❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves

    { m u s i c }
    [ east of eden ]

    When Noelle entered, Fatime relegated herself back to her seat. A quick exchange of smiles led to Fatime desperately attempting to widen her crooked mouth, and she wasn't quite sure if it worked out as nicely as she wanted to. Alas. Lucas was quiet, and the presence of an unknown variable in the room returned the heavy weight to Fatime's throat. Even if she were able to quote something; even if she did have some reading material, she would nary say a peep in the exchange between these two.
    She set Julius' phone back on the bedside stand, and looked away from the older student wracked with well-contained worry looking over the sleeping lion. Her ears cleanly filtered in the contents of their conversation, and to Fatime's immediate surprise, Julius was able to struggle out a few replies in response.
    Fatime breathed a gentle sigh of relief, but otherwise, attempted to make sure she could not be seen or acknowledged in this little affair. There was at least someone who could make that man smile ...
    When the room was empty again, save for the sleeping Professor beyond the curtain, Fatime was again left alone in her bed. Without her tablet, she had no means of contacting the others; not like she really bothered getting most of their numbers, anyway. She tossed herself around on her bed and turned to look out at the window.
    The moonlight shimmered coldly; strings of icy light curled through the weak glass frame and shrouded her room in a ghostly tenebrae, keeping the corners far and the space low. The voicelessness of a winter night crept spiderlike into it, intertwining its fingers with the vivid mechanical hums of medical machinery and the rumbling growls of Julius' peaceful sleep beyond the veil. Fatime tugged the blankets closer to her and curled into a ball of tiring reticence, at last turning her gaze towards the black gift Lucas had given her before gently falling into a deep sleep.
    - - - -
    Torvald sort of hated breakfast because there was too much meat and not enough veggies. For the entirety of the day he tried looking around to figure out where in the world the butler went to tell him about the poor Professor until he eventually discovered he went to look for him in the hospital anyway.
    Alas. He would have to save the announcements for tomorrow ...
    Torvald sat back on the couch and fell asleep faster than you could say "Leninism" ten times fast.
  2. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    Saxima isn't home right now and is on her phone, she is sorry for the inconvenience, and all characters are placed to sleep; locations and situations to be elaborated on tomorrow. Thanks.
  3. SynK Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 2, 2013

    ‹| MoodConfused |›

    Freya looked across the table at Tucker, she didn't remember much of her morning, in fact she didn't even remember getting here, but there he was. Two cups of coffee were sitting on the table, hers, a dark roast with not much in the way of cream or sugar, she liked the bitter taste. It was a mystery what Tucker had ordered, she was curious about it, but felt it would be a waste of time to ask. After a few minutes of silently sipping her coffee and avoiding eye contact, Tucker broke the silence.

    There was something you wanted to talk to me about..

    His voice showing hints of curiosity, kindness, and worry. She could tell he was concerned, even if she hadn't given him specifics, he was ready to be there for her. This is why she liked him, he was so different from her, he really cared about people, about her, his friends. She wished she could be more like him. She wished she could make herself care. She wanted to be a person in whom other people could confide, and find empathy.

    I wanted to know..I wanted to know what you think of me.
    This wasn't what she'd meant, but she couldn't just blurt out that she'd quietly been falling in love with him since the day they'd first met. She wanted to just yell out her feelings, all at once. She knew she never could, it would be weird, strange, if just, all of a sudden, the girl who had never showed any outward interest in him, confessed that she loved him.

    What do I think of you? Like, as a person, as a friend? As a student, musician? You gotta be more specific.

    He laughed a bit as he talked, his smile lighting up his face. She knew he was just playing with her, she knew, or at least, she thought he knew what she meant. But she would go along with it, if it had been anyone else she would have barked at them for wasting her time, but this was time being spent with him. Even something as irritating as an artificially lengthened conversation was bearable. More than bearable, she wanted it. She loved his voice, every tone, every phoneme. She wondered why, what about him was different? Was he actually different from everyone else, or was she just telling herself he was? She reached for her coffee so she would have something to fumble with.

    As...a girl.

    She said, looking off to the side. As if to hide the words that she'd said, she held her coffee just above her mouth, the aroma of the roasted beans calming her, ever so slightly. Would he understand, at this point she didn't know if he really did. Why couldn't she just ask him if he would be interested in her? Maybe she was afraid of what he would say. The past few years of her life were devoted to the thought of being with him, countless nights she would lay in bed and imagine their life together. What if he rejected her?

    She had a plan for that. She knew there was a chance she could make him love her. Her hand slowly moved into her pocket. At least, she wanted to believe it. She didn't know if something like this would work. She began to fiddle with the container she kept on her. It was something out of a story book, a love potion? She'd seen this type of thing in movies, and on TV. But like zombies, werewolves, vampires, aliens...she knew it couldn't be real. But what if it was? As she played with the vial, her attention became more and more focused on it. Could everything else she thought was just fantasy be real? Does the tooth fairy exist? Her train of thought was interrupted.

    I don't know what you mean? Like, do I think you're 'girly'? Or something more than that? I think you're quiet, you never talk much, or really hang out with friends, but I think you're nice on the inside. You just need to come out of your shell more often.
    He said, with reassurance in his voice. She had trouble paying attention to his words, as she ran her thumb around the soft grommet of rubber that kept it sealed. She couldn't dodge around the question anymore, she had to be direct. It was ironic, the one thing she wished of everyone else, being straightforward, was something she, herself, couldn't do at this moment.
    I..I meant-as in...dating..wise.
    The sounds around her grew quieter, as the gentle pressure of her fingers running against the glass grew louder. She had to stop. Could Tucker hear it? He must, by this point the soft squeaking was as loud as the cars passing by. She had to stop. In her mind's eye she was seeing the vial. The sound becoming louder by the second, a steady squeaking, back and forth, back and forth. Tucker smiled for a moment, she could barely focus on his face.

    She could barely make out what he was saying, the squeaking getting louder and drowning him out. He sounded muffled, far away. It was awful, painful, the sound. She couldn't bear to listen to it, but she couldn't stop it. Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Please stop. Stop it. Stop doing this.
    Please, tell me, I can't hear you. Tucker...
    Her own words seemed to get drowned out, she knew what she was saying, but the incessant squeaking made her doubt he could hear her. Why wasn't he aware, could he not hear it?
    She was on the verge of tears, between her inability to hear him, and the insanity she felt herself slipping into from the sound. Oh, the sound, she felt like it might make her explode. She needed to vomit, she couldn't take it anymore. Anything to stop it, even death itself would be welcome, if it stopped the horrible sound. She had to get out, she had to do something. She tried to stand up, but she couldn't move, she was paralyzed. Held in place by some force she couldn't see or feel. She-
    Freya woke up to the sound of her alarm clock. Beep Beep Beep Beep Her hand, still holding the potion. She lay there for a moment and held it up to the light. What was this thing? This supposedly magical thing. Would it work? She needed to know. She had to try something. She flung her alarm across the room, unplugging it as it flew. She stood up and swiftly walked to the bathroom and began getting ready. She was quick, precise, forceful in every way. But she was not angry. No, this was something else. Something she'd not felt in a long time. She was confident.
  4. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    How long was Sean going to be out of town? It was well past Christmas and his scruffy (Tucker liked to use this term on him because he reminded him of a dog sometimes) friend still wasn't back at the shelter. Thank goodness his alarm woke him up on time and he went to the shelter immediately because there were a couple mouths to feed.

    He placed the final empty food bowl in the sink and began to rinse his hands. He peeked at his wrist watch, he was really pressed on time. He still had to go over to the cafe and meet up with Freya like he promised. He turned off the sink and wiped his hands dry with the towel on the counter. Alright. He really had to leave. The animals practically followed him out, still wanting to play, but he simply told them he would be back later and that Sean would be arriving soon (or so he hoped).

    He didn't even have time to put his coat on so he ran into the street, and hopped into his car quickly. A shiver ran down his spine as he started his car. The harsh cold of the winter was as strong as ever. He drove slowly and carefully to the cafe, sending text messages when he stopped at a stop light.

    To: Sean
    Dude, where are you? You said
    you would be back soon!

    The light changed from red to green as he hit send and he turned into the next street where he parked his car. Now, he put his coat on and then walked out of the car, locking it behind him. The cafe was just a pedestrian crossing away. He rubbed his hands together quickly and walked over there. He greeted the girl behind the counter but didn't order anything yet. He looked around for the one he was meeting with but she didn't seem to be there yet. He took a seat by an empty table for two and decided to wait. He pulled out his phone to send her a text,

    To: Freya
    Hey Freya! I'm at the cafe already.
    No rush, just wanted to let you
    know! : ) I'll wait for you before
    I go order something so we can
    just go together he he
  5. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves

    { m u s i c }
    [ divine comedy ]

    << Wake up ya scrawny dolt. >>

    Fatime's eyes fluttered open and she saw Malgré's chalky, boyish face staring her down with an angry gaze. What an unpleasant nurse this boy was ... how and why did an institution such as this one decide to hire him? Fatime was quiet as she scowled menacingly while she met his gaze. The hospital air was still thick with the smell of stagnant medicine, and by now her eyes had etched the familiar image of this room into her mind.

    Malgré's face turned a splotchy red -- it was prone to doing that, and he was very much described as the blushy-blushy type as if he were perpetually anaphlyactic ... -- and narrowed his eyes. << Y--you're-- what even! I don't know what the bozo head honchos gotta be thinkin' to hole me up with such a squiddle-diddly mute-faced twerk like you--AIEE>>

    Malgré stuck a pose in mid-air as he dodged a pillow Fatime sent rocketing his way. It hit the wall behind him with a soft thud and slid down to the yellowing tiles.

    Fatime giggled.

    << G--gobshite! I ain't foolin! I-- I j--just a--and and the --the just I-- >> Malgré hunched himself and leered at the sour-faced girl sitting in her bed. << W--with the f--f--f--f-- god freaking pillows you crazy ol' rag! Fornication! >> He slapped his knee with a loud thwack like a banjo-playing Appalachian.

    Malgré sighed. << You imp. J-just-- breakfast. What do you want for it ... >> He scratched his head in disgruntlement like a quirky boorish chimp, quickly looking towards Julius' bed in order to leave as soon as possible.

    Fatime rolled off on her side and picked up a paper she had crumpled up next to Lucas' gift. Placing it on her lap and smoothing it out, she carefully pointed at the words "COURSE TWO" written neatly in black ink. Malgré rose his eyebrows and slowly nodded his head like an erudite dilettante.
    << Same as always. Got it, ya ol' spring. Aiight, I--I--I'm out. >> He lurched away, pointing two thumbs up at Fatime like he thought he was cool or something ridiculous. Fatime groaned under her breath.

    She laid back on her bed and looked at the big black present Lucas had left for her. Black was such a peculiar colour for him to choose ... it certainly wasn't her favourite, nor his, and she knew well enough that Lucas was very much for meanings. Fatime bit her lip. Whatever could this particular wrapping paper mean?

    In the light of the morning, Fatime held the present close to her as she unwrapped it carefully. And to her surprise, she gasped as she picked up the gifts: a new tablet, many sheets of black paper, and a thick tome on origami.

    Releasing Paper Cranes From the Cage of Your Heart; an Origami Guide by Murasaki Tori.

    Save for the white text, the book was entirely a deep, byzantine purple. What an appropriately mundane title ... this book seemed like an old translation. Fatime's face was flat, but her eyes were like stars; she had a new book to read ...
  6. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes ♫ Mood» ♫ Character Theme ♫ Date: 12/27/2015 Day: 1/3 ♫
    Location » Home/Walking ♫ OOC: ♫
    Seraphina rose out of bed, the windows shut, curtains closed. She was in a foul mood. The Holidays were still going on, and she was all alone, in a house full of maids and house keepers she felt like she was the only person in the world. She paced around her room, she thought she was really starting to lose her mind. She just needed to take a walk or something. She hurried about her room, getting dressed and fixing her hair. She just needed some fresh air. Being inside all day must've been doing something to her. Or it was the lack of social interaction. She hurried out into the winter snow, feeling the air brush her skin lightly. She walked on the sidewalk and looked around, children playing in the snow.
    She sighed and wished she could join them. She walked around her neighbor hood, seeing as she had nothing better to do. As she kept walking, houses seemed to start getting smaller and smaller. Why was she all alone? Why did her parents go on vacation with her sister instead of her. She had worked so hard to be someone her parents could be proud of, just to be brushed aside. It made her mad but she kept it inside. She didn't need to think about it. She could bottle up her emotions so tightly that she could still smile and pretend nothing was bothering her. She walked along and tried to clear her head. She shouldn't be out alone, but she didn't care.
    She just wanted to walk, walk and walk and never come back. She sighed. She didn't even know what she was doing anymore. She took a deep breath. And found herself at a park. Now she remembered the way she came, but she sat down on the bench anyway. She was sort of cold, but not really. She looked around, it was so nice in the winter. Blankets of white pure snow on the ground, ice skating.... she remembered having so much fun with her family during the winter time... what did she do wrong? She sighed again, feeling the snow under her boots. She hummed to herself, watching as the snow felt. It wasn't like she had anything better to do. It was probably better then studying all day. Or just sitting alone. She looked up at the bright morning sky and took a deep breath. It was really beautiful today
  7. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    (*) Home (*) Mood: Content (*) Music (*) Outfit (*) OOC: (*)
    Alex's morning began as it normally would. He got up and headed towards the bathroom to shower . The shower's waters soon stopped as he stepped out to dry of and change. Once he was fully clothed, he exited and headed downstairs for some breakfast. Since he was feeling in the mood for cereal, he went ahead and opened the refrigerator and checked the milk. Not much to his surprise, it was a few says past it's expatriation date. Oh course she would forget to check the date. So instead of eating cereal like he'd planned, he made himself a quick PB&J sandwich before heading out.
    His current destination being unknown to himself, he tried to think of something to do as he walked. The first thing that came to hang out with Natalie. Since they never did talk at the party like she wanted to, so he decided to text Natalie to see if she wanted to hang out today.

    While he waited for a response, he had ended up in front of a flower shop. He stood there for a few seconds pondering whether or not to go in. While he's never had a particular interest in flowers, they were still something nice to look at from time to time. So with a shrugged of his shoulders, he decided to head inside the building.
  8. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» Ecstatic Character Theme
    Location » Nat's House OOC:

    Vega, everyone's favorite sister of Estelle, saw the boy come into the store. "Oh, hello today." She said. "You wouldn't happen to be a friend of my sister's would you? Her name is Estelle. Ya high, black hair? Something like that." She asked. "Sorry if I'm not making much sense, but anyway, you look around her age, maybe a bit younger, I thought you were a friend from school or something. Anyway, I'm Vega, her older sister." Vega explained. "If you need something let me know." She said, going back to her phone to text Estelle about this.
    Estelle woke up with a start, feeling her phone vibrate in her pocket. She rubbed her eyes, looking at it and sitting up in bed.

    To: Estelle
    From: Vega
    Hey, there's a cute boy in the shop today, is he one of your friends or something? Haha you didn't tell me about this. Lol I'm just teasing. Hope you're having fun at your friends house.

    Estelle read the text. Oh no. She probably already scared the poor kid off. She was sort of tempted to go home and check it out, but she didn't want to leave her new friend to clean up her sisters mess. She sighed.
    To: Vega
    From: Estelle
    No, whoever it is isn't my friend, you probably already scared him off so if he sticks around to buy anything give the poor guy it for free I can't even imagine what idiotic nonsense came out of your mouth.

    She closed her phone, sighing. She looked over at Nat. She didn't want to bug her. "Erg... Nat." She said, pushing her gently, hoping she wasn't interrupting a dream. "Since you invited me over here, I think that maybe you should come by... and something is kind of going on over there... so... umm..." She stuttered
    "Umm... would you like to come over to my house?" She asked her. "It's ok if you don't want to... and I won't leave if you can't, but I think my sister has gotten herself in some trouble..." She said. "Of course I don't want to cause you any trouble either." She said quickly. "I was just wondering..."
  9. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    "Hey....still fiddling around with that thing?"
    "Yeah...practice makes perfect after all!"
    "....not the way your practicing...
    "Your real negative when it comes to me and my guitar"
    "My bad, just having far too hard of a time finding the allure of music like you do"
    "Julius...Music is-"
    "yeah yeah...I know, a way to express your soul or something"
    "My my! I'm surprised with your answer...but no...true music is like that to others, but for me its a way to truly make people happy"
    "You heard me...seeing the emotions caused by the music...being able to have a person find happiness in something I created...that's why I love music....I love to make people smile..."
    "I don't get it..."
    "You'll get it eventually...but now its time to get off that lazy butt of yours"
    The dream had come to an end all to suddenly. Strength has slowly begun to flow back to the man and the rest he was taking was doing it job quite well. Sleep was a peaceful thing and Julius took pleasure in it for now, but a sudden noise was caught by the ears of Julius and the man instantly twitched upon hearing the noise that would awaken him from his slumber and end his dream.

    For the man that always loved to sleep in whenever he could, this noise wasn't something that Julius really liked. Unable to stand anymore of it Julius merely let out a groan. "Oi...could you keep it down" Julius said before sitting up. His body ached and the man cringed from the sudden pain, but Julius realized he couldn't just lay around forever and just sat up with a sigh. "trying to sleep here and-" Julius began to say but paused instantly before noticing just who was in the room with him.

    His eye widened instantly and the sheer moment made him instantly forget about the uncovered eye of his. "hey! girly are you hurt?" Julius said in almost a panic as he immediately face palmed soon after "...of course she is hurt...thats why she is in the hospital dumbass..." Julius muttered silently before staring back at Fatime "how bad is it? anything broken?" Julius said worried. The sheer guilt of it all was eating him up and with the pain he wasn't able to truly think straight at the moment.
  10. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves

    { m u s i c }
    [ divine comedy ]

    Eeeek! Did-- who was--
    Fatime hid beneath her blankets and poked her head out at the direction of the voice. Julius! What was this dolt doing up like this? He was still in an extremely grave condition! Fatime's cheeks flushed crimson in a mix of annoyance and embarrassment. What if he was hurt? He could be hurt beyond reason! Fatime, you buffoon, you were making him worry ...

    She groaned, under the bed, and kicked the blanket off of her back. The room was chilly in the winter afternoon, and the light felt colder than it usually was. Julius was speaking to her, what-- what was she-- ack, this Professor ...

    She fumbled around with the origami book and flipped to a random page.

    << "私は右に鳥を折ると思います -- I think I fold the bird towards the right--" >> She stopped her tongue, that wasn't right! Fatime knocked herself on the head. She couldn't -- this book was useless for quoting things!! Fatime let out a deep sigh as she rushed around trying to think of another way to communicate. Her heart pounded quickly, and her head was throbbing. The medication left her a bit dizzy, even in the early morning.

    Wait, the paper! She grabbed a thin sheet of the black paper and -- ugh, she needed something to write with! She turned back on her side towards the nearby desk to find that crumpled up breakfast menu with the black pen, and upon grabbing it, she tore off a small slip from the menu itself.

    Deftly, she wrote:

    << I am fine, I worry more about your health.
    Are you feeling well? Noelle is very worried, but it does not seem everyone else is aware yet ...
    This is not turning out to be a pleasant New Year, is it, professor?
    If you may, do you have a non-black writing utensil on your person? >>

    She placed the note on the side and began folding the black sheet of origami paper into an airplane with her nimble fingers. Slipping the note into the slit between the wings, she curled herself backward and threw the plane towards Julius--

    He was looking right at her with that curious, wise look, and even without his eyepatch, Fatime felt a great claw of judgment upon her shoulders. She tried to repress a shiver, but that may have just been from the chill, or maybe the medicine.
  11. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    It was a dawn of a new day. One that seemed to be quite different than the last ones, for no particular reason. He just felt like it was. Regardless he got out of bed after destroying his alarm "clock" once more. Getting out of bed he walked around his place and looked at the mirror. At this point he was wearing nothing but his bedtime boxer shorts and decided he should probably fix that. That and his unkempt bed head hair as well. Going over to his dresser he looked through pulling out clothing after clothing trying to find his perfect winter outfit for the day. His search finally stopped when he pulled out the perfect pair of pants, black jeans, and the perfect long sleeve shirt, just plain old white. This was good. He looked at his TV and smiled and nodded at it. It was perfect just the way it was at the moment. Next on his agenda, now that he had clothing to wear, was fixing his hair, which took all of two seconds by just patting it down with his hands.

    Next up on his list was food. Specifically the kind to eat. Even more specifically the kind people eat. Though he was always willing to broaden his horizons and try and get a different species perspective on food. Regardless he walked over to his refrigerator and looked over what was in there. His eyes scanned around until it looked at the food meant for all living beings...except for those that didn't eat it for whatever strange reason. This food was nothing short of the most delicious stuff, better the best stuff on earth, better than the better than the best stuff on earth. This food was none other than...bacon. While he was preparing his bacon the man looked over at his interesting Calendar and saw that it was a couple days after Christmas. What a day that was last night. Well really it was just aimless wandering and much ham eating. But it was still a wonderful holiday for him nonetheless. The man absently mindedly made his bacon, but make it he did.

    Whilst happily munching on that crispy meat gifted to mankind by the gods, he decided he needed something to drink as well. Cafes were a good place to go and get things to drink, if he recalled correctly. As such he put on his footwear and took the "express" way out of his place. He simply went about town looking at all the snowy wonderland all around him. How the man enjoyed the snow, in all of its carefree descent through the world. Always going wherever the wind took it. And always sitting down wherever it wished to. No one ever questioning it, it just fell. Eventually he rolled into the cafe, attracting something looks as he did such and went over to the clerk. After acquiring some coffee for himself he sat himself down at an empty table. The man simply sat back and enjoyed watching all of everyone pass by. This man was, of course, none other than Evan Allen Walker.
  12. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves


    { 1 4 : 3 0 }

    When Torvald had left the Bennett residence in the early morning, he had noticed it was eerily quiet.
    Even for such a large, disgusting waste of good working class capital and labour there, that was certain, but -- not a rustle, nor a chime, absolutely nothing. It was true, it was, that most of them had left by the time he remained, and he let himself stay to allow some conversation with the butler proletarian who served to be the only interesting component of the archaic Gothic relic, but not even his soothing voice was present.

    So Torvald emptied the deserted house without a word, and kept his dismay deep in his heart. The Girl in Watercolours still had its many performances ahead, and he had enough time to ready himself for a performance that would shatter the petticoats of Capitalist pigs as the boot straps of infinite workers marched on towards the sky! It would be glorious ... it would be a truly infinite revolution!

    Torvald got up from his seat and struck a pose.
    The bus lurched a bit forward and he almost stumbled, quickly catching himself.

    << What're you doing ... >>

    Torvald whipped his head back with a menacing gaze. A foolish young boy who dangled his legs from the seat like it was every day at the candy store! Dissent and revolution! Torvald gasped dramatically and shoved a palm to his chest, narrowing his eyes.

    << Young child of the future! Is it not to say that you have never had drama in your life? >>

    The boy curled his lower lip and averted his gaze. << Weirdo! >> He giggled. << I don't want no drama in my life-->>

    << ARE YOU A STANK CAPITALIST BOOT?! >> Torvald almost collapsed to the floor, continuing to peer at this intrepid and sinister devil of a young boy with his bright blue eyes. From the corner of his vision he thought he saw the bus driver gazing at him unexpectedly.

    Oh. Right.
    He cleared his throat, and adjusted his tie, before getting up from the floor and sitting back in his seat. Torvald leaned his head back and yawned.

    << Pardon me ... I was practicing for a musical. I am in theatre. >> He nonchalantly whipped out his phone to check the time.

    << No way! >> The boy's face flushed in amazement. << That's so cool! >>

    Torvald looked back at him suspiciously. The boy's legs dangled at an even faster rate.

    << Can you do impressions? >>

    Torvald raised his eyebrows and mouthed in silence. << Well, well I don't-- >>

    << Do a Snoop Dogg impression! >>

    Torvald gagged.
    His life was one never-ending impression of clowning and tomfoolery.

    << I'm busy, apologies to you kid. >> He turned back to his phone, rifling through the Fortissimo boards to see if anything was happening in the beginning of the semester.

    << Awwwwwww ... come on, come ooooooon! You were just dancin' 'round like a weirdo a minute ago! You're pretty good! >>

    Torvald looked back at the boy.

    << At being a weirdo! >> The boy gave off a wide toothy grin, pocketed with two or three gaps.

    Insolence! Torvald would not stand for this mockery! So he rose from his seat with a vicious expression, as the boy gazed at him with a mix of amusement slowly morphing into uncertainty.

    Torvald cleared his throat.
    << REVOLUTION >>

    << WHEN THE P-- >>

    << We have arrived at Belvedere Avenue and West Street. >>
    << // REVOLUTION >>

    Torvald deflated.
    Alas. He re-adjusted his tie and waved to the boy, offering a second-hand apology as he stepped out of the bus and tried to keep out the boy's disgruntled whines. What was that kid doing alone on the bus anyway? Ugh ... Torvald rubbed the back of his head and looked at his phone.

    Huh ... what's this?
    That man Oliver had posted something in the Student Portal. Torvald took a quick read through it as he walked forward upon the sidewalk.

    The early afternoon shone thick lights through a cloudy valley above, and common vagrants rushed to and fro, busy with their day to day lives even in the winter, lending a nutty warmth to the quaint atmosphere of the city's west end. The buildings were squat and stocky, angular and wet with fatigue, windows ornate and shop roofs crumbling, and everything set into a blank verdigris of European charm. The sidewalks by the main roads were mildly cobbled, and the streets were a shopping and food extravaganza. Torvald would have ordinarily disliked being among the disgusting bourgeois headquarters of the Belvedere neighbourhood, even if it was this close to Fortissimo to the point of being considered a "college hangout", as it were, but today he just wanted some freaking coffee.

    Torvald decided to send a quick e-mail to Oliver, confirming a suspicion of his.

    He walked forward a bit more a looked upward at a deep crimson sign reading "THE ROSE & JUNIPER". Ah, this would be good enough. He entered the blocky little building with the wide windows as the fresh smell of chamomile and rich coffee filled his nostrils.

    Torvald gruffly paid for some black coffee and took a seat by a boy who seemed to ... emanate fabulous radiance. He held his breath, closing his eyes for a moment. It was that man.

    He gently sat down in front of Evan, sipping his coffee by the window.

    << By Marx's beard! I have not seen you in a while. You have habitually disappeared on us, and I am surprised you did not lend your talents to a massive part in the musical. >>

  13. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    " AND SO IT BEGINS... "
    Erik laced his boots and slipped on his gloves before exiting his two - bedroom apartment. He had seen the news and called the hospital to confirm on the accident. Most of yesterday was spent dreading over the fact that here was an accident to begin with. He also had errands to run which kept him from making the stop that he wished for. Julius was in the hospital and so was little Fatime Cygnette. Erik had her in one class and she also helped out with the musical. They all needed to get back to the rehearsals for the other showings, but visiting Julius came first. Not to mention, something needed to be done about the lack of a director.

    He stopped at a floral shop on the way, picking up an arrangement for the child -- nothing for Julius. Erik would probably take him out for drinks or something after he got better; to celebrate his good health. He wasn't sure what Fatime would like, but the large vase contained an arrangement of daffodils, violets, and daisies. Some baby's breath was added to accent the other flowers and he paid the shopkeeper before leaving.

    Erik set the vase on the floor of the passenger side of the car, not wanting it to tip over and spill out its contents. He drove in silence on the way to the hospital. The details on the news report were obscure. They said that investigation on the matter was still underway and would know more at a later date. Maybe Julius could tell him a thing or two about what went down. He hummed softly to himself, realizing that he hadn't really done much piano playing lately. Maybe once he goes home... Erik came to a stop at a red light and glanced down at the radio. The LCD display read that the time was 2:30. What did he spend his morning doing that he couldn't have left sooner? Jeez. He felt like a lazy bum lately. They really needed to get back to practice so he wouldn't be so demotivated. Not to mention he had lesson plans to work on for the spring semester.

    The drive wasn't too long and after parking on the north side of the building, Erik headed into the hospital. He stopped at the reception desk upon entry to find out where Julius and Fatime were. As it turned out, they happened to be sharing a room. He was surprised that the girl hadn't been sent to pediatrics being that she was under eighteen, but perhaps there had been a special request for them to share a room? He made his way up to the fourth floor, scanning the numbers with his brown eyes as he went. There were small signs underneath the numbers with last names posted on them. He came to a stop reading one that was labeled:

    Menon, J.
    Cygnette, F.

    That had to be their room. He gave the door a light knock before turning the handle and stepping inside. Erik smiled at the pair of them. They seemed to be awake, which was good. "Afternoon," he greeted, setting the flowers down on the table beside Fatime's bed. "Flowers for the lady. As for you," he glanced at Julius, "Nothing until after you get better." Erik took a seat in a large chair in the corner. He fiddled with his visitor badge for a moment and peeled off his jacket. "How are you feeling?" he asked the both of them. Erik shoved his gloves in his back pocket and leaned forward. They at least looked better than the news made it sound. That was typical. News reporters always expressed the worst in any given situation. There was never anything positive on.
  14. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    Ace was looking forward to this trip. He's never been on a trip like this and has been dreaming on going on a big trip since he was 10 years old. This would also be his first time away from his parents and his two younger, annoying brothers (9 and 12), and it really excited him.

    It was a cool summer morning and the day of his departure to a town called Candlewood. His parents were dropping him off there and wanted to be there between 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM. It was about a three-hour drive, so they wanted to leave no later than 9:30 AM.

    It was 6:26 AM and Ace was just waking up. He watched TV for about 30 minutes while he was waking up and then hopped in the shower. He knew that in a few hours he would be leaving, so, out of excitement, he started singing in the shower. About 10 minutes later he hopped out of the shower and brushed his teeth. He then went in his bedroom and picked out clothes to wear on his first day -- he wanted to make a good first impression. He then went back into the bathroom to comb his hair and trim and unnecessary hanging hair away.

    Getting ready took another 10 minutes now, so it was now 7:16 AM. He went down to the kitchen and got himself a bowl of Cocoa Puffs, his favorite cereal. After he ate, he brushed his teeth again. He was so focused on looking nice that he didn't even think about breakfast when he first brushed them.

    It was now 7:28 AM and Ace still had about two hours before he left, so he decided to check the sites he visits on the Internet and see what was new on there. There wasn't a lot interesting stuff, so he was only on there for about 30 minutes. He decided to use the remaining one hour and 30 minutes to make progress on a game he had been playing because he knew he would not be able to take it with him.

    It was now 9:03 AM and his parents told him that he needed to find a save spot soon. He said he just needed to defeat this boss he was on, which took no longer than 15 minutes; it was now 9:18 AM. He saved his game and turned off the game console. He then gathered all of the belongings he was taking, such as suitcases, which took about five minutes. It was now 9:23 AM and him and everyone were ready. They packed everything in the back of their SUV and left for Candlewood!
  15. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Mood: slightly miffed (X)Wearing (X) Music (X) Location: Park (X) OOC: Due to computer losing my Alex post, it'll come later.
    As per usual in his weekends, Shane was pretty much forced out the house and had decided to head towards the park. In truth he would rather stay inside even with the threat that they gave him, but unfortunately he didn't have that luxury, since they always threaten to take away his electronic, which was basically all he did whenever he was home. If they did, then he would be left with no option but to go outside. Quite the predicament that they put him in.
    Upon arrival, he noticed that there was a girl was sitting on the bench. He wasn't expecting anyone else to be here, even though he was at the park. The girl seemed to be just staring up at the sky. Was she watching the snow fall or something? Not that he was going to question he reasoning or anything. Still she's yet to notice him, so many he could say something to here.
    It was worth a shot, so made his way up to the bench towards the girl. When he was within earshot of her, he stopped and waited a moment before speaking. "Enjoying the snow fall?" That was the best that he could come up with at the moment. Fortunately he didn't need to say something overly impressive just o get her attention.
  16. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Evan Allen Walker:
    {~~~Day 7 (2/3)~~~December27th, 2015, Monday~~~Location: Cafe~~~Mood:Comrade!~~~Music~~~Ooc:~~~}

    << By Marx's beard! I have not seen you in a while. You have habitually disappeared on us, and I am surprised you did not lend your talents to a massive part in the musical. >>

    Evan's head popped up at the sound of the man's voice. He didn't actually need to look at the person to affirm who it actually was. There was only one person who could speak like that, so fluently. Nevertheless he popped his head up and looked at the man before him. "Torvy my Marxist Comrade! Man you're right, it's been like ages, or weeks, or some measure of time i'm forgetting since we last saw each other." Evan said this all with his usual exuberance in his voice. He did start to think on the second part of what Torvald said. It was true that he hadn't been around for awhile, and it also was true that he hadn't done anything, including watch, the musical.

    "Oh yeah that musical thing, totally forgot about that." This was not a lie in anyway. Despite being a staple of Fortissimo, the fact that they had a winter musical every year still seemed to allude the colorful figure. Really he always did a different role every year in the musical when he actually remembered it but this year was not one of those. He continued to think on that other part of what Torvald had said. "And about that whole disappearing thing, I had a bit of a out of county things to take care of for most of winter break."

    This was also true. What he did was something he never elaborated on no matter who asked him however. In most scenarios, including this one, it had to do with the side career of his that hardly anyone even knew about. Evan had spent most of his winter break beating the everlasting shit out of people. This was the main way Evan ever got his funds despite living alone, not really getting any financial assistance from his family (not that he ever asked for it) and seemingly having no job. The way Evan used this was by entering in kick boxing tournaments and winning prize money from them. They usually happened out of county so no one ever really saw him do his thing here in Candlewood, he never really told anyone about it because it never came up as a topic of discussion, and it usually wasn't something people expected from him.

    Despite all this Evan looked at Torvald and continued to drink his coffee. "So how did the musical end up going off? Anything happen around here that I missed?" Evan true to nature, and by virtue of not believing in the media, had no real idea what was going on in town whenever he dissipated so he always did like to gain a bit of current events news from people when he did come back.
  17. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes ♫ Mood» ♫ Character Theme ♫ Date: 12/27/2015 Day: 1/3 ♫
    Location » Park ♫ OOC: ♫

    "Enjoying the snow fall?"
    Seraphina was brought out of her daze by someone's voice. She looked up at him, analyzing him. Finally someone to talk to. He looked around her age, and he had dark hair and green eyes. She smiled at him, and put a piece of her hair behind her ear.
    "Yes very much so, I love this time of year." She said, straightening up and looking rather proper. "It's very nice don't you think?" She asked. "Sorry, I haven't properly introduce myself." She said, getting up and fixing her skirt. "My name is Seraphina." She said, putting her hand out for him to shake. "I go to an arts school not very far away from here." She told him. "Would you like to sit down with me?" She asked, smiling at him flirtatiously.
    He didn't seem to be *That* special, but he did have the confidence to come up to her s
    o that was everything in her book. Plus she would give anything for some social interaction. She had been so lonely the past few days all she wanted to do was to make a friend. This was her chance so she had to use her charming personality and good looks. She batted her eye lashes a little bit and tilted her head slightly. She smiled again. This was going to be fun.
  18. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Natalie Williams

    Outfit|Location: Home----> Estelle's house|Music|Mood: Happy|OOC: N/A

    "Erg... Nat." Natalie heard Estelle say, gently waking her up. "Yeah?"

    "Since you invited me over here, I think that maybe you should come by... and something is kind of going on over there... so... umm..." Estelle stuttered.

    "Umm... would you like to come over to my house? It's ok if you don't want to... and I won't leave if you can't, but I think my sister has gotten herself in some trouble... Of course I don't want to cause you any trouble either. I was just wondering..."

    Natalie pondered Estelle's invitation. "Yes, I'd love to go." Before she could say anymore, she heard her phone ring. Natalie reached over, grabbed it, and saw that it was a message from none other than Alex. She quickly typed a response.

    "Anyway, as I was saying, I'd love to go over to your house. Just let me get dressed." Natalie picked up an outfit near her bed and dashed to the bathroom. She wasn't one for changing in front of other girls. While in there, she brushed her teeth, washed her face, and applied stars to her hair. Except they weren't stars, more sparkles that happened to shine like stars and thus appeared to be stars. Natalie gave herself one last check before heading back to the room. "Want some food before we go?" she asked Estelle politely.
  19. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» Ecstatic Character Theme
    Location » Nat's House/FlowerShopHouseHybrid OOC: Btdubs HoT gave me permission to do this XD

    "Yes, I'd love to go."
    Estelle sighed with relief and just smiled.
    "Anyway, as I was saying, I'd love to go over to your house. Just let me get dressed."
    "Ok" Estelle said happily. She fixed up her hair, but she had fallen asleep in her clothes by accident so she didn't really need to do anything with herself.
    "Want some food before we go?"

    Estelle was sort of hungry but she thought they better start to head out. "I'm ok, we better go before something else happens."
    She told her. As they drove down to the store, things were quiet. She parked in the driveway/parking lot and then stepped out of the car, Nat coming with her. She walked into the store and looked around. A boy with blonde hair and green eyes, and then her sister texting and not paying any attention. Based on the text she knew she had already done something bad.
    "Vega I'm home! And I brought my friend Nat!" She said, walking over to the desk. "Now what exactly did you say to this poor boy you probably freaked him out for sure!" She yelled. She looked over to him. "I'm sorry about her, She's not exactly the brightest one in the family." She said, Vega having a look of anger on her face.
    "I am not!" She yelled, and then looked back at her papers.
    She walked over to him. "Sorry about that, don't worry whatever you want to get it's free of charge." She told him.
    "My name is Estelle." She told him. "Again I'm really sorry about her. She just doesn't know how to talk to costumers, that's why we have such little business in the winter. I'm busy with school and she's in charge."
    She explained, looking back over to her. "God help us all." She muttered. She remembered she had been talking so much that it must've been hard to get a word in. "Sorry I don't normally talk for this long." She told him.
  20. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Fatime didn't seem to be hurt and Julius was a bit relieved to see this, but he would have rather hear her actually say this to him and at least erase the doubts from his mind a bit. He watched her fiddle around with some paper and instantly he began to think that the girl must have been shy. She never really said much during rehearsals, but then again Julius was quite busy at that time.

    Soon enough the girl made a move and Julius instantly watched as the paper airplane headed straight towards him. Had he not been weak and had his head been more clear then what happened next would have defiantly not have happened. The plane soared through the air and instantly collided into his proper eye. Holding his face Julius let out a loud yell of pain "GODDAMN IT NOT THE OTHER EYEEEEEEEEE! IT HURRRRRRRT" Julius yelled as he held the paper airplane.

    Taking a second to withstand the pain and get his sight back, Julius opened up the airplane and instantly began to read what was written in it. Reading the note only made the man let out a sigh of relief as he glanced back over at Fatime "heh man your right...no need to worry about me kid..I'll be fine...just glad your alright" Julius said as he looked around the area "Now...where to find myself something to write with" Julius muttered as he glanced around.

    Julius' search would soon come to an end the moment Erik made his appearance into the room, which made the man pleased to see he has company. Hearing him ask how he was doing made the man instantly lean back on his bed and let out a mere groan "Man...I fee like ****..." Julius said with another groan. He noticed his eyepatch on the table beside him and in a mere second the eyepatch was one again around his bad eye. "Glad you came though...oh do you have any writing utensils? Miss.Fatime here needs some" Julius said
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