❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Tucker sat down on the bed with her and took off his boots. It was the only thing he shed from his body. Maria smiled softly. She watched as he did so and then as he pulled back the sheets on the bed. He cleared his throat after wiping his tired eyes, I-it's fine. Here. Use this. Tucker plopped down on the bed and pulled the sheet up over him, facing towards her on the bed. Tucker wrapped his arms around her and her face flushed. Warmth spread through her veins and her hurt felt like it might burst. Her cheeks burned. His chestnut eyes peeked open slightly to glance at Maria quickly, Thank you… good night. he closed his eyes at his last words and fell asleep immediately. Her throat dried up and she swallowed nervously.

    Maria followed suit, crawling under the covers. The sheets tickled her bare legs and she brushed hair out of her eyes. She lied facing him as well, her face only a few inches from him. She could feel his warm breath on her skin and she couldn't help but watch him sleep. Her blue eyes stayed on him for quite some time. She stroked his red hair and cheek, going down from the top of his head to his jawline. He must have been extremely tired. The sum of what he told her had still yet to truly sink in. She understood now, just how frail and broken he was. Tucker missed a crucial part of his childhood, having to grow up quickly in order to survive. In order to move forward, it would take a lot of time and devotion. She wanted to believe that she had the patience for it.
    If he couldn't rely on her, then who could he rely on? He looked so peaceful asleep like that and it kind of reminded her of EAP. Was the kitten all right? Hopefully he wasn't too lonely at home. If Stephan didn't treat him right then he would never hear the end of it. Maria slid in closer to Tucker and pressed her lips lightly against his forehead. She cradled his broken helpless form in her arms while stroking the back of his head. Maria could feel his slow shallow breath on her chest and it sent a shiver through her body. He was so close now. Tucker was completely out of it. She only wrapped her arms around him. Her legs remained away from him. Tucker was a broken sweetheart. Maria planted delicate kisses on the top of his head, burying her face in his soft hair. This is what she wanted, it just wasn't exactly how she planned it to be. She wanted to be close to Tucker after all these years. Now, now here they were.
    He had shared his darkest secret with her and she had been too stunned to say anything. It was nothing something she would have ever pictured for him. That was why his father's name sounded so familiar. Benjamin Knowles. He was a monster. She wondered if a part of him still loved/missed him in a weird way. It was something she had learned about repeatedly. When a person is raised a certain way by someone close to them, even after betrayed they find themselves longing in the deepest parts within them for that abuse they had once received. It was a terrible thing to wonder. He was so soft and peaceful now. She should just let him sleep.
    Maria hugged him closer. It had been a long time since she had last been this close to someone in bed and it was not even like that. There had been no emotional connection, just physical. Even Stephan didn't hold her anymore--granted, she was the one doing the holding at the moment. Tucker, she whispered softly, I'll always be here for you. I'll protect you. She smiled into his hair and gave his forehead another soft kiss before closing her eyes and embracing the warmth of the bed until she fell asleep.
    Wearing Music Date: 12/26/2015 Day: 5 & 4/4
    Mood: Tired Interaction: TuckerLocation: Guest Room
    : TuckerActivity: Sleep OOC:
  2. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    MOOD???❤??❤ 94%WEARINGOOC

    Bryan felt a little off about the tea, but he couldn't say no to his little sister, especially on Christmas, and her expression was so hopeful. He wondered if the tea was going to taste bad, and then took a little sip of it, and then scrunched up his nose; it was kind of . . . bitter, and maybe even sour. She had never made this kind of tea before, he wondered what it was.

    "Bryan, I . . ." she began to talk, and then the tea cup fell from his hands and he went into a coughing fit. For a brief moment, he thought that he swallowed it wrong — or, haha, maybe she poisoned him! That'd suck, wouldn't it? And then he just kind of . . . fell into a paralysis state where he couldn't really move or think. He heard her voice, but it was distant, kind of like she was yelling from outside the house, and he was inside.

    A weird feeling circulated through his body, and then he mechanically sat up, feeling extremely dizzy and confused. Ahh, what was happening, where was he? He furrowed his eyebrows, thinking hard about what was happening, but . . . Ugh. He got up and left the tent. The voice followed him outside, where it was cold, but he couldn't really feel it; his body was mostly warm, almost like he had a fever or something, but he didn't feel sick.

    Ahh, something's grabbing me. he thought to himself, coming to an abrupt stop as arms wrapped around him from behind. His initial response was to incapacitate, but then he heard a pleading voice and frowned. "Bryan . . . Bryan, look at me," He finally did turn around, and then looked down at her.

    Oh, it was Noëlle.

    . . . Oh. It was Noëlle. His eyes widened slightly at the sight of her, and he remembered a time when they were little, and they used to take baths together. Or that one time, they played 'house', and they were married. Err . . . This was kind of weird. Maybe it felt like he was seeing her for the first time — and he meant really seeing her, as a girl, instead of his sister. As a companion, rather than a sibling.

    He took her hand and lifted it, realizing how small it was in comparison to his own. Such small, pretty hands . . . he thought to himself, and curled his fingers around her own, lacing their hands together.

    ". . . Bryan . . . ?"

    "Have I ever told you that you're extremely beautiful?" he asked thoughtfully, rather innocently. The surge of feelings that he suddenly had for her was kind of . . . uncomfortable. If he had to describe it, maybe it was like some sort of romantic boner that didn't want to go away. It wasn't painful, more like natural, but . . .

    Bryan wiggled out of her arms, not letting go of her hand, and dragged her back to the tent. When they settled down again, he pulled her into his lap and started humming mindlessly, trying to think of something else. Anything else? It didn't seem to be working. He could only think about her, his sister. Ahh, he loved his sister. A lot. So much. So damn much.

    Maybe if he tried . . . "Noëlle," he started, and then tilted her chin up, gazing into her deep blue eyes. They were always so pretty; whoever discovered sapphires might have given them to her. Hmm. He leaned his head down and placed his lips against hers. Ahh, damn. It felt really . . . right. He liked it. He liked kissing Noëlle. His sister. 'Sister' was just a genetic relation. That was science, and this was . . . love. A hella lotta love. He pulled back and seemed thoughtful, and then with a shrug, kissed her again, feeling a little more bold, so he ran his tongue over her bottom lip.

    Had she ever kissed a boy before? What a bad brother he was, haha. Stealing his sister's first kiss.

    Bryan pulled back again, and then sighed, stroking her cheek with his thumb, "Do you want to sleep out here tonight?"
  3. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    (*) Sophie's House (*) Mood: Content (*) Music (*) Outfit (*) OOC: new banner time (*)
    Hearing that he was okay relieved him somewhat, not that he was that worried in the first place. Though the way that he said it way curious to him. Maybe there was something else that was the matter, but he decided not to press him about it.
    S-so ar-are you alright? Di-didn't hurt you did I?"

    "Yeah, I'm fine." He replied. There was a slight moment of silence between the two of them. Sure he might've fixed his stuttering problem, but for the most part he still wasn't one for starting conversations. He'd much rather give a response to whatever the other person might say. "Oh, I'm Alex by the way." Figuring that an introduction would be the next thing for him to do, he went ahead and did it.

    "Oh, sorry am I keeping you from someone or something? Whoops."

    "Eh, somewhat." It wasn't in an absolute hurry to get to Natalie, which was why he told her he'd be there when he can. Still there wasn't much for him to do here at this particular moment. He didn't have much to worry about unless she got up and started looking for him or something like that. Though he doubt that it would come to that anyway.
  4. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves


    { 0 2 : 2 0 }

    xxxxxx<< What is it that you are doing, Tayes? >>

    Torvald's voice was gruff and mired with the taste of thick alcoholic fervour. He held another martini in his hand, and his tie was slightly loosened. His entire person had seemingly changed from the bombastic, explosive character of his to something more mellow and calculating. He frowned deeply, and his eyes were thick with precise observation as he looked drearily around this terrible waste of good working-class labour that the Bennett household was.

    He had just entered the enormous pool room, careful to stay away from that -- uuugh -- cursed water. For a time, he had been eyeing the nonsense that Comares Duvont and Freeborn were about to commit -- alas, he needed to make sure that nothing terrible would happen! But before moving an inch closer towards that treacherous pool he almost forgot to notice the strange, quiet girl who stood by herself admiring the walls.

    So he never went to the poolside, and he was thankful enough for that. He stayed by the exit, where the radio played terribly cheesy 70s disco tunes. Whose idea of an actual party was this mockery? Torvald spat in defiance and turned back to the girl Tayes who was acting as socially awkward as a cat among Capitalist pigs.

    He sipped his drink and stood by the pool walls, a hand gripping the inside of his pocket.
    << This is the greatest structure in this disgusting house. Simple white walls with a flew blue insets. Clean and rational. Enjoyable. >> He sipped his martini, his eyes darting around. << However, its very existence -- it is tainted by the enemy that the poolwater provides to our beings as revolutionaries. >>

    He stepped away from the wall and turned to the exit. The music was still playing, but otherwise, the pool was rather quiet, save for the incessant, disturbing commotion that the two underage drunk children were making while the fires lasted in their pants. Ugh.

    He sipped his martini.

    << Tayes, why are you not with the others? I have rarely seen you mingling with your peers. Instead, you find your time better to make acquaintances with pool plaster and ruined old drunkards like myself. >>

    The radio music began to die down, and Torvald gazed upward towards the sky, glittering behind the glass ceiling of the pool house.

    "We interrupt this late night early morning program to ... "

    Torvald's ears perked up, but he only turned his head back to Tayes.

    << You should join them, in the pool. I am certain making another comrade is in their best interests as young revolutionaries wishing to challenge the world. >> He sipped his martini and adjusted his tie. << As though they may not accept this veritable idea in their hearts ... >>

    " ... There has been a car crash on Intercounty Road I-17 running through ... "

    A car crash?
    Torvald walked back to the wall but stared at the exit way, continuing to talk to Tayes.
    << Do you not like their company? Are you simply afraid of your fellow revolutionary, is it? >> He began to walk out of the poolhouse, the ruckus between Freeborn and Duvont slowly dying down. << Perhaps you should come inside, then-- >>

    "... The first victim has been identified as Julius Henon, professor at Fortissimo-- "

    Torvald jolted his head upward, his glass slipping out of his hand. It landed on the solid poolside wall with a sickening crash, shattering into jagged shards, releasing the cloudy translucent liquid into the cold winter air.

    It was the same-- no-- was he the only one who heard that? He looked back to Tayes, and then a few of the others in the pool. They were much too far away to have heard anything. What of the others? They were mostly with themselves, gushing like little children over romantic falsities and insatiable lust.

    Torvald twirled on his foot and began to march inside. << Get in, Tayes, >> He said offside of his shoulder as he walked back inside the house proper.
    When he was inside, he decided to use his previous predicament to his advantage. Namely, to call the only rationally-acting person in this entire dungeon of a home.

    << Comrade butler of the working class. >> Torvald's voice was calm, calling out to the entire room loudly. He crossed his arms, tapping his foot in wait. << There is broken glass by the poolside. This is of your utmost proletarian interest for it offers a dangerous potential for injury for the young revolutionaries in your company. I advise you to move to the entrance of the pool building as quick as possible. >>
  5. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    A bathing suit was tossed the boy's way haphazardly by Quentin. His prior comment wasn't / exactly / true... he'd rather see the man swim in his clothes than himself. He was disappointed when he saw Quentin exit the pool area, already beginning to change on his way out. He was very tempted to follow him, but he felt too... unmotivated? Richie peered around the room and noticed a girl at the other edge of the pool, paying him no mind. He wanted to get changed right there, but he decided to ignore his laziness and followed Quentin. He couldn't help but admire the brunet's body as he noticed him change and walk. He wasn't too fit, which he liked, but he had just enough muscle to make him appealing towards the boy.

    After Quentin had finished changing, Richie took his turn in the changing room. The bathing suit was pretty plain and... well, ugly, but he would have to settle because it was his only option. After departing the changing room, the boy stripped off his shirt, leaving his slightly toned and yet petite body. He grabbed Quentin's hand with a giggle and led him back to the pool area. He sat both them down at the edge of the pool with a cheeky smile.

    "D...do you want to go... in fir...first...? I'd love to wa...tch you dive in..." The boy rested his head on Quentin's shoulder, eagerly awaiting his reply.
  6. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007


    WEATHERWINDY, SNOWING, COLD 28°! ✖『DATE & TIME』 12/26/2015 - ???✖『DAY』 05

    Have I ever told you that you're extremely beautiful?

    Noëlle almost died right there. No way!! Hah, aha, aaah!! AAAH!! Her face continued to burn, and her eyes were wide with surprise. How was she supposed to react to that? It made her want to bury her face in the snow! She was so embarrassed ... He had always given her offhand compliments when she went out of her way to look nice for something, but had he ever called her ... beautiful? And he sounded so genuine and sweet about it. What was she supposed to do?!

    Bryan maneuvered out of her arms but kept her hand in his. He dragged her through the snow and back into their warm little tent. She was so astounded she couldn't find any words to say. Had the 'brew' worked? What exactly was going on? This was just ... arousal, right? That's all she wanted. He couldn't really be in love with her, could he? ... No. Love potions didn't exist.

    They settled down again and she fixed the fallen heater, breathing out softly when Bryan gathered her up into her lap - the way he had been in hers before. This was strange. In all honestly, she was a bit frightened ... but he was so warm, and his aura was so peaceful and loving, she couldn't help but close her eyes and relax to the sound of his humming.

    Noëlle, her eyes fluttered open again. Without any more of a warning, he tilted her chin up and she stopped breathing. What was happening? What was he doing? Her body went stiff. She felt frozen in place - in time, even. Then, he leaned forward and her fingers curled into fists, wrapped into his shirt as his lips pressed against hers.

    Somewhere in her head there was a voice screaming for her to stop him. Warning her that this wasn't right; It was her fault. He didn't really want her ...

    However, there was something stronger and overwhelming filling her heart. Something that reminded her that she didn't care. It was a terrible, selfish, flaring fire she had been suppressing for years, but he was kissing her. It was being unleashed, free to burn as it pleased. He was really kissing her. Noëlle didn't intend to let this chance to go waste.

    As soon as the shock wore off, Bryan pulled away, gazing down into her face with a love she had never seen before. It made her want to cry. Then, he shrugged and pressed their lips together again. This time, she returned the kiss fully, sliding her hands down his shirt and pressing deeper into his warm body. He ran his tongue over her bottom lip and she sighed with a delightful shiver. She had never kissed someone before, and on top of that it was Bryan! The only person she had ever wanted to kiss. This felt like a dream ...

    After an eternity, Bryan pulled back again and sighed, stroking her cheek with his thumb, Do you want to sleep out here tonight?

    Without hesitation, she nodded wordlessly and smiled at him.

    Everything was cleared away to the side of the tent, and the first couple of blankets were peeled back. They slid underneath together, initially spread apart and situating their pillows. Then, the flashlights were turned off and the siblings were left in darkness - lulled by the winds of the gentle snowstorm brewing around them.

    It wasn't long before they found themselves close again. At first, their hands met ... then her face pressed into his neck with affection, and their legs intertwined. Noëlle breathed in his scent and relished in his amore. The situation was so unbelievable. The effects of the aphrodisiac or whatever would likely fade away as the night dragged on, but this had been enough ... Feeling his lips against hers, and their bodies pressed together ... When he came to his senses, he would likely be an apologetic mess. She would gather her courage and confess to him then ...

    Sleepily, she moaned and stretched against him, clutching his body closer to hear his heartbeat. Her eyes were so heavy ... Once this was all over, would he try and distance himself again ...? She couldn't get the thought out of her head. Minus the thinking she had killed him part, this was probably the happiest night of her life. The tears were starting up again. Man, she was so emotional!

    ... Tomorrow ... you won't leave me, will you ...?

    He shifted beside her and their noses pressed together. She could feel his warm breath on her face and it made her want to kiss him again. Softly, just low enough so that she could hear him, he answered.

    I’d never leave you, don’t you know that? I love you, Noëlle, and I’ll be here for as long as you’ll have me.

    ... I love you too, she returned it passionately and kissed his forehead, throwing the topmost blanket over them so that they were huddled together underneath. ... You'll be here forever, then.

    She murmured lovingly and somewhat playfully [ somewhat ], pecking at his nose before cuddling even deeper into him and closing her eyes.

    Feeling truly fulfilled for the first time in her life, Noëlle drifted off into sleep.

  7. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    Dennis was quite glad to see that the boy, who introduced himself as Alex, was alright. Though while he wasn't currently holding Alex up from anything Dennis still felt a bit bad that he was, slightly doing so. Not to mention extremely tired, like out of nowhere. He started yawning and stretched out a bit. "Well good to hear your alright Alex, sorry but I think I'm going to bed now." He waved to Alex and started wandering around the house looking for someplace to go to to fall asleep. Eventually he found a secluded room with a coach in it. It looked way more appealing though than the floor to sleep on so he chose it for his bed.

    Collapsing on top of the couch Dennis started to reflect on this fine christmas day that had passed. What had happened today certainly seemed to go by in a blur but it was still a great day nonetheless. Christmas morning had not been a disappoint what with his older bro's great gift of that wooden replica sword, the entirety of the premiere night of the musical going off without a hitch and being absolutely spectacular, the party (while not doing much at it) had ended up being more fun than he could think of. Not to mention his nervous breakdown at the mention of Sophie finding him attractive. That still was burning in his head and he didn't know what to make of it.

    Not to mention he was going to sleep, in her house. He felt pretty awkward about the whole thing, but it wasn't like he could do something about it short of getting up walking in the snowy outside to his home...but that would be really stupid. Not to mention Dennis was feeling super exhausted. He decided that going to bed was really his only option and he'd let the situation solve itself...or grow way worse tomorrow morning.
  8. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
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    Normally a very spatially aware person, Quentin could feel Richie's eyes on him as he walked by the poolside and wondered what was running through his dizzy, drunk-hazed little mind and allowed himself a little smile. He looked to his side when the smaller boy joined him and recognized his slender, slightly feminine form. He let his hand be grabbed and then himself be pulled to the poolside where they sat down.

    Perhaps a small part of him did feel guilty that he was doing this, that he was behaving so sullenly and struck, but all in the name of love, as they say . . . So he continued.

    "D - . . . Do you want to go . . . in fir - . . . first . . .?" Maybe a little more than guilty, since he could barely complete a sentence without stumbling, "I'd love to wa - . . . tch you dive in . . ." At this, he eyed the water carefully. He had dove from a diving board before, but it was always difficult taking the jump because he and water didn't exactly mix, so he decided to opt out.

    "How about we both hop in?" he suggested as the boy leaned his head on his shoulder. His hair was soft. His skin was soft. Naturally, Quentin was taken by his feminine form, so what else was there to do? He hopped in, and then brought Richie with him; hopefully the water would shed off a little bit of his drunkenness so he had a better handle on the situation. When they both surfaced, he was inhaling a deep breath and trying to relax his body in the water, scary stuff . . .

    "How does that feel?" he asked, wondering what time it was.
  9. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    (*) Sophie's House (*) Mood: Content (*) Music (*) Outfit (*) OOC: (*)
    "Yeah, see you." He said as the boy walked off. At the mention of sleep, Alex himself started to feel pretty tired. First he needed to let Natalie know what he was planning, so he took out his phone and started to type his message.

    With the message sent, he went ahead to find himself a room to stay in. It took some time, but eventually he found himself an unoccupied room for him to sleep in. Since he was going to be sleeping in a room in Sophie's house, he'd have to make sure that he didn't mess anything up. He had a gut feeling that Sophie wouldn't be so forgiving if he did so.

    After he was settle, he quickly changed and climbed into the bed before heading to sleep.
  10. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Location: Sophie's Crib {} Mood: Angry/Pained{} OOC: :< {} Music: [{bottod}]
    << What is it that you are doing, Tayes? >>
    Sasha perked up and turned towards the voice, sighing at the sight, mostly in annoyance though. Oh it's just Mr. Russian Man. And drunk too. She almost laughed at his current state. I thought Russians couldn't get drunk off that stuff. Whatever though. You think he would lose the accent when drunk, but meh whatever She decided to ignore him and continue examining the walls and structure.
    << This is the greatest structure in this disgusting house. Simple white walls with a flew blue insets. Clean and rational. Enjoyable. >>

    << However, its very existence -- it is tainted by the enemy that the poolwater provides to our beings as revolutionaries. >>
    She rolled her eyes and continued ignoring him, getting annoyed by him. Ugh. He's even more annoying than sober. Damn it's the 21 Century, not the fu*king Cold War. Someone should test his sanity. It's probably stuck with Stalin or something...
    << Tayes, why are you not with the others? I have rarely seen you mingling with your peers. Instead, you find your time better to make acquaintances with pool plaster and ruined old drunkards like myself. >>

    She whirled around and glared at him. Ahole. What gives YOU right to tell people what to do? I can stare at a fu*king wall if I want to. Mind your own business, drunk Commie. She was about to tell him off until he continued to shoot off more comments at her.

    << You should join them, in the pool. I am certain making another comrade is in their best interests as young revolutionaries wishing to challenge the world. >>

    She clenched her fists, but not in anger, but in shame. She didn't want to admit...but he was right.

    << As though they may not accept this veritable idea in their hearts ... >>

    She looked away from him and muttered under her breath. "You wouldn't know what it feels to not be accepted..."

    << Do you not like their company? Are you simply afraid of your fellow revolutionary, is it? >>

    She closed her eyes and clenched her fists tighter, feeling her nails digging into her palms and drawing bood. "Th-that's not-"
    She looked up and got even more frustrated as he walked away from her as if he just spoke to her as some sort of an amusement to himself, as if he didn't care what her reactions were or her responses. She was about to punch that prick in the face and/or toss the drunk f**ker into the pool-
    The sound of his glass falling and shattering on the floor made her freeze her movements. Not to mention she also barely caught the words "car crash" on the radio not too far away, making a rush of memories through her head. Car crash. Bright lights. Screaming. She was frozen in place fro a few seconds in that silence.
    << Get in, Tayes, >>

    His words snapped her back into reality, remembering what happened. Still angry at him, she exhaled and made her way into the house before huddling up on a random chair and hugging her knees while she silently let tears spill out of her eyes. Not only her anger got to her, but also those horrible memories that stained her heart that would never heal came back to her, so painfully and all at once. She eventually cried herself to sleep on the couch.

    You dont understand my pain
  11. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Quentin's skin felt so warm against Richie's flushed cheeks as he continued to rest his head on his shoulder. His smile grew slightly larger when the brunet offered for both of them to jump in...

    ...Together...? Oh. My. God.

    Richie's cheeks burned as Quentin [ willingly ] tool his hand and forced him into the pool. The sudden contact with water soothed his firery cheeks and cleared his head a little. When he emerged from the water, he actually became a little more aware of what he was actually doing... and where. He ran his fingers through his hair and rubbed crisp water out of his eyes as he, again, admired the man's amazing body. / 'Damn he is so hot...' /

    "How does that feel?"

    Quentin's question broke the short silence between the two. He took a moment to
    consider what to say. How should he come off? Now that some of the foginess in his head had been lifted due to the water, he could logically think about the choices he should make. He'd
    been coming off as flirtatious the whole time the two interacted, so why stop now? It was now or never, especially considering that Quentin didn't seem comfortable in the water. When would the two be alone in a pool again?

    Richie cleared his throat, and confidently replied [ with an underlying sexy / flirtatious tone ], "I think the water's perfect... just like you Quentin... what do you think? You seem a little... apprehensive in the water. Are you alright?" At certain moments his speech was slightly slurred, but it was a world's away from how he spoke before.

    ...Thank goodness, since Quentin seemed offput by the drunken speech.
  12. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    MOOD???❤??❤ 96%WEARINGOOC

    Noëlle nodded and smiled at him; he didn't expect her to do anything else.

    He wondered how she was feeling, but decided not to ask. The fact that they were still intertwined in each others body was enough of a response to him that she was fine with what was happening. Maybe part of him wasn't, but his desire for Noëlle was pretty overwhelming, so he didn't care much.

    They cleared everything away to the side of the tent and the two of them slipped under the blankets. Bryan relished the warmth of her body against his because it felt like she completed him, somehow. Had it always been like this? The atmosphere around them calmed him, but he was mostly only aware of her and being. It was perfect, maybe, but there was still something nagging at the back of his mind that he just pushed away.

    Bryan wasn't not touching her for long, and their hands touched, she moved closer to him, he wrapped his arms around her waist, and then their legs laced with each other. Her scent was intoxicating and he didn't know if he could get enough of her. Soon, he thought, he would want more.

    ". . . Tomorrow . . . You won't leave me, will . . . ?"

    He shifted and could feel the warmth of her face touching his, with their noses touching. He wanted to kiss her again, to feel the softness of her lips against his, as if they were made for him. He breathed in, "I'd never leave you, don't you know that?" he told her, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, "I love you, Noëlle, and I'll be here for as long as you'll have me."

    ". . . I love you, too." she replied, and he felt a swell in his heart. ". . . You'll be here forever, then." She sounded beautiful to him, and he wanted to kiss her again. Ugh, so many kisses. She pecked him on the nose and cuddled even more into his body where he then wrapped his arms tighter around her.

    A few minutes later, he could hear her even, deep breathing, and he sighed contentedly. This felt really . . . perfect, and right and . . . uncomfortable. He leaned into her and pressed his lips against her again. He felt better immediately. He closed his eyes, and then drifted off.
  13. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
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    It was notable that Richie's eyes were more clear when the two of them surfaced, but his flirtatious mood wasn't lifted, which was fine with Quentin at this point. "I think the water's perfect . . . Just like you, Quentin." He blinked, a little surprised by the blunt choice of words, and inwardly sighed at this. His own behavior was making him feel a little bad, but there was no use in stopping now.

    "You flatter me." he replied with a hint of a sly smile.

    "What do you think? You seem a little . . . apprehensive in the water. Are you alright?"

    He hummed mindlessly, thinking about the question. He didn't like admitting his weaknesses, and shook his head, "I don't go swimming very often," he replied, moving smoothly around Richie to be behind him. The pool had definitely been a good idea to remove some of the boy's drunkenness, and he smiled, "You seem to like the water," he said, trailing light fingers over the slender shoulders.

    "Don't sully the pool," echoed a voice, and Quentin looked over his shoulder to see a knowing Lucas, who was cleaning a glassy mess.

    Quentin grinned at the insinuation, and then returned his gaze to Richie. "It's getting late, what do you want to do?"
  14. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    "You don't go swimming often, huh? You seem to be a natural Quentin... the way your body glides across the water. It's truly something beautiful..."

    Quentin didn't seem to mind being complimented, so he figured he'd flatter the man to death. It couldn't hurt, right? His thoughts were distrupted when he felt gentle fingers skate across his shoulders. Oh God, Quentin had some magical fingers. One sensitive touch and Richie felt he would do anything for him. The words that immediately followed caused the boy to nod his head in agreement.

    "I love the water, yes... but not the ocean, hehe..." An unfamiliar voice echoed across the pool area bluntly. His comment made Richie chuckle. The boy was about to say something when Quentin interrupted
    him with a bold question that rocked him. Suddenly, Richie felt extremely shy and docile.

    "I... um... I'd like to... actually, it's totally up to you..."

    . . .
    . . .

    "I am yours to command."
  15. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Drunk out of her ****ing mind and having hoped she'd be able to at least **** Alex was not a good combination for an angry Natalie. She pushed and shoved people out of her way on the path to her car. "Get out of my way you miserable ****ers. I don't like any of you." Natalie made her way outside and collapsed onto her hood. "Almost there..." She kept going and made it into the mustang, then passed out in the back seat.
  16. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆
    ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆

    The amount of compliments that Quentin was receiving from Richie was . . . almost ridiculous, but he couldn't help but smile. It was definitely the alcohol, mixed with Richie's attraction to him that was talking. He smiled and grasped Richie's hand under the water, leading him about the pool.

    "I . . . um . . . I'd like to . . . Actually, it's totally up to you . . ."

    There was a long pause and Quentin stopped moving, then decided that if this night kept going, he might end up doing something both he and Richie would regret in the morning. Still, he moved closer to the other boy until their faces were inches apart.

    "I am yours to command."

    "Is that so?"

    What a promiscuous little boy he was! Without saying anything else, he grabbed onto his hand again and then led him to the steps of the pool where Lucas was waiting for them with towels. He eyed Quentin closely, and they seemed to have the same line of thought for a few seconds, in which he began to feel a bit guilty, but didn't act on it, and dried himself off a few moments later, just the same as Richie.

    "I'll show you to a guest room," Lucas said to the pair of them, and after they both grabbed their clothing, he led through the house and up to the second floor. With one last warning look to Quentin, Lucas closed the door on both he and Richie and he glanced over his shoulder at the single, large bed. Well, of course this would happen. It was late, and he was actually pretty tired. He went into the bathroom and changed into the brief shorts he had been wearing under his pants, and then climbed onto the bed and pulled on the blanket, smiling relatively innocently at Richie.

    "We should go to bed," he said, patting the spot next to him, and Richie smiled, going into the restroom to change as well. When he came out again, Quentin was already laying down, and the smaller boy practically jumped into the bed with him, where he was let to cuddle into Quentin's side who decided to wrap his arm around his waist and breath in deeply and out. He turned off the lamp at the bedside, and in the darkness, the two boys fell asleep.
  17. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves


    { 0 2 : 4 0 }

    xxxxxx<< Ah ... >>

    Torvald's voice trailed off. The proletarian worker butler must have fallen asleep again ... how terrible. Such was his plan. Perhaps he should simply get some rest tonight, and everything would be fine enough in the morning ... if, of course, his head did not throb from all of this alcohol. He looked at his red hands and stared back at the radio.

    It may have been for the best if they learn tomorrow, of course. Ah, Torvald, Torvald ... let them have a pleasant night.
    He turned back to Tayes, and noticed her--

    Familiar, teary stains ran down her cheeks, as she slept quietly, huddled on the couch, trying to keep away from the world.
    What a foolish child. Torvald glanced around, frustrated, for a blanket, or a few pillows. He walked off into the lounge a hallway away and grabbed a few cushions lounging by a neatly-folded shawl. He nodded understandingly. This proletarian butler comrade took his duties in this hellhole seriously.

    Torvald returned to the first room and placed the shawl over Sasha's huddled body. He gently lifted her head and placed a pillow below it.
    What idiots. They were going to all get themselves hurt in the end.
    Torvald slowly took the last pillow and walked back to the first room, where he fell asleep on the couch with the pillow.

    Of course, he did not realize, just yet, that he did not have his medical kit.
  18. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    The news of Julius' accident spread across the news and though the actual accident was nothing truly special, the fact that there was a huge accident on Christmas made it at least news worthy. Most people did not truly pay mind to the news that was let out due to the fact that Christmas was usually a time for drunken idiots to be driving, but those that took head to the news were unexpectedly pleased and some even thought it was a miracle of god on the day of the birth of Christ.

    The fools that crashed into Julius' cars were the last members of a gang named the Wallmen. The Wallmen were a small group and though they were quite unknown to the public, those that did know of them feared them. Their group was run by four men, Samantha (who was sent to jail and considered useless to the others), Ace E DeSea (Killed in a skirmish) , a man named Whammy (driver of the car that hit Julius) , and their leader Carlton (who was in the car). Regardless, in the end the Wallmen were over and only Julius and Fatime survived.

    When morning hit Julius' bandages and body went through it's daily tending and when that was done a call was made to one of Julius' only relative. The daily procedure was done and though the call was made nobody had visited the man resting in the bed. He was alone...and had to fight in order to awaken once more.
  19. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    WEARING DATE 12/26/2015 DAY 6 & 1/4 MUSIC
    It was late! Pierce scrambled to her feet, tossing the covers back on the bed. She couldn't believe how late she slept in. The brunette had intended on waking early so that she could slip out of the house unseen. Dealing with a hungover Sophie sounded even more terrifying than a drunken Sophie. The other girl was bound to be crabby and irritable, which meant walking on eggshells. It wasn't an idea she was a fan of. When she checked the time on the clock, it said that it was nearly eleven. How unfortunate. There were bound to be plenty of others awake by now. Hopefully she didn't bump into Sophie or Lucas on the way out. Pierce would prefer to deal with Sophie in a day or two after she has had time to mellow out.

    She fumbled for her phone, feeling rather groggy. There was a missed call from her mother from earlier, but no response from Oliver--it wasn't like she was expecting him to text her back. Quickly, she changed out of the pajamas provided for her by Lucas and slipped her silver dress back on over her head. Her feet slid into the flats and she stopped in front of the mirror to check on her appearance. Her dress was wrinkled, not that she cared, and her hair was a tangled mess of bed head. She ran her hands over the strands sticking out in every which way, attempting to smooth it over. It didn't really help. Pierce decided the only thing she could do with it would be to put it up. Quickly, she wound her slender fingers through the tangles and braided it the best she could. There were still hairs sticking out here and there, but it was better for the most part. She clipped the braid at the back of her head and sighed. Sometimes she forgot how much of a change it was to go from long waist-length hair to medium shoulder-length hair. Even though she cut it a little over a year ago, it tended to catch her off guard at the weirdest intervals in time.
    When she finished with her hair, she slipped on her jacket and dialed her mom's number. It rang twice before Mrs. Mhenjer picked up the phone.
    Hello~ her mother's spirited voice chimed through the receiver.
    Hi mom, she replied.
    Oh, Pierce sweetie, good. You didn't answer earlier. Did you have a nice night? Her mother sounded tired, so added extra cheeriness to her voice to compensate for it.
    It was all right. Do you think you can come get me now? I ended up sleeping longer than expected or I would have answered earlier.
    Sure thing baby. As soon as the car warms up I'll be on my way. I'd say it will be about a half hour when I roll up at Sophie's house. They lived about twenty minutes away.
    All right. I'll be waiting in the foyer so I'll see you when you get here. Thanks mom.
    No problem sweetie. I love you. Mrs. Mhenjer told her in a vibrant mom voice.
    I love you too. She hung up the phone.
    Pierce left the guest room and crept her way through the second floor hallway. There didn't seem to be anyone up there, which was good. They were either still in bed, down at breakfast, or had already gone home. It would be nice if she didn't run into anyone on her way there. She reached the bottom of the staircase in no time--successfully without tripping as well. When she reached the bottom, the sound of chattering voices in the dining room caught her attention. Pierce made sure to avoid going that way. Sophie would probably be in there and the others ( Oliver ? ) as well. Was he here? She hadn't seen him since they left the box office last night. If he came, he managed to be fairly successful at staying out of her line of sight. Maybe Sophie was right. No one could like her because she's Pierce. She swallowed down the acidic taste in her mouth at the memory. It was rather unpleasant.
    She made her way through the house until she was waiting by the large front doors. The foyer had a large wooden bench where one could sit down and remove their shoes. She took a seat on the bench and bounced her hands on her knees anxiously as she waited for her mother. Twenty more minutes...
  20. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes ♫ Mood» ♫ Character Theme ♫ Date: 12/26/2015 Day: 6 & 1/4 ♫
    Location » Cafe ♫ OOC: ♫
    Seraphina rose out of bed, the sun from one of the windows glistening on bright amber hair. She got up, ringing a bell to let the house know she was awake. She went into the bathroom and got ready for the day, singing to herself. She put on her robe and let her House Keeper in, so she could fix her hair. As her hair was brushed, she didn't say a word. She felt a bit under the weather, or just tired from the party the night before. She put on her outfit for the day and then headed out, going to the local coffee shop.
    She sat at one of the tables, analyzing the room. She didn't see anyone even a little bit filmier. She rolled her eyes, and poked at her hot chocolate. Maybe she should've stayed at the party, it had to be at least a bit more fun then this. She thought about going back, but who knows if it was still going on. She just shook it off and went back, starring out the window and sighing heavily. She took out her phone, scrolling through her messages, seeing if she got called in for any modeling work. Sadly there was none. She kept looking, through spam and such.
    'Merry Christmas Sera, hope you're having a fun time at your new school.'
    She read, then looking for the sender. It was someone from her old school in France. She remembered the face, but she didn't know them personally. She smiled anyway. Maybe this was a sign that she could make some new friends. She tried to remember if she met this boy who sent her the email, but nothing sparked her memory. She twirled her hair, this had really made her day. She took a sip of her hot chocolate. Too bad she didn't grab anyone's number, maybe next time she asked someone would join her.
    Clothes ☆ Mood» Excited Character Theme ☆Date: 12/26/2015 Day: 5 & 1/4
    Location » Cafe OOC: ☆
    The morning for Estelle had not been a great one. Even though it was only the day after Christmas, She was bombarded with chores and various things to do. She couldn't even get through simple sentences without being told to go work on this or do that. It's not like they got a lot of business in the winter anyway. She could at least have a couple of days off. But no, of course not.
    At least she got to do her hair this morning. She walked into the coffee shop, sitting down at the table closest to door. She took out her drawing book and then ordered a hot chocolate. She checked her phone before getting started, and realized there were no messages of interest, other then Christmas Wishes from various friends of the family. She started to draw and let her mind wondered, watching the snow fall gently outside.
    She loved the winter, the nice cold wind and the blanket of white on everything from roof tops to city streets. It was a time that she held close to her heart. She continued to draw, despite hearing a very loud texter at one of the tables across. She took sips from her hot chocolate, and focused on what she wanted to do for the day. She wanted to talk to someone, although it looked like everyone was rapped up in their own things. She sighed, and continuing her work.

    It was days like this were she liked to be around the street and the small shops. Everyone looked so happy, and was shopping for boxing day. Children and Parents walked around laughing and talking. She wished she did that with her own parents. But her sisters were better in some ways. They never gave up hope that something good would happen in the holiday season. She smiled at the thought. Maybe next time she could bring someone over for Christmas.
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