❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
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    The lack of warmth next to him while he was surfacing to consciousness was both comforting and annoying; annoying because he usually latched onto things in his sleep, and comforting because Richie wasn't around and he could freely act as he usually did in the mornings. Considering no alcohol had entered his system, he was confident that nothing distasteful had happened involving him, even if he and the other boy had slept in the same bed together. It was better if he didn't think about it, mostly because he was being considerably petty and childish towards the situation with Sophie and Lucas. It didn't make him feel better that there was no Noëlle to console himself with . . . This is ridiculous.

    He slipped on his clothing. Something to the side caught his eye and he found a slip of paper with a name and number scrawled onto it; Richie's. He smirked, folding it up, and then brought the remainder of his belongings to the foyer, for when he would leave. The pleasing aroma of breakfast entered his senses, and having been hungry since early yesterday, he was naturally drawn to the kitchen, where the scent originated. He saw Lucas gathering a tray of drinks and came to an abrupt stop, not knowing how to approach him without being looked at with those knowing eyes that annoyed him to no end.

    "I assume that you are smart enough to have not left a mess in the guest room?"

    What a presumptuous guy! Quentin definitely didn't like him. He shrugged his shoulders, "There wasn't a mess to clean up." he replied curtly, walking over to lean on the counter top, watching Lucas collect the drinks onto a tray.

    "I see." Lucas responded monotonously, "If you are just going to stand there, then you might do better to make yourself useful. Please help me with these drinks." Quentin was surprised; the behavior and skill this guy displayed last night made him wonder why he wasn't capable himself, but he smirked, shrugged, and then gathered a tray himself. Soon, they walked into the dining room with the trays, and were setting drinks down left and right.

    Quentin didn't look at anyone until he sat down in the unoccupied chair by Richie, fixing himself a generous plate of food. He glanced sidelong to where Sophie was sitting and she seemed to stare back with cold eyes, and then turn back to her food. When someone asked for ginger ale ( Quentin wasn't paying attention to who it was ), Lucas handed them a glass and returned to his chair. Maybe I should make time to talk with her instead of . . . He trailed off in thought and then firmly rejected the thought, No, she needs to come to me first. Two could definitely play at the waiting game.

    Just as he was about to strike up a conversation with Richie, who didn't seem to notice him sit down, the other was getting to his feet and dragging Elisa off with him out of the dining room, bidding Sophie and her 'beautiful house' goodbye. His eyebrow twitched in irritation, but it was fine . . . And embarrassing. When he glanced up again, she seemed to be laughing at his situation and whispering to Lucas, who also was amused. It was an annoying morning all of a sudden, and Quentin just wanted to go home. I'm too tired for this.

  2. SynK Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 2, 2013
    ‹| MoodDon't Talk To Me, I'm Busy |›

    As Freya made her way down the sidewalk she heard, in the distance, very loud music. As the sound got closer her jaw got tighter. Eventually the asshat sped past as if they had somewhere they had to be and nobody was going to stop them. The moment she knew the driver could see her, she flipped him off.

    Pricks like this guy shouldn't be allowed to drive in the first place. Nobody wants to hear your shetty music, keep it at a decent volume.

    Letting out an exasperated sigh, she wonders where the few people she considers friends are, probably all hungover and burned out, she hoped for the best. She didn't want to think about him being caught up in that mess... Putting this out of her mind, she focused on the errands she had to run. First the bank, then the tailor, then she had the rest of the day to herself. Perhaps today would be the day...she reached for her mobile.
    『❝ Hey...
    A text addressed to Tucker.

    "Hey?" Jesus, could you be more generic and lame?
    Checking her feeds, she blocks out the rest of the world as she makes it into town, simultaneously ignoring the people no the street, and sidestepping them all. Never making eye contact, never responding to their pleasantries and greetings. Finally making her way to the bank, she lets out a sigh, clenches her fist for a second, and pushes the door in.
  3. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves

    { m u s i c }
    [ - - - ]

    She was drifting, and the light, it was weak.

    Where was she? Everything was dark, and she could not feel or see. She tried to look for her hands, but there was only dark. She glanced down at her feet, and there was only dark. And she was floating, floating, through an empty void that felt without end. A bleak ruin; a resonant wave through timeless space. The bottom of the ocean, where all was quiet and soulless, and time slithered by with no acknowledgement.

    So she pushed forward. There was no up, or down, or left or right or any sense of direction in this void. There was only forward, and forward was the only way one could move when lost in a clammy, stinging vacuum. One where not a sound nor smell dare existed, and thoughts were as tangible as space itself.

    And then, the darkness, it began to recede, like skin peeling away from a corpse. Slowly, dithered, where specks of light began to sparkle and guide a wayward voyage. Her legs dangled freely without rest or stop, but like reaching a shell of overbearing, an atmosphere of choking thickness that could stop one's heart, it became harder and harder to move out of this void. Forces fought against her body, the push of bricks or stone or mud or jetting deeper and deeper into a vast, cavernous lake without end.

    But it became brighter, and once again, she saw her hands, her feet. The scent of rosemary and tar tickled her nostrils, and from the little freckles of light, growing into lamps and bulbs and great stars around her, she heard croaks and chirps and wails that brightened the sombre, blurry void. Her feet gained weight, and she felt herself descending as winds strung their arms around her own, carrying her gently to the earth.

    It was here that the light was the brightest, and the void was all but a memory -- an intangible thought. She landed on a bed of grass, and bent down to touch the remains of downy white plumage among the forest of silver-green shimmering in the sunset light. She picked up a white feather emitting light, and rolled it between her fingers, stroking and caressing its cloudlike, cottony little feather-barbs.

    She looked in front of her, where a door stood silent in the sea of grass. She placed the feather gently among its kind, back on the ground, and wandered over to the door, each step of her feet allowing her to regain the weight of the earth and the fire of consciousness in her head. And so, upon reaching it, she touched the doorknob with her left hand, sending a frightening bolt of chill through her trembling fingers.

    Was this for the best?

    It was the first thought she had -- a question, a creation of her own among this world of sensation. Was this for the best?

    She considered it, and nodded.
    Fatime touched the doorknob, fought the chill, and turned it.

    { m u s i c }
    [ the name of the rose ]

    Fatime's eyes fluttered open, and for a brief moment, she was unsure if she was in her body.
    The light of an early December morning was cold, hard, and bright, and it tumbled callously through the enormous window nearby. She slowly lifted her left hand, and felt the tell-tale tug of plastic and metal. Turning her head, she found a catheter gently attached to an IV tube.

    Fatime turned her head back upwards, looking at the cracked white plaster above.
    She shifted her legs beneath the tightly-tuck sheets, and dropped her hand. There was -- there was something on her bed ... what was --

    She tried to lift her head forward, to take a better look. It looked like a hat, with a note.
    Did some-- somebody come here already? Fatime shot up to try and get a better look. It was a fuzzball the colour of winter soil, like an animal napping peacefully on her belly. A white card laid carefully on top of it, precariously nearing the edge, ready to fall in calamitous thunder.

    Fatime stretched out her good hand and picked up the little bundle of items. Was this actually a hat? She quickly glanced at her side and noticed the IV machine was off, before carefully pulling the wire out of her hand. She had more important things to do, right now! Something Fatime hoped was confidence began rising in her chest.

    She raised the fuzzy hat above her head, holding it up to the light of the window. Two small arms dropped from its sides, dangling aimlessly in the hospital's stagnant air.

    This hat ...

    She placed it by her side and shifted her body to read the card.
    It was ...
    Her fingers began to tremble. Did she really remember? Ha! She-- she never remembered! Fatime bit her lip as she tried to hold back the sudden cascade of palpitations in her heart. It felt as if she had finished running three kilometers worth of distance, and-- and just--

    What a fool! It wasn't even a book. Fatime huffed, placing the card on the edge of the bed. She picked up the hat and raised it with shaky hands, dropping it like a weight on her head. Even from that distance, it fit well.

    It was warm, too. The hat's little arms ended in paws with small pockets for her hands, and they curled up in little swirls by her side as she darted her head back and forth, looking at them like an eager, young child. Fatime stuffed her hands in them, and she closed her eyes. This warmth, it wasn't something she felt in her books, or her experiments. It wasn't simply from the hat, or the blanket, no. She couldn't! It wasn't a feeling she had felt in a while, but it washed over her, like a warm bath, or a soft embrace.

    Merry Chrstimas, Ayanna.

    She looked back at the card almost dizzily, but-- wait! Ah! Her eyes snapped back into focus. Professor ... Professor! Julius! Julius, where-- what-- was he alright? Was he okay? Ah ... Her hands shot out of their little pockets and she searched around like a cornered fox. On the other end of her bed was a faded blue tarp, with patches of inconsistent green-yellow and white from years of use. The familiar scent of pungent, sour medicine began to fill her nostrils, as her entire body slowly regained more and more feeling.

    Keeping the hat on her head, she pulled back the blankets and dangled her foot over the edge of the bed. Careful, careful ... Soreness plagued her veins, and occasionally sharp jolts of pain struck her joints. Whatever, whatever! She touched the cold tiled floor with her sock, and was about to lift her right leg out before she realized it felt heavier than her left.

    Startled, Fatime threw off the rest of the blanket, and found a small cast around her shin and ankle. Hellfire to the heavens! Fatime swore under her breath, a small chirpy, bird-like noise, but she'd be weak if this would stop her quest. She held onto the bed's railing, and lifted her cast leg out of the bed. For a moment, she sat on the bed, one leg touching the floor and the other dangling above it, before she leaped off, holding her cast leg a bit above in the air.

    Little by little, little by little. Her steps were small, like a newborn chick's, and she held desperately onto whatever she could get her hands on for support as she waddled over past the blue tarp. She nudged it away with her shoulder, and almost slipped onto the floor before catching herself on a cabinet handle. Ugh! But beyond the tarp, she saw the end of her little quest; the Professor was resting soundly in his bed, right next to her.

    She was about to call out his name, when she realized she had no books.
    Oh ... oh no. Oh no, oh no-- her heart turned to lead, and grew heavy in her chest. She had no books! How could-- how could she say anything to him right now! Where was her tablet? Ah -- pull it together, Fatime. Pull it together, you ninny. P--problem solving, it was your forte! There-- there was nothing in this world you couldn't achive!!

    Fatime's breaths grew weaker. She was tired enough just from moving that small distance, but she put in some more energy to sit herself on the chair by Julius' bed.

    She looked at the man's large, resting figure. He seemed peaceful, but how was it anybody could be peaceful after that entire incident? Fatime frowned. Did anybody come to visit him yet?

    She scrunched up her face trying to think of something to say. A quote ... a quote ... a memorized quote ...
    Right! There was that story. Ayanna, she would read it to her when she was younger, and had trouble sleeping ...

    << "You aren't alone," Cynthia s--said-- >> Fatime coughed loudly, her voice struggling. He probably could not even hear her! She was being a lillyhammer troglodyte, she was, and it would be a hundred times better if she went back to bed. But-- ah, how could he leave someone alone like this?

    She thought back to how Julius seemed so jovial, so diligent, with the others in the musical. And there she was, slipping out without notice like a right imbecile ...

    << -- as she knelt by the ca-- candlelight. >> Fatime continued, curling up on the chair. << "Nobody in this world is alone; people-- p-- people can stick together like glue, in times of need. " She-- she placed a hand on the thick book resting upon her lap. "That is what m--m--makes humans-- ah-- that is what makes humans so beautiful. Resilience, individuality, c--companionship. Like rewinding time from band knot ends. " >>

    Fatime frowned again, sighing.
    She looked around Julius' little space. His squat little phone rested by a thick pewter vase, and to her surprise, it gave off an unnaturally bright light.

    Did someone try calling? Fatime stood up, her arm shaking as she held onto the chair, as she picked up the phone.
    That's right ...
    A few of the students would be worried. Fatime pondered in bewilderment. It was on the news, but did any of them even get to see?
    Noelle ... Noelle, she was one of the pretty girls. The one that smoked. Most of the time Fatime would just feel sour and cathartic towards a trashy ... girl, like that. But it was strange. Today, she just felt apathetic, and none of the black bile stirred in her heart. As much, perhaps ...

    It was best if she knew, maybe.
    Fatime began typing away a text.


  4. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood

    Maria could feel the shifting of the bed as Tucker also put on his shoes. Her back stiffened slightly and she sat up straight.

    Y-yeah... um, th-thanks for... for um... li-listening..? Yeah. he told her.

    Sure, she muttered in reply. It felt like she was being stabbed in the back, but she didn't show it. Her hand found the rose again and she held it firmly, rising to her feet. She picked up the bag and fingered the golden ribbon subconsciously. Her platinum blond hair fell down her back in waves, relatively tangle free. Maria swallowed and pricked her finger on one of the thorns. She winced and glanced towards the door. She should just go now. That would be the wise decision. A small trickling of blood trailed down her finger and she took one step towards the door, only to be stopped by the sound of Tucker's voice again.

    He stood up and stuffed his hands deep into his pocket as he turned to face her, Um, so.. so.. what are you... um, going to do now? he asked looking away after he spoke.

    She turned back and looked at him with a bit of surprise on her face. Suddenly, Maria felt hopeful. She shouldn't let herself feel that way, but she couldn't help it. There was a flutter in her chest and she felt lighter than she did a moment ago. She bit down on her lip, then stuck the bleeding finger into her mouth. Maria needed a minute to collect herself and stopping the small flow of blood would give her that opportunity. The metallic taste of blood filled her mouth and she grimaced. It was a good thing she wasn't a vampire because blood was not an appealing taste. After a minute, she wiped her finger off on the side of her dress and looked back up at Tucker.

    Going home probably. she said simply. There was something in his face that made her cheeks burn -- technically there was more than just his face that made her burn ... Unless, she hesitated, You want to ... do something? Maria back stepped to the door. Her hip came in contact with the familiar round shape of the doorknob and she prepared to leave should he say no. Or not, she added hastily. Everything that she brought up here with her was in her hand, so it was just a matter of grabbing her jacket from downstairs. She tucked her clutch under her arm and swallowed nervously. Her heart felt like it was going to explode out of her chest. It would be nice to do something again -- just the two of them. Would he want to?

    Wearing Music Date: 12/26/2015
    Mood: Hopeful Interaction: TuckerDay: 6 & 2/4
    : TuckerLocation: Guest Room OOC:
    DATE⁞ Saturday, December 26th, 2015 DAY⁞ 6 2/4
    LOCATION⁞ Car INTERACTION⁞ Richie & Elisa
    Ryder sat impatiently out in his car waiting. Richie hadn't responded to the text and he would have been extremely annoyed if he had to go inside. Sophie seemed cool enough and from the outside, her house seemed pretty kick ass, but if he had to go hunting down his twin then no thanks. Finally, Richie came outside with Elisa in tow. Richie opened the door and gestured for Elisa to sit in the back. He drummed his thumbs on the steering wheel as they got settled in. She complied and Richie moved to his seat in the front. Turning the music down quite a bit, much to Ryder's disapproval, he said, "Thanks Ryder! Let's go, I'm kinda tired and I'm sure Elisa is too."

    "Whatever," he muttered in reply. Ryder put the car in drive and pulled out of the Bennett driveway. He headed in the direction of town, which would lead back to their house. He was silently brooding for most of the ride. Ryder ignored Richie and Elisa as they talked. He reached to turn the heat down -- it was getting stuffy with three people in the car -- and glanced back at Elisa through the rear view mirror.
    "Are you going home or coming over?" he asked her from the front seat. Ryder slowed to a stop when they came to a red light and glanced sideways at his twin. "You look terrible," he noted aloud. Richie must have gotten pretty hammered the night before. Their mom was going to love that. At least he wasn't the one that would wind up in trouble for once. Not that he really cared. Their mom never seemed to hold tight to her punishments. Even earlier this morning, he probably could have weaseled his way out of it if he tried hard enough.
    Ryder let off the brake when the light turned green and took a left down the next street. He sat there thinking about what he wanted to spend the rest of the day doing -- he should really clean his room -- and made a face at the window. "Hey Elisa," he started, completely disregarding his brother, "I think I'm going to head to Jeffer Hill later to snowboard, if you want to come." he told her. Even if he didn't extend the invitation to Richie, it was obvious enough that he would go should Elisa decide she wants to. He wouldn't really pay them much attention anyway. He would be too busy focusing on the hill and his snowboard.
  5. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    Dennis grabbed his milk that was set next to him...which was a bit surprising because he didn't remember saying anything about wanting milk. Although the surprise was lessened by the fact that Dennis had already assumed that Lucas was some sort of omnipresent mind reader at this point anyway. However the kitchen started getting crowded so they were all escorted into the dining room.

    Dennis just sort of sit back and listened to any idle chit chat not going on while he was pondering on something. His chain of thought was finally broken by the sweet smell of food. At this point he realized just how much he required food. Sure lollipops and cake were great from a deliciousness standpoint, but they certainly were not filling enough for this growing lad. He set up his plate, took out his lollipop, and was just about to start savagely devouring all the food in sight when he just remembered that other people were actually in this room. However at that point he recalled that there were indeed other people just sitting around eating breakfast too. As such he tried to remain as cordial as possible when he went into to eat.

    The food was absolutely wonderful. Between the eggs, the waffles, and the bacon, good lord the bacon, Dennis probably would've never stopped eating had his body let him. His attention was drawn to Pierce as she told everyone she was leaving and then promptly left. Dennis was wondering what that was all about but decided not to think on it at all since it probably wouldn't get him anywhere anyway. With his plate clear of all food he grabbed another glass of milk to wash down any remnants of the food in his mouth. He started to ponder how exactly he was getting home. His bike was still at Fortissimo seeing as he never went back home before going to Sophie's house which meant he'd have to walk all the way back from here, and probably get a little lost on the way there as well. There was always option two which was less favorable and involved the rollerblading carefree man, but Dennis wasn't too fond of that idea either. For now though he just continued to sit down at the table.
  6. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    She looked a little troubled or upset or something when she turned to face him after he had spoken. Tucker had to bite his lip and look away from her for a moment, feeling the bliss he felt inside of himself suddenly turn sour. It was true, everything he told her was a lot to take in... but was she going to treat him like a freak now? Like how the other kids treated him when they found out? He lost plenty of friends before in his old town and it didn't help that everyone who wasn't there to bully or shun him away treated him like a charity case. That's what he really hated. People never saw him the same after they found out - another reason why he never told.

    He glanced up at Maria for a second, who was already standing by the door. Was she going to leave him? His chest suddenly felt really tight and he couldn't help but frown as he looked to the side. This was painful! Perhaps it was because a moment ago he was filled with so much happiness but in a second it was kind of gone. He wanted to think positively, that Maria wouldn't do that but she seemed so upset and distant - like all she wanted to do was go home... to leave him.

    Going home probably...

    He gulped down the sorrow that seemed to rise up. His lips formed a fine, fine line. Was he going to cry? That would be really pathetic but it really seemed like it. Hadn't he already cried enough last night? She wanted to go home. She said it herself. She was going to go and she was going to leave him an-

    Unless... you want to... do something?

    He looked up at her in a snap. His chestnut eyes meeting her blue ones. She didn't want to leave? Did she want to do something with him? Perhaps they could go to the cafe and have breakfast together?

    Or not,

    Or maybe... maybe she was just saying this to be polite. That was probably the case. She was already at the door and she wanted to go home and she was just being polite because he was such a pitiful man in the world. The boy raped by his father. The freak who might turn out the same way because "like father, like son". A freak. A liar. A charity case.

    He cleared his throat, "Oh. Alright. It's fine. I'll walk you out to the door then." he forced a smile as he walked up to her and then reached the door and lead her out. As they walked down the hall and down the stairs he received a text on his phone from a friend, it was Freya. He sent her a quick reply back,

    To: Freya
    Hi there ( :
    What's up?

    The two stopped by the kitchen and bid everyone there farewell and thanked Sophie and Lucas for the party and for letting them stay for the night. He walked Maria to her car and bid her farewell, turning his back on her after and walking to his own. He tried not to think about anything on his way back to his car but it was hard. He was quite upset.

    He got into his car, set down his things and drove. He went to the local cafe to grab a bite. He sat at the table in the corner of the room, alone. It was really silent.[DOUBLEPOST=1376432122][/DOUBLEPOST]


    The breakfast was so delicious, it left her in such a happy mood. Looking back at the night, she did have a lot of fun - despite the lonely morning call - so when Richie stood up a dragged her away she made sure to say her thanks to Sophie and Lucas for a wonderful time before she was out of the door.

    The cold bit at her skin. Her arms and legs were pretty bare since she wore her favorite white dress. Luckily, she did bring a hoodie in with her last night (which she left in the coat hanger during the party) and her socks were about knee length. It should keep her a little bit warmer. Though if she knew that she was going to spend the night she really would have loved to have a change of clothes.

    As she hopped into Ryder's car, she made sure to place her things (Richie's present, her hoodie and her camera) on the side neatly. She pulls herself up forward, holding the two front seats of the car, "Good morning, Ryder!" she greets happily and kisses him on the cheek. It was always fun to mess with Ryder. She knew this would annoy him and she giggled and plopped back down in her seat. She leaned back into the warm seats and let out a relieved sigh. It was warmer in the car, thank goodness.

    She put on her hoodie as the brothers argued. It was always fun being with the twins, even though it probably wasn't as fun for the two of them. She liked them both a lot and wish they would get along more - though sometimes she was really happy they didn't, because it would be really entertaining (until Ryder gets too upset and things get pretty horrid). She pulled up her socks a little higher and then grabbed her phone, sending a text to her mother that she wouldn't come home just yet and will be with the twins for a while.

    "Hey Elisa, I think I'm going to head to Jeffer Hill later to snowboard, if you want to come?"

    Elia's head jerked up from her phone as she heard Ryder's offer. Hmmm, snowboarding? She was more of a sit in bed and blog on the internet type of girl but she was always up for some fun. Plus, she liked it when the three of them were together. She figured it would also be really hilarious given the wobbly state she was in now.

    She grins at the front mirror of the car, where she could see Ryder's reflection slightly. "Absolutely! That sounds like a lot of fun."
  7. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Maria waited for what seemed life forever. Eventually Tucker cleared his throat to speak. Oh. Alright. It's fine. I'll walk you out to the door then. Oh. What was that supposed to mean? It's fine. He sounded disappointed even though he smiled. She was the one waiting on confirmation from him. He didn't really give her much room to say anything after that. Tucker ushered her out of the room and to the door quickly. They only stopped twice. First, to say goodbye to everyone else, and then at the door to grab their coats. He walked her to her car and said goodbye. She didn't want to say goodbye. There was a sharpness in her chest as she watched him walk to his car. She had wanted to saying something, anything, but there really hadn't been much of a chance. The backs of her eyes burned as she watched him drive away. It seemed like forever as she sat there in the driver's seat of her car, not going anywhere. Maria stared absently out the window in the direction of where Tucker's car had been.

    Finally when it seemed like too much, she started the car and headed home. She felt numb as she walked through the door. Her body fell rather ungracefully onto the couch. She still had her coat and shoes on. EAP jumped up onto her lap and she couldn't really even look at him. The kitten curled into her side and she remembered the tag Tucker had made for him. Numbly, she rifled through the bag until she found it and hooked it on the cute new collar she bought him for Christmas. The kitten purred and she stroked his soft fur, just staring at the wall. Stephan was gone per usual and she felt so alone.
    She wondered how often Tucker felt this alone in the world. Maria was pretty sure he lived by himself and if he had spent such a significant part of his life being abused like that, it must have made developing relationships nearly impossible. Age six to fourteen -- those were important years in child development for building relationships. His whole view on the matter had to be severely warped. She fumbled with her clutch, looking for her phone. Maybe - maybe he just misinterpreted her. Even with that smile on his face -- Tucker was always smiling -- he looked so disappointed. How often was that smile of his hiding something deeper?
    The blond took a deep breath as she opened her messages on her phone. She clicked on Tucker's name and started a new text. She didn't want things to be uncomfortable between them. Him telling her what he had, that was a big deal and she didn't want him to think that she thought differently of him because of it. She didn't. All it did was shed some light on his behavior and his background. It didn't make him a different person. Tucker was still that happy, smiling, radiant person she had grown to care for for such a long time. She wasn't sure where things stood as of right now, but not saying anything at all would only make it worse in her opinion.
    To: Tucker
    I think there might have
    been some misinterpretation.
    You didn't really give me a
    chance to say anything after
    that. Do you want to come
    over? I'll make lunch. :]

    There. Hopefully that would help, hopefully. Maria pressed send and rose to her feet. She needed to change out of her clothes from last night and Tucker or not, she was hungry. They hadn't eaten with the others so the last thing she had to eat was from the night before. Maria went to the kitchen in search of a vase. The rose was already wilting and she wanted to prolong its life as best as possible. She found a small one and stuck the single flower inside of it with a bit of water. Carrying all of her belongings to her room, including Sir Edward Allen Paw, she set the small pile down on her bed. The vase was set on her nightstand and she crossed the room in search of something new to wear.
    She changed quickly and slipped into something more comfortable. The house was warm and so long as she didn't go outside, shorts seemed good enough to her. Maria left her room and headed back to the kitchen, grabbing her phone on her way. She set it down on the counter and opened the fridge in search of something to eat. She would make enough for two, and if Tucker had better things to do, then she could wrap it up as leftovers for Stephan.
    Wearing Music Date: 12/26/2015
    Mood: Disappointed Interaction: Day: 6 & 2/4
    : TuckerLocation: Home OOC:
  8. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    N E A R L Y C R A S H E D C O M E T

    Breakfast was moving smoothly and when he thought that he was no longer needed, he quickly finished his breakfast and began clearing away empty plates to the kitchen. His phone had also vibrated in his pocket a few times, and it was the opportunity to check it. He disliked having a phone for the reason that undesirables could contact him, but SOPHIE insisted on it, as well as AYANNA.

    Since he knew better, the messages would, no doubt, be from AYANNA, with the contents of his wretched character and his contemptible patrons. While he agreed with his patron, there was little for him to comment on her view of his character which she did not fully know. It was safe to say their relationship was rather . . . sour.

    From: Ayanna
    Subject: Duty
    Miserable little souless dog, I'm sure you've yet to notice
    that your sister hasn't shown at Miss Bennett's soireé, and
    you haven't even checked on her. She's in the hospital, checked
    in because of a carwreck. Were there an award for brother of
    the year, it would most certainly be awarded to you, Lucas.

    Lucas blinked at the message once or twice. He had remembered hearing about a second victim of the crash, but he hadn't thought it would be FATIME. She had been coming here with JULIUS MENON? Why him, Lucas wondered? But that mattered little; the fact was, she was in the hospital and his Christmas gift to her was still not given, which was completely unacceptable. He shook his head.

    Careless Fatime.❞ he murmured to himself, I would have come for you if you might have asked. It also would have spared him from AYANNA's bitter attempts to shame him. He sighed, slipped his phone away, and then opened a drawer to pull out a small notebook and pen.

    My sister is in the hospital with Julius Menon. I will be visiting her.

    After finishing his post-breakfast chores, he grabbed his pea coat, umbrella ( it was a little rainy outside ), and scarf. Carefully, he set off to the hospital AYANNA had directed him to. SOPHIE was a big girl, she could handle her guests.


    With the black parcel tucked under his arm, Lucas walked into the hospital and was directed to his sister's room. The receptionist seemed to not like him much for the fact that he seemed awfully suspicious; a tall young man, dressed in mostly black. He was repelled by this fact; for all she knew, he could be visiting a dying or already-dead relative. Humans were far too quick to judge.

    Up, up, up, to FLOOR FOUR to look for ROOM 315. His eyes danced from number to number, from occupant name to occupant name until he found the room he was looking for, and what a surprise! They were both in there. He would have courteously bought flowers, but he thought it might have depressed FATIME to some fashion, since they died rather quickly. He knocked on the door and didn't wait for a reply to open it.

    There she was, his small, frail-looking sister, setting down a phone that certainly wasn't hers. His eyes trailed to the unconscious, almost noble figure of JULIUS, the beloved play professor. He wondered how many students would find it in them to pass by.

    I see you're still in one piece, Faye.❞ he said, setting down the long, parcel by her bedside, ❝I suppose you cannot keep a comet out of commission for long, but you really shouldn't be out of bed. Are you well?

  9. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007


    WEATHERWINDY, SNOWING, COLD 31°! ✖『DATE & TIME』 12/26/2015 - 10:22AM ✖『DAY』 06

    Ms. Chambers had, eventually, come outside calling for the two siblings. Her shrill, panicked tone stirred Noëlle from an otherwise peaceful and uninterrupted sleep. Bryan and her had shifted into a spooning position at some point during the night, and the tent had become a bit too stuffy for her comfort as the heater continued filling the atmosphere with artificial warmth. On top of that, just moments after her waking, her cell phone vibrated beneath her pillow and into her ear.


    The irritation instantly melted away as she shifted in Bryan's arms, taking a deep breath and trying to brace herself for the ... disillusion that was sure to follow his waking. The happiness from last night lingered and swelled in her heart. He was still here, holding her. It hadn't been a dream or a product of her imagination. Last night, he had told her she was beautiful. Last night, he had kissed her.

    A gentle kiss of her own was planted on his forehead before she pulled herself away and peeled the blankets off of her body. Carefully, she opened the entrance to the tent and stepped out into the cold bundled in one of the top blankets she had brought down on Christmas night.

    Noëlle Marilyn Chambers! the green-eyed woman stood from the patio, dressed already in her usual work attire with her arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed together. Beyond the pitiful look of intimidation Ms. Chambers was trying to put on, Noëlle could clearly see worry. This is where you've been?! Is Bryan in there, too?

    Yeah, we're fine, the grogginess in her voice was apparent and she yawned, trying to clear it away. We were watching some Christmas movies and stuff last night and fell asleep ...

    Together ... ? Ms. Chamber's anger physically dissipated and she looked a bit more sympathetic. Slowly, Noëlle nodded, wishing Bryan was awake to help her deal with this. He was better than she was ... Noëlle, sweetie, we talked about this ...

    The cold bit at the bottom of her feet and she wanted the conversation to be over. She wanted to crawl back into the tent and curl back up under the blankets and soak in the rays of the happiness she had found - just a little longer, before Bryan woke up and took it all back. Her throat tightened and tears began to well up.

    Instead of continuing, Ms. Chambers stood there with her arms at her side. Her expression was frustrated, and then thoughtful. Eventually she sighed and opened the glass door to the kitchen again.

    I'm off to work. Make sure you put up the dishes from last night. ... I love you.

    Too emotional to return it, Noëlle nodded and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. When her mother was finally gone, she quickly turned back around and re-entered the tent as quietly as possible, plopping down in her spot from before.

    A few minutes were spent gathering herself. When she felt okay enough, she pulled her phone from under her pillow and opened her text messages.

    From: Julius
    Hello, is this Noelle Chambers?
    Julius was unable to take your call last night, in all apologies.
    You may or may not be aware, but he was involved in a dangerous car crash last night.
    He is currently in the hospital.

    Her eyes scanned over the text message once ... and then twice ... and then minutes passed and she was sure she had read it at least fifty times. All of the work to get a hold on her emotions went to waste and she felt about ready to have a panic attack. Her vision blurred again with tears and this time they fell down her cheeks. This was from Julius' phone!

    Unsure of what to do, she put her hand on Bryan's shoulder, shaking him lightly.

    Wake up, her voice was already hoarse. She took a deep, stabilizing breath and looked back at her phone to text back.

    To: Julius
    Who is this ...?
    Is he alright??

    With her attention turned back to Bryan, she shook his shoulder again and leaned over towards him, tugging the blankets down over his chest.

    Bryan, wake up. Professor Julius is in the hospital!

  10. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    "Oi, Menon stop slacking off!"

    "hm? ah Mark...gimme a break..."

    "Your slacking off too much"

    "Well can you blame me? with the way you push me I'd go mad..ya need to calm down you damn overworked man...take a break with me will ya?"

    ".....heh you always know how to get away it when it comes to relaxing..."

    "Heh, well when it comes to working with you all I can think about is trying to find ways to relax"


    "Damn this beer sucks...oi! whats that you've got there?"

    "well aren't you a nosy one Menon...its a picture of my wife...just got word that she's pregnant"


    "heh such news has changed my life...everything feels so...amazing....say Menon...what about you? planning for kids?"

    "WH-WH-WHAAAAAAT?! IM TOO YOUNG FOR THAT SORT OF THING AND BESIDES I DON'T EVEN HAVE A GIRLFRIEND YET!...although it would be nice to settle down and have kids with a special somebody"



    "heheh...sorry sorry...but still...I can only hope I can see my child be born..."

    "You'll make it...I know you will...I do whatever I can to help you...your like a brother to me..."



    "....Then why? why didn't you listen?"



    "NO! MARK...I....I...I DIDN'T MEAN-"

    Destruction, that was all that Julius could hear. As his body rested in the comfort of the hospital Julius heard something only he could hear, a sound from the distant past troubling his at present. His mind screamed out, it wanted it to end, but his body refused to wake up now. His body fought hard, it began to twitch violently as the nightmare took Julius. His heart raced and the pain just continued on until at last it stopped and the man went silent.
  11. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    location: ryder's car mood: okay theme: tea?
    affection: -- ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
    ooc: n / a

    Ryder's tone and attitude on the ride home were to be expected, especially since he was most likely peeled away from one of those silly shooters by Mama Duvont. Richie turning down his fave music probably didn't help the situation either. His brother asked Elisa if she would be staying over, to which she replied with a nod and pulled out her phone. He smiled slightly.

    "You look terrible." His twin turned to him, speaking bluntly. Richie couldn't help but chuckle. He was tempted to utter a snarky remark involving the effects of alcohol, but he ultimately kept it to himself. Obviously, Ryder wasn't in the best of moods, and the blonde had done enough damage as it was. Besides, when his twin lost his temper, things got... really ugly.

    His brother made a left at the light, and the trio were almost to the Duvont home. He offered his best friend an invitation to go snowboarding with him on Jeffer Hill later today, failing to extend the gesture to his own brother. He sighed despondently and looked back at Elisa. She hesitated for a moment, then accepted the invite. Richie looked to his twin.

    "Is it alright if I come to? I don't want to be stuck in the house all alone with Mom and Ariella, especially after the night I've had." He laughed quietly. "Besides, Mom is going to be upset with me and I don't want to experience that all day."
  12. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Natalie Williams

    Outfit|Location: Sophie's House-----> Cafe|Music|Mood: Drunk/Angry|OOC: N/A

    Seeing as to how Natalie was ignored (as far as she could tell), she decided to blow that joint and head to the Cafe. She felt good enough to drive, as the worse she was enduring was a headache. She slowly walked herself back to the car and sat there for a few minutes, just waiting and thinking.

    "Okay... Time to go. I think I'm good."


    Natalie drove for a few minutes, arriving at the Cafe soon after. She saw that her dress was a bit rough and she probably looked liked a party animal. She giggled a little. It was a funny thought to her. The brunette locked he car and walked up to the front desk. "One hot chocolate please." she ordered. Hopefully that would make her feel better. Would she take it to go, or stay? Maybe to go. She didn't feel like being out of the house too much.

    "Um... Miss? Your chocolate is ready."

    "What? Oh! Sorry!" Natalie said. She had been lost in thought for a bit there. "Sorry again! Thanks!" Natalie said, walking away quickly.

    Seeing as how her head was turned, Natalie didn't see the small puddle of spilled water, and so she slipped. "Whoa!" Luckily, Natalie caught herself just in time without spilling her drink. She turned to the black-haired girl in the booth. "Oh! I'm so sorry!"
  13. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes ☆ Mood» Excited Character Theme ☆Date: 12/26/2015 Day: 6 & 2/4
    Location » Cafe OOC: ☆
    Estelle heard someone yell and she looked up, seeing a girl nearly fall into her booth. She stood up to go and help her, but she had caught herself.

    "Oh! I'm so sorry!"

    "Are you ok?" Estelle asked. "Don't worry about it, I'm a bit of a spaz myself." Estelle asked. She panicked. "Not to say you are! I just mean-" She cut herself off. "Erg... would you like to sit down? With me I mean." She laughed sweetly. She had hoped that she would start making friends and now it was a golden opportunity to do so. Even though she was overly shy, she had to at least try.
    "My name is Estelle, sorry about all my rambling I don't really talk that much." Estelle explained. "Do you come here a lot?" She asked, sitting back down. "It's really nice around here, I love coming here day to day..." She told her, looking out one of the windows. "It's beautiful this time of year too, I love the snow. Snowflakes are like little stars..."

  14. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    (*) Sophie's House (Dining Room) (*) Mood: Content (*) Music (*) Outfit (*) OOC: This post is meh(*)
    As he took a moment to breath after inhaling so much food, he casually looked around the table. From what he could tell, not many people were talking. Mainly since he wasn't actually being loud while he was eating. Otherwise he was certain someone would've said something, especially if it was in a cartoonish style.
    The silence went on as he took another casual sip from his drink. If only he was more of a conversationalist, then maybe he could strike up a conversation. Unfortunately he wasn't, so he just sat in silence. In truth it didn't bother him too much it was just that he'd figured at least one person would be talkative. Maybe this is one of those reasons you can't judge a book by it's cover.
    Soon enough he went back to eating, at a slower pace than he was before. He soon stopped worrying about the silence as he started to he the few remaining food on his plate.
  15. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DATE⁞ Saturday, December 26th, 2015 DAY⁞ 6 3/4
    LOCATION⁞ Car INTERACTION⁞ Richie & Elisa
    Ryder made eye contact with Elisa through the mirror. "Absolutely! That sounds like a lot of fun." He nodded and turned down their street.

    Richie turned to him and Ryder knew what was about to come. "Is it alright if I come to? I don't want to be stuck in the house all alone with Mom and Ariella, especially after the night I've had." His twin laughed quietly. "Besides, Mom is going to be upset with me and I don't want to experience that all day."

    Ryder sighed and pulled into the driveway. "Sure. Whatever." He killed the engine and shoved his phone into his pocket before turning to face the both of them. "I'm leaving in an hour." He said before getting out of the car. Ryder marched inside and kicked his shoes off at the door. Ariella was sitting in the living room when his mom came out of the kitchen.

    "Did you get your brother?" She asked him.

    "Yeah mom. He and Elisa are on their way in right now." He told her. Ryder moved to head for the stairs but she caught him by the elbow and pulled him back with surprising strength. "What?" He asked her. She pulled him involuntarily into a hug and he grimaced. "Mom...!" She gave Ryder a kiss on the head before letting him go.

    He smoothed his hair and shot her a confused look before hurrying up the stairs to his room.
  16. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 1 « OOC: Lazy post. :

    The morning seemed to be dragging on and with every quiet minute that passed, Oliver became more and more uncomfortable. This wasn't elementary school. He didn't have to wait for someone to pick him up, he could leave whenever he wanted. It just felt ... rude, so he finished his food in silence and took the time alone to mull over the last couple of nights.

    When he finished breakfast, he excused himself from the dining table with his dishes and disappeared to the kitchen to wash them up. Sophie's servant [ he didn't quite understand her need for one - she seemed perfectly capable on her own ] made him a bit uncomfortable and he was more than happy to clean up his own messes. He was neither a child nor privileged enough to enjoy that sort of thing.

    Finally, it felt right for him to go. He returned to the dining room only to bid goodbye to Sophie and the others. A series of thank yous were given out for the party and breakfast, despite his dissatisfaction with both, and he left the house shortly after.

    Oliver's head was pounding with every sound and bright light and for a moment he wondered if he was okay enough to drive. As lonely as Christmas had been [ emotionally, at the very least ], it had left him drained and exhausted and ... sore. He wished he had at least had a little more fun for as fatigued as he felt.

    After a bit of sitting around in his car and listening to music he decided things should be okay and backed out of Sophie's driveway, beginning the drive to his apartment.


    Once safely arriving home, he plopped down on his couch exasperatedly. Reed was nowhere to be seen, and he hoped his roommate wouldn't be returning anytime soon. The quiet was nice. It was about time he found a more permanent job, so that he could move out on his own and start building some sort of life for himself.

    As it was now everything was just kind of ... disappointing. He never thought he was going to be extraordinary in the world, but this eternally mundane existence was not exactly working for him, either. He always assumed that after completing school he would grab a job and everything would just fall into place, but it didn't seem that easy anymore. What did he want to do with his life? Hell if he knew. He was approaching his last year, too ...

    Despite everything, he had to remember that he was a student at Fortissimo University. Aah, how was it that his love for music had been ... forgotten? Maybe not forgotten, but he had definitely abandoned his craft. It wasn't like he wanted to become a mechanic, or anything!

    Fortissimo was great, but though at the heart of it all it was truly an institution dedicated to music, it was a bit pretentious in that it would cram every other subject in there to the highest caliber. Mathematics and Sports for instance got much as much recognition and focus as Music Theory. In the past, the academy had received an enormous amount of backlash for basically churning out only two types of students; the Outrageously Successful Musician - and The Failure [ or The Flop ]. Most students left the academy the latter, and so multiple other curriculums were fleshed out to stand on par with the music program.

    Man ... Attending Fortissimo meant he was special somehow, right? At some point during his youth, teachers had seen something in him that made him different. Gifted. If music was what made him special in the first place, then maybe he should keep his focus on that ...

    What was the best way to do that, though?

    ... Oliver pulled open his laptop and logged into his Student Portal on Fortissimo University's main site. He scrolled through until he located the section for advertisements, usually littered with offers for old text books and club recruitments.

  17. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    "Is it alright if I come to? I don't want to be stuck in the house all alone with Mom and Ariella, especially after the night I've had. Besides, Mom is going to be upset with me and I don't want to experience that all day."

    "Sure. Whatever."

    An excited squeal escapes the turquoise teen as she grabbed the edges of the two seats in front of her and pulled herself forward. She pumps a fist into the air while a wide grin was plastered on her face, "Hooray! It's adventure time for the golden trio!!"

    A less excited comment came from Ryder, as expected, and he veered the car into the corner before their house. Elisa, who was at the edge of the backseat, lost her balance and fell to the side of the car. Almost hitting her head by the handle of the umbrella Richie had given her. It didn't help that the car came to a stop before she could even gather herself, loosing her balance once more and rolling into the back seat with a small "Oof!"

    A small giggle followed, laughing at her clumsiness, as Ryder exited the car. She sat up properly and began to gather her things. She took a deep breath and looked at her best friend with a slight smirk, then opened the car door and braved the cold. She hurried to cross the front lawn, her hoodie and socks did help a bit but man was the winter air harsh! She made sure the snow were gone from her shoes before she entered the Duvont home.

    She witnessed the twins' mother smother Ryder, much to his dismay, as she walked through the door with Richie behind her. She couldn't help but giggle again. She grinned at both of the Duvont females, "Hello ladies! Merry merry Christmas!" she beams and gives them both hugs. She made sure she gave Ariella a small kiss on the forehead too.

    She smoothed out her hoodie and looked up at Richie as she stood beside his little sister. She wondered what his mother would tell him, if she would notice his unkept look. She was pretty sure she would be cleared, since she was able to freshen up in the bathroom of Sophie's home. She also drank significantly less than her best friend too. She looked back at where Ryder had disappeared to. Just an hour before they all went adventuring.
  18. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Location: Sophie's Crib/Mall {} Mood: Neutral/Bleh {} OOC: :E {} Music: [{bottod}]
    Eventually after eating, Sasha got up and thanked everyone for the whole ordeal, especially Sophie for opening er home for them before she head out. Well...another Christmas I would be forgetting soon. But at least I had fun...right? She shook her head. "Fun" wasn't the word she would use in that situation. She didn't regret her decision either. It was...odd. It just didn't adjust to her...
    Throughout the rest of her day, she spent it at the mall, buying herself various gifts as well as gifts for her dad and brother. She sighed. I really need to get a job or something. Living off of monthly allowance is not enough to buy $600 worth of gifts every month. Oh well. Maybe next year I'll have people that will care about me. What a big fat maybe I'm throwing out there.
    Sasha eventually made it home, carrying large bags of items. She grabbed a bunch of cardboard boxes and started to stuff objects in them. After labeling them all and placing destination addresses on them, she placed them outside next to her mailbox and got back in home to place the stuff she bought herself which were basically a bunch of anime collections and expensive figures.
    After setting up all of her stuff, she laid on her bed, scrolling through her phone until she found a text from her brother.

    Sasha laid on her bed, turning off her phone and sighing. I shouldn't have lied to him...but I also don't want him coming over in self pity. That's the last thing I want from a family member...She hugged her pillow and closed her eyes, hoping for a better tomorrow in her life as she fell asleep.
  19. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Natalie Williams

    Outfit|Location: Cafe|Music|Mood: Hungover|OOC: N/A

    "Are you okay? I'm a bit of a spaz myself. Not to say you are! Would you like to sit down? With me, I mean."

    Those are the first things that Natalie heard when she fell into the girl's booth. The black-haired girl laughed sweetly. Just as Natalie was about to answer, however, the girl interrupted unintentionally;

    "My name is Estelle, sorry about all my rambling I don't really talk that much. Do you come here a lot? It's really nice around here, I love coming here day to day... It's beautiful this time of year too, I love the snow. Snowflakes are like little stars..."

    'Don't talk a lot.' How funny.

    "My name is Natalie. I don't come here often, but every once in a while when I feel horribly depressed I will." There is was. The depression. That came out quick.

    For the past two years, Natalie had been struggling with depression. It would keep her up at night, unable to sleep, and she'd be tired in the morning. Sometimes, she even woke up to nightmares about that night at camp two years ago. It all seemed like yesterday, sitting in the McDonald's, watching Sebastian, Sean, and Stratana die, coughing up blood and... Lexi getting arrested. Instead of staying with her best friend, she had left her there to get arrested. When the older kids had dragged her away, she didn't even fight back. Now that Natalie realized it... She was the guilty one, and had no idea how Lexi was still her friend.
  20. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes ☆ Mood» ... Character Theme ☆Date: 12/26/2015 Day: 6 & 3/4
    Location » Cafe OOC: ☆
    "My name is Natalie."

    Estelle said her name a few times in her head, so she could remember. It would look kind of silly if she didn't know.
    "I don't come here often, but every once in a while when I feel horribly depressed I will."
    She was about to say something, but it seemed like no words came out. 'It looks like she's pretty open about things that happen in her life. I've only just met her and she's already told me this...' Estelle thought to herself. 'What am I supposed to say now?... This hasn't happened to be before. Oh no. I hope I don't mess up.'
    She cleared her throat. "I know we just met... but... maybe I could give you some advice." She started, "Would you like to talk about it?" She asked with a friendly smile.
    She took a deep breath. It didn't look like she was... totally hopeless. Maybe she would help her. Back in school, even though none of the kids really talked to her, if they needed advice she was the one they came to, and they kept coming back... so maybe she was really on to something. She thought about it a little longer.
    "I wouldn't be able to just, turn her away now, even if I wanted to, to something were to happen to her I would feel at least a bit responsible, if talking if all she needs..... if something were to happen to me I would hope they do the same for me..." She nodded her head.
    She didn't think about what she would do if she didn't want to. Maybe she would try to just have a normal conversation... but it would bug her.. if she didn't she was too curious for her own good.
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