❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: Slightly Nervous (X)Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Park (X) OOC:
    Um sure." Shane said, looking towards the ground as she moved closer to him. Clearly he wasn't used to being this close to a girl. Though he was the one who chose to interact with her in the first palace. There was nothing that he could do about it now. "It's been awhile since I've played, but I'll see if I can find anything."
    He was really surprised by the new that she'd never seen him around the school before, after all he wasn't the most sociable person when it came to new people. Though the fact that she was from France came as more of a surprise to him. While that did clearly explain why her name was so unique to him. Maybe it meant something in French.
    "I could always show you around the places I've been to." He offered. While he's never been in the shoes of a new person, especially one from France, he could imagine that it would be somewhat difficult adjusting to a place where you knew little of.
  2. SynK Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 2, 2013
    ‹| MoodTired and Sore |›

    Freya had nearly drifted off to sleep when she got a notification on her mobile.

    From: Richie
    To: Freya
    yeah that was me ahaha and i would love to! it sounds like super mega fun!! ^ u ^ pfffft well you know i can't help it you always have the best food freya * 3 * i'll be over around noon-ish? is that okay with you?

    She always was amused by his texts. She quickly typed up a reply.

    From: Freya
    To: Richie
    Noon is fine, take your time, I've got all day.

    She hit send and then rolled over, the events of the day leaving her exhausted. The western still making noise in the background. The last thing Freya remembered before drifting off was the reflection of the tv in the crystal vial on her nightstand.
  3. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes ♫ Mood» ♫ Character Theme ♫ Date: 12/27/2015 Day: 3/3 ♫
    Location » Park ♫ OOC: ♫
    "I could always show you around the places I've been to." He offered.
    "I'd like that." She said smiling, and then looking at her watch. She saw that she better go but she really wanted to talk for a little bit more. Maybe she could text him to have lunch with her tomorrow or something.
    "Oh gosh, I better get going, the House Keeper might send out a search party if I don't." She told him laughing. "It was nice meeting you Shane. I hope we can do this again sometime soon." She said, looking right into his eyes and smiling. "See ya." She said, then turning to walk away.
    The walk home wasn't that long, once she figured out where she was going. She got ready for bed, and just sat down for a couple of minutes, taking out her phone. Yes he had send her a message. Good. She put in his number and then lied down on her bed. She was so happy.
    She thought it went well. He seemed to be very very shy though. She would just need to become better friends with him, get him to open up to her... then maybe she could make more friends through him. He seemed like a sweet kid. She thought about what she would do tomorrow, and then fell asleep.
  4. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves


    { 1 5 : 0 0 }

    Torvald got back up and threw money in Evan's face for the coffee and looked at his watch and nodded at Richie and gazed angrily at Freya and a few other random people for seemingly not acknowledging his important announcement then he said some words words words to Evan laced and caked with Communist parody saying before looking at his watch again and reiterating his question of why Evan was not there and saying it would be a long night because internet browsers can be terrifyingly technologies when they randomly crash on you and lose 6+ paragraphs worth of post.


    { inebriation level: too drunk to remember time }

    << Ack! >>

    Torvald's voice, emanatingrrf deeply from the bfar across the street labelled << Auriga's Chariot >>, but the drurenks just called it r"wheeeE" in inenbriated fervor after a shot ofr sixteen. Inside the bar, the bartender silently polished a few tumblers while a crowd of curious onlookers, in various states of ddrunkedness, gazeed at Evan and Torvald's table. Upon it sat, among a few towers of glasses stackled a meter into the air, a small board game with white and black pieces. The hall was filled with the thick scent of sweet smoke and spiced alcohol, and the noise of the nearby radio drowned orut much of anything that could resemble rational thought. snores

    Torvald slammedm the table, rattling the glasses.s

    << You think he's gonad do it? >> A pot-belliede man who smrlled of whiskeu called out behind him..

    << Nnnope! >>

    << Aaawwwww ... cc--c--come ooon, h--he ihas to. I mean, what other choice does he g got? >>

    The cunning Rainbow fairy was was-- was ssupposed to play intro his dtrap! ho;w could he have done something so ridiculoius like cplay the piece RIGHT THERE AND CONVERT ALL OF HIS PIECES TO THE EVILS OF CAPITALISM;; Torvald held his head din slight disarrray -- he was not sure if he hadf ever been this inebriated before, even at the trerible Bennett household.

    B-but he knwew when to wear masks. d Torvald
    got his mask on

    << Rainbow, dear Rainbow ... >> He began, hdis voice calm and stoothing. ., << You have to be more careful in the future, or else the revolution, it will never reach your doorstep! >> toroVald fd lifted his hand int he air and dramatically y helled the black Reversi disc in the lright of the bar. The people behding him gasped in amazedsmdent.

    wITH the stricke of thunder, torvald trattled the table with a meszmermizingjg shock as he placed thre piece down and converted ane ntire column to his blakcness. He sat back on hthis chair and smiled, gazing at Evan with t a look of extreme cunning and clam consideration. In rearteality, behind his splotchy-faced ruddiness of silent condisideration, he was drunmk off his rocker.

    << Evan! >> Trovlad caled out .

    << Tell me, you who walks among the rainbows! This dance will last deep into the night! Do you truly believe that the world is simply set into a bas-relief of black and white? That there are no facets, shades, tones to every corner of this planet! I hope you do not take this to heart in this rambunctious gavotte! >> Trovald cougheed. << This little game shall decide who holds enough conversion power in their heart! Can you dare compete with the fight of philosophy? I shall convert you to telling me your story of outside-academia like I have converted so many to the drug that is living tall and grandiose! >>
    He taped his fingergs loudly ton the tabel d and waited.


    { P A S S I O N - O - M A T I C }
    { ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ ! }

    { status: extremely drunk }

  5. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Evan Allen Walker:
    {~~~Day 7 (3/3)~~~December 27th, 2015, Monday~~~Location: Your local bar~~~Mood:It's like the world is in a gradient...of RAINBOWS~~~Music~~~Ooc:~~~}

    Evan had been doing something that was quite uncharacteristic of him. Well publicly at least. He was drinking his rocker off. Pounding shot after shot of whatever the hell he was drinking. In fact he was pretty sure he never even got the same drink twice. Or maybe they were all the same. Half an Half? Evan started pondering on his drinks of choice as he played Torvald in a game of Shakespearean Othello. A game which his communistic comrade seemed to refer to as Reversi for whatever reason. They were into a heated game of it and Evan was sure he was doing everything wrong...or right. Actually somewhere along the 12th shot he forgotten how to play the game. Somehow he forgot why he was even playing the game in the first. While placing pieces every which was in a maybe correct way he listened to everything his proletarian revolutionary had to say to him. When his rant was finally over Evan went in.

    "Y-you swee mai Kaminestic Cornrade, this iz not a simble matter of blak an wyt.There be, liek you sed, all sorz uv colors in this warudo." He started hiccuping as he went on his odd unintelligible rant. "Butt, due cape n mond, that the warudo iz unly limated tu the colors yue wanna see 'em. Zo yue zee. Theze poces arnt juss blak an wyt, they arr being erry shade, hue,gradient, any color yud find in some crayola bex. Theze poces arnt juss torning frumblak and wyt, there metamorphinizing erry time they change color, into a hole newwwww vibrant masterpiece." Evan continued to pound down more shots making his weird drunken speech pattern unrelent. Somewhere along the lines his vision became distorted and all the colors in the room seemed to pop and have some sort of bloom effect. He continued to sway back and forth whilst placing his next piece.

    "Az furr mai outta continuity occupationes, less juss sey iz nuthing that be conserning yue. Gayme ur nut, thaz nut sumthing i'mma share wright nou. I'm too, um, somefingbout theze fruity beervrages, fuck I cannud fine the wurd furr that. Ardgardless, it prolly wuldant make much senze wright now anyway. So philozoffer make yur nextmoive." Evan sat back with a smile on his face giggling like a mad man right now.
  6. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Erik watched the strange encounter between Julius and the man named Jonathan. It didn't take long for Erik to figure out he was the older man's brother and after not too long, it was confirmed. "It's nice to meet you Jonathan." Erik rose to his feet and held out his hand. His brown-eyed gaze shifted to the window and he couldn't believe the sun was already down. At least it seemed the director issue was being handled.

    "So I guess that means we're going to be working together," he said to the man, releasing his hand. Practice will be weird without Julius, but one look at Jonathan confirmed It would not be boring. Things were definitely going to be interesting from here on out.

    He checked the time on his watch and frowned. Erik glanced to each of them and grimaced. "I should probably get going," he told them. He slipped on his jacket and pulled his gloves on over his hands. Erik stretched his fingers, adjusting the gloves briefly. He gave Julius and Fatime a smiled. "All right. I'm outtie. Feel better you two." He winked at Fatime before turning to Jonathan. "It was nice meeting you. If you need any help when we're on set, just let me know." Erik made a half wave before dipping out of the hospital room.

    He roamed through the halls of the hospital for about ten minutes before finally exiting the building. After quite the drive, he made his way home. Erik peeled off his layers and cooked some dinner. He pulled a beer from fridge and had a drink with dinner. His lesson plan sat splayed out on the coffee table in front of him and the television hummed with light. The volume was turned down low and the empty beer bottle sat knocked over on the floor. He fell asleep on the couch after some time, a pen in his hand.
  7. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    (*) Home (*) Mood: Content (*) Music (*) Outfit (*) OOC: (*)
    After leaving the flower shop Alex made his way home. For the most part the day had gone like he was hopping it would. He gotten to hang out with Natalie like he'd wanted to and ended up meeting Estelle. Nothing to complain about really. When he got to his home, he went inside and headed upstairs. Taking himself a quick shower, he returned to his room and went to sleep.
    Mood: Tired (X)Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Home (X) OOC:
    Not too long after Seraphina had left, Shane had done the same. Figuring that now would be a good time to head home without getting an earful from his parents. Durng his walk home, he took out his phone and looked at the new number he'd gotten. She seemed to like the fact that he could play piano. Maybe he actually would start playing it again. Arriving at his home, Shane took out his key and opened the door. Walking in, he went towards his room, changed cloths, and climbed into his bed where he went to sleep for the night.
  8. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Posting quick so I'm not interrupted due to evacuation.

    Natalie smiled as she reflected on her day. Estelle grilled her about Alex, asked questions, and rather annoyed Natalie, but it was a goodday. She got to hang out with Alex, so as she fell asleep, she smiled again and finally got into a deep slumber.
  9. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007


    WEATHERCLOUDY, COLD 34°! ✖『DATE & TIME』 12/27/2015 - ???AM ✖『DAY』 07

    That Joey guy right?. Maria smiled at her and she returned it bashfully. It's nice to know you have your big brother to support you.

    Mhm! If she hadn't had her sights set on the smoothie stand at that point, she might have responded a bit too enthusiastically. Her heart was swelling at the thought of Bryan returning to her. Of them being together, and working through it all ... though he had slowly begun to retreat back into their distance. What about you? Your ... Relationship?

    Well ... I'm not sure, Maria sipped on the straw for a minute and swallowed down the smoothie. I think there's something between Tucker and I, but it's hard to say. He's got some childhood trauma that's making any attempt at moving forward virtually impossible. I'm just not sure what to do...

    Noëlle frowned. Tucker? ... Sorry to hear that. In those situations I think it's best to take things slow ... don't give up. If it's meant to work out, it will. And ... Well, hey, you're a talented and beautiful young lady! Anyone would be lucky to have you, even if it doesn't work out the way you'd like.

    She knew what unrequited love felt like, but not so much because of ... trauma. She felt for Maria and hoped it all worked out.

    Hey ... Do you want to come over tonight?

    AND SO IT WAS that after some more time giggling about the mall and doing some girl bonding, they went back to Noëlle's place. Ms. Chambers was just heading out the door and greeted them both, commending Maria on her spectacular performance in the Girl in Watercolors.

    Once they settled in, Noëlle got them some drinks and gave Maria something to wear.

    Hey, feel free to use the shower. she offered, sitting down on the edge of her bed. ... Are you hungry or anything?

  10. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Adjusting himself the the throbbing pain from the tray being thrown earlier, Jonathan groaned as he stood up and shook Erik's hand "Errr I guess?" Jonathan said with a smile as he scratched the back of his hand. To be honest Jonathan had no real idea what was going on, but soon enough Erik began to leave and Jonathan gave him another smile "Nice meeting you" Jonathan said with a smile as he soon turned to Julius who had suddenly cringed in pain and laid back on his bed "You really need to focus on resting right now...cant have you kickin the bucket now" Jonathan said crossing his arms.

    "Urrg...too much work goddamn it" Julius muttered silently. After that sudden outburst he had he totally forgot his limits and now was definitely feeling the consequences now.

    "You worry too much...forget about the play now, the other people should understand...right now both of you should get some rest, the more you do so the faster you will get out of her" Jonathan said with a grin "I'll leave you be...nice meeting you Fatime...see ya later" Jonathan said. He felt like sticking around more, but the fear of getting caught was just too much for him at the moment and with that he returned the hotel he was staying and and drifted off to sleep once he got there.

    "Urggg that kid is trying to kill me...but he has a point...best get some rest...we'll talk...or err..message tomorrow" Julius said to Fatime before drifting off to sleep.
  11. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    location: duvont home mood: excited theme: tea?
    affection: -- ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
    ooc: n / a

    Text from Freya:

    Noon is fine,
    take your time,
    I've got all day.

    With a yawn, Richie replied.

    Text to Freya:

    sounds great!!
    see you soon freya! * u *

    The blonde tossed his phone onto the nightstand beside his bed, a small thud as the result. He'd done it a million times though, and he knew his case was reliable enough to handle it. He rolled onto his side and pulled the blankets closer to his face. The relaxing warmth made the boy drowsy and soothed his tired muscles.

    After helping Torvald, he and Evan promptly left Juniper Café, leaving Richie alone except for the employees.


    He didn't know if the café patrons all fled when Torvald burned himself... or if they were even there in the first place. As soon as he walked in, the first thing the blonde saw the injured man. He was completely oblivious to everything else around him. That didn't matter much though, since the point was that no one was there at the time.

    He approached the counter and asked for a double chocolate chip frappuccino. The cashier [ whose name is Johnis ] must have been impressed with his "medical skills", or courage, or something? Because he said it was on the house and, when he handed him his beverage, also gave him his... number?!

    Oh. My. Gosh.

    ...Richie soon dozed off with happy memories.
  12. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    The mall had been a wonderful idea. Any and all traces of Maria's lonesome mood had been virtually wiped away. By the time Noëlle had invited her over to continue their quality time, Maria was enamored with the idea of some more bonding. It felt great. She drove the both of them to the Chambers home and got there in time to see Ms.Chambers leave. Maria thanked Noëlle's mother for all the kind words she had in regards to her performance at opening night. She had always liked Bryan and Noëlle's mother. She wished her a good night as the woman walked out the door.

    Noëlle got them drinks and gathered some pajamas for her to wear. Maria sipped from her cup before setting it down and collecting the clothes.

    ❝Hey, feel free to use the shower.❞ Noëlle offered, sitting down on the edge of her bed. ❝... Are you hungry or anything?❞

    Maria thought on it briefly and nodded. "I could go for a sandwich or something. If you give me a minute to change then I'll help you make them." She left the room to change into the clothes and folded up her jeans and blouse. Maria checked her phone, changing the background to the pair of them to commemorate the day. There was nothing from Tucker. She sighed and set her phone down on top of the clothes and walked back to the red head's room. She set her things down in a small pile on the floor and accompanied Noëlle to the kitchen.

    There were cookies sitting out and she couldn't help but steal one. "These are good. Did your mom make them?" She asked with crumbs falling out. She caught most of them in one hand but a few made their way to the floor. Maria finished her cookie and helped with the sandwich making, humming softly as she did so. When they finished, she started nibbling on her sandwich on the way back up to Noëlle's room, taking a seat on the bed.

    She ate her sandwich and drank the remainder of her beverage before yawning. "So where's Bryan? I thought he would have been here.."
  13. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    "I could go for a sandwich or something. If you give me a minute to change then I'll help you make them."

    "Alright, cool."

    They both changed into something more comfortable and headed to the kitchen. Noelle was busy gathering sandwich things, but turned around when Maria spoke again.

    "These are good. Did your mom make them?"

    "Oh, uh, no. Bryan and I made them when we left Sophie's party. Glad you like them!" She would be lying if she said she didn't feel a bit possessive of the baked goods, but with her mom and Joey eating them as well she couldn't really complain. They'd be gone soon, but she'd always have that picture she took!

    They returned to her room with their snack, sitting on the bed to eat. Noelle had her computer monitor turned towards them with some random show playing just to ease any awkward silences.

    "So where's Bryan? I thought he would have been here.."

    Noelle chewed slowly on her last bite before answering with a bit of sadness. "He's in his room upstairs, probably. I think he's sick."

    She sighed and stood up, gathering their dishes and dropping them off in the kitchen before returning to her room with some extra pillows and blankets.

    "We can share the bed, or I can take the floor." She smiled and placed the pillows in Maria's lap.

    Eventually they decided to share the bed and Noelle went to sleep.
  14. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves


    { inebriation level: too drunk to remember time }

    IOSnolence! htir swould not stand fore somethgin slike thjsdj because djhe sjw ;e;grd was sfcerttain that he woculd understrang the scurrent prdicmenament solifidied by the stedate of the board game! ITirvald sopped another glsas and took a swirg of a stein byr his hand. His frace wasrt splotchy snd ti; red, c. He peoreaased at fl cre tile down and thrne gout iut if this screat ciolently, standi g up and sen dnig aone of the pot-bellowed men behind himf lyoing.

    << TAKE THIS, AND THIS! >> he repressed j a sidisc of blakc down on the reverdsi board wirh textreme proejudice. THe entire tthree diangeonal roaws ;pe convrrted to the blac commu nism of his sideed. Torvl stood wirht happe nss. << THIS CANNOT CONTINUE FOREVER! >> He dirfnak anothee r beer and rubbed his mouth, the entire roomo smelling thickly fo alcohol. << I SHALL HAVE MY WAY! DEAR RAINBOW, IT IS CLEAR THAT BY THE END OF THE NIGHT WE WILL UNDERSTAND THE TRUE VICTOR OF WHOM WILL CONVERT OURSELVES TO OUR PHILOSOPHIES! MAY THIS BE A CHALLENGE UPON YOUR SOUL, AND MAY I BREAK THIS CHALLENGE! >>

    he stoOd on a the teaoble. _


    Toroivdalv fekll off thHE THABLE an d n explodeid into a feaint. the game endod and he fell into a deep, peaceful snooze, dreaming about his next big game.
    { P A S S I O N - O - M A T I C }
    { ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ !!! }

    { status: fainted to sleep drunk face down on the table }

  15. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves

    { m u s i c }
    [ divine comedy ]

    For the rest of the evening, Fatime sat by herself in her bed, reading through the enormous origami tome while occasionally sending glances this way and that towards the congregation around Julius' bed. The windows were closed, but the winter winds whipped against them, and she sat like a tiny squirrel in her bed corner, huddled over a few sheets of black paper. Her fingers were nimble and quick, and she was about to finish her second crane when a loud, vibrant noise struck her ears.

    She turned towards the Professor's bed and spotted some buffoon whom she assumed was related to the Professor himself. How could two people be so different? She originally believed this until she realized, through their common discussions of rote, how ... similar they were. Brothers? Hmm ... Fatime nodded her head and went back to her origami. When the people slowly departed, she had finished her fourth crane when she found that night had passed through; Julius had returned to sleep without a world.

    The shadows were cold and long on the hospital floor.
    Fatime, she suddenly felt very alone. Did she have any other books to read besides the origami tome? She had the tablet, but it would take a while to load everything ...

    Ah. Ah well. She placed her cranes on her bedside table and rolled herself back up in bed, gently falling back to sleep.
    This day was ... it was more pleasant than she had experienced in such a while.
  16. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Evan Allen Walker:
    {~~~Day 7 (3/3)~~~December 27th, 2015, Monday~~~Location: Your local bar~~~Mood:It's like the world is in a gradient...of RAINBOWS~~~Music~~~Ooc:~~~}

    Evan was totally hammered and could not continue seeing straight for a good two minutes...or seconds...decades maybe. He wasn't entirely sure how long they had been at this game but one thing was for sure and that was that it was not ending anytime soon. As the match went the two continued putting their "wits and philosophies" in a large and arduous battle fit only for kings, champions and people who clearly had no clue what the hell they were doing.

    Evan looked at the board and saw all the colors of the pieces there. He was pretty sure there were pink ones and orange ones. There was some green there too. Hot damn this game was amazing. He looked at Torvald as he made another one of his large proclamations to the gods of communism and proletarian revolutions and maybe something about Marks. Wait, this speech probably had nothing to do with any of that. Or did it? By the end of it Torvald had completely and totally passed out.

    When the man had lost all consciousness he moved his piece on top of another one. With deed done he flipped the board yelling "checkmate! Weeyait, nuu. KONG may. errrrr, aha! HOME RUN, GRAND SLAM, WOOOOHHHHOOOO!!!!" With that done he started laughing like a kid on a sugar high in a candy shop until he finally completely passed out.
  17. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    "Yeah, it's already noon, go ahead and wake him up."

    "Be gentle, little man."

    A child began to giggle sinisterly.

    "No, no Simon! Simon! Don't!"

    "What did we say about hitting? Hey! No hitting!"

    He was barely awake until the small, warm hand made sudden and alarming contact to his cold cheek. His chestnut eyes burst open and he stirred from his peaceful position. It definitely woke him up. The bright sunlight from outside along with the bright, white lights in the hospital room made him squint as he pushed himself up to a sitting position, letting the warm, fleece blanket slide off of his body. The room was filled with the parents' apologies to the older brother, who was still trying to get a hold of exactly what was happening, alongside the scolding to the younger brother, who was still giggling.

    Tucker's eyes shifted around the room. His mother, dressed in a hospital gown with her long, wavy auburn hair coming down her shoulders, was lying in bed tucked in the comfortable sheets with a complete set of breakfast and her IV by her side. She was smiling like always while her sweet voice echoed with apologies. His eyes moved to his step father Jack, the man whom his mother remarried. He knelt by the couch he was lying in, holding in his arms his own child and scolding him but also laughing a bit himself. The little boy didn't seem to stop giggling and when his chestnut eyes finally fell upon his smiling little half brother, he couldn't help but smile as well.

    His arms reached out to Simon and he lifted the child up onto his lap. "So you were the one who woke me up, huh? Tsk, tsk, and I was having such a good sleep! You're in for a tickling young bud." and he knew the boy probably only got half of what he was saying but Tucker stuck to his words and began tickling his little brother who burst into even more laughter. A large grin was on Tucker's face when he stopped tickling the child, hugged him for a bit, sat him beside himself, pushed off the blanket, and slid his legs off the edge of the couch where his feet met his shoes. He began putting them on.

    "Sorry again for the rude awakening, little T. I was going to wake you up before Simon would but I knew you stayed awake until I woke up this morning. You're still a terrible actor." His mother made even the most honest and brutal comments sound like bites from heaven. He gave her an obnoxiously fake, insulted expression while clutching his sweater over where his heart was and dramatically saying "Wow mom. Ooh, that hurt."

    The room was again filled with some laughter, mostly from Simon as usual. Jack moved over to the seat beside the bed where his mother laid. "Thanks for staying in such short notice, I know you had plans but we just had to get all our things back in the house and this isn't a place for Simon."

    He smiled at the older man, "Nah, never ever a problem. I would have literally gone in a heart beat if I could. Have the doctors said anything?"

    The smile didn't disappear from his mothers lips, which was a good sign. "Yeah, they visited while you were sleeping. My blood pressure's going down. They just want to keep me in the hospital for maybe two more days to make sure I'm stable. Don't worry."

    A sigh of relief escaped his lips, "That's good."

    His mother's voice chimed in again, "You have plans today, don't you? Something about those auditions in school?"

    His eyes widen for a moment, "Oh right!" He had almost forgotten. Thank goodness his mother hadn't! Jack let out a small chuckle as Tucker began to tie the laces of his shoes. He had to get to Fortissimo Academy as soon as possible! It was already lunch and he still had to drive all the way there and then set things up all before 2PM because that's when the auditions were! He grabbed his coat hung on the edge of the couch, putting it on quickly. He helped Simon off of the couch and put him on his feet. The child didn't let go of his hand as he started walking towards his mother. "I'll come by later tonight and don't worry I'll pick up some lunch on the way or something. Stay safe. Don't stress out so your blood pressure won't spike up again and take care. I love you." he kissed her on the forehead. She returned an I love you too and he picked up his little brother, tossing him up in the air slightly and catching him again before setting him on the floor. "And I'll see you later as well, soldier." he said then formed two guns with his hands and imitated a gunshot with them playfully. Simon did the same but his gunshot imitations sounded more like a pew pew sounds. He patted Jack on the way out and waved a final goodbye before hurriedly making his way to the car parking in the basement. He hopped into his vehicle and left for Fortissimo Academy.

    When he finally got to the school, he ran to the audition place: Studio Z. He opened the doors wide and began to work, clearing out the area so Oliver could judge everyone who auditioned and setting up various amplifiers and microphones. It reminded him of preparing for the musical, which kind of made him smile. There seemed to be some wonderful memories from there.

    Once he finally got some things set, he realized he rushed himself far too much - from driving quickly, to running and working quickly. A lot less time had passed than he thought and what he just did tired him out quite a bit but at least it was all over now. He let out a small sigh but smiled as he looked at the Studio which was now ready for the auditions. He sank into one of the chairs he had prepared and pulled out his phone. He hadn't looked at it almost all day yesterday and on the screen it showed 5 new messages.

    From: Sean
    Sorry bro! I'm back I'm back!
    Just woke up a little later
    than usual. I'll be in the
    shelter starting today,
    don't fret!
    He typed in a quick response to his scruffy friend. He made sure he also mentioned his mother, so he might not be able to go to the shelter as much. He moved on to the next messages.

    From: Freya
    To: Tucker
    Okay, I hope she recovers quickly. Be safe...

    Oh dear, this was sent in from the morning of yesterday! He probably forgot to reply or was already driving to the hospital in a panic. He felt a little bad for not being able to respond, but checked the next message

    From: Freya
    To: Tucker
    How's your mom? Is she doing alright? It isn't serious is it?

    He frowned a bit. Now he felt a little horrible. He quickly pressed on the reply button and began to type a response quickly:

    To: Freya
    Hi there! Sorry for not being able to respond
    so soon : ( My mother is alright, her blood
    pressure just spiked up but she's already
    doing better so hooray! The doctors said
    it isn't anything serious as long as she took
    care of herself which I'm making sure she
    will he he. Sorry for bailing out! I feel
    terrible, we should meet up again so we
    can talk and we should do it soon! So so
    so so so sorry again for bailing!! : ( : (

    Hitting send, he let out a small sigh of relief. That felt a little bit better but he still felt awful for leaving her that morning so suddenly. He really hoped she would forgive him.

    To: Tucker
    I thought I'd share his cuteness.
    Have a nice day. ;]

    His frown was immediately turned upside down as he looked at the adorable, sleeping kitten. It was so cute sleeping and it reminded him of the other day where he visited Maria's house and they all had such a great time. It made him feel all warm inside, which he grew suddenly curious about but shrugged it off when he looked back down at his phone to see Eap. He was really glad Maria had taken him in. She was a great owner.

    To: Maria
    Too cute : ) Hope you're
    having a great day too!
    Sorry for the late reply
    = P

    He hit the reply quickly and stood up from his seat. His job here was done. Now, he could finally grab some breakfast and lunch at the school to satisfy his grumbling stomach. He puts his coat back on as he exits the studio, closing the door gently behind him. He begins to compose a new text message as he walks towards the nearest food joint.

    To: Oliver
    Studio Z is set up and ready for your
    auditions today! Best of luck, I hope
    you find the talent you're looking for.
    If you need any more help, just give
    me a call.
    She dropped all of her things on her bed, before plopping down herself. She was pooped! The Photography Camp by Mr. and Mrs. Snap was very fun and informative - but also incredibly exhausting! The camp was out of town, about two hours away and with the party at Sophie's and the snowboarding adventure with the twins she practically forgot about it! She woke up yesterday, packing as quickly as she could and rushing out of the house with a backpack and camera in hand. She only texted her best friend Richie right before she fell asleep in the car.

    The camp was amazing though, they worked with a lot of new angles and techniques both in daylight and during night time. The married photographers taught them plenty of new tricks and the people in the camp were so amazing and talented. Elisa even met someone who was apparently a follower from her blog! It was incredible. The girl was from another town and she was sweet and nice and the turquoise teen mostly hung out wit her along with this incredibly cute boy (she was sure Richie would agree with her and made sure she took plenty of photos with him). It was all in all a really great time and she was so tired she slept all the way until 10am, when her parents picked her up (she had to rush again to get ready to go back home this time). She said quick goodbyes to her follower and the cute boy, each of them promising each other they would keep in touch online. Then, she hopped into her mother's car where she fell asleep the whole ride home once again.

    Elisa pulled her phone from her bag, clicking the contact she always texted everyday.

    To: Richie
    Hey babe! sorry for running out on you
    yesterday, totally slipped my mind LOL
    Major apologies u A u Are you going to
    those band auditions later at 2? I am, it
    would be cool if we had lunch together
    or something!! Text me!! <3 xx

    She hit send and then sluggishly pulled herself to her feet. She needed to wake up! Auditions were in two hours and she needed to get ready! She began to quickly unpack her things from the camp, throwing her dirty clothes into the laundry and placing her notebooks and camera back on her shelf neatly. She opens her closet and pulls out a brand new outfit but before she headed to the bathroom, she also takes out her electronic keyboard for later. The audition notice did say "bring your own instruments". She hadn't figured out yet just how she would be able to carry it all the way to Studio Z but she figured it wouldn't be too much work. She really hoped that Oliver would be impressed with her audition. She always wanted to be in a band. The keyboard might not be what he was looking for but perhaps she could still win him over.

    She takes the outfit she prepared herself with then hopped into the shower where she warmed up her vocals and practiced some songs she planned to use for the audition later.
  18. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    It's 11:45 AM, and Ace is about 30 minutes away from arriving at Candlewood. Aside from looking forward to this because he would get out of the house and away from his parents and brothers, he's also looking forward to this trip because his good friend, Natalie Williams, will be there, and he hopes to be able to establish a relationship with her. All summer, he's been thinking about her and all the fun things they could do together.

    It's now 33 minutes later, and Ace is finally arriving at Candlewood. At the drop-off point, Ace talks to his parents about when to pick him up and hugs each of his family members and says goodbye. Now, before actually going and meeting his friend, he wants to stop by one of the stores and purchase a gift for her.

    Thankfully, there's an information kiosk around where he was dropped off. He buys a map and looks at what kind of stores the town of Candlewood has available. He finds a store that's specialized in flower bouquets and decides to go there because he knows that Natalie really likes flowers. The store is not too far away, so he decides to walk there since it's good exercise.

    Arriving at the store, instead of just randomly picking out a flower bouquet, he decides to give the store a good look around to pick out the perfect bouquet. He ends up finding this really cute bouquet with ocean-blue tulip-like flowers and decides to get it because he knows Natalie likes blue, and it also comes with a card. On the way to the cashier, he finds this really cute bear and decides to get it, too. The total cost ends up coming to $19.76.

    He's now a little hungry and decides to get something to eat before heading out to find out where Natalie is. He finds a restaurant that sells burgers cheap. He gets a burger, some fries and a medium-sized root beer, his favorite drink. The cost is $4.78 altogether.

    He's now done eating and heads out to find out where Natalie is staying. Along the way, he trips and drops the gifts, almost damaging them, but manages to recover.

    "Whew! That was close. Okay, now let's see where Natalie's staying."
  19. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    Dennis was chilling on his computer just listening to music of all sorts while browsing through all the corners of the internet. He had gone back to his home page and noticed one of the news stubs about a professor from a local academy, obviously Fortissimo, being in a car crash on christmas day. Dennis hurriedly checked out what all of it was about until he noticed that not only was this involving some well known gang but also another student of said academy was in the car accident as well. Worriedly Dennis read the article until he found out that they were both fine and recovering currently. That made sigh with relief. With that noontime drama out of the way Dennis went to go make lunch. Searching through the cabinet he eventually just pulled out box of pasta and made himself a bowl.

    As he was eating he started to think about why today felt a bit different than any other days. He was pretty sure there was something he had planned on doing, and not something like hanging out with any of his friends. It was also something that seemed rather important. He shrugged it off and figured he'd remember sooner or later while he started to go and get out of his pajama wear. Once his entire outfit for the day was picked out he went back onto his computer when he suddenly he remembered what was going down today. That Oliver guy had made an advertisement for a band auditioning today. Dennis decided that he'd try and go audition with his drums but he needed to bring his drums with him.

    Dennis didn't really register that as a problem until now because he couldn't just lug his entire drum set with him back and forth. And they were too large to actually put in a bag that he could carry on his bike with. There was only one other solution he could think of, and that was getting a ride there. And the only person he knew who could give him a ride was...he grimaced at the thought, but ended up sending Evan a text asking him if he could drive him over to the auditions later. He feared for his drum set and his life once he sent this text, but the deed was done. Now all he had to do was wait for the man's response.
  20. SynK Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 2, 2013
    ‹| Mood????? |›

    Freya was back at the café with Tucker. Was it real this time? Her memory of the dream was intact, and this felt so real. She looked across the table at Tucker, who was smiling as always. Nobody else was around, not even the staff at the café. She knew she could say anything she wanted to Tucker, without it causing a scene.

    Tucker, I asked you here because I wanted to confess my feelings.

    Tucker looked at her for a moment before letting out a smile and a relieved sigh.

    I was beginning to wonder if you'd ever get around to it.

    She looked into his eyes, but was immediately overcome with embarrassment and looked away.

    What should we do now?

    Without missing a beat Tucker replied.

    Let's go to your place, where we can be alone.

    Her heart skipped a beat. She must be dreaming, he would never be so forward. Was this what Freya really wanted? For Tucker to be so open and to want to move so quickly? Was this how she intended to treat him? Or was this just another one of the countless fantasies she had played out a hundred times over in her head.


    Her face was completely blushed. Tucker leaned across the table and kissed her. The next thing she knew they were in her room. Tucker's lips were so soft, as she'd always imagined, and his kisses so passionate, yet gentle. The way he held her in his arms as their lips touched made her feel weightless. This was everything she had imagined and more. She stopped for a moment.

    Tucker, I've..I've wanted this for so long. I don't want it to end. I-
    Out of the corner of her eye she caught a figure. She couldn't make out who it was, but she felt as if death itself would be afraid of this...thing. She let out a terrified shriek before covering her mouth. Tucker let go of her and the figure moved, she didn't see it move, but it must have, as it was now between herself and Tucker. This evil creature turned toward him and touched his lips, he immediately focused all of his attention on the shadow, and kissed it as passionately as he had been kissing her. Tucker then turned to Freya, his eyes cold and dead. He stepped over and threw her to the ground, standing above her, coldly staring down with unblinking eyes.

    A voice rang in her head, it didn't seem to come from the figure, but she knew it was the voice of this...thing..

    Y̕͠ou͞ p͜it̀i̶f̶͝u̷͝l̸͘ ̛͜crea͞t͘̕͠u̷̷̢r͢e̢
    At the very sound of these words, she became paralyzed with fear, what was this?
    Yo̧͢u͝҉̧ ̧̛w̨̛í̴̶s͜h̴͡ ͘҉t͡o h̶̀a̵vé͏͞ ҉wh̛͜a̧͝t̛͡ ̀͠w̨̧͢á̸s͠ ͢n҉ęv͞͝͏eŕ̕͠ ̕͢y̨ò́u̶̴r҉́s̶̢.̵́͡ ̀͘͠T̷̵̴h̡͜͠i̸s͟ ̸i̛s͜͡ a̕͢l͡l͞ ̵̕͞bu͡t҉̸́ ̶a̵̛ ͘͢fa̸n̶͡t̕a҉s̕͜y.̨̀ Ì ̵҉c̴a̶͢n̛ g̷͢i͜͡v̛́e̡ ̡͘y̧o͡͞u ̛͝͞w̢̢̡h͘͢a̶͟t͡ ͝y͟͞o̴u̵͘͠ ̡̕d̛̕e̴s҉̀͠i̵r̶̶͜è.
    The figure snapped its fingers and Tucker picked her up gently and embraced her.
    A̵͟l̨͡l̀ y̶͝͠o̸u͞ ḿ̶̴u͜͠st͡ d̷o̷͞ ҉̷͞i͏͝s̷ ̛͠a͘s̀͠҉k,̕ a҉ń̡̛d͘͡͝ ̶h͏̵e͠ ͜͢w͟i͘͡ĺ̨̧l͜͟ ̷b̴̢e͡ y҉͞our͢͏s̵ f̢͡ơre̢̡v̛e͏͜͢r͞.͞
    Tucker kissed her as before, but his eyes were cold, his lips were cold, everything about him seemed lifeless. She pushed him away.
    No, this isn't what I wanted, give Tucker back!
    The figure seemed to smile, she couldn't see it, but she knew it was.
    S̷͠el̢̕f̷͜i̸͞s̸͝҉h̸͘ ͡͠c̨rȩa͝͝t̵̵ư͡r͏͠e̴̡. ̧҉͘He ̀͝w̨͞as ̧̧̕n̷͞e̷̵̡v̡̧͘e͠r̡͠ y͢o̸u̢̡r̶̛͠s͘͠.̴͟͏ H͜͢is̶͞ ̴h͡e̴͟a͜r̵͢͠t͏̛ be̷͘ĺ̷͡o̴n͟g͟s ̧̕to͜͟ ҉a͞n̶̶̢ơ͡t̸̀hęr.̸͞.͞
    Tucker grabbed her by the throat and threw her to the ground, everything went black as the deafening thunder of her body breaking against the floor awoke her.
    From: Tucker
    To: Freya
    Hi there! Sorry for not being able to respond so soon : ( My mother is alright, her blood pressure just spiked up but she's already doing better so hooray! The doctors said it isn't anything serious as long as she took care of herself which I'm making sure she will he he. Sorry for bailing out! I feel terrible, we should meet up again so we can talk and we should do it soon! So so so so so sorry again for bailing!! : ( : (

    Freya lay in bed for a minute, her heart racing. She finally sent a reply to Tucker.

    From: Freya
    To: Tucker
    I'm so glad to hear she's okay. Are you sure you don't need a few days to visit her? If not, then okay, if you'd like, we can meet for dinner tonight, or try the café again, tomorrow morning.

    With that sent, she dragged herself out of bed, she had forgotten about the activities of the day before, but was quickly, and sharply reminded as she nearly stumbled to the floor. She slowly made her way to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Richie was coming over and she had a lot of stuff she had to talk to him about.
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