❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    Because Saxima is in terrible shape and is on the verge of dying, each of her characters went to sleep in respective places that would be elaborated on when her health was far more acceptable and less feverish.

    She hopes that you will understand.
  2. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Practice was over faster than Jonathan expected and for him things really didn't change at all. It was truly disappointing, but he figured it would be a long term program that would need much work. "Maaaaaaaan this is tough...didn't expect to be doing work the moment I friggin got here" Jonathan said with a groan as he walked back to the hotel. Jonathan contemplated on visiting Julius for a while, but in the end he figured it would have been too late at the moment.

    Thinking about the condition of Julius, Jonathan could only sigh and close his eyes. Julius was tough that's for sure, but the man held not much sense of self. True he would do something ridiculously stupid, but the man would still do a **** load regardless. The pain he was feeling right now, though they were caused by totally different scenarios they were still pain regardless. Jonathan feared for his brother, he feared for the psyche of Julius and he feared if any unpleasant memories would return to the man.

    "A teacher..." Jonathan said staring up at the sky as he said that. Jonathan began to realize that despite the car crash and the incident he told him 2 years ago, his life had been at least improving...but the big question was what was Jonathan going to do in his life? Escaping his fathers grasp was merely the first task, but he just didn't know what to do next.These questions haunted him and as he returned to his room he headed to bed and fell asleep.
  3. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves

    { m u s i c }
    [ --- ]

    For the past few days, Fatime was unable to do anything.
    Feeling was a lost companion to her. The ability to walk, to talk, to move. It slowly drained away from her frail body without a semblance of immediate return or hope. Her eyes felt permanently red, and the insides of her hands were raw from clenching her nails much too hard. She had tossed and turned in her bed, but slowly the wave of apathy would begin to dawn upon her, and as the start of the next day dawned, Ayanna would enter Fatime's room and realize that she had such little consideration of her surroundings that she even threw her books to the floor.

    << I do not care, the magpie cried. >>

    And it was to say, whenever Ayanna came to her; ran her strong and wise hands upon Fatime's head to wake her from the storm of pillows and fallen bedsheets that she had let go awry; that was the only thing Fatime's voice would respond with. The ghostly girl underwent a change that let the blood drain from her face.

    It was her fault.
    Her fault.
    Her fault ...

    When the time passed, Ayanna would stop coming into Fatime's room, leaving the girl alone in her terrifying emptiness. She would clutch for the books on the ground but she gave up too quickly. What was the point of running away to fictional worlds when reality faced you with its angered, vengeful eyes? What good was it to keep living in a lie of a world to satisfy the heart that had already been cursed and stricken down by the victory of death?

    The clock was Fatime's only company in this harrowing time.
    Tick. Tock.
    Tick. Tock.
    And with each snap of the hands, she felt a piece of her soul fall away into the abyss of dread.

    - - -

    The sound of late-night thunder shot Fatime out of her bed, waking her just for a brief moment. It was a moment, a moment someone would feel when they would just wake up and not a thought of the past or the future would go through their heads. Only the present, and whatever warmth or cold it harboured. Fatime only felt fear, but it was a feeling that she was all too used to, for she had become a weak, soulless, goblin of fear. Hidden away from whatever friends she had now lost, hidden from her brother whom she so foolishly involved in this mess, hidden from society, hidden from reality, hidden from the truth. And no matter how much she struggled, no matter how much she tried to lift up her delicate wings through the cold steel bars of the cage that she had trapped herself in, she would breathe, huff, but simply could not.


    Another flash of light exploded from beyond the blinds Ayanna had put up a few days ago and Fatime decided not to open at all.
    She wanted to call for Ayanna. She wanted to call for someone, anyone. Anyone to take her away from the weight upon her heart. She opened her mouth and tried to call.

    But this girl, oh no, she could not bring herself to say the words from her heart.



    There was no more thunder.
    Fatime slowly fell back to her bed, returning to this void of slowly growing fear, in her ambivalent, bitter slumber.

  4. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    [​IMG]Clothes Mood» Tired Music Date: 12/26/2015 Location » Home OOC:

    Estelle woke up, her head on the desk. She looked around, her Manga was under her heed. She propped herself, looking over at Xion, who was asleep in her own bed. She listened to the music playing in her ears. She hummed to herself silently and looked at herself. She must've fallen asleep while working. She must've fainted again. She over worked herself. She lied back and stretched. Vega had told her countless times that she couldn't work so late anymore, but it was almost time for the dead line. She sighed, changing into another pair of clothes. Her Mermaid story so far, was about a girl named Athena, a Driver who finds mermaids under the sea. After falling in love and befriending one she turns into one herself, but now it's up to her to find out how to she go between both worlds. It wasn't the most original, but it was all she had so far. She made it work. Amaya looked at her through the door, before running back into her own room. Estelle sighed and started to get ready to go out. She brushed her hair and pressed her ear up to the door.

    "Stella you need to get some rest..." Amaya said to her twin sister. "I just... I wanted to see the sunrise this morning." She heard her Twin sister say.

    Estelle shook her head... there wasn't time for that. She headed down the stairs, art book in hand. She went out the door of the small gardening store and went down the street to the cafe. She sat down and ordered a hot chocolate, and started to draw again. She felt her hand burn, but shook it off. She should really go to school someday. Estelle didn't normally go because she was working... always working. It was tiring, but you will never work a day in your life, if you do what you love. Estelle smiled... her dad had said that... She went back to work and ignored the people around her. She would go to school one day... she would have to.

  5. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    WEARING DATE 12/30/2015 DAY 10 & 1/4 MUSIC
    Pierce managed to wake before Sophie for once. It was pretty surprising. She scampered off to the bathroom to shower and get dressed. After she blow dried her hair, Pierce wound her fingers through the brown locks and turned it into a side fishtail braid. She put on a thin layer of makeup--she hardly ever used any--and pulled a hat on over her head.

    She made her way out of the bathroom and glanced over at the pair of ice skates in the corner of her room. She kind of wanted to go skating again. Maybe Sophie would want to go with her, or--if she could muster up the courage to ask him--Oliver. Pierce pulled her phone off the charger and sat down on the edge of the bed. The message light was blinking and she was surprised to see that she had a text message. Sophie was already here, so anyone else texting her was a complete shock. She tapped the message icon and her brown eyes widened at the message. It was Maria? She didn't even know that the other girl had her number.
    Pierce stared at the message. A New Year's Eve party? Tomorrow was New Year's Eve? Geez. Where had the time gone? They would be back to school in just a few days. By then, everyone would know about what happened at Sophie's over Christmas. There was bound to be a lot of gossiping.

    She looked over at her sleeping friend reluctantly. Pierce couldn't even begin to imagine what Sophie might be going through--all the whispers. She, herself, was used to being made fun of and talked about, but not in such a manner. They would have to go on that spa trip soon to make Sophie feel better.

    Pierce glanced down at her phone again and then back up at the ice skates. Well, she could manage one more skating session, right? She bit her lip anxiously as she opened a new message and typed in Oliver's name.
  6. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Maria set her phone down and pulled a pair of jeans out of the drawer. I'm wearing your clothes, she told Joel who was still very much asleep. Her blond hair hung in damp waves around her shoulders and she slipped off his pajama pants. She shimmied the jeans up her body and buttoned them when they got to her waist. The legs were too long so she had to roll them up so that they wouldn't look ridiculous at her feet. Her shirt slid down the front of her body as she rolled them up, exposing her back. There was a whistle from the bed and she yanked the shirt down, standing up straight. Stop staring, she groaned. Maria made her way over to his closet and grabbed the first button down shirt she could find.

    She put it on over her tank top and sighed. Maria had already spent far too much time over here. Anymore and things would just go south. She slipped her feet into her flats and pulled on her poncho. Quickly, she braided her hair and pulled on her gray hat from the other day and covered her face with the large black sunglasses. There really wasn't anywhere to go, but she could manage until rehearsal. They had another performance this weekend so attendance was crucial.
    Ah babe, don't tell me you're leaving so soon. Joel whined as he got off the bed. He made his way over to her and she sidestepped away. He looked hurt as she backed into the door.
    Yes. I'm leaving and stop calling me that. I'm not coming back this time. When he gave her a look, she added, I mean it, before walking out of his dorm room. Maria looked down at her phone as she got onto the elevator. She had talked to her mom last night about throwing a party and already sent out a mass message to all of the musical cast and crew. There had yet to be a reply from Noëlle or Bryan, but she hadn't expected one so soon. She had texted the pair of them late last night and it was still fairly early in the morning.
    When she left McKinley Hall, Maria marched across the lawn of the campus where nowhere in particular to go. She decided to walk around until the cold would become to unbearable. That probably wouldn't take long. She could always wait in the PAC again, but it just made her feel like a loser. Maybe she was one after all. She didn't really have many friends and when it came to needing someone to count on at the last moment, the only one she had was her brother's best friend whom she had lost her virginity to. It wasn't exactly the ideal situation.
    Wearing Music Date: 12/30/2015 Day: 10 & 1/4
    Mood: Annoyed Interaction: JoelLocation: Campus- Dorms//Outside
    : TuckerActivity: OOC:
  7. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts:Why do things have to be so complicated?|Place:Street->Hospital|Mood: Inwardly fuming|Music:~]
    Zoey walked down the silent street, keeping her hands in her pocket. Her black and white scarf was hugged snugly around her neck and wound up to cover her mouth and nose so she wasn't breathing in cold air. She barely had anything for breakfast, for she was too upset to eat. Her dad tried to speak with her more about the matter, trying to beg her for forgiveness for not saying anything. It just made her more mad. Her dad could have sent her to live with her mother when things were hell. Maybe she wouldn't even have the eyepatch. Maybe she would have both eyes to see, and not have everyone staring at her like she was some kind of freak.

    She ground her teeth together, stomping her foot as she walked on. There wasn't much Zoey could do now. She couldn't focus on the past. What was done was done. But that's what made her frustrated. Suddenly remembering something, she pulled out her phone as she continued on, scrolling down to her older brother's number. Keeping her head down but being careful, she begin to type him a text message.

    With a click of a button, it was sent away. She shoved her phone back to her pocket, looking up to see the hospital in view. She put on a smile, trying to ease away her anger and pain. She felt bad. She hadn't visited Mr. Hennon like she promised she would in the last two days. So much has happened over that time, but now she was here.

    She walked in through the hospital entrance, pulling down her hood and then her scarf away from her mouth, loosening it up. She then shook out her hair, her skull earrings tingling as she tried to straighten out her hoodie-do. She then zipped her coat down, taking off her grey wooly gloves afterwards and stuffed them in her pocket. Adjusting her cat ring, she smiled and then walked to the gift shop. Young or old, everyone needed a little something to cheer them up while they were in bed.

    A few moments later, and she was back in the place where she was a few days ago. She then found Mr. Hennon's room and grinned. She had bought him a present, a teddy bear with an eyepatch and dressed like a pirate. It seemed to fit him quite well, given he wore a pirate hat on opening night.

    Zoey knocked on the door, even though it was open before making the teddy bear peer his head into the room first. Zoey stuck her head in right afterwards, looking towards where the bed was. She smiled, stepping in the room and approached his bedside. "Hi Mr. Hennon. Sorry it took so long to see you."

    ...We can chase the [B]dark[/B] together; if you go, then so will I...
  8. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Location: Her Home {} Mood: Still moody from last night {} OOC: Bleh
    Sasha was up on her computer, playing one of her MMOs. She had a rough morning. Her guilt ridden dreams were getting worse and worse, usually making her wake up in tears or in shock. Either way, it was wrecking her day, usually with drowsiness due to lack of sleep. Besides, she probably felt bad for tossing her brother's letter like that, but she still didn't want to believe on what her brother had said. Maybe once he decides to visit her, she can have a talk with him or something. For now though, she'll be staying here and living here for a while before she plans on an action.
    Eventually, she finished her runs on her game and sighs, leaning back. Her stomach growled. She realized she hasn't eaten breakfast. Deciding for today she'll eat out, she grabbed her stuff and walked out the door. On her way tot he nearest restaurant, she checked her phone ans realized there was a message for her. She opened it and read the message.
    She bit her lip. There seemed to be a party tomorrow. To be honest, she still didn't feel comfortable being with the crew members. Especially since there will be a funeral that day as well. It would make the whole thing...awkward for her. Whatever the case, she decided to think about it later and headed for the restaurant. Entering one, she ordered something decent and looked out the window. Party eh? Sounds like something you could have fun at. Then again, it's after a funeral. Would there be any room for fun?
  9. al215 Kingdom Keeper

    May 29, 2013
    OoC: Sorry for lack of posts recently. Real life things are getting in the way. Should post more frequently due to things stabilising somewhat.

    Aidan felt a bit odd. He felt as if a ton of time had just passed by and he'd barely noticed. Probably just something to do with the greater amounts of sleep he'd been having recently. He couldn't really be bothered to do much other than sleep, but he needed to do something with himself. He hadn't had any food since breakfast. It was afternoon, and he figured it was time to go to lunch.

    He quickly finished the game of Starcraft 2 he was in. It didn't take long. He wasn't doing very good anyway. He walked downstairs and investigated the fridge. He saw a distinct lack of food that he'd actually want to eat. His tastes, and his parents tastes differed somewhat. They were at work now, so he was home alone and not doing an awful lot. He felt like going out anyway. He'd seen enough of the breakfast room and the kitchen for a while. He felt like having some decent food made or cooked by someone who was actually good at it. He could cook. Occasionally well. Often, he just missed a bit in the instructions and it was screwed up royally.

    He gathered up his phone and keys and left the house. As he locked the door, he realised he wanted his iPod too. He liked having his music. It blotted out the sounds of the world so he could think straight. Not necessarily useful when crossing roads, but that's why crossings existed right? Sometimes he felt like the world was catering to him, but that was only occasional. Most of the time he felt like life was trying to, and succeeding at screwing him over. That wasn't fun. Not for him. Between making him socially inept, killing his friends and making him move to an entirely different damn country, he really did feel screwed over. That was life, he supposed.

    Soon enough, he arrived at a decent looking cafe. He examined it through the window. Looked clean enough, the staff didn't look miserable and the food looked decent. He shrugged, removed his headphones from his ears and stowed them in his pocket, then proceeded to enter the cafe. He smiled at the waitress and caught her attention. He was led to a table in the corner. There he sat, looking out the window. He felt lonely here. Isolated from everyone. It made him feel bitter inside. Being alone had never been a problem, but the simple act of being given a friend, then losing them had made the feeling noticeable. He found that it was easier to cope with loneliness if you never had the chance to be anything but. He was roused from his stupor by the waitress asking if he wanted a drink. He ordered a sparkling water with ice and she left. Soon enough the drink came, and he ordered a bowl of whatever the soup of the day was here. That came too. Some kind of mushroom soup he guessed. From the taste it seemed right. He sighed.

    It was so damn hard being him sometimes.
  10. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    [​IMG]Clothes Mood» Tired Music Location » Cafe OOC:
    Estelle looked at someone who had just come in; the cafe was very empty today it seemed. She drank a bit of her hot chocolate and looked at the boy who enter the cafe. Went back to her work, but something was stopping her from continuing. She looked at the boy, he looked kind of lonely, like her. Maybe she could get the nerve to go talk to him. She sighed. No... she wouldn't. She tried to get back to drawing, but she hard the mocking voice of mother in her head. "Of course, you still can't talk to boys, you're 23 Estelle grow up." Estelle shook her head. She stood up from the table and walked over. She took a deep breath looked at him.

    "Hello" She said, her voice slightly trembling. "Um... you look kind of lonely." Estelle said. "Do you wa-want some company?" She asked bravely.

    Estelle's legs were a little shaky and she tried to look confident, but was failing. She had barely talked to anyone since the grade 12 year of high school, she had never really make any friends, and she wasn't very popular. She had very good grades but poor class attendance, so no one knew who she was. She felt a sharp pain go through her head, as if thinking of a past memory. She remembered all to well....

    "Sorry to be so forward, but..." She started to say. "I'm sorry I'm not very good at talking." Damn, why did she say that? Now she felt even more Nervous.
  11. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Things had been not too pleasant for Julius during his time at the hospital. Thought the pain was tolerable, it was still a really big pain in the ass and killed each time he moved. Despite this he could manage, what he couldn't manage was the news of the recent deaths that occurred. No matter how many times he tried to not think of it, it still reached his mind. Lying in bed doing nothing definitely did not help him at all.

    So far Jonathan had been the one to visit him but even so the boy did not manage to come by the last day. Things were quite dull and was made him worry was that he could not contact Noelle. He tried calling her but there was no answer. True he felt the girl was tough enough to get through anything, but regardless he still would have liked to at least know hows she is doing after that party.

    With a sigh Julius closed his eyes and continued to rest in bed up until he heard the door open. "Oi bastard, now you show up? I otta kick you as-" Julius said before stopping mid sentance as he opened his eyes and noticed the teddy bear sticking its head in the room and rose his eye brow immediately. A second later it all made sense as he saw Zoey stick her head in as well and Julius merely closed his eyes and smiled "heh...oh its you" Julius said as Zoey walked in.

    As Zoey began to speak his eyebrow twitched upon realizing two things...that the girl pronounced his name wrong and that she actually bought him a pirate bear of all things. Regardless of the fact he appreciated it and tried his best to hide the annoyance he felt "It's Menon...not Henon" Julius said before smile "Well whatever, I'm glad to see you kiddo" Julius said with a grin.
  12. al215 Kingdom Keeper

    May 29, 2013
    Aidan was aroused from his stupor of loneliness by the sound of a voice. He looked at the source. Girl, kind of nervous looking and sounding. Stuttered a bit. He smiled at her. He knew how she appeared to feel. He beckoned her to take a seat. He had no idea how she mustered up the courage, that said he had no idea how he did it with poor Seraphina the first time he met her. He mentally berated himself. He should remember her as the nice girl she was, not the bloodied corpse. It was so hard looking past death. It would help if there were really memorable other things. Enough! Focus on the present Aidan!

    "I wasn't expecting company." He said, smiling. "I know how you feel. I'm not so good at the old socialising either. Ah well, one must work with it." This was weird. He had never been approached before. Well, not for a long time. Back in England a few years ago... Now those days were different. Slightly. He decided not to ponder too much. He'd just play it cool, or at least try. He'd just be him. She'd either stay or be weirded out and leave.

    "So what's your name?" Aidan asked, taking another spoonful of the soup. There wasn't much left now. He was a fast eater. Maybe he could get to know her. They could be friends. He hoped. He needed to stop being so... So inwards. He wanted to break free of the introversion. He just needed to take steps. Having a friend that he could get to know pretty well would be nice.
  13. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    [​IMG]Clothes Mood» Tired Music Location » Cafe OOC:

    He beckoned her to take a seat.​

    Estelle looked at him a little hesitantly, and then sat down.

    "I wasn't expecting company." He said, smiling. "I know how you feel. I'm not so good at the old socialising either. Ah well, one must work with it."​

    "Oh... I see." She said, with a small smile. Her heart began to race a little... she was talking to someone. She couldn't believe it. Her sisters wouldn't believe it either. Would she tell them? This was a boy... they would just bother her. Hm....

    "So what's your name?" Aidan asked​

    "My name?" She asked. "My name is Estelle Luna." She answered, smiling. "Estelle means 'Star' and Luna means 'Moon'." She explained. "It's kind of strange, but my father liked stars and space, so all my sisters have names that share the word 'Star'." Estelle laughed. "Sorry. I just met you and I'm already rambling on like this." She laughed. "If you don't mind my asking, what is your name?"

  14. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: Content (X)Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Home -> Cafe (X) OOC:

    Shane had gotten up at a pretty regular time. There was a brief moment in which he just laid in the bed before he actually got up to take his shower. He took himself a change of clothes with him as he headed into the bathroom. The shower itself didn't take too long as he exited, dressed in his new attire, and headed downstairs. For his breakfast he made himself a simple bowl of cereal, oppose to getting the recommended balance breakfast.

    After his breakfast was finished and bowl was placed in the sink, Shane grabbed his keys and left. Since there wasn't much planned for him to do today, he decided to head to the cafe. If anything something might pop up for him to do. Upon getting there, he went ahead and took himself a seat. He could get something later, that was for sure.

    During his wait, he pulled out his phone and went for the games. He had quite a few of them up there, not enough to run up the cellphone bill, but enough to keep himself occupied during the wait. Now, what was he in the mood for, fighting, shooting, or racing. It'd been a while since he last played a racing game so that what he picked. The game loaded and Shane had started playing.
  15. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007



    WEATHERSNOWING, COLD 27°! ✖『DATE & TIME』 12/30/2015 - ??AM ✖『DAY』 09

    Everything had fallen apart during her absence, it seemed. It had been less than a week since she was in Candlewood, but it felt like much longer than that. The trip to visit Mr. Thorten [ an established composer in the larger city over ] had been mostly pleasant, but her mood flipped completely upside down when the news of the Bennett Deaths reached her ... How was she supposed to focus on her project with that news? She just wanted to get back to Bryan.

    The music just wasn't coming the way it used to. She was thinking too much, she could tell. Trying too hard to reach her own expectations and the expectations of the ones she cared for. It would help to visit Professor Julius and consult him again, she thought, which is was why it was so devastating to hear that on top of more of her peers passing away, Julius was in the hospital!!

    As soon as she arrived back at home, she gave him a call apologizing profusely for her absence and promising to visit as soon as possible. She had promised Quentin some time and would feel horrible to miss it, so the day was spent with him. At first, she had been a bit distant, but had managed to open up a bit and share her concerns about, well, everyone dropping dead. There was a bit of crying involved, but afterwards things went along pleasantly. It was ... surprising, to say the least.

    Maria had also asked her if she'd like to spend some time together, today. [ There was also something about a party. ]

    Message To: Maria
    Hi. <3 I just got back in town and I'm a little worn out, if I'm honest ... But I am planning on going to visit Professor Julius in the hospital today. It's not fun, but would you be interested in coming?


    With a sigh, Noëlle plopped down on her bed to wait for a reply. If Maria didn't answer soon, she would be on her way and they could meet there -- if she wanted. Ms. Chambers could be heard cleaning up something in the kitchen and it was obnoxious. She was beginning to think, now that Bryan wasn't around as often, that it was time for her to move out. There was no reason to stay here anymore. It would be something to talk about with Bryan, whenever he was around next. She was becoming more and more paranoid about staying in Candlewood, anyway.

    Cursed ... She muttered to herself, eyes glued onto the ceiling. She bit her lip.

  16. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    He should have worn gloves. The cold handlebars of his bike bit at his palms and fingers. He waved a final goodbye to his ginger haired friend inside the animal shelter, who waved back with a smile holding more of concern than glee. He could see Sean's furrowed eyebrows as he glanced at him for a second longer outside, in the bitter cold, before he gave his bicycle a little push and hopped on it, pedaling calmly towards the school.

    It's been a while since he was on his bike - more so, out. He'd been rather distant from everyone lately, coped up in his apartment building, barely answering any calls. Michelle, who was his therapist and not in town, had finally responded to his message and agreed to chat with him about things over Skype. The news eventually reached his mother, much to his dismay, and she called more regularly. Her tone was always one of worry, again, much to his dismay. He hadn't gone to the shelter either, afraid that the animals would catch his depression - or whatever emptiness and repulsiveness he was feeling. He also attended just one rehearsal after that horrific event, but skipped on the rest - he wasn't the only one missing after all, but today was different. Today he finally got out of the clothes he wore continuously, was able to get past his bathroom mirror, and return to the shelter to help out the animals. He wouldn't have done it without Sean, who grew to be very annoying but possibly more helpful than Michelle or his mother had been. If he was being honest, he would admit that this was not much to his dismay (but of course, Tucker the idiot acted like it was).

    He could still remember the loud knocking - or rather, banging - at his door so early in the morning and more so, the even louder yelling from his friend. "Tucker Knowles you get up this instant! I am sick and tired of you ignoring my calls and texts - what if I needed you? What if the animals needed you?! Don't you dare play the I'm sleeping card on me. I heard you plucking guitar strings just a moment ago. Stop sulking and open this door right now and let me in or I'm going to break this door down and rape you."

    The cherry haired teen opened the door angrily. He still remembered his friend's shocked expression on how he looked, it wasn't just the angry expression he usually never had on his face. It was how his eyes were a bit puffy, as if he had been crying and hadn't slept. How his hair was unkept, his lips dry and his clothes wrinkled. His voice was hoarse when he spoke as well, "Wrong. Choice. Of. Words." his tone however, probably terrified him. It was almost threatening. Tucker released a little grunt before shaking his head a bit, "And quite your yapping, you're going to wake the neighbors."

    After letting his friend in, it went a little rollercoaster-ish then. Sean forced Tucker to take a shower, get dressed properly (specifically in the shirt Sean gave him for Christmas) and go to the animal shelter to have breakfast with him. It wasn't nice, well, not to him at least but he followed - not wanting Sean to get any more aggressive than he was. Sadly, during the time he got ready in the bathroom, Sean - being the annoying boy he was - attempted to fix some of Tucker's things in the living room, finding something that alarmed him. Papers with notes in Tucker's handwriting (they were notes on his Skype-therapy session Michelle asked him to write down since she couldn't make notes for him, plus she believed it would help him out) and this lead to another argument between the two friends, quite the heated one - but it ended well, mostly since unlike what happened with Maria, he didn't actually have to talk much about it since Sean was being a total snoop and read most of it for himself. They went to the animal shelter, ate breakfast, but it was mostly silent which really annoyed Tucker even more. He felt like Sean suddenly treated him differently, out of pity - which he hated. But that brings the story to where it was now, the two friends left it there. There was a silent goodbye, the obvious expressions painted on their faces and the pedaling of a bike.

    With a visible breath in the cold winter air, Tucker parked his bike by the school parking lot, locking it into place. He stuffed his shaking hands in his pockets after pulling his warm blazer more tightly against his body, then began walking. He wondered if anyone was out in the school this early and what would his reappearance for rehearsals make of the cast and crew. Before he could even begin to think about the blonde girl who preoccupied about half of his sulking, she seemed to appear on cue in the distance. He blinked his chestnut eyes together. Was it really her? She was dressed rather differently from normal, wearing worn out jeans and wrapped in a knitted top - but nonetheless, it was her. Seeing her was not at all much to his dismay. He really did kind of miss her. He didn't respond to that last text message of hers, it seemed like she didn't want to talk to him - even though he wanted to. Plus, after this incident with Sean - he felt like he could trust her even more for some odd reason.

    He licked his upper lip nervously. He'd have to face her sometime right? He began to walk more briskly towards her, in silence while he was still far away. Finally closing the distance between them to about twenty more steps, he cleared his throat before calling out to her, "Maria!" he waved slightly, giving her a small smile to be polite. He jogged up to her, stuffing his hands back into his pocket. He quickly tried to find words to tell her, but his mind kind of went a little funny so he ended up with a pretty lame, "U-um, morning… how've you been?"
  17. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Maria could barely feel her fingers as they clutched the phone. She was shivering in the cold, but still trying to not let it bother her. She really should have just picked a building to sit in, but then what? Her phone beeped and shakily, she lifted it up to look. The large touch screen read that it was from Noëlle. Oh good. She really hadn't heard from the other girl in quite some time. It was nice to know that she hadn't completely dropped off the face of the planet. Maria tapped it open and quickly read over the message.
    The hospital... She sighed reluctantly. It wasn't like there was much else to do. Plus, she would actually like to see Julius as well. He had gotten in a car accident Christmas night. She wanted to make sure he would be able to attend her New Year's Eve party, and if he couldn't, then she would definitely buy him a get well present to make up for it. Her blue-eyed gaze was directed at the screen of the phone as she tapped away quickly. The time in the top right corner read 10:36 and she wondered whether Noëlle wanted to go before or after rehearsal. It didn't really matter to her which it was.

    She pressed send and slipped the phone back into the back pocket of Joel's jeans. Her breath swirled in white puffy clouds around her face and Maria took wet steps forward across the lawn. She hadn't gotten very far before hearing, Maria! She jumped at the sound of her name being called. The voice was so familiar she could distinguish it in a crowded room. Slowly, she turned to see Tucker waving and running up to her. She swallowed nervously as he came to a stop beside her. U-um, morning… how've you been?

    Maria blinked her eyes twice, dumbfounded. What was he doing here? She pushed her sunglasses up farther on the bridge of her nose to make sure he couldn't see the bruises the dark lenses were covering. Ah, hey. she choked out. It seemed like forever since she last spoke to him in person. She bit her lip and stared up at him. There was a tingling sensation that jolted through her body and she had to break away from the gaze, looking off in another direction on campus. I've been... fine. What about you? You haven't been at rehearsal. she replied.

    Wearing Music Date: 12/30/2015 Day: 10 & 2/4
    Mood: Surprised Interaction: TuckerLocation: Campus Outside
    : TuckerActivity: OOC:
  18. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City
    Elisa spent yesterday coped up in her room, giving herself a pep talk. She had finally let go of Ryder, at least for a moment, and for the morning she sobbed plenty - mostly because she was trying to make a decent blog post in honor of Richie. After that realization from the night before, when she woke to vomit, she knew she had to try and do something. People were really trying to reach out the her and she was acting like a little brat. Her mother was really trying, Bryan even texted her and even, Maria. But honestly, it was mostly because of Ryder. She knew she was being too selfish. Plus, her eyes and body were pretty much done with crying so much.

    Eventually, she did make a blog post. Very short, but it got the message across. She had to be honest though, she knew that the blog post was as much as for herself as it was for Richie. She had to learn to accept it and sobbing really wasn't going to make him come back. She did feel like a part of her was taken away - or rather, ripped out of her body and it was horrible. But things were getting better, well at least in her standards of coping. Instead of feeling devastated she grew to be empty. More like, forced it. If she felt depression crawling up her spine, trying to weave through her ribs to get into her heart, she forced herself to feel empty. She'd refuse to eat and take a sleeper - then everything would just melt away.

    She took sleepers at night, to get her to sleep peacefully. She always took a little extra at night to try and drive the nightmares away. Of course, when she'd look down at her palm that held the little white tablets she'd think of adding more. A lot more. More than she, or anyone in general, could handle. Not just enough to get her to the hospital, but to the morgue. It was something she thought of a lot before Richie entered her life, all due to selfish dissatisfaction, but now it was much worse and a whole lot more tempting. Sadly, she knew Richie would never forgive her and would definitely scold her and take away her clothes, laptop and cute things in the after life.

    The blue haired teen finally started putting her outfits together with more thought - and a little more black than usual too. There was another rehearsal today, but it was still very early. She was already dressed, donning thermals, a black skater skirt with an ink polo tucked in it, her black Dr. Martens and dark make up to match. A thick denim jacket was folded over the edge of her bed, ready to be used when she left the house. There was rehearsals in a bit and she still hadn't figured out how she'd be getting there but she already texted Ryder she didn't need a ride going - nor his company. She was definitely clinging onto him way too much, probably draining the boy too. So, she lied that her mom would take her.

    She say back on her chair, leaning back with a deep sigh. She flipped her computer open, the screen showing her blog. There were plenty comments under her last post yesterday - possibly a ton of condolences messages and such. Tears tempted to sting her eyes, but she didn't let them fall. She closed that window and opened her iTunes, playing songs to calm herself down and feel empty again. She leaned back once more, letting her thick lashes tickle the bags under her eyes as the screamo continued on. She let the hardcore tunes fill her room in full blast, the screaming from the songs contrasting the peaceful, effortless position her body slumped in with its chaos. [DOUBLEPOST=1372629767][/DOUBLEPOST]

    Tucker pressed his lips together at her greeting. She didn't sound the same, not like when she spoke to him before. Then again, who could blame her right? After all that's happened - plus, if he wasn't lying to himself, he did kind of avoid her as well, up until now. He lifted a hand to scratch the back of his head nervously, glancing away for a while. Man, if the cold wasn't tense enough. This was just weird! Maybe he should just act all chipper and you know, more of himself. It wasn't because he wanted to hide something from her, but that's just how he got through these kinds of situations. It was easy. It was what he knew.

    I've been... fine. What about you? You haven't been at rehearsal.

    Alright. This wasn't going to be so easy after all. A thousand lies immediately entered his head, and his mind filed through each one - checking which would be the most believable. He drew his hand back down and into his pocket, clearing his throat once more. His chestnut eyes traveled back to her gaze, but she quickly reverted it, turning slightly to her side. Wait, this was Maria. He didn't have to lie. This was the girl who pretty much knew him as much as his family and Michelle did. He wondered about the blue eyes behind the dark sunglasses she wore, what were they saying - or rather, what were they saying that he probably wouldn't be able to read? He stared at her for a moment, that off-putting feeling still lingering around the blonde girl. Something was up.

    "Th-therapy. It's been tough the past few days and well, you know I'm nowhere near as strong as any of you guys with coping up." his voice mumbled as the sentence ran on, but he didn't look away from her. He didn't step closer, but he leaned forward, trying to look closer at her features - something behind the sunnies caught his attention. He wasn't terribly close. He tilted his head to the side curiously, "Maria, are you, um, are you sure you're alright...?"
  19. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts:Oopsy|Place:Hospital:Mr. Mennon's Room|Mood:Calming Down|Music:~]
    Zoey winced a bit when she heard Mr. Menon correct her. She thought she said someone wrong from the get go when she saw the look of annoyance on his face, but didn't know what. "Oopsy, sorry." She gave a nervous giggle, rubbing the back of her head. "I'm really bad with names sometimes, my bad." She gave a little bow of the head before she sat down in a chair next to the professor's bed. She held up the teddy bear for him to see. "I got you something to keep you company while you're here. It's kind of stereotypical, but hey. He's still cute."
    Zoey remembered the days when she was made fun of for wearing an eyepatch. People called her Pirate Zoey and would pretend she was the bad guy. It hurt at first, but she learned to just go with it. She would chase the kids until she got tired, and then told them she was going to go explore for buried treasure. Some of them even started to ask her to go on quests with her. It turned out to be a fun game before long.

    She handed the teddy bear over to her teacher, smiling at him a little. "Sorry it took so long to come visit you. Practice and shows have been busy... kind of. The funeral is tomorrow," she said in a quiet voice, looking down as she folded her hands into her lap. For the last couple of days, Zoey had been thinking she wished she was the one that was dead instead of the four that had just passed away. Despite what her teacher told her a few days ago, she still believed that people would be more at ease if it was her than the others. Alex would never know that she had a crush on him. The fact that she just found out she had a brother kind of altered those thoughts. What if Freddie found out about the truth of them being brother and sister after she was dead? What would he do?

    Zoey pushed that thought out of her head, continuing her report. "Maria is having a New Years party at her house right afterwards." She shook her head, keeping her head down. "I don't think I want to go to the party though..." Realizing she was talking on a sad note to her poor Professor in the hospital, she looked up at him. "How much longer are you going to be in here Mr... um.... Menon?" It took her a minute to remember his name, but she was proud of herself when she remembered.

    ...We can chase the [B]dark[/B] together; if you go, then so will I...
  20. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    "Th-therapy. It's been tough the past few days and well, you know I'm nowhere near as strong as any of you guys with coping up." Ah, so that explained it.

    It wasn't like this was easy on her either, she just had more personal matters going on. Maria sucked in a sharp breath as Tucker leaned in closer. She leaned away from him and chewed on her lip nervously.

    "Maria, are you, um, are you sure you're alright...?"

    She nodded once. "I'm fine. I told you." Maria shoved her hands in the front pockets of Joel's jeans and turned away from him. "I'm kind of in a hurry Tucker. I'm meeting someone." It wasn't a total lie. She had made plans with Noëlle, it was just that she had no idea when she was meeting Noëlle. "Was there something you needed, or... ?" She probably sounded itchy or at least a little snobby, but in actuality, she just didn't want him to see her face.

    Maria swallowed down a lump in her throat. She was starting to feel jittery. She needed to find a place to wait for Noëlle or wait until rehearsal. She would need Elisa's help with her face again. The blue haired girl was so broken up that she didn't ask questions. Maria turned her back to him and started walking back in the direction she came.
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