❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    After the four return from their hallway adventure, Freddie and Lucas quickly fill everyone in. They say something about someone being on their way, and prompt you to hide!

    One by one all thirteen of you squeeze underneath the bridge together and into the sludge.

    Not even minutes later the heavy metal door that led to the new area of rooms swings open, slamming against the wall and into the disabled control panel from before.

    You all struggle to be quiet, faces smeared in the thick, slimy goop.

    The heavy footsteps from before echo out into the darkness. They hammer down over the bridge, and to the strange moving hallway your group had arrived in.

    It's quiet for a moment and then you hear the ripping of metal and a hard splash as the door is ripped off and thrown across the blackness and into the sludge. Sounds of wires snapping and equipment being destroyed is clearly audible during the next couple of minutes.

    When the sounds end, the footsteps cross back over the bridge and return to the next hall, slamming the door shut.

    The hallway's control panel has been destroyed. There is no going back now.
  2. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Dennis Baker:

    Dennis stood idly by as he watched the three volunteers make their way into the depths of wherever the hell they were. They were tasked with finding out more info on what there was here and really he hoped that they could find out what was up with Bentley. Dennis would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous the entire time for all of the adults sake. It was a truly anxious atmosphere whilst they were all waiting and felt like it dragged on forever. That was until all of the adults who had volunteered burst back into the room panting and like they'd seem some sort of ghost.

    Freddie especially seemed to be in a panic yelling something about Jojo's Bizarre adventure. But regardless of that he all shelled out a ton of info at once all while panting. Something about green eyed dogs and how the candy was probably the cause of the green eyes, (but he had no ****ing clue what the whole green eyes thing was about because he was slightly oblivious,) and then stuff about fucked up stuff, a silver necklace, back to Jojo's bizarre adventure and a bunch other info that would probably need scrutinization later. The main thing was that they needed to run and hide fast because there was some big bad thing, which Dennis decided to label as The Titan because why not. That's when it happened. The footsteps sounded like they were growing near and as such they all got the fuck away from where they were standing and made it underneath a bridge and hid in that disgusting slush.

    It was probably one of the more tense and terrifying situations they had been in. Dennis stayed silent out of sheer terror, probably not being able to make a noise even if he wanted to, as The Titan started to stomp across the bridge causing more internal panic in the boy. After a brief reprieve from the stomping it only sounded worse as there were some really loud sounds of things being torn out and something definitely heavy being tossed into the slush. Once it sounded like The Titan left, Dennis still stayed seated for a good bit of time before he was absolutely sure The Titan left. He started crouch walking trying to still not be seen and looked around not seeing anything that resembled a giant hulking man eating...titan. "Alright I'm pretty sure the coast is clear." He whispered to the group, "I'm no mechanic, but I'm pretty sure are way here was totalled. Which means our only way is forward," he gulped at what he was going to say next."Where that behemoth came from."
  3. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 0 « OOC: N|A :

    Oliver couldn't breathe. Suffocation was a small price to pay if it meant avoiding whatever that thing was above them. Even the thick sludge vibrated with the heavy steps drumming down over the short bridge. His lungs burned, but it wasn't time yet. He pressed his lips together hard to avoid getting the disgusting muck in his mouth. It smelled like garbage ... and waste ... and vinegar and he was seriously going to vomit.

    Then, there was a high pitched shredding sound and the footsteps retreated, slamming the door behind them.

    Oliver pushed himself out of the sludge, wincing and sputtering. He crawled back onto the bridge and small platform where the door was, wiping his eyes as best as he could and flinging the filth away with his good arm. It didn't do much good. His clothes were stained and wet, hair darkened with with mess, and the smell was as potent as before.

    It didn't take looking to know that their way of arriving was no longer functioning. They weren't getting out the way they came in. Anxiety shot through his chest and he swiveled around, sighing.

    Alright I'm pretty sure the coast is clear. I'm no mechanic, but I'm pretty sure are way here was totalled. Which means our only way is forward, Dennis said. Where that behemoth came from.

    Oliver didn't like that option, but he was right. Why didn't they just hurry back, swipe the key and return to where they had come from? Anxiety, anxiety, anxiety ... Honestly, he didn't want to die down here. Especially not because of someone else. ... A bit of guilt nagged at him again, but a quick glance towards Pierce confirmed that she was alright and he tried to relax a bit and think things through .

    We can't just go in there. No one else was objecting. He plopped back onto his bum and stretched out his legs. ... Unless someone's got a decent plan. Now that our little elevator hallway thing is ruined, anyone who stays behind here can't go back to the surface, so obviously we're going to have to travel through the door there, but ...

    He paused to think about it.

    We're covered in whatever the hell that stuff is. It has a pretty strong scent. Not only will we be potentially tracking it inside with the smell and residue, but we'll be too filthy to pretend to have a reason to be down here. All thirteen of us traveling in a group is a bad idea ... I'd suggest going in teams, in intervals of twenty minutes or so, but we don't even know what's back there.

    Wait. The ever-agitated tone of Cane stopped him from continuing. She stood up on the platform wringing her ridiculously long hair out with a disgusted expression. This place is vaguely familiar ter me. It's been right while, but where we are ain't the main entrance. There's anuvver one ... but yer 'ave ter go through one of the bloody experimentation rooms ter get there. I think ... Room 07, isit?

    Do you guys remember what was in Room 07?

  4. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Evan Allen Walker:
    {~~~Day 5 (3/3)~~~March 17th, 2016, Thursday~~~Location: Dungeon of Horrors~~~Mood: Time for Round 2~~~Music~~~Ooc:~~~}

    Well that was a rather ****** experience. Sure they had searched ten rooms but the info they were able to pull was...well interesting. Between the operating table, the boy getting something injected in him, the green eyed dog, the yellow mist, the silver pendant, the television show, the electrocution room, the white smoke room, and the execution room with the Big Bad in it, Evan's perception of Bentley really shifted...again. Sure he thought it was always a weird town filled with mysteries but he wasn't expecting, A: A room filled with vaults that had people in them, B: Was not expecting a weird hall filled with this slush crap, C: was not expecting that Bentley was actually using underground labs for testing and ****, and D: a mother fucking monster behind all of that. The people of Bentley was a seriously messed up group of people.

    Now with that done he rose out of the slush after he heard Little Baker Bro's coast clear. However now that the big bad had passed and their ride back was totalled he was starting to think that further into the belly of the beast was the only option. But to be perfectly honest, Evan had no idea how to deal with that big bad. By the sound of things it could probably rip them all in half without breaking a sweat. So that added a whole new level of caution to trudging forward. Not to mention last time it was a team of three, relatively fit adults, sprinting from room to room with some luck here and there that made them not get caught. Now it was a group of thirteen people, with some not being in the best of shape to move at all. While they could do the same thing over again and just rush through the rooms, they'd have to leave the others behind and there was no telling if they could ever come back to save them. And if they all went, even in small groups, there was still a good chance that they were probably going to get found out. Evan thought on this for awhile.

    Then he heard Oliver and Cane chime in. Apparently they weren't in the main entrance and could only leave through room 7...ah fuck. "Room 7 was something along the lines of person chewing candy and that weird yellowish misty stuff. So yeah I'm not entirely sure about going through something with a strange substance in here,though I guess we don't have much of a choice. If we are going along with Oliver's plan to split up again I'd suggest bringing along someone who isn't in the greatest of physical shape with a stronger person so they have someone who can help them through." In addition he thought of something else that seemed strange."And uh Cane, why exactly do you know the layout of this place?"
  5. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    WEARING DATE 03/18/2016 DAY 05 & 3/3


    This was all more than Pierce could handle. Why did she always have to end up in situations like this? The smell of the sludge substance was making her sick to her stomach. That, on top of the pain in her foot from the broken glass was not going over so well for her. She had managed to tear off a strip from the bottom of her dress and wrap it around her foot after extracting the shard, but that really did little when they were probably standing in sewage. She was up to date on her tetanus shot, but a trip to the hospital after all was said and done would definitely be in order.

    After the scary monster man left, destroying their means of transportation before doing so, she climbed out of the sludge and coughed. The coughing was followed by some gagging dry heaves and she wiped her mouth off on the back of her arm, which did little to help. Dennis started talking, suggesting they go in the direction of the behemoth. That sounded wonderful -- sarcasm. Pierce's nerves escalated at the prospects of heading down that hall.

    Then it was Oliver. She listened quietly while he spoke, sitting down near him on the bridge. He was sounding smart when Cane interrupted.

    This place is vaguely familiar ter me. It's been right while, but where we are ain't the main entrance. There's anuvver one ... but yer 'ave ter go through one of the bloody experimentation rooms ter get there. I think ... Room 07, is it? she told them.

    Oliver followed up with a question of his own. Do you guys remember what was in Room 07?

    Pierce looked to the few that had gone down the hall. Which one was room seven?

    Room 7 was something along the lines of person chewing candy and that weird yellowish misty stuff. So yeah I'm not entirely sure about going through something with a strange substance in here,though I guess we don't have much of a choice. If we are going along with Oliver's plan to split up again I'd suggest bringing along someone who isn't in the greatest of physical shape with a stronger person so they have someone who can help them through. Dennis explained. And uh Cane, why exactly do you know the layout of this place?

    No! she blurted louder than intended. Pierce's hands flew to her mouth as she looked them over in embarrassment. It wasn't right of her to speak out like that, but there was just no way they could go in that room! I - I mean... That room -- the gas. It'll kill you. She turned her gaze on Sophie, Bryan, Julius, and Quentin. They knew. We can't go that way. Pierce shook her head back and forth. She clutched her goopy damp brown hair between her hands and tugged firmly at the tips. There - there has to be another. You know we can't go in there. Her brown eyes shifted back and forth between the four of them. They were the only ones that would understand.
  6. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 0 « OOC: N|A :

    A woman eating candy and some strange mist ... ? Going through that room didn't seem like a good idea, then. He had heard about a yellowish mist. It had plagued the original group of 'cursed' kids all of those years ago. Did Bentley have something to do with that too - then? Cane had mentioned something about Bentley being apart of something larger ...

    And uh Cane, why exactly do you know the layout of this place? Evan asked. Cane glared at him and Oliver looked away. As long as she was helping them, he didn't see the problem ...

    I've been livin' 'ere all me life, boy! Yer think I 'aven't been dahn 'ere before? All of the kids come dahn eventually. ... I can't remember why.

    Her fingers were trembling and she turn quickly went back to ringing her hair out again, muttering something to herself about respect.

    No! I - I mean... That room -- the gas. It'll kill you. We can't go that way. There - there has to be another. You know we can't go in there.

    Oliver sighed at Pierce's outburst.

    Whatever that thing was destroyed our 'other way'. ... Though, thinking on it, that must mean someone knows we're here.
  7. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts: Why...|Place:Docks|Mood:Feeling Hopeless|Music: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)|Day: 3/3]

    Zoey had enough of this silence that was settled in on them. Realizing what she said probably wasn't a good thing, Zoey sighed out and turned the key in the ignition. The boat turned on just fine. "There, I take back what I said. It's not rigged after all. No one could have expected this to be our boat. I think everyone was too busy with the festival anyways."

    She sighed out while closing her eye, holding her backpack strap. "Dakota, best wishes to you. Be safe. I'm staying here."

    And with that, Zoey marched off the yacht and started to head back the way she had come. She felt absolutely numb. Most of her friends had died in that fire, and now she could probably lose her brother too. She really couldn't take anymore of this. She picked up her cellphone and dialed her father. When she got just an answering machine, she began her message. "Hey Dad. So first off, I lied to you. I didn't go on a school field trip. I went to this place called Bentley to get answers about the kidnappings and the killings that have been happening. Turns out, this town is pretty crazy. I got separated from Freddie. A mob burned down the Inn we were staying at. I had to play hide-and-seek or get killed... I don't think I'll make it back home. Can you please tell my biological mom I love her? I love you too Dad. Just... if anything happens to me, don't blame Freddie or yourself. Keep living your life, and I hope it gets better for you. Tell Freddie if he makes it out that I love him too... Tell him what happened with my eye... Please... I love you, bye."

    With tears streaming down her cheek, she limped down the beach of the island after she hanged up her phone and shoved it in her pocket. She didn't know where she was going. She didn't even know what to do. She hadn't eaten or slept in hours and it was starting to get to her. If she were to die here, it really didn't matter much to her. Her friends were gone. Freddie would still have Sophie. Life would go on.
    ...If you go, then so will I...
  8. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
  9. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    U N C O V E R I N G E M E R A L D


    Newly renewed, the group went into the hallway once more, prepared for danger of any kind. Lucas took the lead, and then used the access key to open it, and they went inside. There it was, on the counter; the silver necklace. He raised an eyebrow at it, looked at the others, and then grabbed it with his gloved hands.

    When the deed was done, the room was left behind and they moved on.

  10. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Freddie, alongside Lucas, ran towards the fourth door in the hallway. He waited for Lucas to open the door with the access key that they had. After having done so, they rushed into the mostly empty room and they grabbed the silver necklace that was inside. There wasn't much else to do in there, so they just ran out of there like nobodies business. Holla at yo boy.
  11. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    D O O R 4
  12. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
  13. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    U N C O V E R I N G E M E R A L D

    After moving on from the fourth room, they walked down the hall, down two rooms, and then used the card once more to access the room, with the television showcasing JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. With a raised eyebrow, Lucas made his way over to the chair and looked at it's occupant; JONATHAN. Lucas wasn't sure if this was actually him or not, having never really seen him, but through the similar looks of him to JULIUS, he thought it was right.

    We're here for you.❞ Lucas announced, lending his hand to the boy. It's alright, we know your brother.❞ Badass music began to play in the background.

  14. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    After dashing out of the fourth door, they headed for the sixth one. The room that had the television playing JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. With all of the fabulous poses and what not. They went into the door and were confronted by the brown haired boy watching the TV. He looked like someone, just a little bit. Someone they had seen fairly recently. Who? This was starting to become complete and utter bullspit.
  15. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Jojo was alway such and interesting manga series and now that there was an anime things only got better. Watching this brought the boy ease and it made him calm. If he wished to get out he needed to act at the right time, but it didnt hurt to cause a bit more troube for them before the moment of truth.

    The sound of a door opening reached his ear and anger began to reach the boy. "you damn ******* always piss me off...at ****ing least let me ****ing finish my damn episode you damn idiotic sci-" Jonathan began to yell but stopped midsentance as he noticed newcommers had arrived.

    Hearing that they knew Julius was surprising but all he could do at the moment was close his eyes and smile "so..you know my brother" Jonathan said before opening his eyes and let out a grin and cracked his knuckles "well then let kick some ass and get the **** out of here" Jonathan said. Of course he knew they wouldnt be fighting, but it sounded perfect with the badass music
  16. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    D O O R 8
  17. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    The next door features a scientist sitting on a stool. Green eyed puppies run around on the floor and he seems pretty confused as to what to do about them. A woman comes from behind a door and places her hand on his shoulder. He sighs and shrugs, tossing a handful of unwrapped candy down to the pups.

    It's decided that Cane will enter the room and distract them while you attempt to steal the candy from the puppies.

    She takes the access card from Lucas, swipes it and waltz in. The two scientists look at her in confusion and wrinkled their noses at the smell. Cane begins to complain about the main door being locked and having to take the back way down. She says she was brought down by on Patrick's orders with Amber, but that the stench of going the backway and through the sludge caused the poor maid to fall unconscious. Cane asks for an explanation and the two scientists argue that the main door should be fine and question if Patrick really sent her down. The male makes a phone call in the corner of the room while Cane and the female discuss the situation nearby.

    Inconspicuously, Cane tosses the access card down on the ground.

    The puppies continue eating at the candy.
  18. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
  19. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
  20. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
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