❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    location: duvont home // smar home mood: overjoyed theme: tea?
    affection: -- ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
    ooc: n / a

    Text from Elisa:

    Hey babe! sorry for running out on you
    yesterday, totally slipped my mind LOL
    Major apologies u A u Are you going to
    those band auditions later at 2? I am, it
    would be cool if we had lunch together
    or something!! Text me!! <3 xx

    Richie rolled over to his nightstand, and read the text that flashed on the screen. Aaaaaaaaaaah, it was his fave person ever! He glanced at the clock on his phone [ it was a little after noon ] and immediately texted back.

    Text to Elisa:

    it's okay haha! i was just a little worried ; ^ ;
    uh... i'm not sure yet honestly ahah i'm going to freya's house in a few
    and idk if she is going or not
    if we are though, lunch with you after the auditions sounds totally amazing!!
    maybe freya could come with us?? i'd feel bad for leaving her v u v

    As much as he wanted to get lunch with Elisa asap, he already made plans with Freya and he was sticking to them. He enjoyed her company, and maybe a change of pace would be good for him...

    Since he'd already figured out an outfit for himself yesterday at the café, he got dressed rather quickly.

    After he finished his morning routine, he shot Freya a quick text before kissing his family goodbye and heading out the door.

    Text to Freya:

    i'm on my way!! c:
    see you in a few! ^ u ^


    The boy got to Freya's home in no time. They didn't live that far from each other, and thankfully Richie didn't forget her address. Straightening out his cardigan and adjusting his hair, he then knocked on the front door.
  2. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    (*) Home (*) Mood: Interested (*) Music (*) Outfit (*) OOC: (*)
    After waking up and getting dressed, Alex made his way towards his closet and started to search for his violin, which last time he saw it, it was placed in his closet. This wouldn't be a difficult task if it wasn't for the fact that he didn't exactly keep his closet in the best condition. The inside of it was often piled up with things that he didn't need and were often forgotten about until he actually needed them. Though on the bright side, none of the stuff that was in there could actually do much harm to the instrument.

    It took some digging and moving around of the contents inside, but eventually he found what he was looking for. The case itself seemed to looked exactly the same as the last time that he saw it. Granted that was only one part of his little inspection. next thing he looked at was the actual instrument. His mind was still filled with doubts as to there being any actual scratches on it, bur nothing wrong with being sure. Unlocked the two latches revealed the rosewood violin. The light that shown on it revealed very little signs of damage which was good new to him.

    Closing the case to his violin, he took a quick glance at time. While there was still some time before the auditions, but he might as well go ahead and head over there. After all, there was no harm in being there early was there. As the case was lifted up by it's strap and slung around his shoulder, he went ahead and left his home.
  3. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Location: Home {} Mood: Determined {} OOC: ASDF {} Music: [,-,]
    Sasha opened her eyes to the bright sunshine leaking into her room. She sighed and sat up, staring at her violin on her stand. It seemed that her endless torrent of nightmares never ended. It's a nasty feeling, but she had to lean to cope with it. She shook her head and flipped on her computer, noticing a new message to some people one of them being here.
    Apparently there was an audition for a band going on around 2:00 PM today. She thought about it for a bit as she got to the kitchen and grabbed a piece of leftover pizza she ordered a few days ago and munching it down. Huh...audition...perhaps I can get in. I always wanted to be in one...but still...She walked back into her room and stared at her badly scratched violin, shuddering as it brought back memories of her first audition she had.
    How long ago was it when I wanted to be in a band? 6 years ago? Ah right...they 'used' me...but these people are different. She tapped her fingers. Maybe I'm expecting too much? No! I'm not! It's gonna be different this time! I know it! Before she can think of any more doubts, she grabbed her violin, her case, and her phne before rushing out the door and heading towards the studio where it will be held at.
    You cannot escape your past
  4. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» Excited Character Theme
    Location » Home OOC:

    It wasn't a busy day at the shop. It was very very boring. Between Vega yelling at her and tripping over plants, it wasn't a good day. She sat at the desk and stared at the ceiling for hours. She remember there were auditions today for a band at the school. She stared at her Keyboard, which was sitting inside one of the desk draws. No one was here... it couldn't hurt to play a little bit.

    The auditions weren't for another hour and so... so... she had a bunch of time. Nat had left earlier in the morning. She wondered if she should tell her about them, but she probably already knew. She took out the piano and hooked it up. She took out one of her favorite songs and started to play.

    She shrugged, she guessed she could go, no harm done. She had told Nat she wasn't going to go, but playing again made her change her mind. She freely sung along and she smiled while doing so. Her sisters came down the stairs.
    "Estelle!" Amaya said happily. It had been a long time since Estelle had played the piano, and her sisters thought she was wonderful. "Vega! Stella! Essy is going to sing for us!" She yelled from the downstairs floor.

    "What!? Are you seriously!?" Estelle laughed playfully. I guess she could use the practice, just the playing part. And singing along would help with her focus. She sighed. "Fineee." She said, starting the song from the beginning as her sisters watched attentively. She would leave soon, she couldn't wait.

    Clothes ♫ Mood» ♫ Character Theme ♫ Day: 1/3 ♫
    Location » Home ♫ OOC:

    Seraphina had woken up early this morning. The auditions were today and she was making sure her Violin playing was prefect. She had gotten the Cook, the House Keeper, and her Driver, all to listen to her. It wasn't very hard to get them to do so. After playing for a few hours, she let them go take a break. She wondered if Shane was going also. She did really want to hear him play, she wasn't just saying so. She got out her phone and texted him.

    To: Shane
    From: Seraphina

    "Hey Shane, are you coming to the band auditions today? Even if you're not would you like to meet up later?"

    She sent the text. Hopefully he could come over to her house after the auditions. It would be interesting to see his reaction... to all the house works and how big her house really was. She wondered if maybe he wouldn't want to be her friend anymore... maybe inviting him here wasn't such a good idea. She lied down on her bed and thought for a while. But it was better to find out now then to figure it out later. Yes, she would have him here. It was a bit more private anyway. She wanted somewhere they could really talk. She hadn't had a boy over though... since she moved here. Thinking about it, she hadn't had anyone over. It would be an interesting surprise for the house staff... maybe now they would think she was being social, even though they were a bit worried about her. .

    She nodded and then and then went back to playing. She was sure the auditions would go well. Plus there were going to be a lot of people there to show her many talents to. She also sort of wanted to get to know Shane better. Making new friends wouldn't be as hard as she thought... or at least it seemed that way. She smiled to herself as she played. She knew which song she would do... for sure. She changed songs and started playing that instead.

    She straighten her black skirt as she started again. The house was so peaceful when full of music. Something that her parents enjoyed. Seraphina worked her hardest in music to impress them. It was the only thing they praised her for, unless around others. Her mother would talk about her beauty to her friends, and her father would talk about her smarts to his. But it was the youngest they were really proud of.
  5. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Lillian Hikari

    Outfit=*=Location: Home----->Auditions=*=Music=*=Mood: Nervous=*=OOC: Please excuse the music, but her instrument is the piano an it fits with the post.

    Lillian awoke curled up in bed to a snow fall. How wonderful. Lillian loved snow, but not as much as rain. Usually, Lillian hated walking to school and forced her mother to give her a ride to wherever she needed to go. Since the weather was nice, Lillian figured she could spare her mother today, and just walk to the auditions.

    At around 12 PM, Lillian stepped outside, in a leather jacket and her favorite boots. The cold, white blanket that covered the ground shone brightly with the rays of the sun. Lillian hummed a song to herself that she had heard in a store while Christmas shopping. It was really catchy. She had a great lunch, but really craved some more cookies. Lillian realized she should have brought some in a Baggie.

    The young girl turned to look at the road behind her as she walked. "...Ugh. Too much effort to walk back. But I want a cookiiiiieeeeee!" she whined to herself. Lillian crossed her arms and stomped the ground. "Hmph. I'll just call mother and ask her to bring me some later." With a flourish, she turned her head and continued walking to the auditions. She was nervous, but at the same time thought they'd be crazy not to pick her. Lillian had no idea how that worked. Even less of an idea than how many hairs she had on her pink head.
  6. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « ( WEARING ) « 2 « OOC: N|A. :

    Oliver was up bright and early ... unfortunately. That party had really left him exhausted. He took a shower, combed through his hair, ate what he considered to be a decent breakfast and prepared his briefcase for auditions. If it weren't for a few courses in Fortissimo, he would probably have no idea how to go about the whole thing. Luckily, part of his education was actually coming in handy.

    He was in the middle of placing the briefcase in the backseat of his car when his phone buzzed with a text message.

    From: Tucker
    Studio Z is set up and ready for your
    auditions today! Best of luck, I hope
    you find the talent you're looking for.
    If you need any more help, just give
    me a call.

    To: Tucker
    Thanks, man! Appreciate it a lot.

    He also had an email sitting in his inbox from Torvald, the lead male of The Girl in Watercolors. He seemed the eccentric type, so Oliver wasn't exactly surprised by his inquiry. He buckled himself into the driver's seat and started the car up before typing a reply.

    From: Torvald Tannhauser
    The implication feels that your band may very well be rock focused. I ask you (under the light of revolutions in music) of the possibility of wishing to consider a trumpet in your ensemble.

    To: Torvald Tannhauser
    I'm not sure about incorporating a trumpet into every piece of music, honestly.
    I don't have one set genre in mind, but someone who is solely a trumpet player is unlikely to get a permanent spot.

    With that out of the way, he called Pierce and asked her if she was ready. Eventually, she gave him her address and he was off to pick her up.

    He met her at the door and they exchanged some kind of greeting. Once she was ready, they left the house and set off for a small cafe near the studio for some coffee.

  7. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves

    { m u s i c }
    [ divine comedy ]

    << Do y'even know how to set up that thing? >>

    Fatime, sitting up in her hospital bed and holding the new tablet tightly, glared at the idiot nurse boy.
    She had slept through the entire morning, but while Malgré sat waiting for her, she tried her best to set up everything as quick as possible so this fool could get out of her hair. She stuck out her tongue and lowered her gaze in distinct concentration, rapidly tapping away on the screen to set everything up. The Professor was still fast asleep, and she did not wish to wake him up just yet; no other guests had visited -- how ... strange.

    Did they not care about the Professor being in the hospital at all?

    << Ya freakin' dimwit, I-- >>

    Fatime shushed the boy with a whip of her inky hair.
    It took a few more minutes, but everything was finally loaded up and ready. It was a new model! She really was surprised that Lucas would invest so much time in something like--

    ... this.
    Did-- did Ayanna ever give him the present? Why hasn't he called? Where did he go?
    She stared at the blank home screen for a few moments.

    << Wake up!! >>

    Fatime glared viciously at the buffoon, before putting the tablet away and writing something on another black paper airplane, using the nurse's silver marker. With a flick of the wrist, she threw it towards Malgré's wide chalky forehead.

    << CHRIST!! >> He snatched it as it fell away from his head. << What do you even-- >>


    Don't you have a job to do?
    You'd make the other patients worry.


    Malgré groaned and turned back to Fatime.

    << Yeah, uh-- y--y-- I've gotta start the first sessions of seeing how good yer mobility is today. We'll be walkin' a bit. >>

    Oh noooo.
    How much was she missing at Fortissimo, anyway? Nobody seemed to care about the Professor ...
    She looked back at the sleeping lion. Maybe if she were able to walk, she could try and spread the ... word? Ack! How could she, of all people, spread a message like that?
  8. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    The warm shower left her feeling all bubbly, sweet and fresh when she went out of the bathroom. She had already brushed her teeth, shaken most of the water out of her short blue locks, applied strawberry and cream scented body lotion all over her skin and hopped into her flowery undergarments.

    She walked over to her bed, where her outfit lay and also her phone. Its little colored light blinked, notifying her that she had one unread message! It was most probably the reply from her best friend Richie!

    Text from Richie:
    it's okay haha! i was just a little worried ; ^ ;
    uh... i'm not sure yet honestly ahah i'm going to freya's house in a few
    and idk if she is going or not
    if we are though, lunch with you after the auditions sounds totally amazing!!
    maybe freya could come with us?? i'd feel bad for leaving her v u v

    She couldn't help but pout a bit, but she completely understood. Plus a part of her still felt guilty about the whole forgetting-the-camp-and-running-off situation yesterday. She let out a small sigh then smiled and began to type up a response.

    To: Richie
    Aw man, well alright then babe have
    the most fun ever! ^ o ^ Tell Freya I
    say hello and that she could absolutely
    join us! I'll see you a little later
    then \sparkles\ :3

    Hitting send, she dropped her phone onto the safety of her thick, pastel bed covers and began to pull on the thick black tights that she prepared earlier. She slips into her military green, collared dress with a belt tightly snug by her waist and a leather jacket over that. It was snowing, so she decided to keep herself warm but of course, stylish. She tied the laces of her black shoes before plopping onto her bed and grabbing her phone again. She browsed through all her contacts, trying to find someone who she would enjoy having lunch with - since she was really set for having company this afternoon. It didn't take her long to find one though, a small snicker escapes her while she begins to type up a message.

    To: Ryder
    Yo Ryder! Hehe Richie's got plans for
    lunch and now I'm all alone! \sobs
    Ditch the video games and have
    lunch with me for a while? I promise
    I WON'T bring my camera u A u

    She hit send right away, even though she wasn't exactly sure he'd say yes. Honestly she was expecting a 'no'. Like, was he even awake? She'd give him about ten minutes. If he wouldn't reply then she'd just have to go out alone - she'll take it as a sign from the universe to spend some "me time".
  9. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    The rays of the morning sun had entered the room of Jonathan and with a loud yawn the boy sat up and stretched out his arms with a satisfying sigh as he jumped out of bed and smiled as he stared out window. This feeling of being alone and independent was a wondrous feeling and one that also pumped his adrenaline.

    After a shower Jonathan was off out of the hotel and soon enough out on the streets for him to wander about. His first thoughts were to at least check up on Julius but the only thing he figured would happen at the moment was that the two would bicker as usual so that was out of the option. For now Jonathan decided to let Julius rest and heal his wounds before he then started a fight with the idiot.

    WIth a sigh, the boy could only walk on through the streets of Candlewood and check out as much as he could find about this place. Julius never really spoke about Candlewood, but that was most likely cause there most likely wasn't much in the city. Regardless this was a new adventure for Jonathan and he was enjoying the moment.
  10. SynK Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 2, 2013
    ‹|Exhausted |›

    Freya was just ready when she heard Richie at the door, how was it he always showed up with such perfect timing? She'd never know. She picked up Enywas, who would have been verbally begging for attention, had he the capacity, and placed him on her shoulder, as usual. She made her way to the front door of her small flat.

    Hey, betch.

    She barely had the door open before he spoke. She rolled her eyes and pointed in the direction of the kitchen. Richie made a motion as if tipping his hat and hurried inside wearing a huge smile. By the time Freya had made her way back into the kitchen, Richie had already somehow managed to pull out a pile of ingredients, place them neatly in order, assemble the necessary pots, bowls, and utensils. To top it all off he was already wearing her apron. Just how slowly was she walking? She wondered.

    She made her way to a stool on the other side of the island in the kitchen, and sat down, knowing that she'd probably just get in his way. As he started mixing ingredients, she began the conversation.

    So, I wanted to talk to you about a guy.

    Richie's eyes lit up and a smile beamed from his face.

    OMG, give me all the deets!

    He practically shrieked with excitement.

    Well you know tucker? I kind of have this huge thing for him, and I'm not sure if he reciprocates the feeling.
    She asked, watching as he deftly tossed ingredients and utensils around, as if he were putting on some sort of performance.
    Oh? Well, honestly, I think you should tell him, but only when the time is right. The worst that can happen is him saying no, right?
    Well, I've waited for years, Richie, and I don't know if I can wait any longer...we planned to get coffee the other day, that's why I was at the café, and I was going to tell him then, but I'm not so sure anymore...if it's a good idea....
    What makes you think that? Do you think you're not... good enough for him? Because if you do think that, then you're wrong. You're a great person and I think Tucker will be able to see that!
    He stops for a brief moment and looks directly at her.
    It's better to try than never know right?
    Well, that's the other thing...I might not need to try...
    She looks away and fumbles with something in her pocket. Richie looks somber for a moment and gives her a look that asks her to meet his gaze.
    ...what do you mean?
    She leans in a bit.
    Can you keep a secret?
    Of course, Freya, you know my lips are always sealed.
    She takes out the crystal vial filled with mysterious liquid and puts it on the counter.
    Promise not to laugh but...I think I can MAKE him fall-
    Richie leans back and continues to mix, cutting her off.
    With... Cupid's Brew? I had some once, I know what it can do...
    She is flabbergasted for a moment.
    Wh-WHAT? You knew about it?
    He begins to drone off, as if reliving a bad memory.
    Yeah, I was planning on using on... someone...but I lost it, maybe it was for the best...
    He sighs.
    But do you really think that's the best idea?
    She fumbles around uncomfortably in her seat.
    I don't even know if I believe it works...but...something...keeps telling me I should try it
    Freya looks off to the side, as if something recent was troubling her.
    Go for it, then. But I think you should first tell him how you feel....then slip it to him if he rejects you!
    He chuckles, as if to say he's only half serious.
    Who knows, he may like you of his own volition, then there's no need for the Brew! It's best to know beforehand.
    It's obvious to Richie that Freya is struggling with the moral implications of the whole situation.
    I suppose you're right, but...what if he does reject me after all. Is it fair, Richie, to make someone love you?
    He contemplates for a moment.
    Well, personally, no, I don't think so. To be honest, I'm kind of glad I lost my Brew.
    He looks at the vial sitting on the counter and picks it up for a moment, examining it.
    But if you really have such deep feelings for him. Feelings strong enough to make you do anything to have him...then this is the right choice.
    He says, as he puts it in her hand, and closes her fingers around it.
    But that means I'm the only one with a choice...but...I can't stand it, Richie, the thought of him being with someone else.
    She holds the vial up and looks at it, thinking for a moment.
    You're right..it may be the most selfish thing in the world, but...I have to do it.
    She looks over at him, as he begins pulling pastries out of the oven. Without breaking from his task, he reassures her.
    You do what's best for you, and it will make you happy...yes, it's selfish, but you honestly have strong feelings for him, and seem determined to have him. I think someone with that much resolve deserves someone like him..
    She focuses her attention on Enywas, who is attempting to sneak his way over to the pastries that are cooling on the island. She pinches a small morsel off of one and puts it in front of him.
    Th-thanks Richie...Hey, maybe if it doesn't work out with Tucker, I can slip this into one of your drinks.
    He chuckles for a moment.
    Funny...I wish you all the best dear, and I hope everything goes your way.
    As the hours pass by, the two of them continue to talk and munch on the delicious snacks that Richie had prepared.
  11. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Evan Allen Walker:
    {~~~Day 8 (1/4)~~~December 28th, 2015, Tuesday~~~Location: Your local bar/Baker's Home~~~Mood: Fun stuff~~~Music~~~Ooc:~~~}

    Evan woke up inside the bar just slouched about on the floor. He was quite surprised that he wasn't kicked out after last night. Granted he had next to know recollection of what happened but he knew he was walking on rainbows. Regardless he walked with great effort to the nearest bathroom in which sat calmly down in front of a toilet. From there he expelled "rainbows" from his stomach into said toilet. Once finished he left the bar with a skip in his step and started bounding down the street feeling nice and rested. While he was walking down the street he suddenly realized that he was wearing rollerblades when he went to the cafe. He started wondering when and how he switched into regular old sneakers but didn't pay it any more mind than he needed to.

    Once his walk home was complete he found his place to be just as unkempt as he had left it the day before. Smiling at the mess of his house he started walking around and made himself some quality breakfast, or lunch in the case of the time now. More quality bacon. With the bacon cooking he noticed his phone had received a new message on it. He disliked text messages because he was sure "big brother" was reading through all of them, and they didn't need to know what he said. Though due to various people needing to get in contact with him and him being quite the free spirited man, this was the most effective means to do so. He read that Little Baker Bro needed a ride to some auditions thingy majigger at Studio Z. Not being one to refuse such a request from Little Baker Bro, Evan got in his car and drove off to his place.

    Dennis was not entirely too thrilled that Evan had responded to his text, but nonetheless he had auditions to go to and no other way to bring his drumset. With a short enthusiastic greeting from Evan, Dennis got his things together and put them in the car. With that done the two of them drove off to Studio Z.
  12. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    WEARING DATE 12/28/2015 DAY 8 & 2/4 MUSIC
    Had it not been for her mother, Pierce would probably still be sitting in her bedroom fretting over what to wear. Instead, she was sitting at a table, across from Oliver, and sipping on a mocha. She hadn't heard from Sophie at all yesterday and the only person that was left to help her get ready was Mrs. Mhenjer. Her mother had been more than obliging and it made Pierce uncomfortable. She didn't like answering all her mother's questions about her date. It wasn't a date, not officially. She kept trying to explain that but her mom was all, ' call it what you want. A date is a date. ' Man she was annoying! When Oliver called her to see if she was ready, Pierce had become pretty frantic. She refused to let her mother answer the door and interrogate the man picking her up. She had made sure to be waiting in front of the door by the time he reached it. There was an appreciative comment that came from the kitchen when she slipped on her jacket and Pierce just shook her head blushing.

    She pressed the foam cup to her lips and took a slow sip off the warm liquid. It made its way down to her stomach and a chill ran down her back. The silence between them seemed to be dragging on forever, and Pierce knew it was because of her. Oliver was probably regretting asking her to join him at this very moment. She would occasionally meet his gorgeous green eyes and get embarrassed, immediately redirecting her gaze to anything but him. He had really dressed up for this audition. He looked so professional and handsome. It made her feel under dressed. She really shouldn't have worn something her mother picked out. Pierce looked up again and bit down on her lip. She set the cup back down on the table and inhaled slowly. She needed to say something before they ran out of alone time together. Why did talking to him have to be so hard? It wasn't hard with Sophie, granted she had a lot more practice with her.

    S - so um, she started hesitantly, A - are you looking forward to - to your audition? She was almost eighteen and nearly as bad as someone with an actual speech impediment. It only made her low self - esteem that much worse. Thanks again, for um, asking me ah. .. out. Pierce felt the color rise in her skin and she dropped her gaze to the lid of her cup. She swallowed nervously and hoped the flush could be chalked up to warmth from the coffee. Oliver's appearance was too distracting to even really think about the auditions. Would he even care to hear her opinion on the people that tried out? It felt wrong to pick and choose. She was always one of those people that got picked last or pushed aside. Her mom asked if she intended to try out and play the piano. To that, she laughed. Public performances were never up her alley. You um, look r - really um, nice ... Oh god! She couldn't believe she actually said it.
  13. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves


    { 1 2 : 0 0 }

    Uuuuuuuuugh ...

    Torvald rolled his throbbing head off of the table, sliding to the floor in a dirty mess. How long had he been out at the bar? He opened his eyes, and everything was still as messy as it was last night. He tried to lift himself up, struggling to hold the table edge while rubbing his temple with his other free hand. Looking around, many of the other patrons were passed out -- in drunkedness, or perhaps ecstasy, and the rainbow kid was nowhere to be found. Torvald grunted. He looked back at the bartender, who continued to nonchalantly clean his glasses, walked over, grabbed some money out of his pocket and slammed it on the counter, and tried to walk out of the damn hellhole.

    When he was on the street, he checked his phone to see if Oliver had replied.
    And sure enough, there was that apathetic little revolutionary claiming that trumpets were unlikely to have a place in this band! Insolence! Torvald growled to the sky, unaware that he frightened a few people walking down the sidewalk next to him; this messy monster of a beast. He would take action! What time was it! Torvald checked his phone. God damn! He might be late for the rehearsal!

    Torvald stuffed his phone back into his pocket and began running as fast as he could upon the winter-bleached sidewalk. His head stung and he felt dizzy, but he tried his best to get back to the bus station when--


    He bumped into some rude bourgeois ignoramus! He fell onto his backside with a thump, and looked up at the man.
    Wait, that face looked rather familiar ... He certainly had never seen the man before, but he felt as if he saw those eyes -- or rather, eye?


    { P A S S I O N - O - M A T I C }

    { ▰▰▰ }

    { status: hungover }

  14. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    As time moved on Jonathan continued his trek and witnessed as much as he could. There were many things that had caught the young man's attention and he immediately committed them into his memories. If Jonathan was planning on staying in this city then he needed to know as much as he could about the city in order to prevent any other problems that would occur. With this he would be able to minimize the chance of getting lost and any other predicaments as well.

    With each moment he continued to walk on down the streets that were lightly covered by the snow. The cold was a pain, but for Jonathan he didn't really mind. He wondered how much this city would change with time, did they do something in the summer? was there any festivals? there were many questions but Jonathan realized that he was most likely over exagerating his expectations with this city.

    Jonathan continued to walk on nonchalantly but the sudden appearance of a man before him instantly caught his attention. The way this man was moving was...weird and before Jonathan could even react the two of them collided and the hungover man fell to the ground. Guilt instantly filled his mind and Jonathan was ready to try and correct this, but then the man opened his mouth and began to speak.

    All too suddenly Jonathan's eye immediately began to twitch as he stared down at the person on the ground. "M-Moneybags?" Jonathan said quietly as he clenched his fist. "OI YOUR THE DUMBASS THAT CRASHED INTO ME! I-" Jonathan began to yell, but immediately caught himself and rubbed his temples with one hand "errr....ummm...sorry about that...." Jonathan said before putting his hand out in order to help him up and gave him a bright smile "Names Jonathan...sorry about that" Jonathan said
  15. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: Slightly Nervous(X) Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Park (X) OOC:
    Shane had gotten a fairly early start to his morning, though he was still indecisive about auditioning for the band today. Sure it would've been a great chance for him to play the piano again. As he pondered what to do, there a small beeping noise from his phone. At first he assumed that it was letting him know that the batteries were fully charged as it always did. While the batteries were close to being fully charged, that wasn't what the beeping was for, it was from a message he;d gotten from Seraphina.

    Is she planning on going to them? He thought as he typed up his response.

    Conveniently by the time the message had gone through, his phone had finished charging, prompting him to remove it from the charger. Using the on screen clock he took note of the time. There was still some time before the auditions begun, meaning that there was still time for him to find an old piece of sheet music that he'd played before. Depending on how well he could remember everything would decided whether or not that he would audition or not..
  16. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    From: Elisa
    Yo Ryder! Hehe Richie's got plans for lunch
    and now I'm all alone! \sobs Ditch the video
    games and have lunch with me for a while?
    I promise I WON'T bring my camera u A u

    Ryder glared at his phone and tossed the game controller across his room. It landed on his bed and he groaned. Elisa was clearly just using him. He was just a backup for when Richie wasn't available. Ryder wasn't exactly a fan of being used, even if it was Elisa. He thought on it for a few minutes before shutting off the television. It wasn't like he had anything else to do.

    To: Elisa
    fine. Omw. See u soon.

    He shoved his phone in his pocket and pulled his coat out of the pile of clothes on his floor. He really needed to clean. His mom was sure to start bitchin' soon. Ryder grabbed his wallet off the nightstand with his keys to the Honda and made his way out to the car. Arielle was talking on the phone with a friend and his mom was at work.

    He made his way to Elisa's, only about a ten minute drive from his place and only three stops inbetween. Ryder pulled in her driveway and killed then engine. A few quick strides to the door and he was inside without a knock. "Elisa!" He called up the stairs. "Elisa I'm here..." He slid his shoes off at the door and made his way up the stairs to her bedroom. Jeez. Invite him over and not even greet him. He sighed. Ryder knocked on her door once before opening it a crack. "Hey. You decent?"
  17. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City
    After what felt like waiting for way too long for Ryder's reply (only a minute passed after texting him) she decided to keep herself busy. She got up from bed, took a breath and pumped herself up with energy to multi-task on two mega-blog posts: one for her adventures and one solely for Sophie's Christmas party. She walked over to her desk, cracked her knuckles as she took a seat on her comfy computer chair and opened up her laptop.

    She put on her headphones and turned up some music (her current obsession being Paramore's new album) so she could work with little distraction. Of course, she kept in mind that she was still waiting for Ryder's reply and placed her phone next to her laptop. The first thing she worked on was transferring all the photos from her camera to her laptop.

    Attaching all the photos from each of the three days took forever (or at least what felt like forever to her, again). Thank goodness she's improved on her photography because now she rarely ever spent any time on editing photos after she took them. They would get transferred then were ready to be uploaded and used. She was also feeling productive so while the photographs were finally uploading she opened up a page on her blog and began to type in some content, starting with what seemed the easiest to remember since it happened just moments ago: Photography camp.

    As many of you know, camps are one of my favourite things ever and just yesterday,
    I was fortunate enough to take part of Mr. and Mrs. Snap's Photography Camp! I've
    talked about this excitedly before and thank goodness I was able to attend despite
    the winter (and practically forgetting the event itself lol this is another story I will
    shortly be getting into hehe). I've learned so much, met some supermegafoxyawesome-
    hot people (shout out to Sally who I met at Camp! Hey girl! n w n and Christofer as well
    I miss you both already!), and really just had a super great time.
    So my morning started out pretty hil

    "Hey, you decent?"

    Alright, that was definitely not just in her head! The sudden voice that she heard as the song from her headphones came to a stop made her jump slightly. Just a moment ago, she heard someone call out her name but she thought she just imagined it. She pulled the headphones off of her head and looked over at her door. Oh, Ryder!

    "Oh you're here! Yeah, I'm decent! I'll be out in a sec." She glanced over her phone at the moment and scowled at it. The little light on the upper left was blinking, which meant a notification but that just meant she didn't see it. She could already guess it was Ryder's response. She stuffed that phone into a small spiked, black purse and inserted her wallet, lip balm and tissues as well. She walked over to the much larger bag that contained her electronic keyboard and pulled its strap over her shoulder with a small "oof."

    It had been a while since she carried around her keyboard and forgot how heavy it was. She opened the door fully, "Hooray! I honestly didn't think you would be coming." she giggled, giving him a small kiss on the cheek as a greeting and happily walking past him and down the stairs. She talked the entire time as she walked out of her house, making sure she locked the door properly after Ryder since her parents were out. "Let's go!! Don't mind the keyboard, I'm auditioning for Oliver's band thing if you know about that. Are you auditioning? You know you should Ryder, give you a good excuse to socialize and I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun. Anyway, there are a lot of good lunch places near by that aren't too pricey. The Hibachi place, Johnny's Pasta Town, um, the cafe near Studio Z. You can pick of course since I'm sure I dragged you away from some important video game battle or something. I hope I'm not too much trouble or anything."

    She placed her keyboard in the backseat of Ryder's car and climbed in shotgun. She was definitely in a chatty mood today. She really hoped she wasn't any trouble or annoying (though she probably way). "You pick any food place, unless of course you want me to pick then I highly suggest the cafe near Studio Z because their salad's are divine but you, you should pick. In fact, I'll pay for you! Okay, okay I'm getting over my head, I'll pay the tip but you should pick. Cause man, am I just excited to eat!"
  18. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    "Oh you're here! Yeah, I'm decent! I'll be out in a sec." Elisa called from within her room.

    Ryder shut the door and waited out in the hall. Sheesh. Did she even check her phone? He found it astonishing since Elisa was so obsessed with the digital world. After a couple of minutes, she came out into the hall, carrying her keyboard. Why did she have that?

    "Hooray! I honestly didn't think you would be coming." She giggled.

    He rolled his eyes. He said he was coming. "I said I would." Ryder followed her downstairs and slipped his shoes back on. Elisa locked the front door on their way out and he escorted her to his car.

    Words started to flow out of her the moment the door clicked shut. He was still curious about the keyboard, but figured she'd get to it eventually. "Let's go!! Don't mind the keyboard, I'm auditioning for Oliver's band thing if you know about that. Are you auditioning? You know you should Ryder, give you a good excuse to socialize and I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun. Anyway, there are a lot of good lunch places near by that aren't too pricey. The Hibachi place, Johnny's Pasta Town, um, the cafe near Studio Z. You can pick of course since I'm sure I dragged you away from some important video game battle or something. I hope I'm not too much trouble or anything."

    They reached the carand Ryder opened the door to the back seat for her. Elisa slipped the percussion instrument into the back and climbed into the passenger seat. He didn't even know where to begin. She seemed to be incredibly talkative today and he was out of his league. Ryder had no clue what this was about an audition, nordid he have any desire to participate. He started the car and put it in drive, pulling out of the driveway.

    "You pick any food place, unless of course you want me to pick then I highly suggest the cafe near Studio Z because their salad's are divine but you, you should pick. In fact, I'll pay for you!"

    "You're not going to pa--"

    "Okay, okay I'm getting over my head, I'll pay the tip but you should pick. Cause man, am I just excited to eat!"

    That's what he figured. He wasn't going to make Elisa pay for him, and apparently she didn't really intend anyway. He sighed and watched the road. "Hibachi sounds fine." He turned in the direction of the restaurant for them to eat. "You seem awfully chipper today," he commented lightly. Ryder turned down another street and stopped at a light. He was in a rather sour mood, even with Elisa radiating joy. "So lemme guess, Richie was busy and I was your last resort? No one else was available?" He could see the sign to the restaurant after a few minutes. finishing the drive, he parked the car in the lot. He turned to Elisa and gave her a fake grin. "Let's go."

    He shut off the engine and got out. Ryder walked around the car and opened the door for her. When the doors shut, he pressed the lock button on the keys and walked with her to the restaurant. He tried to put a smile on. Why ruin the entire day for her? "Sorry," he grumbled as he held the door open. The delicious smell of Asian food hit him in the face and his stomach growled. Good thing they were there already.
  19. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 0 « OOC: N|A. :

    S - so um, a - are you looking forward to - to your audition?

    His green eyes flickered over to Pierce and he smiled, noting her effort at making small talk. He took a small bite out of a cinnamon scone he had purchased and washed the thick pastry down with a sip of coffee.

    I guess so. I'm interested to see how things play out, at least. After Torvald's email, he wasn't so sure. How many people would even show up? Despite the amount of views on his thread, there weren't too many replies .It'll be nice to have something to do aside from study.

    Thanks again, for um, asking me ah. .. out Pierce looked down at her cup and Oliver blinked at her. Oh. It hadn't been his intention to give off a 'date' vibe, but he didn't really mind it being considered one. He and Mary still weren't talking like they had been before, and it was nice hanging out with Pierce ... sometimes.

    Hey, thank you for coming. It'll really help to have someone else around. Have you ever been on an audition panel before?

    N-no problem. No. I haven't ... I don't know much help I'll really be ...

    You'll be fine.

    There was a moment of slightly awkward silence between them.

    You um, look r - really um, nice ...

    He smiled into a sip of his coffee and nearly spit it out with a chuckle, holding a hand over his mouth and lifting his gaze back at Pierce. That's my line! It was playful but half honest. He was a bit embarrassed about it and covered it up with a bite of scone and a mumbled 'thank you, you too'.

    - lazy time skip 2PM -​

    After a bit more chatting, they were off to Studio Z. Just as Tucker had said, the audition space was set up perfectly for them and ready to go. There was a small stage, and the audition panel was set up with a two microphones. It made him feel ridiculously professional, which also made him a little nervous. He wasn't exactly qualified to judge anyone, which is why he thought Pierce would be helpful. It would still be hard to reject anyone.

    He took a seat and placed a half full coffee cup on the table, opening his briefcase and pulling out two notepads and some pens and pencils for them both.

    Alright, we'll let everyone play or sing their full piece - no cutting anyone off. Write your thoughts down on each person and we'll discuss it afterwards, alright?

    Once everything was agreed to, he called the first person in.

  20. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    She remembers giggling at how his face looked before they exited the car and went into the Hibachi restaurant. Before that, during the car ride, Ryder said something that stained her chipper mood for a moment.

    "So lemme guess, Richie was busy and I was your last resort? No one else was available?"

    She remembered the words perfectly and she couldn't help but frown. Was it guilt because she knew it was partly true? Or was it pain because he would think that? She remembers brushing it off with a small giggle as she told him "Oh, don't be silly! I would invite you more often if you weren't so afraid of the camera!"

    But in all honesty, it did make her feel bad. Her life changed for the better ever since Richie and she's made a lot more friends since then - but Ryder was right. If Richie wasn't around she was kind of lost because they had their own little world and she never had as much strength as her best friend to be able to step out of the bubble all on her own like he could. Sure, she was happy and friendly and all that and she wasn't pretending to be or anything but she just felt really bad about making other people last resorts... or seconds even, like right now w-

    No. No. Elisa Mulshine. No. She was trying to think of good thoughts! What ever lead her to this? She leaned back on the wall of Studio Z, she was right next to the door. She clutched the edges of her keyboard tightly. She was suddenly so so nervous! She looked down at her black heeled shoes and the little bits of snow that still clung onto them. She breathed out a shaky breath. The turquoise teen always loved performing but her nerves would always get the better of her. It wasn't the lack of confidence it was just stage fright! Even recording her voice for her blog (which she never ended up doing) gave her the butterflies. Why on earth did she have to be the first one in line? Of course, there was only herself to blame... well Ryder too.

    Half way into their lunch, they both ordered very opposite things but both looked equally delicious, Elisa got more jumpy than usual and incredibly anxious. She was just as talkative but with the addition of stutters. It was terrible. She could tell her best friend's brother was really trying his best to be nice and comfort her and tell her it was okay but Elisa-panic-mode was always ten times more stubborn. It probably annoyed Ryder a lot because at one point she began going on about what if she was late and started to panic and Ryder pretty much declared that they would finish their meals in five minutes and leave so she wouldn't be late. Of course she objected but there was never any fighting Ryder. Nope. Fighting would be futile because Ryder always wins.

    Just as she promised, she paid the tip and they left. Once they arrived at the school, Elisa thanked Ryder for everything and told him she would make up for the horrible lunch with a real hang out and then kissed him on the cheek goodbye and literally ran off to the studio carrying her heavy keyboard. She ran as fast as her little heels could carry her and her keyboard because she really didn't want to be anymore trouble to Ryder any longer.

    She took in another breath. She was still shaking but she tried to put more positive thoughts in her mind. She could do this! She was going to be first and that was going to be okay! She was going to set the bar so high and she was going to blow them away and she was going to get over with it and she was going to-

    "Elisa Mulshine."

    Her head snapped to her name. Okay. This was really happening. She gulped and quickly straightened out the outfit she was wearing. She blinked and bit down at her bottom lip then scurried into the room after Oliver. She walked over to the little stage and began to set up her keyboard, plugging it into an amplifier and getting some power to run through it. She was impressed on how official everything looked. Panel of judges (which she avoided looking at), all these amplifiers and microphones, the papers Oliver and Pierce were holding. It made her heart race.

    She looked at the two finally, "H-hi Oliver! Hi Pierce! Good afternoon. I'm going to be singing the song, um, All I Wanted by Paramore but less rock and more um, piano I guess? Yeah, um, I hope you like it." she giggled nervously. This was it. Alright.

    She pulled a stool and sat behind her keyboard. Her finger tips fluttered over the white piano keys. She looked straight at Oliver and Pierce as she took in a shaky breath. No. She had to calm down. She let her dark lashes flutter to a close. She took in a deep, relaxed breath as she began to picture the walls of her room. She recalled the flowery scents that embraced her room, her closet filled with the colors of a complete artist's paint set, her soft and sweet bed covers, and the pictures of her friends and family on her desk. She felt her body relax. Her spine felt less stiff, the bones in her fingers weren't locked anymore, her heart seemed to beat to the song she was about to play. She exhaled.

    Her fingers began to press down on the keys, playing the sweet melody of the introduction to the song. Her eyes opened slowly as her lips curled into a smile. She watched her fingers move gracefully across the board. Her bright blue eyes looked up to catch those of Oliver and Pierce as she began to sing the first lines of the song. Her voice was smooth, leaving behind all the worries and butterflies.

    As she continued to sing, she felt good about her performance. It was different when in front of the microphone. If she messed up she could redo it, but here she only had one shot. She'd have to start it good and just keep getting better. Elisa gave it her absolute best. She could really feel herself get into the performance, especially as she began using her wide range to reach and belt the higher notes. She always felt like she did bring a character to her songs, in fact, that's how she liked to do it. She thought less of the technicality and more of the raw emotion from songs.

    Her fingers danced along the keyboard as if they had wings. Her fringe almost became a bother as she performed but it didn't stop her and she simply hair-flipped it away. Her legs slowly began to ache mostly because she was barely even sitting on the chair anymore as she played and sang. Her eyes stayed close probably half the time as various images in her head zoomed in and out, alternating from a view of her room to a dream-like view of performing in front of an audience.

    As the song came to a close, she breathed out. Satisfaction. She looked over at Oliver and Pierce and sent them a smile as she got up from the stool and began to pack up her keyboard. She felt a lot better now. She knew that even if she didn't get the part, she really tried her best and she knew she did as much as she could in the audition. She also came to a realization that she really missed performing. She literally stuffed everything into her bag and quickly got up, "Thank you for having me. Good bye!"

    She was out of the studio not a second later. As she exited the doors, she wished the next person good luck and walked over to the other side of the wall where there were no people waiting in line. She crouched and began to fix up her keyboard properly and she zipped the bag close. She pulled the strap onto her shoulder and stood up. The teen dug into her purse and pulled out her phone as she walked through the people who were already in line for the audition, trying to spot Richie. Unable to find him, she decides to send him a text message.

    To: Richie
    Hey babe! I'm done with my audition! Ayieee!!
    I think I did alright but I'm pretty much hoping
    for the best but expecting the worse lol > ~ <
    But I had a lot of fun anyway so whatever will
    happen I really won't mind hehe n _ n Where
    are you anyway? > o <

    As she began to type the message she decides to text the other blonde Duvont. She hits send for Richie and then quickly sends one to his identical twin as well.

    To: Ryder
    I did it!! So sorry for annoying you earlier and
    being a total brat lol but thanks for sticking
    with me anyway! You're the best! ^ o ^
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