❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    Zoey spun on her heel when she heard a voice right beside her. She was so lost in thought, she didn't even see the guy come in. She looked at him with her dark blue eye, then smiled at him politely. "Yeah, I'm extra number four."

    Someone to talk to. Yay.

    "Well, that's not my name, but you know what I mean." She giggled, taking another sip from her hot chocolate. "Name's Zoey." She looked up at the guy, trying to put a name and a face together. He did look... a little familiar to her. She raised an eyebrow, lowering her hot chocolate cup down. "Have we, um, met before? Sorry, I'm kind of bad with names and faces. Takes me a while to remember them." She cleared her throat, looking to the side to the outside world. The sun was going down, and it was going to get even more colder. She dreaded walking out there from this cozy store. Maybe she might call her dad to ask him to pick her up. That was if he wasn't busy with work and all.

    She looked back up to the guy. For some reason, she felt sort of comfortable around him. Like there was nothing to be afraid of. Even though he was older and came off as the scruffy type in a way. He couldn't be as bad as Travold, could he? Travold was pretty scary after all.

    ...We can chase the dark together; if you go, then so will I...
  2. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Location: Her Room {} Mood: Very Bleh {} OOC: So boring by herself :c (Btw, all previous interaction with Ethan has never happened now. She is still her stalker self)
    With a cloudy mind, Sasha made her way back to her home. She never felt so far away from society than ever before. Even with all these deaths and stuff, some of them managed to pull out with such cheery expressions and keep on moving. She on the other hand might never move on from her gloomy past. She didn't care though. No one was there and she sure as hell didn't need anyone now. It was just...this was an opportunity to finally break free from the shackles in her past to break. Now, if it were not to pass...it could be the same thing all over again.
    Entering her home, she tossed her phone on the table and staggered for her room, still clutching her side. It didn't seem this was gonna heal very soon. Oh well...looks like I may have to see a doctor or something. Man I really hoped I didn't need to. I'll just have to see tomorrow. Removing her clothes and replacing her bloody bandages with clean ones, she wore some pajamas before heading to her room and flipped on her computer.
    It was a while since she touched her computer. She probably got a crapload of messages from her guild members in the many games she was in. Not to mention she also missed out on some anime and manga releases. Well getting stabbed does that to you. Ignoring the many angry complains and IMs, she proceeded to download her missing anime before leaning back on her chair and staring out her window and into the starry night. Hey mom...sis...maybe I shouldn't be so selfish about myself. I might just take someone else down just like I have with you two...
    For some reason she found that thought funny. Chuckling, she covered her eyes with her arm, tears falling out of them. "Dumbass...who would go down from you?" Rubbing her eyes, she turned off her lights and flopped on the bed, closing her eyes. I don't want anyone else dying...especially from me...Because it seems that it's the only thing I'm good at.
  3. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 8 - 4/4 | DATE: December 28th, 2015 | LOCATION: Gas Station

    "Yeah, I'm extra number four. Well, that's not my name, but you know what I mean." Ms. Eyepatch started to giggle from her little joke, taking another sip from her hot chocolate. "Name's Zoey." There was silence after she said her name. Zoey? Ahah... Wow... What a coincidence. I mean, it must be just a coincidence that I find old letters from my little sister and then I meet another girl with the same name as her. It's just a coincidence. She couldn't be his little sister, there's just no way. I mean... She's... She's got an eye patch... That would mean something happened to her while he wasn't there... The thought that she was hurt and he couldn't protect her made him sick to his stomach. He took a sip of his drink to calm himself down. Freddie was merely reading too much into this. People can have the same names.

    Zoey looked up at him, and then asked,
    "Have we, um, met before? Sorry, I'm kind of bad with names and faces. Takes me a while to remember them." Well, he was at the party so she probably saw him there. He didn't expect her to remember him exactly though, given what happened.

    "Yeah, I um... I was at the after party... So you probably saw me there..." It was awkward bringing up the party again. He scratched the back of his head. The doubt that she'd remember him after an event like that grew as the silence lingered a little bit. He kept inspecting her face, over and over again. Man, could she really be?
  4. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    The party, right..."She felt a little tug of sadness swell inside of her when that awful after party was mentioned. She really didn't talk to much of anyone, save Dennis. So many faces were there, but this guy... He stood out to her in some way. But why? Her hot chocolate was forgotten as she felt the guy staring at her. But he wasn't staring at the eyepatch, he was staring right at her. Like he was trying to figure out something too, just like she was.

    She suddenly shook her head, holding her hot chocolate cup up to her chest. "No... I didn't see you at the party. I don't think I saw you at school either..." This was kind of bugging her out. This was only suppose to happen in movies, right?

    Suddenly feeling a bit uncomfortable, she cleared her throat and saw that the store clerk had come from the back and was standing at the cash register. "Um, well, I gotta head off before it gets too dark... Nice to meet you?" She nodded to him once before she made her way to check out. Man, that was sort of bizarre. It was like they were trying to have some psychic vision or some odd thing like that. Maybe he was secretly a mind reader?

    ...We can chase the dark together; if you go, then so will I...
  5. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 8 - 4/4 | DATE: September 28th, 2015 | LOCATION: Gas Station

    "No... I didn't see you at the party. I don't think I saw you at school either..." Freddie could tell from her expression that she was uncomfortable. It was probably a really bad idea to bring up the party, but still, he had to say where she could've seen him. "Um, well, I gotta head off before it gets too dark... Nice to meet you?"

    "Yeah..." Was she gonna walk home? In this freezing weather? Even with the hot chocolate, she shouldn't probably be doing that. After she finished paying for her stuff, he went to pay for the gas and his drink. It took quite a chunk out of what he had, but it was fine. As she went out the door, he went up to her, "Hey, hold up a sec. Are you seriously going to walk in this freezing weather? I mean, do you need a ride? I could give you one." While he did genuinely want to bring her home, there was another reason he wanted to take her to her house.

    Despite the cold weather, he was sweating bullets. It was crazy that he offered a stranger a ride home. Granted, this person could potentially be his little sister, but still. The act was crazy given the circumstances.
  6. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    To trust a total stranger, or not, that was the question. It was freezing cold outside, and maybe it was a stupid idea to even try to make it the rest of the way home with just a cup of hot chocolate. Her dad could be busy too. She didn't know. But she didn't want to bother him. She bit her bottom lip, debating the offer. Well, she felt comfortable around him before the awkward feelings came up. It was just probably the party being mentioned that threw her off. She smiled at the guy, shrugging her shoulders.

    "That would be nice, if you wouldn't mind. I mean, I can pay for the gas money and stuff..." She held the store door open for the classmate to step out first. It did get a bit colder. Night was coming on after all, or that's what it appeared to be. "Thanks for the offer, it's really nice of you. I live over at Owens Court. Do you know where that is?"

    ...We can chase the dark together; if you go, then so will I...
  7. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 8 - 4/4 | DATE: December 28th, 2015 | LOCATION: Gas Station ==> Zoey's House

    After a long bit of silence between the two, Zoey finally answered, "That would be nice, if you wouldn't mind. I mean, I can pay for the gas money and stuff..." She held the door open as he walked to the entrance. As he continued walking to his car, Zoey followed after. "Thanks for the offer, it's really nice of you. I live over at Owens Court. Do you know where that is?"

    "Hmm... No, I don't think I've been around that area. But, you know your way there, right?" She nodded and they began driving. Zoey directed him along the way as he made mental notes of what was around this area so that he could remember how to get here again. Just in case he needed to come back to that area. After about 20 minutes and 13 "Is this your house?"s later, they finally arrived at Zoey's house.

    "Well, that took a little longer than I thought, but we're here." After saying this, he noticed a man in the window of the house. A man that was familiar to him. It was certain, the girl that was sitting in his passenger's seat was his little sister. What the hell happened? How'd she get the eyepatch? He was tempted to storm into the house and confront his scumbag of a father, but he had to keep his cool. She didn't know yet, and he wasn't quite sure how to tell her. Well, he could tell her in his own time. "Oh, I don't think I mentioned my name to you. My name's Freddie."
  8. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    Finally I get a name out of you!" she laughed, grinning at him. "Well, thanks a lot Freddie for the ride. Guess I'll see you around at school? Maybe we can hang out or something." It wasn't a bad idea. Zoey was trying to get to know at least a handful of people in the school. Maybe it was to cover up for Alex's death. Or to fill that void. She didn't know. She waved at Freddie goodbye after she got out of the car and headed into her house. Nothing really struck her about the name Freddie. Nothing yet anyways. Her father spoke to her briefly about the rehearsal, and Zoey didn't say much about it it. Nor about the guy that gave her a ride home. Feeling exhausted, she excused herself to her room and hit the hay after changing into some penguin PJ's, happy to finally sleep now and knocked out like a broken lamp.

    ...We can chase the dark together; if you go, then so will I...
  9. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 8 - 4/4 | DATE: December 28th, 2015 | LOCATION: Zoey's House ==> Home

    "Finally I get a name out of you!" Zoey laughed and smiled as she said that. "Well, thanks a lot Freddie for the ride. Guess I'll see you around at school? Maybe we can hang out or something."

    "Yeah, definitely." Freddie forced a smile, since he knew that asshole was taking care of her. Not to mention that she was wearing an eyepatch, and probably not as a fashion statement. He waved back to her as she walked to her house. As soon as he saw that she was inside, he drove off. Thanks to his mental notes, he found his way back in no time. Now he was on his way home. Minus dinner. Dammit. He drove by a McDonald's that was close by and grabbed something quick to eat.

    After getting home, with his dinner in hand, he sat down in front of his TV and scarfed down his burger and his fries. He had no idea how to handle this situation. How would he tell her that he was her older brother? Should he tell his mother that he found her by chance? He had no idea. It was a pain to have to deal with all of this, but it may be worth it in the long run. We'll just have to wait and see.

    After finishing his meal, he sipped at his drink as he cleaned up his mess and changed into his pajamas. He turned on the TV in his room and flipped through the channels. He decided to just leave it on the Science Channel, since that would probably put him to sleep anyway. After finishing up the last off his drink, he brushed his teeth and settled himself underneath his sheets. With the lights in his house off, he set the timer on his TV and quickly fell asleep to a lecture that droned on from the TV.
  10. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves


    Torvald had refused the food all that while ago, but it was at this point that he felt less fiery and more suspicious. On edge, even. The afternoon had passed and the two men sat talking in the library, and to Torvald's utter lack of surprise, the working class dog of the bourgeois knew his way around subtlety fairly well. Not once did he budge in his position of feigned innocence, even though it was clear enough to both of them that Lucas was involved in the murder. A white elephant in the room, that Torvald was careful to step and fight towards with utmost lack of calumny. A point that was truth enough to both of them. But it served to show that this had simply become a little game of testing Torvald's revolution.

    He glanced around the darkening room momentarily, before catching Lucas' sharp panther-like gaze again.
    << Working class peon. It is late, and you and I have gone back-and-forth enough over the utter ridiculousness, by the millions of proletarian souls as numerous as the stars in space, that you wish to deny my revolution of justice. Allow me to deny you courtesy in the wake. I am tired, but not once do I wish to take my eyes off from your cold face, so I request we take this to the morning before our sleep deprivation catches either of us off guard. >>

    In the ruined, messy room, Torvald calmly tapped his fingers on his lap, tilted his head to the side in a gesture of subtle provocation. The music had stopped long ago, but neither of them noticed.


  11. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    T H E T R O U B L E S O M E R E V O L U T I O N

    Over the course of the day, TORVALD and myself had developed some form of respect for one and other. That not being in the usual sense. Clearly, we both knew that in some form, I was involved in the 'murders', but I knew that the extent of TORVALD's knowing was merely suspicion. Nothing confirmed.

    I had to admit, he was certainly strong in his resolve, only wavering once or twice when I made the wording lay over itself a few times.

    Working class peon. It is late, and you and I have gone back-and-forth enough over the utter ridiculousness, by the millions of proletarian souls as numerous as the stars in space, that you wish to deny my revolution of justice. Allow me to deny you courtesy in the wake. I am tired, but not once do I wish to take my eyes off from your cold face, so I request we take this to the morning before our sleep deprivation catches either of us off guard.
    Lucas hummed a laugh. ❝I say that is a genuinely smart move.❞ he replied, standing up, and then leading TORVALD from the library. ❝Sophie will not return home tonight, so you are free to the third floor. Next to my quarters, preferably. I prefer keeping an eye on the red star, even if it may blind me.

    They walked through the messy house, which Lucas had yet to clean, but he didn't particularly care at the moment. His day spent with the tiger had been pleasing, and thoroughly interesting. Enjoyable, at the very least. Eventually, they reached the third floor, and Lucas opened the door for TORVALD.

    Sleep well, beast.❞ Lucas said with a smile, and then closed the door. Tomorrow, he would clean.

    Upon returning to his own room, Lucas undressed and laid out a set of clothing for the beast that he would bring to him in the morning. Since they were relatively the same size, there should be no issues.

    Before slipping into bed, Lucas closed down the house and locked everything up. He walked about the house half naked, but wasn't too worried of TORVALD somehow stumbling upon him since the room he had left the other in was away from him.

    Eventually, he slipped into bed and fell asleep.

    - - -​
    Bryan fell asleep on the couch because Saxima is tired.
  12. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves

    Torvald dutifully entered the room Lucas laid out for him without another sound and closed the door behind him. That Lucas was a tricky one. Enjoyable company, but definitely slippery. If he were not an enemy of justice, he would make a wonderful equal in Torvald's glorious worldwide revolution. But alas, all was for naught at this very moment. At the least, they would have things to discuss -- and continue over breakfast.

    So in light of this, Torvald quickly unbuttoned his shirt and pants, slipping into bed in his boxers. He took out the letter opener and stuck it in a pillow case for safe keeping, in case things were to happen by the ghastly man in the middle of the night. Without another breath, Torvald closed his eyes and quickly dozed off to sleep.

  13. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Things were quite complicated for Jonathan and as time went on he realized it was going to be harder then he actually thought. Practically a very few people even voted to continue to the play and though they really didn't showed any initiative to keep it alive, Jonathan decide for now that they would keep it alive for now. He knew that they were shaken up, but if they didn't have any real interest in the play then there was no true reason for them to keep going on. For now he would witness what happens next and wait.

    Jonathan was even more grateful that Erik was around to help and though he was beginning to doubt Julius' choice to have him take over, Jonathan was still ready to step in for his brother no matter how hard it was. The awkwardness of the situation wass killed but Jonathan was ready to endure for the sake of his brother and the others that found pleasure in the play. As everybody started to leave the theatre, Jonathan stayed back in order to fulfil any little business Julius needed before he himself got ready to leave.

    The walk back to the hotel he was staying at was short, but soon enough Jonathan reached his hotel. Still fatigued, Jonathnan returned to his bed and fell asleep. He planned to inform Julius the next day.
  14. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City
    Tucker had seen Maria limp out of the auditorium quickly. She hund her head low and walked straight out without a word. He hung his head low too as was slumped in his seat but he watched her go. He didn't recognize her the entire time from where he sat (in his defense, she was wearing a hat and he was a couple seats behind her). He wanted to follow her out and ask if she was alright, but she was out so quickly (okay, that was a lie) and he felt this air of awkwardness at the thought of talking to her (truth!). He sighed as he sat up properly. Suddenly, his phone buzzed in his pocket. The long vibrations in his pocket signified that this was no mere text but rather, a call. He reached down for it and peeked at who was calling - Sean. He could already picture the call happening.

    Sean would say something like "It's my mission to cheer you up!" or "Get yourself together! We're going to my place for video games and pizza!" and he knew if he said yes that it would be Sean's first step to uncovering what bothered him - or at least, that's what Sean would think. He stuffed it back the phone back into his pocket and ignored the buzzing. He then left the auditorium a while after everyone else had gone.

    He pulled the hood of his coat on as he walked out into the parking lot, hopped into his car oblivious of his surroundings and made his way home. Once he was home, he stripped off his clothing and took a quick, warm shower. He then walked over to his bed, glancing momentarily at his bed side table where his phone lay. He bit his lip nervously as he gambled on his decisions of what to do. Giving into his quilt, he reached forward and sends a text message before he battled the night and his inability to sleep peacefully.

    To: Maria
    Hey, sorry I haven't been... talking.
    I saw you leave the auditorium a
    while ago and um, I saw you, uh,
    well, are you alright?

    Elisa sat up and glanced at the sleeping form on her couch. Ryder had placed a movie on and she simply pretended to sleep. Luckily he had fallen asleep not long after. Her tired blue eyes stared blankly at him, watching his motionless body. If she didn't notice his breathing, she would have sworn he was de- she felt an unpleasant jolt in her stomach and she quickly pushed herself off from the bed. She scampered towards her bathroom, slamming her hand on the light switch and stumbling forward. She hung her head over the toilet and puked.

    She hated vomiting but she couldn't help it. She just felt so awful again, plus, Ryder forced her to eat all that food. It was just so awful and so depressing and she couldn't take it. She flushed the toilet once she was done and went over to the sink to wash her mouth and brush her teeth a couple times. It was so repulsive.

    Once done, she walked back towards her bed, closing the lights of the bathroom. She stood before her bed, looking at Ryder for a moment. With him being alive in her mind, he looked really tired. God, what was she doing to him? She had clung onto him so desperately that it probably drained the boy completely and what did she do about it? Nothing. She just clinged on more. She was being absolutely selfish and childish and stupid. She wish she could do something else but every time she gets pulled into such a dark place she just broke - and Ryder always seemed to be there to fix things.

    She grabbed a blanket on her bed, throwing it gently over Ryder's sleeping form. She was tempted to sit on his lap and snuggle into him and sleep there instead but she couldn't find herself doing that, with her self-pitying thoughts occupying her mind. She climbed back onto her bed after and sneaked a peak on her phone. Earlier, she had received a message from Bryan. Bryan Chambers. The love of her life (well, for at least two years of her life - which is the record anyway). However, her heart didn't seem to skip a beat - it was probably too tired from just focusing on beating and not dropping dead. She looked back at it, opening the message and reading it over in the darkness. It did give her some comfort now. He seemed concerned. Worried. It kind of made her stomach jolt again - but in a pleasant way.

    She glanced back at Ryder. Maybe she should give Ryder some time to be alone. Maybe she had to stay away from him a bit... she looked back at her phone and finally typed up a response,

    To: Bryan
    Thank you, thanks so much Bryan. Things aren't
    anywhere near great... Um, sorry I'm such a
    downer, it's just hard now and yeah um I would
    love to hang out though. I promise I'll try not
    to cry too hard haha

    She sent it immediately, half of her wishing she hadn't. It was pretty impulsive but it was already too late. the message sent successfully and all she could do was lie back down, and have some more nightmares.
  15. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010


    She had to admit, sleeping next to Pierce for two nights in a row was really . . . nice. Just because she was cute little Pierce and always made a fuss about these sorts of things. She had told Lucas she would be staying, and he made it a point to bring her more clothing, yesterday, during the rehearsal Erik had all made them go to.

    The play had to go on, after all. Most of the others were half-avoiding her, which she didn't really care for in the least. But even Quentin . . .

    Sophie rolled over in bed, facing Pierce's peaceful, sleeping face. So cute. She moved a stray hair from the other girl's face. With a sigh, she rolled over again and then sat up, stretching all of her sleepy muscles. There would be another mandatory rehearsal today, but she didn't know if she wanted to go. As the composer, she wasn't really obligated, but as the first chair cellist, Bryan would be on her case about not showing.

    She walked to the bathroom and showered, and then changed after completely drying her hair. After that, she headed downstairs and did what she always did when she spent the night over here, grabbed a tall glass and poured herself some milk. Moments like that, the small things, were the ones that brought her most pleasure. Especially when they were small things she projected on to other people that then snowballed into a hail storm of chaos and emotional turmoil.

    Sophie smiled pleasantly.

    TO: Freddie
    I'm okay. Lucas has made arrangements for a funeral, of course no one knows that.
    Richie's mother is apparently an emotional wreck. Poor woman. I think Zachary's
    sister hates me. She has that right. I've met Seraphina's parents before. Not
    the nicest people. I don't know about Alex's parents...

    The funeral is joint. In two days. You'll be there, I hope. Sigh.

    C U R R E N T T I M E
    9 : 2 5 A M
  16. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    T H E M O R N I N G R E V O L U T I O N

    I woke up during the young hours of the morning, and after dressing in relatively appropriate attire, began to work on cleaning the mess that the red hurricane created. Clumsy beast. Not at all what a tiger of his stature should move like, but what more can I expect of such an untamed creature?

    My work is completely just three hours after waking, and then I set about delivering the spare clothing to the tiger's den. When done, he has still not woken up and I then walk to the monitor room, activating the PA system which is systematically, and rather cleverly hidden throughout the house.

    Awaken, foul beast.❞ I say loudly, and grin, then set the microphone back down and lock the room, and head to ground floor to begin preparing breakfast for the both of us. There will be no 'love potion' shenanigans this morning. Or ever again.

    A simple, one-track minded beast calls for a simple breakfast. Nothing so elaborate that would put him off, and I also make it a point to prepare him the tea he seems to favor so well. I doubt he would outwardly state that he is pleased at the food, but stubborn beasts hardly ever do.

    Hardly having broken a sweat, I set the table in the smaller, more personal dining room and wait for the storm to roll through.
  17. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    WEARING DATE 12/29/2015 DAY 9 & 1/4 MUSIC
    Pierce woke to find herself alone in bed. Sophie must have already been up. She crawled out of bed and dragged herself to the bathroom to shower. She felt especially lazy today. They had decided on continuing the musical, but there wasn't really much for her to do at rehearsals. She and Oliver would probably have to print some more tickets for this week, but that was about it. The idea of being alone with him now made her feel weird inside. She was just over thinking things. Pierce washed her face before getting in the shower.

    When she was finished, she dressed quickly and made her way downstairs. By the time she got down to the kitchen, her mother had joined Sophie and was cooking breakfast. It's about time you joined us dear. I never thought you were going to get up. Her mother smiled brightly in her satin blue robe and matching pajama pants. Her brown hair was pulled back into a bun and there were glasses on her face.

    Morning mom, she mumbled before pulling up at seat at the breakfast bar beside Sophie. There was already bacon and eggs sitting out and her mother handed her a glass of orange juice. It wasn't too often her mother was around to make breakfast in the morning for her. She missed it a lot. What did I miss?

    Hm? Oh, I was just telling Sophie she is welcome to stay here as long as she likes. It must be rather unpleasant living in that big house by yourself after what happened.

    Mom! She slammed her fork down on the counter and stared up at her mother. She just simply smiled back at her scooped some sausage links onto Pierce's plate.

    Relax sweetie. You've been letting this get you too worked up. You need to calm down, her mother chastised her. Pierce glared, watching as her mother went to her jacket and pulled something out. Tickets. She came back to the counter and set them down in front of her and Sophie. Here, I got these for you. They're for that spa in Westchester. I thought the both of you could use a stress free day given everything that's happened.

    She stared at the tickets in shock, lifting one up to her face. B-but, you can't afford these? Pierce lifted her gaze to her mother in confusion.

    They were apart of my Christmas bonus at the hospital. I won them in a raffle at the company party. Take a day off sometime soon and go have fun. Her mother smiled brightly at her before leaving the kitchen.
  18. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010


    Sophie had found that, however eccentric, Pierce's mother was decent company. At least she was able to carry on an intelligent conversation. Sophie could also see where Pierce got her attractiveness; her mother was quite pretty.


    Relax sweetie. You've been letting this get you too worked up. You need to calm down.

    Sophie smiled and glanced at Pierce over the rim of her glass, Yes, sweetie. You should relax.

    Just a moment later, Ms. Mhenjer placed two tickets of some kind in front of Sophie and Pierce. They were for the Ciel Spring Spa, in Westchester, extremely expensive. Sophie had never been there before, but her mother certainly had — plenty of times. Apparently, Ms. Mhenjer had received from a raffle, which was really very lucky, considering.

    I like your mom, Sophie told Pierce when she was gone, she's very nice. And had told Sophie about her husband, which explained a few things about Pierce, but it was a better idea to not elaborate on any of that.

    She looked back down at the tickets and picked both of them up, smiling. This would be nice for our date, she commented, I've never really had a spa day before. What do you think?

    C U R R E N T T I M E
    9 : 3 2 A M
  19. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Maria's blond eyelashes fluttered as her eyelids opened. She yawned and stretched her arms. The t-shirt slid up and there was a faint brushing of skin on skin. Maria looked down to see her brother's friend trailing his index finger against her scar. She smacked his hand away and rolled on her side. Don't do that. she murmured into the pillow. Maria buried her face into the cotton case.

    Really? You're going to tell me what to do after the generosity I've shown you? he said teasingly, sliding into the bed beside her. His hand ran up her spine, under the shirt, and she rolled away again. What's wrong? It never bothered you before. It didn't bother you last night. he insisted.

    Maria groaned and sat up on the bed, pulling her knees close to her chest. Leave me alone Joel. She rubbed her eyes, contacts still in, and looked towards the window. It was sleeting--how dreary. I only came over so that I didn't have to go home. There wasn't really anyone else I could call. And I told you last night that it wasn't happening aga--

    That's what you said last time babe. You should really just quit trying to deny it. How long has it been now? he asked, raising one of his perfect brown eyebrows.

    Five years, seven months, and nineteen days, but who's counting? She waved her hand and slid off the bed. Her leg hurt when she landed, but it wasn't as bad as yesterday. Maria slid on her sweatpants but didn't change out of Joel's t-shirt. Her phone was resting on his desk and she remembered the message she got from Tucker last night. It made her feel guilty, even though there was no real reason as to why she should feel that way. Tucker didn't like her--he just trusted her, that was all. She swallowed as she looked at her reflection in the screen. The swelling for the bump on her head had gone down. It was barely even noticeable anymore. As for the bruises and black eye, they were still very dark.

    Maria unlocked the phone as Joel came up from behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and tugging her back to the bed. He nipped at her neck, brushing her blond hair off her shoulder, and kissed lightly. She turned her head and glowered at him, pushing away from his body. She crossed the room and pulled off his t-shirt, putting her bra and tank top back on. Maria finished getting dressed before heading to the door of his dorm room. I'm leaving, she said without waiting for a reply.

    She took the elevator down to the first floor and left the dorm, heading to the only place she could really go. Maria didn't stop walking until she reached the auditorium, not going in. She sat on the floor in the hall, eating a Pop Tart from the vending machine. There were hours before rehearsal, but she didn't want to go home and her car wasn't there. Finally, she reopened the message from Tucker.
    She grimaced, unsure of what to tell him. Definitely not the truth! If she could keep everyone from knowing that would be great, but she couldn't. There was at least one person that was bound to know and she needed assistance from said person.
    Maria said it twice. Would that sound suspicious? Oh well, too late now. She hit send and then opened up her contacts list, searching for Elisa. She selected the makeup artist's name and clicked Create Message. It brought up the text window and she typed up a quick message to the other girl.
    She sighed, leaning her head back against the brick wall. The sunglasses concealed the majority of her face and she nibbled on the Pop Tart absently.

    Wearing Music Date: 12/29/2015 Day: 9 & 1/4
    Mood: Annoyed Interaction: JoelLocation: Dorms//Auditorium
    : TuckerActivity: OOC:
  20. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Location: Her Room {} Mood: Tired {} OOC: X
    The bright sunlight and the beeping sound of her alarm was enough to make Sasha wake up. Yawning, she swished to a sitting position, rubbing her eyes. Another day i suppose. Hopefully I don't get anything jacked again. I had it with that. She hopped out of her bed and took a quick glance at her computer. It seemed everything she started last night was completed. I can have a nice evening watching these. She then made her way to the kitchen to make herself some breakfast.
    She hummed a tune while her iPod played in the background on its dock. She slid a breakfast omelet onto a plate as she grabbed herself a fork. It made her kind of sad looking at her food. Her mother would always comment on how well she cooked. Sighing, she sat down and slowly ate her omelet, wondering what would happen today now they were under a new supervisor and stuff. Hopefully, it would go smoothly. Boy who was she kidding. Everyone was probably traumatized. It would be a fortune to get one smile out of them.
    After eating, she placed the plate in the sink before going to her room and dressing up for the day. Well I got some time...might as well take a stroll outside. Grabbing her iPod and her phone, she walked out of her home and towards the center of campus. She looked around. Hmm...seems a bit empty. Looks like I'm too early. Well I'll just hang out around the auditorium for now...She made her way to the side of the building as she plugged her ears with headphones and listened to her music while waiting for someone else to pass by assuming they didn't start throwing cans at her.
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