❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Location: Studio/Cafe {} Mood: From nervous to A whole new being {} OOC: TIEM TWO PLAHY 8D {} Music: [,-,]
    Sasha stood in line nervously as she waited for her turn. Somehow, she came a lot earlier than the rest, meaning she was second to go for the day which was nerve wrecking. She didn't plan to go this early. She hated going to things like this this early. She expected at least being the middle one to go, but alas, she was here and she should expect it.
    "Sasha Tayes"
    Sasha nervously nodded, noticing the first girl leave the building. She heard her from outside. She was REALLY good. It was a bad idea to play the violin. Bands don't usually focus around an instrument like that. They focus more in singers, guitar players, and more interactive players. The audition was worse because a violin was meh at best by itself. It would look poor, but she had to try.
    Taking a deep breath, Sasha entered the building. She was intimidated by the dead quietness of the room and how empty it was. She would rather perform in front of millions rather than performing for a just a few in such a large space. Things like this terrified her because it left a lot less room to make an error and puts so much more pressure onto her.
    Sasha huffed and bowed at Oliver and Pierce. "Hello...my name is Sasha Tayes and I'm here to audition as a violinist in your band. Today I'll be playing...not really a song but kind of a mix of a couple of songs that I really liked to play on the violin back when I was younger. Soo...yes I hope you guys enjoy it."
    Sasha opened her violin case and picked up her violin with the bow, eyeing the large gash on her violin. I'll make sure I can show off my skills! I have to! She nodded and placed it on her shoulder, testing the strings with a few light strokes. She somewhat was regretting her decision. Her "songs" she chose were actually video game OSTs from one game placed all together to made a nice sounding melody. However, many people don't give two sh*ts about video games, especially in such a competitive environment like this. She should've chosen a classical piece or something, but she knew that she had to do something unique that one wouldn't see at a regular recital.
    Taking a nervous deep breath, she slowly started to pull her bow back and forth on her violin, starting her performance.

    As Sasha played the song, her body moved to the different parts she played. The beginning was slow and smooth, before turning all happy and upbeat, her body swaying excitedly to the rhythm she played at, her eyes only opening at rare cases to look at her violin. She completely ignored her whole surroundings. The judges, the emptiness, the people outside, everything. She focused on playing. That's all that matters.
    If someone were to compare her from what she was to now, they would be shocked. She wasn't the shy and crippled social girl she was, but a totally new person. At different parts, she was smiling a she played, something she hasn't done for years in her life. It brought out her broken self near dead within her being to come back to life and express itself in her performance. The old self she was before that tragic accident in her life. The one where people wanted to be her friend and wasn't known as the creepy stalker.
    Her arms hurt. Her legs were getting sore from moving around. Her hands were a bit shaky, but she held strong. She was always her strongest when doing something she loved. Playing the violin was one of them. In the last minute or so of her song, she even did a little twirl in those last precious moments of her performance, even smiling at Pierce and Oliver. Her black hair following her graceful and passionate movements across the stage. At the end, she ended with a dramatic stroke.
    She breathed heavily as she looked back at the judges and bowed at them. "Thank you for having me on stage with you guys to perform. It was a pleasure to have this moment. Have a nice day." She packed her stuff and exited out the doors, her heart pumping in her chest.
    She did her best. She still though she could've chosen a better song more people would recognize as true 'talent,' but it didn't matter. She played to her heart's content and was proud of herself. If this didn't get her into the band, nothing else would. She smiled to herself. Aww look at me...I haven't been this happy since Christmas 6 years ago. She looked up at the sky. She decided to stop by at a cafe and have a drink.
    Entering the warm cafe, she set her stuff down at a table and pulled out her phone. She did hit the record button on her phone before performing so she could hear herself. It made her happy to know that she could have an experience like this again after being pushed back deep in her heart for so long. She slipped her phone abck into her pocket and sighed, closing her eyes. Mom...Sis...I hope you can see this as an achievement in my life...I wish you were here to hear me...
    Because this is who I am...
  2. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    Dennis and Evan pulled into Studio Z and Dennis was not feeling like the most calm individual on the planet. He legs were shaking a bit as he exited the car and he was a bit hesitant to open the trunk to get his drums out. Seeing this clear sign of stage fright Evan patted Dennis on the back and attempted to calm him down."Yo Little Baker Bro I dunno what's got you so up in a nerve. I mean you're only auditioning for a band in front of two people so there's not much actual judging going on. Plus you already performed in a musical in front of a bunch of people anyway," with a smile still stuck on his face he continued, "so if you already messed up bad enough to be ridiculed it'd be across the entire school already." Dennis's expression changed into one of horror after hearing that, "so see, no need to be nervous." With that he gave Dennis a thumbs up.

    Dennis was a bit at a loss for words after hearing that, but he responded, "y-yeah, I guess so." While at first what Evan said mortified him, he realized that there really wasn't much of a need to be nervous in this situation. That man had an odd way of handling situations while, granted, Dennis had an odd way of dealing with them. The two of them opened the trunk and started hauling the drum set into the studio he noticed that two other people had already gone before him and he was next in line. As such he and Evan walked in there, setting up the drum set until everything was ready to go. Evan, seeming a bit out of place now since he wasn't actually auditioning gave a quick salute and walked out of the room.

    Dennis watched as the goofy man left and turned his attention back to the judges, Oliver and Pierce. Normally he'd be pretty nervous but thanks to Evan's odd "pep talk" he strangely felt confident in what he was about to do. "Hello, my name is Dennis Baker and I'll be auditioning for a drummer in your band. I'll be doing a cover of a song called Night Talk Deceive. Hope you enjoy." He made sure that he didn't use the song's not english name, so that he didn't sound completely stupid, though granted they probably had no idea what he was going to play anyway. Regardless he sat down at his drum set, twirled his drumsticks in his hand and started the song.
    After hearing the initial guitar part in his head he began bringing his sticks down on his drums and that was when the audition truly started for him. It started at an already fast pace, but the young drummer was more than capable of replicating it. As he continued on and still beat down on the drums his enthusiasm whilst playing started growing. While hearing all the lyrics and other instruments he couldn't hear the drums in his head. Instead anything that would've been playing in his head was being transferred immediately to his drums. While he was playing hard it wasn't quite at max yet. He was getting in the rhythm and once that refrain dropped so did any psychosomatic thing he had holding him back.

    Everything about his playing started getting way more intense and had way more soul in it then it already had had. As that part of the song finished he got to the part where there weren't any lyrics for a brief period. While the song did slow down a tad for that part his enthusiasm certainly didn't. Once the part happened where everything stopped playing he twirled and tossed his drumsticks in the air, catching them quickly after and continued with the song as it was. Still putting as much passion into at his he could the lyrics in his head started up once more and the beat kept flowing through him. The song came to a brief pause again where he just twirled the drumsticks before going back to the beat. The song continued as it had before until it got to a more somber part only to pick up once more. The beat started getting more intense once more and he got back to that refrain part once more. As that finished he got to the best part. The drum solo part. At this point anything he wasn't putting into the song was going into it. His drumsticks and hands seemed to be moving as if there was no such limitations on them and continued pounding that beat out.

    The solo part ended and the song was nearly finished, but that only meant to keep going as expertly as possible. He wasn't screwing up at all and he was totally not going to mess up at the final part of the song. With the song coming to a close he finished strong and twirled his drumsticks once more at the end of the song. He opened his eyes and didn't realize something until just now. He had his eyes closed the entire time the song was going. He was a bit sweaty and didn't realize how intense his expression had been when he was playing. He stood up, bowed, and said "thanks for listening."
    With that whole ordeal done he and Evan took the drums out of the studio and drove home. Once back home the two of them worked together to put the drum set back where it was before and parted ways. Dennis had no idea where Evan was going and didn't really care. The free spirited man drove the thing as recklessly as he usually did and it was a wonder he still even had his drivers license at this point. Regardless Dennis sat down at his computer and started just burning time as he thought of what to do with the rest of his day.
  3. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes♫ Mood» ♫ Character Theme ♫ Day: 2/3 ♫
    Location » Home ♫ OOC: ♫
    Seraphina walked into the audition hall, violin in hand. She felt calm, cold and collected She knew she would do fine; it was not hard for her to go do auditions. She smiled to herself, and then waited for her turn.
    She saw someone else walk out and then she took a deep breath. “Ciao, My name is Seraphina Evangelina Carosella, and today I will be preforming ‘The palm of a tiny hand’. I’ve been playing since I was 6.” She put her violin up to her chin, focusing on the task at hand. She took a deep breath, and counted herself in. She played her song

    It started very slowly, as most of her songs she played had. She loved this one though. As she got through to the middle she felt herself getting more confident in her work. She smiled the whole time, it was genuine. It was such a sad song, but she had kept her emotions inside, it was hard not to cry. She remembered playing it at a time when her grandparents were still alive.

    They used to live in the house with her, and they loved this song, they loved all of her songs. They always used to listen to her, up until the day they died. She put her heart and soul, all of her musical passion into this one song. They song she had felt and known for a long time in her life. She couldn’t mess up.

    She took a deep breath as her song ended, she felt so happy and warm inside. She knew that she had done her best. “Thank you for your consideration.” She said, bowing and then right away leaving the room.

    She took a deep breath, and then checked her phone. She saw Shane had messaged her back

    To: Shane

    From: Seraphina

    "I just finished my Auditions. Here’s the address to my house, I would love it if you could come by whenever you can today."

    Seraphina sent him the address and then hurried back home. She sat in the front sit, her driver asking her various questions about how to auditions went. When she came home, she changed into a different set of clothes, the lesser fancy ones. She always wore stuff like this around the house. She went to fix her hair up in the mirror in her bedroom, and fixed her makeup, She wanted to make a very, very good impression.
  4. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» Excited Character Theme
    Location » Auditions OOC:

    Estelle walked in the room for the auditions, and sat down, waiting with her Keyboard in hand. She was all ready to go, she tried not to be too nervous. This was just for fun. She took a deep breath. She saw a red-haired girl walk out of the room with great confidence. It must’ve been her turn now.
    “Hello… my name is Estelle, I will be singing and playing on my Keyboard for you today.” Estelle said, smiling a bit. She didn’t plan on singing…. But it couldn’t really hurt could it? She took a deep breath. She started to play, and also sing along.
    Things were going great so far. At least she thought so. Once she got into the song, but forgot all about the people around her, and just played, and played and played. She loved playing the piano so much. She did play every single day, until things got so busy. Even though she was a great artist… that wasn’t the only thing she wanted to do with her life.
    She saw that today. She loved to play the piano. She wanted to be involved in music. Something that she could put all of her heart and soul into without it feeling like a chore. She felt like she owned the stage.
    She felt song sung a story of romance and lust and different themes she wouldn't normally sing. It was a great feeling to try something different. She hadn’t overcome her shyness completely, but she felt like she didn’t have a care in the world. As she sung the final notes. She ended off strongly with her piano. She took a bow.
    “Thank you very much for having me here today.” She said, walking out of the room.
    ‘I did it! I really did it!’ She smiled as she headed out of the door, and went back to the flowershop.
    She after talking to her sisters, she thought that maybe she could go out to the café to celebrate. For doing something she wouldn’t normally do. She walked out the door, and went into the Café. She sat down at one of the tables, and then ordered her café. Oh, maybe it was a good idea to text Alex to come and join her. She wanted to find out more about him but Nat gave none of the details. She sent a quick text to him
    To: Alex
    From: Estelle
    Hey Alex, would you like to join me for a quick drink at the Café across from the flower shop? I just finished my band audition and I have the day off. So I really wanted to get to know you better
    She sent the text and drank some of her hot chocolate. She hoped she would get in the band. She wanted to make some more friends. She also wanted to play music again. As she thought about the days to come she looked out the window. The break felt so long, but so short at the same time.
  5. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Natalie Williams

    Outfit|*|Location: Auditions|*|MusicMood: Casual|*|OOC: N/A

    After Estelle, Natalie figured it was her turn. "Hi. I'm Natalie, and I'll be playing a quick medley on my bass for you guys." Natalie took her bass and began to play. She had practiced this last night until her fingers hurt. Natalie hadn't slept long enough that her fingers wouldn't hurt again, and she started feeling them hurting about halfway through. It was only 2 minutes though, she had to make it. She WOULD make it.

    As soon as she was done with her song, Natalie put away her bass. "Thanks for having me today." she said with a smile, then she took her bass and walked out. Natalie thought about what to do all day, then Estelle came to mind. She pulled out her phone:

    That should be good, yes. She could finally tell her about Alex, just like Estelle had wanted before.
  6. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DATE⁞ Monday, December 28th, 2015 DAY⁞ 8 3/4
    WEARING OOC⁞ Creativity Zapped

    Ryder sat out in his car waiting for Elisa to finish. He had given an honest effort at trying to at least pretend to be in a good mood, but between his already sour attitude and her constant panicking over the audition, his last nerve had been pushed. He practically snapped on her when he told her that they would finish their food in five minutes and leave immediately after. Ryder felt bad, but there wasn't much he could do about it now.

    He was going to carry her keyboard for her, but the moment he parked the car, she was on the move. Elisa gave him an apology for acting the way she did and surprised him with a kiss on the cheek. It wasn't the first he had received from her, but it had definitely caught him off guard. She took off so quickly that it was ridiculously funny. Ryder couldn't help but laugh as he watched her rush to Studio Z wearing high heels and trudging through snow carrying her keyboard. He really would have helped, if she allowed him to. Oh well. And that's why he was just sitting in his car now. He didn't feel right just bailing on her.

    Ryder sat there for a long time just listening to music and dinking around on his phone. He wondered what position in line Elisa was and how long he would have to wait. Eventually the music on his phone stopped playing so that it could beep to notify him of an incoming text message.

    From: Elisa
    I did it!! So sorry for annoying you earlier and
    being a total brat lol but thanks for sticking
    with me anyway! You're the best! ^ o ^

    He looked up from his phone and sighed. Well that was good. At least she wasn't freaking out anymore. The music began to play again and he typed out a quick reply.
    To: Elisa
    It's fine. How did u do?
    I'll come find u. I'm still
    here on campus.

    Ryder slipped his phone into his pocket and pulled the keys out of the ignition. He got out of his car, locking the doors, and began to treck his way to Studio Z. He was bound to run into Elisa on the way. Half way there he found and her just shook his head at her. Honestly, she looked absurd carrying around that keyboard. "Hey," he greeted her. His hands were shoved in his front pockets, so he pulled one out to wave and the other to reach for the instrument. "Let me take that before you fall or something. Your feet have to be freezing in those heel." He took the case and slung it over his shoulder, walking back in the direction of the car.
    When they reached it he unlocked the doors, opening the front passenger door for Elisa, and carefully set the keyboard into the back. Ryder walked around the car and got in as well, cranking up the heat after doing so. "How'd it go?" he asked her while pulling his car out of the parking space.
  7. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    (*) Studio Z (*) Mood: Nervous (*) Music (*) Outfit (*) OOC: Showtime (*)

    Just like the others waiting, Alex stood there as he waited for his turn. As expected there were some nerves going through he body, though they were more focused on how he would sound rather than if he would make the cut or not. Since it's been awhile since he'd played. That in all honesty was probably the one thing bugging him the most.

    "Alex Rodes"

    Eventually his turn came and he made his way into the auditorium and made his way to the stage. "Hey guys, it took some time but I managed to find my violin to play." Removing the instrument from it's case, he got set up in the standard playing position before taking in a deep breath. There was one thing that he could play, so he tried to remember it. It took a moment before the bow started playing his song.

    When the song was finished, he gave them a quick bow before leaving. Alex was glad that the song had turned out well, especially since it was the first one that he'd even played before. If it wasn't for the fact that he memorized it, then it might've not gone as well. Durning his walk, he decided to check his phone for the time, what he saw on the screen was the message icon blinking.

    At least now he had something to do while he waited for the result. So he made his way towards the flower shop.
  8. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    location: smar home mood: proud // slightly awkward theme: tea?
    affection: -- ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
    ooc: n / a

    Text from Elisa:

    Hey babe! I'm done with my audition! Ayieee!!
    I think I did alright but I'm pretty much hoping
    for the best but expecting the worse lol > ~ <
    But I had a lot of fun anyway so whatever will
    happen I really won't mind hehe n _ n Where
    are you anyway? > o <

    Richie cheekily smiled at his phone. He totally forgot about the auditions, but that was okay. Elisa had enough talent for the both of them, so it didn't matter much anyway. He knew his best friend would ace the audition, then downplay it. She was so humble and the blonde found it to be one of her best qualities. He happily texted back.

    Text to Elisa:

    congrats babu!! ^ u ^
    shhh i'm sure you did super amazing spectacular so shush!! >:L haha
    i'm still at freya's house... i totally forgot about auditions O O P S gomen ; - ;
    is lunch still on though?? i would love to go to that hibachi place again so good * 3 *
    text me back soon!! amazing job again! <33

    Richie looked to Freya, who seemed to be absorbed in her own thoughts. After their... discussion about Tucker, the girl went silent. The only thing that kept the two talking was when she would compliment his cooking, and he would thank her. Other than that, not much went on between them.

    "Hey Freya, you alright? You've been awful quiet and it makes me sad..." He exaggerated a pouting face in hopes of lifting her mood at least a little. Even if she really didn't want to talk, he knew she couldn't help but say something snarky about his facial expressions. He continued, "Oh and is going to hibachi with Elisa okay with you? I think you would like her..." His voice trailed off, looking to Freya attentively.

  9. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Maria sat on the living room couch petting EAP. He was shedding allover her black dress, but she didn't mind. Stephan sat beside her watching television. He had Sundays off and for once decided to stay home. His right arm was around her shoulders and she was curled in beside him. If you didn't know better, it would look like something a couple would do, but this was purely him being a good big brother. He was home when she got back this morning and she couldn't help but gush about her wonderful day with Noëlle.

    Stephan seemed to be over his hissy-fit about EAP, at least for now. The kitten snuggled himself in between the two of them and was purring lightly. She had her phone out, trying to think of something to do. She couldn't just sit in the house any longer, she was going stir crazy and the less she did, the more she thought about her situation with Tucker. Stephan asked her to sit with him and she was snuggled into his side on the couch as they watched television. She felt content. It was comforting having him by her side, even if he rarely showed her this side of him anymore. What was wrong with him?
    You could always stay home, he commented. His blue eyes were focused down on her phone as she scrolled through her contacts list. We could play a game and I'll make you something to eat. It was tempting.
    I can't, she replied. If I sit here any longer I'll go crazy. I don't like just wasting away at home. All I can think about is what I'm going to do with Tucker. she sighed. Maria mashed her pink lips together. She had gotten dressed as if she were to go out, but she always did that. You never know. I just don't know who to text.
    He plucked her phone out of her hands and began scrolling for her. You don't really hang out with many people for having so many followers. he laughed, but she glared.
    What's your point? she snapped.
    I'm just saying, Stephan shrugged. What about Noëlle? he asked as he came to her name.
    I was just with her. That would seem kind of pathetic. Maria looked uneasy, Recently, hanging out with Noëlle is like talking to a brick wall, except for yesterday. I was pretty amazed by how easy going she seemed. And, she actually opened up, even if it wasn't about everything. She watched him start scrolling again.
    You've been hanging out with this Tucker guy recently right? What about him? He's the one that convinced you to buy the cat, right? His brows furrowed, but he didn't sound too annoyed over it.
    Maria slid out from his arm. Yeah, but I'm not sure about Tucker either. I think I need to give him some space for awhile. I'll probably wait to talk to him again until he calls me. She watched him shake his head and toss her phone back at her.
    Well then, you're at a loss. That's all your friends right? A whopping two. Stephan laughed and she glared further.
    I have more than two friends! She jumped to her feet and slipped on her boots and coat. Her black purse was sitting on the counter and she scooped it up with one hand, letting it fall in the crook of her arm.
    Leaving so soon? Did you decide who you're going to message?
    It's none of your business. I don't even know why I came to you in first place. She huffed out of the apartment in annoyance, hearing the sweet sound of her brother's low chuckle. At least some things never changed.
    Maria walked down the hall. The building was fairly quiet. She couldn't even hear the usual blare of apartment 3-11's television. She sighed and scrolled back to the top of the Contacts List, seeing Bryan's name. They hadn't done anything together in quite some time, but Noëlle also thought that her brother was sick.

    Wearing Music Date: 12/28/2015 Day: 8 & 3/4
    Mood: Annoyed Interaction: Stephan
    : TuckerLocation: Living Room OOC:
  10. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    Late at night and really tired, so this will have to do for today.

    Ace had decided to call Natalie to find out where she currently was and found out that she was trying for auditions for some play or something. However, by now is getting late, and Ace couldn't see any taxis anywhere. It looked like he would have to walk there.

    It was about 9:00 PM; as he was walking toward the auditions, some men came out of nowhere and pushed him to the ground. It was some thugs looking for money and other stuff to steal. Ace decided that was not going down without a fight.

    He managed to win the right, but not without being completely beaten up. His clothes were completely ripped apart, he had blood all over his face and he ended up breaking his right leg just as the fight was ending. He called 9-1-1 for help and then called Natalie to tell her he was on his way to the hospital.
  11. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Lillian Hikari

    Outfit=*=Location: Auditions=*=Music=*=Mood: Confident=*=OOC: N/A

    After everyone was done auditioning, one more person came into the room. "Wait! I'm auditioning too." said the young girl.

    "Pardon, but one must always show up fashionably late if they are to look good." Lillian wiped some hair off her face. "My name is Lillian Hikari and I will be honoring you guys with my keyboard slash piano playing."

    Lillian proceeded to the piano where she began to play. For a normal person, it would seem like an impossible feat. However, Lillian had been playing the piano for eight years, ever since she was six. She felt very confident in herself once she began playing. If she didn't make it- Well, that was clearly impossible, as she was most definitely the person with the largest amount of talent who auditioned. The people she saw on her way in looked like they just half-assed all their auditions. Pitiful.
  12. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves


    { 1 2 : 0 5 }

    Jonathan ...

    He held out his hand at Torvald, and Torvald took it without another complaint, lifting himself off the ground to the worried looks of a handful of people walking by. Fools and simpletons of the bourgeoisie! Torvald glared at Jonathan suspiciously. He did not seem anything much like a bad man, especially for being apologetic after his little collision. Torvald took a mental note that this man could be an excellent asset in the revolution.

    << THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME, COMRADE >> He bellowed out in a deep voice. And yet, scanning his face, this man felt all-too familiar ...
    But it would have to wait. Time was of the essence. How far was Fortissimo from here anyway? Ah, he could try to get there but it wouldn't matter much to Torvald anyway. He tried being open with the Oliver comrade but he rebuffed him based on crass musical opinions. Torvald briefly looked at his phone.

    He could take his time; if the auditions were over by the time he visited, it would just mean more time for the revolution, right?

    << Walk with me, Comrade Jonathan! >> Torvald said as he slowly approached the bus stop.
    << I feel I know nothing about you, yet your visage strikes a memory in my heart. Are you not a student of Fortissimo at all? >>


    { P A S S I O N - O - M A T I C }

    { ▰▰▰ }

    { status: hungover, slightly less }
  13. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    With his hand being grasped by the strange stranger before him, Jonathan helped the man up to his feet as he pulled him up. People were looking but soon enough they went on their merry way. Turning his attention back to the person he collided into, he was soon welcomed by a strange glare from the man. Instantly Jonathan rose his eyebrow in sheer confusion from the sudden look.

    Hearing the stranger speak was quite odd and Jonathan continued to stare at the man not really knowing how to react to this person "Errr....your....welcome?" Jonathan said before scratching the back of his head. Feeling that there encounter was good and done, Jonathan began to prepare to continue his trek but once again his new comrade began to speak. "Wait what?" Jonathan said more confused than ever once being told to follow him.

    Before he knew it he was following this new guy with him to the bus stop to go who knows where. "Umm...hmmm...Fortisimo...sounds...familiar..." Jonathan said crossing his arms as he began to ponder. when he realized just where he recalled the name his face brightened "Ah! yes thats where Julius works" Jonathan said.
  14. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Mood: Slightly Nervous(X) Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Park (X) OOC:

    It took some time, but Shane eventually managed to find himself some sheet music. The good news was that he recognized just about everything that was up there. While he was looking at the music, there was another beep from his phone. This time knowing that it was the text message alert, he took out his phone to check.

    So she did audition, well I might as well head over there now.

    Deciding to take the music with him, he tucked it into his pocket before leaving his home. Being unfamiliar with the address that Seraphina had sent him, Shane opened up the map and typed in the address. Within second a map set from his current location to his destination was form. All he needed to do now was to follow the map.
  15. SynK Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 2, 2013

    Hey, Freya, you alright? You've been awful quiet and it makes me sad...
    Richie put on an obviously exaggerated pout.

    Save it for theatre class.

    She said with a sigh.
    Oh and is going to hibachi with Elisa okay with you? I think you would like her...

    She almost immediately rejected him, out of instinct, but she knew he had helped her with a problem just now. That, and if she said no he would likely make a scene.


    She sighed. As Richie ignored her obvious lamentation of the decision, he told Freya he had to head out, and support Elisa during her audition. Seeing him out, Freya shut the door behind him and got to work cleaning up the kitchen. She had a lot of stuff to think about, and plans to make. SHE WAITED FOR TUCKER TO REPLY TO HER TEXT, DINNY. killing time for a few hours, before heading out to meet Richie and Elisa.
  16. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female

    Clothes Mood» Character Theme Day: 3/3
    Location » Home OOC:
    Seraphina walked down the stairs after she heard the doorbell ring. Her Housekeeper had opened the door for Shane. She smiled at him. “Hello there. I’m so glad you could come to visit me today.” She said, letting him into the front entrance of her house.
    “You’re welcome to also stay over if you would like to. We have tons of rooms, and I wouldn’t want you to drive home if it gets too dark outside.” She said laughing. “I’ll show you to the upstairs. Anything you need just ask. Also it’s easy to get lost, your first few times over here, so I don’t recommend wondering around by yourself, if you do decide you would like to stay. It’s no problem really.” She said, walking up the stairs. "It's been a while since we've had anyone over, I tend not to invite anyone to my house unless I make a very connection with them, because I was afraid they would only be friends with me for my riches. But I decided that could happen either way, and it would be better to show you now. Plus, you didn't know about this when you came to talk to me, so I hope it doesn't change anything."
    She opened the door to her room. “Here we are.” She said. “I would’ve liked us to be able to talk down stairs, but this room in the house is the only one that we could talk privately.” She explained. She sat down in one of the chairs on the right, leaving the bigger one for him.
    “Please sit down.” She said, still smiling. “I don't initiate conversation very well so bare with me.” She laughed. “Tell me about yourself Shane, I would really like to know more about you.” She told him. “Hmm… well… what do you do for fun?” She asked him. This was going well so far. Sort of. She hoped. She hoped she was doing everything right. She moved her chair a little bit closer.
  17. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 0 « OOC: N|A. :

    Auditions ended at around 8PM, leaving Oliver exhausted and drained. Only around 20 or so people showed up, but it was still a good amount to sort through and his notes were plentiful. He leaned back in his chair and snuck a glance at Pierce.

    All done, he smiled briefly, encouragingly, and then started to tuck his notes away. He hoped she didn't feel too overwhelmed about the decision making. Don't worry about it for tonight. We'll talk about it tomorrow. Just gather your thoughts.

    With that decided, they went back to his car and he drove her home. He walked her to the door and gave her another thank you, and then hopped in his car and traveled back to his apartment.

    Once there, he got something to eat, showered, studied and hopped into bed. A notice was posted on the student board saying the audition results would be posted there at a later time. He went to sleep after the post was made.

  18. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    In the end, Maria ended up going to a movie by herself--how lame was that?--and had been unsuccessfully distracted. Maybe she really did only have two friends. That was depressing. She walked out to her car in the movie parking lot. It was dark and cold. She could see her breath puffing up into little clouds in the night sky. Maria rubbed her hands together in the cold and she walked briskly. Her hands moved to her throat and she pulled the black scarf up closer to her face. The car was all the way across parking lot--it had been full when she arrived. Now it was fairly empty, save for the few late night movie-goers that wanted to catch the last showing of the selected movie.

    Her heels clicked against the asphalt of the lot and she rifled through her purse for her keys. Her bangs fell in her face and her blue eyes were pointed down. She stopped in front of her Jetta, the sleek silver car gleaming in the dull yellow lighting of the street lamp. Her fingers brushed against the contents of her purse until she felt the cold familiar steel of her car keys. Her hand had just wrapped around them when another came down on her shoulder, spinning her around. Maria's breath caught in her throat and she stared up into the dark eyes of a hooded figure.
    C-can I help you? she stammered.
    Are you Maria Hartwick? the man asked. His voice was deep and hollow.
    Wh-who wants to know? she asked.
    His free hand wound through her hair and slammed her face against the roof of her car. Are. You. Maria. Hartwick? he asked again, enunciating each word.
    Her ears were ringing and her head pounding. She struggled to raise her hand to her head and he snatched her wrist. Maria swallowed hard, her blue eyes wide as she peered up at the man. Y-yes, she muttered. BAM! Her head hit the car again. Her vision blurred and became spotty. Then, it began to all turn black. BAM! One more time her head hit the car before she passed out in the parking lot.
    Wearing Music Date: 12/28/2015 Day: 8 & 4/4
    Mood: Passed Out Interaction: ???
    : TuckerLocation: Movie Theater Parking Lot OOC:
  19. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Mood: Amazed (X) Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Park (X) OOC:

    The moment Shane stepped foot into the house, he was at a loss for words. Sure he was used to seeing a house with stairs, mainly since he lived in one that had them, but these were the fancy kind of stairs. Something that wouldn't be seen in a average home.

    As he followed behind Seraphina listening to explain more about her house, he was more preoccupied with taking a look around at everything. It was pretty clear why she would be worried that someone would be her friend just due to her money. That was clear the moment he walked in the door.

    Their walk ended with them arriving at Seraphina's room, which was a huge step up from his room.At her words, he took a seat. "Well for the most part I just play games." He took out his phone and brought up some of the game related apps that he had.
  20. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» Excited Character Theme Day: 3/3
    Location » Home OOC:

    Seraphina had talked to him a bit more after that, about school, different interests, other things. She felt like they were getting to know each better, and could be very good friends. She smiled to herself, but then looked at the time.
    “Oh goodness... look at the time.” She said laughing.

    “I can show you to your room now, if you would like.” She said, standing up, and lead him over to the next few doors down. She opened the door that lead into the room.
    "This is one of our guest rooms, I hope you will find it to your liking." She told him. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask." She said smiling. She moved a little closer to him, and then whispered to him.

    "Thank you for being so nice to me. I think we'll become great friends." She told him, then walking away without looking back, and stepping back into her own room.
    She changed into her nightdress, and brushed out her hair. She thought things had gone rather well... at least she hoped. She hoped he was ok with staying here. She took a deep breath. She was just over thinking things. She lied down in her bed, and had dreams of days soon to come.

    Clothes Mood» Excited Character Theme
    Location » Home OOC:

    Estelle had to come home early. She felt bad about having to cancel her plans with Alex, but they needed some extra help over at the shop. It didn't look like she had a day off after all. She was so tired. They got a new shipment of Roses and she had to unload the boxes. She was pooped. She could barely stand, but she texted back anyway.

    To: Alex

    From: Estelle

    Hey Alex, Sorry I wished we got to hang out earlier, something came up. I really hope we get another chance tomorrow. I'm SUPER sorry.

    She texted him, then notice Nat had also texted her during the day. She facedesked. How did she miss it? She texted her back also

    To: Nat

    From: Estelle

    Things were SUPER busy at the shop today I didn't see your text I'm like SUPER SUPER Sorry I hope I can make it up to you!

    She send it, and then stumbled up into her room. She face painted on the bed, not even bothering to change out of her clothes. It was just too tiring. Oh well... hopefully tomorrow would be a better day. She was so tired, she almost instantly fell asleep
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