❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    You enter the room. The yellow mist seeps out into the hallway as the door opens, but provides a nice cover for your group as you stumble further inside.

    As Cane suggested, there seems to be another door leading out into a long white corridor. You leave the girl [ who may or may not still be in the room ] behind and use the access key to find your way out into the new hall.

    Surprisingly, it's empty.

    After a few minutes of walking you find a short skybridge leading you to an abandoned looking warehouse. You swipe the card and leave the facility successfully, soon finding yourselves back outside on the streets of Bentley.

  2. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    E X I T , S T A G E L E F T

    After a long ordeal in the hellish tunnels of Bentley, the group of thirteen found themselves on the streets once more. Lucas couldn't say that he had never been more glad in his life to see the light of . . . night, was it? He couldn't tell very well, buthe didn't care much. They quickly made their escape to the yacht where DAKOTA had been discovered. Had they waited for them? How nice.

    BRYAN was completely distraught, and had to be incapacitated, and was quickly tied away. Lucas almost felt for him, really, but . . . Lucas was simply glad that now he had SOPHIE him once more, and that she was sleeping in his lap. He looked over to see QUENTIN dozed off. Apparently the maid was with them now.

    Eventually, they were all aboard, and it was time to leave the hell that was Bentley. Thank god the day was over.

  3. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    w e l c o m e,
    xxxxwearing hair music ooc

    Dakota frowned as Zoey turned on the boat and walked off into wherever. If the boat had been rigged, she would have just killed them both and that annoyed her beyond belief. Her stomach churned.

    Her head ached and she stared off into the distance through the window of the yacht, wondering exactly what to do with herself. Unsure and emotionally exhausted, she stepped back from the helm and cut the power off. Then, she climbed into the back and sprawled out on the cushions of the bed, closing her eyes.

    Suddenly people. She shook her head back and forth and buried her face into the cushions. They were alive. They smelled awful. Welp.

    After a tiresome bit of contemplating on what she should even say, and letting them know the inn burned down and Zoey went off by herself, she fell asleep.

    Oliver fell asleep shortly after.

  4. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Evan Allen Walker:
    {~~~Day 5 (3/3)~~~March 17th, 2016, Thursday~~~Location: Not Horrors~~~Mood: Huzzah!~~~Music~~~Ooc:~~~}

    So through great effort, valor, dedication and teamwork the gang all got through the dungeon of horrors and made it back to the surface world. Woohoo! Now all that was left was getting the fuck out of that town. Or at least find somewhere to sleep because god damn he was tired. It was now or never and they all sprinted to the yacht. With as much strength as he had he tried his best to not only run to the yacht but support the others there.

    With all that crap out of the way he got on board the yacht and they were about to make their great escape to freedom. Feeling safe and sound on the yacht Evan kicking up the ignition waiting for everyone who was coming before driving the boat to freedom. Because goddamn it was good to be out of that stupid hell hole.

    As a side note Dennis made it on board as well and feeling totally exhausted from the underground adventures and the inn exploding he went to sleep safe and sound.
  5. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    A pnch to the face, this was how the two brothers greeted each othere after everything that had happened. They were never like other sibling and this was their way of showing emotion to each other. They would have continued fighting and swearing, but the two were far too tired from all their adventuring so when they got in the yacht they fell asleep
  6. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Pierce couldn't believe everything that had happened. The fact that they made it out alive and with an additional person to boot was pretty incredible. She was glad to see the surface and ran as best she could with the others through the streets of Bentley until they finally reached the yacht. She was so incredibly tired by that point in time that Pierce cared little about how gross she was from the sludge and passed out almost immediately. Almost dying a few times had that affect on a person.
  7. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves
    Torvald was so happy at this glorious revolution that the minute he stepped onto the deck of the boat he fell flat on his face asleep. On the deck. He thought someone tossed him his shark suit.

    Fatime gave up in cleaning her room halfway through and collapsed to have another weird dream. Maybe.
  8. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    CHOICE #12

    R E S U L T;
    The yacht explodes, Bentley kills Zoey, and Fatime is executed THUS resulting in a BAD END and allowing for a save point to be reloaded.
  9. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    Message From: Bryan
    Well, now that we have that out of the way... I just want to make sure that since I respect your privacy (even though you don't tell me anything anyway) you would respect mine. I'm not going to be spending as much time at home, if you haven't already noticed.

    ...About the thing I said, at Benny's. I didn't just say... that — it wasn't a girl. I suppose since I was a bit of a klutz about blurting it out, I should just tell you. I'm bisexual. Yes, I have slept with guys. No girls, yet. Haha. Ha. Embarrassing. Sorry you had to find out the way you did.

    While I'm talking about this... Is there anything you want to tell me? Boyfriends? Girfriends? Polyamorus relationships? Skip that last one, my frail heart wouldn't be able to handle it.

    Message To: Bryan
    It's not like I 'don't tell you' because I don't want to. Maybe I will someday, when I'm on my deathbed ... But yeah, I get it. Privacy.

    Oh ... I don't know how I feel about that. I thought you were totally gay. Lol. It would have explained some things. I never really see you with anyone! I know it's none of my business, but I'm concerned. I want to be an aunt someday, you know!

    Haha. Nope. No any of that. :). Before you get any funny ideas, too, there is a guy I like, and have liked for a long time. Just haven't gotten anywhere with it. That's why I don't date much myself.



    WEATHERCLOUDY, COLD 27°! ✖『DATE & TIME』 12/25/2015 - 7:00PM ✖『DAY』 05

    Christmas. Her heart was fluttering the moment she woke up and slipped out of bed, into the cold. She wasn't a kid anymore, but she still got majorly excited for Christmas morning. Ms. Chambers had become a little less festive over the years, but they had still put out a tree and some lights around the windows. Like a lot of people, Christmas was her favorite holiday. It reminded her of her childhood, when things were better and her parents were still together. Back when family 'get-together's were a common thing, and her and Bryan were inseparable.

    It also made her feel a bit sad inside, because those days were gone.

    With a warm pair of pajamas, and a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, she headed into the living room for a humble gift exchange. She had gotten Ms. Chambers a gift card to her favorite restaurant, to share with Joey [ whom she had been trying to pair with her mother for years now ]. Bryan had gotten her a gift, which she hadn't been expecting at all. It was a beautiful silver necklace that she would probably never take off ever, and a somewhat-cheesy, mostly sweet Christmas card [ with a bit of money inside -- how big brother of him ].

    Her gift to him was a self-made scarf [ green, like his eyes! ], and a slip of paper that read in big bold colorful letters 'GIFT TICKET!'. She explained to him that whenever he was ready for his present, he could exchange the ticket for what it was. A surprise she was excited to give!


    Excuse me, sorry. Err. Pardon me? ... Um. Sir? Sir. The older gentleman standing up in the middle of her row finally turned to look at her and sat down, allowing her through. Her expression was a bit irritated, but she muttered a 'thank you' anyway. Opening night was PACKED so far!! Who would have known so many people would turn up? They would be out of seats soon, at this rate!

    Noëlle stopped backstage to wish everyone good luck, specifically Maria. Julius was visited too, and given his Christmas present [ a pirate hat ]. Then, she was back trying to find her seat. Assigned seating was a pain, but at least she wouldn't be alone for the whole show. Some crew members who were backstage or in the box office would be sitting around her soon enough, as soon as they were no longer needed.

    For now, though, she was by herself, several seats away from the man from before, and looking over the musical's pamphlet. It made her feel proud to see her name in the credits, even though she had been pretty much useless.

  10. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    Message From: Noëlle
    It's not like I 'don't tell you' because I don't want to. Maybe I will someday, when I'm on my deathbed ... But yeah, I get it. Privacy.

    Oh ... I don't know how I feel about that. I thought you were totally gay. Lol. It would have explained some things. I never really see you with anyone! I know it's none of my business, but I'm concerned. I want to be an aunt someday, you know!

    Haha. Nope. No any of that. :). Before you get any funny ideas, too, there is a guy I like, and have liked for a long time. Just haven't gotten anywhere with it. That's why I don't date much myself.

    Message To: Noëlle
    Well, if you really want to be an aunt that badly, maybe I'll start a harem, haha! Or just adopt tons of kids, and call it a day. You know if you want it, I'm willing to give it ten fold. I just hope that means you'll make me an uncle, too!

    Oh, thank goodness. I thought I might have to shoot some people... Or at least interrogate them, a lot. I know I've probably never said it, but now's as good a time as any, but I can't really see you with anyone! Mostly because I don't think there's any guys — or girls — who are good enough for you. Can't have people trying to steal my beautiful little sister all the time, haha.

    O: I wonder who the lucky guy could be! How long of a time are we talking? ...Do I know him??


    Bryan had come back home on Christmas Even because Ms. Chambers wouldn't have it any other way, and he wouldn't either. Even if things had been a little . . . awkward, the morning had been just like the ones he remembered from back when things were better. He felt nostalgic whenever he had woken up early and then practically hopped down the steps to take in the fresh morning of Christmas. It might have been his favorite holiday, if only for the memories, back when he and Noëlle were inseparable.

    It also made him feel a bit sad inside because those days were gone.

    It wasn't anything extravagant like it used to be, but sharing presents with his sister and mom was really great and he couldn't stop himself from wearing a silly bright smile. For Ms. Chambers, Bryan had given her a gift card to a spa, where he had purchased the best spa day package that he could think of, and then for Noëlle . . . She had been a little bit more difficult, but after a long time of searching, he had found a silver necklace that she hopefully loved ( a part of him hoped she would cherish it forever ), and then gave her a kind of silly Christmas card, with — bonus! — money inside!

    In return, Noëlle's gift had Bryan laughing and blushing mostly because she made it herself; a green scarf that he was able to make a turban out of ( so mature, Bryan! ) and then a slip of paper that read 'GIFT TICKET!'. He was confused about it at first, and then she told him that whenever he was ready for his present, he could exchange the ticket. He was excited and curious to know what the gift was, but decided to wait until a later time to exchange it.

    With bright eyes, Bryan stood backstage glancing out into the full audience. Who knew that there was gonna be such a turn out for the opening night!

    Along with himself were the other buzzing cast and crew, some nervous, some happy. He really hoped that this was a hit, because it seemed like people were expecting a lot of them — especially since this was a performing school . . . kind of. His green eyes scanned the immediately crowd to meet with a pair of blue ones from his sister, and with a bright smile, Bryan waved like an idiot, too excited to care. His hand played with the tassels of the green scarf as the time to start drew closer.

    He disappeared behind the curtain, moving to one of the tables and looking around for the score. His eyes widened when he couldn't find it, and then he began to frantically move around the crowds of actors and dancers, looking for it on every available surface. Ahh, this was bad! If he couldn't find it, then . . . Well, it wasn't like he didn't memorize it back and forth, but all of his notes for crescendos, fermatas, and codas, he might forget them if he thought about it too much!

    "You know, for the conductor, you are a very scatterbrained boy." Bryan's head twisted and turned to see who was talking to him, and then glanced down to see the much shorter Sophie holding . . . The score!

    With a huge breath of relief, Bryan took it from her and quickly thumbed through it, "You're a lifesaver, Soph! Ugh, I don't even want to think what might've happened if I didn't have it."

    She waved her hand and began walking off, and he smiled, quickly heading down to the pit to prep the orchestra, just before Julius walked out onto the stage to give the night's introduction.
  11. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    Christmas has been great to him so far. He woke up to a package from his mother containing a watch (from Jack), a small cat stuffed toy (supposedly from one year old Simon) and a great, Christmas-y sweater (from his mother). With being woken up so early, he was able to have a long video call with them in the morning. He spoke to his mother privately for a while, which was nice. He told her everything and she pretty much said the same thing as Michelle, his therapist did, but it seemed to put him in a much better mood coming from her. He was also able to talk to Jack and Simon, the two new men in his mother's life, which was great - even though Simon didn't say much, for obvious reasons. They wished he was there with him but at the same time wished they were there for him but Tucker really didn't mind. He was just happy to get a Christmas greeting from his family so early in the morning.

    After bidding goodbye (which took forever on its own), he cooked himself some French Toast then grabbed the presents he's prepared for people before heading out. He wore his mother's sweater under his thick winter coat. He stopped by Michelle's office first, greeting her a Merry Christmas and dropping of her present - which was a perfume bottle. Then, he made his way to the Animal Shelter where he spent most of his time. He gave Sean his present (which was a dog keychain so he could hold all his keys because he really needed that along with a shirt). He and his scruffy friend then tended to the animals all day giving them special treats and letting them play outside for a bit. It was all so much fun but it seemed to end too soon as Tucker rushed out of the shelter and to the school.

    Tucker was pretty much busy from then on, after dropping his bag (filled with presents for his friends!) in the sound booth. Then, he was running around with carious wires in his hands and plugging them into different sockets and mic testing and frequency fixing and more running about and leucoplast-ing the lapels onto the actors and testing the mics again and, and, and - well to put simply, everything that had to do with the sound tech (since he was sound tech guy after all).

    Erik was there to help him out, which he was very thankful for since he wasn't quite sure how he would have been able to do it alone. Tucker attached the mics to the actors, making sure they were concealed within their costumes properly. He wished them all the best of luck with the phrase "Break a leg!" once the mics were on properly. When done with the final actress, the lead: Maria, he gently squeezed her shoulder and gave her a warm smile. "You'll do great." his tone was gentle and caring. Every time he looked at her he still got reminded of their little moment a couple days back at the exact theatre they both stood in now. It was a little awkward and he stuttered more than usual when he talked to her - which was also more than usual lately for a reason he can't explain. He just always wanted to talk to her during rehearsals. He was still very confused about everything and the demons at night seemed to be harder to overcome since that day but he needed to stay positive, at least for this festive day - especially since it was Opening Night.

    He left and trotted back up towards the sound booth where Erik was already at. Knowing the man had other things to take care of and other places to be, Tucker immediately went over to his bag and grabbed a small gift bag. It contained a present that he had to think little about, he pretty much knew Erik would enjoy it. It was a bottle opener in the shape of a beer mug (like the one from The Simpsons!) and a pack of premium smokes. He straightened up and handed it over to Erik, "Merry Christmas buddy." he grinned.

    As the audience quieted down and everything but the stage began to dim, Tucker knew he had to get his head in the game now. He shooed Erik away rudely as a joke (but laughed it off immediately because his conscience couldn't handle being rude to his friend - even as a joke) and shut the sound booth door and placed his long fingers on the control panel. His eyes danced around all the buttons and knobs, "We've been working well so far, don't you dare betray me now little fella's" he whispered. He peered down at the stage, spotting Julius slowly approaching front and center. His hands came to life as he turned the knob to activate his director's mic.

    Julius's voice filled the entire theatre as he began his introduction.
  12. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Dennis Baker:

    Awoken by the usual sound of his alarm, Dennis reluctantly awoke. He sat up in his bed and looked at the calendar. Christmas day. "Whoop de doo." He put something hardly festive on as he looked around the apartment. It was barely decorated at all. Just a lone christmas wreath hanging up on the door and a small christmas tree on an end table. He lazily walked over to his refrigerator and pulled out some milk and cookies, because hey that seemed like an appropriate breakfast. Despite his usually upbeat manner, Dennis wasn't too fond of the holiday season. I mean it was a time to get together with his family and celebrate all the joy they've had together over the year and prep for the new one coming up. However he was the only one in his apartment. He was always, the only one in his apartment. Sure his parents couldn't help it because they travelled the world for their jobs and his older brother, Jason, was studying abroad. But still it would be nice if they could all get together one day and actually just have fun together. "Oh well, no use dwelling on that old stuff. It's been like three years already so why am I still expecting anything different?" he mumbled to himself.

    Despite not having anyone over that didn't exempt him from giving and receiving gifts to his family. He opened the three separate mailboxes he got yesterday. His mother still sent him socks...because according to her he was always in constant need of new socks. His dad ended up getting him a new jacket, but he didn't really need a new one anyway. When he opened up Jason's box he flipped out. His brother Jason got him a wooden replica of a sword from a series he loved. He sent generic thank you texts to his folks and a super ecstatic one to Jason. With all the festivities done he got on his bike, and just strolled around town until it was time for the true thing that he was looking forward to. Opening night.
  13. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010


    ♡ ~ ✖ ~ ♡

    Christmas morning had been relatively uneventful, Sophie imagined, compared to her classmates, but that was fine with her. A small part fretted that Lucas might have decided to spend it with his sister, Fatime, but he had explained that he had already gifted his sister, and that they didn't spend much time together in any case.

    Selfish as it was, Sophie secretly didn't want to spend Christmas alone, if only for the reason that it would have been annoying and pitiful. Her parents . . . Hah. They hadn't spent a Christmas together since Sophie turned ten. Still, they had adorned their only daughter with extravagant gifts that she ended up either returning, or giving to someone else who might enjoy it more. It was a terrible thing to see such expensive items go to waste.

    Don't laugh at me. Sophie said with a pointed look on her face, It's not my fault that the cello is almost as big as I am. She narrowed her pale eyes; Lucas always did this whenever she asked him to carry her cello, and always vowed, every time, that she would never ask him again, only to have trouble again, and then rinse and repeat. Several times she had threatened to impale him with her bow, but he laughed that off, too. Annoying man.

    Meanwhile, the auditorium was packed — she wasn't even sure if that was the right word for it; perhaps she should say more overflowing. She honestly didn't expect such a turn out, since Fortissimo was an extremely selective and exclusive academy.

    Earlier that morning, she had called Pierce and wished her a Merry Christmas, and told her that she had gotten a gift. Hopefully, she would be able to give it before the night was over. Subconsciously, Sophie wondered if the gift would be liked, but pushed that away with a bit of an ego, thinking How could she not like it? Terrible mindset to have with Christmas presents.

    After much hustle and bustle behind stage, Sophie set herself up in the principal chair in the cello section of the orchestra, where she and Bryan quickly made last-notes about the score. She only hoped that he wouldn't mess it up; her eyes flashed darkly at the thought.

    Julius had begun to talk, and in the current darkness, Sophie removed her tedious shoes.

    I'll have your head if you mess up, Bryan Chambers. she muttered in French.

  14. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes ♫ Mood» Excited ♫ Character Theme ♫ Date: 12/25/2015 Day: 5 & 1/4 ♫
    Location » Bedroom/School ♫ OOC: ♫
    Seraphina's Christmas morning was like any other. She had her house workers to keep her company while she got ready for the play. The only thing she could think about was the play tonight. Not that she would mess up of course, but it was always good to be prepared. She asked her house keeper to help her get ready for the night. They talked about Christmas' in the past, how her parents use to have huge house parties. Her parents were on vacation and left her at her house again. She sighed, watching as her hair was being done up. It had been an interesting Christmas indeed, but a lonely one. She had gotten many gifts, from her workers and her family and extended family. She thought that they shouldn't have but they did like her. There weren't many people who didn't. She thought about Maria. Her eye twitched. She was the lead tonight. She took a deep breath. She would just try and be civil. She put on the necklace her father had gotten her, and then started to go down the stairs, ready for tonight.
    She walked into the auditorium accidentally pushing an average dark-haired girl out of the way. Still she walked in confidently. She was a little fashionably late, but that was the goal. She walked in back stage with the same confidence. She looked at the time, they would start soon. "Merry Christmas everyone. Good Luck to everyone. I'm sure that we will all do marvelous." She said. She was going through her lines in her, having no nerves. She always did a fantastic job, tonight would be no different. She flipped her hair lightly over her shoulder, and smiled kindly at the others. She listened as Julius' voice filled up the room. It was finally show time.
    Clothes ☆ Mood» Excited Character Theme ☆Date: 12/25/2015 Day: 5 & 1/4
    Location » Home/School ♫ OOC: ☆
    Estelle and her sisters had a small Christmas. They all got 3 gifts, one from each sister. Estelle was happy with what she got, but she decided that they should go out tonight. Estelle knew her school was putting on a play tonight, so she told her sisters it might be fun to go. She hadn't be involved with anything at her school. She was busy supporting the family during the fall and winter, since her sister's flower shop didn't get much business. She didn't have time to join the play, enough though she sort of wanted to. She was way too shy. As her and her sisters headed out the door, they all sung Christmas songs down the street.
    As soon as they got to the auditorium, she could feel herself getting pushed out of the door's entrance. A rich looking redheaded girl had gone right past them, she didn't even make eye contact, like they were below her. She rolled her eyes. She hated people like that. But she was beautiful. No wonder. She was probably stuck up. She shook her head. First impressions were bad, it was much better to get to know someone. After brushing it off as a honest mistake, Estelle and her sisters went looking for the spot. The place was packed. Just as one of the teachers came onto the mic, they found some seats at the very back. "Lets see what this is all about." She whispered to her sisters as the play was close to starting.
  15. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 4 | DATE: December 25, 2015 | LOCATION: Auditorium

    It was Christmas morning. Freddie had gotten out of bed in his usual sloth-like manner. He trudged through his room, which was littered with wires, comic books, and various, assorted electronics. The cold winter morning got to him, making him put on his bathrobe over his pajamas to make himself feel even warmer. Just as he was about to exit the doorway, he stopped and turned around. He looked at his prized guitar which was standing in a corner of the room.
    "Morning, Aria." Quickly, he went to the kitchen to make his own breakfast. Eggs sunny side up with a side of bacon and buttered toast. Nothing too fancy or extravagant.

    He went to his couch and plopped himself in front of his TV. Placing his plate on the small table in front of him, he turned on the television and flipped through the channels to see if anything good was on. As he expected, nothing. Nothing but Christmas specials and the like, a fact that irritated him to no end. Freddie wasn't very big on Christmas ever since he grew up. He took a couple bites of his food and changed the channel to one of the Christmas specials. It was better than eating in silence.

    At Fortissimo University, after purchasing his ticket from the box office, he went into the auditorium jam packed with people. He hadn't seen that many people in this auditorium before. It was pretty crazy. He looked around for some empty seats and spotted one near the aisle. Not an ideal place to sit, but it was good enough, all things considered. He sat down and pulled out the pamphlet he had been given. The Girl in Watercolors. Interesting name for a musical. He was really curious to see what it was about. He looked through the pamphlet as he waited for it to begin. Soon enough someone got on stage, wearing a pirate hat and eye patch, and began to introduce the musical. That was one chill teacher if he ever saw one.
  16. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Location: Home/Stage {} Mood: Nervous/Depressed {} OOC: Merp
    Christmas. The holiday of joy and happiness. However for Sasha, the last 6 years have been nothing but remembrance of sadness and depression. No gifts from friends because she had none. Only her brother and father gave her gifts. This year though, they wouldn't be able to because they were off and not home. Opening her eyes, she stared at her ceiling, sighing heavily before kicking off her sheets and sitting up, looking at her calendar on her desk. Oh right...today is the day...She hopped out of bed and started to get ready for the long day ahead.
    If she said she was prepared for the performance, she would be lying. She barely had time to practice and even at practice days they spent more time practicing on acting rather than the singing portions which really made her feel unappreciated and nervous for the performance. It didn't help that her singing was also part of one of the dramatic parts of the performance. She just hoped she would be ready...
    After grabbing something to eat, she tossed on her clothes and grabbed her dress before heading out the door. Please give me strength...
    Arriving at the auditorium, she changed out into her dress in the backroom before heading out towards the back of the stage, nervously tapping her fingers as she listened and waited for the performance to start. Seeing some people give each other gifts made her sad a little. If I only had just one gift this year...just a simple one...nothing fancy or big...She shook her head and looked back out, waiting nervously.
  17. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007


    Julius awoke from his slumber and to his utter surprise he actually awoke earlier than he had to. Oh joyous day it was as he skipped around the room and headed into the shower and got himself ready for the day...but right when he got out a feeling of depression hit as he realized that the thrill of rushing was gone and he really had nothing to push him in the morning. With a groan, Julius walked down ate breakfast and noticed a message on his answering machine. Julius hesitated to push the button and the moment he heard the message his eye twitched "Yeah...merry friggin christmas back to you" Julius said before walking out.

    He drove on and once he got towards the auditorium he stretched and raised an eyebrow when he notice how busy it was "what the hell?....oh shit today is the play!" Julius said before facepalming and getting the last things needed. As he worked on the last few things, Julius noticed his favourite little student walk up to him and hand him a present. It touched him to see that he got a present and he thanked the girl happily as he received the gift before she returned back to what she was doing. "awwww this is why she is my favourite student" Julius said silently as he opened the present and immediately his eye twitched "....maybe I should find a new favourite student" Julius said as he pulled out the pirate hat. Julius was conflicted with this picture and questioned whether Noelle did this as a joke or genuinely thought this was a good gift. In the end he appreciated the fact that she got something for him and placed the hat on.

    Once the theater began to fill, Julius crossed his arms and glanced out at the seats and then back at everybody who was backstage "Alright kiddos, tis time to get your asses out there and show them what you've been practicing" Julius said raising his fist and clenching it "I want you all to grab their attention, kidnap it, put it in a bag, tie the damn bag and whack it with a stick of pure entertainment and return it to the owner for a ransom of pure entertainment." Julius said before walking out onto the stage. "Yo whats up everybody, I know what your wondering...your wondering daaaaaaaaaang who is this amazing guy speaking to you? well I'm sorry but I will not be acting tonight, instead you will actually gain a far better show than you would ever imagine! You will witness a group of students preform the play know as the guy in the colouring book" Julius said before suddenly pausing and cupped his chin as he thought and then face-palmed and looked back at the crowd "No wait...it involves a girl......ah yes! its the Girl in the Watercolors" Julius said before using one hand to hold the tip of his pirate hat, twisted it to the side and used his other hand to point at the crowd "Now depending on your reaction I may just have to kick all your butts...now enjoy" Julius said saying the last part happily before heading backstage once more.
  18. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    (*) Dorm --> Auditorium (*) Mood: Content (*) Music (*) Outfit (*) OOC: Banner will come later (*)

    Ah Christmas morning, a time spent usually with family. Alex's morning was different though. His relatives knew that he would be doing the play first before stopping by so aside from the messages saying that some of them would be going to see him, they didn't bother too much. Still he wonder which ones were going to see it since some of his relatives had a tendency to tease him over certain things.


    Once he'd taken care of everything before hand, Alex made his way to the auditorium and got backstage. First thing he needed to take care of was getting ready for the show. Since he'd yet to look at the costumes he was glad that he'd gotten some assistance with everything. Now that getting prep was out of the way, he could only wait for the show to begin.

    While he waited, he took in a few deep breaths to aid in keeping him calm. Everything that he was feeling right now was perfectly normal, but that didn't mean that he could let in interfere with the performance.
  19. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Christmas morning had been all right at best. Maria and her family weren't the closest. Holidays were usually tense. In previous years, Stephan's presence had been just what she needed to get through, but this year he hadn't even shown up. Stephan sent them all a text saying he wouldn't be able to make it. He hadn't even yelled at her about EAP! If he had been so mad over it, then he had an odd way of showing it. The gifts were lavish and plenty. She didn't really care for them anymore. Her mind was too preoccupied to enjoy them. Maria had gone out the day before and bought some toys and a collar for EAP. She had also found something by chance that she wanted to give to Tucker, even though they still weren't really talking. It left a hollow feeling in her chest and she ached at night with longing. Sophie was hosting the after party. Hopefully they could finally talk then, maybe she could even give him his present.

    Torvald had been annoying as usual before the musical started. He was insulting her per usual. She shrugged it off, mentally preparing herself. Noëlle wished her luck and she was honestly grateful. It meant a lot. Maria would have liked to hear it from Tucker, but no doubt he was tied up in the sound booth. Zachary and Elisa helped her with final touches on her outfits and makeup before curtain call. It was time. She thanked the both of them before taking her place.

    She took a deep breath and braced herself. Opening night was happening right now. Julius stood on stage introducing the production and after just a few very short moments, the curtains were being drawn. The opening would set the mood for the entire production. Her hands shook at her side, but with one glance to her partner, all nerves left her and she opened her voice to sing. It felt amazing and a rush of adrenaline coursed through her veins. She smiled brightly to the crowd and danced across the stage, landing care free in Torvald's arms. This was good. She could put all ill feelings about Torvald aside and get through the production easily this way. Her icy blue eyes would occasionally land on the sound window, but even Tucker didn't phase her that much. She was MIchaela inside and out in this very moment.
    Wearing Music Date: 12/25/2015 Day: 05 & 1/4
    Mood: In the zone Location: Auditorium
    : TuckerInteraction: [COLOR=#ffa07a][FONT=calibri][COLOR=#fa8072][FONT=calibri][FONT=calibri][COLOR=#ffa07a][FONT=calibri][COLOR=#fa8072][COLOR=#ffa07a][COLOR=#fa8072]✘[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR] OOC:
  20. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009

    location: duvont home // auditorium [ backstage ] mood: jolly theme: tea?
    affection: -- ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
    ooc: merry christmas! <3

    Richie awoke with a toothy grin as he inhaled deeply. The alluring scent of sugar cookies lingered in the air. He literally sprung out of bed, landing on his Christmas-themed, sock-covered feet. He checked his phone, whose background was also Christmas related. He truly felt like a giddy child as he threw on a pair of comfy pajama pants, a sweatshirt, and some slippers. The boy peered into the mirror, and found the condition of his hair to be most unsavory. He brushed and teased it to perfection, then sprinted down the stairs into the adorned living room.

    He greeted his family, all of which were already downstairs. Ryder didn't pay much attention to him, or look very jolly. This was to be expected though, considering the type of person his identical twin was. His mother and Ariella, on the other hand, replied with a warm 'merry christmas!' and inviting smiles. Together, the family unwrapped all their presents. Though Richie found out Santa Clause didn't exist many years ago, the magic of Christmas never wore off to him. From Ryder the blonde-haired boy got a simple pair of socks. He giggled ( because he already predicted that Ryder would give him something like that ) and gave his brother a hug, even despite his twin's attempt to sneak away. Mama Duvont got him some cute sweaters ( the owl, cat, and deer ones ), while his sister gave him a few Agatha Christie books ( btw, her books are primarily murder mysteries ). Richie felt extremely grateful to have such a caring and generous family. They shared cookies, milk, and laughs soon afterwards.


    The blonde walked into the auditorium quietly. Before entering he noticed, through the crack between doors, that there was barely any light emitting from the room. He figured the performance of The Girl in the Watercolors was just beginning and decided to enter with respect towards the audience and performers. Richie stood right in front of the door, deciding whether he should sneak backstage or just take a seat among the audience. Elisa would probably head backstage to encourage the performers, so he chose to head backstage. He made his way to the back entrance to backstage and peered around for his best friend. He saw Julius head off the stage as he came closer to the curtain. Attempting to see the performance from backstage wouldn't be very effective, but Richie really wanted to see Elisa. Besides, someone was bound the record the performance anyway. Taking a seat on a nearby chair, the boy happily waited for the first scene to begin.
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