❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 1 « OOC: N|A :

    The hours passed quickly. It felt like only a blink had gone by, and suddenly his surroundings were completely unfamiliar. He was in a bed, alone [ that was good ] and in a room he didn't recognize. The bed was really nice, though. He almost didn't want to get out of it ...

    But he did, because he needed to know where he was. It was annoying. The events from last night were a blurry, incoherent haze. He remembered arriving at the party, avoiding Pierce, drinking some and then nothing but blurry, flashing, silent-film memories.

    Finally, he peeled the blankets away from his body and slid out from them. His stomach turned without warning and he had to mash his lips together and bite his tongue to keep from vomiting out onto the floor. A bathroom was quickly found and a short puking session commenced. He was usually better at keeping this stuff down. What did he do last night? He must have been miserable!

    A towel, an unused toothbrush and toothpaste were found and he took care of himself and cleaned up, gazing into the ridiculously clean mirror. His clothes were nearly twisted around him, collars flipped up the wrong way. His shaggy blonde hair fell in every direction, in loose spikes ...

    He tried to readjust everything as best as he could but ultimately gave up on looking as sharp as he had in that box office and left the bathroom, heading down the halls and following the sound of socialization until he was near the kitchen. People were exchanging their good mornings, so he wasn't too late to the party, from what he could see.

    Knowing there was nothing to look forward to at home, he took a seat at the kitchen island, a couple of seats away from Sophie.

    Hey. His voice was low but friendly, and directed mostly at Sophie and her servant guy. ... Do you guys have any Ginger Ale, or Sprite? ... And anything for headaches?

  2. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    Dennis woke to the sound of a loud thudding noise. After waiting for a minute he realized just what made that noise. He ended up rolling off of the couch onto the ground and landing on his right arm. He was pretty sure it was going to be bruised, but didn't really care. Instead he rolled onto his back and looked around to find any nearby clock to tell him what time it was. When he saw one it was analog and he was pretty sure he was seeing five hands on the clock. His brain didn't really register that as being correct but he didn't really care too much about the time. He tried to get up, because he resolved that he needed to stop sleeping, however he lacked any strength to pull himself back onto the couch, so he eventually just zonked out again on the floor until he woke again. He continued to lie on the floor until fifteen minutes passed and he realized that he wasn't going back to sleep anytime soon.

    Reluctantly, Dennis pulled himself to the couch and lied down for a quick second and...accidently fell off the couch again. Even though he landed on the same arm the pain still didn't really register to him yet and as such he lazily stood himself up. He looked at himself to notice that he was wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants, which was not his usual bedware. Not to mention the room itself looked bigger than his apartment. He started to be perpetually confused until he recalled that he was in someone elses home. He started to sway back and forth and figured a nice glass of milk could probably cure his tired state. 'Wait did this place actually have any milk? Where exactly was the kitchen? Did I leave my water running at home?' All these thoughts and more rang through Dennis's head before he shakingly grabbed his bag and pulled out a lollipop. This one was orange flavor and he was sure that sugar+milk would be just what he needed to regain his lost energy.

    He started to tiredly walk all the way to the kitchen...which he had sort of forgotten where it was. He started wandering around slightly lost until he found his way to the pool...okay not the kitchen but it was a good start, he figured. As such he started to try and draw a map of the house in his head that would show what exactly he had done last night to get from the kitchen to the pool. After a brief moment of thinking on it that thought map had finally finished and he tiredly walked to the kitchen. He looked around noticing a few people in the kitchen and such he just said "good morning Alex, Sophie, Blond Guy." Upon realizing that he said good morning to Sophie he instantly remembered last night. As such he nervously turned his head away, trying his best not to make eye contact, because he knew that would just make himself feel way more awkward than he already did.
  3. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 6 - 1/4 | DATE: December 26, 2015 | LOCATION: Sophie's House (Kitchen)

    An exasperated moan sounded as Freddie tried to force himself upright. He sat up and rubbed his eyes a little, an uncomfortable sensation filled his head. Probably from all of the booze last night. It wasn't exactly a hangover, but he just felt a little off, something a little bit of food could easily fix. He stood up and walked out of the room he slept in. Since he hadn't been too wasted the night before, he could remember things from last night clearly. One thing that stuck out like a sore thumb was the question Sophie asked him and his response. God, he really hoped she wouldn't ask him about it. He had absolutely no idea what to tell her if she did follow up on it, but he could think of something... hopefully.

    He wandered about the large house for a while. Freddie hadn't been here enough to be familiar with all of the pathways in it. It sucked being lost in another person's house and they are nowhere to be found. Especially since this other person was a good friend. Aaaaah... What the hell? Still, this was a suitable place for parties since it could hold a crap ton of people all at once. Plus this place is pretty stocked with booze and food, so that wouldn't run out for a long while. Still, it was a maze for people who don't walk around it everyday.

    Eventually, he found himself near the kitchen. Being the servant that he was, Lucas had been making breakfast for the party people. It was a large order to fill, considering how many people were already gathered there. He was fairly certain there were more people still, but he didn't know for sure. At any rate, he cracked his neck a little bit and twisted his upper body to crack his spine and walked towards the gaggle of people in the kitchen.
    "What's up, people?" He looked at Sophie and made eye contact with her for a little bit before looking away in embarrassment. He REALLY hoped that she wouldn't follow up that question.
  4. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010


    ♡ ~ ✖ ~ ♡

    Good morning, Alex, Lucas said without having to turn around, and Sophie nodded at Alex, recognizing his existence. Others would be waking up, and she would be annoyed.

    Another set of footsteps walked in, and Sophie was hoping it might be Freddie or Oliver, but, Good morning, everyone!

    You are being too loud. Sophie said in a cold tone, not bothering looking at him. She didn't like him anymore.

    Sophie, mind your manners, Lucas chided, Good morning, Richie. Sophie sighed exasperantly after clicking her tongue. She hated being nice to people she didn't like. Especially promiscuous, incompetent ones.

    Someone else mumbled a tired 'Morning,' while walking into the kitchen, and Lucas walked to the refrigerator and grabbed the milk, and poured a glass he then sat on the island next to Dennis, who was the newcomer.

    'Morning Alex, Blonde Guy, Sophie.

    At least he wasn't obnoxious. Sophie looked at him while he was yawning and gave a hint of a smile when his reaction clicked in. She saw he had a lollipop in his mouth, and then motioned for him to join them.

    One more person came in, and this time it was someone that Sophie wasn't completely loath to see. Oliver took a seat not too far away from her, looking quite worse for the wear, and Sophie felt nearly as bad as he looked. His low voice breached her hearing and she looked at him.

    Hey . . . Do you guys have any Ginger Ale, or Sprite? . . . And anything for headaches? Lucas turned away from his cooking and went back to the fridge, opening it and rustling through to bring out a bottle of ginger ale, and then poured another glass, which Sophie retrieved, and then gave to Oliver.

    Sophie, please move everyone to the dining room, it is getting crowded. Lucas asked, and Sophie sighed. She was a bit of a better host under the influence than she was with a hangover.

    She stood from the stool and fixed her cardigan, Alright, follow me, The group walked through a door, and they were in a large dining room with the classic design and a long, dark wood table with fourteen black-cushioned chairs; two at each end, and six on either side. This is the dining room my parents used for parties and such, the other is through that door, but we won't be using it. She sighed, and motioned for them to sit wherever they please.

    As for herself, Sophie walked back into the kitchen to be with Lucas as he continued to cook and waited for others to wake up. Hopefully, she wouldn't have to see Quentin . . . But of course she would have to, eventually.

    Leaving the others in the dining room while she returned to Lucas had been a decent idea. They weren't around to annoy her, make her headache worse, or make her coffee taste too bitter. She sighed. They would probably think her a bad host, but they were lucky she didn't throw them all out in the snow.

    Good morning, Freddie. Lucas said, and Sophie force swallowed her coffee, her posture remaining the same. She had been sleepy last night, and her mind hadn't exactly been in . . . the right state. Freddie, thought she would never outwardly admit it, was her friend.

    Most people would say Sophie Bennett did not have friends — she had playthings and marionettes. While that was mostly true, there was one very special person every now and again that did rise above the level of 'Toy' and become 'Acquaintance', and then become 'Friend'. It was a long and arduous process for the one that wasn't Sophie, but sometimes it was worth it.

    What's up, people?

    Sophie looked over her shoulder and him and made eye contact. One, two, three, four . . . There. Four very long seconds of looking directly at each other before he looked away. He remembered what she did. There were three paths from here; one, mess with his mind and continue from last night, two, ask him about it and be genuine, or three, leave it alone.

    A very hungover morning. Sophie replied, and then tapped the seat next to her while Lucas offered Freddie ginger ale or coffee. I prefer not to touch base on . . . last night. she said simply, playing with his hair. After all, he was her friend, and she decided she should never mess with friends' minds unless it was serious.

    Breakfast is nearly ready, Nico.

  5. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 6 - 1/4 | DATE: December 26, 2015 | LOCATION: Sophie's House (Kitchen)

    "A very hungover morning." Sophie tapped the seat next to her, signaling Freddie to sit next to her. He took his seat as Lucas asked if he wanted coffee or ginger ale.

    "Coffee would be nice, thank you."

    "I prefer not to touch base on... last night." She ran her hand through his hair, the same way he did to her last night. Well, at least she wouldn't follow up on that question. That was a HUGE relief. He relaxed more after she said that.

    "Alright then. If you insist." He sipped at the coffee Lucas had placed in front of him. Oooh, that hit the spot. It was especially good since it was a cold morning. Freddie mixed in about 3 spoonfuls of sugar and a little bit of milk to make it more to his liking.

    "Breakfast is nearly ready, Nico." Awesome. At the mention of breakfast, Freddie's stomach growled a little bit. He didn't exactly have anything to eat the night before. All he had was the alcohol, not a suitable substitute for some good food. The smell of the food was intoxicating. He couldn't wait to dig in.
  6. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves


    { 1 0 : 0 0 }

    Ah-- aaaah--
    A dull pain in Torvald's head threw him off guard, and he fell off the couch onto the ground. He rolled onto his back and stood back up, gripping a palm to the side of his head. What happened! Goddamn! He drank too much, did he! He did, he did ... This was terrible! Unforgivable! He could not lead a revolution if his-- ack goddamn-- his-- his head was in so much paaaaaAAaaAAin--

    He groaned. It was like a drill bit piercing his skull. This-- this was a ploy by the bourgeoisie! Insolent imbeciles! The alcohol was too strong and they took advantage of his alliance with the working class to do this to him! They would be hearing his voice in defiance! Things would be thrown! People would be excommunicated from the revolution! Property would be destroyed and enemies eliminatAAAAaaAaack--

    Torvald shook and gripped the side of the sofa. This wasn't a mere hangover, it seemed more like a terrible headache.

    - - - - -

    Torvald burst through the kitchen door, threateningly holding a vase. A lamp shade was still on his head, from when he accidentally smashed into it in his stumbling down the stairs. The pain throbbed through his skull and the smell of food blocked out his senses. The servant was standing nearby, with Sophie and Freddie, cooking something that seemed much too gauche for his tastes.

    << C--COMRADE WORKER OF THE HOUSEHOLD! >> He squinted in pain and held the vase close to his head. << THIS REVOLUTION WILL NOT CONTINUE, FOR MY HEAD-- UGH-- MY HEAD, IT IS BEING ASSAULTED ON ALL SIDES BY THE CAPITALISTIC TREACHERY THAT IS POST-ALCOHOLIC STUPOR! BUT WORSE! >> He walked forward, but the pain made him double over. He slid off of the side of one of the granite countertops, sending a pan flipping upwards and rocketing to the ceiling, as he cluched his heart in defiance. He closed his eyes in melodrama as the loud bang of the pan hitting the ceiling echoed through the rooms. << THE FIRES OF REVOLUTION! THEY WILL NEVER CEASE AS-- AS LONG AS YOU HAVE-- ugh-- my, my medical kit-- COMRADE WORKER, THIS HEADACHE ASSAULTS MY MIND. I REQUEST MY MED-- MEDICAL KIT. OR PAINKILLERS-- or honey and tea-- >>

    Torvald coughed and sat in pain by the side of the counter, the lamp shade hanging over his head. His nose was as red as a cherry.
    At least this would mean he could talk to the worker about the incident last night.

  7. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    H U S S L E A N D B U S S L E M O R N I N G

    Late to sleep, early to rise; something one of my personal mentors used to tell me. Being diligent in everything I do was a good work ethic, and I should never let that habit die to pleasure or temptation of things that might ruin me. Despite my lack of interest in school, it was something that passed me through with flying colors, at the top of my class.

    Each of the guests had woken up one by one while I was preparing breakfast, and the kitchen had become far too noisy and crowded for the time of morning, for SOPHIE, anyway. Her hangover was nothing to sneeze at, and it would have been a terrible idea to upset her.

    While she escorted everyone to the dining room — they had stayed in there for at least a good ten minutes — I had taken the opportunity to see what non-present guests were up to. NATALIE WILLIAMS and SARAH COLEMAN were leaving the premises, and I had no reason to stop them; a bothersome pair, they had been last night. TUCKER KNOWLES and MARIA HARTWICK had fallen asleep together, and only one of them was up.

    PIERCE MHENJER was the one who concerned me. She had left her room rather early, and was now in the main foyer. Leaving without saying goodbye to SOPHIE? Unacceptable, but there may be something I don't know — which is a rarity. I quickly walk down to the foyer ( I only have three minutes left ), and greet PIERCE.

    Good morning, Pierce,❞ I begin, ❝I hope you are not leaving without bidding farewell to Sophie. She would not be pleased if you did.❞ There is a troubled look on her face, and I can see that she did not want to be found. ❝Perhaps she upset you, but I'm sure she did not really mean to. I hope that you will reconsider parting on a bad note.❞ I smile at her, and then return to the kitchen.

    The others were relatively alright, which was almost a bit to my dismay.

    Oftentimes, people mistake my niceties and cordiality for being fond of them, but truth be told, I cannot stand most of them. Each of them has at least one thing that interests me, yes, otherwise . . .

    I return to the kitchen just as SOPHIE arrives once more, and then FREDERICK makes his morning appearance, and I serve him coffee, per request. I have a small idea as to what may be going on between the two, but it isn't my place to intervene. Conflict among friends, I have been told, is best settled among friends.

    Breakfast is almost ready, Nico.❞ I tell her, and she nods at me. Moments later, another commotion begins, and I hear babbling from a hungover TORVALD TANNHAUSER, who explodes through the kitchen door.

    I calmly turn around and assess the situation. He is holding a vase of great monetary value; a relic from the Ming Dynasty, and on his head is a lampshade. I nearly laugh, but catch myself. He's broken furniture, there's bits of ceramic attached near the collar of his shirt. I am obviously not pleased with this.

    He tells me, specifically me, a comrade, he calls me, that the REVOLUTION will not continue, for he has a headache. He tries and fails to walk, and falls to the ground — but that is not the best part; he hits a pan's handle with his hand and it catapults to the ceiling with perfect trajectory. It takes everything in me to not laugh and keep a calm face.

    He asks me for his medical kit, to which I duly retrieve from a cabinet in the living room, where I confiscated it from him for trying to play forensics on one of the pillows in his drunken stupor. Then he mentions something that catches me off guard.

    Honey and tea.

    I smile, and then help TORVALD into a chair, and immediately prepare him warm honey and builder's tea. He seems like the type. I confiscate the vase and place it somewhere safe.

    The revolution cannot be led without its ignition, Tannhauser. An ignition cannot be lit if it has a headache.❞ I say with a smile, ❝Keep quiet and drink your tea, now.

    Moments later, breakfast is served. I ask all of the guests to help me set the table, and then everyone is sitting and beginning to eat. ❝Breakfast is served.❞ I say, and retreat to the kitchen, for the drinks. I join them at the table, next to SOPHIE, and we all begin to eat.

  8. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    The turquoise teen felt like there were spider webs all over her, as if they were tightly wrapping around her body forcing her not to move. They were even in her brain, tightly gripping the organ inside her skull causing it to throb and also under her eyelids and between her lips, urging them not to separate - but she could feel the warm sunlight from outside tell her it was already morning. Actually, some time past the early morning even.

    With more than enough effort, she was finally able to open her eyes and take in a deep breath. Oh god, that was gross. All she smelled of was the air of alcohol. She decided to try and ignore it to figure out where she was because she didn't seem to wake up to the familiar, flowery walls of her room. Instead, it was a room of neutrals and not pastels which was beautiful but still unfamiliar.

    She looked down at herself and pulled the covers off of her. She was wearing that favorite white dress of hers! The one with the gems on the collar. Oh! Oh, right! There it was coming back now! She was probably at Sophie's house, since there was a party last night. Right. She took lots of photos, didn't she? Yup. It was confirmed by the DSLR camera on the counter. Beside it was this gorgeous black, laced umbrella. Hmm...? Was that hers? It took a second for her to remember that it was. It was from her best friend! Richie was here too!

    Elisa turned her head from side to side. Well, he wasn't here - not in this room at least. She pouted. It would have been nice if she had cuddled with him to sleep. Perhaps she did and he was already awake? Wow, her mind seemed to be rambling a lot. Well, there was only one way to find out!

    She pushed herself up from the bed quickly - actually, a little too quickly. That was an awful idea. She immediately feels the turn in her stomach and with the alcohol she recalled having, she could already predict what would happen next. She quickly ran out of the door, not even caring of how she looked - which she was certain was awful. She luckily found the bathroom with the first door she opened and she slammed it behind her and headed straight to the toilet. Flowers and sparkles didn't come out of her then.

    Elisa wiped the crusts of mascara under her eyes after washing her mouth four times. Luckily, there was mouthwash on the counter and even some perfume - which she helped herself with generously. She brushed the patches of hair that stood up on her head down with her fingers and tried her best to straighten out her dress.

    Once she figured that she looked a little decent, she walked back to her room and grabbed her things there then proceeded to the stairs. She could already hear voices in the dining area and once she got there, she smiled at everyone. Greeting them with a small wave and a sleepy but perky "Good morning."
  9. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    location: bennett home [ guest room // dining room ] mood: hungover theme: tea?
    affection: quentin ❤ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
    ooc: n / a

    Richie awoke to the gentle rhythm of a beating heart. Blinking a few times, the handsome figure of Quentin became much clearer... he looked so peaceful as he slept. It was moments like this where the boy felt a little sad that he wouldn't have the pleasure of waking up to someone like this everyday in such a manner. Quentin's warm chest... his slightly messy brown hair... the peaceful silence that lingered in the room... Richie never wanted to leave his side.

    A subtle growl echoed across the room, breaking the wonderful silence. He looked over Quentin's rising and falling chest and read the time on the analog clock: 10:22. Mmm, what a perfect time to wake up... at least it would be if the boy wasn't exhausted and slightly hungover. With a depressing groan and whimper, Richie forced himself off of Quentin and out of bed. As he stood and stretched, his eyes couldn't help but wander back to the brunet's sleeping frame. He smiled gently and kissed his forehead, whispering a sugary, "Thanks for everything..."

    Luckily, he found a lone notepad and pen in one of the nightstand drawers. The blonde simply wrote down his number with a heart as the finishing touch. He placed the note on Quentin's chest, where he had been resting comfortably just moments prior. Replacing the pen and pad, Richie then begrudgingly exited the room and headed down the stairs.

    The boy first made his way to the kitchen and noticed that... no one was in there? Hm... he heard faint voices from a room nearby and, figuring that's where everyone was gathered, entered. He immediately spotted Elisa among those seated, and took the seat next to her. Richie smiled at her and gave her a short hug, then greeted the crowd with a sweet and quiet, "Good morning." He turned his head back to his best friend and asked her, in almost a whisper, "How did you sleep?"
  10. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Location: Sophie's Crib {} Mood: Neutral{} OOC: Blarg {} Music: [{bottod}]
    As the following day's morning light poured into the house, Sasha opened her eyes just a little to shield her sleepy eyes from the harsh light. Yawining, she realized the was a pillow on her head and a blanket on her body. She started it up, but it was Torvold's loud voice in the other room that made her jump and snap her sleepiness away.
    She laughed to herself. "Oh my...guess all that alcohol caught up to him." She recalled what happened to her last night, specifically the incident with her and Torvald. Sighing, got up on her feet and rubbed her eyes before folding the blanket neatly and placing the pillow on top of the blanket. "I hope Sophie's fine with us al sleeping over here. I really had no intention..."
    She walked into the kitchen, looking around for something to eat, but with manners. She wouldn't just go through her shelves and munch down on random pieces of food. She then heard the all clear from the Lucas, or the butler looking person, and sat down before taking some portions of food and eating them down, just giving a small, but unnoticable nods to those arriving and saying good morning to the group. Mhmm...might as well buy something for dad and my brother...and maybe for something myself...
  11. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    Sudden cold bit at the skin on his lower back. It caused a shiver to run down the red head's spine as his mind traveled from dreams into reality. The sunlight from outside didn't even tempt the young man to open his eyes - which still felt like they weighed tons. He felt really drained and tired yet the cold was unwanted and present just to wake him up! Was he really awake? Or was it just going to be the pull-covers-over-self-again then sleep for another hour or two?

    A small groan escapes him as he scooted away from the cold and tucked himself back into the covers. He flopped his right arm back down at the form next to him, hugging it again tightly. Warmth. There we go… much better. He kept his eyes closed and went back to his steady and shallow breathing. He felt incredibly at peace at the moment, which he wasn't so used to lately. It was probably because the play was finally over (which was also very sad) and that meant he could relax more. Also, that he got to spend lots of time with animals in the shelter that Christmas day. Oh! It was probably because he was just so drained out from everything he spilled last night to Maria! Yeah that seemed like the most logical reason. Finally got those demons out of his mind. Let them get some fresh winter air before coming back into his- 'WAIT. MARIA. '

    Suddenly, he began to notice the way his arm would slightly shift forward every couple of seconds and how it felt a little warmer. Also the steady breathing by his neck. His fingertips were hovering over something lightly, coming into contact as his arm would shift - in sync. He pressed against it gently. Breathing. That's what caused his arm to shift. And wait! He caught something between his fingers, twirling them slightly he realized it was some locks of hair. After that realization, he quickly pieced it together. Last night. Secrets. Maria. Drained. Bed. It only meant one thing - cuddles.

    His eyes immediately opened and everything he imagined was confirmed. There she was, the beautiful lead actress from their production, in his arms. Her head was resting by his shoulder and her arm was draped over his chest. His right bicep rested by her side as his forearm curled up and his palm rested by her shoulder, trapped within some of her golden locks. He kept her in a tight embrace, leaving little to no distance between them. He could feel her body against his under the covers. He felt his breathing halt and his cheeks burn up. When did this happen?!

    He recalled sleeping soundly next to her - but wait, wait! Right! That was the time Tucker's mind somehow grew a little more confident and he actually snuggled up to her like he wanted. Man, he did not think through how this would be in the morning... His lips pressed together tightly as his cheeks really, really burned. He felt his body tense up and squirm a bit as his chestnut eyes looked down at her. He thought he'd wake up alone and she would have gotten up already - but then again, he did cuddle her all night and there really wasn't much room to move... but still! Though, in any case, Tucker wasn't exactly one to wake up early unless he needed to - but then again, Maria did have a big night. She must have been tired too.

    He gulped nervously. Okay. This was actually incredibly nice and all, he had to admit, but this was just too awkward for him. Nope. Nope! Even though his mind kind of liked the comforting affection and he wanted to pull her in closer and feel her warmth during this cold winter day, his body couldn't handle it. But then again.... how was he going to get out of this???

    Oh God, he really should have thought this through. What now? No, really. What now? He let out a small sigh and shifted a bit, awkwardly removing his right arm from her slim form and lying on his back now. His other arm was still locked underneath her, cradling her and more so, not separating them. His cheeks were still really, really flushed. He could feel it. He slapped his other hand on his forehead. How on earth was he going to get out of this? And he wasn't just wondering about this locked cuddle they were in but also... just... about them?

    He pretty much told her everything that he never wanted anyone to find out. What did that make her now? What was going to be of the two? He groaned again, not knowing the answer to his questions. Man, it must have been late. He reached down into his pocket to check the time on his phone. True enough, it was quite later in the morning already. He quickly checked for messages, which were 2 unread messages from his mother and from Sean, but ignored them for now. He let out a sigh and looked back at the girl who lay in the bed beside him. Should he… wake her up?
  12. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    WEARING DATE 12/26/2015 DAY 6 & 1/4 MUSIC
    Footsteps sounded on the staircase leading down into the foyer and Pierce looked up in time to see Lucas approaching her. She glowered at the man. She should be nice to Lucas. He did nothing wrong--it wasn't his fault--, but she couldn't help but be annoyed that he found her. Wasn't he cooking breakfast or something? She had very much hoped leaving without drawing anyone's attention would be possible. Not today, nor probably ever. He stopped by her side and her brown eyes trailed slowly up his body until she had uncomfortably locked eyes with him.

    Good morning, Pierce, Lucas began, I hope you are not leaving without bidding farewell to Sophie. She would not be pleased if you did. From the look on his face, he seemed to be able to tell that something was the matter. Perhaps she upset you, but I'm sure she did not really mean to. I hope that you will reconsider parting on a bad note. Lucas left her with a smile, heading off in the direction of the kitchen.

    Pierce frowned at her phone. Her mom would still be about ten to fifteen minutes before she arrived. She didn't want to go see Sophie, at least not right now. The only thing she wanted was to go home and hide out for a few days and pretend like everything was made up in her head. They were all dreams--some good, some bad. She sighed, standing up. She would just say goodbye--walk into the dining room, tell Sophie she was leaving, walk out of the dining room. That's all. Three simple steps. Pierce pulled her jacket tightly against her body as she crammed her phone into the right pocket. Light footsteps pitter-pattered across the tile as she made her way out of the foyer and into the dining room. She inhaled deeply, trying to calm her nerves. Pierce hadn't seen much of Sophie after their talk in the bathroom and every time she did, the other girl was clinging on someone new and drunkenly ordering people around. She bit down on her lip, trying to push the images out of her head.
    When she approached the dining room, she could smell the delicious aroma of a fresh cooked breakfast awaiting. It made her stomach growl and she glared down at it angrily. A hungry tummy would do no good. Pierce stopped in the doorway and cleared her throat awkwardly, knocking lightly on the wall for no real reason. She noticed Lucas sitting beside Sophie and she nodded at him. It was all his fault. S-Sophie, she started, only then realizing who else was in the dining room. The blond she had spent the night wondering what happened to was also sitting down for breakfast. So Oliver was here after all. Why hadn't she seen him? He had probably been avoiding her. Who wouldn't? Sophie was right. He couldn't have actually been interested. It was wishful thinking. He probably only asked her to go ice skating because he had no one else to go with or something. Why would she be anyone's first pick?
    Her chocolate brown eyes shifted from Sophie to Oliver, then back to Sophie. There was a lump in her throat and she felt her heart beat quicken. Her cheeks were already starting to burn and her knees trembled beneath her. Just say what you came here to say. Then you can get out of here. I-I-I-I'm leaving, she stammered hopelessly, I-I'll talk to you l-later. Her gaze slid over everyone else for a brief moment. Feel b-better everyone, she muttered and gave a quick wave before turning back towards the foyer. The second her fleeting figure was out of sight, she took off running to the front door.
    She decided not to wait inside. Her legs would be cold, but she would manage. Her mom would be here in a few minutes after all. Pierce shut the door behind her and waited on the steps outside. Her legs were covered in goosebumps immediately and she rubbed her hands together to warm them. The cold bit at her exposed flesh, but it oddly helped her breathe easier. Her face didn't feel like it was on fire anymore and with it being so cold, she was distracted from the prospects of crying or anything else for that matter.
  13. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 1 « OOC: N|A :

    The request for Ginger Ale had been graciously granted, and then they moved to a beautiful dining area, that made him feel a bit out of place. Oliver found himself entirely tuning out the events around him as he sat down and sipped on his drink, trying to ease the overwhelming sense of nausea in his stomach. It wasn't until then that he realized his request for something to ease the headache had been neglected, unless this was supposed to be it.

    They sat there for a bit, some of them chatting with one another. When breakfast arrived, he politely picked at his food. He needed to get out of here soon. He was beginning to feel dizzy and tired, and wanted to go back to bed. Hopefully Reed wasn't around ...

    Pierce walked in and he smiled at her, but it seemed like she was on edge over something. Then he remembered his own hesitation, and a bit of last night's awkwardness, and looked away, taking in a mouthful of eggs. He felt bad. She said she was leaving and he felt disappointed on top of that negativity.

    He sighed and continued eating.

  14. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Natalie Williams

    Outfit|Location: Party|Music|Mood: Hungover/Tired/Angry-ish|OOC: N/A

    xxxxNatalie awoke the next morning, still a bit upset at the whole ordeal last night. But holy HELL did her head ache. How much had she had to drink? She was lucky she fell asleep in her car and not in the house. Sure, she had worked with the people in there during the play, but Natalie didn't trust them too much.

    Ugh, she couldn't bare this. She decided to go in the house and ask Sophie if she had ginger ale or something to help her with her hangover. The young girl got up very slowly. If she got up too fast, she'd get dizzy and more nauseous, then probably throw up. She was seeing spots and couldn't feel her face. "Ugh... This is stupid..."

    Natalie approached the house and entered wuietly. She stumbled all the way to the dining room, and peeked in. "Anyone got any ginger ale..?" she asked with a small hiccup.
  15. SynK Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 2, 2013
    ‹| Time10:14 | MoodMorning Breath |›

    Freya awoke to the gentle pressure of her pet hedgehog, Enywas, nuzzling her cheek.
    Someone's let you out again. . .

    She mumbled, half asleep, staring at the ceiling with a blank expression. Fighting with her every instinct, she finally decided to slowly pull herself out of bed. She was wearing a black lace nightgown with red tri-. Being ever so gentle, she placed Enywas on her shoulder, and headed to the bathroom. As she readied herself for the day, she wondered what all of the commotion was the previous night, some sort of party, perhaps a funeral, or both. Either were social gatherings, and she tried her best to have none of that in her life. Taking a moment to examine herself in the mirror, she thought about all of the things she would have to do today. With a resigned sigh, she stepped away and headed downstairs.

    Do I have time to make breakfast?

    She asked Enywas. He, being a hedgehog, and not understanding the complexities of the human language, thought about berries and how much he loved eating them. Freya decided, without even bothering to consult a clock, that she didn't care if she had enough time, and began making an omelette.

    After breakfast, she wrapped herself up in her favorite scarf, as Enywas tucked himself away within the folds as he'd grown accustomed to doing.

    Not today.

    Freya soothingly whispered, and placed him back in his cage. She didn't know why, but she had a feeling that smuggling him around today would be a problem. Grabbing her bag, she headed for the door, new and exciting adventures awaited her, and she was not looking forward to a single one.

    [ A N | I don't even know if we can have pets, gomen ]
  16. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    She smiled at each and everyone in the room. They were all such different characters, it made her giggle to herself slightly as she popped some of the breakfast into her mouth. The food was scrumptious! She absolutely loved it. The butler guy (Lucas was it?) was a wonderful cook. She glanced up from her thick lashes to look at everyone again but someone by the door caught her attention.

    I-I-I-I'm leaving... I-I'll talk to you l-later... Feel b-better everyone,

    She gave the girl a wave as she exited the room. Pierce wasn't really talking to her of course but Elisa just thought it would be polite and she was really sleepy and didn't feel much like talking, hence her silence. She wondered why Pierce was leaving already - without even grabbing a bite to eat but she shrugged it off. Perhaps she just had other things to tend to at her own home. She did miss her own a bit and wanted to go home too - not really but it did get her thinking of how she would get home. Her best friend, missing at the moment, was her ride home after all. Well, alright, his twin brother was but neither of the blondes were here right now and she let out a small sigh as she took another piece of food into her mouth.

    But, speak of the devil. There he was. Richie chimed into the room with a small good morning and sat next to her after a hug. She smiled back at him and greeted him back.

    "How did you sleep?"

    She pouted at him, "Would have been better if you slept with me!" It was a joke but she just wanted to guilt-trip him a bit. She did feel a little bitter because she woke up alone. She quickly giggled after, "just kidding, I slept well. Thank you!"

    She noticed how unkept Richie's hair was and how there was this air of... of... something around him. Something she couldn't explain - but it wasn't bad, nope, not at all! In fact it was happy, or rather, tease-worthy. Her best friend couldn't hide anything from her. She eyed at him suspiciously and leaned closer and whispers, "So who did you sleep with?"
  17. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Maria curled into the warm form in the bed beside her. Her bare legs brushed against fabric that didn't belong to the sheets and she sighed softly. She couldn't help pulling herself closer. There was something so perfect about having someone to sleep next too. Oh! Her eyelids blinked open and her icy blue gaze took in the sight of Tucker, entangled in her body. Her heart rate quickened. "Morning," she said raspily. Maria cleared her throat and unwrapped herself from around him.

    She ran her fingers through her platinum blond hair and slid into an upright position. Maria picked anxiously at the comforter and stared down at her hands. She wasn't sure what to say now. Last night was ... something. Tucker told her more than he had probably told anyone she knew. That must have meant something important, but he seems so afraid of the idea that a relationship might be good. " ... Tucker," ah, where was this going? "Last night --that's a lot to take in." She had done her best to digest everything he told her, but it was still such a shock.

    She turned to face him and took his hand in hers. Maria swallowed. Her heart was going crazy. Her cheeks burned. "I think ... i think i made it pretty clear how i feel about you, but if you're not willing to try or something ... I won't - I won't tell anyone. What you told me -- it won't change things, but I'm glad you told me." She gave him a reassuring smile and let go of his hand.

    Maria slid out of bed and straightened her dress, smoothing out the wrinkles. "I promise." She grimaced. She didn't want things to be over,but she wasn't going to press the matter. Maria sat down on the edge of the bed and slipped her feet into her pumps. She chewed on her bottom lip and reached for the rose. She twirled it lightly between her fingers.[DOUBLEPOST=1376359361][/DOUBLEPOST]
    DATE⁞ Saturday, December 26th, 2015 DAY⁞ 6 1/4
    LOCATION⁞ Home Car Bennett Residence INTERACTION⁞
    WEARING OOC⁞ Banner by Beau <3

    Gunshots echoed loudly off of the television screen. The display was dark and a large gun was being held in the first-person shooter. Bullet after bullet rang out as zombies were shot down into nothing. A bloody looking 'Round 43,' briefly displayed on the screen and there was a joyous whooping coming from the speakers and the headset. A microphone hovered out in front of Ryder's mouth as he shouted commands back to his teammates. An empty can of soda sat on the floor at his feet, along with a bowl filled with stale potato chips. His hair was a disheveled mess and he looked like he hadn't slept in three days, which had much to do with the fact that he spent the last two days playing nonstop video games. What was better than winter break?

    It had been nice not having his twin around. Richie was so busy with the musical that they hardly saw each other, but now he would probably be home more. They still had rehearsals and showing to do, but a lot of the crew was no longer needed. There were no more sets to be built, music to be composed, or scripts to be written. How disappointing. There was a knock on his bedroom door and he ignored it, assuming it was probably just his little sister. She would go away if he ignored her for long enough. B-b-bang. B-bang. Bang. The bullets left his gun and his control vibrated in his hand. There was an itch behind his ear, but it was too risky to scratch it. The knob jiggled and the door creaked open. Ryder rolled his eyes. Couldn't she see he was in the middle of a crucial game? He rarely ever made it this far. Forty-three was an impressive feat. "Go away A--"
    "Ryder!" his mother snapped.
    Ryder groaned. There were some 'what's happenings?' and 'are you okay dude?s' going on through the headset, but he ignored them. "What? I'm kind of in the middle of a really important game."
    His mother harrumphed and stepped in front of his 27" tv. She pulled the power cord on the Xbox and the screen went blue.
    "MOM!" he shouted, "Do you have any idea what you just did?! I was on round 44. I will probably never get that far again in my life and you just killed all me teammates!" Ryder flailed his arms in exasperation and jumped to his feet. Crumbs fell off his boxers and he dove for the console, praying that there was still a chance everything would be all right--there wasn't.
    "You'll live," she snapped. "You need to get dressed and go pick up your brother. You could probably use a shower too. Ryder you stink." His mom fanned her hand out in front of her face as if to rid an odor. Of course it was Richie's fault. He would be punished for this later.
    "Why do I have to get him?" he whined. There was no wining this battle, but he could still complain about it. His mother walked out of the bedroom without a response. He knew what she would be thinking though. Because he's your brother and you should love him. He's the only one you've got, so deal with it. Ryder groaned and kicked over a pile of clothes on the floor, grabbing whatever looked clean.
    Ryder pulled the car into the Bennett driveway. Sophie lived quite a ways away from them. He had never actually been to her house before. It was much larger than he had imagined. He knew she was loaded, but not to this extent. The place was crazy big. He pulled the Honda Accord as close the front doors as he could. There was some girl sitting out on the steps and she looked like she was freezing. Ryder squinted his eyes at her, recognizing the brunette to be Pierce Mhenjer. He didn't particularly care for her. She was shy and awkward. He liked girls like Sophie, who were confident and completely independent. They didn't need help from anyone to get by.
    He parked the car and leaned back in the seat. Richie needed to hurry up. He didn't want to wait all day on his twin. Ryder picked up his phone, shuffling through the music in his playlist until he found something to listen to. The song filled the speakers in his car and reverberated off the walls. He tapped on the messages icon and typed up a quick text to Richie. There was no way he was calling him and odds were that if he went inside he would just get lost. While he was sending the text, an older Buick pulled up and Pierce hopped off the steps. She slipped on an icy patch of cement and he couldn't help but laugh. There's no way she could have heard him, but her brown eyes seemed to meet his blue in that instant and before she hastily turned her head away and climbed into the car. A woman, presumably her mother, was in the driver's seat. As soon as Pierce appeared to be settled in, her mom drove away.
  18. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    His mind seemed to ramble on for ages while his body stayed tense and still. He gulped nervously and nibbled on his lip a lot but also slapped his cheeks to try and get the blush away - to no luck. He would glance at Maria from time to time, wishing she would wake up soon for this overwhelming feeling of awkwardness to be over.

    Wish granted, the form beside him rolled over, snuggling closely into him. He stopped breathing again and bit down at his bottom lip. Whoaaaa, she did not have to do that. Okay. Not helping, Maria. Not helping. Her legs brushed against his and her hand lay gently on his chest. He wondered if she could feel his rapid heartbeat.

    His chestnut eyes looked down at her. She stirred once more and suddenly looked up at him with her icy blue eyes. His lips pressed together in a very fine line and he froze completely. He swore his heart stopped beating for a moment there.

    "Morning." she greeted, her voice was raspy but still sweet and she cleared her throat before sliding away from him and sitting up.

    Immediately as she pulled away, he drew his arms back to his sides. He pushed himself up to sit as well on the bed, crossing his legs into an indian sit. He cleared his throat, "Err... hi." he muttered, brushing his hand through his hair as the other hand gripped his ankle tightly. There were butterflies in his stomach - no, actually they were more like dinosaurs. He was a nervous, awkward wreck!

    "... Tucker, last night --there's a lot to take in." she began. He glanced at her for a second, before he turned his head back down to look at his socks, both of his hands now gripping his ankles. He kind of rocked himself forward and back slightly, unable to contain his nerves any longer in a still position. His throat suddenly felt dry and he really didn't know what to say. She was right. He literally told her everything - alright, in less detail of the things his father did to him exactly - but still it was the gist of everything. What was he going to say now? He bit down on his bottom lip and glanced in the opposite direction of Maria, the door. There were plenty things in his head. He wondered how he would get through the day with his mind so chaotic.

    Suddenly, a warm touch was on his hands and he snapped his head towards Maria. She was holding his hands in hers. His heart beat even faster and he found difficulty in breathing once more. Her cheeks were flushed, hopefully just as flushed as his was right now - because his was still burning pretty badly. "I think ... i think i made it pretty clear how i feel about you, but if you're not willing to try or something ... I won't - I won't tell anyone. What you told me -- it won't change things, but I'm glad you told me." She gave him a reassuring smile and let go of his hand.

    He gulped, and simply nodded, forcing a small smile on his lips. He let out a shaky breath, "Uh, uh..." he started. His tone was shaky and dry.

    "I promise." she was already standing and getting her shoes back on and gathering her things. Right. Right. He should do the same. Right. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and bent over to put his boots on. "Y-yeah... um, th-thanks for... for um... li-listening..? Yeah." What was he saying??? And god the way he stuttered was awful. He wanted to slap himself but he was afraid he'd soon be as red as a tomato. He glanced up at the door again, once they walk out of this room... what will happen then?

    He stood ip and stuffed his hands deep into his pocket as he turned to face Maria again, "Um, so.. so.. what are you... um, going to do now?" he asked looking away after he spoke. Simply thinking, they could grab something to eat together or perhaps breakfast was being served downstairs? Or would they just go their separate ways? Of course, his other thoughts were much deeper. When they did go their separate ways... what then?
  19. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    (*) Sophie's House (Dining Room) (*) Mood: Content (*) Music (*) Outfit (*) OOC: Ignore my stupidity(*)
    The moment the food was put out in and the smell reached his nose, Alex could tell that it was going to be good. Once he actually saw the food his thought were only confirmed. In truth he shouldn't be too surprised that a butler could cook, but everything looked and smelled great. Can't wait to taste these. Starting with the waffles, he began to eat.
    Turning attention back to his food, he begun to eat at the eggs that were also at his plate. His waffle was more than already half gone so why not save the rest for later.
    As the eggs soon vanished within his stomach, he went back to the waffles and almost devoured them in one bite. It took more than one bite, but there was still some slight choking due to the pace of which they were eaten. Doing what any normal person would do, he grabbed his drink and took a couple sips from it. Within seconds his cough was gone and he went back to eating what was left on his plate.
  20. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    location: bennett home [ guest room // dining room ] mood: hungover theme: tea?
    affection: quentin ❤ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
    ooc: n / a

    "Would have been better if you slept with me!" Richie giggled at his best friend's attempt at a guilt trip. Between the duo, she was infamous for it. When she pouted, he returned the gesture with an even more exaggerated one. He couldn't hold the face though and immediately began to giggle, covering his mouth to reduce its obnoxious volume. She continued, ...Just kidding, I slept well. Thank you!" The boy nodded his head at his turquoise-haired friend and took a bite of food.

    Richie felt Elisa's eyes burn on his skin, like she was intensely examining him. He chuckled, "Is something the ma-"

    "So who did you sleep with?"

    . . .
    . . .
    . . .

    Richie felt his cheeks burn and his face flush an unhealthy shade of red. Gosh she was good! Well, it's to be expected when you're friends with someone for so long. A sly smile crept onto his face as he began to purposely stammer, attempting to give off an embarrassed and flustered air. "I-it wa-wasn't a-anyone tha...that yo-ou know t-too w-w-well... b-but i-if I'm ho-honest... it's..." He gulped and deeply stared into Elisa's eyes.


    bzzt. bzzt. bzzt.

    Text from Ryder:

    hurry up!
    i'm outside.
    does elisa need a ride 2?

    "Oh, look who it is Elisa! It's Ryder! I guess my answer will have to wait, huh? Because he seems to be quite in a rush!" Richie spoke in a slightly mocking [ but playful ofc ] tone, then puffed his cheeks at the girl. He took a few more bites of his food [ which he found to be extremely delicious ] and took Elisa's hand. He led her to the doorway, then turned around and politely said with a sincere smile, "Thanks for letting us stay over Sophie! Your house is very beautiful, and the party was super fun! Thank you again!"

    Richie led his best friend outside. Ryder was jamming out to some type of music the boy didn't enjoy very much [ since it was so loud ], but he waved at him nonetheless. He opened the door and gestured for Elisa to sit in the back. She complied and Richie moved to his seat in the front. Turning the music down quite a bit, he said, "Thanks Ryder! Let's go, I'm kinda tired and I'm sure Elisa is too."
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