❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    He arrived at Sophie's place in the middle of her laying out the house rules. He had arrived quite later than everyone because he stopped by the shelter to grab the cake that he left in the refrigerator there. It really nice of Sophie to let them use her house for a cast after party, he felt quite obliged to bring something in for everyone too.

    There's a pool out back, if any of you care to swim, and there is also alcohol, but mind your manners and be responsible, especially you underage folk. To abstain from regretful mistakes, everyone is allowed to stay the night, and anyone who has drank more than their share is definitely not driving home. Alright, go scatter to your heart's content. Food's in the kitchen, et cetera. Oh — in the restrooms upstairs you'll find a few boxes of condoms ( again, courtesy of Lucas ). If you intend to do anything, don't stain my house with your messes and keep it out of the public eye.

    He laughed at her comment on the alcohol, thinking to himself if it would be wise to take some. He wasn't a drinker, but he would take wine or champagne on special occasions - and this was one of them! However, he was driving back home (probably some time early in the morning while it was still dark) and being even a little bit intoxicated would be a dumb move. Then again, Sophie did say they could sleep over - but as if he was fond at the idea of that.

    He was suddenly brought out of his thoughts when Sophie began speaking again, mentioning the bathroom upstairs with the... with the... the... A shiver ran down his spine hearing the words coming out of Sophie's mouth. 'Why would there even be things for that?!' He shut his eyes tightly as he shook his head a bit, trying to erase the thought. He gulped nervously as he gripped the strap of the bag where he kept Maria's present in and held the cake steady, even though his body felt like it was shaking. He felt the panic inside him start to rise. No. This wasn't good! Just forget it. Just forget. Nothing was upstairs. Nope. Nothing. He blinked a couple times before he started noticing that people were moving about.


    The young man turned to the high, happy voice that called out for him, smiling at the teen with the distinct turquoise hair. The girl had a shiny DSLR camera in her hands but an even brighter grin on her face. He greeted her with a similar cheery grin, "Elisa, wow! You look amazing! Merry Christmas!"

    Little Miss Mulshine giggled happily, "Merry Christmas to you too! I'm trying to find Richie but I've changed out of my booties and into these docs - I'm not exactly as tall as I was during Opening Night. Do you happen to see the blonde?"

    Tucker smiled warmly, glad to be of help and began to peer around the crowds of people, thankful that his height gave him the advantage. He spots Elisa's best friend seated on a chair by the side. Richie looked like he was admiring the household. He turned back to the turquoise teen, "He's by the chair, over there." pointing to the direction.

    Elisa's smile widened as she peered to where he just pointed, "Aha! There he is! Thank you so much, Tucker!"

    He gave her a small nod, "Never a problem, see you around!" then he proceeded towards the kitchen where he WAIT!


    "WAIT! This calls for a photo-opp!"

    Before he could politely object, the energetic teen grabbed his arm and pulled him in for a photo as she held the camera with on hand in front of them both. Shocked, Tucker gave his best attempt at a decent smile while beside him Elisa seemed as photo-ready as she always was. With the flash of the camera, Elisa's hand drew back from his arm and quickly checked if the photo was alright. Tucker laughed slightly seeing how happy the young lady had become, she grins at him for the final time and sends him a small wave "Hooray! Alright, have a good evening! See you around!"

    She was gone before he even had the chance to say farewell. He chuckled under his breath as he watched her striking blue hair disappear into the crowd. He found his way over to the kitchen, finally, gliding through people who looked about for drinks then dropped the box on the counter. He set down the bag for Maria for a moment, and pulled the cover off. He tucked that under the box and left it there on the counter, putting out the little note on the side that read: " Merry Christmas! Great job everyone! Enjoy the cake. Devour to your hearts content. -Tucker "

    He bent down to grab presents again and then left the kitchen, entering a large room. He didn't really have any intention upon entering the room, not really knowing where he was - but then his chestnut eyes spotted a familiar blonde actress. She looked beautiful from a far, her long blonde locks falling past her shoulders while the red dress she wore immediately called for attention. A nervous smile ran across his lips as he tightly gripped the brown paper bag that he held. He walked over to the girl, stopping by her side as he greeted "H-hey Maria! Merry Christmas!"

    He looked at her for a moment, holding her glass of champagne. He smiled at her, quite nervously still, not really knowing what to say next - even though he had spoken about it with Sean earlier. Sean advised him to just say what he felt like saying - whatever entered his mind. He literally just told him "Don't think." It was kind of an impossible feat for Tucker, but maybe he could try it?

    He cleared his throat. "A-amazing job by the way. You were great! Absolutely perfect... uh, um, you know, as Michaela. So good. Um. Yeah." Wow. Okay, maybe this is why he did think before saying or doing anything. His right hand slowly rose up to awkwardly scratch the back of his neck, but that's when he remembered the bag that he held. "Oh! These are for you!" he said suddenly, his chestnut eyes growing wide. He held the bag (containing the presents: a can of supreme cat food, a new toy and a golden pendant to be attached on a collar all for Eap and three red roses tied together with a golden ribbon along with a cat keychain similar to Sean's dog one for Maria) out to her.
  2. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves

    { m u s i c }
    [ a midsummer's night dream ]

    What a troglodyte. Fatime was ignored, again, again. Why did she even bother trying to talk to other people? But it didn't surprise her at the least, so her expression of distinct exasperation didn't change one bit. She looked out the window, contemplating why she didn't just call her brother to come pick her up. It wasn't fair. But never mind it -- never mind. She bit her lip in frustration as she gazed at the painted streaks of snow-covered pines outside the window. It was getting colder by the minute, and this car, it felt so alien. She traced her finger along the window sill, and it trembled like a softly vibrating violin string.

    Aaah ... she didn't want this. Why was she going here again? She didn't make friends with any of them. She barely even talked to them ... it was so cold. Where was Ayanna? What was her brother doing? What if this strange creepy old man was going to take her somewhere she-- she didn't want to go?

    Fatime felt a chill down her spine, and she couldn't tell whether it was the weather or the weightless feeling of shaking fear that began to surround her. She tucked her bag of Cupid's Brew by her lap and lifted up her legs, curling into a ball by the window. She lowered her eyes, and tried to stuff her face deeper into her scarf.

    Stupid ...
    What an imbecile. This was a bad idea. She shouldn't have gone so late at night. She should have just visited tomorrow ...
    She wasn't invited anyway. Aaah ... what in the world made her think testing these ridiculously unsanitary love drugs on people was a good idea? You were brighter than that, Fatime ... it wasn't science, stop excusing yourself.

    It was something else. Something else has been driving you all this time, and it wasn't a pleasant feeling at all.

    Fatime wanted to go back home now.
    But Julius had already driven her so far. She couldn't go back now! Maybe just a night at that wretched, sickening house and she could leave early in the morning.

    Julius had to stop to buy a few things for people. Sure, okay. She mumbled a recited quote in reply and tried to sleep.
    She almost did, or she tried. But the cold gripped her far too much, so all she could do was hide in the corner of the car's front seat like a lone cat.

    Eventually, Fatime heard footsteps crunch in the snow. Julius returned and sat back in the seat, putting on his belt. Fatime didn't move, but she made a reluctant effort to greet him. He wasn't a bad man in the least. At least he was bringing something for the kids in the party, right? They'd be happy. He really cared about them--

    << Here ya go girly! Sorry if you don't like chocolate, but Merry Christmas! >>



    Fatime turned to look at her driver. He gazed at her, holding a box of chocolates in his hand.
    Was this for her? No, no it couldn't-- what in the world was this buffoon doing? He should just get on with driving to that cursed house! She couldn't take something like this. What a waste of money and time! She just wanted to be alone now and get to the house in peace but all of these trip-falls of literary mess in the way! Useless useless, everything! But why was he giving it to her? This was-- she didn't-- didn't even like chocolate.

    So why was her lip trembling as she saw this offer to her?
    Ah ...
    She looked back at her tablet, and curled her fingers closer into her jacket sleeves as she chose an appropriate quote from a familiar book. She decided to go along with Pillowcase Samba by Jonah Salzig.

    << "G--get in the car," Alfred s-said, worried. >> Fatime couldn't even bear to look at this crazy man! Her voice was wracked with shakiness. << "It's cold outside, and I wouldn't want you feeling cold in the least. " >>

    Fatime reluctantly took the box and held it tightly, close to her bag of brew. She returned to her curled up ball by the window, and refused to look at this mad benefactor. The winds whistled louder as the night grew long, and before she knew it, they off on the silent road again.

    Fatime coughed gently into her scarf.

    Julius tried to talk to her.
    At first, Fatime wondered why he kept even wanting to try. To him, she was just another annoying little kid to take care of, and-- and not even a useful or genius one, like the others who had bigger roles in the play. All she could do was read. And ack-- here-- here she was asking him for help! Fatime's heart rate accelerated as she realized what a burden she must have been right now. The least she could do is try and reply ...

    He wasn't a bad man. He was loopy, insane even! Aha. But he cared. He noted her love for books, and this almost kindled a fire in Fatime before the flame snuffed out as she realized it was just more of the typical generic teacher-comment of positivity that they were all entitled to say. Okay. He was trying. Fatime gripped the bag of Cupid's Brew more tightly. She managed a terse reply, another quote from Steel Ball Run appreciating his gesture. But that was all she could manage. Her bones were on fire and her skin prickled with cold. She just wanted to get out ...

    It was better, though.
    For some reason, it felt as if the car had become warmer to her, even though the heating still was at its previous level. Maybe she was just getting used to the cold ...
    Fatime continued to look out the window, but from the left corner, by the windshield, it felt as if things were getting brighter and brighter ...

    What was--


    Fatime's head shot up. Everything was set in bright lights and she couldn't see a thing, but before she could realize what was happening, she heard a sickening, metallic crunch that blew out her ears. Her entire body jerked forward as the airbags inflated, and she slammed into them, part of her legs bending by the seat and crashing into the space below the dashboard.

    She heard another crunch, but she wasn't sure if it was her bones, or the metal falling apart.

    The cold suddenly felt unbearable as the winds entered the car. Shards of glass had shot into her arms, and she couldn't feel part of her leg. In fact, she could barely feel her body. Her vision was blurring, and her cracked glasses fell apart from her eyes. She tasted blood seeping from her mouth, and felt a distinctive wetness dripping from her side ...

    What ... what did --

    She-- she couldn't-- everything melded together, like an abstract painting in front of her eyes. Her vision began to blacken, and the cold nipped at her bare ears and nose.

    No ...
    No, she-- was she-- she wasn't going to--

    << Girly ... >>

    Fatime winced. She felt herself being lifted up, and for a brief moment the pain of everything struck her entire body. It was as if sharp needles were drilling into her limbs, and bloodied fingers had rusty needles wedged underneath the fingernails. She didn't know where the pain was coming from, but it felt like icicles jabbed her back, or her own bones tore through her skin. It was the type of pain that was mysterious, and this mystery made it all the worse.

    She was dropped to the cold snow with a thud, and the shock of the cold suddenly brought her back to reality, while just momentarily numbing her pain. She opened her eyes wide, and darted around, trying to focus them, trying to see what happened ... what-- what did--

    She followed a trail of deep, crimson blood, painted with streaks black from the night shadows and the uncaring snow. The front of the car had scrunched up like a sheet of paper; twisted spires and minarets of metal, some bloody, rose from a sea of glass. Small fires were slowly being put out by the relentless snow.

    And suddenly, her heart froze.

    Fatime could barely move, but she looked around to see his form. Where did he go? Was he okay? He wasn't hurt, was he! It was him that called out to her! Aaaah -- she was terrible, terrible, terrible! Where was he? Julius! Julius!

    She tried to crawl back onto her legs. There he was! He was-- he was ...
    Fatime let out a piercing scream. But it was in her head, for when she tried to vocalize it, she simply coughed up blood onto the ice and slipped back onto the snow.

    She-- she had to-- she couldn't be useless!
    Fatime tried to lift herself back up again, the pain in her legs slowly returning. She spotted a few of her belongings strewn across puddles of broken glass, metal, and drops of blood.

    The-- the brew--
    Fatime clenched her teeth.
    No ... no ...

    The bag had a giant hole in it, from which a few of the broken bottles spilled their bright pink contents into the snow. It could be salvaged! This-- this couldn't be happening-- Fatime's heart began to pound as claws of shadowy fear gripped her. She suddenly realized she really was alone. She looked around her, and all she could see were the inky patches of black behind the snow-capped trees. She could have sworn she heard the howl of the wolf.

    Tears formed in her eyes, and the pain began to catch up with her.
    She was going to die ...
    She slumped back into the snow. All of this for nothing ... right?

    No, no, Fatime. That was wrong. She slowly turned her head to look back at Julius. His body looked lifeless.
    She needed to do something. Something-- something! Something with the last ounce of energy she had. Her mind yelled at her to do something, and the adrenaline seeped into her veins, but her useless body wouldn't comply. She looked back at the brew, and both noticed the box of chocolates and her phone by it.

    That was it! She-- she could--
    But ... aaah ...
    The pain fired through her legs.

    Fatime began to crawl along the snow and ice. It was like crawling upon metal spikes with soft, bare skin, and the cold ripped deep into her arms. She could feel the shards bite into her back like the teeth of a beast. Her legs were numb and lifeless, but she used her last ounce of energy to get as close to the items thrown about as possible. Her breaths were heavy, and from time to time she coughed up blood. And all throughout this duration, her vision was veiled in a cloud of tears, running across her cheeks and freezing them in pink streaks.

    It felt like hours, to her, but she eventually made it.
    And she picked up the phone, slumping down onto the snow. She rolled onto her side, and the phone slipped in her hands, but as the snow began to pile on her ever so slightly, and numb her body again, she managed to call 911.

    She-- she couldn't-- where was her tablet? How could she quote anything?
    Her fingers began to tremble ...

    << Hello, Percival County Intercity Police Dispatch. Please state your problem and the services will be there momentarily. >>

    Fatime squeaked.

    << Wh-- >>

    << Ma'am? Are you alright? >>

    She couldn't do this ... she couldn't speak.
    She tried to say something else, but she just coughed more. Her throat was raw.

    << Ma'am! Can you speak? >>

    She-- she had to. She had to speak!
    Not for her own self, no. She turned her head towards the nearby bag of Cupid's Brew, and the box of chocolates ...

    At first, Fatime mumbled something incomprehensible. The dispatcher tried her best to understand, but was already about to send in some forces. But no! That wasn't enough!

    Fatime tried to clear her throat, but at this point she could barely see. Her vision was slowly beginning to blacken again.

    << Help ... crash ... man ... teacher badly hurt ... Please save him!! >>

    Her words were thick with blood, and the final phrase ended in a cough. The phone fell out of her hand. The dispatcher said words that she couldn't hear among the ringing in her ears and the chorus of the wind.

    Her eyes were slowly beginning to close. Ah, this was it, Fatime. You did what you could ... and you always had a plan, right? There was no way the world would continue to let you down, even if this would be the end!
    She snickered to herself one last time, and gazed at the two items in front of her. The bag of spilling brew, with its few intact bottles, and the box of chocolates, its contents haphazardly thrown across the snow.

    With her last ounce of strength, Fatime fought the sharp sting to raise her arm towards the items. With a slow movement of her body, as it drove further into the snow, she moved the box of chocolates closer to her, and curled herself around it protectively.



    [ C H A P T E RxxxE N D ]

  3. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007


    WEATHERSNOWING, COLD 26°! ✖『DATE & TIME』 12/26/2015 - ???✖『DAY』 05


    Noëlle's shoulders tensed. She should have kept walking, she thought. Seeing Bryan pull up had been agonizing and if it weren't for the unbearable cold, she would have let stubbornness keep her out there. He may have fought her on it, but she wouldn't have gone down without some kind of argument! He was one of the last people she wanted to see. Well, that she felt ... comfortable seeing.

    He made her feel shameful and guilty for trying to go for it alone. She felt bad, for him having to drive them home. For him having to leave the party. She didn't want him to know! They were supposed to keep their lives separate now, for the most part, minus the emailing. It was so hard to do that when she was constantly burdening him with worry.

    Bryan had leaned closer out of the window and she felt her face flushing, not sure if it was the warmth of the cigarette or his eyes being locked on her.

    It's cold as heck out here, you shouldn't have gone off alone . . . I'm sorry for — . . .

    A breath hitched in her throat, wide turquoise eyes boring into his. What was he sorry for ...? Maybe leaving her alone all of this time? It was a selfish wish - for him to be sorry about that - but she wanted things so desperately to return to how they once were. Bryan seemed conflicted for a moment.

    Sorry, he mumbled. Then, he leaned over and opened the passenger's door for her.

    How disappointing!

    Noëlle somewhat defiantly, somewhat nervously took another suck of her cigarette before putting it out with the heel of her shoe and blowing out the smoke. She climbed into the car and buckled up, closing her eyes as if she were tired as an excuse not to converse with her brother for the duration of the trip.


    They arrived back home after a quiet drive through the beautiful snowy streets of Candlewood and went straight to their rooms. She put on a pot of cranberry tea about ten minutes later, and when it was done, went to her bathroom for a nice, relaxing soak. The tea soothed her scratchy throat, and the steaming hot water of the bath melted her tense muscles.

    When the bath and tea were finished, she dressed into something warm and crawled into bed. Winter break would be coming to an end, now. She really had to dedicate some time to her project but ...

    The music just wasn't coming the way it used to. She was thinking too much, she could tell. Trying too hard to reach her own expectations and the expectations of the ones she cared for. It would help to visit Professor Julius and consult him again, she thought, but he hadn't even answered her phone call. Maybe she was getting on his nerves ... It seemed like that was all she did anymore. Annoy people.

    Aah ...! Her face was buried into the plush of her pillow and her body twisted so that she was laying on her stomach. When had she become so defeatist?! This wasn't the determined, bubbly girl she used to be. Something somewhere went wrong ... It made sense, when she really thought about it. Since when did she ever really think a relationship with Bryan would go simply? Even if he did ever reciprocate her feelings, they would need to be hush-hush about it and distant in public ... It was never going to be sunshine and rainbows. When had she given up on the possibility of even that?

    Her heart drummed in her chest and she moaned exasperatedly into the pillow case against her lips.

    I haven't really given up, if I bought that so-called love potion, her voice was muffled and muted against the warm fabric. It smelled a bit like tobacco and she felt kind of ashamed for a moment and pulled it away from her face. That's it.

    Tenderly, she peeled her blankets away and stepped down onto the warm, carpeted floor of her bedroom. Her breathing was slow and steady, muscles still relaxed from her earlier tea and bath. She maneuvered in the darkness and her door, pulling it open and letting the glow of the Christmas tree fill her bedroom. It was still the 25th, wasn't it? Tonight wasn't over yet!

    As Noëlle tiptoed out into her living room and into the dimly lit kitchen, she started to mull over other things. For instance, the fact that Bryan came to get her ... It was okay if they didn't spend time together at the party. It was okay if they were virtually pen-pals now. He came for her - that's what mattered. He must have been worried. He still cared about her ... She couldn't let the loneliness get the best of her.

    Noëlle Chambers was no quitter ... !

    ... She exhaled calmly. Trying to engrave such a mentality into her person was difficult. It was hard to tell if she really believed in herself or if she was just trying to for the sake of moving forward without collapsing into despair. What would she ever do without Bryan? She needed him ...

    Nibbling on her bottom lip, she slid her index finger against the black control panel of the Chambers' oven, setting the temperature to 375°. When it began to preheat, the strawberry-haired nineteen-year-old began to gather bowls, large spoons, a hand-mixer, and an assortment of festive ingredients. Once the heavy family cookbook their grandmother had given Ms. Chambers years ago was set up on the counter, she stepped away from the kitchen with a satisfied sigh.

    Her nerves shot up higher and higher with each step towards Bryan's room. She passed the twinkling Christmas tree again and made her way through the hall until she found his door.

    Right when she was about to knock on his door, she hesitated.

    Was he sleeping ... ? Maybe he wouldn't want to be bothered ... What if he had gone back to the party after dropping her off? That would be embarrassing! Maybe she was just getting ahead of herself again ... Aah, this was all so unfair. Her heart was pounding like crazy!

    After a bit of pacing through the halls and psyching herself out, she finally gathered the nerve to tap her knuckles against the wood of the door. Just a few seconds later, Bryan opened the door and her heart stopped it's hammering. It stopped beating at all! Aaaaaaah! He smiled awkwardly at her, but didn't say anything.

    Bryan - ... Well, her throat felt dry and she curled her toes into the floor nervously. I hope you're not mad about earlier ... I'm sorry I left without saying anything. I was thinking, since we skipped out on the party early, maybe we could ... Bake some Christmas cookies together before the night is done?

    She tried to sound confident but was failing miserably.

  4. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    The drive home had been quiet, but it was almost nice as they had drove through the beautiful, White Christmas Candlewood. The two of them had separated to their own rooms and Bryan swiftly removed all of his clothing, safe for his briefs when the heater cranked up. He decided now would be a good time for a bath, so he went to his bathroom and ran hot water. While it was going, he sneaked downstairs, wary of Noëlle because of his appearance, and grabbed a small tray of macaroons and cranberry tea that she must have made. Her tea was always delicious.

    When his bath was over, some half-hour later, he was in his room, sitting at his desk and checking over the play results, criticisms, and acclaims it had received on its musical score. While there was a lot he should have been focusing on, he found himself completely distracted by pictures he had pinned to a cork bulletin board that hung above his desk. Over the years, they had taken a lot of pictures; lots of summers at camp, growing up around music, and going to a private academy . . .

    That was all stuff he had gone through with his sister, them basically holding hands every step of the way. He worried that, somehow, it had crippled her mental growth and sense of self and independence, but a part of him couldn't find the point of caring. Had it been too much? Maybe she knew what was up, and blamed him for it; he guessed he did, too.

    Bryan wondered if she hated him for coming to get her tonight, but what else was he supposed to do? He couldn't just . . . leave her alone, even if that was what she wanted — You're a liar, Bryan Chambers. You told her you'd always give her what she wanted. This was hard. If she wanted to be left alone, he should give her that, right? What was so hard about that, he wondered? Even if Harley was right about him having made her dependent on him, what did that mean for himself? Bryan wasn't very sure what kind of future he could see without Noëlle at his side, constantly, just like she had always been back then.

    This current, distant relationship was supposed to be a heavy dose of reality for the both of them. Remaining siblings was fine, he was fine with that, but this co-dependency relationship wasn't fine. Deep breaths, Bryan. It's not okay. You have to believe that. Otherwise he'd probably never move past it.

    There was a knock at the door.

    Bryan nearly fell out of his chair from being so deep in thought and suddenly yanked away. Calming himself, he walked to the door with a frown, and then opened it. Pajama'd Noëlle stood before him, he smiled brightly . . . albeit a little awkwardly, and didn't immediately greet her. Just as he was about to, she started talking.

    "Bryan - . . . Well," She paused and he shuffled awkwardly until she continued, "I hope you're not mad about earlier . . . I'm sorry I left without saying anything. I was thinking, since we skipped out on the party early, maybe we could . . . Bake some Christmas cookies together before the night is done?"

    He couldn't help but crack a more genuine, and even slightly sympathetic smile . . . Baking cookies? His green eyes lit up at the thought; dang, how long had it been since he baked cookies? He couldn't even remember . . . For a few long moments, he stood, thoughtfully remembering all the times he had baked cookies, and then the times he had with Noëlle.

    "That sounds great." he finally replied, "And . . . Don't worry about that other stuff. It's okay, really." he promised, and then grabbed a white t-shirt from his chair and closed his door after him, grabbing his sister's hand and practically dragging her down the stairs while thinking of what kind of cookies they were going to make. When they reached the kitchen, he slipped on his shirt ( the female audience shared a collective disappointed sigh ) and took a look around. "Already ready to go," he laughed, looking at all the cooking utensils and festive decorations.

    He felt like a lot of the awkward atmosphere had been absorbed into their baking as they started cracking eggs and whisking dough and generally making a mess of the kitchen. When he flicked flour into her face, she practically dumped it back on him tenfold. They took turns beating the life out of the dough with wooden spoons and creating almost frankenstein-like cookies that they then dubbed GANSATAN COOQUIIS ( along with some of the other, normal variety ).

    "Man, it's been a while . . ." Bryan mused aloud as he cut open a bag of chocolate chips and doused some dough in brown sugar and cinnamon. "I miss this." he admitted, not facing Noëlle. He reached into the cabinet and brought out a few tea bags so that more cranberry tea could be made, and set the kettle while they began to roll out the cookie dough and use silly cookie cutters for it. Maybe it's not as bad as we're making it out to be." he continued, not realizing that it was said out loud.
  5. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    There was some soft Christmas music playing--from where? Maria did not know.--and the constant hum of chatter in the background. Everyone was so lively. She pulled her phone out to check the time. Perhaps it would be best to just rejoin the party. The odds of him coming to look for her were slim to none. Tucker was a bit of a social butterfly. Everyone liked him. There was no doubt he would be preoccupied with socializing. It had been hard enough for her to slip away and he was better liked than she.

    The soft padding of footsteps echoed down the hall and she looked up in time to see that stupid Broadway brunette walk in. Maria rolled her eyes. She wanted to be in here alone, but of course some stupid child would mess that up. They were inconsiderate. She began to stand, wanting to leave. Tucker would clearly not find her here, if he was even looking. As much as Maria didn't want to listen to it, a good chunk of her was screaming about how she was wasting her time.

    She had just gotten to her feet when the familiar cherry-haired red head popped into the doorway. It felt like the wind had been knocked out of her and she dropped back down into the chair, almost spilling her champagne. Her throat was suddenly very dry and she had to take a large sip in order to rid the horrible case of cotton mouth she was currently undergoing.

    Tucker approached her and her breath caught in her throat. He was tightly gripping some brown paper bag, but her blue eyes were too transfixed on his nervous smile to really pay much attention to it. She tried to swallow, but most of her motor functions seemed to have shut down. Maria hadn't actually seen him at the performance, just the top of his head on occasion in the dim light coming from the sound booth. Here, standing in front of her, he looked wonderful. Her lips turned up slowly into a smile. Her icy blue eyes were a little darker, more colorful. Tucker stopped walking once he was standing by her side. H-hey Maria! Merry Christmas! he greeted her.

    She had to crane her neck up to look at him properly. Hey, yeah, Merry Christmas. she replied. Her voice was a little shaky. No one had ever really made her feel so nervous. For a moment, she completely forgot about the other girl in the room. That insolent child was nothing but a nuisance. There was a few moments of awkwardness after that. He kept smiling at her and she felt like she should say something, but words wouldn't come. What she really wanted, was to leap to her feet and throw herself into his arms, but she restrained. She wanted to feel the warmth of his body pressed firmly against hers for a second time. The touch of his hand on her cheek and his fingers wound in her hair had managed to imprint itself on her, but imagination was never as good as the real thing.

    He cleared his throat. A-amazing job by the way. You were great! Absolutely perfect... uh, um, you know, as Michaela. So good. Um. Yeah. He was talking now. What did he say?

    She blinked twice before the words began to solidify in her head. The musical! Right. He was complimenting her. Maria opened her mouth to thank him, but all that came out was her shallow breathing. Immediately, she snapped it shut and just nodded to him instead.

    Oh! These are for you! he said suddenly, his chestnut eyes growing wide. Maria's hands were trembling as she took the bag, having to set down the glass of champagne. The beg rested gingerly in her lap and she reached in, pulling out each of the objects one by one--a can of supreme cat food, a new toy and a golden pendant to be attached on a collar all for Eap, and three red roses tied together with a golden ribbon along with a cat key chain.

    Her blue eyes widened and she looked up at him in surprise. She hadn't been expecting a present at all. Oh, wow--Tucker these are wonderful! Maria put the kitty stuffs back into the bag but held onto the roses and key chain. I actually just got EAP a collar for Christmas. He'll look great with this on it. Her eyes sparkled in the light and her cheeks were beginning to hurt from smiling. He was incredible, always incredible. She reached for her clutch and hooked the key chain onto the strap. I'll put my keys on this later. The flowers are beautiful. I really wasn't expecting anything from you. She rose to her feet, setting the bag and her small box for him down on the table. Maria wrapped her arms around him in a friendly embrace, not trying to startle him. She still didn't know how he felt and if she pushed it would only end badly.

    When Maria pulled away, she refrained from looking up at him. Her cheeks were blazing and she quickly turned back to the presents. Blue eyes locked onto the brunette in the room watching them and she suddenly felt disgusted. What a creep! She scooped up the items, downed the last of the champagne in her glass, and turned to face Tucker. I actually have something for you too, but I was wondering if we could go somewhere more private. We... We still need to talk... She had been dreading the talk. For almost a week she had been preparing herself for rejection and even now the idea still stung.

    Maria grabbed him by the wrist with her free hand and dragged him out of the room without waiting for a reply. She wanted some place private where no one would disturb them. She couldn't handle the thought of being interrupted. Everything needed to be said now, not stopped to be picked up later. Most of the places of the first floor wouldn't be secluded enough and as much as she didn't want to send him the wrong idea--but was totally open to the possibility--one of the bedrooms would probably be best. She pulled him along until they reached the second floor. Her hand released his wrist as she knocked on a closed door. There was no sound, so she deemed it safe to open and slipped inside, pulling him after her.

    Once in the room, Maria shut and locked the door before turning on the light. It was a quaint small guestroom. She set the paper bag down, but lifted the roses to her nose and inhaled their sweet perfume. It helped calm her breathing which was now slightly askew from running around in heels through a large house. Um.. Sorry, she mumbled into the flowers. I uh--I just really wanted us to be able to talk, without distractions. She smiled up at him timidly over the red petals and carried the small decoratively wrapped box to the bed and sat down. Maria slid it away from her to the openness of the bed. Here. This is for you. I thought it would look nice with that shark sweater you wore. She bit down on her bottom lip and chewed anxiously. I thought maybe we... She didn't look at him. This was the first time they had been alone together since Sunday. Every once of her being screamed to move closer, but she refrained--for now. It would depend on how things went.

    Wearing Music Date: 12/25/2015 Day: 5 & 3/4
    Mood: Nervous Interaction: TuckerLocation: Parlor//Guest Room
    : TuckerActivity: Talking. . . OOC:
  6. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    (*) Home -> Sophie's House (*) Mood: Content (*) Music (*) Outfit (*) OOC: Banner will be used as soon as I re-make it (*)
    While Alex had been invited to the after party and wanted to go, he had to take care of some family matters first. Not too long after the play had ended, the relatives that did come to see the play stole his attention. Since it was his aunt and younger cousin, he wouldn't have to worry about potential torment. Instead they took a few photos and asked some question. Soon enough he was free from them and on his way to the party. On his way there, he felt his phone vibrate.


    Once he'd arrived, the first thing he did was attempt to see either Natalie. Though he quickly changed his mind about that once he say just how many people were there. It would be a lot easier just to text Natalie then try to find her in this crowd. Alex wasted no time digging into his pocket for his phone again after giving himself the idea.

  7. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    MOOD HMM❤!! -94% > ❤!!!! > 6%WEARING


    ♡ ~ ✖ ~ ♡
    Sophie had left Pierce, telling her they would catch up later, telling her to get some rest, or something else.

    She attended to the other guests, looking around to see if there was any destruction of her home, and the only person she was worried about, really, was Torvald. He was a bit extreme and Sophie knew that her parents' home wasn't in his tastes, since he was more about the less fortunate. She had nothing to do with any of this excess spending of money. This was when her fall into a bad mood started.

    When she found that Torvald was inspecting her house ( yes, she did follow him for a bit ), she immediately headed for the wine cellar and grabbed a bottle of sweet, strawberry flavored rum. Strong enough to knock out even someone like Sir Patch. At a very young age, Sophie had found she had an extremely high tolerance for alcohol.[/PARAGRAPH]
    1 1 : 3 8 P M 2 G L A S S E S

    Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, mingling among their own little party. For intel, no one had been having sex yet, which Sophie was a bit thankful for, and then she headed down to the pool. Her mood got worse. Under the influence of just a bit of alcohol ( which had been five glasses of the the rum later ), Sophie found that she hated Richie all of a sudden.

    Sulking in public doesn't suit you, Nico. Lucas had escorted her away from the area just as Quentin was coming out of the pool.

    1 2 : 1 4 A M 5 G L A S S E S

    Seraphina is beginning to annoy me. Sophie huffed childishly, a few more glasses later. She has been flirting with practically every boy, and she has the ridiculous notion that I actually like like her as some sort of friend.

    Lucas chuckled, You are drunk, Nico.

    I am not. she protested, crossing one arm over her chest and then taking another sip of her drink.

    1 2 : 4 9 A M 7 G L A S S E S

    Where in God's name is Freddie? Sophie snapped, two more glasses later, That idiot told me — he said he was going to be here.

    With a slightly smiling Lucas ( he was fairly amused ) at her side, he listened to her rant about how much she hated Freddie for not being here already ( even though he was one of her better friends ), and how much of an incompetent, ridiculous, sorry, amusing, crushing-on-his-guitar, 'idiot ' he was. Lucas knew she was very fond of Freddie, through this rant.

    1 : 2 1 A M 1 0 G L A S S E S

    Lucas, tell Dennis that I think he is attractive. Sophie said some time later, walking down the hall with the vigor of being angry. And if you see Quentin along the way, tell him I hate him and I wish his existence had never walked into my life.

    You will regret that in the morning, Nico. Lucas said gently.

    Fine then. I will just have hate sex with Torvald in the morning to rid myself of that regret. she flared, fingering the black bow of her dress.

    Lucas chuckled again and headed for the kitchen to deliver the message. Dennis, I am here on behalf of Sophie to tell you she thinks you are an attractive fellow. Enjoy your evening. He returned to the second floor loft overseeing the pool to see Sophie blushing fiercely.

    I hate Quentin.

    Lucas chuckled.

    1 : 3 7 A M1 4 G L A S S E S

    Sophie and Lucas had run into Erik and Bryan who were on the second floor, after they had escorted Elisa and Richie to rooms and Lucas cleaned the mess Elisa had made. Bryan gave her a strange look when she called for Lucas, but she ignored it and the two set off again, down the hall.

    They walked up the staircase, and turned down another hall. The third floor was the smallest floor, and in the furthest corner of it, in a bit of a hidden room, there were camera monitors ( any house in this neck of the woods would have one ). Each displayed multiple and various places in the house, viewing anyone at any given time.

    Quentin, Lucas. Sophie demanded, setting her glass down, finally, and looking at each screen with a loathing, as if she wanted to destroy them all.

    Lucas clicked around a few times, and then found one with Quentin in a more private area of the second floor, looking around the study he was currently in that was filled with tons of books on assorted subjects from cooking to astrophysics.

    Look at him, abhorrent creature. I wish he would fall off a building. Sophie muttered poutily. Who does he think he is, anyway? Flirting so openly with that . . . drunken, debauched little boy.

    Lucas stood and put an arm around Sophie who unwillingly leaned into him and bit her bottom lip to stop herself from being so emotional. So silly.

    Lucas, I am sexually frustrated. My room. Now. The two disappeared into a room with a black door.

    A L C O H O L C O N S U M T I O N
    1 6 G L A S S E S

    C U R R E N T T I M E
    1 : 4 2 A M

    Discarded clothing lay all over the white-carpeted floor in a dark room, where a king-sized bed lay in the center, against the northern wall of the large room. Two nude figures, one much taller than the other, tangled themselves together on the sheets.

    L - Lucas - . . .

    Sophie would go for as long as it took her to forget how angry and upset she was at and with Quentin. She would not let something silly like emotion rule her mood. That wasn't how Sophie Bennett functioned. She messed with other people's heads — no one messed with hers.

    She quickly became distracted with a trail of kisses that ran down her neck while the slow and thoughtful, back-and-forth back and forth movement continued. If Lucas was good for anything, it was definitely a distraction.

    Damn you f - for being so good with y - your mouth,❞ she muttered against his bare, pale shoulder, and then opened her mouth on it to place a bit of a harsh bite. Just a moment later, she gasped out in pain at the sudden force being exerted on her.

    Do not become too cavalier, Nico, Lucas murmured against her neck.

    Scowling petulantly, Sophie gave a lick to the area where she had drawn a little blood.[/PARAGRAPH]
    2 : 1 9 A M
    Still a little peevish, Sophie curled into Lucas' bare side who cordially adjusted himself to let her be however she pleased. Lucas.

    Yes, Nico?

    I'm completely drunk.

    You are.

    Why did you let me drink so much?

    You would have bit me harder.

    You would have liked that.

    Perhaps, but your mood would have been a lot worse had I not.

    Sophie had no real retort that wasn't driven by her drunken nature. Silence fell. Just a few minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

    He's found us.❞

    Indeed. What would you like to do?

    Answer the door for me. It's dark, he won't be able to see me inside.

    Very well, if you say so.

    Quickly, before another knock could come, Lucas pulled on his briefs, his slacks, and his dress shirt that was then nimbly tucked into his black slacks and buttoned up, while his tie was slipped around his neck and straightened out. His shoes were slipped on after his socks and it took all of one minute for him to clean himself up.

    He walked to the door and Sophie watched carefully. When he opened it, Quentin ( she knew it ) was standing there, looking a bit confused and trying to see past the taller Lucas and into the dark room. He cleared his throat, Is Sophie around . . . ?

    Lucas didn't move from his spot, but in the dark, Sophie saw his hand move behind his back, speaking in Sign Language that said 'Yes or no? ' In reply, as quietly as she could, she tapped the wall behind her twice, saying for 'No.' It seemed that Quentin didn't hear, luckily.

    Not currently, try the lounge on the first floor, I believe I last saw her there. Lucas replied smoothly, but Quentin didn't look appeased.

    Mmm . . . Well, if you see her, tell here I — . . . I want to talk to her. he claimed with a little more volume, and a part of Sophie knew that Quentin knew she was in the dark room, hiding. He walked away and Lucas closed the door.

    Nico . . . ?

    Don't turn on the light, she quickly said, and a tried-to-be-controlled sniffle followed. Lucas was quiet and decided not to patronize her.

    I will be in the monitor room if you need me. he offered, and then the door closed and Sophie was alone.

    2 : 2 6 A M
    She was definitely drunk, but it didn't really feel like it. She could see just fine, walk just fine, her breath smelled a little worse for the wear — mostly of alcoholic strawberries, but nonetheless.

    Deciding not to put her dress back on, Sophie slipped a tank top, underwear, and a dark teal cardigan that passed her hips and looked a bit over-sized. The doorbell rang downstairs and she walked out of her room, turned down the hallway, went down a staircase, passed Bryan and Erik, turned down two more hallways, went down another staircase, and right before she reached the door, there was Lucas, opening it. She scowled at him and the opened door revealed —

    You're late. Sophie marched right up to Freddie, having to crane her neck a little, and jabbed a finger into his chest. You're lucky I don't hate you, otherwise I would have Lucas throw you into the outside pool and lock you in there. Even though she was perfectly coherent, Freddie could usually tell when she was drunk.

    And boy, was she drunk.

    A L C O H O L C O N S U M T I O N
    1 7 G L A S S E S
    C U R R E N T T I M E
    2 : 2 9 A M

  8. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 5 - 3/4 | DATE: December 25, 2015 | LOCATION: Sophie's House

    After waiting at the door for a little bit, the door opened. When it was fully opened, Lucas was standing at the other side of it. Freddie was about to say hi to Lucas when Sophie popped out from behind him. She was dressed very lazily, only wearing a tank top, underwear, and a large dark teal cardigan. There was a scowl on her face. That wasn't surprising, all things considered.

    She marched right up to Freddie and poked him in the chest,"You're late."Sophie was wasted, that was immediately clear to him."You're lucky I don't hate you, otherwise I would have Lucas throw you into the pool and lock you in there."That really was lucky, especially in this freezing weather. He definitely did not want to end up a Freddie Popsicle.

    "Well, I really am sorry I'm late. Didn't choose to be late though. Traffic was horrible, y'know?" He shrugged his shoulders as he talked to them. It was the truth, though he didn't know why he was trying to reason with a drunk person. He was really curious why she was dressed so lazily though. He knew she was wearing a dress earlier. Freddie looked at Lucas and Sophie closely and saw a bite mark on Lucas's shoulder. A wry smile crawled across his face."You guys totally fucked, didn't you?"
  9. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010


    ♡ ~ ✖ ~ ♡

    Well, I really am sorry I'm late. Didn't choose to be late though. Traffic was horrible, y'know?
    Sophie glared at him as he nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders, though she was overreacting. Excuses. she huffed, crossing her arms and turning on her heel to start walking.

    You guys totally fucked, didn't you? Freddie asked, and from the tone of his voice, Sophie could tell he was smiling without having to look at him. Subconsciously, she buttoned up her cardigan.

    Jealous , Freddie? she asked, and then around the corner, Quentin appeared, and she stopped, seeing the look on his face.

    Great, Quentin had heard. He looked at Lucas, then back at her, then back at Lucas. Without another word, he turned around and walked away. Sophie looked up at Lucas, then over her shoulder at Freddie. Well, this was just wonderful. Save the sulking for later, Sophie. she told herself, and then shrugged the hand off her shoulder and continued to walk.

    She cleared her throat. What was it, some kind of traffic jam? Perhaps a car wreck? she asked Freddie. It was mostly a distraction, though she was happy ( she wouldn't tell him that ) he was here, now. He was lucky that he didn't show up before, otherwise it probably would have been him in her bed, instead of Lucas. God, that was such a bad, sloppy move to have let Quentin hear that — especially when she hadn't meant for him to.

    She led the two boys into the kitchen, where she told Lucas to mix her a Long Island, using the strawberry rum instead of the white rum. He complied without consent, and then began on the drink after serving Freddie whatever he wanted.

    It seems there has been a car wreck not too far from here, Nico. Lucas replied after setting down her tall glass. She picked it up and sipped at it, raising an eyebrow, and then looked at Freddie. If there was anyone else in the kitchen, she wasn't quite paying attention to them because her mind was chaos, pathetically drowned in alcohol.

    A L C O H O L C O N S U M T I O N
    1 9 G L A S S E S
  10. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 5 - 4/4 | DATE: December 25, 2015 | LOCATION: Sophie's House (Kitchen)

    "Jealous, Freddie?"

    "Ha. Not gonna lie, a little bit," Freddie quipped as he followed Sophie into the house. It was true, he was a little jealous of Lucas that he got to have sex with her. He always thought that Sophie was a bit of a cutie. Although they were friends, and things might get weird if they did do it. He definitely didn't want to ruin his relationship with Sophie.

    "What was it, some kind of traffic jam? Perhaps a car wreck?" Sophie had cleared her throat a bit before asking. He wasn't really sure what had happened. He had been rushing when traffic finally decided to let up, so he had no idea what exactly happened. All he knew was that there was traffic. A whole lot of it. Since he was already late to the party, he couldn't waste any time rubbernecking and just high tailed it out of there before he could get a proper look.

    "I think so. Not too sure, since I rushed out of there." They got to the kitchen as he finished talking. When they got there, Sophie asked Lucas to make her a Long Island Iced Tea. After a bit of silence, Freddie asked him for a Scotch on the Rocks. He had some catching up to do, since he had no idea how many drinks Sophie had had up until that point. Though when Lucas finished making the drink, he knew it was whatever that number was plus one more. He set the drink down in front of her.

    "It seems there has been a car wreck not to far from here, Nico." Well. That answered the mystery of the cause of the traffic. A car wreck. He noticed that Sophie was looking at him. No idea what for, but she was looking at him. Freddie sipped at his drink as he tried to think of something to say. I mean, what could he say? Maybe he could just go about his usual pleasantries. Ask her how she's been, or if she's met any new people. He wasn't sure if he should though, since she was pretty wasted. Maybe he could ask how the sex with Lucas was? No. No way in hell. Just, just no. He quickly banished that thought from his mind. Another sip of his drink. He had a bunch of time since he would be staying for the night.

    "I will be back" Lucas just up and left the two of them alone in the kitchen. How long had he known Sophie for? He really had no idea, just that she knew him a lot longer than Freddie. Maybe there was something that happened when they were kids and they've close ever since. Yeah, maybe something like that. Wait, why was he even thinking about that? Whatever. He finally started chatting with Sophie about various topics. It wasn't going anywhere in particular, but he figured since they were alone they should talk. He didn't want to have an awkward silence between them, that was for certain.

    After chatting for sometime, not too sure how long, Lucas came back.
    "You were gone too long." Freddie noticed a smile on his face. He really cared for Sophie, that much was obvious.

    "What did you do? Check on the others?" There were minors in the house. They probably had a couple drinks as well. Maybe they did something else together. Ha. Maybe they did what Lucas and Sophie did. Ha ha. Fuck, was he really that jealous about that?
  11. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    A V E R Y B U S Y E V E N I N G

    Most guests do not pay much attention to me, I tend to appear here and there, deliver what is needed, and then disappear just as quickly. In reality, many of them do not pay much attention, or are not quite so observant to see me come and go.

    I am not normally one who appreciates the spotlight, but I find myself, every now and again, at the center of attention. Fortunately, this is not one of those times.

    I have known SOPHIE and the Bennett family for many years, since I was a young boy. I have lived under their roof for just a few less, when my family could no longer properly take care of me. I, who does not like being in anyone's debt, owe them my life, one that could have turned out quite horrifyingly had I not been taken in.

    Enough about me.

    Currently, I have just finished making a drink for SOPHIE, who is fond of me referring to her as 'NICO', for reasons I am unallowed to disclose. I am not her 'butler' or 'servant' as many people tend to think of me as, but I am more her 'friend'. Her closest, in fact, and the only one who knows how she functions to the T.

    She has been acting very odd, tonight and has complained to me at least once about every single one of her guests. QUENTIN, most of all. For some reason, when she becomes agitated, she becomes aroused more easily, and is then generally prone to dragging me into her bed. I have not much to comment on it. She is a very silly girl, and is rather childish.

    Although I do not display it, I feel an interest in each of her guests, some different from others. RICHIE DUVONT, for example, is rather attractive, but his personality does not interest me. TORVALD TANNHAUSER interests me intellectually. DENNIS BAKER's easily nervous tremors are also interesting. Each guest has something for me to be interested in. Some sexual, some not.

    I could list them all, but that seems rather much.

    I will be back.❞ I tell her and FREDDIE, and then leave the kitchen to quickly inspect the house through the path I walk. I reach the third floor and return to the monitor room to check each guest's status.

    Some are already asleep, a few are still awake. NOËLLE CHAMBERS has dismissed herself from the house completely quite a while ago, without her brother. Hmm. Well, that is none of my concern, although I am tempted to retrieve Miss Chambers from the frosty weather.

    I flip on another monitor, which displays the news. There always seems to be a tragedy abound on Christmas evening, even though it is past that already. A car wreck involving a drunken driver and an innocent man. The man's name is familiar to me, and my face creases with a frown. You will find I rarely show facial expressions that are my own in public. A courteous smile here, a hand gesture there.

    His name is JULIUS MENON. A professor at Fortissimo University that many of the party guests are quite fond of. It does not sound good. They have not disclosed whether or not he is still alive. Sophie will not be pleased upon hearing this, but as she is drunk, I decide to not mention it until morning. It seems that there was another person involved, but a name has yet to be disclosed. It dawns on me that it could be FATIME CYGNETTE, as she said she may come tonight, but has yet to show up.

    Another monitor displays a girl curled up in a closet on Floor One, near the billiards room. This will not do, why is she in there? Before confirming the location of the other guests, I leave the room.

    Grabbing clothing from a closet on the second floor, I settle them in a guest room and walk down the stairs, out of sight from the other guests, and then give two knocks on the closet before waiting to open it.

    You will hurt your back if you stay in that position,❞ I tell her, and then pull her up to her feet. ❝Come, a guest room awaits. Sophie will not be pleased if you sleep in here. She prefers to see her friends well treated.❞ Latching her own arm onto mine, I cordially lead her up a back staircase to avoid the eyes of others, and then to the guest room I have prepared for her.

    A change of clothing has been provided, and you are free to take a shower, need be.❞ I smile politely, ❝Good night, Miss Mhenjer. Sleep well.❞ and then close the door after leaving her to be.

    I walk down to the loft where BRYAN CHAMBERS and ERIK WINST are, and have been for quite some time. ❝Bryan,❞ I say, and the young man looks up at me, ❝Your sister has left the house.❞ He raises his eyebrows at me, and then looks to ERIK. ❝I suggest you go out and find her before she catches her death.

    A - Ah . . . Yeah. Sorry Erik, gotta go!❞ he tells the other young man, and quickly gets up. I escort him to the door and tell him to be cautious in the weather. I tell him not to walk, and drive fairly slowly, she could not be far. He leaves with a quick 'Thank you' and 'See you'. When I walk back up to the second floor, I motion to another guest room I have prepared and tell Mr. Winst that it is his.

    I return to the monitor room and check the status of NATALIE WILLIAMS at the pool, and SARAH COLEMAN in the living room, along with ALEX RHODES. There had been a bit of an issue with them earlier, but it seems they have cooled down. We can't have furniture being destroyed, now. SOPHIE would not be pleased.

    I once again am in the monitor room. Honestly, I am surprised that all of the guests are not four to eight-years-old. They certainly act like it, and need a babysitter. Of course, that is why I am present tonight. They would have all run amok in this house had and were I not.

    The interesting TORVALD TANNHAUSER has moved away from the pool by this time, and I watch him walk from the library's balcony ( his martini still in hand, of course ), and inside, beginning to scour through books where I can't help but notice are from the section the World's history. Particularly the section of World War II and the Cold War. I allow myself a smirk. He is a most interesting person, indeed.

    Everything seems to be in order, for now. I sigh, feeling a little bit of satisfaction at the organization of everything, and then return to the kitchen where SOPHIE and FREDDIE are still speaking. I decide that I don't need to check on QUENTIN.

    You were gone too long.❞ she tells me, and I smile.

  12. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007


    WEATHERSNOWING, COLD 26°! ✖『DATE & TIME』 12/26/2015 - ???✖『DAY』 05

    She was almost sure he was going to reject her! He'd probably come up with some excuse - like he was busy, or heading to bed soon [ well maybe that wouldn't have been a lie, he was half naked ] ... Anything to prevent them from being too close for too long. Their mom wasn't home quite yet but she would be soon, and even though baking cookies was such an innocent task, it was sure to go over terribly if they were caught. At least in the long run.


    Just as she was about to retract the offer and run back to her room for some quality journal writing and probably an emotional breakdown, he spoke.

    That sounds great. And . . . Don't worry about that other stuff. It's okay, really.

    Noëlle felt a deep sense of relief wash over her, believing and trusting in his words 1000%. At least for tonight. The chemically redhead leaned and arched her back against the pale vanilla wall of the hallway and waited patiently while Bryan grabbed a white shirt from off of his chair and closed his bedroom door. He took her hand in his and with a delicate squeeze from her own fingers, they were off to the kitchen [ with her nearly stumbling through behind him ].

    It would be a lie to say she felt completely comfortable being alone in such an intimate setting with Bryan. It would take a while to repair what had broken between them, she thought, and the possibility of tonight becoming just another blurry memory they shared in some faraway past loomed darkly overhead.

    Bryan, on the other hand, seemed as easy going and cheerful as he always had. His explosively bright energy made her feel a bit more calm - even happy, and the young woman was practically beaming by the time he was through checking out the kitchen. He turned back to her with the white shirt from earlier slid over his torso [ darn! ] and laughed.

    Already ready to go!

    She nodded enthusiastically.

    With no more time to waste they began their cookie making, which ended up being a lot more fun than Noëlle could have ever predicted. The tension between them melted away as time moved forward and they became completely absorbed in their Christmas activity.

    When they reached the point of cookie cutting, the kitchen was a bit of a mess. Scattered bits of dough and flour coated the counter [ and a bit of the floor ], powdered sugar and frostings decorated their cheeks after a bit of playful face painting ... How long had it been? Bryan must have been wondering the same thing, given what he said next.

    Man, it's been a while . . . She watched as he cut open a bag of chocolate chips and doused some dough in brown sugar and cinnamon. She smiled at him, though he wasn't looking at her, and after just a few moments of quiet admiration and contentment, she went back to cutting the remainder of the currently rolled out dough into stars and Christmas trees. I miss this.

    Her face flooded with heat, despite the calmness of her heart, and her stomach proceeded to do several backflips.

    Me too, she murmured softly, squishing a bit of discarded dough between her fingers in thought. Bryan set a kettle on the stove for tea and rolled out the new batch of dough for more cookies. She helped clear the counter a bit by discarding some of their earlier messes and sliding the previously cut cookies into the oven to bake.

    Maybe it's not as bad as we're making it out to be ...

    He said it so quietly that she wasn't sure if she was imagining it at first and turned to look at him. Were they ever making it out to be so bad? It was other people, not them. Others were made uncomfortable by their closeness, and decided to try and distance them from one another. She couldn't imagine Bryan's ... friend, supporting their relationship and it was clear no one in the family did. Even Joey had given them a few looks at times.

    A lump grew in her throat and she swallowed hard, trying to keep the tears from building up and overflowing. It wasn't working. Why did they have to be born siblings? Why was it so wrong for them to be more? It was no one else's business! Her fingers trembled and she willed herself to calm down again.

    Deciding she needed a distraction, she wiped her face with her arm and stepped away from the oven. Noëlle reached into one of the cupboards to grab a couple of teacups and saucers, placing them down on a medium-sized black table nestled into the corner of the kitchen and right before the glass door leading out to their backyard.

    At first she had wanted to go sit on the porch out front with him, but the idea of watching their mother arrive home and walk past them into the house didn't sit well with her. It was cold outside, but the freshly baked cookies and hot tea may have been enough to keep them from freezing to death ... maybe.

    The backyard was the better option, if he would even be up for it. Maybe it was going too far. She just didn't want to be in the house when Ms. Chambers arrived. At least for the rest of the night, she wanted to enjoy her time with Bryan without that woman's judgement.

    Aah, maybe being so bitter about it wasn't the best approach. Their mother was only concerned, after all, and Noëlle would be crushed if anything ever happened to her.

    Once the kettle was whistling, she began to take the teabags Bryan gathered and put them into the kettle directly to steep. Honey, sugar, milk and cream were all gathered up. She would make the tea in the kettle so that they could refill easily, and bring it outside with them - if he agreed to go. She hoped he would ...

    After the tea was finished being made, she returned to the oven to help him with their next batch and soon the kitchen table was filled with plates of all sorts of cookies - most of them simple creations and a few dishes filled with silly batches and a some failures. Nevertheless, she was so proud she took a picture!

    It hadn't been a mistake to suggest this after all. Hopefully the next part would go just as smoothly ...

    With a deep, courage-gathering breath, she spoke.

    Bryan, her voice was much steadier from her earlier invitation, but the need to fidget hadn't quite been extinguished. It was just so nerve wracking! The worst he could say was 'no', but that one word would be enough to completely break her heart. Everything between them was so fragile ... What do you think about taking some of these outside? We could set up the tent and spend the rest of Christmas together. You know, before mom gets home and pries us apart, haha ...

    There was a bit of comfortable silence and she gave him some room to think about it, closing her eyes and breathing in the sweet aroma of their Christmas cookies.

    It's okay, Noëlle ... Calm down ... The worst he can say is ...

    Mom, she ... It's not her business today. Besides, it's Christmas, so we can do what we want without getting in trouble. Spending time with family, y'know? Haha ... Yeah, I like that idea, let's do it!

    Aaaaah! He said yes! She could have jumped up and down with all of the relief and bliss she felt swirling up within her. Her heart swelled and she nodded, the excitement clear on her face.

    Alright, you go get the tent ready - you're better at that - and I'll go grab some blankets!


    It had only been a couple of years but it felt like a literal eternity since she had been so happy. The loneliness was nowhere to be found - as if it had been driven away forever, and there was a melodic pep in her step that had practically vanished before. In fact, on her way back to the tent with their tea, she felt capable of composing HUNDREDS of songs for her winter project! What a rut she had been in before!

    The snow bit at her exposed ankles and face, but once she re-entered the tent, warmth flooded her system.

    I'm back. ~

    Bryan was already here, and they sat across from each other with a plate of cookies between them and a bundle of blankets gathered underneath them. Bryan had found an old portable heater of their father's and set it up for them, so even with a few feet of snow under the tent, they could stay nice and toasty.

    A couple of propped up flashlights were their only constant sources of light. For entertainment they had brought out some playing cards, Uno and a laptop that could still connect to their house's wifi for movies and music.

    Noëlle hummed quietly to herself, browsing for something they could watch together while she nibbled a cookie and tilted her head from side to side to her improvised melody. She could feel the warmth of his body beside hers and all was right in the world.

    Bryan was undoubtedly the only person in her entire universe who could make her feel so great and at peace with everything. Without him, the world was a terrible and annoying and ... well, pointless place. Maybe it was unhealthy, but without Bryan in her life she felt she had no reason to do much of anything. Something too great was missing, without him, and living became a mechanical and emotionally void function.

    She needed him in her life. She wanted to always be by his side - always.


  13. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    Somewhere along the line Dennis had grown tired of just sitting at the pool by himself and decided that maybe he should go get another soda or something. As such he got out of the pool and decided to start walking towards the kitchen. Once there he pulled out another soda from the refrigerator and ate another slice of cake. The cake was still delicious. After downing his second soda he decided that one more probably wouldn't hurt and three more cans later he had decided to do something else. Maybe go for a swim. It would probably be nice too, given the sheer majesty of the pool outside and the fact that when he left no one else was there. Empty pools were nice after all. As soon as he was about to go to a bathroom to change into his swim wear he noticed a man from earlier, butler man, walked towards him.

    Dennis, I am here on behalf of Sophie to tell you she thinks you are an attractive fellow. Enjoy your evening.

    If this were a cartoon or anime of some sort his jaw would probably have literally hit the ground in no time flat. Sophie thought he was attractive? That was really...interesting(?) news. Like sure he had seen Sophie before and thought she was pretty good looking herself, but he couldn't really recall the last time he had said a single word to her. I mean what could he think in this scenario. He always figured Sophie to be the terrifying type of person who you'd never want to make mad and probably didn't want to make any emotional connections...but to hear this came from her. His body was shaking all over the place, his eyes were so wide, and his face was on fire at this point. He was actually speechless and had no idea what he could possibly do to make this situation make any more sense and be any less awkward. "U-u-u-um, th-thanks, bu-butler man, sir." He practically collapsed on his seat really confused as to what to do next, mouth still agape and body still shaking.

    The boy was at a loss and started wandering aimlessly throughout the house, not really knowing what he should do in this scenario. He was totally oblivious to his surroundings and had no clue whatsoever where he was when even a bit of his senses returned. However not enough to notice someone right in front of his face. He had accidently bumped into someone, Alex, and stumbled back a bit. For a second he totally didn't even realize that it was a person he bumped into, but when he did he slightly internally freaked out on top of his whole Sophie freak out. "U-um, s-sorry bout that. D-didn't s-see you there."
  14. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    Oh, wow--Tucker these are wonderful!

    A relieved sigh escaped him, grinning afterwards. He was always nervous when getting presents, wondering if they'd end up liking it or not. His mother always told him that it was the thought that counted but if they didn't like the present then it kind of beat the point. Even with Erik, he thought 'oh no he probably already has this' and with Sean 'Will he see this as a joke or will he actually like it.' He always doubted but ended up buying the initial gift anyway and they all seemed to like it which was good on his book.

    He listened to her go on about Eap and attach the keychain he got her already to her clutch. He smiled stuffing his hands into his pocket as he watched her. I'll put my keys on this later. The flowers are beautiful. I really wasn't expecting anything from you.

    He cleared his throat, shifting his weight on his right side comfortably as he spoke to her, "Well, um, giving the flowers were Sean's idea. He said you'd like them - but you know, it's Christmas! Everyone deserves a little bit-" before he could stop the last sentence, Maria rose to her feet and before he knew it, she hugged him in a friendly embrace. He hesitated for a moment, still getting a bit tense until he remembered - No! He was okay with hugging her now. They got past that stage! Yes! So with that reassurance, he hugged her back in the same friendly manner before they both pulled away.

    I actually have something for you too, but I was wondering if we could go somewhere more private. We... We still need to talk...

    For a moment his mind went blank. 'More... private? They weren't alone...?' The chestnut eyes that had been focused on the lead actress zoomed around the room until he spotted a rather familiar face. Cute face, long auburn hair - she did look so familiar! It was hard to forget a face like that. He cocked up an eyebrow as he looked at her for a bit. Ah! It was the girl who bumped into him in the cafe!! The day he and Maria-

    He quickly snapped his head away from looking at the auburn haired girl in the distance, blushing slightly as he turned back to Maria. He quickly glanced at the younger girl again. Maybe he should wave. That would be polite. Yeah. He raised his right hand up to wave but then Maria had grabbed his wrist and before he could wave or even say anything, the two were already out of the room.

    He followed her silently, lips pressed together nervously. If she wanted to talk privately, he didn't exactly know where. There were a lot of people around pretty much everywhere. Of course, Maria was probably more quick witted than him and she found a solution to that. Upstairs.

    He felt his heart beat faster as they walked up the steps. His hands kind of clenching together into fists. Weren't there stuff upstairs? Here. In the second floor. Were people going to do stuff upstairs? Here. In the second floor. Did Maria expect him to do stuff upstairs? Here. In the second floor. He walked obediently, still following the actress but man, was he a mess. His mind flooded with the thoughts from before - the thoughts that started all of this. The ones that made him so embarrassed in front of Maria. The ones where they kissed sweetly but then it all went wrong. Pinning him down again. Tying him up again. Making him submit again. Again. Again.

    He shut his eyes tightly, trying not to remember but it was no use. He wanted to run again. No. He had to fight it. Maria wouldn't do such a thing. She was too sweet. 'That's what you said about your father.' No. Maria was different. 'That's what you said about your father.' No. He knew Maria. She wouldn't. She wouldn't! 'You knew your father. Don't you remember how she smacked Torvald across the face?'

    He yanked his hand away from Maria, apparently just as she had let go though and closed the door. Oh no. They were in a bedroom now. Alone together. No. He had to shush his mind. He had to not think. 'Don't think.' he heard Sean's voice in his head. He was right. Okay. Tucker, no thinking.

    Here. This is for you. I thought it would look nice with that shark sweater you wore.

    A present? He reached over for the wrapped box, careful not to come in contact with her fingers when he grabbed it. He wasn't too cool with anything right now, really but the present did make him smile and politely say "Thank you" before he even opened it. Unwrapping the box, he pulled out a scarf - with shark designs! He coughed out a little chuckle, as he placed the box down by her side and held up the scarf. "W-wow this is great! You remembered my shark sweater? Haha, aw man Maria, I love it. Very cool." He added the last bit in a dorky manner, trying the scarf on and showing it off probably pathetically. He removed it and placed that back in the box. "Thank you." he repeated.

    I thought maybe we...

    Right. Right. For a moment, he forgot how things were awkward but now he was all back again. He glanced at her for a moment and he looked away immediately. She wasn't even looking at him - then again, he didn't blame her. He couldn't find himself to look at her either. He cleared his throat, scratching the back of his neck nervously as he leaned on the wall across her - not really wanting to sit on the bed. They really did need to talk, particularly about last weekend, since they did pretty much ignore it all throughout rehearsals and stuff - but he didn't know what to say at all."M-maybe we... um, what?"
  15. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    "M-Maybe we... um, what?"

    Maria bit down on her lip harder. A curled tendril of blond hair fell between her eyes, but she ignored it. She looked up at Tucker with big blue eyes and her chest constricted. There was that unfortunate knot in the pit of her stomach again and she swallowed, her throat dry. "About last weekend," she started, "I didn't want things to change between us--well, I mean I do, but not if you don't want to..." She was failing already. Her fingers tightened around the thorns on the rose stems. They were such bittersweet flowers--beautifully painful. "I though maybe if I gave you some time--I don't know. I just really don't want to stop being friends, even if you don't like me back, but the thought of you don't not...it hurts." She dropped her gaze back down to the flowers. Maria felt sick. This was terrible. She wanted to disappear. "If you had stopped me from kissing you then I could handle it, but you didn't. You kissed back. Tucker I've been tearing myself apart trying to figure out what is going on inside that handsome head of yours."
  16. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Natalie Williams

    Outfit|Location: Party|Music|Mood: Almost drunk|OOC: N/A

    Natalie sat alone on the couch, when her phone rang with a message from Alex.

    She smiled. He actually seemed to want to hang out. It felt nice, and she felt her cheeks go red. Natalie had not felt this for a long while.

    And sent. As she went back to her drink (she had already drank a few glasses), a thought crosse her mind. Did he still like Lexi? Lexi had been her best friend at camp two years ago, and still was, despite being in prison, but had Alex's feelings for her really died down? Two years and the girl you like in jail did that. Meh, it wasn't a big deal. She could focus on him, as long as Sarah stayed out of her way. Natalie giggled.

    Sarah had such an obvious crush on her, and it was funny and a bit sweet. Natalie had to admit though, she was a bit curious as to what being with a girl was like. Natalie took another sip of her drink and sat back, awaiting Alex.
  17. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes ♫ Mood» Bitter ♫ Character Theme ♫ Date: 12/25/2015 Day: 5 & 3/4 ♫
    Location » Leaving The Party/At Her House ♫ OOC: ♫
    Seraphina jerked up. She must've fell asleep on the couch. What time was it? She looked around, most of the others had gone. She heard something going on in the other room, but she didn't want to get involved. She would just wait until they went into another room. Maybe she should just go home.... It was better then staying in here... She carefully turned the corner, and saw the others were busy in the kitchen. Without a word, trying to be as graceful and quiet as possible, she opened the door and went over to her car. She started to head home.
    She wasn't scolded for staying up so late, she just got a smile from her house keeper and she headed up to her room. How lame. No one talked to her at that party. Maybe she was just a bit too intimidating. She lain down on her bed. Everyone seemed so busy with each other. She guessed it was because she was new. 'They just don't know me well enough.' She thought. Maybe she would just have go up directly to people. That also showed her own confidence. She smirked. Yes she would do that. As for the rest of the night at her house, she took out one of her photo books. She looked at pictures with her and her old friends. She missed them. But they haven't kept in contact with her. They had their own lives. She wondered how real friendships worked... she had enough to believe that all her friends were bought. But they doubled as friends none the less. She sighed, then went back to drinking her tea. She called in the House Keeper. She had been more of a mother to her then her real one. She started chatting with her, seeing as there was nothing else to do. She explained what had happened at the party. She wondered if everyone did know each other. She assumed so. She wondered if maybe she could properly meet one of the boys next time. The only person she had 'Met' was Tucker, while she pretended to bump into him at the cafe, and he seemed to be a bit shy. He seemed to thinks he was a kid. Hmm still. It couldn't hurt. She just had to lie about her age and maybe do something to her makeup to make her look a bit older. She could do that. So many possibilities. She went to go pick out her outfit for tomorrow.

    Clothes ☆ Mood» Brooding Character Theme ☆ Date: 12/25/2015 Day: 5 & 1/4
    Location » Home OOC: ☆

    Estelle sighed, looking at the clock. She couldn't sleep. She was thinking about the play she went to see. It looked like so much fun, to preform. Maybe she could do it. She went to school, but she didn't talk to anyone didn't join any clubs or social events. She wanted to though. Maybe she could get herself out of her shell. She was shy... too shy. She knew her sisters had always been worried about her, since she didn't have an easy time making friends. 'Life's not a spectator sport. If watchin' is all you're gonna do, then ... watch your life go by without ya.' She remembered from a Disney Movie. She was getting too old for all of that though. But it held some truth. She had to do something with herself. She could start, by making some friends.

    She smiled to herself, and took out some more hot chocolate from the pot. It was getting late, but she didn't really care. School was on break, she could sleep all she wanted to in the morning. But she wouldn't. She had to make a game plan. She would go to the Cafe across the street, and work up the courage to talk to some people. It was much easier said then done. She just needed some confidence... like that girl that played the lead Role tonight. Hmmm maybe if she saw her, she could start making friends with her, and build it that way. But that in a way was more intimidating then making a new friend. She shock her head. Baby steps. She felt something jump onto her lap. "Oh Hello Xion." She laughed. She had this cat for a couple of years, but she was still the same size. She laughed and she then proceeded to jump on the table, and go up to the mug to warm up. She turned the TV On, it looked like there had been a car accident. This stuff always happened on Christmas, no surprise. It was scary to drive around here on holidays. She kept herself watching, seeing what else was happening in the world, when she wasn't normally awake.
  18. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    It felt great knowing that Noëlle's mood had done a complete one-eighty from earlier tonight. Bryan had always prided himself on being able to comfort people pretty well, but sometimes, when it came to his sister, she was his toughest crowd. Maybe it was because she didn't talk to him as much as she used to, but that was because she didn't want to burden him? What a load of crap! That was what he was here for . . .

    "It's sooo cold!" he exclaimed, finishing the setup of their tent. What a fun, fun, fun idea, camping out in the backyard on Christmas Night. And Ms. Chambers . . . No, she couldn't do anything about it, not tonight. It was Christmas, and he and Noëlle had a right to spend time together if they wanted.

    Ahh, the inside of the tent was so warm! Their perfect little hearth in the middle of a beautiful snowy night; it made warmth completely overwhelm Bryan's entire being. Why couldn't it just be like this all of the time?

    "I'm back ~ "

    Much laughter and sweets were shared after that, and they watched a couple of movies, Christmas-themed and non, and then played a loud game of Uno where Bryan was accused of cheating at least three times, but he had let her win two of their four rounds because the look on her face when she was successful was just . . . it made him feel good. Really good.

    Noëlle hummed a little tune while they leafed through more movies to watch and he closed his eyes and leaned back onto his hands, nibbling on a cookie while he listened. He remembered the times when she used to sing for him and would look so bright when he praised her. She always seemed happy when he was with her and they were having a good time . . . He felt the same way, too. Why did they even ever try to lead separate lives? The both of them clearly weren't cut for it. Harley had suggested it, with good intentions, but it just . . . didn't work. Whenever they weren't together, it was bitter and terrible.

    What could they do to make that not happen? Maybe it wasn't them, he thought to himself . . . It's everyone else? It was them who made he and Noëlle feel bad about being close, but what should they care? It wasn't like they were effected! He silently fumed at the thought.

    Without thinking about it, he laid his head on Noëlle's lap and stared up at her, feeling better. "This is nice," he said, "Not having to worry about others . . . It's not like it's their business, y'know?" he mused aloud, "If we want to be close, it's not like that's their problem."

    A small voice in the back of his head began, Let them try to take her away from me. I'd like to see them fucking try. I'll slaughter them all. It was a barely audible voice, but it was strong enough that a flash of rage surged through Bryan and he twitched slightly, and then sighed. He raised his hand and began to poke the bottom of Noëlle's chin thoughtfully. "I like it when you smile," he told her, "What are you thinking about . . . ?"

    It was a moment before she replied, ". . . I'm wondering when you're planning to use your gift ticket." she told him playfully, though maybe not entirely honest, and he blinked, remembering the ticket and thinking about what the gift might be. "I'm happy."

    He smiled, "Yeah, I'm happy, too." He shuffled around and then reached for his green scarf and unwrapped it, pulling out the neatly folded piece of paper. "Okay, okay, I'm ready!" he said, holding it out for her to take, excited at what the gift might be.
  19. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Location: Partayyyyyyy {} Mood: Excluded/Stalkish(?) {} OOC: Mother**** I can't write anything significant here {} Music: [{bottod}]
    If there was a time to leave a party, now would be a good time. It was late at night. The alcohol flowed faster than the Niagra Falls after Winter Season. And the worst part was that she seemed the most excluded and odd-one-out in this atmosphere.
    Everyone either left, are drunk, asleep, or mingling with others (or having some kinky **** going on). It would be fine if she could only embrace a "party" atmosphere. Well whatever. Social hierarchies are cruel anyways.
    She made her way to the living room and took a seat. Unfortunately, this is what gave her the horrible title. At social gatherings, all she would do is sit and observe. Nowdays, she does it more discreetly so it's not as obvious, but she really had nothing to do. No one looked open for a talk with her, not that anyone would want to talk with her despite her above average part in the play.
    Most of her time though, she kept returning her eyes on Dennis. She had a liking for him for some time, but apparently she tried her best to avoid him because of his "person attracting" charisma. Besides...he probably has higher standards. A liking on me is a death sentence around here on your figure. Whatever the case she was annoyed just by this atmosphere and decided to wait an hour at most before booking out.
  20. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Ambulances had rushed to the collision scene and rushed to mend those that were victim to the collision. The two that were the cause of the collision were beyond help and could not be saved. The two that had done no wrong were eventually carried out and soon placed into the ambulance where they would gain medical attention.
    The body was injured and had he not gained the proper treatment in time, Julius would have surely not make it. The trip to the hospital was fast and quick and soon enough the doctors began to work. Time passed on and there was no more that the doctors could do anymore. For now they left the two victims in beds and let them rest.
    Julius' possessions, though tattered, were gathered and brought to the room that Julius remained. The phone that was neatly placed on the phone rested and soon began to ring. It rang and it rang, but the man who always would answer it could not answer. It just rang out and stopped, leaving the room filled with silence. Whether Julius awoke or not would be left to fate.
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