street OOC:

    Estelle smiled. "Yes, lets go." Estelle laughed.

    When they've got to the cafe, they sat down at one of the tables. They're weren't many people here today, since she figured, even though it was sort of early, it was New Years Eve. She looked over at Shane, who hadn't said anything yet. "Um... so Shane... what do you do for fun?" Estelle asked, she didn't know what else she could say. She was very awkward. Even though it wasn't like.. a date ._. or anything, this was still a little different from what she was used to.

    She really hoped that she didn't say anything weird tonight. She ordered a hot chocolate, and took a few sips from her cup. She made her she drank it properly, she sister always said he drank stuff weird. She tried to keep her elbows off the table also. She was trying to be as prefect as she could be. Because she had a lot of quarks.... Maybe once she got more comfortable she could just be herself.
  11. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Dennis Baker:
    [---Day 11 (4/4)---December 31st---Location: Maria's House---Mood: Relieved ---Ooc: N/A]

    Evan ended up getting to the door with Dennis before it opened and Dennis was soon greeted by Maria. He hurriedly rushed into the house and went to the kitchen as instructed. When he finally found a place he set the large box down and sighed a sigh of relief. His arms felt like they were nearly about to fall off. Regardless the thing made it to the kitchen A-OK. After a few seconds of regaining the feeling in his arms he opened the box to reveal the glorious cake that was inside.

    Oh my, that wasn't necessary. Really, no one needed to bring anything.
    At this point Evan, who had followed Dennis into the kitchen, chimed in. "Twas nothing at all Ms. It's just a little thingy I do every new years to buy a super large cake and eat it all." He said this with many emphatic hand gestures and laughing all the while. "But I mean, once Little Baker Bro here told me he was going to a party, figured I might as well share all that cakey goodness with everyone else."
    Dennis rubbed the back of his head and chuckled nervously. "Yeah his name is Evan Walker. He's kind of a friend of my family and my ride here so he just came kind of came with. Hope you don't mind too much," he explained to Maria.
    "Guilty as charged." Evan then noticed someone else walk into the room, and immediately noticed that awesome looking red hair.
    "Hey everyone."
    Dennis waved and Evan did a two finger salute, both going, "hey."
    Then with a look of sudden realization Evan pointed something out, "hey guys New Years is just around the corner. So what's everyone decided there resolution for the New Year going to be?" He pointed to himself, "I know mine's gonna be something like learning how to Ice-Skate. I mean it can't be too far off from rollerblading."
  12. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: A bit relived (X) Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Hospital (X) OOC:

    "Um... so Shane... what do you do for fun?"

    "Well, mostly I just play around with my phone or some sort of electronic." Shane answered. While he had no problems with going outside and getting some fresh air into his system, whether it was by choice or forced by his parents, it was just that he liked playing with his tech a bit more.

    While they talked, Shane ordered himself some coffee to drink. When his beverage arrived, he took a quick sip of it before putting it back down. With it being hot in nature, he'd rather not burn his tongue. "So,what do you like to do?" Now that she knew what he likes to do, he was curious about herself.

    While he waited for her response, he took casual sips of his coffee. It was still somewhat hot, but it was tolerable enough for him to take slightly bigger sips out of it.
  13. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Maria broke down and cut herself a very small slice of cake. Her stomach was too upset for anything too big. This wasn't so bad. Dennis and Evan made for decent company. The melancholy aura that had been veiled over her since she went to the funeral was slowly starting to lift. Her blue eyes shifted towards the door, wondering if Torvald and Lucas were going to come back inside. She hoped not. Lucas hadn't been invited and Torvald was an unwelcomed guest. She sighed and took a small bite of the cake. It was delicious. The sound of footsteps coming down the hall got her attention. She looked up to see Tucker walking into the kitchen wearing her brother's clothes. He had his wet ones in his arm. Hey everyone, he greeted. She smiled at him and nodded at his mouthed 'thank you.'

    Then with a look of sudden realization Evan pointed something out, Hey guys New Years is just around the corner. So what's everyone decided there resolution for the New Year going to be? He pointed to himself, I know mine's gonna be something like learning how to Ice-Skate. I mean it can't be too far off from rollerblading.

    Hm... I'd like to do something about my personal relationships, she commented lightly without looking at Tucker. I can take those Tucker. she told him. Abandoning her cake, Maria grabbed the wet clothes from him and brought them to the laundry room to put in the dryer. Unlike most people, she oddly enjoyed doing laundry. She turned on the machine and set it for a half hour. That should be long enough, she assessed. The dryer began to tumble and hum with life and she walked slowly out of the laundry room. It wasn't too far from the kitchen, so she wanted to take it slowly. It was hard for her to just act normal. There was so much more that she wanted and Maria had no clue how to approach the subject with Tucker. They would have to talk about it eventually. How long did he plan on avoiding the topic? If he would just give her a yes or no it would make things easier. It would utterly suck for him to say no, but then at least she could quit getting her hopes up. He acts sweet and boyfriend-y, but their relationship wasn't like that at all.

    When she arrived back in the kitchen, she smiled at everyone, but sidled up next to Tucker, leaning into him. Aside from being thrown into the snow, did you get here all right? she asked him. It sure took you a long time to get here. I was starting to think you weren't coming. Maria poked him lightly in the side and picked up her plate of cake off the counter, nibbling on it lightly.
    Wearing Music Date: 12/31/2015 Day: 11 & 4/4
    Mood: Nauseous Interaction: TuckerLocation: Family Home
    : TuckerActivity: Party OOC:
    DATE⁞ Thursday, December 31st, 2015 DAY⁞ 11 4/4
    LOCATION⁞ Maria's INTERACTION⁞ Elisa//Maria
    "Hmmmmm?" Elisa looked rather disoriented. Something definitely seemed off, but he didn't question it.

    "Never mind," he said. "Let's just go inside." Ryder got out of the car and opened the passenger side door for Elisa. He walked up to the house with her, eying Lucas and Torvald in a bit of confusion. What was up with them? Ryder gave them a nod of his head and said hello as he walked to the front door. He kept one hand on Elisa's elbow so that she wouldn't fall. The sidewalk was coated in a sheer layer of ice and by the looks of Elisa, it wouldn't take much to knock her down right now. When they got to the porch he let her go and knocked on the door. Ryder rubbed his cold hands together while they waited. After a minute, it opened.
    A bright-eyed smiling Maria greeted them, ushering the both of them into the house. "Hey. Glad you could make it. There's food in the kitchen and stuff in the living room. If you want to drop off your coat it can go in the closet here." She pointed to the closet next to the front door, before heading back in the direction of the kitchen. Ryder nodded and slipped his arms out of his jacket, putting it in the closet. He smiled at the bluenette and shoved his hands in his front pockets as he walked into the kitchen.
    "Hey." He waved to everyone in the kitchen and kept his head low. Ryder felt out of place with these theater people. Sure, he had been invited, but he couldn't help but think it was out of pity.
  14. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    [​IMG]Clothes Mood» Happy Music Date: 12/31/2015 Location » Street OOC:

    "Well, mostly I just play around with my phone or some sort of electronic."

    Estelle smiled. "I see. I used to love playing video games." Estelle laughed. "I still do, when I have time... but... not lately." Estelle said cheerfully.

    "So,what do you like to do?"

    "Well, I do like to make Manga stories, and I draw a lot." Estelle opened her hand bag up to show him a small picture of a mermaid. "I love drawing mermaids... I don't know why, but I love the ocean." Estelle laughed. "Other then drawing, my sister owns a gardening store, a few stores away from here, so I like to take care of the flowers." She explained. "We're kept very busy, since there is 4 of us. My older sister Vega, Stella, and Amaya. In that order." Estelle said. "Sorry... I talk a lot... I know I've mentioned it before, but I find it a bit annoying." Estelle said. "Oh, not when anyone else does it. Just me." Estelle stated embarrassed.

    She felt her face turning bright red, and she unbuttoned her coat and put it on the chair behind her. "Um..." Estelle was a little to nervous to speak. She longed that he would say anything to her. Estelle realized this was her first time out alone with a boy... that just made her face go redder. Was this a date? 'No.. no... course not.' She thought to herself. She wouldn't mind if it was, she hadn't been on one... but... No. Thats a silly thought. She drank some of her hot chocolate, looking down at the table.

  15. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts:Stupid me...|Place:Graveyard|Mood:Depressed|Music: ]

    The graveyard was silent, for night had come. New Years Eve festivities have begun, everyone was out partying and celebrating with their friends and family. Except for Zoey.

    She was the only living soul among the dead, visiting the grave sites of those that were just buried. She came to the third grave stone and looked down at the name, shining her flashlight on it. Richie Duvont. She barely knew him, but she remembered that everyone liked him so much. She pulled out a white rose from her diminishing bouquet and laid it on top of his grave stone reverently. "I'm sorry I missed the funeral," she said softly as if he could hear her, just as she said to the other two she visited moments ago. She bowed her head to him, stepping back from the grave stone. She stared down at the other flowers laid on the newly covered grave, feeling a wave of sadness come over her. A cough came over Zoey and she turned away from the scene, covering her mouth with the crook of her elbow as it racked through her chest. She took in a deep breath once it was done, sniffing to stop her runny nose from dribbling. Her chest ached from the cold air, but she hardly noticed as she began to walk along the tombstones to find the last one she needed to pay respects to.

    Zoey had always loved the graveyard. It was odd to anyone she told, but she found it so peaceful here. But tonight, she walked through the snow with a heavy heart. Why was she feeling so sad she was asking herself since she got here. She barely talked to these people, and was just getting to know Alex just only a few days ago...

    She felt her throat tighten at the thought, her eyes stinging from tears threatening to come. She took in a shuddering breath, wiping her good eye with the back of her gloved hand. It was followed with another gut wrenching cough and she stumbled on, determined to find Alex. Being in out in the cold for the last couple of days finally took a toll on Zoey. She hadn't had the heart to contact Freddie or went to go see Mr. Menon at all today. Yesterday, she only come home to sleep, that was it. After that, she would leave the house as quick as she could to avoid her father. She found herself aimlessly walking around town since the early hours of this morning until she got cold enough and then would find a shop to slip into to warm herself up. But she wouldn't stay there for very long and leave once more, venturing out into the winter air. Now her throat hurt, the coughs made it worse, and even under her thick jacket and winter skirt and boots, she felt somewhat cold. She just had so much on her mind, so much weighing on her heart that she felt like she couldn't face anyone or even stay in one place for very long.

    Finally, she found it. Alex's grave. It too was covered in flowers and tokens of all sorts like the other graves. The only thing that made this one different was that it was Alex's and Alex's final resting place. The Alex she use to quietly adore and was too shy to talk to him until the last dress rehearsal before opening night. Now he was gone...

    She forced a smile, shining her flashlight on the grave in front of her. "Hey Alex," she said, her voice cracking. "I'm so sorry I didn't come... I just..." She couldn't come up with any excuses. Before she knew it, she had collapsed on the cold ground, hugging herself tightly as she doubled over, the tears breaking free. A few lose rose petals fell from the bouquet and on to the ground, but she didn't notice. She was crying, her shoulders shaking. "I'm going to miss you so much," she whispered through her tears, hugging herself even tighter. "I didn't get to tell you, I was too scared, but... I always liked you. I always had a crush on you... You just seemed so-" She was interrupted by another cough that came through her chest, causing her shoulders to shudder painfully. She waited until it was gone before she continued, swallowing hard. "You've always seemed so nice. Very quiet, but you had something about you that I liked... And I won't see it again... And I just wanted to say... That I'll miss you and I came here to wish you... Goodbye..."

    Zoey sat up slowly, the tears still streaming down her face. With shaky hands, she placed her bundle of white roses on the fresh, but frozen dirt and then pulled her hands back. She held herself once more and then covered her face with her gloved hands, just letting herself cry. She could cry as much as she needed to. No one was around to see it but the ghosts and the ones sleeping in an eternal sleep underground. A couple of icky coughs escaped here and there as she cried, but she paid no mind to it. She just felt so broken and so upset... Not only because of the deaths that had happened, but because of what was just recently revealed to her. Her dad lied to her. She told her that her step mom was her real mom. She had no other mother. This wasn't true. There was no one else, even though she told him that she remembered someone else in her life; a boy. It was just a dream, nothing real. She was lied to for so long, endured so much pain... And then this happened...

    ...We can chase the [U][B]dark[/B][/U] together; if you go, then so will I...
  16. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 0 « OOC: N|A :

    Immediately following his first step into the house, Oliver removed his wet shoes. He watched Pierce walk to a new area and followed shortly behind her, taking in his new surroundings and trying to stop himself from feeling so guilty, some how.

    This new room was the kitchen, so he placed the box of pizza down on the counter the seemed more suited for it, and held tightly onto the DVD.

    Th-thanks for the p-pizza, she stuttered, avoiding his gaze. Y-you d-didn't have to c-come. He stepped back to allow her more room for grabbing the plates, and watched as she set them down, glanced at him, and then turned away. His lips pressed together. After a few moments of silence, he forced out a response.

    I know.

    The next silence was quickly cut short by the clanking of the plates against the counter. He internally cringed, but just found himself feeling ... awful. Pierce didn't seem so bad now. Not as slurry as she had been over the phone ... so had he come for no reason? Was this just an excuse to see her? To not be entirely alone on New Years Eve? He wasn't ... using her, was he? He didn't want to use her. Man, he felt so bad now and her stuttering was just making him feel like a rapist. Please stop.

    D-did you find it here ok-kay?

    Yep, no problems. You're close by. He looked away himself and clicked his tongue, feeling awkward. The awkwardness was relieved a bit when she brought him some apple juice, which made him want to laugh -- but he wasn't sure how she'd take it so he refrained and took a sip and sank back into feeling uncomfortable.

    S-so... you br-brought a mooovie? Finally, she sat down, letting him know it was okay to do the same with his slice of piza. He followed her and took a seat, slapping down his BlueBox copy of 'THE WHITEBOARD'. It was about a young girl who could communicate with restless spirits using her ~ special whiteboard ~. Interesting enough concept, but really corny poster art and it looked like it had terrible actors in it.

    Yeah, but it's okay if you don't want to watch it. He shrugged. ... Where are your parents? He hoped it didn't come across too forward, but he was curious.

  17. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    WEARING DATE 12/31/2015 DAY 11 & 4/4 MUSIC
    Yeah, but it's okay if you don't want to watch it. Oliver shrugged.
    She did. Pierce really wanted to watch the movie with him. She took a bite of the pizza. I do. she told him.
    ... Where are your parents? He asked.
    Pierce met his green eyes with her brown ones. Not here. Wasn't that answer enough? She swallowed the pizza before speaking. Work. My - my mom always works holidays like these. It p - pays more. Pierce took a deep breath. This was awful. Oliver was probably ready to leave, and why shouldn't he be? She wasn't good company. What did other people do when they were alone like this? The images of such ideas made her face turn red. Pierce looked away, trying to get her nerves under control. W - we could watch it n - now. she suggested. Pierce stumbled to her feet and picked up the pizza box.
    She started towards the living room but then stopped. Oliver was here and her mother's eccentric decorating tastes were embarrassing. U - um, m - my room might be b - better. The living room is... well... um... different. She held the pizza box so tightly that her fingers were turning white. There was a boy -- man -- in her house. She just invited him into her room when no one was home. She couldn't breath and could barely swallow. Her hands were numb. Shakily, she turned her doorknob and opened the door to her room. The cold air in there hit her in the face which helped her feel a little bit better.
    She set the pizza down at the foot of the bed and hurried over to her DVD player, turning it on. I'll - I'll take the movie... she told him. Pierce put it device and pressed play. When she turned back around, her eyes fell on the bottle of rum that was sitting on her nightstand and she dashed over to it, tripping as she went. Ah, she gasped. Pierce scrambled to her feet and grabbed the bottle by the neck. There was no cap on it and she splashed some liquor down the front of her dress. Shoot. Why did she have to be so clumsy. Her brown eyes flashed to Oliver with a look of horror on her face. She felt ready to cry. She was making a complete fool of herself. Pierce mashed her lips together and slumped down on the bed, still holding the bottle. She reeked like booze now. She huffed a heavy sigh. Sorry... It's just -- if you want to go, you d - don't have to stay... Without looking at him, Pierce took a pull off the bottle and set it on the floor. She already looked stupid to begin with, why not a little more?
  18. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007


    WEATHERCLOUDY, COLD 31°! ✖『DATE & TIME』 12/31/2015 - 9:02 PM ✖『DAY』 11

    Its alright to be scared Noelle...I have to admit that even I'm quite upset about the investigation about the death...they couldn't have just died all of a sudden like that...Noëlle felt sick.but still...being afraid is one thing, but what will moving away solve? where will you go? what will you do...its sad but death comes for all...I know its hard to believe...and me simply telling you this may not even be helpful at all...but you need to believe that things will be alright...be aware of caution, but don't let the fear run your life.

    When Julius reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder, her entire face lit up like a firework and her body felt ten degrees hotter.

    Living a life filled with fear is like not living at all...everything will be alright..you, Bryan...and me....we won't be going anywhere... He smiled and she returned it, sighing and feeling a bit more at ease despite things. I'll always be around whenever you need help or anything...I'm not going anywhere for a very long time alright kiddo?

    Her bag fell from her lap as she stood. It was an action she didn't think much about, but before she knew it, her arms were wrapped around Julius as best as they could be and she was giving him a gentle hug, holding back from completely breaking down -- as she could do that later -- and sniffling instead.

    Thank you ...

    The hug lasted an awkward amount of time, despite her contentedness with it, and when she pulled away she found her eyes sleepy and her face flushed.

    You're right, she breathed, wiping away a stray tear before it could fall to her chin. I can't just be afraid of everything, I guess ... It was all just getting to me. She lifted her big blue eyes and sighed out any remnants of negativity, bending over to grab her bag and place it back onto her lap.

    Thanks, Professor! I haven't felt this good in a while. You always know what to say.

    They chatted for a bit more about casual things, but it was getting late. After a few more minutes, she stood up reluctantly.

    I have to go before the buses stop running, but I'll try to visit you more often ... I hope you get out, soon. She frowned, realizing that she had -- again -- neglected to ask him what exactly had happened. Meh, it didn't matter, as long as he recovered.Feel better! See you soon.

    She gave him a wave and one more smile before stepping out of the hospital.

    When the door clicked closed behind her she nearly collapsed to the ground, her free hand clutching the red, festive fabric over her rapidly beating chest. Her heart felt like it was about to burst! Good thing she was in a hospital.

    Oh, god. After a few seconds of recovery, she was off to the bathroom, where she splashed her reddened face with water and gave herself a mini-pep talk over how ridiculous she was being. She hadn't gotten flustered like this with anyone except for Bryan and it was pissing her off that she didn't understand why it was happening now.

    Finally, when she felt like it was safe enough to leave the hospital, she was off back into the cold and waiting for the bus to come.


    When she got home, she sat outside on the porch playing with some sparklers for a bit, and then got herself something to eat. Eventually, she hopped into bed and fell asleep quickly.

  19. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: A bit relived (X) Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Cafe (X) OOC:

    Shane couldn't help but lightly chuckle at her remark. Not that it wasn't pretty close to what he actually did on his computer. "Well yeah, that kinda what I like to do." He reached for his cup and took another sip as Estelle began to explain what she liked.

    When she took the the picture of the mermaid she'd drawn, he was immediately amazed. "Wow, you drew this." The was no hiding how amazed he was. Whether it was seen in his eyes or by how he was speaking, it was clear what he was feeling. " I wish I could draw something like that."

    "I see." It seems like she had plenty of talents and like, which was more than he could say about himself. "Oh don't worry, i don't mind."
  20. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    [​IMG]Clothes Mood» Happy Music Date: 12/31/2015 Location » Street OOC:
    Shane couldn't help but lightly chuckle at her remark. "Well yeah, that kinda what I like to do."
    Estelle giggled nervously. She felt like such a kid, but she didn't really care

    "Wow, you drew this."

    Estelle turned as red as her handbag. "Oh, it's nothing... nothing that major." Estelle said. "I don't normally get many compliments on my drawing..." She said, trying to hide her rose red face.

    "I see."

    Estelle laughed again, trying to keep it together.

    "Oh don't worry, i don't mind."

    She smiled. "If you're sure..." She said. She was very happy with how this was turning out. "Um... Shane..." Estelle said a little bit shyly. "It's getting kind of late... and you should be getting back to you're party..." Estelle said, looking at the clock. "Um... I had a lot of fun with you this evening... maybe we could do it again sometime..." Estelle said, trying to keep eye contact.

    "If you like my drawings that much... maybe you could come over sometime and see what else I've done." Estelle smiled. "I live on top the of gardening shop across the street, you're welcome to visit anytime." Estelle said, getting up from the table. "Again, it was nice to have such good company." She said, extending her hand out to his.
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