❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves


    << I see you're still in one piece, Faye. >>

    Fatime immediately shut the phone. That voice! It-- it couldn't--

    Fatime whipped her head towards the door, and she felt sturdy, bony claws curl into her chest.

    << I suppose you cannot keep a comet out of commission for long, but you really shouldn't be out of bed. Are you well? >>

    Fatime mumbled something incomprehensible beneath her breath, as her dim, mildly-sedated eyes scanned the figure at the door. As she processed and processed, her eyes widened, her mouth hung just slightly more agape, and a great, weighty stone relaxed its pin on her throat.

    << L--Lulu? >>

    { m u s i c }
    [ east of eden ]

    She tried to rocket out of her chair, but her unsteady arms make her fall back down with morose uncertainty. Her expressions were wide with shock, and they briefly glanced away in subdued anguish, before curling her lip and turning back to face Lucas with a sombre gaze of the eyes.

    Fatime tapped Julius' phone, placed precariously on the chair's arm rest, with her bare fingernails.

    << Lulu! You buffoon. It's far away from yourself to leave the Bennett household in the middle of an important function! That impetuous little succubus of a girl is too naive to handle-- handle everything by herself. Lulu, just go back to her, she doesn't-- what if your very appearance here makes the poor girl cry? You never think things out, Lulu! A comet like you that has its trajectory manipulated by the gravities in your life ... >>

    Fatime bit her tongue, her voice as unsteady as a boulder upon a massive cliff edge. Her fingers shook, and she turned back to the man sleeping peacefully on his hospital bed.

    << You should care more about Professor over here ... he has been in a grave state and took the brunt of the crash. I don't-- he-- if he's gone then-- >> She turned her gaze back to Lucas. << I don't care! Lulu, I'm staying well beyond my time here. He's going to be fine. I'm fine enough you don't have to waste your time coming uninvited. If the staff see you they'll bust a gasket in their collective cortex. We have to just keep the hope bright and burning, like a candle ... >>

    She felt as if she were convincing herself with this scurried diatribe more than speaking to her dear old brother. With an expressionless look, she briefly averted her eyes to the black package Lucas left on her bed.

    Fatime sighed. << Ayanna was going to give you my present tomorrow. You make me feel like a terribly incompetent little sister sometimes, Lulu. How can I dare compete ... >> Her voice trailed off and she tried to rise out of her chair again. She hobbled over between her professor's bed and Lucas' figure by the door, her expression fixed in a blaze of menacing, hollow ambivalence.

    The sleeping lion of a man, resting peacefully on his bed just moments before, began to stir. It was a brief storm, or a fleeting tornado, where his face grew cold and his bones locked like rusted machinery in the misery of unconscious mortification. Fatime jerked her head back like a startled little songbird.

    << ... Lulu. The others-- >> She whispered. << They must know more than anyone else. Do they know? Did you tell them? It would be terrible if none of them were aware ... >>

  2. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007


    WEATHERWINDY, SNOWING, COLD 31°! ✖『DATE & TIME』 12/26/2015 - 11:18AM ✖『DAY』 06

    The cell phone buzzed again in her hand and she jumped with a quiet gasp, opening her inbox again to read what it said.

    From: Julius
    This is Fatime, I am not sure if you remember me.
    There was a car crash on the day of Sophie's little celebration.
    It was on the news. His condition is variable. Come soon if you must.

    Fatime ... She worked on the set with them! Noëlle remembered seeing her name on the pamphlets and wondering how it was pronounced. She couldn't form much of a visual of her, though, aside from the fact that she had dark hair ... Why was she with him?

    To: Julius
    Thank you.

    With the text sent, she sighed. Bryan was clearly useless this morning, as much as she hated to think that way. He was breathing fine but surely intended to sleep all day. Maybe an effect of the drug. ... Yeah. If Julius was in the hospital, though, she was going to check on him. Any good student would! He had done so much for the play and now what? A car accident? How awful!

    Professor ...

    She wiped her tears away with the back of her hand and climbed out of the tent, travelling to her bedroom to get dressed and ready. She sent a short text to Bryan letting him know where she was going so he didn't worry.


    Journal #27 Page 45 Date - 12.26.15

    Last night was amazing andneeds a journal entry. I'm not even sure how to start off, though, it's so unreal ... I feel like I was only dreaming it.

    Basically, yesterday was Christmas. We were all invited to Vivian's for an after party to celebrate the first night of The Girl in Watercolors, which was a success!! When we got there though, I'm not sure why but I started feeling really down and lonely. I don't know, after two years ago my social skills kind of ... fell apart. Maybe that's not the word. It's more like I stopped wanting to socialize with anyone other than Timothy.

    Timothy stopped wanting me around, though. So I've been pretty depressed - as you know, haha. Last night was different though ... I left the party and tried to get home by myself. Timothy came after me and we went home together.

    I was originally going to head to bed but I started to feel a bit defeatist and got up to ask Timothy to make cookies with me instead! He actually said yes, so we spent the night baking. Eventually, we even camped out in the backyard and watched movies and played games and it was amazing.

    It was the first time in a long time I really felt happy.

    I decided to press my luck and give him Cupid's Brew - the aphrodisiac I purchased - which was ... disastrous, at first. Later though it seemed to work. He said I was beautiful! He even ... kissed me ... I just. It feels like all of this doubt I've had in my heart for so long is cleared away.

    Nothing lasts forever! I woke up this morning to a text saying that Professor is in the hospital! : ( I wanted Timothy to come with me but ... I guess things really will go back to how they were before.


    The journal was closed shut and the redhead leaned back in her bus seat. The vehicle was basically empty. Buses were coming every hour, today, and most people were still with their families - resting after the busy Christmas holiday. It seemed like her life was either uninspiring and average [ minus her unconventional feelings for Bryan ] - or completely crazy all at once.

    She pulled the cord as they neared her stop and thanked the bus driver as she stepped off and onto the snowy sidewalk.

    Hopefully, Julius would be happy to see her.

  3. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 0 « OOC: N|A. :

    With the advertisement put up on the Student Portal, Oliver felt a bit accomplished with himself! Yes, he had planted the seed for ... Well, something to happen. Hopefully it would take him and everyone else involved to good places. Studio Z had been called and he had successfully reserved a room for the 28th, so he felt all ready to go ... except for one thing.

    He wasn't sure he was qualified to host auditions alone. He was a musician, sure, but there was probably someone else with better judgement than he had. ... At least less biased judgement.

    With that thought, he pulled out his cell phone and swiped through to his inbox. One unread text message sat waiting for him and at first he braced himself for a message from Mary. Instead, it was from Pierce. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair thoughtfully, hoping she didn't think he was upset with her any since he didn't reply right away. Women ...

    From Pierce:
    Hi Oliver.
    You're probably sleeping,
    but I didn't see you at Sophie's party
    so I just wanted to say again that ice skating
    was lots of fun. Have a nice night.

    To Pierce:
    Sorry about not answering, I've been out of it.
    I enjoyed ice skating as well. I'm glad you came.

    Oh. I was at the party. Spent most of my time alone.
    Hope you're doing okay.

    Forgetting that, I was wondering if you were free on the 28th?
    I'm holding auditions for a band and need a second pair of ears.
    If not, that's cool. Let me know.

  4. SynK Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 2, 2013
    ‹| MoodNervous |›

    Pushing the door to the bank open, she was greeted by friendly faces and warm air. She made her way to the counter.

    Hello, young lady, how may I help you today?

    The woman behind the counter greeted her.

    I'd like to make a withdrawal, please.
    Handing the woman behind the counter a withdrawal slip, she contemplates for a moment. ​

    I'd also like to see my deposit box..

    She says, the words just loud enough to reach the ears of the person she is speaking to. As the woman behind the counter acknowledged, and began readying the cash, Freya felt a light buzz.

    From: Tucker
    To: Freya
    Hi there ( :
    What's up?
    She nervously typed a reply.

    From: Freya
    To: Tucker
    Will you meet me for coffee tomorrow morning? I want to ask you about something.
    She hesitated for what seemed like hours before forcing herself to hit send.

    Miss, here's your cash, the deposit boxes are right this way.

    The clerk counted out her money, and led her to the back. Box number 61379. With each passing moment, her heart began to beat harder. This is where she kept it. Would tomorrow be the day? It seemed like she'd done this a thousand times. Each time she would look inside the box, pick up the vial, and then put it back, too scared to bring it with her. She was too afraid to use it, too afraid of it. As the clerk opened the small door, she caught a glimpse of a small vial of liquid.
    Oh my, what a beautiful thing, may I ask what it is?
    Freya stumbled over her words for a second, then mumbled the first thing that came to mind.​
    It-it's perfume. It's...special perfume.

    The clerk smiled, and without asking, picked up the vial. She noticed it was a bit weighty, heavier than something this size should be, but gave it little thought.

    May I?
    She asked as she began to open the vial, as if she expected the answer to be yes.​
    I-No, please, it was my grandmother's, and I don't really want to risk it being spilled.
    Freya quickly stepped over and, with a swift motion, grabbed the potion from the clerk.
    That will be all for today, thank you.
    Freya said, with an obvious sarcastic politeness. As she made her way out of the bank she took a mental note. This woman has made her list. She would be one of the many people Freya would kill, if she ever finally snapped. She could never really decide if this was a healthy thing to do, keeping this list. She never put much thought into it, and like every time before, shrugged it off.

    She made her way down the street, at almost twice the pace as before. The incident with the clerk had left her angry enough to forget about the small concoction gently clinking against the mobile in her purse as she walked.
  5. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    From: Oliver
    Sorry about not answering, I've been out of it.
    I enjoyed ice skating as well. I'm glad you came.
    Oh. I was at the party. Spent most of my time alone.
    Hope you're doing okay.
    Forgetting that, I was wondering if you were free on the 28th?
    I'm holding auditions for a band and need a second pair of ears.
    If not, that's cool. Let me know.

    Pierce sat on her bed with the open bottle of vodka on her night stand. Textbooks were strewn about and she was drunkenly trying to do homework with a buzz. Sophie's words kept ringing loud in her head and she needed something to drown out the noise. When a text finally came in from Oliver, she felt like she might explode. Her whole body seemed to be on fire and it was taking her a long time to reply. Pierce kept starting a series of messages, never to finish composing. Ah! She needed to think of something.

    She pressed her lips together and wriggled her brows. Something. Say something. Pierce took another pull off the bottle and bit her lip. Her heart hammered in her chest and she started typing again for like the hundredth time.

    To: Oliver
    Oh. I hope you weren't lonely by yourself.
    I'm doing all right. Working on homework.
    What about you? I would love to go! :]
    Where and what time? Maybe we could go
    Skating again too? Or something else. Or
    not ... Hope your day is good.

    She pressed send, not letting herself retype it again. Pierce gulped and set her phone down. She needed to finish this homework so that it wouldn't end up being a cram session right before the new year started. She glanced over at the Algebra and grimaced. Maybe she should get some help. Math was never a strong suit. Pierce picked up her phone again and laid back against the pillows feeling groggy from the booze.

    To: Sophie
    can you help me with
    math tomorrow?
  6. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    [ time skip to 9:30pm ]​
  7. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    Dennis had finished his breakfast and was ready to go. Unfortunately he didn't exactly have a ride back home but he decided walking was going to be just fine instead. Really there wasn't much to do about that, since he was totally not going to call the world's most reckless driver unless a full on blizzard was going to hit him...wait that might actually be a worse thing being in a blizzard with that reckless maniac. Regardless Dennis got out of his chair and nervously walked over to Sophie. Trying his best not to appear unnerved by what she had said the night before he simply said, "th-thank you for the party S-Sophie." Went by smoother than he thought it would've, minus the nervous trembling, lack of eye contact, and blushing face. As such he walked himself, bag in hand to the door. But not before pulling out a fresh bag of lollipops he had gotten specifically for this. He got out a sticky note and put it on the bag. He wrote on it and put the bag on a table in the foyer. The note was simple.
    [Thanks for the party, again. Merry Christmas, hope you enjoy.]

    As he walked out the door he was not entirely sure what the hell he had actually written and what was going through his head when he had written it, but regardless what's done was done and he had nothing more to do for the night. He walked through the snow blanketed area, shivering all the way when eventually he got lost. It took a good hour before he could finally get his bearings but he did and it took him all the way back to Fortissimo. Once there he walked over to his chained up bike and was about to get on it to ride it home...only it was freezing cold and stung to touch. It took some awkward moments of trying to warm it up and get it to the point where it was rideable, but once it was he rode it all the way home.

    Once at home he simply locked up his bike and walked through the door only to sneeze really loudly. He felt really bad and cold right now, in fact he might've had a cold at this point. As such he immediately went to go make some hot chocolate and cover himself up in blankets to warm himself up. The rest of the day was simply spent playing video games and watching good old television to keep himself busy. He didn't really feel like doing anything more after his walk home in the freezing cold left him too tired to do anything else. When night rolled around he finally went to sleep on his couch.
  8. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Natalie Williams

    Outfit|Location: Cafe|Music|Mood: Neutral|OOC: N/A

    "I know we just met... but... maybe I could give you some advice. Would you like to talk about it?"

    "Oh... That's really nice of you." Natalie sighed. "I really don't want to trouble you though..." she said, being sincere. Natalie had literally just met this girl. She seemed nice enough, sure, but what if she said too much too quick? "Estelle... Promise you won't run off? It's pretty bad and weird... Even my friend Sarah looks at me funny, and I've known her for 2 years."

    All those memories. Still so vivid in Natalie's mind. She just wanted someone to let it all out to. Her brother and sister were too inexperienced to deal with it, and Sarah just thought it weird, despite being older than Natalie. She wanted to tell Estelle about all of it, but she needed her word first.

    [insert Time Skip here]

    Later on, Natalie invited Estelle to stay at her house that night. She felt safe around her new friend, basically as if she didn't need anyone else (Sarah was nowhere to be seen). Estelle had been a huge help that morning, so natural the two had hung out all day.

    At around 9:30 PM, Natalie opened the door to her room. "Well, what do you think? Feel free to take either bed, my sister bunks with me sometimes when I get bad at night, plus it works for situations like these, when I have a friend over." Natalie was glad she had made a new friend, especially since most considered her and Sarah weirdos for never having other friends.
  9. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 0 « OOC: N|A. :

    From Pierce:
    Oh. I hope you weren't lonely by yourself.
    I'm doing all right. Working on homework.
    What about you? I would love to go! :]
    Where and what time? Maybe we could go
    Skating again too? Or something else. Or
    not ... Hope your day is good.

    To Pierce:
    It was alright.
    Sounds boring. I'm just relaxing for now.

    I'll be at Studio Z around 1pm. I reserved the main practice room.

    Ice skating sounds fun, too. Maybe not on the 28th but we'll figure it out.
    If you want, I can come pick you up on the 28th? We can grab some coffee or something.

    With the text sent, Oliver put away his laptop and sighed. The familiar sound of bass to Reed's blaring dubstep was making the apartment room shake. There were bound to be more complaints posted on their door by the morning ... His friend was parking and would be inside soon, which meant it was time to goooo!

    The blonde-haired boy didn't feel like socializing with him [ what else was new ] and grabbed a snack from the pantry area before disappearing into his room for almost the rest of the day.

    Some studying was done along with a shower, and when he was ready, he hopped into bed. Pierce seemed a bit more talkative than normal, so Oliver engaged her on and off for most of the day before finally saying good night and falling to sleep.

  10. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» Ecstatic Character Theme
    Location » Nat's House OOC:

    "Well, what do you think? Feel free to take either bed, my sister bunks with me sometimes when I get bad at night, plus it works for situations like these, when I have a friend over."
    "Thank you for inviting me over, it’s very nice of you. We’ll have to have you over at my house sometime, I’m sure my sisters would love to meet you.” Estelle said, putting her stuff on one of the beds. She was so happy that her new friend had invited her to stay over for the night. It was so exciting. The truth was she had never been invited to a girl’s sleep over before… she wasn’t really invited anywhere. She remembered what Natalie said

    "Estelle... Promise you won't run off? It's pretty bad and weird... Even my friend Sarah looks at me funny, and I've known her for 2 years."
    Of course she promised she wouldn’t run off.... She had no reason to… she was thinking about it again.

    "Why would she think I would see her differently? And why would her friend?" Estelle wondered, taking a sip of her drink. She thought about her own child hood. She didn't really get along with the other children and they didn't seem to take any interest in here. They all knew... about her parents. And they stayed away because of it. Her sisters got it so easy. They were popular, liked even the youngest of them was cute. But she didn't make any friends... because she was always so quiet and sad that no one would talk to her... but why did kids... why do kids ignore the people who are in need of the help most? But she remembered there was a boy who never turned away, no matter how bad things got… but he died… shortly after the sisters all moved in together. Tears formed in her eyes but she held them back. She was thinking about it… and it seemed that… maybe… she started to understand what was going on with Natalie "Natalie… about what you said earlier.” Estelle started to say. “Umm…” Estelle blushed, going all shy all of a sudden.

    “Maybe… it’s just that your friend, she just doesn't know what to do." Estelle told her. "I think that sometimes kids… they… they ignore the people that need help the most, because they’re afraid of doing something wrong to hurt their feelings even more. Maybe your friend just thinks that she can’t do anything, because she doesn’t want to say the wrong thing and hurt you even more…” She explained.
    "But I think she does still care about you, Natalie. I just think that maybe she just doesn’t understand… I’m sure she wants to do everything she can for you… but she just doesn’t know how to react. And instead of feeling guilty all the time, that maybe she thinks she let this happen… so maybe friends sometimes… they turn and they run… because they don’t know what else to do. But it’s not your fault… that maybe she’s acting a little weird around you… she just needs to realize that no matter what happen nothing will change between the 2 of you… that’s all.” She said smiling sweetly.
    "I’m sorry if I’m sort of out of line… or if it doesn’t all make that much sense but… that’s what I think.” She told her, looking down at the floor. She hoped Natalie wasn’t mad at her for saying all that. She just didn’t know where the words came from she started and she just couldn’t stop.
  11. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007


    WEATHERWINDY, SNOWING, COLD 31°! ✖『DATE & TIME』 12/26/2015 - 9:36pm ✖『DAY』 06

    Julius had been sleeping when she arrived at the hospital. He shared a room with Fatime, and it seemed Lucas was also there visiting - but Noëlle basically ignored them aside from a smile. She sat by Julius' side without disturbing him for quite a while before he finally stirred at the prompting of a nurse arriving to check on him. It was then that she finally said hello. It took quite a lot out of her. Seeming him like that ... It hurt, and scared her.

    Now was too soon to confide in him about such things though. They chatted casually about random things here and there and before she knew it, night had fallen. It was time to go, before the buses stopped running!

    Reluctantly, she bid him farewell, giving his hand an affectionate squeeze, and left the hospital.


    At home, Ms. Chambers and Joey occupied the living room, taking down the Christmas tree and decorations. So prompt! They exchanged greetings and Noëlle went into the kitchen to warm up some leftover dinner.

    When she finished eating, she took a candlelit bath with tea and a book on the most famous composers in history.

    It definitely put her in a sleepy mood, and as soon as she was out of the tub, she climbed into bed to rest for the night.

  12. SynK Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 2, 2013
    ‹| MoodDetermined |›

    As Freya lay in bed, Enywas curled up on her stomach, she recounted what happened that day. After the incident at the bank, she had made it to the tailor and gotten the supplies her aunt had asked for. After dropping everything off, she headed home. It was only when she tossed her purse on to her bed did she hear a faint "clink". Instantly, it hit her, she'd taken it home. What was she going to do? Should she take it back? Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a notification from her mobile.

    From: Tucker
    To: Freya
    Absolutely ! I'll be there after checking the shelter. See you tomorrow ! : )

    That settled it. Her plans were set in motion and she felt she couldn't back down now.

    She lay there, holding the small crystal vial up to the decorative lights outside, making the liquid inside dance and shimmer with color. She went over every little detail for the next day. Tomorrow was the beginning of something big, and, for once, she felt completely in control.
  13. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    His fingers stroked the warm black fur of the little kitten who was calm and quietly sleeping. It wasn't how Tucker had remembered EAP, but as his chestnut eyes rested on the small creature he couldn't help but smile. He honestly did miss the little guy and was happy to see him when he first entered Maria's home during the early afternoon.

    It took him a while of thinking if he would really end up going. When he first got her message he really wished he didn't have to, because he didn't exactly like the idea of hanging around someone who would pity him all the time. He was able to have a small breakfast by himself at the cafe, stop by the local market, and even come back home and change before he made a decision. He remembers staring blankly at the message from Maria.

    To: Tucker
    I think there might have
    been some misinterpretation.
    You didn't really give me a
    chance to say anything after
    that. Do you want to come
    over? I'll make lunch. :]

    It was already well past lunch time, about half an hour past. Wouldn't it be too late by now? There was still this guilt inside him as he constantly typed, erased and retyped various made up excuses. He was never the type to say no. No usually didn't please people and Tucker could never stand that. He looked back at Freya's message which he responded to earlier.

    From: Freya Will you meet me for coffee tomorrow morning? I want to ask you about something.

    To: Freya
    Absolutely ! I'll be there after
    checking the shelter. See you
    tomorrow ! : )

    He wished she asked to see him for lunch instead. He wouldn't feel guilty since if he was with Freya then that would be a legitimate excuse. In the end, the guilt was far too much for him and he sent her a text as he was on his way down to his apartment's parking lot.

    Spending late lunch and time with Maria was nice. It cleared things up. She seemed to be able to read right through him because she only mentioned once about last night and it didn't cause some insane, visual flashback in Tucker's head for once. It was good. What she said was reassuring - that he wasn't going to be alone and that he wasn't some charity case, not to her.

    She proved it during the time he spent at her place. As the afternoon went on, Maria treated Tucker like she did during rehearsals or during camp. Normal. They watched some television, popped in some films, ate some snacks and played a lot with little Edgar Allan Paw. There were plenty laughs and smiles. He really enjoyed it.

    The movie before them was still playing, but Tucker had already glanced at the time. It was already getting late, nearing 10 in the evening. He turned his head and looked over at Maria, who sat beside him on her couch. "Hey, I should get going. It's getting late." With that he stood up and went to put on his coat and his boots.

    Something brushed against his hip while he put his shoes on, accompanied by a small meow. Eap had woken up. Apparently, it wasn't done with the stroking-of-the-fur session. He gave a soft chuckle and petted the kitten, "Sorry little guy, I gotta go. Got plans in the morning."

    The kitten didn't seem pleased and it ran over to Maria. He laughed, Eap was always such a character. He stood up and brushed out his wrinkled clothing. He looked over at the blue eyed actress in front of him, "Thanks for letting me come over and stay until this time. Sorry again for being late."
  14. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    The man slumber had been a calm one on that the man wished not to awaken from just yet. Only pain was there for him when he did and he felt it was not worth it to just awaken for no reason. He waited until his body was ready, but the sudden prompt to him suddenly shook him from his slumber. Who was it that disturbed him, who was it that wanted him awake?

    Both Julius' eyes opened up slowly as his eye tried it's best to adjust to the light that had been absent ever since he shut his eyes. He was not amused and quite upset, but moment he saw the all to familiar girl his spirits lightened up and a soft smile crept across his face. The mere moment he saw the girl he immediately closed his right eye in order to hide the white eye from the girl, hoping the girl didn't at least see it. His mind was still dazed, but he tried his best to converse with Noelle.

    In the end it was mostly Noelle talking and Julius giving a response to the best of his ability. He really enjoyed the company of the girl, but at the moment he was far too weakened and all lot of this conversation wouldn't stick in his mind. When the day came to an end Noelle was soon off which made Julius a bit depressed after enjoying her company. Her hand squeeze caused the man to close his eyes with a smile and it gave him a calming warmth that told him things were all right despite the pain. When she was gone Julius merely drifted asleep.
  15. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    [Phone restarted and lost both pierce post and ryder post]

    Pierce fell asleep extremely happy and content. She had said good night to her father and enjoyed the day of texting Oliver. She hadn't even realized when she stopped drinking. She was curled up in a ball, clutching her phone. All of her school supplies were knocked off the bed and the liquor was hidden underneath. A half eaten pizza sat on the night stand and a smile was plastered to her sleeping face.


    Ryder sat in her room grumpily playing video games. His time spent at JefferHill with Richie and Elisa had been annoying as usual. She insisted on taking lots of pictures with the two of them which pulled him away from his purpose for being there. Richie had tried to engage him in conversation a few times, but they were mostly brushed off as he'd go flying down the hill. Now, he was pretty warn out and ready for bed. He sat by his window, taking a hit off his pipe,and exhaling slowly. There was a blanket stuffed at the foot of the door so no smoke would leak out of the room and he blew a plume of it out the window. Ryder coughed twice and could instantly feel the effects kicking in. He put the pipe and lighter back in his box and stuffed it under the bed He he was almost out and would be in need of more soon.

    Ryder flopped down on the bed. His high seemed to knock him right out. He pulled a pillow in close and slept atop his bed sheets. His legs twisted in the fabric until he ended up about half covered.
  16. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    The day with the Duvont twins had been so great. Probably the most fun she's had in a while. The snow was bearable by the time they were at JefferHill, since they were moving about so much. It was difficult to balance on the snowboard and she wondered how Ryder seemed to do it so effortlessly. She wasn't even able to ride it down properly once without falling over! This only caused her to giggle madly and fall over again, though.

    Eventually she did give up and ran to Ryder's car where she left her camera. She declared herself the official photographer of their golden trio. Ryder was obviously the star player and Richie was the visual. Her best friend was so silly. He was actually trying hard - in both attempting to have a smooth ride like his brother and look good at photos, which was a difficult task! He at least did one well. Obviously it was the posing for photos where he excelled. She tried getting just as much shots of Ryder but he was too quick and always seemed to purposely escape the camera. She only got so little of the golden trio together, plenty of Richie, even more of Richie and herself, a number of video clips and much less of Ryder alone. She was able to grab him once and take a photo with him before he went sliding down the hill all pro.

    It was great nonetheless and she was incredibly tired. Once they got to the Duvont home, she stayed in Richie's room where they watched many videos and edited some of their own. They had started on working on a video of their adventure today when Elia's mother came to pick her up. They agreed on working on it soon but it was time for rest.

    She thanked the entire Duvont family for such a great time and letting her stay as always. Before she left she was sure to knock on Ryder's door (since he wasn't going to go out and big her goodbye for sure) and kiss everyone on the cheek. In her mother's car, she told her about all the adventures and she couldn't stop the wacky grin that plastered onto her face as she remember the marvelous day.

    Once she was home, she had a nice warm dinner with her family where they all exchanged their Christmas stories. She took a quick shower, got dressed in her comfiest pajamas and plopped onto her bed. She was far too tired to make a blog post so she made a mental note to do that in the morning, but for now, it was time to drift of to the world of dreams.
  17. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Maria was resting her head on Tucker's shoulder as they watched the movie. Stephan had come home about a movie and a half ago, but said nothing on the matter. He seemed to eye them momentarily from the kitchen until she informed him that there was food in the fridge. He made himself a plate and then disappeared in his room down the hall. This was really nice.

    "Hey, I should get going. It's getting late." Huh? Tucker shifted on the couch and she sat up straight.

    Her blue eyes moved to the clock in the kitchen and she could see that was just about ten. Where had the time gone? She rose to her feet after him. Maria pulled down the bottom of her sweater and adjusted her shorts. As Tucker put on his coat and boots, EAP made his way over to his previous temporary master and meowed. He was clearly disappointed to see him go. So was she. Maria really didn't want Tucker to go, but she couldn't force him. This would take time. Lots of time. She wasn't exactly the most patient person, but she didn't have much of a choice. He needed to overcome a serious childhood trauma.

    "Sorry little guy, I gotta go. Got plans in the morning." Tucker told the kitten.

    "He's as sad to see you go as I am." She said. Maria gave him a smile and took a small step closer. EAP scurried back to her and she scooped him up in one arm. Tucker laughed at the kitten's juvenile acts and she couldn't help but let a small giggle escape her as well.

    "Thanks for letting me come over and stay until this time. Sorry again for being late." He told her.

    Maria looked slightly horrified and took Tucker's hand with her free one. "Really Tucker. It's fine. I'm just glad you came." She gave him a smile filled with so much care and adoration that she feared her insides might break. She should probably let go of his hand,but she couldn't seem to move her fingers. "I really am glad you came. You must know that." She needed to do something before he left. Reluctantly, she let him go and knelt down to set EAP on the floor. He scampered off in the direction of her bedroom and she smiled after him. When he was out of sight, she rose to her feet once more and faced Tucker.

    "I was thinking maybe I could come help out at the shelter. If you aren't getting sick of seeing me that is." She had been debating it since she brought the kitten home. Maria had never really engaged in any volunteer work before. Her heart fluttered in her chest and she stretched up on her tiptoes to give him a kiss on the cheek. They hadn't kissed since that day in the auditorium and she didn't want to push her luck. However,should Tucker decide he want to kiss her ... well, she wouldn't protest. That was for certain. "Do you wanna do something again soon?" Maria looked up at him hopefully. He was probably ready to leave.
  18. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Natalie Williams

    Outfit|Location: Home|Music|Mood: Happy|OOC: Cal had to leave, so she gave me permission to put Estelle to bed.

    Natalie smiled. No one seemed to understand her the way Estelle appeared to. "Thanks Estelle. You've been awesome all day today. I already think of you as a friend. No one has ever shown this amount of understanding. And no, you aren't out of line, you're perfectly fine."

    Estelle was right though. Sarah had always had everything literally handed to her, so she didn't know what suffering was. She hadn't seen someone she cared about die. She hadn't had her best friend arrested before her eyes. Even the people in the forest and the ferry who she didn't know. They had died too. All these thoughts plagued Natalie at night. She made a face that obviously indicated something was on her mind.

    "Hey, can we discuss this tomorrow morning? I feel really tired. If you need anything, feel free to head to the kitchen and grab a bite. Until then, goodnight." Natalie gave a yawn and curled up in the covers. Soon after, she heard Estelle fall asleep too. It took a bit, but Natalie could tell by her slow breathing. "Goodnight, Estelle..." Natalie said, finally falling asleep.
  19. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    location: duvont home [ richie's bedroom ] mood: tired theme: tea?
    affection: -- ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
    ooc: n / a

    Richie laid on his bed, wiggling himself under the covers until he felt snug. He let the warmth of the covers soak into his body, and after a few minutes the boy felt nice and toasty. He started at the ceiling, allowing its emptiness to let the blonde reflect on the day he'd had with his twin and best friend.

    Ryder seemed to have the least amount of fun, honestly, even though it was his idea to go. Was it because Elisa attempted one too many times to try an snap a photo of him? Or maybe he himself was the problem; he knew his twin didn't enjoy his company, and despite that, he still attempted to strike up a conversation or two. All Ryder seemed to care about was... how did he put it? Shred... carve up the slope? Eh, it sounded close enough to something his brother would most likely say. Even though Ryder didn't exactly treat him the best during their time at Jeffer Hill, Richie still found a reason to smile about their experience together.

    His sleepy mind soon thought about his and Elisa's time together. His lethargic smile became a more lively and genuine one. As usual, his best friend brought her trusty camera and captured so many lovely moments. She must be quite the skilled photographer because she even managed to get some photos of the elusive Ryder Duvont... Richie giggled. One thought that was permanently seared into the boy's mind was the term The Golden Trio. Elisa, of course, pitched the name and he absolutely adored it. Whenever the three of them would be together in the future, he would definitely use the playful term excessively.

    After the trio returned home, Ryder abandoned him and Elisa for his silly shooter games. With a negative presence gone, the duo's moods brightened up and they rushed to Richie's room. He remembered watching videos and editing a few of their own, including the one of their Jeffer Hill adventures. The time seemed the fly by, because the next thing the blonde knew, Elisa was kissing him goodbye. That was probably the most upsetting part of the boy's day... saying goodbye to his best friend was always hard for him. But at least he'd see her tomorrow most likely, right?

    Richie's eyes began to feel heavier with each passing second. He yawned and snuggled under the covers more, curling into a ball. Before he knew it, he was immersed in a peaceful slumber.
  20. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    He felt his breathing halt as she grabbed his hand suddenly. "Really Tucker. It's fine. I'm just glad you came." She gave him a smile.

    A short moment of guilt shot at him. He really wasn't going to go in the first place. He had such horrible thoughts about the girl who was holding his hand just a couple hours ago. It felt like the bones in his hands were paralyzed - just like a while ago when she leaned her head on his shoulder. He wanted to pull away but he couldn't because she was already there and because his entire body seemed to freeze with it.

    "I really am glad you came. You must know that."

    He felt heat rush to his cheeks. He was glad he came too and he wanted to tell her but his lips seemed to be locked. His heart was racing and his breathing was tense. The strange happiness he felt from hearing her words did ease some tension, but clearly not enough. Once she had let go of his hand, he choked out a small "Y-yeah..." accompanied by a nervous nod.

    He couldn't believe he just did that. Yeah? What kind of response was that? He was about to turn and slap himself on the face because of that ridiculous response but Maria had began speaking again.

    "I was thinking maybe I could come help out at the shelter."

    He didn't make out the last few words she said, because his mind seemed to short circuit as she mentioned wanting to help out with the shelter. Many people approached him for it so he had a standard reply for this sort of situation that came out of him almost robotically. He nodded and quickly began to speak, "You should probably talk to Sean about that then, he'll know what to do with y-"

    He didn't notice how close she had become until she kissed him on the cheek. He felt his face get all hot and blushy and nervous. He sucked in his lower lip and bit down on that. His hands clenched by his sides. She just kissed him. Again. On the cheek this time, but all the same, it was kiss. His eyes danced to the room past Maria, unable to look at her for a moment. He took in a deep shaky breath. Wow. Okay. He didn't expect that. Wow. Um. What could he do now?

    "Do you want to do something again soon?"

    His chestnut eyes snapped back at her. There was a lump in his throat that apparently didn't want him to speak. He attempted to clear his throat before speaking but ended up coughing a bit, "Er, uh, y-yeah. I guess. Um. Sure...?" his tone was slightly panicked. He seemed to be holding his breath and clenching his fists tighter and tighter. He couldn't seem to look at her as he spoke, but he did now. For just a second. He looked at her directly in the eyes and forced out a smile. He took a breath before he spoke quickly, "Good night, then. Thank you again. Bye."

    Immediately after that he headed out the door and began to walk briskly towards his car. The cold of the winter night did not help him at all. He got to his car, started its engine and drove off immediately. It felt like he could only breathe in so little while he drove for a moment, while he was still around Maria's area but once he neared his home he exhaled. Wow. Alright. That was some night. He couldn't quite make out of it and part of him didn't really want to think about it either so he quickly parked his car and made his way up the apartment.

    He took a quick shower, got dressed and made sure to put an alarm on his phone to wake him up earlier in the morning so he could still go to the shelter and not be late with his meet up with Freya. He hovered over his messages for a moment, looking at Maria's contact hesitantly. After a couple minutes, he simply placed his phone on his desk and rolled into his sheets. Once he finally got his mind still, he fell asleep.
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