❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010


    ♡ ~ ✖ ~ ♡

    To be honest, Lucas hadn't been away that long, but that was long enough for her, especially because of the mood she was in. Because Freddie was with her though, she had been more subdued. His conversation cheered her up enough. She was honestly tempted to bed him, but Lucas probably wouldn't have been pleased with her 'promiscuous' behavior.

    She supposed he was right. Had he not had a small talk with her about it, Sophie was sure she would have tried to have sex with Freddie, Dennis, and Oliver. And if she would have seen Torvald, Quentin, or Pierce, them too. It was a bit annoying being drunk and hypersexual.

    Pierce . . . Sophie sighed loudly. Freddie, walk with me. she commanded, grabbing a new drink Lucas had prepared for her and latching her arm into his, dragging him along as they walked. I need to walk.

    While they walked, they talked about the play and various subjects that linked to one and other in the most obscure of ways, from supernovas to Indian cuisine, volcanos to bacteria and fish, Sophie was just all over the place and threw random foreign words from various languages like Chinese, French and Italian, and she was sure Freddie was understanding her . . . even though he probably wasn't.

    You've got a nice fucking floor, Sophiera.

    The two of them stopped to see a passed out Oliver on the floor. Lucas appeared right next to his unconscious body. Lucas, I want him in my b - But she stopped short at the look he was giving her, even though it was completely, seemingly blank. She huffed. Fine, drag him off to a bedroom.

    With seemingly no trouble at all, Lucas lifted Oliver and spirited him away to a guest room.

    Freddie, I am going to be perfectly honest right now, Sophie started when the two arrived at the pool, I am tempted to drag you off to my room so that we can have sex, but then Lucas would tan both our hides and neither of us would be happy in the morning. I hate being drunk, she said sullenly as she took another gulp of her . . . drink.

    Are you going to stay the night? she asked him as she dragged him away from the poll area and towards the library and one of the back staircases. Don't answer that, of course you are. No, no rejections. I won't have it.

    She walked him to a room where he would be sleeping and laid on his bed lazily, thinking about ridiculous, silly things like real relationships, and love.

    Freddie, do you have anyone you like . . . ?

    A L C O H O L C O N S U M T I O N
    2 1 G L A S S E S
    C U R R E N T T I M E
    3 : 0 1 A M
  2. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 5 - 4/4 | DATE: December 25, 2015 | LOCATION: Sophie's House (Bedroom)

    Several drinks later, Freddie and Sophie had been talking for a good while. They had been sitting together in the kitchen, chattering away and knocking back a few drinks. It was a good time. Time seemed to be passing by quickly.

    Seemingly out of nowhere, Sophie sighed.
    "Freddie, walk with me" She had already grabbed a new drink and latched onto his arm.

    "Wait, what?"

    "I need to walk" Before he could say anything else, Sophie had already dragged him out of his seat. He reached for his drink before they went off to walk about her large house. They walked about the house haphazardly, talking about the play and the most randomly bizarre assortment of topics. During their talk, they somehow linked supernovas to Indian cuisine, volcanoes to bacteria and fish. It was all over the place, and Sophie threw in random foreign words from various different languages. He had no idea what the fuck what was going on, but he did know that they were drunk, so he could excuse it.

    "You've got a nice fucking floor, Sophiera." Some guy lay on the floor, passed out. Then, almost out of nowhere, Lucas showed up next to him. Was he some kinda ninja or something? How the hell did he do that?

    "Lucas, I want him in my b-" Sophie stopped mid-sentence as she looked at Lucas's blank face. She let out another sigh. "Fine, drag him off to a bedroom." Complying with her command, Lucas lifted the passed out dude over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and took him to one of the bedrooms. Ha. Like a sack of potatoes. Freddie took another swig from his drink as Sophie dragged him along on this walk she wanted to take.

    "Freddie, I'm going to be perfectly honest right now," She started as they got to the freezing pool. "I am tempted to drag you off to my room so that we can have sex, but then Lucas would tan both our hides and neither of us would be happy in the morning. I hate being drunk." Well, that certainly came out of nowhere. He just accredited that to her drunken state. Still, he didn't know exactly what to say. All he could really do was take a swig of his drink, the same as Sophie did.

    "Are you going to stay the night?" He had planned on it, what with his toothbrush and toothpaste in his car and all. She dragged him from the pool area into the library and some back stairs. Before he could get out two words, Sophie said, "Don't answer that, of course you are. No, no rejections, I won't have it."

    She brought him to the room he would be sleeping in. Freddie put his empty glass on a night stand next to his bed and went to lay down in the room's bed. He lay down next to Sophie, who had for whatever reason decided to lay down in his bed. Suddenly, she piped up, "Freddie, do you have anyone you like...?" Yup. That was probably the alcohol talking. He considered telling her that he liked her, but he didn't want to do anything too stupid. Even though he was drunk, he was still clear-headed enough to consider this.

    Freddie let out a little chuckle,
    "Maybe, maybe not." He playfully tousled Sophie's hair as tiredness weighed down his eyelids. He was pretty sleepy, and he had no idea what time it was, but it had to be pretty late. Or, was it early? Whatever. Point is, he was sleepy. "Aaah... Tell you what, if you're still curious about it tomorrow, I'll tell you then..." Fatigue filled his voice as he closed his eyes with his hands still in her hair, drifting off to sleep.
  3. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010


    ♡ ~ ✖ ~ ♡

    Maybe, maybe not. His hand was in her hair, which was making her completely lazy, and she wanted to either curl into him or push him off the bed.

    Freddiiiiie . . . she whined in a sleepy murmur at his reply. Sophie hated vague replies.

    Aaah . . . Tell you what, if you're still curious about it tomorrow, I'll tell you then . . . He seemed to doze off after that.

    She lazily looked at his sleeping face, and decided Freddie was quite cute when he was sleeping. For a little while, she lay in a state between sleep and being awake, playing with his hair instead, and then a little while later, the door opened and Lucas tiptoed into the room.

    Do you want to sleep in here, or your room? he asked her softly, moving her long hair from her face.

    You decide . . . she mumbled in reply, and with ease and gentleness, Lucas scooped her up, and she let go of Freddie's hand reluctantly. He really was a good friend of hers, a rare one she decided not to mess with a long time ago . . . She was sleepy as hell, though.

    The house was quite and all guests had been escorted or carried to rooms. Messes were tidied and cleaned, and everything was set as if no one had thrown a party in the first place, courtesy of the talented Lucas. He carried her throughout the large house without a word, and up to her own room, where he set her down and removed her cardigan at her request.

    Sleep with me, Lucas . . . she sleepily mumbled, and he sighed, but then smiled, and got out of his clothes, then climbed into bed with her. She cuddled into his side, thinking about nothing but sweet scent of his cologne. Freddie had smelled nice, too . . . I love you, Lucas . . . And she fell asleep.

    You will not in the morning, love. he whispered, and wrapped his arm around Sophie, and fell asleep, too.

    A L C O H O L C O N S U M T I O N
    2 1 G L A S S E S

    G O O D N I G H T !!
    3 : 2 3 A M

  4. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    He stared down at her big blue eyes, unable to read any of the things they told him - until she finally began speaking.

    "About last weekend... I didn't want things to change between us--well, I mean I do, but not if you don't want to..."

    His expression was one of confusion. Did she not want to be friends anymore? She just said she didn't want things to change between them. Was she going to leave him like the kids who used to bully him in school when he was younger after finding out a certain thing about him even though the day before they were such good pals. It had been quite a couple days but no! Maria couldn't just leave. Why wouldn't they want to be friends any-

    "I though maybe if I gave you some time--I don't know. I just really don't want to stop being friends, even if you don't like me back, but the thought of you don't not...it hurts."

    His chestnut eyes grew wide as Maria's blue ones dropped away from his and back to the flower. She looked so upset. So that's what this was about. He frowned, feeling this guilty feeling inside him. So that's why she was so upset - he was right to be guilty the first time. It was his fault after all. He was the reason for her hurting.

    He gazed to the side. It never even entered his mind that Maria liked him. Sure, he's tried thinking about if he'd like Maria in a romantic sense but he never thought about if it were the other way around. She liked him? What… what was he supposed to do now? Tell her he didn't like her back even though he knew it would hurt her? She just said even the thought of him not liking her would hurt! Plus he was still so lost with all these emotions inside of him! There was guilt, confusion, longing, fear and curiosity - not exactly the best combination. His eyebrows furrowed together as he began to nibble at his bottom lip.

    "If you had stopped me from kissing you then I could handle it, but you didn't. You kissed back. Tucker I've been tearing myself apart trying to figure out what is going on inside that handsome head of yours."

    Hearing her say "You kissed back" felt like his father had punched him in the chest. Along with knowing that she's been quote-unquote tearing herself apart to try and figure out what was going on. What was he going to say? He just wanted to kiss her again because it felt nice? Say sorry he didn't like relationships because of his father raped him for a third of his life?

    He was taken back for a second with his thoughts but then he snapped his head towards her and said in a rather defensive tone, "I-I was just..! Y-you started it!" he said it recklessly and it was so so childish it disgusted him. He bit his tongue back and looked at Maria with a really guilty expression before he put his hands to his face and let out a grunt, obviously frustrated with himself.

    Letting that out, he dropped his hands and crossed them over his chest. His voice was shaky but he managed to get most of it out, "I just… I'm sorry. I just never… never felt anything like that... from a kiss… I-I didn't know kisses could be um, feel…um, f-feel nice, you know? I didn't know- didn't know they- they, they could not... not be, um... I just don't know how to handle it. This is new! Maria... Maria, I don't know what to do."
  5. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Tucker didn't say anything at first., but then he snapped his head towards her and said in a rather defensive tone, "I-I was just..! Y-you started it!" He lifted his hands to his face and grunted immediately after.

    Maria lifted her head and stared up at him with a dumbfounded expression. She knew she started it and it was one thing for her to say that to herself, but another for Tucker. It felt like he slapped her across the face. It stung more than anything. So now he was blaming her for kissing him, for liking him? What did that even mean? It left her head feeling even worse.
    Tucker dropped his hands and crossed them over his chest. His voice was shaky but he managed to get most of it out, "I just… I'm sorry. I just never… never felt anything like that... from a kiss… I-I didn't know kisses could be um, feel…um, f-feel nice, you know? I didn't know- didn't know they- they, they could not... not be, um... I just don't know how to handle it. This is new! Maria... Maria, I don't know what to do."
    She was confused. It was plain to see. He never knew a kiss could feel nice? He was twenty-three. There was no way he had gone that long without ever kissing someone. Did that mean he had never--it wasn't important. This felt wrong. She should leave--take the car and go. Then what?
    Her white teeth sank into the red lips and she looked up at him through her thickly lacquered lashes. There was something she could do. If he didn't understand that it felt good, because honestly Tucker was a rather terrible actor so he had to be telling the truth, then there was something she could show him. The question was, how would he respond? "Tucker... " she swallowed, "Please, come here." She motioned to the spot beside her on the bed, but shifted her blue-eyed gaze across the room, not facing him. "I have an idea, but it doesn't matter if you don't approve." She wanted to look at him. Maria wanted to turn around and run into his warm arms while he held her. That was asking too much.
    "We could practice together, b-but, only if you want." Her cheeks burned and was thankful for looking the other way. "You said you don't understand. I could--" she slowly turned her head back to him, "--I could teach you. I could show you that it's not scary... I don't understand why you would have that mentality Tucker, but these things-- this feeling-- it's meant to be good, not painful or scary." Maria tugged on the petals of the flowers, careful not to pull them out. Maybe if he understood that things weren't so scary, then he would be more willing to open up and let her in. ( It was a long shot, but her best option. ) " Only if you're willing to try. It's not like I'd force you. You're free to leave if you want..."

    WEARING DATE 12/26/2015 DAY 5 & 4/4 MUSIC
    Pierce had sat at the kitchen table by herself for quite some time. It took awhile for her to receive a reply from her mother and by the time she did, it was already late. Her brown eyes scanned over the words quickly and she groaned in frustration. Her mother had been called in to work overnight at the hospital. It was a good thing, really, but that meant she was stuck here. Mrs. Mhenjer offered to send someone to get her, but Pierce didn't want to burden whomever it was that drove all the way out here.

    Everyone was getting very drunk and it made her uncomfortable. It would have been nice to have a drink or two, but not here--not with all these other people around. She had sipped on some juice and picked at a plate of food for awhile, pretty much right up until she received a message from her mom. If it hadn't been the middle of winter, she would have walked home. Sophie didn't live close by, by any means, but it was better than nothing. She was used to Sophie saying hurtful things to her and tormenting her, but tonight was different. She didn't even know if she liked Oliver, let alone whether or not he really liked her. How could he? It's a long shot that he likes you because you're Pierce. Sophie couldn't have said it any better.
    The kitchen emptied for a little while and she decided to leave it, not wanting to interact with really anyone. She got up from her spot at the table and clutched her cellphone tightly in one hand. There had to be some place she could go. Lucas always seemed to be everywhere and Pierce was starting to get the feeling that there were surveillance cameras hidden everywhere. She didn't want to be found, not til morning. Her feet seemed to carry her in no particular direction. She opened and closed door after door looking for a place to hid. On occasion there would be a locked and she would walk past it wondering what was in there. She had even managed to find Sophie's room after some time. Pierce had debated just staying there until her friend came back, but then she would have to deal with a drunk Sophie and she just pictured a drunk Sophie being way more mean than a sober one.
    Finally, she found a small broom closet on the first floor. It was spacious enough for her to curl up inside. She tucked her legs in close to her chest and pulled her phone out. She shut the door and found a cord hanging from the single bulb in the closet. It lit to reveal cleaning odds and ends in the four foot by four foot room. Her phone added some extra light and she rested her head against the wall. It smelled like bleach and other cleaners, but she didn't mind it much. Be honest, you two barely know a thing about each other — if he did like you, what was he basing that off of? Pierce bit down on her lip and sniffled in her hiding space. She would wait in here until morning, no matter how uncomfortable it was. She looked at the time on her phone. It was pretty late already. Christmas had ended not long ago and now all she wanted was to leave. Her finger tapped lightly on the phone, opening up her music. She picked one of her favorites by Jon McLaughlin and the sweet soft music floated around her in the closet.
    It helped her calm down slightly. A shiver ran down Pierce's body and she rubbed her legs. There was no one else she had to talk to besides Sophie. Friends were too difficult to manage for her. She could always send a text to Oliver, but what would it say? Had he even come tonight? She hadn't seen him around. Being alone in the box office with him on Christmas was hard to manage. She just didn't know how to act around people.
    Pierce sighed heavily and let her eyelids fall shut. The song changed to one more upbeat and Poppy, she changed it quickly--not in the mood for something like that. The sleeves of her dress rubbed against her skin and she wished for something to change into.

    Time skippu~​
    Pierce's eyes were closed shut as she listened to the music and hoped to fall asleep in the small room. After some time, there were two knocks on the closet door. Her brown eyes flashed open and she stared up at it in time to watch it open. Lucas's looming figure stood on the other side of the threshold and she glowered up at him. Of course he found her. It wasn't fair.
    You will hurt your back if you stay in that position, he told her, and then pulled Pierce up to her feet. Come, a guest room awaits. Sophie will not be pleased if you sleep in here. She prefers to see her friends well treated. Lucas latched her own arm onto his and cordially lead her up a back staircase to avoid the eyes of others, and then to the guest room he had prepared for her.

    Pierce wasn't a fan of this at all. She didn't want to sleep in a guest room or be found by anyone. Lucas managed to locate her ( probably rather easily as well ) and she couldn't help but glance over her shoulder every few feet wondering where the cameras were. They were definitely there!--just hidden somewhere. Sophie treated her like a pet or a puppet, something she had full control over. It didn't even make sense why Pierce continued to spend time with her. She's my only friend... Some friend--
    A change of clothing has been provided, and you are free to take a shower, need be. Lucas smiled politely, Good night, Miss Mhenjer. Sleep well. and then close the door after leaving her to be.
    She stood in the bedroom alone, still clutching her phone. The room was spacious and dark with the door shut. Pierce didn't want to believe it, but she had this sneaking suspicion that if she tried the door it would be locked. She didn't. If she was being held captive in the guest room, she would rather not know it. Instead, she made her way over to the clothes that were set out for her by Lucas. He was an odd duck. She changed quickly and flopped down on the bed. Her dress hung over the foot board and her shoes sat on the floor next to one of the posts. Pierce curled up in the thick sheets and hugged the comforter to her face. As much as she didn't want to admit it, this bed was really nice.
    Pierce pulled the phone to her face under her sheets, the glow of the screen reflecting in her eyes. She decided to send Oliver a text, even though it was late. She typed up the message, trying to keep it as short as possible. It felt weird having a conversation with someone so much older than her. Sophie would probably tell her she was wasting her breath on the matter. She frowned and closed her eyes, going to sleep immediately after.
  6. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    He uncrossed his arms and dug his hands in his side pockets. His head felt like it was about to explode and splatter his brains out all over the floor. His heart was still beating rapidly and he tried his best to compose at least his breathing. He dug the tip of his shoe on the ground below, as if he was trying to stay still - which he actually was. Part of him just wanted to head for the door and run and go back home or sneak into the empty shelter and sleep with the animals. That's how he wanted to spend Christmas right now, at that moment.

    He glanced at Maria, knowing that even though he wanted to run away - it probably wasn't best. He could just leave her, after knowing that it was because of him why she could be upset. His mind was going crazy though! Images and sounds kept popping up as his eyes now darted around the small room. It was dark there was a bed - this was kind of the scene Tucker always avoided. The image of Maria dominating him, the one that he so sickly conjured when they were alone in the theatre, popped in his head again. That was the worst one right now - because he really didn't want to think badly of the blonde. She was a great friend of his. He just wanted it to go back like they used to - back when they were just two super good friends and counselors working together and spending fun times like morning cafe trips and summer.

    "Tucker... please com here."

    His head snapped towards her and saw her patting the space on the bed next to her. He really didn't want to - still unable to figure out what those blue eyes that gazed away from him was trying to say. He wanted to be cautious now because he was just so darn scared. His feet felt like they weighed tonnes as he hesitantly dragged them over as he sat down next to her. He moved aside the box that had the present she gave him and sat after that. Letting the box sit between the awkward distance Tucker intentionally placed between them. He bit down at his lip as he held the edges of the sweater he got from his mother. It fit him very snuggly, stopped right at his belt line. He held the edges tightly and tugged them down at the same time. He let her continue.

    "I have an idea, but it doesn't matter if you don't approve."

    The young adult tensed up, his anxiety inside building. What did she mean?? The last bit she said scared him. He swallowed nervously as he stopped looking at her and locked his stare on the floor. His eyebrows furrowed together, trying to fight his hardest not to do anything and just stay still and stay calm and just be there.

    "We could practice together, b-but, only if you want."

    His eyes immediately widened. The chaos inside his head seemed to react in the same way. It was like Maria had flipped a switch suddenly and everything just went wrong. He felt like his inner demons suddenly occupied the space under the bed below and they were slowly coming from there. It felt like their haunting hands groped at his body, clinging onto his ankles then up all over his legs and around his torso and neck and just-

    "You said you don't understand. I could-- I could teach you. I could show you that it's not scary... I don't understand why you would have that mentality Tucker, but these things-- this feeling-- it's meant to be good, not painful or scary."

    He bent over, digging his elbows into his thighs right above his knees, as if trying to ease the suffering he felt inside of him with physical pain. His hands moved swiftly from tugging at the bottom of his sweater to gripping his cherry locks at the side of his head. It was as if he was attempting to pull them out - but really he just wanted his mind to fall silent. Maria just didn't get it! She didn't get it at all! His breathing had become much heavier. His chest began to hurt. His mind still was filled with so much chaos and pain. He felt his eyes stinging as he continued to stare down at the floor below without blinking all that much, frustrated with himself of not knowing what to do and being some scared wimp all the time. He still felt like something was dragging him into some sort of darkness.

    " Only if you're willing to try. It's not like I'd force you. You're free to leave if you want..."

    He breathed in deeply and looked at her. His eyes had gotten slightly watery by now but he wasn't crying. He grunted a bit and got up to his feet. He couldn't do it. He just couldn't do it. He felt like he was being attacked again - even though he knew her intentions were good, well, at least she tried to believe they were good but his thoughts still screamed otherwise.

    He hung his head down, his hands balling into fists beside him. He intended to get up, head for the door, leave and just get out of there but he couldn't find himself to start moving or even take a step forward. What was she thinking? Of course, Tucker knew she meant well but just the thought of what she was talking about made his mind go crazy. His lips finally separated, "Maria... thank you... Thank you but you just don't get it." his voice was shaky, strong but shaky. He shook his head slightly, inhaling a sniffle that escaped him. "It's more than that. More than you'll ever know... More than I can ever say."

    His lips pressed back tightly together, gritting at his teeth. He wanted to tell her. The feeling he got last time of wanting to came back. His balled fists went back to tugging the side of his sweater again. He wanted to tell her right here at this very moment but he still couldn't find the right words.
  7. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    "Maria... thank you... Thank you but you just don't get it." his voice was shaky, strong but shaky. He shook his head slightly, inhaling a sniffle that escaped him. "It's more than that. More than you'll ever know... More than I can ever say."

    Why wouldn't he just leave? If he was so dedicated to not explaining, he might as well go. Maria was growing angry with Tucker. He still hadn't even explained whether or not he liked her, just that he was afraid of being close. She bit her lip and rose to her feet, letting the flowers fall down onto the bed. She brushed past him and walked to the door, unlocking it. Her hand rested on the knob when she turned back to him. Her knuckles were white and squeezing the cold metal was all that kept her from breaking down. "I won't ever understand if you don't talk to me Tucker. I told you how I feel, and you still haven't even said anything about your feelings, just that you're afraid. But you won't tell me why you're afraid. You look at me like I'm going to hurt and I don't understand. How could I possibly hurt you?" She was practically pleading with him.

    She pulled the door open and stepped aside, turning to face the window. "If you don't want to be here then you should just go. I'm sorry for having made everything messy between us." Tears began to well up and she walked to the window, resting her hands on the icy cold sill. "We can just pretend like nothing ever happened if you want. It'll be--" her voice broke, "--It'll be fine. I swear..."
  8. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009

    location: bennett home mood: jolly theme: tea?
    affection: -- ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
    ooc: merry christmas! <3

    Elisa approached Richie with a genuine smile. He returned the gesture, motioning for his best friend to sit on a nearby chair. He handed the girl her gift shyly, attempting to act as kawaii as possible. Elisa loved stuff like that, and Richie didn't mind acting all cute. He counted to three out loud, Elisa's present rested on his lap. At the end of the countdown, both of them opened their presents. Squeals of glee escaped the friends' lips as their eyes widened at the sight of their gifts. Without having to say a word, the duo immediately hugged and Richie kissed Elisa's cheek. "Thank you so much! I love love love it! How about I get us some drinks to celebrate, huh?" With that, Richie immediately headed towards the kitchen and brought back two glasses of chardonnay.


    The two consumed quite a few more drinks; Richie: five, Elisa: three. The blonde was holding up fine, and he knew Elisa could hold her liquor, yet he couldn't help but worry. He really didn't want to leave her, but he knew that his best friend always got sleepy whenever she drank. If something caught his attention, he would most likely leave the turquoise girl alone... drunk. Besides, she would be in no position to drive home either way. He guided the girl upstairs and led her to one of the guest bedrooms Sophie had mentioned in her rules. Richie set the girl on the bed and pulled the covers over her. She curled into a ball underneath the sheets and the blonde kissed her forehead. "Night night Elisa... Merry Christmas...!" She replied with a sleepily good night and a weak smile.

    Richie headed back downstairs to the kitchen. He poured himself another glass of wine, and sat down, legs crossed, on one of the chairs. His eyes wandered and explored the kitchen. They drifted to the cabinets of alcohol that lined the room. They fell onto the bottle of chardonnay him and Elisa were drinking from. They was still quite a bit of wine in the bottle and Richie had a feeling that it would be completely empty by the time he went to bed...
  9. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆
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    Most of the night was spent with other members of the cast and crew, with Quentin doing anything else but thinking about where he was and who he wasn't seeing. He had been feeling a mite melancholy when he realized that Noëlle had left with her brother, whose name seemed to escape him at the moment, and he decided he would text her before the night was out.

    Apparently, his drawing skills were a bit famous, thanks to the work he and Elisa did on the makeup for the play, and he had been asked to draw for some of the others at least once. Lucas ( there was something about that guy he didn't like ) had provided drawing supplies from seemingly nowhere, much like his presence was that entire night, and by late time, the living room was practically plastered in sketches and drawings that Quentin made. It felt nice to draw again, he had to admit, but it reminded him to despair over the lost sketch of Noëlle that he had worked on two years ago. He remembered that, wow.

    The thought of drinking with the others wasn't appealing, and he had seen one too many accidents happen while people were under the influence, and he didn't want to make that idiotic mistake for himself . . . But he wasn't beyond taking advantage of it, and so when he got up and headed to the kitchen for a Dr Pepper ( his favorite of all the sodas ) and he saw a drinking Richie Duvont, he cracked a sly grin. There's no point in passing up such an opportunity, and I'm bored anyway.

    "Aren't you a little young to be drinking?" he asked while popping open the can, although of course there would be insurmountable amount of underage drinking happening. "It feels a little stuffy in here, maybe I should go to the pool, instead . . ." And he glanced sidelong at the blond boy, "Want to come?" he asked, and then turned, not exactly waiting for an answer, and began heading for the pool area. Quentin was definitely the jealous, though not overbearing type, and if Sophie wanted to play this game, then maybe he would too.

    The indoor pool was . . . ridiculously large. What was it with this house and extravagance? He rolled up his jean pants and took a seat by the ledge, dipping his feet and lower legs in and looking over his shoulder for Richie.
  10. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009

    location: bennett home [ kitchen // indoor pool ] mood: jolly theme: tea?
    affection: quentin ❤ ❤ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
    ooc: merry christmas! <3

    because andrew is a dumbass and lost his post here's a quick summary:

    ~ richie follows quentin because he's hot and richie's drunk, plus he's compelled by his idgaf attitude

    ~ richie sits next to quentin when they enter the pool area and is like "the water is beau but i don't have no bathing suit doh"

    and sax here's a dialogue of richie saying that in case you want it for your post:

    "The wa... water looks so nice... does...n't it? Toooooo... bad I don't havve my ba...thing suit..."

    oh also drunkish!richie is attempting to inch closer and closer to his future honey boo boo just fyi
  11. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007


    WEATHERWINDY, SNOWING, COLD 28°! ✖『DATE & TIME』 12/26/2015 - ???✖『DAY』 05

    Uno cards lay discarded at her side, and the list of movies they'd been wanting to watch was beginning to dwindle as they plowed through. There had been a couple of trips back into the house for more tea [ and some bathroom breaks ], but truth be told she was beginning to feel a bit sleepy. Her yawns were becoming closer and closer together with her blinks becoming longer and longer ...

    In an effort to keep awake, she shifted from her stomach and into an upright position. Christmas was coming to an end, and though their night together had been the most fun she'd had in awhile, there was something sad tugging at her heart ... something whispering that as soon as the night was over, he would drift away again. Apart of her wondered if he was only humoring her out of pity, but she quickly dismissed the thought. Doing otherwise would tear her up inside.

    Bryan moved closer and she smiled, moving her hand away from the mouse of the laptop so he could nestle in and rest his head on her lap. It was a struggle pretending not to be phased by his closeness; not to run her fingers through his soft russet hair, nuzzle their noses together and peck his lips for the first time. Her heart fluttered and she breathed out adoringly.

    This is nice, he said, filling the pleasant silence between them. Not having to worry about others . . . It's not like it's their business, y'know? . . . If we want to be close, it's not like that's their problem.

    Noëlle looked delighted, but willed herself to stay quiet. Did he really feel that way? Bryan had always been there for her when she needed him, but it never felt mutual ... Rarely ever, at least. He didn't lean on her the way she leaned on him. He shouldered everything, even when they were young ... Did he really want to be close to her, even now?

    She thought she felt him shift beneath her but he looked fine when she locked eyes with him for the first time since he settled down into her lap. He raised his hand and began to poke the bottom of Noëlle's chin thoughtfully, causing her to smile again.

    I like it when you smile. There was something stirring within her. According to the books she had read and the movies and TV shows she had seen in her lifetime, it was the flourishing sensation of butterflies in her stomach. What are you thinking about . . . ?

    There were so many things running through her head, where was she to start? Sorting through the positive and negative thoughts, she was left with just one thing. With a deep breath, she answered.

    ... I'm wondering when you're planning to use your gift ticket. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the entire truth, either. The ticket meant much more than the silly piece of paper she had handed him early this morning. Her aquamarine eyes peered down into his forest green ones and, gingerly, she brushed some hair out of his face. ... I'm happy.

    Yeah, I'm happy, too. Bryan murmured back, smiling. He shuffled around and then reached for his green scarf and unwrapped it, pulling out the neatly folded piece of paper she had given him. She turned to face him.Okay, okay, I'm ready!

    He was so excited it made her feel a bit ... guilty. What was she doing ... ? No, what was she ABOUT to do? Was she sure ... ?

    During her latest trip into the house, Noëlle grabbed the familiar little glass bottle with the heart stopper lodged into the neck from her room and brought it with her into the kitchen. She hadn't been positive that she'd end up using it, but she talked herself into pouring the liquid into the newest - untouched - kettle of tea. If it went to waste, it was as easy as ordering a new flask and making up something on the spot if Bryan ever used his ticket.

    A love potion ... Haha. Noëlle wasn't naive enough to believe such a thing truly existed. There was no way. It was impossible. After a lot of thinking, she had deduced that Cupid's Brew was, at best, an aphrodisiac. At worst, color dyed water.

    If Bryan wanted her - just for a night ... Would that be enough? It was unlikely that he would act on it, but imagining him wanting her, even just for a few minutes, gave her hope. Maybe if he could break through the wall of siblingship just for a minute and see her as a woman and not just his baby sister ... Maybe that would be enough of a spark between them to ignite something more. ... Maybe.

    It was a long shot. Maybe he was so deeply rooted in his role as a big brother that it wouldn't even be her he wanted. Maybe he would just leave her outside alone and go over to a friend's house to - uh - ... relieve himself. That would be terrible. It was an idea that made Noëlle want to punch someone in the face. The thought of Bryan with anyone else always made her feel that way ... So angry.

    She took a deep calming breath and swallowed hard, retrieving the ticket from her brother and slowly pushing a cup of tea she had poured towards him, averting her gaze anxiously.

    Aah ... I, um ... Made you a special batch of tea. I know how much you like the tea I make, and I wanted to try something new! I really do hope you'll like it, though ... He could usually tell when she was holding something back, so she tried her best acting - but wasn't completely sure he'd buy it. With everything in her she hoped he just chalked it up to nerves.

    Luckily, it seemed he did. He smiled at her and thanked her, taking the warm cup of tea from the blankets below them. For a moment it seemed he was hesitating ... and then he brought the rim of the cup to his lips and took a sip.

    Noëlle could feel her pulse vibrating in her ears. Her heavily-lashed eyes were wide and settled on Bryan's face, watching intently as he scrunched up his nose. What did it taste like, she wondered? From his facial expressions, she gathered it must have been sour or citrusy ... or extremely bitter. Ah, she was beginning to feel a little ashamed. Maybe she should say something ... It clearly wasn't doing anything immediate. He still had time to dilute it down with some water.

    Bryan, I ...

    Before she could get very far into her confession, the empty tea cup fell from his fingers and his dropped like a bolder sinking in water. After a small bit of coughing and groaning, he went completely still. His deep green eyes remained open, staring off emptily into a wall of the tent. Noëlle could feel the color draining from her face; her body beginning to tremble as adrenaline shot up through the roof! What was happening?!

    ... Bryan? She breathed.


    Oh no. Oh no!! Oh God!!

    Bryan ... ! BRYAN!! Clumsily, she crawled to his side and shook his shoulder. Unwanted, swelling tears pricked at her eyes and she rolled her brother onto his back, shoving her ear against his chest to listen for a heartbeat.

    He was still alive. Still breathing ... And suddenly, he shifted from his stillness, pushing himself into a sitting position with a gentle sigh. Noëlle threw a hand over her mouth, trying to stifle her cries against her palm. Her chest rose and fell wildly, and she leaned into herself a bit more from her sitting position, trying desperately to calm down and end the initiation of hyperventilation.

    Shock and confusion didn't even begin to describe how she felt in that moment, but Bryan looked even more at a loss than she did! He turned his head from side to side, appearing to be searching for something. His eyebrows furrowed in thought and then his expression would fall into nothing. At first, she figured he was just trying to gather himself after his reaction, but then he went to stand up and leave, nearly toppling their tent over and knocking the heater onto it's back.

    Where are you going?! She shouted. Was she right, then? He was heading off to see someone else? Or maybe he somehow knew what she had done - and hated her now. In any case he ignored her, unzipping the tent and stepping out into the still-falling snow.

    Noëlle climbed quickly after him in the darkness. She shivered immediately with the lodging of ice between her toes, and folded her arms across her halfway exposed chest for extra warmth.

    Bryan! Her voice cut through the icy winds and she stumbled forward towards him, tears running down her pale cheeks. Plea ... please, I'm sorry. I'm sorry ... I'm so sorry!

    Just like her to fuck everything up. To want too much. Never satisfied Noëlle. Why couldn't she just accept it?! They weren't ever going to be more than what they were; brother and sister. Trying to make it anything else would just end in disaster ... It was utterly hopeless, and she was an idiot.

    Noëlle was basically choking on her tears as Bryan took another step forward. Her arms wrapped around him from behind and she used all of her strength to turn him back to her. She couldn't let him leave like this! It was ... It was Christmas ...

    He seemed dazed - apathetic, even, eyes dancing around their backyard.

    Bryan ... Bryan, look at me, the volume her voice was on level with the crunching of their feet in the snow as she pulled him closer, placing a hand on his neck to monitor his pulse again. Something was wrong, he seemed so zombie-like!

    It was then that Bryan finally tilted his chin down and really looked at her. Her deep red strands blew back with the snow draft, whipping against her ears. His moss-hued eyes widened in realization as he locked gazes with her. Without warning or words, he took her lifted hand in his and curled his fingers around her own. Despite the enormous amount of worry she was harbouring, she could feel her face flooding with heat again and tried to blink the flood of tears away, suddenly feeling worlds of self-consciousness. The way he was looking at her!

    ... Bryan ... ?

  12. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    (*) Sophie's House (*) Mood: Content (*) Music (*) Outfit (*) OOC: (*)
    Instead of standing in the same spot while waiting for Natalie's response, Alex decided to walk around. His first stop was to the refreshments in which he grabbed himself a drink. He'd always wanted to try one and this seemed like a good time to do so. Well so long as he didn't end up drunk. So he started to drink the liquid and soon enough he'd finished it. Maybe I'll grab another one later. That seemed likely to happen as he walked away.
    Going back to looking around, he didn't notice that he'd actually run into someone until after it'd happened.
    "U-um, s-sorry bout that. D-didn't s-see you there."
    "Don't worry about it, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." He held his hand out towards to boy to help him up. "Are you okay?" While he did doubt that there was any damaged done, couldn't hurt to ask. Though before an answer could be given, he felt his phone vibrate. No doubt it was Natalie's response to his last message. Further inspection proved this to be true as he opened up the message.
    Hitting the send button on his phone, he went ahead and pocketed it before turning his attention back to the boy.
  13. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆
    ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆

    He waited for the blonde haired boy and smirked when he almost stumbled over the doorstep. Quentin had not bargained for this much intoxication. Richie stabilized himself and stared at the boy in front of him. He eventually sat down beside him with exaggerated slowness and spoke. "The wa... water looks so nice... does...n't it? Toooooo... bad I don't have my ba...thing suit..." The boy is pitiable.

    "Lucas sat our guest sets on the chair." He flipped his wrist in that direction. He noticed that Richie's hand had gotten closer. His entire body had gotten closer. "But you want to go without, don't you?" He looked the boy in the eye to catch his delayed reaction. Richie opened his mouth to reply, but Quentin held up his hand and was on his feet before he could say anything. He grabbed his own swimsuit and tossed the other to his makeshift female lead.

    The look on the boy's face made him reconsider his childishness. He thought of ways to get Sophie's attention. He could not think of anything to draw her away. . . . Drawing? He remembered his picture for Noëlle for the second time that day. His eyes hardened with the decision that he would not do it again. No. She needs to explain.

    He began changing on his way to the dressing room. He was practically done by the time he made it. He knew that it would take her a minute to assess what was happening, so he waited by the door. He was sick. He was happy. It is the polite thing to do.
  14. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    His chestnut eyes immediately followed the blonde who stood and walked to the door. Wh-what? Was she leaving? Had he done something wrong? He looked at her standing there, with a click she unlocked the door but didn't head out. The guilt inside of him rose and everything just felt wrong and sad and horrible.

    "I won't ever understand if you don't talk to me Tucker. I told you how I feel, and you still haven't even said anything about your feelings, just that you're afraid. But you won't tell me why you're afraid. You look at me like I'm going to hurt and I don't understand. How could I possibly hurt you?"

    His insides were going crazy. He felt like he was going to vomit. He clasped a hand over his lips, horrified at how everything was going so far. Her last words really, really disturbed him - mostly because he knew it was true. How could she hurt him? Ignoring what he's been through, he really didn't know but she was right. He still looked at her as if she could hurt him - because not ignoring what he's been though, he could think of so many ways how her, well not even Maria specifically but just anyone in general, he could think of so many ways on how they could hurt him.

    He heard the door creak open and some light from the hallway had creeped in. Did she noticed the tears in his eyes because of the light now? God, he was such a wimp. Crying again. He looked up to see that she wasn't even looking at him.

    "If you don't want to be here then you should just go. I'm sorry for having made everything messy between us. We can just pretend like nothing ever happened if you want. It'll be--" her voice broke, "--It'll be fine. I swear..."

    Wow, he really wanted to vomit. He didn't move from his place for a moment. He felt so terrible. He hadn't felt this terrible in a while. He felt like for a moment, he kind of deserved a punishment right now - one of those punishments. He just felt like pulling his hair out and running away and sobbing all on his own. How could he have done something like that to Maria and not even realize? He was such a jerk, wasn't he?

    He couldn't even think anymore. He walked forward and placed his hand on the open door's knob. It was cold - as if Maria, who stood by the window, had never touched it. It was like her warmth and sweetness had all gone. Were they… were they just going to end there? Was he never going to see her the same ever again? He already knew the answer to that.

    He gulped, then shut the door in front of him. He didn't leave. He couldn't. He took steps back into the room. It felt like he had to drag himself back inside, drained from all the thoughts and emotions that ate on his energy. He took a shaky breath in, separating his lips. He stopped a couple feet away from the blonde, looking at how her platinum locks reflected the little light coming from outside. "P-please don't leave me…" he started. His tone was calm but pitiful - as if one of a child. He felt very much like a child as he gazed at her. It was like when a child returned to his parent after doing something so horribly wrong and asking for forgiveness even if the child knew he didn't deserve it. "I'm scared."

    His hands balled into fists again. He looked down at the side, feeling some tears rolling down his cheeks as he blinked. He couldn't look at her and tell her at the same time. He bit down at his lip hard, fighting back sobs. His breathing was very unstable and shaky. Voices started coming into his mind,

    'If you tell anyone I'll put this bullet through your skull.'
    'Don't think.'
    'You have to be careful.'
    'Someone's going to break down the walls you put around yourself one day, Tuck.'

    He shut his eyes tightly, fighting them away and feeling his nails dig into the palm of his hands. He bit down at his lip so hard he couldn't even feel it anymore. He opened his tearful chestnut eyes anymore, fixing his stare at where the wall met the floor to his side. "My father… he's… he's- he is Benjamin Knowles…. if- if you don't know who he is- he's- he's" his voice cracked in a sob and he shook his head frustratingly. God. He still couldn't do it. He still couldn't say it.
  15. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    The door clicked shut and for a second,Maria truly believed that Tucker had taken her offer and left. Footsteps sounded in the room and she could hear him approaching her. She didn't turn around. She couldn't. He stopped behind him and she sucked air. The hairs on her back stood on ends and she felt a tingle run down her spine. P-please don't leave me… Don't leave him? She offered him the ability to leave, not the other way around.

    I'm not going anywhere, she whispered.
    I'm scared. How many more times would he say that?
    She swallowed down a lump in her throat. Her hands were shaking so she gripped the windowsill tighter. He was so close. This was supposed to be the part where he wrapped his arms around her--back to chest-- and she turned in his arms to face him. However, that was not the case nor did it seem it would ever be.
    My father… he's… he's- he is Benjamin Knowles…. if- if you don't know who he is- he's- he's his voice cracked.
    Finally, she turned to look at him. Even in heels, he stood nearly a head taller than her. He wasn't too far away. Two steps and they would be in each others space. Benjamin Knowles? The name sounded vaguely familiar. That name was a big deal when she was a kid. Maria couldn't really put a name to the face, though. She pressed her lips together and closed the distance. This close, she could see he was crying. What was so troublesome about his father?
    Cautiously, Maria reached up and wiped the tears from his face. Her hand was damp, but she didn't mind. She rested her palm against his cheek and softly rubbed her thumb under his left eye. Her heart was hammering in her chest. She didn't want to see him cry. She wanted to kiss the tears away and take away his pain. Her body felt numb and hot. She was thankful for the strapless short dress. The cool room helped some with how hot She felt, but not much. Her knees knocked together with anticipation--pointless anticipation. Tucker, she murmured his name. Tucker you can tell me...
    It was late. How long had they been in the room together? Maria didn't really mind, per se, but she was starting to feel tired. She looked up at him and pulled her hand away slowly. Tucker must have been exhausted. Emotional turmoil seemed to do that to people. She had let him talk when he felt comfortable enough, and didn't goad him when he was too distressed to do so. Maria let her hand fall to his wrist and she gave him a very light tug on the arm. She pulled him over to the bed and let go of him. She wanted to smile at him and tell him how everything would be better, but she both could not bring herself to do it and knew it was wrong. There was nothing to smile about really.
    She stood at the foot of the bed and looked up at him with her sad blue eyes. We should probably sleep. It's late. Maria held her hands up defensively, but tried her best to put on a smile. I promise I won't do anything. You get half, I get half. Sleep. Her smile didn't touch her eyes. She tipped her head to the side and walked around the bed, sitting down on the edge. Maria slipped her feet out of her red pumps and pulled her hair out of the looping braid clipped up at the back of her head. She left her red dress on. It would be wrinkled, but dry cleaning would fix that. The only real problem was that she had left her purse somewhere else in the house and would now be required to sleep in her contacts. It wasn't the first time, but it was definitely not fun to wake up to.
    Maria looked up at her spot on the bed. Tucker, I promise. Unless you want to leave. Her eyes were heavy, but she kept them open focusing on the door. She couldn't look at Tucker if he decided to leave. Things felt a little better, like she wasn't in so many pieces, but they still weren't great. This was only going to make things harder and harder on her, especially if he kept pushing away. Hopefully--hopefully, now he wouldn't. Maybe things would get better...

    Wearing Music Date: 12/26/2015 Day: 5 & 4/4
    Mood: Tired Interaction: TuckerLocation: Guest Room
    : TuckerActivity: Talking. . . OOC:
  16. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Location: Sophie's Crib {} Mood: Curious/Amazed {} OOC: :< {} Music: [{bottod}]
    Eventually, Sasha got tired of observing others. Not like she really enjoyed it. She just wanted to get used to a public setting like this. She usually never went to a public event like this, much even get invited to one. Well...guess I should wander around. This is a nice home after all...
    She hopped onto her feet. A lot of people were leaving and stuff. Surely she should as well, but not before taking a good look at this home It would be a shame to leave a nice home like this without having a good picture of it in head. She never got chances like this in her life.
    On that note, she made complicated walks around the house, inspecting every nook and cranny of the home, fascinated by the structure of it. "Dear me! This home looks amazing! She must be so lucky to be living in such a grand home like this! Not only that! An indoor pool! How much I would have to pay to even look upon such a home back where I live!"
    True enough, she eventually made it in the indoor pool, paying no heed to the ones already there. Amazing...Sophie must be rich as hell...She bent down at the edge of the pool, even inspecting the walls of the pool as they had fancy bordering around the edges of the pool.
  17. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 1 « OOC: N|A :

    This is a pretty boring parrrrty, really. He slurred, sitting outside of the entrance to the pool with his cell phone crammed up against his ear aggressively. He didn't remember how he got there, exactly. His hair was disheveled, and clothing wet in various spots with soda and booze. He felt sleepy, and sick, but mostly sleepy. There aren't enough of us, Soooph! There aren't enough of us for a party like this. I mean ... I mean, if we had like twenty more people then maybe ... Maybe. We could crank up the mad hippin' tunes and go wild. I mean, really wild. Like ... BAM. But everyone just went off and got wasty basky alone, like whoa. We should have done somethin' together, like karaoke or some shit.

    He wasn't actually sure where Sophie was, but his mind was a little gone at the moment.

    Sitting in that box office with Pierce had been fun, though things were still a little awkward. He had invite her to go ice skating with him on Christmas Eve, fully prepared to be rejected. It was something that Mary and him were supposed to do together, and then he had been considering asking Grace, but both girls weren't talking to him and Pierce was nice enough. It was a bit more than that though. He found himself wanting to get close to her. He wanted her to feel comfortable with him, and he wanted to get passed the stuttering, like Sophie had seemed to do. It was kind of selfish, he'd admit. He had kind of set it up as a challenge for him. He wasn't sure how he felt other than that and it made him feel like an awful person. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't avoiding her tonight.

    Oliver was drunk, but that wasn't all.

    He had started drinking the moment he arrived, and then had partaken in other things, in private. ... Who was he even on the phone with?

    He pulled the phone away from his ear and noticed he had been leaving Reed a rather long voicemail. That was nice. At least it wasn't Grace, or Mary, or Pierce. He hit end and fought the compulsion to dial another number.

    With a dramatic groan, he lifted himself from his spot and the world spun, causing him to chuckle and then gag. He took one massively unbalanced step, gave up, and sat back down, spreading out and laying on his stomach. He felt so happy. So at peace. The floor was such a nice floor.

    You've got a nice fucking floor, Sophiera. He moaned, twisting onto his side. Before he knew it, he was completely unconscious.

  18. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    " AND SO IT BEGINS... "
    Erik's conversation with Bryan in the lounge had been going fairly well. He had been enjoying Bryan's company. Things were going fine right up until Lucas came into the lounge area in search of Bryan. "Bryan," Lucas interrupted, "Your sister has left the house." Bryan raised his eyebrow then looked at Erik as Lucas continued, "I suggest you go out and find her before she catches her death."

    "A - Ah . . . Yeah. Sorry Erik, gotta go!" Bryan announced as he quickly got to his feet. Lucas escorted him out.

    After a couple minutes, Lucas returned and motioned to Erik in the direction of a guest room that had been prepped for him. He waved the offer away and got to his feet. "Thanks, but I'll be heading home," he told Lucas. It took him a couple minutes to find his jacket, but once he did, Erik was out of the large home and in his car. It was freezing inside and his windows were all frosted over. He had to let the heat run for about ten minutes before pulling out of the Bennette estate to head home.
    As Erik drove home, he wondered if Bryan had found Noëlle yet. He kept his eye out on the drive home, but didn't see the petite red head. Hopefully she had found a ride or something. When he finally pulled up to the apartment complex that he lived in, he parked the car in the lot and walked across the way until he reached the side doors. His apartment was on the third floor and they didn't have an elevator so he had to walk up four flights of stairs. It was a relatively decent sized two-bedroom, but never having any guests just meant that the second room was used for his music. The standup piano he owned took up a fair chunk of the north wall and there was a microphone, speakers, and recording equipment connected to a computer.
    He kicked off his damp shoes and dropped his stuff down in the kitchen, locking the front door behind himself. Erik shucked off his jacket and trudged his way to the back bedroom, stripping off his clothes as he went. He didn't bother turning on a light. He was too drained from the long night. The pajama drawer had been left pulled slightly out and once he was down to just his light blue boxers, he rifled through until he found a pair of black sweatpants. If it hadn't been so cold in his apartment, he would have just slept in his boxers alone, but that wouldn't due tonight. Shirtless, he sat down on his queen-sized bed and pulled back the sheets. He didn't bother setting the alarm or plugging in his phone. He wouldn't need either of them. Erik slipped under the covers and pulled them halfway up his chest, letting his bare arm rest on top of the blankets. He closed his tired eyes and tried to settle the thoughts running through his busy mind. It took some time, but he finally managed to accomplish sleep.
  19. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    "Don't worry about it, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

    Alright second awkward crisis averted. That didn't help that the boy's nerves were still all over the place. His mind told him he was probably over reacting and was starting to chastise him hard for it, but even that wasn't enough to shake the boy out of his stupor. Regardless he grabbed Alex's hand and got lifted up. He really hoped that the shaking of his body wasn't too noticeable, especially when being hoisted up.

    "Are you okay?"

    He wondered about how to answer that question for a second. He just had to appear like he was doing fine and then everything would be just peachy. Alright Dennis, all you got to do is not fuck up. He rubbed the back of the head and said, "u-um, y-yeah, just p-peachy, an all." Alright all things considered it could've gone way worse. Granted Dennis was shaking like it was 30 degrees in the house, goddamnit body calm down for a moment. He decided to follow it up with asking how the other person was doing. Idle conversation an all would do the mind and body good for distractions. "S-so ar-are you alright? Di-didn't hurt you did I?" As he was asking the question he noticed Alex pull out his phone and start texting someone else, before putting his phone away. "Oh, sorry am I keeping you from someone or something? Whoops."
  20. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    Tears were rolling down his cheeks. How pathetic was he? Sobbing at a time like this. God, he was such a wimp! He noticed a shadow and heels stop by his feet. He could even look down at her, his gaze was still fixed on the corner of the wall. He could feel his body shaking and his stomach turning inside. It was getting harder to breathe.

    It was like electricity when Maria reached up to touch his face, wiping the tears away. His chestnut eyes darted towards her. The warmth from her hand felt really comforting and trustworthy and wonderful even though everything was so horrible and cold. Her hand rested on his cheek and her thumbs rubbed under his left eye. His eyebrows furrowed together in his suffering. His eyes were filled with tears and showed only sadness. He took in a shaking breath.

    Tucker, she murmured his name. Tucker you can tell me...

    That's when everything just broke. Her tone was so pitiful, much like his. Her eyes showed that she cared. He felt the sobs rising as his lip trembled even more. His hands by his sides were shaking terribly. His mind was going crazy. It was like the demons were outraged and in war. They were trying to fight through the darkness to get to him. Catching air to breathe seemed like a battle. Keeping himself up on his feet suddenly needed effort. His heartbeat was put on overdrive. His insides felt all wrong and topsy-turvy. Still, despite all that, the demons were failing because there was a light that wouldn't let them get to the poor, broken twenty-three year old. So the demons fell and along with them, the walls did too and Maria had stepped in.

    The next few hours was horrible but also good. Tucker had sobbed and broken down and even hyperventilated at one point, but hey, he told her. He told her everything. He told her that her father, Benjamin, was the popular child molester and pornographer and that among all his child "stars" he was his favorite. He told her that it started when he was six and didn't stop till he was fourteen. He couldn't get much into detail but he told her. He told her everything like the day he told Michelle everything - that Wednesday after two weeks had past of his father was put behind bars. It was quite like it really. Maria was just there. There for him. Despite how embarrassing and pathetic he was and how much he rambled especially compared to how silent she had been - he knew that it would have been much worse if she weren't there.

    After some silence, Maria lead him over to the bed, We should probably sleep. It's late. Maria held her hands up defensively, but tried her best to put on a smile. I promise I won't do anything. You get half, I get half. Sleep.

    He wanted to smile back at her and tell her that was probably a good idea but he couldn't find himself to. As she slipped off her shoes, he did the same, sitting down on the edge and pulling his boots off. His body, his mind, his entire person just felt so drained and tired and done with life. It was even hard to take his shoes off. He didn't bother removing anything else, not even the stuff in his pockets. He was too tired to function. He didn't even question sleeping next to her anymore. Besides, when this happened - or at least when he'd have panic attacks, he'd cuddle up to animals - if there were any in his home, if not, he slept in the shelter with some of the animals there. It helped not being alone, he used to go to his mother for this but she passed that chapter much more quickly then he did.

    Tucker, I promise. Unless you want to leave.

    He shook his head immediately, not really saying anything for a moment. He didn't want to leave, not at all. More so, he just wanted to stay there with Maria. He couldn't quite explain it, but it was kind of like a feeling of longing. He felt like wanting to wrap his arms around her, kind of like when he'd snuggle up to the animals when he felt bad - but no, this was kind of different. He couldn't explain it.

    He cleared his throat after wiping his tired eyes, and looked at her, "I-it's fine. I won't leave." he muttered, unable to word it out correctly. He wanted to say he didn't want to leave rather than just saying that he won't leave. There seemed to be a significant difference from the two in his head. He tried to forget scolding himself for it as he began to peel the covers off from the bed before lying down.

    He slept on his side as always, but made sure to face her. He closed his eyes immediately though and kind of hugged himself in comfort, trying to imagine a cat or a pup in his arms - and even for a second, embracing Maria but thinking about it made him feel heat flush up his cheeks a bit. His chestnut eyes peeked open slightly, glancing up at her. "Thank you…" he started and boy did he mean it. What he just went through with her seemed to feel better than any therapy session he had before - perhaps because he wasn't talking to someone who was there because it was her job to be, but because she was a friend. Part of him really wanted to hold her and not sleep for a while. He was just so thankful to her - beyond words and maybe a little something else? He wasn't so sure but he was still a wimp, less wimpier than before for sure, but- but... but what? That was right! He was less of a wimp now! He stares at her for a moment, nibbling at his bottom lip. His fingers gripped tightly at his Christmas sweater as he studied her features illuminated by the moonlight. He unfolds his arms from the embrace he locked himself in. It only took seconds for him to reach out to her, especially compared to the silence he placed between them before. He could feel the burning heat on his cheeks. His arms locked around her slim figure as if it was meant to be there. He could feel her warmth against his body from under the covers and especially in this cold Christmas night, it just felt right. Perhaps the demons in his head were as exhausted as he was because those awkward and awful visions were absent in that messed up brain of his but instead was filled with flowers and fresh snowflakes. He gives her the smallest smile, "... good night." he finally says softly and closed his eyes at his last words, falling asleep happily.
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