❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Location: Cafe {} Mood: Moody {} OOC: Mah Time D:
    After finishing her meal, Sasha thanked the waitress and left a tip on the table before heading out. She tugged on her jacket as she walked around. It pretty cold even though it's around afternoon times. Besides, the restaurant had crappy coffee and hot drinks. A nice hot drink would help her from this cold weather. But seriously...the manager of that place needs to get fired or something...
    While wandering a bit, she spotted a cafe. It looked decent enough for her to enjoy a nice hot drink in. Not to mention she also needed a shelter for the cold for a bit before she could warm up and head back. Entering and taking a seat, she looked around the cafe. It was a nice little cozy place to be. She liked it. She then spotted two people talking. They looked familiar. Probably people she must've seen earlier at camp. She could care less about those two. She ordered a mocha frap and decided to doodle around while waiting.
    On her phone, she scrolled through her messages. Ugh...more help requests from my guild. Damn...can't they do anything themselves? I'm seriously tempted to ask permission to kick these noobs out. Her drink then came and she took a sip of it, wincing a little as she burnt her tongue. "Ugh..." She might as well get back to them once she got back home. Besides, she wasn't planning to go to the party anyways. Especially one after a sensitive event she had no involvement in.
  2. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Dennis Baker:
    [---Day 10(3/4)---December 30th---Location: Home---Mood: Apathy---Ooc: N/A]

    Dennis had done nothing for the past few days. He had been really nervous to even approach his door, but at this point he started not caring anymore. As in just feeling a general apathy towards most things. Instead of going out and doing other things and be active, he merely holed up in his apartment and played video games and watched television. Today was to be no different, though he figured he might try to do something different today. He realized that rehearsals were still probably going on and that he should probably still be going to them so he briefly considered it. However, he wasn't so sure after much consideration.

    He decided to continue pondering over his decision and remembered about the text he received earlier about going to a new years party after the funeral. Well that surely wasn't going to be his cup of tea. Not only was he terrible at funerals, but a somber new years party directly after said funeral didn't seem like it'd be the best thing either. Regardless of that, he decided that tomorrow he would probably go out to the funeral anyway. As much as he hated going to them, if it was a funeral for anyone he knew , then he felt morally bound to go to it. And who knows, maybe the new years party afterwards might be the thing to get him out of his slump.

    But still, today he simply got out of bed and proceeded with regular activities. He looked outside and saw Evan's car was still there. The dude was clearly in no rush to pick it up anytime soon. Sure he was a crappy driver an all but he should still have his car on him in case he needed it. What was Evan doing anyway? He didn't really care to think on his brother's friend's life anymore and so he just decided to sit down on the couch and play some fighting games to give him something to really focus on.
  3. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007



    WEATHERSNOWING, COLD 27°! ✖『DATE & TIME』 12/30/2015 - ??AM ✖『DAY』 09

    Message To: Maria
    I'm planning on going as soon as possible,so this morning would be best. I'll just meet you there, alright?

    Short and sweet. She was tired, and definitely didn't feel like doing anything after rehearsal ... if she even went. What were they doing ...? Noëlle couldn't understand it. Professor Julius was in the hospital, and several of their cast members had died. There was a police investigation going on, no doubt, and they were still going to put on the play? How were their -- the deceased -- parents taking it? The school board?

    The more she thought about it ...

    Her fingers trembled and she rolled onto her stomach, pressing her ankles together and sighing deeply into her pillow. Memories, memories, paranoia, anguish. Next thing she knew, her phone was whipped out again, the bright screen lighting up her face. Bryan's number was dialed and as soon as he answered ...

    I think we should move. Her voice wasn't very confident at all and her body kept switching positions on her bed [ eventually ending up sprawled out on the floor by her computer chair ]. Her fingertips played with the ends of her red hair and her chest tightened with anticipation.

    . . . Move where? What's with all of the suddenness?

    I don't know, just ... Away? Her fingers began to tremble again and she shot upright with a shaky breath, scooting back against a leg of the chair to steady herself. Heavy eyelashes fluttered as her eyes blinked, shuffling through the thoughts in her head one by one. I just feel like bad things will keep happening ... I don't know why but ... I'm scared.

    She wasn't there. She left. What if she had been there at Sophie's that morning? What happened there -- exactly? It was just ... You're not supposed to go through things like this, especially not more than once. Pairing the horrible events of that summer with the recent deaths ... What if something happened to Bryan ...?

    Transferring schools, and . . . the whole nine yards? You're . . . I don't know. Maybe you would . . . Maybe I should come home more often. I'm kind of scared, too. But moving away? How would we explain it to mom?

    Her eyes cast down at the carpet, watching her toes curl into the plush surface as her shoulders dropped dejectedly.
    Yeah ... I'm sorry ... I just freaked out a bit there, I think, haha. Talk to you later.
    She didn't wait for him to say goodbye. Once she hung up, she stood and stretched. Bryan ... What could she say? It was silly ... She was on the verge of some kind of melt down, that much was clear, but he wasn't the one to confide in about it. It wasn't his fault, he was right on all fronts. He was still a very good big brother.

    But he wasn' a teddy bear.

    She couldn't just lug him around wherever she wanted.

    He wouldn't be with her forever.


    The bus ride to the hospital was long, annoying and tiresome. She had taken a walk through the snow to a nearby coffee shop to get herself a small breakfast [ coffee and a scone ], but had immediately been asked to discard of the food upon entry to the vehicle. She needed her own car, badly, but they weren't rich and she wasn't necessarily willing to settle for a piece of crap.

    Nearly getting on the wrong second bus twice, she finally made it and took a seat outside of the building to wait for Maria.

  4. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    He blinked at her, eyes slightly widening as she turned away from him and spoke. Her words were harsh and her tone of her voice was bitter. He straightened his stance once more, glancing away from her. Everything slowly began to feel wrong again. The feeling he had while he tried to put up with Sean earlier that morning returned. It had gone for a while, when he caught sight of Maria. It as like a glimmer of hope. Hope for the possibility of sunshine to finally break through the dark cloud over his head. Sadly, that sparkle seemed to be fading.

    "Was there something you needed, or...?"

    For a second, he was speechless, returning his attention towards her. With her looking away, she didn't see his stunned expression. It was so off-putting. So odd. It suddenly felt like he was talking to a total stranger. His insides felt like they were flipping about and he couldn't seem to look at her for much longer. He inhaled sharply as his chestnut eyes danced away from her, "Um, no, I was just. Um. Uh." he didn't know exactly what to say, but would rather fill the dragging silence with er's and um's and uh's. He just wanted things to be okay for a while, because he's been having a pretty crap morning. He thought Maria could be that distraction from what he was so upset about. Well, not really so much a distraction - more of a remedy, but now, all he could do was wish Maria could turn his frown upside down. He let out a small sigh and forced a smile on, looking at her once more "Just... just wanted to say hello and well, I hope you enjoy your time with whoever you're meeting then. See you later."

    Before he could say anything more, she turned her back to him and started walking away. It made him frown, his eyebrows furrowing together as he watched her go. He didn't stop her or walked after her or even moved in the slightest. He let out a heavy exhale, seeing his breath in the cold winter air. It felt like his whole world just got flipped upside down. He felt even more empty than the past few days. Part of him honestly thought people were concerned or missed him while he was away - but he didn't feel like any of them did. He just felt alone.

    He hung his head down, looking down at his boots. What was he doing wrong? He felt so lost and broken and abandoned. Maybe he should go home and have a chat with Michelle or his mother, but this usually made him accept all the sadness rather than have it go away. Plus, he didn't want to go home since he knew he was just going to rot in his room again - and he was already trying his hardest to avoid that. He didn't want to go to the Animal Shelter because that would have meant facing Sean again, which was not one of his plans for the day either. He lifted his head up one last time, looking up at the blonde actress who continued to walk away from him. He wished she didn't have to leave him but he probably deserved it. He wanted to spend the day with her. He wanted to smile again - like, really smile. However, that didn't seem to fit anywhere into his schedule today.

    He blinked and watched her for the tiniest bit longer before turning his back to her, stuffing his hands deeper into his pockets and walking the opposite direction. He hung his head low and watched as he put one foot in front of the other, making his way to the auditorium - taking the longest route possible. Staying inside the sound booth, probably taking a nap to distract himself and try not to succumb to nightmares seemed like his best bet so far. All company seemed to do was put him in an even more disturbing mood.
  5. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Maria glanced back over her shoulder to see Tucker walking off in the other direction. His shoulders were slumped and he looked utterly broken. She stopped walking abruptly. It was like someone punched her in the gut. The wind was knocked out of her and she couldn't seem to breathe. No. No, no, no, no, no. That was not what she wanted. She didn't want to hurt Tucker, even if he didn't like her. She watched as he kept getting farther away from her.

    Her phone beeped and numbly, she pulled it out. It was a text from Noëlle. Her blue eyes scanned over the words quickly. Meet her there. Her breath felt icy and frigid and all her insides seemed to be freezing. She typed a quick, 'okay see you soon,' and slipped the phone back in her pocket. When she glanced up again, Tucker was even further away. He looked like he was headed in the direction of the auditorium, but the route he was taking would take him awhile to get there. She started following after him. Her leg still hurt, but it was barely noticeable anymore. She started moving her shaky legs faster.

    Maria tromped through the snow as she ran after him. Her feet were soaking wet and freezing, but she didn't care. All she cared about was not hurting Tucker. She put all that work into getting closer to him and she didn't want this to he the end result. The frozen ground crunched underneath her feet. Maria panted and wheezed as she ran. She had to stop to catch her breath, hunched forward and clutching her knees. She took shallow shaky breaths and bit down hard on her bottom lip. Her blue eyes flashed up at his fleeting figure and started running again. She couldn't feel her legs.

    Maria didn't stop until her body slammed into his back and she wrapped her arms tightly around his waist. T-Tucker, she panted. She buried her face into his back. Don't-don't look s-so hurt... please. I just... I d-didn't want you to see... a-and Noëlle... w-we're going to see Julius. She talked into his jacket, gasping for air. She was freezing, wet, and out of breath. Running was gross. How anyone could enjoy it, she didn't understand. I've never rode the bus before... will you-will you c-come with me...?

    Wearing Music Date: 12/30/2015 Day: 10 & 4/4
    Mood: Broken Interaction: TuckerLocation: Campus Outside
    : TuckerActivity: OOC:
  6. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    As Julius laid in bed he was soon greeted by a call from Noelle which brought the man great relief. Being able to see somebody other than Jonathan would be nice and it would be a great opportunity to see just how everybody was after everything that had occurred. With a sigh Julius merely rested his head back and closed his eyes with a sigh. For now he would take the time to rest and prepare himself for some work later on.

    Running the play was definitely not as easy as it looked and after what had happened the school board and parents were at his neck about what happened and what would happen next. Alot of people were definitely not pleased with the whole entire party and nobody really even took heed to what happened to him in the slightest. It was not like he wanted any pity or even any shred of notice, but why did they have to send the blame to him? just because he was the adult? So much stress was being built up and he never even got to even properly talk with his brother yet. Though the two always fought, Julius felt really bad about giving his brother such work and especially since his brother took a big step in his life.

    Letting out another sigh, Julius placed his hand over his eyepatched eye and groaned soon after "This is such a piss off" Julius said before opening his one eye "though...am I...doing things right....maybe being a professor may not be the best occupation for me" Julius said before clenching the eyepatch in his fist "Damn it all.." Julius said.
  7. al215 Kingdom Keeper

    May 29, 2013
    "My name?" She asked. "My name is Estelle Luna." She answered, smiling. "Estelle means 'Star' and Luna means 'Moon'." She explained. "It's kind of strange, but my father liked stars and space, so all my sisters have names that share the word 'Star'." Estelle laughed. "Sorry. I just met you and I'm already rambling on like this." She laughed. "If you don't mind my asking, what is your name?"

    Aidan smiled at how she seemed to just ramble on. It was kind of cute, and it reminded him of him a bit. He looked her in the eyes and smiled as charmingly as possible. He was undoubtedly going to fail. Hard.
    "My name's Aidan. Aidan Samarost. Ain't got such an interestin' story as yours. Far as I know, some chappy a few hundred or thousand years back thought Aidan was a pretty cool name, and then another bloke decided Samarost was a cool name too. Then the Samarost bloke had a bunch o' kids and a whole ton of history happened and the Aidan name was still cool sounding, so Dad stuck 2 and 2 together and made a metaphorical 4." Aidan explained.

    "Just outta curiosity what do you do with your spare time?" Aidan asked. Before he got to know her, he decided to find out what she did and see if there were any parallels, or if she was the judgemental kind. That would be bad. Best to find out how accepting she was of gamers like him. He was handy with the guitar too, but that wasn't something he would identify as a main part of himself. He also drew a bit these days, but it was pretty bad (He thought) though he was getting better. He wouldn't count it as one of his big talents. He hoped dearly this would go alright. He wouldn't mind having a friend again.

    Bad Aidan! Stop thinking about that. He finished off the last of his soup with a rather ungentlemanly slurp.
    "I apologise for my rudeness miss." He said. "That wasn't particularly gentlemanly of me." He also downed his drink as well, this time without the accidental obnoxious noise. Just as well he did it then. It was getting kind of cold.
  8. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City
    ooc: will format when I get home if I don't pass out gomen

    He swore he would have totally ninja-rolled or karate kicked away when arms wrapped tightly around him if it weren't for the familiar voice that called for his name. Delicate arms wrapped around his waist as she buried her face into the back of his jacket and continued to speak.

    Don't-don't look s-so hurt... please. I just... I d-didn't want you to see... a-and Noëlle... w-we're going to see Julius.

    Not wanting to see? See her? What? That's all he wanted to do. He pulled his hands out from his pockets, placing them gently over her wrists. He didn't exactly get what she was saying other than it seemed like the person she was planning to meet was Noelle, and that they would go and visit Julius. He could feel her shaking body as she kind of leaned into him. She ran? She could have just called out to him! Then again, Tucker was lost in his own thoughts again and ignoring the soft buzzing from his phone (Sean was texting and calling like crazy), he probably wouldn't have noticed - just like he didn't hear her footsteps coming. She talked in between pants.

    I've never rode the bus before... will you-will you c-come with me...?

    He couldn't help but smile. That little glimmer was coming back, and things were maybe turning around. He slowly began to untangle her arms from himself, holding her wrists gently. He let go of them for a moment as he turned to face her, but held her again. He was kind of scared she was going to collapse or something. He smiled down at her, feeling everything bad joint he cold winter breeze, "You've never rode a bus?" he started with a little laugh. It was kind of silly how easy that moment kind of turned around for him and he couldn't quite explain it, but he couldn't help but finally put his cheeky little grin on. "Come on then, let's-"

    His words were cut off as he noticed what he caught behind her sun glasses earlier. Bruises. It was unmistakable (Tucker would like to thank his height for being able to spot this more clearly). His eyes widened for a moment, his smile disappearing as his lips separated into a silent gasp. What happened to her?! Before a thousand theories entered his head, he remembered her shaky voice I d-didn't want you to see... He closed his mouth, putting on a small smile. She did say she was fine right? Of course it worried him, and he wanted to know, but she looked so frazzled and tired as well - it probably wasn't nice to pry at a time like this. When she'd be ready, then she'd tell him right? He hoped it was soon, a frown tempted to replace his smile as he continued to notice the bruises.

    "Let's go." he finally finished, looking at her blue eyes and ignoring the bruises by it. He stripped off his jacket, placing it over her shoulders. She just seemed so much colder than she should be. He wished he could do something more, probably getting to the bus soon was a good idea. She could sit and it would be much warmer. He placed a hand over her shoulder, as they began to walk in a steady pace, but stuffed that hand back into his pocket, pressing his bare arms closely to his warm body as he walked next to her.
  9. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    [​IMG]Clothes Mood» Happy Music Date: 12/26/2015 Location » Home OOC:
    He looked her in the eyes and smiled as charmingly as possible.
    Estelle blushed a bright red and smiled under her pretend cough.

    "My name's Aidan. Aidan Samarost. Ain't got such an interestin' story as yours. Far as I know, some chappy a few hundred or thousand years back thought Aidan was a pretty cool name, and then another bloke decided Samarost was a cool name too. Then the Samarost bloke had a bunch o' kids and a whole ton of history happened and the Aidan name was still cool sounding, so Dad stuck 2 and 2 together and made a metaphorical 4." Aidan explained.
    Estelle laughed. "That's actually very interesting." Estelle said. "I like to hear interesting names, because they're so good in books..." Estelle started to say, but stopped. She didn't want to get into her Manga writing.

    "Just outta curiosity what do you do with your spare time?" Aidan asked.
    Estelle smiled shyly. She guessed that she'll have to get into it. "Well, I have very little spare time, even when I'm not working I'm still working." She said. "I write Mangas for a publisher in a few cities over. They don't make much, but it's the only way I can help with the families financial trouble." She explained. "I don't really have a lot of time on my hands though, that's why I don't go to school very often... My grades are pretty good though either way, but I have a poor attendance record." She took a breath. "I used to play the Violin a lot though, I also used to sing but... a long time ago I got kind of shy..." Why was she being so open with him... she wasn't normally like this. But he seemed like a person she could trust... but then again... an image flashed in her brain of another boy... she clenched her fists tightly. 'Nevermind that Estelle...' She whispered very very quietly under her breath.

    "I apologise for my rudeness miss." He said. "That wasn't particularly gentlemanly of me."
    Estelle snapped out of her day dream. "Oh, it's ok." Estelle said smiling. "I'm sorry too." She said. "I think too much sometimes and don't really pay attention." She said laughing.

  10. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: Content (X)Wearing (X) Music (X) Location:Cafe (X) OOC: Probably my only post before i get forced off the computer again
    A few minutes had pass and Shane had finished with the race he way playing. According to the on screen clock, he'd been sitting there for about 15 minutes. That seemed like enough time was spent doing nothing. Now he had the option of leaving or actually ordering something. First however he was going to move to another seat.
    There a fair amount of other people at the cafe, all he had to do was to find another table to sit. He looked around for a brief moment before his eyes settled on a place to sit. There were only two other people there, a male and a female, and it seemed like they were already talking to each other to an extent. Surely they wouldn't mind if he joined them. Pocketing his cellphone, he got up and headed there way.
    Upon arriving a the table, he spoke as to get there attention. "Do you mind if I sit here?" Since he asked, all he could do now was to wait for a response.
  11. al215 Kingdom Keeper

    May 29, 2013
    "Ah, writing Manga. Interesting." Aidan said, nodding his head. "I've read a few, not many though. Don't know what they're called offhand. I occasionally borrow them from the library. You've gotta be pretty talented to do that. Getting published too, now that's impressive." He'd attempted to write books before and get them published. Never worked out. He appreciated her success. He was a tad envious too. He knew it was for a good reason though. You get published for good stuff. She must be pretty good indeed.

    "Violin... Fair enough. I do acoustic and electric guitar personally." Aidan explained. "I also sing a bit. Mostly for fun and pretty much never with the guitar as well. I need to focus on doing one. Can't hit the right notes with me voice and play properly. Besides, most of what I try and play on my guitar is soundtrack anyway. It's not like there'a lot of singing in that." She seemed comfortable talking to him. That was good. If she could talk to him easily, he could easily talk to her back. Good sign as far as he saw.

    "Fair enough for being shy. I'm not that confident myself." Aidan said. "I'm acting all confident now, but inside... Inside I'm praying to God that this goes well. I'm nervous. I'm not too good at talking to people." It was true. He was better now. Much better than he was, but that still wasn't great.

    "Personally, apart from the guitar and the singing, I do a little bit of drawing. Not terribly good mind. But still, it's fun and I do it for fun more than anything. God knows I could never make a career outta it. Above all... Well I play a lot of games on my computer. Bit nerdy maybe, but hey. C'est moi, as the French say. At least I think they say that. Not sure. Do they? Or would they say something else... Oh well damn! There I go. Ramblin' on about nothing. As I was saying. So yeah that's me. Games, guitar, bit of writing stories and a bit of bad drawing. And singing. Not much to me really. I suppose in comparison to most, I'm just a bit dull." Aidan rambled. That was silly. That certainly wasn't going to help him. That said, she seemed to be similar in the habit of rambling. Okay. Maybe they were fine.

    "So what brings you down here?" Aidan asked her. "I came here for a decent meal persoanlly."

    Then another person arrived, asking if he could sit. He shrugged.
    "Sure, why not? So long as the lady's fine with it I am." Aidan replied neutrally.
  12. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    [​IMG]Clothes Mood» Happy Music Date: 12/26/2015 Location » Home OOC:

    "Ah, writing Manga. Interesting." Aidan said, nodding his head. "I've read a few, not many though. Don't know what they're called offhand. I occasionally borrow them from the library. You've gotta be pretty talented to do that. Getting published too, now that's impressive."

    Estelle blushed again. "I-" Her voice cracked. "Um.. Thank you." She said looking away from him.

    "Violin... Fair enough. I do acoustic and electric guitar personally." Aidan explained. "I also sing a bit. Mostly for fun and pretty much never with the guitar as well. I need to focus on doing one. Can't hit the right notes with me voice and play properly. Besides, most of what I try and play on my guitar is soundtrack anyway. It's not like there'a lot of singing in that."

    Estelle laughed. He talked a lot... he didn't look very talkative from when she first saw him...

    "Fair enough for being shy. I'm not that confident myself." Aidan said. "I'm acting all confident now, but inside... Inside I'm praying to God that this goes well. I'm nervous. I'm not too good at talking to people."

    Estelle grinned. "Well... I'm glad it's not just me." She laughed playfully.

    "Personally, apart from the guitar and the singing, I do a little bit of drawing. Not terribly good mind. But still, it's fun and I do it for fun more than anything. God knows I could never make a career outta it. Above all... Well I play a lot of games on my computer. Bit nerdy maybe, but hey. C'est moi, as the French say. At least I think they say that. Not sure. Do they? Or would they say something else... Oh well damn! There I go. Ramblin' on about nothing. As I was saying. So yeah that's me. Games, guitar, bit of writing stories and a bit of bad drawing. And singing. Not much to me really. I suppose in comparison to most, I'm just a bit dull." Aidan rambled.

    Estelle beamed. This was really nice... all those years of never talking to anyone... now she whispered she had. "Oh no, not at all." Estelle said. "I used to love playing video games. Hardcore games. Before I got so busy."

    "So what brings you down here?" Aidan asked her. "I came here for a decent meal persoanlly."

    Estelle thought about it for a while.... what did bring her down here? She just came here. Oh now she knew what she could say. "Well, I always come here when I'm writing. My eldest sister, Vega, she owns a Gardening shop just down the street, we live on the upper level." Estelle explained. "Well, it's not just us. I have 3 sisters. Vega, Stella, and Amaya. And then Xion, she's the cat." Estelle laughed. From the corner of her eye, Estelle saw another boy... she stared for a while... sort of in fear. He asked if he could sit here. She looked away from the two.

    "Sure, why not? So long as the lady's fine with it I am." Aidan replied neutrally.

    Estelle gulped. "Um... Ok." She said, moving over a little bit, nervously. She looked at him, feeling a little less afraid. "I'm Estelle." She said. "Nice to meet you."
  13. al215 Kingdom Keeper

    May 29, 2013
    Aidan was pleasantly surprised at the revelation that she actually used to play games too. He listened to her talk about her family.
    "For me, it's just my mum Delilah and my dad, James. We're a small family you see." Aidan explained quickly. He turned his attention to the new fellow.
    "My name's Aidan. And yours?" He asked. "How've you been?" Small talk. Gotta make small talk right?

    He wondered what made this stranger come here though. Maybe he was a lonely soul, like him. And possibly Estelle. Not that it was his place to judge who or what she was, especially not at this juncture. This was hopeful though. Maybe another potential friend? That'd be nice.

    He should come to cafes more often. It was a good way to meet people apparently. Who knew? Apparently it was easy to talk to people in a public place in front of everyone. Well, life works in mysterious ways he supposed.
    "I never figured that a cafe of all places would be the best place to meet people." Aidan said randomly.
  14. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: Content (X)Wearing (X) Music (X) Location:Cafe (X) OOC: Never mind, this will be my last post until I end the day
    "I'm Estelle."
    "Nice to meet you."
    "Nice to meet you too, I'm Shane." He replied, taking a seat. So far so good. Everything was going smoothly for him. "So, what were you guys talking about?" In terms of icebreaker, that was the best that he could think of. His other option was to wait for them to ask something, but he decided to be proactive and ask something first.
    While he waited he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. It was probably a missed call since he rarely used his phone for social reasons like texting and more for personal reasons. He would check to see who'd called now, but didn't want to come off as being rude to people he'd just met. Instead he would wait a bit before checking, it couldn't be so important that it couldn't wait until later.
  15. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Location: Cafe {} Mood: Moody {} OOC: NOTHING SAID ABOUT ASSUMPTIONS ARE 100% TRUE. Just saying before some of you go apeshit on me and kill my pet rock

    Well her plan for finding a quiet cafe was throw out the window. It seemed the group next to hers was very sociable (in some sort) not to mention another person joining up with them. Normally, she would roll her eyes and ignore the group, but since they were at least people who she had some sort of info on at least. In addition, they wouldn't throw random sh*t at her, unless they were pricks of some sort. So now in her 'stalker' phase, she continued sipping away her drink while giving a listen to their conversation.
    From what Sasha observed, Estelle seemed like the girl that had a lot of similar hobbies like her except she seemed a lot more sociable as well as not a potential target for being a target for cans/sharp objects. Also on a side note, she doesn't play video games anymore. Ouch. There goes some brownie points on her list. There needs to be more females kicking ass on the internet. Too many guys with their 'back to the kitchen' jokes. Shane sounded like the guy who would rather be inside his home and playing games/surfing the web rather than going out. However, he seemed good looking enough to be liked by the public. Finally, there was Aidan. In her eyes, he looked the most 'adaptive' in the whole group. If there was a stereotype of a human being, he would probably be one example. He was like a jack-of-all-trades. He had a liking in almost every single subject.
    If there was a reason why people called Sasha a 'stalker,' now is a good time to assume why. She had a larger hearing and a little more sensitive looking range than a normal person, perfect far catching little info here and there. Like now for instance, she made a lot of assumptions on the three people next to her, though not all of them are 100% true, but what the hell. Nothing's wrong with an assumption. Besides, they wouldn't care for her assumptions, not to mention they probably don't even note her existance in the cafe
  16. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Tucker seemed to instantly relax in her arms. That was good. It made her feel better as well. He untangled himself from within her arms and faced her, still holding her wrists. She liked the way this felt. "You've never rode a bus?"

    Maria felt her face flush. "No..." Hopefully he would just blame it on the cold.

    He start with a little laugh and finally put his cheeky little grin on. It was good to see him laugh and smile. "Come on then, let's-" his eyes widened and it felt like she was going to throw up. He saw. There was no denying it. Tucker most definitely saw. She sucked in a sharp breath. "Let's go." he finally finished, looking at her blue eyes. Tucker slipped out of his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. He had to be freezing. His shirt was sleeveless. He put his smile back on to hide that he saw. Maria stuck close to him, wrapping her hands around his arm.

    The bus stop was across campus, the walk was silent, but nice. There was no awkwardness anymore. She missed being comfortable with Tucker. The bus was interesting. There were so many different people and the smells were... different. Maria stuck very close to Tucker. Any excuse to be close to him was good enough for her. Three bus rides later and they were outside the hospital. Maria felt bad for Tucker, so once they were inside, she shrugged off his jacket and handed it back to him. " Thanks," she told him. Maria grabbed his hand, holding it firmly with her icicle fingers as they walked. Noëlle said she'd be waiting. Maria was smiling brightly behind her sunglasses when she noticed the red head. She waved with her free hand. "Noëlle!" She shouted, getting her attention. Maria dropped Tucker's hand and walked over to her. " Hey, I hope you didn't have to wait too long. I ran into Tucker on the way and he wanted to come with." She told her. It was mostly the truth.
  17. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    After hangin out at the cafe for a while, Shane eventually got up and headed home. Upon getting there, he soon took his shower and got dressed in his night clothes. Finally he climbed into bed and drifted off to sleep.
  18. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Ooc: Rushed Post because having to get off computer soon.

    Dennis had spent most of his day just mulling over things. He had looked around his apartment to find something that he could wear to a funeral, and after going into the depths of his closet he was finally able to pull out something that looked good for the occasion. Having done that he simply got back on his couch and started playing the day away. It wasn't the most exciting thing to do but it help him lose himself into the world of games. He needed them to help get his mind off why tomorrow was happening but when night finally came, he had been hit by the scene all over again. It made him a bit nauseous still thinking of all those that died, but he started to try and accept it little by little. Tomorrow was the fateful day when everyone would come back together and just mourn their losses. Followed by a probably ill timed party, but nonetheless he would attend it. With trying to build a resolve to steel himself for the funeral he lied in bed and let the night take him away.
  19. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    [ooc: was hoping other people would post, but now I'm really tired and have work in the morning.]

    Pierce had a fairly enjoyable day hanging out with Sophie. The other girl was staying again tonight, but was leaving tomorrow morning due to the funeral. Oliver had texted her back and said he would like to go skating again. That made her happy. Tomorrow was the funeral and Maria's party. She and Sophie were going to the spa New Years Day and then the following day would be ice skating with Oliver. It was the last day before returning to school. She would need to find some time between now and then to finish her homework that was assigned during the break. She kind of hoped Oliver would help her after ice skating. High school homework had to be really easy for a college student. Pierce didn't want to get too excited about it, it probably wasn't even really a date or anything, but the next few days were filled with things that made her feel good ( excluding the funeral ). They were just what she needed to be happy again, because all she could help but feel was that something else extremely terrible was about to happen and that wasn't good.

    After saying goodnight to Sophie, Pierce crawled into bed smiling. The horrible thoughts of those that died were virtually pushed out of her head for the time being. She pulled the covers over her head and curled into Sophie's side before nodding off to sleep.


    The hospital visit had been all right. It wasn't great, but wasn't terrible. She enjoyed the company of Tucker, Noëlle, and Julius. Hopefully the latter would not be in the hospital for much longer. The three of them had finally heard the whole story about his car crash. Maria dreaded the moment when it was time to leave. Stephan met her at the hospital and she refused to speak with him. She offered Tucker a ride home before shutting the car. She grumpily sat in the car with her arms crossed the whole way and stormed into her room when they got home. Maria locked the bedroom door and crawled into bed, going to sleep.
  20. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007



    WEATHERCLOUDY, COLD 29°! ✖『DATE & TIME』 12/30/2015 - ??AM ✖『DAY』 10

    Tucker had come along, and she didn't know if that was a good thing or not. After a bit of brooding she went for a neutral stance on it. He was a good guy, she just felt ... awkward. Visiting Julius was more heart-wrenching than she thought it would be. It was kind of scary seeing him in the hospital. She didn't exactly know the details of what had happened to him, and she didn't dare to ask about it. Instead, they all chatted idly.

    Rehearsal was rather uncomfortable as well. The air was thick. There was something lethargic about it ... The funerals would be tomorrow and so was Maria's party, both of which made her nervous. She didn't want to go to either, if she was a honest.

    When she got home, she grabbed something to eat and headed straight to bed.

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