❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. SynK Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 2, 2013
    ‹| MoodDetermined |›

    As Freya was putting the finishing touches on her hair, she received a text from Tucker.
    From: Tucker
    To: Freya
    Hey Freya! I'm at the cafe already. No rush, just wanted to let you know! : ) I'll wait for you before I go order something so we can just go together he he

    Her heart skipped a beat. Was she really going to go through with this? She headed out the door and took off running.

    Hold on, Enywas.
    On her way to the café she received another text.
    From: Tucker
    To: Freya
    Hey Freya! I'm so sorry, I have to cancel our plans. My mother is going to be in the hospital for a while.

    She stopped in her tracks, her heart was still racing, but she let out a sigh of relief. She wouldn't have to go through with this. But was this healthy? Was putting it off and running away really the best thing? She had no choice in the matter. Tucker was going to be gone for a day or so. She knew she couldn't push the issue, Tucker's mother's health was more important. She typed up a reply.

    From: Freya
    To: Tucker
    Oh my god, is she going to be okay? Please, take as much time as you need to go visit her. That's more important. Would you like me to accompany you?

    She typed as she stood in the middle of the sidewalk, the cold winter air biting at her face. She wouldn't have noticed the cold had Enywas not started to shiver against her neck.

    I suppose we should get out of the cold, shouldn't we?

    She decided to head the rest of the way to the café, if Tucker wanted her to come along, she could meet up with him there. She made it about 3/4 of the way there before getting another text.
    From: Tucker
    To: Freya
    That's okay. I would love to have the company, but my mom doesn't know you, she'd just have too many questions and I don't want her to focus on anything other than feeling better. I'm sorry.

    Freya let out a sigh of relief. She did care about Tucker's mother's health, but she knew it would be stressful meeting her crush's mom.
    From: Freya
    To: Tucker
    Okay, I hope she recovers quickly. Be safe...

    By the time she arrived at the café Tucker was nowhere in sight. Another relieved sigh. She decided to order her coffee and a scone. She now had the whole day to herself, she didn't know what she should do now. As she snuck nibbles of her pastry to Enywas, she contemplated whether or not she should try to be more social today. Probably...She grabbed her mobile.
    From: Freya
    To: Dennis
    Are you free today?

    She sent the text and let out a sigh.
    Looks like today is going to be stressful, either way.
  2. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    Dennis had woken up that day doing everything in the same methodical way. He got out of the covers, picked out his wardrobe for the day, got dressed, and ate breakfast. Not much was really different from any other day except for the whole having a slight cold. Really the whole thing had been really sucky and he was really questioning what he had done that day. True he needed to get his bike back from the school, and true he needed to get home from Sophie's but there were probably a myriad of other options that could've been taken. Two in particular. One being to get a ride from someone else, which he might've just ended up feeling far too uncomfortable doing. Secondly he could've just called a certain someone to get him, but he was pretty sure there was a large chance that he would've died based on that man's driving history. Regardless, he was blowing his nose when he went to go to the computer to potentially waste his day on it.

    Before that though his phone went off. Weird he hadn't expected anyone to text him. Checking the phone he found it to be from Freya. She wanted to hang out with him today which he was fine with. He responded a quick message saying sure, when and where. Once he got that info back he decided to go out and hang with Freya, seeing as he had nothing better to do with his day. He left the house with his bag that he used to travel anywhere, and got on his bike. Pulling out a lollipop he plopped it in his mouth and started off towards the cafe where Freya was located.

    Once there he parked and locked his bike up and walked into the cafe. Throwing away his finished lollipop he walked over and got an ice tea from the clerk and looked around until he found his female friend. He walked over to her noticing that her hedgehog was with her. He chuckled a bit at the funny sight before sitting down at the table she was at. "Hey Freya. So, how're you doing today?" After receiving that response with he followed with, "so what did you want to do today?" He was really down to do anything today, seeing as he originally planned on doing nothing.
  3. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    (*) Flower Shop (*) Mood: Surprised (*) Music (*) Outfit (*) OOC: (*)

    Well that was an interesting interaction to say the least. All he got out of that was that this girl, Vega, had a sister named Estelle. Not that he knew who Estelle was in the first place. Still while she was busy on her phone, he went ahead past her and looked at some of the flowers. Taking a look around, he saw that there were plenty of flowers that he's seen before and there were an equal, if not more, amount of flower that he's never seen before.

    Clearly by just how they looked they weren't the kind of flowers that you'd find on a lawn or inside a house. He was definitely curious about them, but before he could ask Vega about them, his phone began to vibrate.

    That's what the message from Natalie said. His fingers went along the on screen keyboard as he typed up a response.

    No sooner than he pressed the send button, someone else had arrived at the shop.

    "Vega I'm home! And I brought my friend Nat!"

    It was safe to assume that this was Estelle. Though he was more surprised by the fact that Natalie was with her. Well, guess there was no point in sending that message.

    "Sorry about that, don't worry whatever you want to get it's free of charge."

    "Oh, that won't be necessary." Alex replied, he wasn't planning on buying anything in the first place. So there was no need to get anything for free.

    "My name is Estelle. Again I'm really sorry about her. She just doesn't know how to talk to costumers, that's why we have such little business in the winter. I'm busy with school and she's in charge."

    "Nice to meet you Estelle, I'm Alex." He replied.

    "Sorry I don't normally talk for this long."

    "Oh, it's fine." Well that took care of one thing, now all he could was wait for Natalie to notice him.

    Mood: Curious/Confused (X)Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Park (X) OOC:

    "My name is Seraphina." She said, putting her hand out for him to shake. "I go to an arts school not very far away from here."

    Her name was unique, that much was clear. "My name is Shane." He replied, accepting her handshake. "Oh I go the same school." He just wasn't much for interacting with new people unless they took the first step. Though there were a few times, such as now, where he took the first step.

    Accepting her request to sit with her, he just caught her smile as a casual looked down. "So, what is your talent?" He asked. While he waited for an answer, how she was acting puzzled him a bit more. It wasn't like Shane already knew how to react to every single thing a girl could do.
  4. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes ♫ Mood» ♫ Character Theme ♫ Date: 12/27/2015 Day: 1/3 ♫
    Location » Park ♫ OOC: ♫

    "My name is Shane."
    Seraphina said that a few times in her head, so she wouldn't forget. Shane. Hmm. This had probably been the only boy she had talked to for the longest time. She was trying not to come on too strong or mess up. But she was sure she wouldn't she never did but it was always good to be careful.

    "Oh I go the same school. So, what is your talent?"
    Seraphina smiled. Same school. Wonderful. She hadn't seen him before though. He didn't really say much either he didn't seem shy but that was sort of the vibe she was getting, or maybe it was more mysterious. "What a coincidence, it's funny how small the world really is.." She smiled.
    "Well, I play a bunch of instruments, but at the school I special in Vocals, Piano and Violin." She said still smirking a bit.
    "I've played since I was about 4 and my father was also a musician... so I guess you could say I really love the school. I also did a bit of acting and modeling but I really love to focus on my music." She told him twirling her hair a bit. "Sorry, I shouldn't go on talking about myself too long I guess it looks kind of like I'm bragging or some absurd thing like that...What about yourself? I'm sure you're very talented also." She asked. "Oh and here." She said, taking a piece of whitepaper out of her purse with her phone number on it. "So we don't loose contact." She said, handing it to him smiling.
  5. SynK Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 2, 2013
    ‹| MoodDetermined |›

    Freya was finishing up her scone when Dennis came in. She watched as he tossed away a finished lollipop and ordered an iced tea. She found the idea of a cold drink at this time of year to be ridiculous.

    Hey Freya. So, how're you doing today?
    He said as he sat down, taking a sip from his iced tea.
    I'm fine.

    She mumbled, taking a short sip of her coffee before remembering what manners were.

    ...How are you?

    She asked, with a false sense of care in her voice.

    Doin' Great! So what did you want to do today?

    He asked, staring at Enywas inquisitively.

    I have no ideas, maybe an arcade or something? What do you wanna do?

    Freya really didn't have any plans, she was hoping he had something he wanted to do.
  6. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Julius groaned and Erik smirked. "Man...I fee like ****..." he said with another groan. He seemed to notice his eyepatch sitting on the table and put it on. Erik was pretty sure he had never seen Julius without his eyepatch on before. "Glad you came though...oh do you have any writing utensils? Miss Fatime here needs some."

    Erik patted his pockets and shook his head. " Sorry. None on me. I could probably get one at the nearest nurses' station if it's that important." He stretched his arms over his head and cracked his back. He didn't particularly wish to leave for a meesly pen. He would though, since the pair of them were in a car accident and now occupied the hospital as residents. "So do you know what happened?" He asked curiously. It was probably out of place for him, but it had been eating away at Erik since he found out. "The news made it sound bad, but was scarce on details." First hand accounts were always morereliable.

    He picked absently at his jeans. Erik stretched his legs out, crossing his feet at the ankles. His boots rested on the linoleum. The imitation tile alternated between blue and white. It was pretty ugly, but what could one expect from a hospital.
  7. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves


    { 1 4 : 4 5 }

    Torvald took a sip of his coffee as he glared down at Evan, continuing his little story. How could it be that someone had little idea of the musical? Then again, this lad had been absent more times than Torvald could count in his strangled brain. He tapped his fingers gently on the table, and occasionally gazed outside to gaze at the rustling among the cold streets.

    Evan said he had things to take care of. Torvald's interest was piqued. He took another sip of coffee and shot Evan a steely blue look. Out of county, hmm?

    << Care to explain what may be more important than academia, Rainbow? >> He sipped his coffee. << The musical ... opening night was a success, I suppose. >> Torvald let out a gruff cough. << The revolution went off without a hitch, and surprisingly enough everyone did a very proletarian job. But-- >>

    Torvald gripped his coffee cup tightly. He had to tell someone.

    << You were out! >> Torvald's voice rose. << You must have missed it, you poor working class soul! For you see! >>

    Torvald immediately jumped out of his seat and stood on the table.

    << Our Professor Julius got into an extremely dangerous car crash at the after part-AH F-F-F-F-F-F-FUUUUUUUUCK-- >> He felt hot liquid among his shoes and socks -- seeping dangerously into his ankle. Torvald immediately fell off the table, sending a thunderous rumble along it, rolling onto the wooden floor on his side as the scalding hot coffee spilled atop his feet like acid.

  8. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    To: Noëlle
    Hey! We haven't done anything
    in some time. We should get
    together soon. Maybe check
    out Oliver's band thing or
    something? Let me know.

    Maria set her phone down as she scrolled through the school website. She was checking her syllabus for the spring semester classes. Out of sheer boredom, she had come across Oliver's advertisement and was debating on whether or not to reply to him. She wouldn't play anything, but she could sing. Playing -- she should play her saxophone. Her blue eyes shifted to the instrument case. EAP was asleep on the bed. Maybe later. She didn't want to wake him. He was just too cute when sleeping. Maria pressed her lips together and smiled. She decided to snap a silent picture of him on her phone and smiled. He was just too adorable.

    She decided to send it to Tucker. Maria clicked the message icon once more and scrolled down to his name. She tapped hi conversation thread and attached the file. She smiled as the image appeared above the text box.

    To: Tucker
    I thought I'd share his cuteness.
    Have a nice day. ;]

    Perfect. She pressed send and swiveled in her chair so that she was facing her computer once more. Maria was pretty much done with it now, but she decided to reply to a few emails to pass the boredom. There really wasn't a lot going on right now. Stephan was working late again. She needed something to pass the time. Maria bit her lip and frowned as she mindlessly reblogged images on Tumblr. Everything was so cute and pretty. Music poured out of the speakers and the hummed along with the melody.
  9. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    location: juniper café mood: lonely // nurse mode yo theme: tea?
    affection: -- ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
    ooc: n / a

    The blonde stepped into Juniper Café with weighted, uneasy steps. Elisa unexpectedly texted him, saying that she was heading to Mr. and Mrs. Snap's Photography Camp for who knows how long. Her text seemed rushed... maybe she forgot about it with the party a few days prior and the snowboarding antics from yesterday. Honestly, Richie didn't really care. What mattered was that his best friend wouldn't be with him for a little while... and it gave him a hollow feeling that overwhelmed his chest. Sometimes, the emptiness he felt caused wheezy breathing. His therapist said it was all in his head, that nothing dangerous was actually happening inside him... he would try his best to remember that if he experienced it again some time soon.

    At the very start of the boy's day, he was cheery and full of vigor. He planned out a whole day of fun for him and Elisa... but then he got the text. His merry spirits deflated and dissipated away with the brisk winter chill. Mama Duvont and Ariella took notice and [ apparently having much experience with situations of this sort ] sent the blonde on his way to Juniper Café. The only time he really enjoyed the café's atmosphere was when... well, when anyone by his side, but most specifically Elisa of course. Nonetheless, Richie would put on a cheery façade and attempt to make the most of his time at the café.

    The boy briefly glimpsed the café and immediately spotted something he definitely wasn't expecting. Was that... Torvald? He looked to be in some intense pain. Spotting the spilled coffee, he connected the dots and rushed over to his side.

    "Oh my gosh, are you alright? I'll get something to help relieve the pain." He yelled for help [ specifically for a damp cloth soaked with cold water ], and one of the café employees appeared and handed him the cool cloth. He carefully removed the man's shoes and socks, applying the rather large cloth [ large enough to cover both of his feet at least ] directly onto the burns.

    "This is gonna hurt a little, but it'll help with the pain. You'll feel better in no time." Richie exhaled a deep breath and collapsed into a pretzel sitting position, his hands still applying pressure onto the wound. He smiled at Torvald, then drew his attention back to the burn.
  10. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves

    { m u s i c }
    [ divine comedy ]

    At first, Fatime had watched the black airplane drift on its merry way leisurely, but when she saw it growing closer and closer to Julius' good eye she felt a heaviness puff up in her chest until--


    She yelped like a kitten who did not know how to speak, and almost jumped three meters into the air when she saw the airplane hit Julius' good eye. Oh no oh no oh no what was she doing she was a dimwit buffoon good freaking job Fatime you good for nothing aaaa aaaaaaaaaaa -- she slapped her forehead a few times and readjusted her glasses. Injuring an injured man! You good for noth--

    Julius replied to her note. Oh, he was ... okay? Fatime's heart rate lowered, and she nodded back at him, a bit sheepishly. There was a knock at the door, and in stepped Erik with a thick coat and a bundle of flowers. What was this odd man doing here?! She immediately covered her tiny self in blankets and curled up like a turtle hiding in its shell, letting out a mousey squeak.

    << Flowers for the lady. >>

    Fatime looked suspiciously at the bundle o flowersErik had set on her bedside table, poking at them with a single finger while still huddled beneath her cozy blanket. With her protected hand, she held the black paper, menu, pen, and large purple book close to her chest, safe and comfortable inside her shell. Why did someone give her flowers? Uuuurk ... how fleeting, ephemeral. Flowers withered and died like everything else in the world. She looked back at her book. Books, and the knowledge they provided someone, they were eternal. But ... there was little in the way Erik would have considered that, she supposed ... She picked up one of the daffodil petals and held it close to her nose under the blanket. The very corners of her ears picked up more discussion between the two men. Erik asked how both of them were, but Fatime did not want to poke out his eye too.

    Julius asked Erik for a pen.
    What!! She was being burdenous! Fatime immediately shot the blankets off of her body and almost collapsed onto the floor! No, no! Don't ask him!
    To her relief, Erik did not want to leave either of them. Incompetence and innumerable sensations of frivolity! Fatime grunted. She could make do with what she had until she had a proper writing utensil to herself! Her face flushed angrily as she scribbled another note down on the menu paper and ripped it off, getting ready to fold a second black airplane.

    Erik asked about what happened at the car crash ... ah. Fatime titled her head to the side as she ... tried ... to remember?
    It was rough, like a watercolour Impressionist work. Everything in forms, and nothing concrete -- a dream, almost. She shook her head back and forth and tried to recount as much as she could remember from the incident ...

    Her hand stopped for a moment. Did-- did she still have that chocolate box ... anywhere?


    Please pardon me, Mister Erik, for having to do this.
    And I am really really sorry for your eye Professor please forgive

    It happened all at once. Professor was driving down the road
    without much else happening. He bought some gifts for everyone
    at the party because he is too kind to live among the people of
    Candlewood. He is good at making someone feel comfortable.

    Along one of the county roads, after stopping, there was a
    sudden flash of bright light and a head-on collision with a
    car containing ... three or four people, I think. I almost died
    but the kind Professor saved my life, and he is the real hero
    in this situation. He carried himself and my frail figure out
    into the snow before fainting.

    I did not get a good look at the people in the other car;
    I am not sure if they are still alive, and have no idea if the
    news reported things or not properly. I have fractures in my
    left leg and stitches along my back from glass shrapnel.
    Julius' condition is much worse;

    please, if anything, he is the one that requires the most
    attention out of all of the others who may arrive,
    regardless of whether or not they are in the play. We
    must decide if we will put it on hiatus


    She folded this long explanation, which took an entire third of the menu paper, and slipped it into the black paper airplane, before tossing it between Julius and Erik, making sure she angled it to hopefully land by Erik's chair and Julius' bedside table.
  11. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves


    { 1 4 : 5 0 }

    W--what was--
    Torvald looked up as he felt a sharp storm of cold reach the slight burn on his ankle. What was ... was that Duvont?! Torvald gasped and felt his heart fall far below the ends of his chest. No! No no no! His face, for once not in an expression of frustration or disgruntlement but a tangled mess of reddened embarrassment and shyness, pulled away his leg from Duvont's cold press. This wasn't the time for that! The revolution was not heading in the right direction! He felt his pulse quicken as he looked around the cafe. Where did this little child even come from?! Ah--

    He grabbed his first aid kit by his coat and took out some ointment, administering it on the burn. Turning back to Duvont, Torvald tersely replied:
    << You did not seem to hear what I said previously because you have just arrived, young Duvont! I certainly hope you had your little fun at the Bennett's disgusting aristocratic maze of a gaudy estate, for while parties and debauchery flew through the broken wings of revolution our poor Professor Julius got into a very very dear-- urk-- >> Torvald groaned as the pain ebbed away. << Uh-- accident! >>

    He tried to stand up, his legs wobbling, holding himself by the table. << C--Car accident! Thus, concern yourself not for some lowly peon of the revolution like myself! Consider the burn a part of the plan! >> He stared coldly into Duvont's eyes, scarcely acknowledging the other gatherings of students.

    His ankle felt better, though.
    Torvald coughed and quickly looked towards the window.
    << Uh. T--thank you, fellow revolutionary, for-- for your medical attention ... B--But! Never concern yourself when a medic injures yourself, my dear future of the world!! >>

  12. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Evan Allen Walker:
    {~~~Day 7 (2/3)~~~December 27th, 2015, Monday~~~Location: Cafe~~~Mood:Comrade!~~~Music~~~Ooc:~~~}

    Torvald didn't seem too pleased by Evan's vague answer, then again no one ever really was. He would've deflected it somewhere else again, because he never really knew how to talk about his side job. However Torvald seemed to do a good enough job of that on his own. He stood up and started doing one of his grandiose rants again. However rather than speaking in words that only vaguely seemed to fit together this time it was Evan being chastised about missing the musical. That was to be expected though. Evan knew how much Torvald disliked the lazy working class man, almost as much as he hated the lazy wealthy class man. And seeing as Evan hadn't provided that substantial of an answer he could see where this was going.

    He did indeed refocus his attention though when Torvald had said something about Mr. Menon getting in a car crash. That old eye patched man was quite the great fellow. He always seemed to be brimming with life and could say you "fuck you" in any situation no matter the context and it would just be accepted. Evan admired that man. However he started to laugh a bit once Torvald spilled the coffee on himself. Sure it seemed like a cruel thing to do, but it wasn't like Evan knew what he could do, and besides Torvald was medical student, he figured he'd know what to do in this scenario. Regardless of this a blond haired boy ran up to his aid and Evan spaced out a bit for a second sipping his coffee.

    It was at this moment that he noticed "Little Baker Bro" sitting at a table with what appeared to be a female friend of his. Dennis looked at the loud noise that had come out of nowhere to see that it was coming from Torvald. He sighed and chuckled a bit at the man always being able to make a scene. Though he thought that he should've helped it looked like it was already being taken care of. But then Dennis took a better look at the table Torvald was at and saw Evan, who gave Dennis a sly looking smile before looking away. Dennis was in no mood to talk with Evan, and totally knew that given enough time Evan would walk over and start being his usual stupidly goofy self. As such Dennis looked at Freya and went, "so yeah arcade sounds like a nice place today. It's a bit after the holidays so I'm sure one nearby will be open, but close enough that it shouldn't be too crowded there. So I say let's go." After he finished that he took out a lollipop from his bag and started eating it. Realizing that might've been a bit rude he pulled out another one and extended it to Freya. "Want one?"

    Meanwhile Evan was still giggling a bit about the whole scene that had unfolded with Torvald. While the blond haired boy was tending to him Evan walked over to the counter, not before throwing out his finished coffee though, and grabbed himself two new coffees. The man just felt like drinking something and coffee was the most immediate thing on the menu. He placed the second one in front of Torvald. After sitting down now that the situation had calmed down he said, "so old Deadeye Julius got into a car crash of sorts hmm? Ah well I'm sure he's fine.A man like him can't be bedridden for too long after all." He casually sipped his coffee. "So have any of you or the other Fortissimo kids gone to check up on him yet or something? As tough as he is wouldn't seeing all his brilliant pupils together make him heal up that much faster?"
  13. SynK Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 2, 2013
    ‹| MoodBored |›

    As she asked the question a man sitting at a table across the room began making a fuss about something. Freya instantly focused her attention on the man, who was none other than Torvald. He was sitting with Evan, talking about something. She scowled for a moment and returned her focus to Dennis.

    So yeah arcade sounds like a nice place today. It's a bit after the holidays so I'm sure one nearby will be open, but close enough that it shouldn't be too crowded there. So I say let's go.
    As she finished off her coffee and stood up, Dennis produced a lollipop from a seemingly endless supply in a that bag he always kept with him.
    Want one?

    She glared at the lollipop for a moment, the wrapper reading "cherry". Not being one much for sweets, she declined.


    As they headed out of the café, Freya decided to give Torvald one last glare. Whether or not he would notice, she wanted to make sure that her face conveyed the proper amount of disgust at him for making such a scene.

    Which way is the arcade?

    She asked Dennis. He pointed in the direction of the arcade with the lollipop, half shoving it in her face. She shuddered.

    I didn't bring a bike, but I'll run along if you slow up a little bit.

    Freya said confidently.

    Are you sure you wouldn't rather ride on the handlebars?
    Asked Dennis, in a bit of confusion. Freya looked at him for a brief moment, a grin she would have described as 'stupid' plastered across his face.
  14. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Erik picked up the little airplane from the floor and plucked the note. He held it out between Julius and himself, so that the both of them could read it. His eyes roamed over the script twice before he shook his head and sighed. Erik had partially come in regards to the musical, but he hadn't wanted to bring it up so soon. He wondered why Fatime was writing everything down rather than talking, granted, she was a rather shy one. "Fatime, is there something wrong with your voice box?" He asked her. His voice was riddled with concern as he studied her hiding under the blanket. Such an odd duck, that one.

    He turned his attention to Julius, who as Fatime pointed out, was definitely the worse of the two. He had taken a lot of trauma. "As much as I wanted to wait on this discussion -- I have to ask. What do you want to do about the musical?" The one - eyed man was rather incapable of running anything right now, much less a show. "Is there someone you would like to fill your position or ... ?"
  15. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    After his lollipop offer was denied he put it back in his pack and shrugged it off. Regardless the two made their merry way out of the cafe, avoiding any contact with the two people that had made a scene beforehand because that was not a good. When Freya had pointed out that she didn't have a bike Dennis felt kinda bad because he didn't want to just speed along ahead of her. That would be just plain rude. So he offered her a ride on his own, in his own gentlemanly like manner...and was promptly declined. Ah well, never hurt to be polite at all, now did it?

    Still not wanting to feel bad about going on his own on the bike he decided not to hop on it at all and just sort of rolled it along with them as they walked towards the arcade. The wonderful world of outside was brimming with children and adults alike having fun in this wintery wonderland. He did enjoy the snow, but then again it was hard not to. The only real downside was the bitter cold but that was what extra clothing was all about.

    Once they arrived at the arcade he stepped inside. Wasn't too crowded at all and seemed rather slow. Though that was probably for the best since a crowded arcade was normally horrible to wriggle through. He went over to a token machine and got them paid for both of their tokens. They walked around looking for the first thing to do when they found a DDR machine and his face brightened up. "Well how about it? Let's go." Afterwards he got on the DDR machine and went with the flow of the music.
  16. SynK Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 2, 2013
    ‹| MoodCompetitive |›

    Dennis had decided to walk alongside Freya. She wondered why he would want to travel so slowly but didn't seem to put much thought into it. She had really given up on trying to understand him. She honestly didn't know why they were friends, the two of them seemingly being polar opposites. Something perfectly exemplified by the way Dennis seemed to enjoy the hustle and bustle of people passing through the streets.

    As they made their way into the arcade, she noticed how empty it seemed. This was a welcome sight, since most days, the arcade was crowded. The two of them got their tokens and Dennis dragged Freya directly toward the DDR machine.
    Well how about it? Let's go.

    For a brief moment, a smile creeped on to her face. Dennis was the only person she knew that could give her a run for her money at this game.

    You're on.

    She smirked. The both put their tokens in the machine and chose their song lineup. The two of them danced for what seemed like an hour, until either of them could barely stand.

    You ready to give up?

    She asked Dennis, barely able to control her breathing in an attempt to appear as if she still had energy.

    Bring it on.
    He panted, she could tell he was just as worn out. They put in another round of tokens and chose a song. About 20 seconds in she couldn't take it anymore and fell flat on her ass. Embarrassed at losing to Dennis, she looked over to see how badly he was beating her. To her surprise, Dennis was hanging off of the support bar, trying his hardest to hit even one correct step. Even though it hurt, Freya attempted to hold back laughter at the ridiculous display the two must have been to the other arcade goers.
    Okay, let's call it a tie.

    He agreed and the two of them decided to play a sit-in shooter, to rest their legs.
  17. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007


    WEATHERCLOUDY, COLD 34°! ✖『DATE & TIME』 12/27/2015 - ???AM ✖『DAY』 07

    From Maria:
    Hey! We haven't done anything
    in some time. We should get
    together soon. Maybe check
    out Oliver's band thing or
    something? Let me know.

    To Maria:
    Band thing?
    Hanging out sounds fun!! Maybe we can go to the mall?

    The details were sorted out between them and it was settled! They would be meeting each other at the nearby mall for some quality girl time ... or something. Noëlle wasn't exactly sure ... it wasn't that she disliked Maria or anything, but their friendship had kind of fallen into oblivion after two years ago ... She was excited to be seeing her again, but she didn't really want to leave Bryan, if she were honest!

    They hadn't spoken to each other since Christmas night, which worried her, of course. She chalked it up to either hating her or not feeling well, and left a brief 'I'm sorry' note slid under his bedroom door before leaving for the day.

    A bus was taken straight to the mall and once she got there, she settled down in the foodcourt and pulled out her cell phone again.

    To Maria:
    You here yet? I'm in the food court next to the WacDonalds.

  18. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    Dennis was quite glad that Freya decided to go with the DDR machine. The two of them couldn't agree on much at times, or at least it seemed that way, but if there was one thing that they could agree on, it'd be DDR. The two stepped on their machines and started dancing their entire beings out. While the game was fun on its own, when it was played with Freya it took on a whole new form. It was more like friendly competition than anything else, but competition was competition nonetheless.

    It took every bit of his tenacious soul to not yield to Freya, because that gal could DDR. By the end of who knows how many songs he was ridiculously exhausted, and it seemed like Freya was the same way. Neither was backing down at that point and as such they continued to dance to the next song until it was clear that both of them were completely drained. He started laughing, along with a bit of wheezing from his exhaustion, at the scenario. "Tie it is."

    It took a good amount of effort to keep standing up but eventually he was able to and helped Freya to her feet. The two of them agreed that probably a less physically draining game would be a good idea and as such they sat down at a sit-in shooter game.

    This game was part of a long running series of killing zombies called Mansion of The No Longer Living. It was a bit of a mouthful to say but it was still a classic across all arcades everywhere. The two inserted their tokens and got straight to the zombie killing.

    The lead up to entering the mansion was calm enough. Just some simple backstory and exchange between character dialogue. Right before getting into the mansion, though, there was a surprise attack a few zombies. Simple enough to take out the gang walks into the mansion, where the game picks up at an alarming rate. The entire foyer is just filled to the brim with zombies in a mass of writing dead walkers. It took a lot of jolly co-operation and taking a few hits here and there but the two did manage to clear the entire foyer, only for the floor to collapse beneath them.

    The two had walked through a desolate basement until, of course, more zombies. These ones were fewer in number but took way more bullets to kill than the standard zombie. After killing some of these bigger types and continuous walking the duo eventually made it to a staircase, that was of course, flooded with weaker yet numerous amounts of zombies. After more bullets were pumped into these undead freaks they walked down the stairs to get into some weird circular room that was eerily glowing. After a bit of walking and dialogue exchange a massive boss type behemoth looking zombie burst out of the floor.

    After much shooting and effort the behemoth did the both of them in. Really bosses in these types of games were meant to be stupidly hard and Dennis didn't mind it any. He wasn't exactly the greatest at these games though he had no idea how Freya was feeling about it. "So wanna go play a game of skee ball or go for another round?"
  19. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    From: Noëlle
    Band thing? Hanging out sounds fun!!
    Maybe we can go to the mall?

    To: Noëlle
    Some sort of audition for a band
    He wants to start. Mall sounds fun.
    Meet there? See you soon.

    Maria smiled at the text and shut computer. She pocketed her phone and looked around her closet for her red heels. For once, she had taken to dawning on a pair of slim fitting jeans. Her feet slid into the heels and she grabbed her white peacoat. Maria gave EAP a kiss atop his head and he stirred on the bed. She smiled down at him sweetly before ruffling his fur and heading out the door.

    Maria tossed her purse over her shoulder and made her way down the four flights of stairs to her Jetta. The mall would be fun. Some time with Noëlle would help take her mind off the overwhelming feelings building inside her from Tucker. They hadn't really done anything together in a long time. Even that night last week fell like an eternity ago. Her feelings for Noëlle had mostly evaporated, but it didn't change how much she enjoyed spending time with her -- when she was willing to actually be real with her and not super fake. The music played softly through the speakers and she let the soothing jazz melodies fill her the entire way to the mall.

    When she got there, the parking lot was packed and the halls were even more full. Everyone was doing their after Christmas sale shopping. Maria stopped to look in various shop windows and found this one hippy-ish shop called Earthbound Trades with ornately decorated masks in the window. They were interesting. She would have to stop in there with Noëlle later. Perhaps she could turn her New Year's party into a masquerade or something ... Her phone beeped and she pulled it out to see a new message.

    From: Noëlle
    You here yet? I'm in the food
    court next to the WacDonalds.

    She laughed to herself and rounded the corner. The food court came into clear view and she could see the familiar long flowing red hair sitting at one of the tables. She smiled and replied while closing the distance.

    To: Noëlle
    Aha. Yeah just a sec.
    I see you now.

    She pressed send and dropped her phone into her purse. It was going to be a complete Maria and Noëlle day. No outside distractions, hopefully. She came to a stop next to the table and sat down across from her. "Hey there," she greeted the red head. Maria set her purse on the floor between her feet and smiled at the other girl. "You didn't wait long did you?"
  20. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves

    { m u s i c }
    [ divine comedy ]

    << Breakfast. >>

    A familiar, tired voice rung out from the nearby hallway. Malgré, that ridiculous nurse no older than seventeen years, slowly opened the door and poked his lanky head in. His attention briefly turned to Erik, gasped and exasperated at his presence, but he looked away and pretended not to see this sudden transgression of visiting hours. He slipped by Erik and Julius as they read Fatime's note, placing a tray of food on Julius' bedside table.

    He went up and glared at Fatime. She leered back at him from inside her bear cave of blankets as he walked slowly over to her with a tray of food. << Ya little punk-faced smashbang ... >> He muttered, as he placed the food on her table. Fatime immediately scribbled something on the remainder of her menu and pulled at his sleeve.

    << DANG. FREAKIN' CROCKHEADS. >> He pulled aside and grabbed the note out of her fingers.

    << I need some more white paper and some pen or marker that can show up on black paper.
    Thank you. >>

    Malgré crumpled up the paper and mumbled an "aiight, whatever."

    << Fatime, is there something wrong with your voice box? >>

    What in the world! Fatime flew back a bit under her blanket and popped her head out like a frustrated rabbit.

    << Y-- Yeah, >> The idiot nurse thought he could reply without being spoken to. She picked up her pillow again. << She can talk but she acts like a ran-stankin' freakin' mute--OOF >> Malgré flew forward as the thick pillow hit his back. He grumbled and got out of the room as fast as he could.

    There was nothing wrong! She could-- could speak. She could sing! Right, right. But not to people like him! They -- what would they say? Nonsense! Why waste energy getting other people to try and understand you when you could use other words to speak for you? Languages were built on that, right? Fatime's heart pounded at this question.

    << A-- >> She tried to begin, her voice trembling violently--

    << What do you think about the musical? >>

    The build-up in Fatime's lungs petered out and she retreated back to her blankets.
    She opened the origami book and read a bit, trying to hear the conversation at the back of her mind.
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