❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Natalie Williams

    Outfit|Location: Home|Music|Mood: Happy|OOC: N/A

    "Vega I'm home! And I brought my friend Nat!"

    Wow, this was home? It was nice. There were so many flowers that Natalie couldn't help but smile.

    As Natalie looked at everything, she heard Estelle talking to someone she assumed was a customer;

    "Sorry about that, don't worry whatever you want to get it's free of charge."

    Free of charge? Wow. That was nice.

    "My name is Estelle. Again I'm really sorry about her. She just doesn't know how to talk to costumers, that's why we have such little business in the winter. I'm busy with school and she's in charge."

    Natalie gave a nervous laugh when Estelle began rambling, and also wondered how they had such a blooming business (oh wow that was terrible) since Estelle made it sound like her sister tended to scare customers away often.

    "Nice to meet you Estelle, I'm Alex."

    What? Natalie turned and saw that it was indeed Alex. "Oh! Hi Alex. How are you this morning?" she said sweetly.
  2. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» InterestedCharacter Theme
    Location » Home OOC:
    "Nice to meet you Estelle, I'm Alex."

    "Nice to meet you too-" She was cut off by Nat.

    "Oh! Hi Alex. How are you this morning?"

    What a small world. She knew him. It sounded like they were friends or... Estelle smiled. "Wow, it's such a small world!" She smiled. "Alex, would you like to join us upstairs?" Estelle asked. "A friend of Natalie's is a friend of mine."

    She said laughing shyly. While waiting for him to decided she took Nat aside for a minute. "You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend, when we get upstairs you have to tell me the details." She said laughing, and then turning back to Alex, still a smirk on her face. This was going to be very interesting.

    She's never had anyone over before, Nat seemed to like all the flowers. It was home, but she felt it was a different kind of home. She really started to get excited. She made a Christmas wish and now here she was. It truly was a miracle. She was amazed.
  3. SynK Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 2, 2013
    ‹| MoodCompetitive |›

    Dennis and Freya spent a good 20 minutes playing Mansion of the Not So Living, or whatever it was called, she didn't really care. The two of them had made it pretty far into the game, but the boss was harder than either of them had expected. These types of games were meant to bee to difficult to make it through, in order to drain your tokens. As the largeCONTINUE?flashed up on the screen, Dennis chimed in.
    So wanna go play a game of skee ball or go for another round?

    As the time counted down, she decided maybe skee ball was a better choice, after all.

    Sounds good.

    Freya was enjoying herself, she had almost forgotten about Tucker's mother, she looked sullen for a moment, but forced herself to perk up when Dennis looked over.

    Let's go.

    The two of them slowly climbed out of the machine, their legs faring a little better, however it was still hard to walk. The two of them paid for their rounds and began rolling away. She missed... She rolled another...missed...She wasn't very good at skee ball, or bowling. Really anything involving moving an item from one point to another. She looked over at Dennis, who had a seemingly endless stream of tickets coming from his machine, looking at her pitiful count of two she sighed and continued to try her best.

    After a few rounds, an alert went off on Freya's mobile, it was 6 PM. She had lost all track of time. The sudden realization of the time came bundled with a realization that all she'd eaten that day was coffee and a scone. As if on cue, her stomach began to groan.
    Hey..thanks for today. i enjoyed myself, but I've gotta go.

    She had hoped he didn't hear her body's cue to go eat, she knew he would probably invite her to dinner, and didn't really want to. She could bear him during games, but when it came to conversation he was far too upbeat, and during dinner he would attempt to talk to her.

    Oh, okay. Thanks! I had fun!
    Freya handed Dennis her pitiful stack of tickets.
    Here, go get yourself something.
    They didn't really offer anything of value to her at the ticket counter. She knew whatever he got, it would probably be stupid, like more lollipops.
    After waving goodbye to Dennis, Freya headed home, she couldn't move much faster than a brisk walk. She couldn't feel her legs in the cold air, but she still had a hard time moving them, she knew it would be worse tomorrow. She might end up staying in the next day, she had no plans, and with Tucker tending to his mother, there wasn't anything she really wanted to do.
    She made it home around 7:30. She needed a shower. She practically threw her clothes off and placed Enywas in the sink, filling it up a bit with warm water, as he started splashing around and playing, always taking a few seconds to look back up at her as if to sayDid you see that? Wasn't that cool?. It always brought a smile to her face to see him playing. Before stepping in, she sent a message to Tucker.
    From: Freya
    To: Tucker
    How's your mom? Is she doing alright? It isn't serious is it?

    She stood in the shower, letting the water warm her long after she was done showering. She probably would have stood there much longer, but her stomach gave her yet another reminder of how little she'd eaten that day. She stepped out and dried herself off, wrapping up in her warmest robe. Enywas had already finished his bath and was curled up in a hand towel by the sink. She picked him up and walked out, placing him on her bed while she went to go make dinner.
  4. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    (*) Flower Shop (*) Mood: Surprised (*) Music (*) Outfit (*) OOC: (*)
    "Oh! Hi Alex. How are you this morning?"
    "Hey Natalie, I'm fine. So this is the friend that you were helping." Alex said, directing his attention towards Estelle. This turned out pretty well. Now he could hang out with like he'd planned on doing.
    "Alex, would you like to join us upstairs? A friend of Natalie's is a friend of mine."
    Alex nodded. "That'd be fine."
    Mood: Curious(X)Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Park (X) OOC:
    "Well, I play a bunch of instruments, but at the school I special in Vocals, Piano and Violin."
    "That is quite the variety of instruments that you can play." Shane said. When it came to music, he wasn't exactly versatile in it. There was only on instrument that he's been able to learn how to play decently.

    "Sorry, I shouldn't go on talking about myself too long I guess it looks kind of like I'm bragging or some absurd thing like that...What about yourself? I'm sure you're very talented also."
    Shane, sat there for a moment thinking about what to say. "Well I can play the piano pretty well and that's about it." Fortunately he only needed to know how to play one instrument, even if it's been awhile since he's done so. In fact, he might not be as good at it as he used to be, but he doubted that that was the case.
    "Oh and here. So we don't loose contact."
    That was certainly unexpected. "Uh thanks." He replied, before putting the number into his phone. Since she'd given him her number, he figured that he might as well do the same. So he sent a small message so that she would have his number.

  5. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes ♫ Mood» ♫ Character Theme ♫ Date: 12/27/2015 Day: 3/3 ♫
    Location » Park ♫ OOC: ♫

    "That is quite the variety of instruments that you can play." Shane said.

    Seraphina did a sort of half smile, and waiting for him to go on about himself.
    "Well I can play the piano pretty well and that's about it."
    "I would love to hear you play sometime..." She said sweetly, moving a bit closer to him..
    "I don't think I've really seen you around the school, but I just transferred a couple weeks ago from France, so I guess I'm just getting to know everyone." She smiled. "I'm also just getting used to the town too... maybe you could show me around sometime?" She asked softly.
    He seemed to be a bit surprised when she gave him her number. She thought about it for a few seconds before brushing it off as nothing. Finally she was getting somewhere. It was getting late though, she would have to go soon, she had to end on a good note. She was thinking of what to say but she couldn't quite find the words yet, maybe she could just find it naturally. She was fighting with herself, wondering if she could pre-plan it or just say whatever first came to mind. She took a deep breath. She could do this... she could do this. She almost never got like this what was it this time? Maybe she was just out of practice, she hadn't talked to anyone from school in a while she guessed 2 days did really make a difference in her conversation skills. This was just kind of a warm up.
  6. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007


    WEATHERCLOUDY, COLD 34°! ✖『DATE & TIME』 12/27/2015 - ???AM ✖『DAY』 07

    From Maria:
    Aha. Yeah just a sec.
    I see you now.

    It wasn't long after receiving the text that Maria could be spotted walking towards her table. Noëlle tucked her phone away into her purse and swiveled around fully in her seat to face the blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl.

    Hey there, Maria set her purse on the floor between her feet and smiled. You didn't wait long did you?

    Not at all! Noëlle answered, a bit too hastily. Her cheeks flooded with warmth and she cleared her throat, willing herself to calm down. Maria wasn't a stranger or anything, why was she so nervous? ... If she were honest with herself, it was probably mostly due to the events of the other night. The ones involving Cupid's Brew ... Bryan wasn't talking to her and the entire situation was just a mess. It was her fault and she felt guilty.

    Wanna walk around? She asked Maria, anxiously but conspicuously tapping her heel against the tiles beneath them.

    They stood and began to walk down the long, busy corridors of the mall. She didn't particularly have much cash on her. Just what Bryan had given her for Christmas. There was nothing that was particularly eye catching to her so far, either. Why had she suggested the mall, again? Aaaah!

    Well, she hadn't come here for as shopping spree. It was to spend time with Maria!

    How have you been?

  7. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Natalie Williams

    Outfit|Location: Home|Music|Mood: Happy|OOC: N/A

    "Alex, would you like to join us upstairs? A friend of Natalie's is a friend of mine."

    "That'd be fine."

    Okay, so he was coming. It's not as I'd Estelle thought-

    "You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend, when we get upstairs you have to tell me the details."

    Natalie felt herself blush. Crap, crap, crap!

    "H-he's not my 'boyfriend'" Natalie said with a nervous giggle. Could she even really call him a friend? He seemed to be interested in at least hanging out with them. Estelle had obviously only invited him because she thought he was her boyfriend. Whether or not Estelle decided to try and set them up was the thing that lingered in Natalie's mind. "Hehehe... So, um, should we head upstairs..?"
  8. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Location: Home {} Mood: Detached/Conflicted {} OOC: Bleh post :l {} Music: [{bottod}]
    It's been rather a bland day for Sasha. After waking up, she wen straight on her computer for her daily runs and updates on her recent shows on anime. Truth be told, this was how she ran her life the last few years before having a part in the performance. A life anyone would want to despise and be ashamed of. A life where reality is nonexistent.
    After being a part of the performance, it somehow changed Sasha's view on life. Perhaps maybe it gave her the need to reach out to others or maybe she saw the benefits of having a friend. Whatever the case, it slowly conflicted with her other half. She sighed and looked out the window. It was already night. My how time flies when I'm like in this pitiful state. Perhaps time flies so much slower with another person beside you. Maybe because you want to cherish those memories? Of course...what memories would I want to cherish in this room all by myself?
    She shook her head and grabbed her phone, sending a text to her brother.

    She sighed and laid her phone on the table before getting up and flopping on her bed, staring at her calendar. Hopefully I can change my school life around. It's really tiring to get crap thrown at you all the time. Perhaps I should bump into someone tomorrow. She huffed and fell asleep.
    Reality is a cruel magic trick
  9. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    ❝Not at all!❞ Noëlle had replied hastily.

    Maria's smile was warm and inviting. It was good to be out and doing something with Noëlle. They really needed to spend more time together. All this time around boys couldn't be healthy - aha! "That's good," she replied in her sweet soprano voice. Noëlle looked brighter, more vibrant, than usual. Maybe she was imagining it.

    ❝Wanna walk around?❞ Noëlle asked her.

    Maria nodded and picked up her purse. "Sure." Just sitting in the food court would have been boring, especially since she now had the strong desire to investigate those masks. They both got to their feet and Maria tossed her purse over her shoulder, shoving her hands in her coat pocket.

    They hadn't gone far from the table when Noëlle opened up the conversation. ❝How have you been?❞

    "I've been ..." she paused to think about it, "I've been pretty good. I've been rather distracted sorting out some weird-" she didn't know what other way to put it, "-relationship stuff. What about you? You look different." The change was subtle, but since not all of Maria's feelings for Noëlle had completely died off, she could sense the slight shift in her overall aura.

    They turned down the hall and she came to a stop in front of the masks once more. They were rather pretty. It would be fun to try them on and take silly pictures or something. It really did feel like an eternity since her last true girls day. She pulled her hand out of her pocket and caught Noëlle by the wrist. "Come on," she said brightly dragging her inside the store. Maria waded through the racks of clothes and throngs of people examining the various handcrafted gifts they sold and came to a stop in front of the wall of masks.

    "I'm having a New Year's party at my parent's house -- they're gone for the holiday -- and these masks make me want to turn it into a themed party now." She plucked a sequin covered navy blue one with velvet rope trim along the edges and a black feather sticking off the side from the wall. It was one of those partial face masks that just covered the eyes and the bridge of a person's nose. She held it up to Noëlle's face and examined what it looked like on the red head. Maria smiled satisfactorily and held it out to her. "Try it on." She turned back to the rows of masks -- some shaped like animals while others were elaborately feathered -- to pick one for herself.
  10. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» InterestedCharacter Theme
    Location » Home OOC:
    "H-he's not my 'boyfriend'"
    Estelle smirked as she blushed. If he wasn't her boyfriend... she laughed to herself. 'Yes, this should really be fun.'

    "Hehehe... So, um, should we head upstairs..?"

    "Oh, yes follow me." She walked up the stairs and they arrived in a spacious kitchen and living room area. They had gotten money from their grandparents to renovate they're house... it was also good at masking the families financial difficulty lately

    "You can sit down in the living room, if you like, I'm just going to make us some drinks." She told the 2 then stepping into the kitchen. She started talking from that side of the room. "So, how long have you guys known each other?" She asked getting some ice tea from the fridge.

    "It's not offend we have company over. I have a feeling that has to do with the fact that my sisters scare everyone off." She said giggling. "Mostly Vega but the youngest tends to get into some trouble also." She told them then pouring the drinks and putting in ice.

    She walked over to them, tipping on the carpet and nearing spilling the drinks. "Woah, whoopsy, I'm very clumsy." She laughed, then sitting down with them on the chair off to the side.

    "Luckily the drinks survived." She said, putting them on the small table. "So Alex, tell me about yourself, Nat hasn't mentioned you but, I guess it's partly my fault. I didn't ask about her friends." She laughed. "I kind of feel bad for not asking, you seem to close." She winked.
  11. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007


    WEATHERCLOUDY, COLD 34°! ✖『DATE & TIME』 12/27/2015 - ???AM ✖『DAY』 07

    I've been ... I've been pretty good. I've been rather distracted sorting out some weird relationship stuff. What about you? You look different.

    Different ... ? Noëlle didn't really know what that meant, or how to feel about it. It made her a little flustered, really ... Was it that obvious that something had happened? I've been good, lately. Just some family stuff getting sorted out.

    What an understatement!

    Maria wrapped her hand around her wrist and pulled her along. They weaved through crowds of people and continued forward until they reached a rather fantastical looking shop with all sorts of glittery and festive things on display. Maria pulled them over to a rack of masks.

    I'm having a New Year's party at my parent's house -- they're gone for the holiday -- and these masks make me want to turn it into a themed party now. She plucked a sequin covered navy blue one with velvet rope trim along the edges and a black feather sticking off the side from the wall. Noëlle smiled.

    I say go for it, A party! It sounded fun at first, but then she remembered Sophie's party and her misery there and it sounded a little less appealing. It sounds interesting.

    Maria handed her a mask and she blinked, surprised.

    Try it on.

    She took the mask, feeling a bit silly, and fastened it on over her head. Her nose tickled underneath it and she had to adjust it before falling into a giggling fit. Maria was finding a mask for herself in the meantime. Noëlle settled her eyes on a sparkling emerald green mask sitting on the rack and wondered what Bryan would look like in it. She imagined it and then stifled a laugh. He would look better, she thought, with something a little less ~ colorful ~. Something more mysterious - even if that didn't suit him at all.

  12. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Maria laughed along with Noëlle and plucked a half mask shaped like a fox from the wall. It was reddish orange and white with little ears at the top. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and giggled again. Her blue eyes glittered from the holes in the mask and she curled her red lips up into a smile. Maria looked at Noëlle from within the mask and pulled out her phone to take a picture of them. "Snapshot time." She announced voluminously. Her arm slipped around Noëlle's back and squished in close to her. She held the phone out at arm's length and smiled at the back of the phone. It clicked and she turned it around, laughing at the two of them. This was good. It was fun even.

    "Noëlle, pick out your favorite." She urged the other girl and peeled the mask off her own face. "I expect you to come and have one of these lovely pieces on you." Her smile was bright and she reached for her wallet to pull out her credit card. Maria put her phone back in the bag. She held the mask between two fingers with her card. "I insist." Since it was her idea, there's no way she could make the other one have to buy a mask.

    When they left the store, she hung the small bag on her wrist. They started wandering around aimlessly making small talk. It put Maria in a great mood. "So what's up with your family?" She asked, remembering their previous conversation. She figured that would probably lead to Noëlle asking about her ' relationship issues ' as well and she wasn't sure what exactly to say.
  13. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Another note had arrived and luckily unlike the last time Erik had caught the flying note and managed to read it before it hit his eye again. Reading the note and observing all the praise he received from the girl instantly made the man scratch the side of his cheek and try his best not to blush from embarrassment.

    Upon finishing the note a newcomer had managed to sneak his way in and bring in some food for the two that stayed in the room. Erik had asked a question Julius was quite curious about, but the nurse had begun to answer the question and immediately the nurse had been assaulted by a heavy pillow from Fatime. The nurse was surely lucky that Fatime had acted before him because if Julius acted then a heavy pillow was surely not going to be thrown at the rude kid.

    After that quick moment the topic had shifted and soon enough a discussion about the play had begun. A choice needed to be made and as he was now, Julius surely could not lead them now. "Well then I-" Julius began to say but stopped instantly once he heard a commotion outside. "That voice....oh god no.." Julius said as his eye twitched "oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god" Julius began to repeat until finally a newcomer rushed into the room and closed the door while panting.

    "...that...was...close...I.........JULIUS!" said the fatigued Jonathan as he rose to his feet and rushed up to his brothers side "Well looks like the odds are in my favor...mission complete" Jonathan said closing his eyes with a grin as he gave himself a pat on the back.

    ".........Jonathan....what the hell are you doing here" Julius said as his eye continued to twitch "does dad even know your here?" Julius asked

    "heeeeeeeeell no...as if dad would even let me come alone" Jonathan said opening his eyes as his grin remained "Decided to run off on my on and do my own stuff" Jonathan said point his thumb at himself "Your looking at the new Jonathan and I- WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU?!" Jonathan yelled all of a sudden as he began to freak out at the condition his brother was in.

    Hearing the response only caused Julius to facepalm at his own brother "YOUR ONLY NOW NOTICING?!" Julius yelled.

    "HEY I-" Jonathan began to yell back before he suddenly heard the doorknob turn "OH SHIT" Jonathan yelled before jumping onto Julius's bed in an attempt to get across

    "OW WHAT THE HELL?!" Julius yelled as his brother climbed across and hid behind the bed as two men entered and looked into the room. Once the men didn't see Jonathan, they closed the door and left

    "well that was close" Jonathan said with a bright smile

    "I...am so...going to...fucking kill you" Julius panting trying his best to hold in the pain. When he caught his breath, Julius glanced over at Jonathan and closed his eyes

    "heh...not if I kill you first and...OH! YOU HAVE GUESTS!" Jonathan said happily as he stared over at Fatime and Erik

    "HOW THE HELL DO YOU NOT NOTICE THIS" Julius said tossing a nearby tray that hit the boy in his face, causing the boy to fall. "This is my brother Jonathan....dunno why the hell he is here but whatever....Jonathan, this is Erik and Fatime" Julius said before closing his eyes "hmmm....this is...convenient...hey Jonathan...feel like running a play?" Julius said

    "Eh?" Jonathan groaned as he sat up and rubbed his face as he looked up at the others.
  14. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    The two ended up playing skee ball after all was said and done. Dennis had been so absorbed in his own game to notice that Freya wasn't holding up so well on her end. Really he loved skee ball and it was something he always enjoyed to play whenever he went to the arcade. Nothing short of being a fun time. However the day was starting to get late and Freya had apparently wanted to go home. So she parted with him giving him her tickets. It didn't look like that much, maybe she wasn't the greatest at skee ball. Regardless he kept playing for a good half hour more before his arm was tired and his tokens were all used up. He went over to the ticket exchange booth and got himself a bunch of candy. Sure he could've gone for some sort of giant stuffed animal or something, but you can't eat a stuffed animal.

    With the arcade done Dennis realized he was pretty hungry so he decided now was a good time to go home and eat dinner. He walked outside the arcade, unlocked his bike and started biking his way back home. It was chillier than earlier, obviously, but the snow covered streets were still just as great as ever. He really enjoyed it but started to sneeze once more. Turns out biking in the cold while you had a cold was not the smartest of ideas.

    Dennis had eventually gotten his way home and parked and locked his bike up for the day. He walked into his place and made himself another hot chocolate before sitting down and looking at his computer. Opening up his browser of choice he saw that there was a general announcement from one of the older fortissimo students, Oliver Grant. Apparently he was going to try and start a casual band session type thing. Auditions were tomorrow. He figured he may as well try and go there tomorrow. Regardless the day had tired him out and as such he fell asleep on his couch and slept through the night.
  15. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    (*) Flower Shop (*) Mood: Average (*) Music (*) Outfit (*) OOC: (*)
    Alex followed behind Estelle upstairs and was surprised by just how spacious the room was. Considering that his house had it's living room and kitchen separated. Accepting her offer, he took a seat on the couch.
    "So, how long have you guys known each other?"
    "For about 2 years I guess." Considering that they did meet at the camp two years ago, granted if it wasn't for Lexi it might not've happened, he figured that that was the right about of time. Even if they didn't really talk too much to each other. There was a small chuckle as he watched Estelle trip, though he was glad that the drink weren't spilt every where.
    "So Alex, tell me about yourself, Nat hasn't mentioned you but, I guess it's partly my fault. I didn't ask about her friends. I kind of feel bad for not asking, you seem to close."
    "Don't" worry about it." Alex started, before figuring out what would be good to tell about himself. "Well, there isn't much special about me aside from that I can play violin pretty well." There were a few other not worthy qualities about him, but he chose to not talk about those right now, not that they were anything bad.
  16. SynK Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 2, 2013
    ‹| MoodTired and Sore |›

    Freya hadn't yet received a reply from Tucker by the time she'd finished eating. She knew he was probably busy, but she couldn't help but look at her phone every few minutes to make sure.

    She slipped into her nightwear and walked to the end of the room where her alarm had landed. Picking it up and checking to make sure it'd still work, she placed it on the nightstand by her bed. She looked at Enywas, who was right in the middle of her pillow, sleeping soundly.

    Not a care in the world for you, huh?

    She sighed. Freya wondered, briefly, what it'd be like to be a common house pet, despite the irony that a hedgehog wasn't all that common. All she would have to do is eat, sleep and be loved. Such a simple life was appealing. If she'd been born into royalty, or married someone rich, perhaps then she could have that life. But she was neither royal, nor was the man she loved particularly wealthy. It was best not to dwell on those types of things. Realistic goals and aspirations were what kept her grounded.

    Looking through her bookcase for something to put her to sleep she picked up a book on anger management that was given to her by her aunt. She might as well attempt to read it again. She made her way back over to her bed and, despite not wanting to disturb him, picked up Enywas and placed him beside her pillow. Before reading, she checked her mobile one last time. Nothing. She flipped through her contacts, to see if anyone stood out as tolerable. Richie was always nice, a bit eccentric at times, but nice. Perhaps he'd want to come over and talk a bit about Tucker. She might even be able to trust him with her plan...

    From: Freya
    To: Richie
    Hey, Richie, was that you at the café earlier? I thought I saw you for a second, but Dennis was in such a hurry to leave, I couldn't be sure. Anyway, I'm going to be staying in tomorrow and wondered if you'd come over and talk for a bit? You can raid my pantry..

    She sent off the text and turned on the TV for some background noise. An old western played on the classics channel, as she read the book and thumbed through the pages, one by one, she attempted to stay awake. Wanting to get her reply from Richie before drifting off.
  17. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    They took their picture and she immediately asked the blonde to send it to her phone. The wallpaper of a hipster looking sunset was replaced with the image. Somewhere in Bryan's abandonment, she had removed the picture of the sibilings as children and replaced it impulsively.

    Noëlle was definitely going to reject the paying offer but Maria wasn't having it. She left the store with a mask; silver and shimmering with two heart shaped strawberry colored gems on either side of the mask.

    They moved forward and talked casually about things before Maria spoke again, asking her about her family things. Of course it was all out of friendliness but Noelle wished she wouldn't ask her things when it came to Bryan. She thought about what to say before finally responding.

    "I think my mom is thinking about getting remarried," she murmured honestly, though that wasn't all that was weighing on her mind. She hadnt even brought it up to Bryan yet! "I've been feeling a bit uncomfortable with the idea. I lovemy mom, and the guy she's getting close to is a family friend and really great, but ... My dad wasn't the best and I guess the thought of an authoritative male in the house again is really nerve wracking. Brings a lot of unpleasant memories to mind, haha. Bryan doesn't know ... But he's been here a lot for me, lately, and it feels nice to have that support."

    She sighed and stopped them in front of a smoothie stand, refusing to take no for an answer and treating herself and Maria to a treat.

    They resumed their mall adventures.

    "What about you? Your ... Relationship?"

    OOC: on phone will fix mistakes later.
  18. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» InterestedCharacter Theme
    Location » Home OOC:
    "For about 2 years I guess."
    Estelle smiled. That was a really really long time... she wondered if she could get more details but she didn't want to pry.
    "Well, there isn't much special about me aside from that I can play violin pretty well."
    "Oh I see, so I guess you major in that at the school." She said. "I play violin too, as well as piano. I can also sing a little bit... but I don't really preform anymore." She explained.
    She looked at the time. It was getting late... she didn't want to shoo him out but she had work tomorrow, plus she wanted to get some more details out of Natalie. "Well, it was very nice having you over Alex, I hope you come visit us again soon." She smiled. "I would love it if we could all hang out sometime again." She said. "You're always welcomed to come by, my door is always open."
    Estelle got the second bed ready for Nat, her room was in the attic, so she was lucky she could fit another bed in there when her little sister still slept with her, in fear of monsters.
    "I really hope it works out for you too, he seems like a sweet boy." She said to Nat, before climbing into bed. "You guys can both come by here anytime you want, remember, my doors are always open." She said, and with that she fell asleep.
  19. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    location: juniper café mood: worried // excited theme: tea?
    affection: -- ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
    ooc: n / a

    Torvald pulled his leg away from the cloth and reached for his coat, where he took out a first aid kit. From the kit he grabbed some ointment and applied it to the burn. He spoke firmly. "You did not seem to hear what I said previously because you have just arrived, young Duvont! I certainly hope you had your little fun at the Bennett's disgusting aristocratic maze of a gaudy estate, for while parties and debauchery flew through the broken wings of revolution our poor Professor Julius got into a very very dear-- urk--" Torvald groaned painfully. Richie couldn't help but feel bad for the poor guy, even though he practically just pushed him away when he was trying to help. He continued, "Uh-- accident!" Julius got into an accident...? Since when? The last time the boy had seen him was during the musical, but that was it. He hoped the professor was holding up well. He'd have to find out what hospital he was resting in and visit soon.

    Vibrations emitted from the blonde's pocket. He pulled out his phone and glanced at it briefly. Freya? His interest was peaked; the two were close, yes, but interactions between them seemed to become more scarce with each passing day. He smiled and read the message carefully.

    Text from Freya:

    Hey, Richie, was that you at the café earlier?
    I thought I saw you for a second, but Dennis was in such a hurry to leave, I couldn't be sure.
    Anyway, I'm going to be staying in tomorrow and wondered if you'd come over and talk for a bit?
    You can raid my pantry..

    Without any hesitation, the boy quickly replied.

    Text to Freya:

    yeah that was me ahaha
    and i would love to! it sounds like super mega fun!! ^ u ^
    pfffft well you know i can't help it you always have the best food freya * 3 *
    i'll be over around noon-ish? is that okay with you?

    Richie felt a bubbling feeling growing in his belly. Oh this was so exciting! He and Freya could reconnect and make up for lost time! He was already planning what he would wear tomorrow...
  20. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Noëlle looked a bit uneasy and Maria immediately felt bad. She didn't want to ruin the happy atmosphere. "I think my mom is thinking about getting remarried," she murmured, "I've been feeling a bit uncomfortable with the idea. I lovemy mom, and the guy she's getting close to is a family friend and really great, but ... My dad wasn't the best and I guess the thought of an authoritative male in the house again is really nerve wracking. Brings a lot of unpleasant memories to mind, haha. Bryan doesn't know ... But he's been here a lot for me, lately, and it feels nice to have that support."

    Maria didn't know what it was like to have new parents. Hers were still together, albeit, distant from their children. " That Joey guy right?" She smiled at her friend. "It's nice to know you have your big brother to support you." She thought of Stephan and sighed softly to herself. He was rapidly becoming as distant as her parents. She was beginning to feel lonesome.

    Noëlle sighed and stopped them in front of a smoothie stand, refusing to take no for an answer and treating herself and Maria to a treat. Maria picked out a strawberry and banana smoothie, thanking the red head for the sweet treat. It was perfect.

    They resumed their mall adventures.

    "What about you? Your ... Relationship?" The other girl asked.

    Maria sipped on the straw for a minute and swallowed down the smoothie. "Well ... I'm not sure," she finally said after swallowing down the liquid. "I think there's something between Tucker and I, but it's hard to say. He's got some childhood trauma that's making any attempt at moving forward virtually impossible." She thought it best not to divulge Tucker's secret. It wasn't her place. She pursed her lips and took another sip off the smoothie. "I'm just not sure what to do..."
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