❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    WEARING DATE 12/29/2015 DAY 9 & 1/4 MUSIC
    Yes, sweetie. You should relax. At the tone of Sophie's voice, Pierce glared at her, but said nothing. Instead, she shoved a forkful of scrambled eggs in her mouth and stabbed angrily at the plate. I like your mom, Sophie told Pierce when she was gone, she's very nice. Sophie looked back down at the tickets and picked both of them up, smiling. This would be nice for our date, she commented, I've never really had a spa day before. What do you think?

    Date. That's right. Sophie had asked here to go on a date. It made her feel weird inside. She had never gone on a date with a girl before. Well, the only date she had ever even been on was ice skating with Oliver and she was still unclear over whether or not it actually was a date. She was confused over whether or not it meant Sophie liked her, or was just messing with her some more. It could only be the latter. Y-yeah, our date. she replied after swallowing her eggs. Pierce took a drink from her orange juice and peered over at Sophie nervously from the top of her glass. It-it could be fun, she said. I've never really had a spa day either. Was it like in the movies where everyone pretty much walked around in towels all the time? The thought caused her to blush. She would be spending the day practically naked with Sophie.

    Before, it would not have bothered her quite so much, but since Sophie kept calling it a date, she was suddenly very embarrassed and self conscious--not that she wasn't self conscious before. Wh-when did you ah, wanna go? Pierce asked before taking another drink of the orange juice. Her heart was raising and her mouth suddenly felt very dry. This wasn't fair. Pierce would rather sit at home and hide alone in her bedroom than go out and be sociable.
  2. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DATE⁞ Tuesday, December 29th, 2015 DAY⁞ 9 2/4
    LOCATION⁞ Elisa's Room INTERACTION⁞ Elisa

    "Are you just going to skateboard the entire time?"

    "Yeah, that's why I said I was coming to the park. The both of you didn't need to follow me." He rode down the ramp and kick flipped his board. An arm linked through his as he started to grind on a low railing. Ryder was jerked off the board and stumbled. He looked up to see a blue-haired bob clinging onto him. "Dammit Elisa." She was smiling and Richie stood beside her.

    "Oh look! You can take a picture with us now." She pulled him to his feet and he begrudgingly stood between his twin and his twin's best friend.

    Elisa held her camera out and he frowned while the pair of them smiled. It flashed in the bright sunlight and he pulled away, jumping back onto his board immediately after and began to ride away. He was halfway across the park when he looked back over his shoulder to see Richie collapsed on the ground and Elisa sobbing over his body. His board skidded to a halt and he could feel his hands shaking. Not again. He already dropped once, it couldn't be happening again. Ryder jumped off his board and ran to Elisa's side. Richie wasn't breathing. Her face was red and puffy as he pulled her into his chest. He couldn't be--he couldn't really be--

    Ryder awoke with a start to a blanket covering his body on the chair. Did Elisa put it on him? Huh. He brushed his hat off his head and ran his fingers through his blond hair. It was kinda greasy. Ryder kicked off the blanket and left Elisa's room to shower. He crossed the hall to the bathroom and shut the door behind him. Ryder peeled off his long-sleeved shirt and tossed it onto the floor. He needed to go home soon. His mother and sister were a mess. They were probably even worse with him not being around. It made him feel guilty. He would have to go today, probably after he showered. But he did want to do something nice for Elisa too. His stupid brother just had to go and die. Fucking A. Ryder groaned as he looked over at himself in the mirror.

    He was standing there shirtless with his black jeans unbuttoned, hanging off his hips. His mind drifted back to the dream and he sighed heavily. Why did it have to be like that? Richie was annoying enough in real life and now he was invading his dreams. The shithead just had to go and die and make everything a pain. It wasn't just Elisa. He hated being at home the last couple days. All his mom did was stare at pictures and cry. He was pretty sure even his presence there was too much. She would look at him, be reminded of his twin, and then start bawling allover again. It wasn't fair. It wasn't like Ryder was the cause of it. He wished he wasn't a twin. Then him being at home wouldn't be so bad. It was just like during the divorce only worse. He was the only one that didn't really have a problem with their dad, while everyone else did. Ryder is also the only one that goes to visit him. It wasn't fair. It made him feel like the black sheep or something.

    His hand reached into the shower and turned on the water. The bathroom filled with steam in a minute and he stripped off his jeans and boxers to climb inside the tub. The hot water rained down on him and he had to adjust the temperature for a moment. He showered quickly, washing up with one of Elisa's fruity body washes. His nose wrinkled at the smell of apricots. It was fine on her, but made him feel girly and weird. Ryder dried himself with one of the towels and slipped his pants back on. His blond hair dripped wet on his shoulders and he pulled on his shirt before walking out of the bathroom.
  3. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    The morning light shone ever so softly into Zoey's room, blinding her one good eye out of everything.

    She groaned, pulling the sheets over her head to block out that obnoxious light. "Gah, daaaaad," she whined, still halfway asleep.

    "Time to get up, Zoey-Bear. It's almost past eight."

    She sniffed at the voice, rubbing at her eyes as she sat up in bed. "It's freaking winter break," she grumbled, stretching out and yawning. She heard her dad chuckle before he walked off downstairs. "Breakfast will be ready in a few, baby-cakes! Get up or I'll dump cold water on you."

    "Fine," she huffed, throwing the covers off of her. She sighed out, closing her bedroom door before she picked out a t-shirt with some jeans and changed into her day clothes, tossing her nightclothes carelessly on her messy bed. It was after she changed, she paused for a moment. Something, a thought of some sorts, sifted through her ever buzzing mind. But this one she caught onto quite quickly. The guy, Freddie... The one at the gas station that took her home... He seemed so familiar to her. Almost like a lost dream. Even the name seemed familiar.

    Then, it seemed like thoughts, or stories, or... maybe even memories played in her head. Someone older than her was with her. Someone who she felt like she could trust. Someone...

    She shook her head, slapping herself playfully on the cheek. "Wake up girly, you still trying to sleep?" She just shrugged her shoulders at herself, put on her plain black eyepatch and grabbed a warm hoodie and slipped it on, escaping downstairs to where a healthy breakfast of blueberry pancakes with two sausages and some side servings of fruit. She plopped down at her rightful place at the table while her dad was drinking his coffee and reading his morning paper. Still, even when she tried to dismiss that one question in her head, it kept coming up. "Dad, did I ever have a brother?"

    That question was answered by choking and spluttering.
    9 : 3 2 A M
    Breakfast was long over. Zoey left her house, wearing a coat, thick boots, her scarf and her hoodie over her head. She didn't even want a ride to rehearsals. She would walk there on her own.
    [COLOR=#ba4ae0f]In her hand was clutched a small picture, something that her dad had held on to for a long time. It was her, her biological mother, and her older brother... She wiped the tears from her eye, her shoulders shaking as she stuffed the photograph back in her pocket. She looked up to the grim sky, cursing herself. How could she have forgotten? Why did she forget? Why did she forget... Years had passed, why did she not remember him. She use to write to him all the time. At least that's what her daddy said. "[/COLOR]​
    And that stupid wretch, that woman that her dad forced her to call her mom over the years-
    She moaned, rubbing at her head as she plopped down on a bench in front of the campus of the academy. No way... Just no way. Why? Why was this happening now? She wanted to talk to someone. Anyone. But who could she talk to? She hardly knew anyone. Alex... Alex was gone. Poor Alex... Poor everyone...
    "Dad, do I have a brother?"
    Her dad sat back in his chair, swallowing down the coffee he was choking on. "What makes you ask, sweetie?"
    Zoey sighed out, pressing her lips tightly together. "Well, yesterday... I ran into this guy that seemed familiar and... Dad. I think I forgot things I'm suppose to remember."
    She saw the grim look on his face and then she clenched her jaw. She wasn't going to let this fall off the edge of the map so easily. "Dad, what she did- this eye, my new life, everything- the therapist said I forgot something important! You wouldn't tell me though! SO DO I HAVE A BROTHER OR-?!"
    "Yes..." It came out in a quiet way, almost remorseful. "Yes Zoey, you do have an older brother... And his name is..."
    ...We can chase the dark together; if you go, then so will I...
  4. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 9 - 2/4 | DATE: December 29th, 2015 | LOCATION: Home ==> School

    Freddie sat up in his bed. It was pretty cold for the morning.
    "Mornin' Aria." He got out of his bed and trudged down to the kitchen and raided his fridge for some breakfast. After looking at what was in it, he just grabbed a cold Reuben sandwich from a local sandwich shop and a bottle of water. He went back into his room and started to eat it as he changed his clothes. One bite, arm through the sleeve, another bite, other arm through the other sleeve, another bite, head through the opening at the top. This continued for the rest of the clothes he put on. After fully putting on his clothes, he had already gotten through half of his sandwich. He plopped himself into his computer chair and continued to eat.

    After finishing his breakfast, he grabbed his keys and his bag and went to his car. He tossed his bag into the passenger's seat and started the engine. After checking the time on his phone, he drove off to the school. As he drove to the school, he started to hum the melody to Don't Fear the Reaper.

    He parked his car in the school parking lot and stepped out. With his bag slung over his shoulder, he walked towards the building. As he walked, he noticed Zoey sitting on a bench. She looked a little out of it. He walked over towards her and sat down next to her.
    "Hey there, something the matter? Looks like you've got a lot on your mind." He wondered if she knew now. It was certainly possible, if she got curious and asked her dad about it. Well, let's find out why she looks so out of it today before we jump to conclusions.
  5. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    The winter air was cold, but that was to be expected. No, it wasn't just the winter air. It was the feelings around her. She continued to stare up into the sky, almost as if she was waiting for a sign-

    "Hey there, something the matter? Looks like you've got a lot on your mind."

    That voice.

    She sat up straight, gasping out of fright. "You scared me," she said with a slight smile, her hand over her heart. The smile quickly faded though when she realized who she was looking at now.

    Her good eye, staring up at the one called Freddie. Her brother. Was it true? She tried to let herself remember, but everything was fuzzy. Everything seemed grim in her past. "I do have a lot on my mind..." She never wanted to look back on it. But now, here was her moment of truth. Taking in a breath, she reached in her pocket, pulling out the small photograph. Her hand was shaky, but she swallowed, holding it out to the other guy to see.

    "Are... Are you my brother? Freddie?..."

    Although the photograph depicted a younger looking Zoey with a much younger looking Freddie, Zoey couldn't help but to see a little of the older Freddie within the young Freddie. One of the photographs taken before the divorce, her dad told her. The few that showed that she wasn't always blind in one eye. Her heart was pounding in her chest, looking desperately at Freddie. "I'm so sorry," she whispered, gulping for air. "I'm so sorry... that I... I forgot about you. I'm sorry I haven't written a letter to you in years... I'm... sorry..."

    ...We can chase the dark together; if you go, then so will I...
  6. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 9 - 2/4 | DATE: December 29th, 2015 | LOCATION: School

    The girl jumped when she heard his voice. "You scared me," she said as she held her hand over her heart, a slight smile on her face. However, that smile quickly faded as she looked at him. "I do have a lot on my mind..." She took a deep breathe as she reached into her pocket. Zoey pulled out a photograph, though she didn't immediately show it to him. Her hand was shaking, but after calming herself a little bit, she showed him the picture. It was a picture of him and Zoey when they were a lot younger. "Are... Are you my brother? Freddie?"

    Freddie sighed,
    "Yeah... I am." She looked intently at him.

    "I'm so sorry," she whispered as she gulped for more air. "I'm so sorry... that I... I forgot about you. I'm sorry I haven't written a letter to you in years... I'm... sorry..." Freddie quickly wrapped his arms around her and gave her a firm hug.

    "Shh, shh, shh. It's okay. It's okay. I don't blame you. It's all okay."
  7. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    This was it. This was actually her brother. She didn't need any DNA test results, she knew it in her gut that this was her brother. While she was sobbing, she felt his arms go around her in a big, firm hug. Something she missed. She knew it now. Zoey hugged him back, burying her head in his shoulder. She let the tears fall as she held on tightly to Freddie and her picture that her father gave her. She let it sink in herself; Freddie was her older brother.

    "Shh, shh, shh. It's okay. It's okay. I don't blame you. It's all okay."

    On a whim, on a chance, in a matter of twenty-four hours she was revealed the truth. She wished she would have known about it sooner. She wished she would have remembered in some way. But all her memory seemed to have been erased. That's what her therapist told her a long time ago. She had shut down everything in her mind to block out why she was blind in one eye, who caused it, and along with that, everything else that happened before that. She blamed herself. She didn't want to remember, but she forgot to hold on the memories that did matter. The ones that faded away with age and hardships.

    But her older brother didn't blame her. Everything was all okay. She pulled away from him a bit, looking at him with her one good eye. She then smiled and hugged him once more, squeezing him tightly. "I'm glad I found you," she said in almost a whisper, her tears starting to disappear. In the midst of losing someone, she also found someone. Someone else she could confine in. Someone else she could talk to. Someone who ought to know the secret behind the eyepatch. But this was enough for one day. At least she thought it was. "How did you get in the same school as me?" she asked, giggling through her tears. She pulled away just a bit, sniffing as she wiped the salty drops from her eye. "I mean, wow. This is kind of weird, huh? Yesterday I didn't even think I had a brother. But this morning... Just.... wow."

    ...We can chase the dark together; if you go, then so will I...
  8. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood:Average(X)Wearing(X)Music(X)Location: On way to school(X) OOC: Post for Victor and hopefully banners will come tomorrow

    Going out for one his forced walks his parents made him take, Shane decided to take a little detour along the way. His parents never really cared where he went, as long as it wasn't dangerous of course, they just didn't want him to spend his entire day copped up in his room playing with his phone. Last year they never would've said something, but they choose this year to say something about it.

    Along his detour, he ended up passing by the school. Normally he would probably head back at this point, but something or rather someone near by the school stuck out to him, which was ironic for him to think like since the hood of his jacket was up and he could easily be called a rabbit due to the hood.

    Now the part about the girl that stuck out to him was simply the fact that she had on a eye patch. Something about them seemed cool to him, probably due to watching too many shows where the hero used an eye patch to cover up some sort of special eye that they had. Now that his walk was stopped, he needed a way to talk to her, without seeing like a weirdo.
  9. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 9 - 3/4 | DATE: December 29th, 2015 | LOCATION: School

    The sobbing girl had hugged him back, resting her head on his shoulder. It was great that they had been reunited. After all, it had been many, many years since they had last seen each other. The last time they were physically together was before the divorce. Such a long time, but now they were together. Although, he did want to know why she was wearing the eye patch. Something must've happened that is making her wear that damn thing. The question is, what?

    "I'm glad I found you," he could hear her quietly say it as she calmed down. Freddie was glad that they had found each other, too. He found her just by chance in that gas station, after having been reminded of her existence earlier that day. "How did you get in the same school as me?" She asked as she giggled. Zoey pulled away a little bit and wiped away the tears. "I mean, wow. This is kind of weird, huh? Yesterday I didn't even think I had a brother. But this morning... Just.... wow."

    "Yeah, it is crazy. I had just thought of you yesterday before I went to the gas station, and then poof! There you were." Sometimes the strangest things can happen just like that. Everything had happened in the span of a day. Less than that if you want to get technical about it. It's incredible. Though he did wonder. "Hey, maybe this isn't the best time. But what happened to your eye?"
  10. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline

    "Yeah, it is crazy. I had just thought of you yesterday before I went to the gas station, and then poof! There you were."

    "And I just thought of you this morning." She rubbed her hands together to try to keep them warm before she looked up at her brother with her good eye. "Dad wasn't happy I asked about you or-"

    "Hey, maybe this isn't the best time. But what happened to your eye?"

    That question that was probably on everyone's mind when they first saw her. Zoey couldn't blame him for asking. Plus, this was the first time in years they've seen each other actually face to face instead of pictures. She felt a sinking feeling in her chest, a dull ache resurfaced from the past. She then heard the yelling, the screaming, the angry words, and then, the smashing of glass. The smell of blood and alcohol trickled in her nose, even though she wasn't right there right now. She still carried the memory though, day in and day out. It was something that played on her mind over and over again, even when she didn't call the memory.

    She found herself looking away from Freddie, her eye looking towards the sidewalk. She put a hand up to her eyepatch, touching it lightly. She could feel the silky texture of it. Zoey had gone silent, her eye staring off as if she was stuck in a dream. "Please don't be mad at Dad," she said, taking in a deep breath. "It's not his fault..." She kept her eye away from Freddie. She didn't even want to look him in the face at the moment. Only her dad, her step mother, and now Julius had seen her eye. Julius didn't ask about it at the time, but he saw it. How bad it looked. So many surgeries were done to try to save the vision, but it was long gone.

    "Are you sure you want to know?" she whispered, closing her good eye so she didn't have to see the world around her.

    ...We can chase the dark together; if you go, then so will I...
  11. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Morning came by and Jonathan woke up bright and early with a big smile. Soon enough he would need to get out of the hospital he stood in, but for now Jonathan would make do with where he was. Nomming on the piece of toast he received from the hotel, Jonathan began to wonder where his next destination was going to be. As he stretched, Jonathan smiled and walked out of the building.

    Surely Julius was quite fatigued and tired so Jonathan decided not to bother the man and merely head towards rehearsals now that they were still going on. He hoped things would be much more brighter and that he could at least get along well with the others. He was quite surprised to hear Julius would even take a job like this, but Julius was always a surprise to him.

    Jonathan quietly walked on and gave those that he passed by a smile and a nod before he opened the doors to the auditorium and walked in with a great smile. "Alrighty time to get to work...though...what exactly is work?" Jonathan said scratching the back of his head with a sigh.
  12. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Evan Allen Walker:
    {~~~Day 9(3/4)~~~December 29th, 2015, Monday~~~Location:Home***The Streets~~~Mood:Groovin~~~Music~~~Ooc: N/A~~~}

    It was almost done. Knight of the Frozen circle, Sir Evan Allen Walker, had almost finished his task. He was about to slay the uni-horned, fire breathing, man-eating,hetero-chromatic penguin when suddenly a large gong sound reverberated through his world. The earth started to shake as he lunged towards his prey and... in the real world Evan grabbed a nearby umbrella (because it is common for a grown man to keep his umbrella next to his bed) and unconsciously whacked at the gong alarm clock. After doing so he awoke from his slumber and stretched.

    "What a good dream that was." He looked befuddled at the umbrella randomly in his hand but just tossed it aside paying absolutely no mind to it at all . With that morning habit done he walked past the mirror and noticed something was off. It was then that he realized that he was wearing the same clothes as he was yesterday, for he had not taken them off before bed. Having noticed this pressing issue he did nothing at all in response to it.

    Walking over to the refrigerator he thought of pulling something frozen out for his breakfast. Opening the freezer part of it he was greeted by a room chilling wave of frigid air that blasted forth at him. Almost instantly he closed the door. "And that's why I've never gotten around to my frozen waffles." Lamenting over his lack of frozen waffles he went to his cabinet and just pulled out peanut butter and just ate straight out of the jar. Breakfast of champions.

    After that morning expedition was over with he decided to go out for a nice skate around town was in order. So he grabbed his phone, his keys, and his rollerblades.He started skating to the window of his room when suddenly he tripped over something and fell out his (open because he never closed it,) window. Why did he trip? Well when he threw the umbrella it ended up going right next to his window which eventually caused his wheel to get caught and cause the unsuspecting man to trip out his window.

    Lifting his head out of the extremely conveniently placed dumpster, Evan smiled and yelled out, "best. Exit . Ever! Of all time. Really glad I pushed this dumpster here, man was that a great idea." Having smiled at the fond memories of purchasing and pushing a dumpster outside his window he climbed out and started rollerblading out on the town.

  13. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 9 - 3/4 | DATE: December 29th, 2015 | LOCATION: School

    Zoey looked away from Freddie after he asked. Maybe he shouldn't have pried, but it was important to find out what happened to her. She put her hand up to her eye patch. Were the memories of what happened that painful? Did she really block it all out? Did he do this to her? He would never forgive him if he was the one who messed her up. She just kept staring at the sidewalk. The thought that this was a bad idea was now drilling its way into his head.

    "Please don't be mad at dad." She finally spoke up after a long silence. "It's not his fault..." Well... if she says so. Still, it couldn't have been just an accident. Something must have physically happened between her and someone else. The step mom? Maybe. It certainly is a possibility. "Are you sure you want to know?"

    "Well, you can tell me in your own time. You don't have to tell me now, right now, what's important is that we found each other." Freddie placed his hand on her shoulder to reassure her. He wanted her to be comfortable, and he wanted her to tell him when she was ready to. There was no point in forcing it out of her. That is just a cruel thing to do.
  14. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DATE⁞ Tuesday, December 29th, 2015 DAY⁞ 9 4/4
    LOCATION⁞ Home//Living Room INTERACTION⁞ Mom//Officer

    Ryder sat on the living room couch with his mom on one side and his sister on the other. His mother had apparently told the investigator that she didn't want to receive the autopsy report until her son had finally returned to them. He got a feeling that there was a second meaning to that statement. Instead of hearing it over the phone or going down to the police station, the officer had been kind enough to come to their home. Now, he stood in front of them in the living room with a manilla envelope in one hand. His mother was already weeping into his shoulder and his sister was curled up in his side looking distant and broken. Richie had always been the one closer to his mom and sister, while Ryder was closer with their dad. Did he know yet? Ryder would have to call him later, but he loathed the thought of being the bearer of bad news once more.

    "Mrs. Duvont, if you'd like I can come back at another time to share it with you." The investigator--Officer Markotz--told his mother.

    She shook her head no and wiped snot off her face. Gross. Ryder sighed deeply and rubbed his tired eyes. He felt dead tired. Sleeping in that chair at Elisa's left his back sore and knotted, then sitting through that rehearsal because Elisa couldn't go by herself helped little, and now here he was sitting on the couch while waiting to find out what killed his twin. "So?" he urged Officer Markotz. The man nodded before pulling out a stapled stack of papers from the envelope. There were so many that he wondered if they held the reports of the others that died as well.

    Officer Markotz cleared his throat as he thumbed through until he found the right paper. "The preliminary investigation showed no physical signs of distress. All of the kids seemed to have similar traumas. Richie's body showed old signs of abuse that healed a long time ago." The investigator stopped for a moment as Ryder's mother began to sob loudly into his shoulder. Even with his body muffling it, she put out a great deal of sound. Officer Markotz made an uneasy second clearing of his throat before continuing. "The toxicology report was interesting. Everyone seemed to have alcohol in their systems, Richie's being especially high, but that wasn't what caught our interest. There was a series of drugs found inside them--"

    "My son does not do drugs!" His mother snapped. She had stopped crying long enough to glare sternly at the officer.

    Geez mom. Ryder shook his head. It was true that Richie wasn't into drugs, but they were there--in his system.

    "Ma'am, I'm only telling you what the coroner found. Whether he did them frequently or not is another matter. After some time we were able to identify everything in their system, but one." he went on to recite it all. "The lab guys are still working on figuring out what it might be. However, even without knowing what the last thing might be, the combination of any or all of these drugs is pretty fatal. Ultimately, his heart gave out. It was the same for all of them; save for Miss Carosella who for some reason stabbed herself before passing." The investigator put the papers back in the folder and rested a hand on the shoulder of Mrs. Duvont.

    Ryder slumped down into a messy pile on the couch. He wasn't even sure what to do with this knowledge. He would have almost rather not even known. Maybe he would tell Sophie, since it did happen at her house. It would probably make her feel a little bit better knowing--or not... It could do the complete opposite as well. He sighed and buried his face in his hands. Her family was paying for the funeral for all of them. Two days from now they were supposed to be lowering his twin brother's body into the ground...
  15. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline

    "Well, you can tell me in your own time. You don't have to tell me now, right now, what's important is that we found each other."

    Zoey looked at him when he patted her on the shoulder, coming back to reality from her little world she disappeared into. She sighed out, letting her shoulders sag as she pressed her lips tightly together. She wanted to show him, she really did. Then she realized the place where they were at. They were out in the open, where probably someone else could see them. And if someone from the play were to see her with her eyepatch off- no. It wasn't a good idea, not right now.

    She smiled a bit at him, suddenly giving him a hug out of no where. "Thank you... I really want to show you though. Maybe after rehearsals?" She folded her hands in her lap, her eyes sad. "Dad isn't really happy right now. I don't want to go home right away..."

    She looked around before glancing at her watch. Rehearsals were still a long ways off, but it was getting cold sitting outside. Her teeth chattered as she rubbed herself, laughing softly as she looked to her brother. "Hey, wanna head inside where it's warmer? I'm sure no one will mind you being there." She stood up, stretching her legs out. "Oh yeah, are you and Sophie going out or something? At least that's what I heard at the party." She shrugged. "Just some gossip floating around." She smiled slyly, putting her hands behind her back as she took the first few steps towards the auditorium.

    Practice was soon over though, and some things came up to where Zoey had to leave early without spending more time with Freddie. She exchanged phone numbers with him and then went on her way to her house. It was quiet, she didn't feel like confronting her dad. After eating a somewhat of a good dinner, she went to her bedroom and flopped on the bed in her bedtime clothes and fell into a restless sleep.
    ...We can chase the dark together; if you go, then so will I...
  16. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: Average (X) Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: School (X) OOC: Banner done, Victor post will be the next rp day

    A closer look showed that the girl was having a moment of some kind with someone else. Well that made interacting with her a lot more difficult. Aside from not having any idea on what to say, the fact that he'd be interrupting what ever was going on would make it worse. So he decided to take the easy route and start heading home.

    While he was walking, he couldn't help but wonder if he was noticed at all. His usual hoodie aside, he was pretty much just standing there staring at them from a distance. If he wasn't, then that's good otherwise he hoped that it wouldn't come back to bite him in the butt later.

    Soon enough he was back at his house. Neither of his parents were there, so the door was locked. Really made him glad that he brought his keys along with him. It took a few moments to unlock the door, but once he was inside he close and relocked the door behind him. Next he decided to go ahead and get his shower out of the way. When that was done, he hop on his bed and decided to turn in early.
  17. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Location: Her Home {} Mood: Depressed/Hurt {} OOC: Keep pumping out feel posts until I don't feel like it
    She probably should've realized it, but it wasn't until the sun was almost all the way down that she gave up on waiting and started to head back home. They kept saying it was still going to go on, but it's been days without practice and the last one she want to wasn't even meant for her. It didn't matter. She LOVED waiting for hours. At least it wasn't too bad standing out there. The weather was nice. If only some random students didn't come to pick on her, it would've been a nice day to be outside.
    On her way back though, she did pass by that girl with an eyepatch talking to a person. She didn't care about conversation, but she picked up the words "brother" and "dad." It hurts. Nowdays, anything relating to family whether it's through tv or calm chatter made her chest hurt. What could she do? Should she even be happy she still as someone alive back at home? Either way, the words just bring bad memories.
    Sasha entered her home and sighed. Another damned day over. She tossed her stuff onto the couch and to her room, not caring to change her bandages even through they feel filthy. Looking out, she noticed a letter in her mailbox. Curious, she plucked it and returned to her room, examining the letter. Upon inspection, it was from her brother. Her heart caught to her throat. She hasn't made contact with her father or brother since she came here. Did he have good news? Hell any news would work. She missed her brother. She quickly opened the letter and began to read it.
    Without reading more, Sasha crumpled up the letter and tossed it into the trash before curling up on her bed and hugging her pillow as tears spilled out of her eyes. I hate it here, but I don't want to leave. There's nothing back at home but pain and regret. You may not show it, but deep down, you both see me as a spoiled brat and a murderer. She eventually cried herself to sleep. She threw away the letter because she knew how her brother ended it.

  18. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Evan Allen Walker:
    {~~~Day 9(4/4)~~~December 29th, 2015, Monday~~~Location:The Streets***Home~~~Mood:Groovin~~~Music~~~Ooc: N/A~~~}

    Evan was busy rollerblading through the town as per his norm. It was a blissful and carefree just like any other day for this man. Despite the darkness of nightfall and the chill of the air nothing seemed to bog him down. Besides he was given a mission to do and he mostly forgot about it for the majority of the day. He got a text from Dennis to do something, though it'd be far too late to do the entire thing. So part one of this grand expedition that would, at most, take an hour was under way.

    He rolled his way into a nearby convenience store getting, just having people giving him question looks all the while. It seemed as if the general populace was not used to a man who literally rollerbladed into every place. He browsed through the place until he noticed his objective. Grabbing out the money he needed and threw it at the counter, taking his loot with him. The clerk was a bit confused as to why Evan grabbed a bag filled with nothing but lollipops in it, gave him a twenty dollar bill without change given and just left, but he soon stopped thinking about it and just returned to his job.

    Evan had returned home, hobbling his way up the stairs as usual. He reluctantly texted Dennis saying the package was secure though he couldn't deliver it tonight.Evan spoke like this over the text because despite using it, he absolutely hated texting. He had the feeling that "big brother" was constantly reading any and all messages that he sent and to prevent this he decided to speak in "code" so no one would know what he was actually talking about. Admittedly, this probably made him look way more suspicious than he actually was, but that never really figured into his thought process. He threw the bag of lollipops onto the table, put himself into his loungewear, and set his next gong alarm clock for tomorrow. Before lying down in the bed though, he grabbed the umbrella next to the window and threw it into his broken TV, where it belonged. Having done his duties for the day Evan retired himself to sleep.
  19. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 9 - 4/4 | DATE: December 29th, 2015 | LOCATION: Home

    After reuniting with his sister at the school and , and being met with a question he wasn't quite expecting, he went home. It was a good day. As he sat at home, changing his clothes, he remembered that he didn't respond to Sophie's previous text. With his shirt half off, he sent the following:

    After sending it, he tossed his phone onto his bed and finished changing into his home clothes. He went down to the kitchen to raid the refrigerator for dinner. Seeing the leftover Chinese food, he grabbed it and didn't bother heating it up. He just ate the Sweet and Sour Chicken with Rice directly from the fridge, straight from the take out container. It would've been better if the food was warm, but he didn't care. At this point, he was super hungry and he had skipped lunch, so getting food into him was more important than how it tasted.

    He grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge after finishing the cold leftovers. The drink helped to make him feel fuller from his meal. After drinking half of his bottle, he went back upstairs and grabbed his phone again. He considered phoning his mother and telling her what had happened. Maybe he should hold off on it, though. He would need to be able to explain the eye patch and Zoey hadn't told him what happened. The only thing she did tell him about it was to not blame dad. It was hard for him not to, but he would at least try for his sister's sake.

    Postponing the call to mom would be a good idea. He just placed his phone back on his bed and went to his bathroom to brush his teeth. After doing his nightly routine, he prepped himself for bed. All of the lights in his house were off, his TV was turned on, and he crawled under the sheets. After surfing the channels, he left it on TBS and then set the Sleep Timer on his TV. He rested his head on his pillow and fell asleep to the sound of the TV.
  20. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    [ ooc: trying to end day rather quickly for sleep ]

    After the investigator left and Ryder managed to calm his mother down, he helped put his little sister to bed and laid awake in his room. The television screen was paused on a game that he left abandoned with no desire to play. His hands rested behind his head and he stared up at the ceiling absently. The funeral was in two days. It would be a living nightmare. He didn't want to go or deal with any of that. This should be hitting him harder, right? He should be crying his eyes out like his sister and mother and yet he was oddly unfazed. His phone rested next to his head, but he didn't touch it. He needed to call his dad--he would want to come to the funeral--, but it could wait until tomorrow. He was too tired now. There was just too much allowing his mind to rest. Would he always be like this from now on? It pissed Ryder off. He enjoyed having an easy laid back lifestyle and now he was constantly stressing out and there was always someone clinging onto him--women. He really didn't like being depended upon. What if he let them down? He shook his head in frustration and rolled over on his side. The blankets shifted around his bare chest and he hugged them closely to his body. It took a long time, but his mind eventually grew too tired to continue wandering until he reached the point where it just shut down completely.


    When the door to Joel's dorm room opened, there was a smug grin on his face. Maria pushed him out of the way and stormed into the small space. It was only because she had nowhere else to go--she kept telling herself. She didn't want to be here with him. She had gotten over him a long time ago.

    Maria began to peel off the layers that concealed her body. An excessive amount of makeup managed to get her through rehearsal for today, but it wouldn't last forever. She needed to go home and face her brother at some point in time, but she was just too mad at him to do that. There was EAP to consider. She was abandoning him by not coming home. The little kitten needed her. Stephan had best at least take care of him in her absence, it was the least he could do for what happened. This was all his fault. She mumbled vulgarities to herself before opening up Joel's dresser drawer and pulling out something to wear to bed. She found a pair of his pajama pants and slipped them on. He looked disappointed, but she didn't care. They weren't having sex tonight, not again. It made her feel dirty before, during, and after. She would see Tucker's face and feel guilty, but it wasn't as if he even liked her. He just trusted her. He trusted her enough to share a very deep secret with her. It was heartbreaking. Other than that text he sent her the night before, they had barely any form of communication since he told her. She wasn't really sure what to do anymore.

    She pulled out her phone as she slumped down on the bed and opened the message icon. She needed something to take her mind off of the redhead that didn't involve sex with her second least favorite person on the planet--the first being Stephan.

    Maria figured that if she sent it to the both of them, she was bound to find at least one that was free before or after rehearsal. The other would probably be busy. She didn't wait up for a reply. Instead, Maria crawled under the sheets and curled up into a ball on the bed before falling asleep.


    Pierce got ready for bed in the bathroom. Sophie was staying over again. She didn't really mind. However, it was odd. Sophie had actually asked her mom for permission this morning before they left. She must have been up to something. Sophie never asked anyone permission for anything. Her mom had undoubtedly said yes, but not without making some ( joking ) quip about how she would have to start paying rent soon. Man! Her mom was so lame!

    Rehearsal had been tense. Things in the box office with Oliver were awkward and silent. He still seemed to be somewhat avoiding her, and to be honest, she was doing the same with him. She spoke even less around him now than she did before. His distancing could only further prove that there was no way he actually liked her. It was just her imagination. He was an adult. What would he want with a kid like her? Maybe if she was more confident like Sophie--everyone liked Sophie. It just made her feel so much more inferior.

    Pierce sighed in the mirror as she brushed her hair. She set the brush down on the counter and walked back into her bedroom wearing her raincloud pajamas. She smiled at Sophie and put in a movie for them to watch while they went to bed. When it started to play, she crawled under the sheets and said goodnight to her friend. The movie had only gotten about ten minutes in before she was completely asleep.
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