❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    OOC: Short on time, phone may die soon and I am not home.

    After Sarah's excursion to go to the hospital was denied by Natalie, the Two girls decided to have another sleepover. They stayed up fairly late to watch scary movies, but Natalie chickened out halfway through. She was incredibly frightened by the last few days.

    Sarah sighed. "Wanna watch those old DVDs you told me about?"

    "No! I told you I'm done with that show! It's been he'll for me! All those refrences that he made as he died, the dream I had that night... I hate that show!"

    "Aright... Calm down Natalie... Sheesh. Let's just go to bed then, okay?"

    "Alright then... Sorry Sarah. Goodnight."

    "Goodnight Nat. Sleep well. We'll hang out all of tomorrow, yeah?"


    Natalie turned off her lamp and closed her eyes. He was in her dreams again. If it wasnt for the fact that she wanted to see him again so badly, she would have woken herself up then and there.

    Sarah lay awake, thinking of a nice thing to do for Natalie. Maybe she'd make her breakfast. Yeah. That seemed to be a good idea. She closed her eyes and lost herself in a mix of ideas and sleep.
  2. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    Zoey blinked at the boy, stunned that he fell asleep so suddenly. She then smiled warmly, deciding it was time to go. Before she left Dennis alone though, she scrawled her phone number on the bottom of the picture and wrote the note "Text/Call me if you need anything". She was hesitant to leave one of her friends behind, but she was sure he was in good hands. Plus, wouldn't his family come see him soon enough? She sighed out, shrugging her backpack on her shoulders after she got out of the hospital bed. "Good night, Dennis..."

    About fifteen minutes had gone by for Zoey, and she climbed out of her dad's truck, sluggishly making her way to the house as she pulled her jacket tightly around her. Her heart was heavy now she didn't have to put an act on for everyone that she was fine. A frown was on her face. She couldn't get Alex out of her mind. She remembered seeing him the first time, thinking of the day when she would be brave enough to admit she would like him. But then rumors had it he liked someone else. And then that someone else went to jail for killing someone at one of the school's summer camps about two years ago. But she didn't know if she would still have the chance with Alex.

    Now he was dead, and she was left here with a heavy heart.

    She gave her dad a hug goodnight and then took her medications to help her with her PTSD and other things. Once she was tucked away in bed, she buried her head in her pillow, her thoughts drifting to Alex again. Before she could stop herself, she gripped the sheets and began to sob quietly, making no noises for her dad to hear. She took her eyepatch off and put it away in the nightstand drawer before she began to cry some more while pulling the quilts over her head.

    "Alex," she whispered, taking in a shaky breath. "I wish I would have told you... I wish I would have told you..." She cried some more and then in a few moments, she stopped and drifted off into a restless night's sleep.

    ...We can chase the dark together; if you go, then so will I...
  3. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007



    And so Jonathan ran, he ran so far away all though the hospital as he tried to avoid the men chasing him down. Apparently the men were chasing him down due to his noisy behaviour and threatened to kick him out. The young Jonathan tried his best and ran as fast as he could, in a great attempt to fulfil his mission. It was so close but oh so far "JUUUUUUUUUULIUUUUUUUUUUUS WHERE THE HELL ARE YOUUUUUUUUUU!" Jonathan yelled.
    Jonathan's pursuers grew close and he knew he had to act fast. If he just continue to run like this then he was sure to be caught and the mission would end in total failure "AAAAAAAAAAAAALRIGHT TIME FOR THE SECRET TECHNIQUE OF THE MENON FAMILY" Jonathan yelled out as he jumped and turned, facing the incoming pursuers and immediately pointed at something "QUICK THERE IS A DYING PATIENT RIGHT BEHIND YOU" Jonathan yelled as he continued to point behind them. There was a long silent pause as Jonathan continued to point while the men just stared at him. "E-Eh? aren't you guys..um...going to....look?" Jonathan said nervously.

    "Kid...you just yelled out it was a secret technique" One of the men said.

    "Oh...right...." Jonathan said scratching the back of his head nervously as the silence continued ".....well then....where were we....ah right!" Jonathan said before immediately turning and ran away. The chase soon continued one more and Jonathan decided on his plan B. As they reached a corner, Jonathan quickly acted and quickly turned. With one swift movement he entered the nearest room and shut the door as the pursuers rushed past the room he was now in.
  4. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    WEARING DATE 12/27/2015 DAY 7 & 4/4 MUSIC
    Sophie laid her head on Pierce's shoulder. That's fine. You're good with me. she replied, Your people skills just need a bit of work, that's all. Still, it's not really something you can dive into, so you have to start small. Maybe we could go on a date. She paused briefly, before adding the next part, We could ask Oliver to come with us as well, if you like.

    Pierce nearly knocked her bowl of ice cream onto the floor. She choked on the spoon in her mouth and scrambled to keep the bowl in her lap. Her hand landed in the melting lumps of dairy and her brown eyes were wide. She pulled the spoon out of her mouth and coughed a few times, the ice cream burning her throat and chest. Pierce wiped her hand on her knee and set the bowl on the coffee table, pulling away from Sophie.
    The movie was long forgotten, just background noise and faint lighting. She turned to face her friend with a stupefied look on her face. The three of us, on one date? That made no sense. Three people couldn't go on one date. Did that mean Sophie wanted to go on a date with her? She pressed her lips together in a hard line and continued to rub her sticky hand on her pajama pants. Don't be ridiculous Sophie. Why would we do that? she asked, genuinely confused. No offense, but I'm afraid you would like... eat Oliver, or something... But I'd rather do something just the two of us. It's not like Oliver could actually be interested in me. Could he? No, definitely not.
  5. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    . . .

    You should really be more careful, Sophie chided as Pierce went into a coughing fit from swallowing wrong. She sat upright with a frown when Pierce moved away and turned to look at her with a confused expression.

    The three of us, on one date?

    The innocent and unbelieving tone of the question made Sophie smile just a little. It was cute that Pierce didn't seem to know about open relationships between multiple people — meaning more than two.

    Don't be ridiculous, Sophie. Why would we do that? No offence, but I'm afraid you would, like . . . eat Oliver, or something . . .

    The thought, which spread a few ways, made her laugh.

    But I'd rather do something with just the two of us. It's not like Oliver could actually be interested in me.

    You never know, Sophie replied, shrugging her shoulders, and then setting down her bowl. What I said before, I'm not sure you knew what I meant. It's not because you're 'Pierce' — because you are a likable, cute, and attractive girl, if you let yourself be — I meant that he could be using you as . . . I don't know. As a rebound of some sort. It didn't seem that he was all so interested in you before, maybe just wanting to be friends. Maybe he does just want to be friends. Which is why I suggested the 'date'. she explained.

    It would be good to see, then, if he really was interested in you — and for you, not just some girl. she went on, looking and sounding very serious. This was a very serious matter, to her. In order to see what she could do with both Oliver and Pierce, she needed his end of the stick, not just hers. But, if you really would like us, just you and myself, to do something together, I would like that, too.

    If Pierce knew what the meaning of 'date' was, then there was something interesting starting now . . . And it pleased Sophie.

    C U R R E N T T I M E
    8 : 4 9 P M
  6. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves

    He wasn't sure what the working class cretin put in his coffee those days ago, but when Torvald woke up, the scent of death tugged at his heart. Why was the coffee spiked? What did he do to deserve this? It certainly must have been an enemy of the bourgeoisie. But Torvald couldn't even bear to let the spark light in his heart tonight.
    The hospital was dim, and the clinical, sterilized white mess was filled with throngs of nurses and patients. Where was his medical kit? Oh no, oh no -- he didn't leave it at the Bennett's ridiculously tasteless house, did he? This was terrible.

    Torvald didn't really feel like moving. He felt like staying in the hospital. Why was he still here? What relation did he have to those kids? All would sacrifice their lives for the eternal revolution. But something was wrong. Something felt off, and sent a bitter taste in his mouth. Why did the kids have to die? What sort of imbecile, enemy of the working class did this?

    Death was a horrific enemy of humankind, and of the march of the proletariat. All would come to turn the tide away by the moon ...

    Ah ... ah yes ...
    He yawned. He could just take a nap here.
    Maybe tomorrow, maybe tomorrow, he would discover what enemy did this to the poor children and allow them to face the justice of the proletariat.
    And what is more, return to the Bennett home and receive his belongings. Yes ... yes, teach the servant a lesson in the true proletarian spirit ...

    The last thing Torvald saw, before he drifted slowly to sleep, was a tall Somali woman carrying a girl in her strong arms out of the hospital.
    Was she sleeping? No, she seems to have fainted? Ack, he didn't have the sense to tell right now.

    Wait, no, was that Miss Cygnette sleeping?
    It couldn't be ...

    The nurses and doctors, rushing and calling to each other among the litter of people flowing through the hospital's large halls, took little notice of the large blonde man who sat snoring on one of the dirty corner chairs, alone.
  7. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    WEARING DATE 12/27/2015 DAY 7 & 4/4 MUSIC
    You never know, Sophie replied, shrugging her shoulders, and then setting down her bowl. What I said before, I'm not sure you knew what I meant. It's not because you're 'Pierce' — because you are a likable, cute, and attractive girl, if you let yourself be — I meant that he could be using you as . . . I don't know. As a rebound of some sort. It didn't seem that he was all so interested in you before, maybe just wanting to be friends. Maybe he does just want to be friends. Which is why I suggested the 'date'. she explained.

    Pierce stared at her blankly. She bat her dark lashes in confusion. Sophie was just trying to make up for hurting her feelings the other night. That was all. She didn't actually mean that she was cute or attractive. Why would she go on a date with someone that didn't actually like her? It would be nice to finally gain a little more experience in matters such as these, but she wasn't sure she had it in her to actually act on anything. I don't know... she murmured.
    It would be good to see, then, if he really was interested in you — and for you, not just some girl. Sophie went on, looking and sounding very serious. But, if you really would like us, just you and myself, to do something together, I would like that, too.
    Pierce raised an eyebrow. She was getting the feeling that Sophie meant something different than she did, but she wasn't exactly sure what. Her arms fell to her side and she slumped into the corner of the couch, turning to watch the movie. She sighed. Pierce crossed her arms and leaned her head into the cushions. It doesn't matter. Can we just watch the movie? She didn't look at Sophie when she asked. Her eyes were glued to the glowing screen, even though she had no clue what was going on at the moment and her mind was too elsewhere to care. She probably wasn't even going to bother Oliver anymore anyway. Sure, she'd see him in the box office during the performances, but that was probably the only time she would spend with him. As for Sophie, their 'date' would probably be expensive and make her feel even more small and insignificant. Was this supposed to be her way of confessing? Hah! Sophie? Never. Pierce shook her head in the dark.

  8. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 7 - 4/4 | DATE: December 27th, 2015 | LOCATION: Home

    Freddie sat cross-legged on his bed, with Aria in his hands. Slowly and arrhythmically, his left hand strummed over her strings. Random, muted chords played after each strum. Another sigh escaped his mouth. "Man... What the hell is going on, Aria? I wish you could tell me..." He had stopped strumming altogether and just held her close to his body. Freddie really didn't know what to do know. Something like this has never happened to him before.

    After a little bit of silence, he placed Aria back on her stand in the corner of his room and went to his bathroom to brush his teeth for the night. This was something that he would probably lose sleep over, that's for certain. After gargling with mouth wash, he went back to his bed and turned on the TV in his room. He flipped through the channels and looked for a program that could take his mind off of things. The news.
    Noooooo... He continued to channel surf until a he found a comedy special that was airing. It'll do. He set the sleep timer on the TV and settled himself underneath the sheets.

    "Good night, Aria." After saying good night to his beloved guitar, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep land.
  9. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    . . .

    I don't know . . .

    Sophie shrugged, deciding, since she was getting sleepy, to not press the matter anymore. Maybe they would talk more about it tomorrow, during breakfast or something.

    She watched a thoughtful, maybe even confused, look dance across Pierce's face. Eventually, the other girl simply returned her attention to the screen to continue watching the movie, which both of them had no interest in anymore. Still, it was easy to see that Pierce's nerves were pressed for calmness, and so Sophie returned herself to the movie as well, once again, nuzzling into Pierce's side.

    What sort of person did Pierce think she was? Ahaha. Well, no matter. She was too sleepy and worn to care. Eventually, some time before the movie ended, Sophie fell asleep, having not checked her phone for that message, and practically laying in Pierce's lap.

    C U R R E N T T I M E
    9 : 0 3 P M
  10. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    In the end, Maria ended up going to a movie by herself--how lame was that?--and had been unsuccessfully distracted. Maybe she really did only have two friends. That was depressing. She walked out to her car in the movie parking lot. It was dark and cold. She could see her breath puffing up into little clouds in the night sky. Maria rubbed her hands together in the cold and she walked briskly. Her hands moved to her throat and she pulled the black scarf up closer to her face. The car was all the way across parking lot--it had been full when she arrived. Now it was fairly empty, save for the few late night movie-goers that wanted to catch the last showing of the selected movie.

    Her heels clicked against the asphalt of the lot and she rifled through her purse for her keys. Her bangs fell in her face and her blue eyes were pointed down. She stopped in front of her Jetta, the sleek silver car gleaming in the dull yellow lighting of the street lamp. Her fingers brushed against the contents of her purse until she felt the cold familiar steel of her car keys. Her hand had just wrapped around them when another came down on her shoulder, spinning her around. Maria's breath caught in her throat and she stared up into the dark eyes of a hooded figure.
    C-can I help you? she stammered.
    Are you Maria Hartwick? the man asked. His voice was deep and hollow.
    Wh-who wants to know? she asked.
    His free hand wound through her hair and slammed her face against the roof of her car. Are. You. Maria. Hartwick? he asked again, enunciating each word.
    Her ears were ringing and her head pounding. She struggled to raise her hand to her head and he snatched her wrist. Maria swallowed hard, her blue eyes wide as she peered up at the man. Y-yes, she muttered. BAM! Her head hit the car again. Her vision blurred and became spotty. Then, it began to all turn black. BAM! One more time her head hit the car before she passed out in the parking lot.
    Wearing Music Date: 12/27/2015 Day: 7 & 4/4
    Mood: Passed Out Interaction: ???Location: Movie Theater Parking Lot
    : TuckerActivity: OOC:

    WEARING DATE 12/27/2015 DAY 7 & 4/4 MUSIC
    Sophie fell asleep in her lap during the movie. Pierce sighed softly and brushed a stray lock of hair out of the other girl's face. The movie ended and she shut the power to the television off. She made herself comfortable and used the warmth of the close body to help keep her warm enough for sleep. It didn't take much, she was out within minutes. The front door creaked open and she assumed it was her mother. That hd been confirmed when a young brunette woman came wandering into the living room to see the pair. She grabbed spare blankets out of the cedar chest and draped them over the two of them before heading upstairs for bed.

  11. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    The rest of the night had gone uneventfully, and Quentin spent a bit of time sketching, and finishing off his Frosty. It had been delicious, and worth the night walk.

    Deciding not to check the news before bed like he always did ( he knew there would be something about the events that happened at the Bennett home ), Quentin climbed into bed. There was a lot on his mind. It was a wonder he even fell asleep at all.

    — — —​
    I had checked out from the hospital early that day, and decided to leave FATIME there. She would need time alone, for I saw her distressed state before. This had obviously not been in her plans of outcome. I know that if she truly needs me ( I have my feelings that she will ), she will find me. She always does.

    When I return home, I find that SOPHIE is not present. She has left me a note saying that she would be spending the night at Miss Mhenjer's house. It is perfectly fine with me, and I do not blame her for wanting to spend time away from this place.

    I walk into the dining room. Everything has been tidied and it is as if no tragedy has struck. It is still a bit unbelievable that such a thing could happen from a supposed 'love potion', but c'est la vie, and I am over it.

    I find that TORVALD TANNHAUSER has left his medical kit here, and I sigh. This means he will be coming to retrieve it soon. I suppose I don't mind that; he is an interesting lad. I would like to get to know him more.

    Eventually, it is late, and I am sleepy. I retreat to my quarters on FLOOR THREE and then strip myself of clothing. SOPHIE would come home tomorrow, and then life would continue as normal. Perhaps. Just a while later, I find myself drifted off.

  12. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    There was no answer from Noelle and that greatly disappointed the man as he closed his eye and let out a sigh. He was hoping to at least speak to her and now that Zoey had left he began to feel a bit alone. He began to secretly wish for company, but that all soon changed when he heard a commotion outside. "That voice....oh god no.." Julius said as his eye twitched "oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god" Julius began to repeat until finally a newcomer rushed into the room and closed the door while panting.

    "...that...was...close...I.........JULIUS!" said the fatigued Jonathan as he rose to his feet and rushed up to his brothers side "Well looks like the odds are in my favour...mission complete" Jonathan said closing his eyes with a grin as he gave himself a pat on the back.

    ".........Jonathan....what the hell are you doing here" Julius said as his eye continued to twitch "does dad even know your here?" Julius asked

    "heeeeeeeeell no...as if dad would even let me come alone" Jonathan said opening his eyes as his grin remained "Decided to run off on my on and do my own stuff" Jonathan said point his thumb at himself "Your looking at the new Jonathan and I- WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU?!" Jonathan yelled all of a sudden as he began to freak out at the condition his brother was in.

    Hearing the response only caused Julius to facepalm at his own brother "YOUR ONLY NOW NOTICING?!" Julius yelled.

    "HEY I-" Jonathan began to yell back before he suddenly heard the doorknob turn "OH SHIT" Jonathan yelled before jumping onto Julius's bed in an attempt to get across

    "OW WHAT THE HELL?!" Julius yelled as his brother climbed across and hid behind the bed as two men entered and looked into the room. Once the men didn't see Jonathan, they closed the door and left

    "well that was close" Jonathan said with a bright smile

    "I...am so...going to...fucking kill you" Julius panting trying his best to hold in the pain. When he caught his breath, Julius glanced over at Jonathan and closed his eyes "As you can see I'm perfectly fine, its late and you should get lost...and on that topic where the hell are you staying?" Julius asked

    "Ehhhhhhh for now at a hotel" Jonathan said scratching the back of his head. "I guess you need your rest, glad to see your alright, but once your up and running don't think you'll get some mercy from me....I'm so kicking your ass" Jonathan said with a grin as he head out the door and raised his hand "see ya tomorrow" Jonathan said

    "Heh I wouldn't have it any other way you damn brat" Julius said before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.

    Jonathan exited the hospital and soon enough found a hotel and fell asleep in the room he rented.

  13. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Maria woke up warm in her bed with no recollection of getting home. Her blue eyes rolled to the side catching sight of the alarm clock. It was already 10:45. She never slept in this late on a regular basis. Her elbows dug into the soft pillow top mattress as she propped herself up. The moment she did so, a splitting pain stabbed her between the eyes. She clenched her eyelids shut tight, trying to subdue the pain to no avail. She felt strange. Her body ached and most of the pain was concentrated to her face. Her lip felt swollen and cracked. She ran the tip of her finger over the bottom lip delicately to confirm. Her mouth had a metallic taste to it and one slight grazing of her tongue over her teeth confirmed that she had bit her tongue to the point of drawing blood. She touched her forehead and found a golf ball-sized bump just over her left eyebrow. There was a strange pressure on her legs and when she opened her eyes, she realized it was her brother's sleeping form.

    He had parked himself in her chair, setting it next to the bed, and fell asleep with his head and arms on her calves. Her hand fumbled on the nightstand for a pair of glasses and when she picked up the ones sitting there, she realized frame was broken. Maria pursed her lips and rifled through the drawer for a different pair. Once she had them on her face, she could see her reflection in the vanity mirror across from her bed. She looked about as bad as she felt. Her lip was not only swollen but bruised. Her left eye was a mixture of purples, reds, blues, yellows, and browns to match the bump above her eyebrow. There was also a small cut on her cheek, just below the cheekbone.

    Her head hurt something fierce, but she managed to jostle Stephan awake. She wrapped her hand around his shoulder and shook his sleeping form. He murmured something before lifting his head. His gaze met hers and she could see that his eyes were red and puffy like he had been crying. he was still in his clothes from yesterday, which were now wrinkled, and his hair was a blond disheveled mess. Maria noted that she was in sweat clothes. Had Stephan changed her?

    Stephan, she hissed through clenched teeth, the pain almost too much for talking.

    You're awake! He jumped to his feet, finally connecting what was going on.

    What happened? The last thing I remember, I was leaving the movie theater. Everything after that was a blur.

    His shoulders shook and he began to cry again, grabbing her hands and pulling her into his arms. I'm so sorry Ri. I never thought something like this would happen to you. If I had known--

    What are you talking about? she interrupted. Her head hurt terribly. Stephan I need aspirin. Lots of it.

    He jumped to his feet and disappeared out of the bedroom. A minute later he came back with a handful of aspirin and a glass of water. She swallowed it down quickly and he took a seat. I can't tell you. I don't want to get you involved. he told her. His Adam's Apple moved up and down quickly, as it always did when he was really nervous.

    You don't want to involve me? News flash: I already am involved! She snapped. Maria pointed her finger to the bump on her forehead and the tone of her own voice sent a stab of pain through her head. Stephan shook his head back and forth, his platinum blond hair swaying in his eyes. He buried his face in his hands, ashamed, and mumbled incoherent responses into his hands. There was a beeping sound and she snapped her fingers. My phone, she demanded and he got up, moving to her purse. He set it down in her lap without looking at her. There was a new text message. She unlocked the screen to see it was from Erik. By the looks of it, it was a mass message.
    She sucked air and climbed out of her painfully out of her bed. Maria hadn't noticed the pain in her leg until she rose to her feet. She stumbled to the ground and caught herself on the edge of the bed. Where are you going? Stephan asked. She turned on him, her icy blue eyes glaring daggers.

    I'm going to try and get cleaned up. There's something important going on at rehearsal. I don't know how I'm supposed to perform looking like this. When I get home, you better be ready to tell me what the fuck is going on.

    Stephan rose to her feet and walked carefully to her side. Your car is still at the movie theater, he told her.

    So I'll take a damn taxi! It better fucking be in the school parking lot when rehearsal finishes. Maria gripped her head and stormed off into the bathroom to try and wash up. There was still a couple hours before rehearsal, but there was no way she could sit here with Stephan, not now. He was her big brother. He was supposed to protect her from violent attacks, not be the cause of them.

    She hadn't managed to change out of her sweat clothes. Maria never went anywhere this under dressed, but today was the exception to the rule. At two o' clock, she walked through the halls of the Performing Arts Center and to the auditorium. People were already inside and she probably looked rather unusual dressed the way she was. It was cloudy winter day, but she had her largest pair of sunglasses on--even now, when she was inside--and a hat over her hair. It was pulled down as low as it would go, covering the bump above her eye. She couldn't disguise it for long, but the longer the better. People were bound to ask questions and she really didn't have answers to them.

    Maria limped her way down the steps of the auditorium. Her hand gripped the banister tightly as she neared the first two rows of seats where everyone was gathered. Erik sat on the stage, taking a head count. She wondered if this important rehearsal had to do with what happened Christmas night. They were now out of an extra and everyone was undergoing some trauma from the event. Would they cancel the musical? She hoped not, but with the way things were going lately, it was hard to say. She took a seat in the second row by herself and pulled the collar of her poncho up so that no one would see her fat lip.

    Wearing Music Date: 12/28/2015 Day: 8 & 1/4
    Mood: Angry Interaction: StephanLocation: Home//Auditorium
    : TuckerActivity: OOC:
  14. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    This was the last place Zoey wanted to be at right now.

    She was fiddling with her script, not really talking to much of anyone. It was too quiet at rehearsal, very quiet. There were a lot of faces that were missing. One of them...

    She pushed the thought out of her mind as she hugged herself, looking at everyone else around her. The girl sighed out heavily before she looked up when someone else came in.

    It was Maria, one of the leads in the play. But something seemed off about her. One, her outfit was very concealing, not showing very much of Maria, two she noticed the limp, and three, she didn't bother to talk to anyone. What had happened to her? Zoey didn't want to butt in though. It seemed like everyone had a crappy after Christmas Day. But she noticed it was all from this play group or associate to people they knew outside the play. Why them? What was going on exactly? Was Fate trying to be twisted or something? It seemed like it to her.

    She waved a little to Maria before she turned around, nibbling on her bottom lip as she slouched in her seat. She just wanted to go home and play video games, maybe go see Dennis and her teacher, then maybe make some cheesecake and take a nap. Or maybe she might go get some Ben & Jerry's ice cream and share it with the people she knew who were in the hospital. She really didn't know what she was going to do. She just wanted to keep her mind off of Alex. She wanted to stop herself from thinking about him often, thinking that he was going to walk through those doors and everything was going to be alright. But that wasn't the case. That wasn't going to happen.

    ...We can chase the dark together; if you go, then so will I...
  15. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    [​IMG]Clothes Mood» Meh Music Date: 12/26/2015 Location » CafeOOC:

    Estelle sat down in the cafe, not saying a word to anyone, just poking at her chocolate chip muffin. She listened to the music playing in her ears. She hummed to herself silently and poked at her muffin with a fork. Why couldn't she go have fun? And make friends? And try to do something useful with her life? Other then working part time as an Manga artiest for her own short stories, she didn't really have much to do. If she wasn't working she was at school or out here, but never with any friends. She shook her head, she wasn't really meant for friends, she was to shy, to quiet. She lied back and listened to the song, and sang one part quietly to herself
    "Match Maker, Match Maker make me a match, find me a find, catch me a catch, night after night in the dark I'm alone so find me a match of my own."

    This was just depressing... but still, a girl can dream. She poked at her muffin some more, and finally had a piece. This was so stupid, she should go outside and do something with herself. She sighed. She wrote some story ideas down on paper, but she hated all of them, she went back to drawing. She ended up with a mermaid. Hmmm... maybe she could write about that... it didn't seem to be of the most interesting of things. Maybe she could make it work. She started to jot down story notes. "This is why you don't have any friends Estelle, you work all the time." She heard her Older sister's voice in her head. She was the 3rd oldest out of 4. Amaya the youngest, then her Estelle, after her it was her twin sister Stella, then her older sister Vega. Vega was a few years older, and she was the owner of the house, she ran a small gardening shop near the cafe. She was so busy working to keep the house up she didn't have a boyfriend. Estelle barely saw her though, because of how busy she was. Stella was her sister that was sick with Leukemia, Estelle wanted to give her her own kidney, but Stella refused. Stella is now at home, while they wait for a available kidney. Amaya took care of Stella day and night, because of this she hasn't gone to collage. They developed a strong bond, but to help with the income, Estelle had to work, almost all the time, her sisters understood that. They weren't a normal family, but they were trying their best. Estelle smiled, thinking about her sisters did that to her, even if she didn't see them for days at a time. She went back to writing down ideas but was coming up short. She played with her pen, wondering if she would think of anything. The smell of coffee was in the air, people talked and chatted, it wasn't the most... quiet place, but it was the only place she went to. She had brought Xion, her black cat with her, and she lied in her lap. Estelle hoped that no one saw, she would probably get in trouble. But Xion was always quiet and never made any trouble, kind of like Estelle. She wondered about the deaths, the ones that were from the party Zoey went to. It was so sad, that even over Christmas, nothing was safe... the world was a cruel place, and even when it finds a ray of sunshine, it turns to darkness. Estelle said, but wrote down the line. Maybe it would be good for something one day. She petted the small cat and her mind when deep into her thoughts.
  16. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    "You understand what needs to be done?"

    "I still don't even know why your so concerned, you should really be focusing on yourself...hell you don't even know why the hell your even IN this situation"


    "geez no need to yell, I got this..."


    "relaaaaaaaax when have I ever let you down?"


    "ah so this is the place! quite fancy" Jonathan said as he stared up at the place leading up to the theatre. His new mission was sent and for now he had to act as a substitute for his weakened brother who remained inside hospital. The idea of running the theatre in Julius' place was quite nerve inducing for Jonathan but he knew he had to act strong otherwise Julius would totally kick his ass without mercy. Julius was quite serious about this task and just looking at the man's face would tell that he wanted to get out and lead them.

    Once he reached the door, Jonathan closed his eyes and let out a sigh as rose his leg. Just like his brother would normally do, Jonathan immediately sent his foot forward and kicked the door open "Goooooooood Mooooorning everybody I-OWWW" Jonathan said at first said with a bright grin but sudden stopped as the door swung back and his his face "GOOOOOOOOOOD DAAAAAAAAMN THAT HURTS" Jonathan yelled as he fell into the room and rolled around holding his face that was in pain.

    As the pain subsided Jonathan let go of his face and stood up and dusted off his clothes. Bringing the side of his fist to his mouth, Jonathan cleared his throat "Ahem....ignoring that.....My names Jonathan, I'll be in charge of rehearsal today...well that is if we have rehearsal to day...but regardless if we do I hope we'll have lots of fun!" Jonathan said with his usual bright smile
  17. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    "Tucker you have to speak up soon."
    "Sean, I don't get what you mean. I've been talking all this time. Isn't that right boy? Isn't that right? Yes that is! Good boy, Bugsy! Good boy!" in his hands was the head of a happy Retriever. Its vibrant, golden fur was warm against his large hands. Its wagging tail, joyful eyes and hanging tongue made the cherry haired twenty-three year old smile.
    On the other hand, his scrawny friend released another grunt. He shook his head and closed his tired eyes, as he leaned back onto the wall with his hands crossed over his chest. He opened his eyes once again, watching his smiling friend who was kneeling on the ground, surrounded by happy animals. Sean, however, looked at him with deep concern, "You know what I mean. Tucker, I'm worried. I know Michelle isn't around and you're not cool with talking and stuff but I've all you got right now! I'm no therapist, but I'm a friend. Come on man, please!"
    His chestnut eyes glanced away from the cheerful animal in front of him, as he stroked the fur on the top of its head. His smile disappears for a moment, as he listened to what his friend was trying to say to him. He understood completely of course, what Sean meant but he knew he couldn't face it. He was too lost about everything. He pretty much really didn't know what to do and he felt content on not knowing and not doing anything about it. He felt like it would be better and safer to not acknowledge anything. Just go back to before, it's gotten him through the past eight years, right? Smile and forget.
    He got up on his feet, smiling back at his friend and closing his eyes in a cheerful manner. Bugsy, the golden retriever, circled around Tucker before going off to play with the other dogs. "Buddy, I think we're not in the right page then cause I have no idea what you're going on about." he laughs before adding quickly, "Oh! Have you bought a new batch of food for the animals!"
    With another frustrated growl, Sean straightened up from the wall and took a step towards his friend. He stood at around the same height as him, and his angry eyes met Tucker's. "Stop changing the subject!" his tone was very stern and incredibly I-am-tired-of-your-crap, "You're the one who bought a bunch of new supplies and food for the entire shelter yesterday! Tucker, just talk to me! You're scaring me. I find the shop opened in the morning after Christmas and I find you in the cages with the dogs and the cats, balled up in the corner looking like you've just committed-"
    Tucker's eyes had fallen to the side again, and his smile had disappeared. His friend obviously chose the wrong choice of words. He was already at a loss with the whole Maria thing but then when he walked into that kitchen and witnessed all that… death he just didn't know. He didn't know at all. He was upstairs the whole time and everything just unfolded without him knowing. Like, what if he was able to do something? What if he could have saved them?
    Sean sighed frustratedly, "I'm sorry. Look, Tuck, you're just- I just. I'm worried. I know what happened is completely horrible but you can't ignore it and just smile and hide it. You can't just pile yourself up with work and keep yourself busy for two days to distract yourself from what happened. It might be good for the animals to get all this affection but you need some attention too. It's okay to grieve and be sad. You're not alone."
    The cherry haired man looked up at his friend. He sighed himself and smiled a bit, placing a hand on his shoulder, "I know and I'm sorry but, thank you." Before any of them could utter another word, a small tune came from Tucker's pocket. A message? He pulled away from his friend and dug into his pocket, pulling out his mobile phone.
    Message From: Erik
    URGENT! Mandatory
    rehearsal. EVERYONE
    must be present!!
    Tucker gulped. That would mean he had to face everyone. He didn't know if he was ready, but it seemed really urgent. Plus, he did have to face them eventually for others shows. Well, he could avoid it by keeping himself coped in the sound booth but that was kind of unrealistic. He had to face them soon and having Erik call them all together?
    He glanced up at Sean. Maybe he was right. Maybe he had to stop ignoring it. He pressed his lips together, thinking about it for a moment. "I have to go."
    Sean glanced at the phone in his friend's hand, noticing the message that was opened on the screen. He nodded, patting his friend on the shoulder, "Alright. If you need anything just call. You've done more than enough for the shelter these past two days." he added jokingly with a smile.
    Tucker chuckled as well, before grabbing his thick coat on the counter and heading outside and getting into his car. He drives carefully to school.
    ✌ ------------------------------------
    It took him a while to actually enter the auditorium. He watched a man he didn't really recognize, but seemed rather familiar, from a distance entering before him - in a rather clumsy manner - but he couldn't exactly follow suit. (definitely not in the same way that's for sure). He stood outside in the cold for a moment, embracing himself and cozing up inside his large coat. He still felt unprepared. For what exactly? He really didn't know. Perhaps everything, actually. He was never good at facing reality. He would rather just keep running. It was something he was good at.
    No later, he entered the theatre. Not wanting anyone to catch him hovering his hand over the metal door handles. He walked in silently, hands deep into his pockets. He saw Erik sitting on stage, giving him a small wave and the guy who walked in before him looking happy. He took a seat a couple rows away from everyone, but nothing too far away, still not really knowing what to do. He'll face reality at his own pace. Besides, what's the Sound Guy to do mingling with everyone anyway?
  18. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    " AND SO IT BEGINS... "
    Erik took a head count from his spot on the stage. When it appeared that pretty much everyone was present, he jumped down off the edge of the stage and faced everyone. They were a small group and with them all stationed together in the first two rows the way they were, there was no need to use a microphone or be on the stage. He slid the folding chair he had grabbed from the back, up to the first row of seats and sat down close to everyone else. His hands gripped his knees firmly and his brown eyes were droopy with sleep deprivation.

    "All right guys," he began. His voice was hoarse and ragged. "I think you all know why we're probably here. Usually from this point on, the only ones required to come to rehearsal are the cast and the priority crew--hair, makeup, stagehands, lighting, etc. However, with the events that transpired over the weekend, things have changed." He sounded tired and worn out. There had been a number of emergency calls made out yesterday that kept him up late into the night. "First, I wanted to let you all know how sorry I am about your friends. Each one of them was important and special in their own. They all helped contribute immensely and it's a right shame what happened. I feel especially bad about Alex and Richie after what happened two years ago. A lot of us in this room have suffered a handful of tragedies and you shouldn't let it destroy you. No one should have to deal with so much at such a young age. It's not fair, but it unfortunately happens either way."
    Erik shook his head. His hair brushed against his eyes and he ran his hand through his hair to push it away. "Second, is a matter of the musical itself. We've been given the option to not continue with the rest of the shows. I've spent all of this weekend on the phone with Administration and also the Activities Department. They left it up to us as to what we want to do. We can all take a vote on it. Those of you here for extra credit will still get your points for spending your winter break here. Pierce and Oliver, you'll have to go through and refund those that bought advanced seating tickets. We can get this all disassembled and taken down over the next few days. Or, we can continue. As hard as it may be, we can go on with the musical. Should we choose to do so, we'll need to fill the Extra spots, which means rehearsals will be critical to get those that step up for the positions caught up in time for the next performance."
    He paused. The next matter was a little more sensitive than the last. Most of them did not yet know about Julius. "For those of you that haven't heard," he went on, "Julius was in a car accident Friday night. He's been in the hospital all weekend, so if we do continue with the musical, then we won't have him for a stage director until he is better. However, when I spoke to him, he said he had someone to fill in for him." Erik glanced down at his watch surreptitiously. "He should be here any--"
    The door at the top of the auditorium flew open and a male brunette came strutting in. "Goooooooood Mooooorning everybody I-OWWW--" Jonathan said at first with a bright grin, but suddenly stopped as the door swung back and hit his face. "GOOOOOOOOOOD DAAAAAAAAMN THAT HURTS!" he yelled as he fell into the room and rolled around holding his face.

    Erik rose to his feet. His eyebrows were raised in astonishment. This guy was a major klutz, no doubt about it. "As I was saying, he should be here now," he corrected.

    Bringing the side of his fist to his mouth, Jonathan cleared his throat "Ahem....ignoring that.....My names Jonathan, I'll be in charge of rehearsal today...well that is if we have rehearsal to day...but regardless if we do I hope we'll have lots of fun!" Jonathan said with that same bright smile.

    Erik strode to his side and clasped his hand on Jonathan's shoulder. "Glad you could join us. Are you all right?" he asked with genuine concern. "Julius told me you were coming. I was just filling everyone in on what was going on. I told them it was their vote whether or not we continue with the musical." He tried to give the other guy a smile matching his brightness, but couldn't bring himself to do it. Instead, Erik released Jonathan's shoulder and raked both his hands through his hair and sighed.
  19. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Location: On Campus/Her Room {} Mood: Tired/Confused {} OOC: :V
    The sound of her phone alarm woke Mya up. She found herself sleeping on her desk. She rubbed her eyes and looked out the window. Man morning already...Ugh I feel like crap. She carefully stretched her body, careful not to injure her side too much. "I probably should see a doctor or something. Then again, I don't want people asking questions." She slid off her chair and made her way to the kitchen, grabbing some bread to eat. She noticed a text on her phone.
    She raised an eyebrow. Usually, she knows every practice was mandatory, but why a message? Did something happen? She was one of the few (or only one) that did not have any knowledge of the incident the past few days. She was too busy kicking asses and getting stabbed to know. Whatever the case, she grabbed her usual stuff of a phone and her headphones before heading out.
    On her way to the theater, she was about to open the door until she heard something from the inside.
    "First, I wanted to let you all know how sorry I am about your friends. Each one of them was important and special in their own. They all helped contribute immensely and it's a right shame what happened. I feel especially bad about Alex and Richie after what happened two years ago. A lot of us in this room have suffered a handful of tragedies and you shouldn't let it destroy you. No one should have to deal with so much at such a young age. It's not fair, but it unfortunately happens either way."
    She didn't know whether to feel confused or sympathy. Apparently, some of the cast members died while she was absent. It somewhat concerned her. If people died, how would the production go on? That's when she heard it. A vote whether they would continue it or not. It made her feel uncomfortable. Should she join in on this conversation or stay out of it? After all, the people inside probably have a better opinion base than her. They had friends who died, she didn't It wouldn't be fair for her vote to go into this which a tragedy did not affect her. It would be best to just listen tot he results and see where it would go from there.

  20. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    Zoey kept silent as the announcements had begun.

    "I think you all know why we're probably here. Usually from this point on, the only ones required to come to rehearsal are the cast and the priority crew--hair, makeup, stagehands, lighting, etc. However, with the events that transpired over the weekend, things have changed." He sounded tired and worn out. There had been a number of emergency calls made out yesterday that kept him up late into the night. "First, I wanted to let you all know how sorry I am about your friends. Each one of them was important and special in their own. They all helped contribute immensely and it's a right shame what happened. I feel especially bad about Alex and Richie after what happened two years ago. A lot of us in this room have suffered a handful of tragedies and you shouldn't let it destroy you. No one should have to deal with so much at such a young age. It's not fair, but it unfortunately happens either way."


    The pain of that name washed over her to the point where her chest ached. She pulled her knees up to her chest, looking down at the ground as she swallowed hard. He was gone. He wasn't going to come back. This was just sinking in her head.

    "Second, is a matter of the musical itself. We've been given the option to not continue with the rest of the shows. I've spent all of this weekend on the phone with Administration and also the Activities Department. They left it up to us as to what we want to do. We can all take a vote on it. Those of you here for extra credit will still get your points for spending your winter break here. Pierce and Oliver, you'll have to go through and refund those that bought advanced seating tickets. We can get this all disassembled and taken down over the next few days. Or, we can continue. As hard as it may be, we can go on with the musical. Should we choose to do so, we'll need to fill the Extra spots, which means rehearsals will be critical to get those that step up for the positions caught up in time for the next performance."

    Rehearsals were going to be more than difficult. Rehearsals were going to be hell. At least to Zoey they were. Expecting someone to take up the spots that were gone was going to be more than hard. It was going to be painful to those who knew the people in the first place. She kept her eye to the ground, hugging her knees. She wished she could go talk to Julius or Dennis. Maybe after rehearsals she would take a trip to the hospital to pay them a visit.

    "For those of you that haven't heard," he went on, "Julius was in a car accident Friday night. He's been in the hospital all weekend, so if we do continue with the musical, then we won't have him for a stage director until he is better. However, when I spoke to him, he said he had someone to fill in for him." Erik glanced down at his watch surreptitiously. "He should be here any--"

    "Goooooooood Mooooorning everybody I-OWWW--"

    Zoey whirled around in her seat, only to see someone she didn't know. She raised an eyebrow at the guy, seeing that the door smacked in his face. Despite feeling sad, she couldn't help but to crack a grin and giggle under her hand. This guy was really weird.


    "As I was saying, he should be here now," he corrected.

    Bringing the side of his fist to his mouth, Jonathan cleared his throat "Ahem....ignoring that.....My names Jonathan, I'll be in charge of rehearsal today...well that is if we have rehearsal to day...but regardless if we do I hope we'll have lots of fun!"

    Fun, yeah, sure... While people were still mourning, they were going to have fun.

    "Glad you could join us. Are you all right?" he asked with genuine concern. "Julius told me you were coming. I was just filling everyone in on what was going on. I told them it was their vote whether or not we continue with the musical."

    But who could dwell on such dark thoughts for very long? Not Zoey. Not in the slightest. As Julius told her, Alex wouldn't want her to be sad. Alex would have wanted her to be happy.

    She felt her heart pounding in her chest as she looked to the assistant director and then at everyone else. Even though she felt like she really didn't have a right to say anything, she cleared her throat and then stood up from where she was at."Um... hi... Most of you don't know me... But I want a second to speak, even though I probably don't really have the right to."

    She sighed out, her breath shaky as she looked up to Erik and then to everyone around her. "The loss, the tragedies, the hardships we just experienced over the last twenty-four hours will still be fresh in our heads for those of us who were there... and those who were not." She bit her lower lip, wringing her hands together. She was so nervous, so scared. She was always in the background in this school, never really facing everyone like this.

    Composing herself now, she let her shoulders relax and put on a brave face. "I, for one, came here not wanting to do the musical anymore. It's... it's just too hard to replace the pieces that are missing. But... But I think those who aren't here with us would want us to continue with the show... They'd want us to be happy and just... try to have fun. Try to bond together more and... Sounds corny, but be more like a family. Be there more for each other. Even for just this musical."

    Her eye landed on Erik, putting her hand up in the air. "I, for one, want to continue with the show. I may be just character extra number four, but I want to do this. I want to do this for our teacher, Alex, Dennis, Zachary, Richie, Seraphina, everyone else who couldn't be here today. We worked so hard on this, we shouldn't give up on it now."

    Feeling like she said enough, she lowered her hands and withdrew in herself. "Sorry," she murmured as her eye looked to the ground, taking a seat once more. She buried her head in her hands, feeling so nervous and shook up. Maybe she shouldn't have said all of that... But she was struggling... Struggling to stay in one piece right now. She wanted to do the show, in honor, in memory of those who worked so hard to bring this all together. But she was too scared to stay that part.

    ...We can chase the dark together; if you go, then so will I...
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