❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    . . . . .

    ♡ ~ ✖ ~ ♡

    Sophie watched tentatively as Pierce began to stir awake, and was pleased that she wasn't in a coma of some sort. After blinking a few times, Sophie?

    After the hell they had gone through, apparently together, it was nice that they were both alive. Pierce touched her face, breathed out something, and then threw her arms around Sophie, making her wince in pain, but warming up to the refreshing embrace all the same.

    It's a long story. Yes, the others . . . They came for us, Pierce. Sophie replied next to her friend's face, who had just started crying. Always the crybaby, even if she was a big girl now. That day, when she had thought about her birthday, seemed so long ago, now. Before she could form anymore coherent thoughts, Pierce pulled Sophie in again, but not for a hug — she kissed her. It was probably the first time Pierce had rendered her silent instead of the other way around. Her mind swirled with possibilities and the circumstances.

    Now in a relatively dazed state, Sophie found herself standing in the hallway once more, Pierce holding her hand. Lucas eyed the pair of them and their connected hands, but then when Pierce let go, Sophie looked at her.


    Oh, right. He was here, too. She suddenly wished that he wasn't because of the salty taste on her lips. She inwardly sighed and thought about the situation as Pierce unsteadily celebrated his life. He was alive, of course, why wouldn't he be? Unless . . . Unless she was worried that he would be dead because he was there at the hide-and-seek game, too. But how did Pierce know that? She wouldn't unless they had found each other, or were together from the start.

    Sophie narrowed her tired, pale eyes at Oliver. If he had been there, with Pierce, why was she captured, and not him? Luck of the draw, maybe? Or unlucky, for the girl. Sophie would have known if he was in one of the vaults with him, but he hadn't been. So what happened to put Pierce in the position, and not him?

    Hey um, guys, not to ruin the moment or, uh, anything. But shouldn't we like, get out of this place? Ya see, we had to acquire the key from someone else, and I really wouldn't want to stick around for when she, um, realizes where we are.

    Sophie looked up at Dennis, a face that brought distant memories of a Christmas party gone wrong. She then glanced over at Quentin, who seemed to be shuffling his feet at the mention of this maid, and the key. She wasn't sure if she wanted to know their means of acquiring that key.

    Dennis is right. Bryan began, sounding impatient, Let's get on the move, then. He turned towards Lucas and motioned for the card, but the young man wasn't having it, and slipped the card into his own pocket. Bryan didn't look happy. Before they got moving, Quentin appeared, yet again, but with a young girl in tow, on his back. Sophie frowned at the unconscious body; she must have been the maid.

    The group began to walk towards another door in the hallway that none of them had come through. Without thinking about it, Sophie grabbed Pierce's hand, glanced at Oliver with questioning eyes, and then began to walk with the rest. When they reached the door, Lucas quietly maneuvered to the front of the group, using the access key to get through. She felt like this was going to be a long day . . .

  2. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts: ...|Place: Back to docks|Mood:Terrified/Determind|Music: x|Day: 2/3]

    Well, it looked like Zoey pushed a few unwanted buttons. She took in deep breaths to try to clear her muddled up brain and then stepped on the yacht after putting her backpack on where Dakota disappeared to. Maybe she was just being way too paranoid and dramatic about things. The events that happened previously were still tumbling through her mind like a clothes dryer, so her nerves were on edge. It was probably the same with Dakota, only more so intense. She stepped through the door where Dakota went and saw the female put her head on the steering wheel. Zoey felt bad for being hysteric. Whoops. "Hey... Um, I'm sorry... I'm just on edge... I guess we all are." She pressed her lips tightly together then looked up to assess what she was going to say. "Maybe... Why don't we wait around for just a bit longer? At the first sign of trouble, we can get out of here. But let's just wait and see if they can make it here, yeah? I can keep look out for us..." She then pulled out her cellphone and scrolled through her contacts. All she had left to contact was Freddie and her father. Chewing on her lips, she chose Freddie and sent him a text.

  3. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Evan Allen Walker:
    {~~~Day 5 (2/3)~~~March 17th, 2016, Thursday~~~Location: Enemy Boss Dungeon(Patrick's House/Dungeon of Horrors)~~~Mood: Let's Go!~~~Music~~~Ooc:~~~}

    Everyone was gathered around a vault of their choice trying to find some way to get them open. That's when Little Baker Bro, Q (he had *forgotten* his actual name), Oliver, and Senjougahara Cane came in with some sort of magic key card. Praise be to the gods of all things convenient and helpful. With the key card they attempted to open these vault doors but alas, to no avail. Apparently they needed some 4 digit password thing or something. Really all of them racked their brains together but in the end Evan was pretty sure the answer to all the passwords were gifted to them by like 4 to 5 voices in his head shooting out the answers coupled with one stern voice basically shoving multiple clues to the answers in their metaphorical faces...the voices that is. They guessed wrong twice, (and Evan was still wondering what K.why Rabi was,) but in the end,they figured out the four passcodes in some way or another and they still seemed really random and out of the blue. Even still he was fine with the answers so long as they could get their friends out this hellhole.

    They managed to save Pierce and Sophie first and was truly glad to the see that the kids had made it to safety...Noelle and Jonathan not so much. They somehow ended up not being in their vaults which probably meant Patrick was off performing some sort of Satanic Ritual on them or something. The whole thing sent Bryan into a rage of blind fury and he attempted to kill Cane only to have Julius stop him and make him calm. Evan wasn't too fond of Bryan being here in the first place and this was slightly why. He was happy, though, that big man Julius was able to stop, otherwise who knows what might've happened to Cane... and to Bryan.

    The fact remained that Jonathan and Noelle were missing. He was fine with the people bonding an all, but as little Baker Bro said they needed to get the fuck out of here. He also heard Oliver's take on how the missing people could be further down in here and not be dead because they still had a vault and shit. That seemed like a logical conclusion so they should probably go in deeper into the belly of this beast in order to find their friends. He was pretty sure the good Mrs. Grant didn't just send them to find their friends. He started thinking on this more, that even if they did go back up the elevator there was a good chance they'd just be killed on the spot or shortly after getting up. Heck the elevator could break just so it was high enough to make them plummet to their deaths. In addition Q went back to go pick up Amber, the maid, and with that they were all set to go.

    They had eventually made it to a door further down the hall until they eventually stumbled upon a door that looked like it needed a key card. That was where Lucas came in and opened the door. With that it was time to see what was behind door number two.
  4. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 0 « OOC: N|A :

    Oliver felt for the guy. He hoped his sister would be found here. If nooot ...

    Bryan was finally able to pull himself off. He stretched, and then laughed.

    Alright, well, sorry about that. I guess. We should keep moving. If Ollie here is right, then she'll — . . . they'll be down here. We're going to find them. Sound good to everyone?

    Now that they had found Pierce, Oliver didn't really care what they did. He supposed it would be nice to get to the bottom of everything and go back to Candlewood with what they came for, but ... Going deeper into this prison, or whatever it was, also seemed dangerous. ... He wasn't about to tell psycho Bryan that, though.

    Sophie entered Pierce's vault and Oliver watched, deciding not to interrupt them. He placed a hand on his shoulder again, frowning. It was beginning to throb dully with an annoying pain. Feeling was coming back to his fingers and he could move his arm a bit, but it hurt like a bitch.

    After some time passed, he found himself subconsciously drifting towards and occupying the space between Pierce's vault and another. Sophie left and he hovered in the doorway.

    There was something going on in another language so he stayed put to listen in for something that made sense.

    ... Pierce and I were set up for execution, in a month. There was something about testing, and when it was over . . . But they would only kill us if we didn't 'convert'. Which I assume means turning us into one of their citizens . . .

    Maybe he was wrong about Noëlle and Jonathan, then. They only got a month? If she failed the conversion then wouldn't she had been killed off a long time ago? He folded his arms over his chest. Did that mean she had converted after all? Gaaah, he didn't understand.

    Cane, do you know anything about this . . . 'conversion'?

    The raven-haired woman turned to Lucas with a firm expression. Slowly, she began to shake her head back and forth, but then she stopped and bit down on her bottom lip. Her eyes flashed with irritation.

    It's too late for me now as it is, I guess it won't matter if I tell yer wot I know, she muttered. From wot I remember ... Conversion is - it's a difficult thin' - I can't right recall. It usually starts in ... Elementary school? Sometimes, wen yer outsiders stumble in ... they give it a go on yer. It's experimental, unstable and the like. Those who do convert basically vow their loyalty ter Bentley. But ... it's not just Bentley, there's something bigger, I just ... Well that's all I can remember, so 'ave at it wot you will.

    Jesus there was something freaky going on down here.

    Oliver wanted to take Pierce and leave. Just as he was seriously considering turning around ...


    His breathing stopped and pain shot through his shoulder as he tensed. Oh. Pierce was awake. He was ... Oh. He felt like dying. Dropping dead to the floor. Where was Sophie? She usually had an 'I want to gut you' look in her eye, she should do that right about now.

    But he was also so, so relieved.

    ...Alive .... You're ... alive ....

    Oh ... oh no.

    His heart dropped into the pit of his stomach and he turned around, meeting his eyes with hers. His expression must have been pitiful. He was so happy - this was so awful.

    You came ... for me ...?

    Oh, Pierce, he inhaled sharply and shook his head. Yeah, he had come for her, but it wasn't ... he wasn't ... Why didn't she remember?! She was right there! He gave her a small smile, masking any anger and guilt that was boiling within him and pecking the top of her head again like he had done before that night. We need to talk later, Pierce. It's important.

    Now wasn't the place or the time. He would talk to her when they were safe, in private. This wasn't something to cover up. He wasn't going to let it slip under the rug - she deserved to know. She deserved to hate him.

    Hey um, guys, not to ruin the moment or, uh, anything. But shouldn't we like, get out of this place? Ya see, we had to acquire the key from someone else, and I really wouldn't want to stick around for when she, um, realizes where we are. Right on time, Dennis piped up.

    Dennis is right. Let's get on the move, then.

    Sophie grabbed Pierce's hand and made eye-contact with him. He stared right back into her icy, pale eyes before maneuvering towards the front of the group and behind Lucas.

    He slid the access key and luckily they weren't prompted the control panel for a password.

    The door opened. A security camera buzzed as it turned to take them into view. As they took a few steps further inside, the camera followed them. They stood in a skinny all-white hallway. There were two huge windows to either side of them, but it was completely dark on the outside of them. Oliver spotted a light switch installed upon the far north wall.
  5. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    UNDERGROUND: Mini Choice - 01
  6. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    UNDERGROUND: Mini Choice - 01

    You flip the switch!

    The entire hall begins to tremble and the ceiling light above you flickers just once before shutting off. The room is engulfed in darkness for a few quiet seconds before four dim, orange lights mounted upon each wall begin to flash. A loud steady beeping [ much like that of a truck backing up ] fills the silence and suddenly, the room begins to grumble and shift causing a few of you to lose your balance.

    It seems you're moving!

    The heavy door you entered from is shut tight, and the control panel glows red - signifying that your card will no longer unlock it.

    The ride through the blackness is short but unnerving and when the room settles again, the orange lights fade. The control panel beeps and prompts for the key again, glowing red. When it's slid, the door unlocks and automatically opens. A foul, indescribable scent fills the skinny white chamber, but all is dark on the outside.
  7. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    Bryan listened to Cane's tale of conversion with interest. It didn't really explain much, only provided evidence for the population spike, and then pushed him in to the danger zone of worry, where he was starting to get a little fidgety again.

    After a few minutes of discussion, their disgustingly large group began to move towards their next destination, and Bryan made sure Lucas walked next to him because of the access key and the dumb fact that the guy wouldn't let him have it. He didn't understand why; it wasn't like he was going to snatch it, massacre the rest of the group, and then run off to find Noëlle. Maybe.

    With the key in place, the door opened and a security camera buzzed as it turned to take them into view. As they took a few steps further inside, the camera followed them and Bryan narrowed his green eyes at it. They stood in a skinny all-white hallway. There were two huge windows to either side of them, but it was completely dark on the outside of them. He gazed around some more, and then a switch was spotted; they discussed this too, and eventually came to the conclusion of flipping it, hoping it wouldn't kill them.

    Things begin to move and beep in the darkness and Bryan feels his way towards Quentin, asking for the flashlight that he had found on the maid, and then took it shaking it a bit for good measure. Another key is prompted, glowing red, and then the a door opens, followed by an odd, digusting smell that fills the area. "Keep your voices down." Bryan advised to the others, and then clicked on the flashlight, initially pointing it to the ground.

    Slowly, cautiously, Bryan upturned the light and looked to the ceiling; it was ridiculously high, and there were a few large grate fans that lined it across. Moving the light around a little more, there were bits and bots of scraps of machinery just lying around, and when he pointed it down, there was a weird-looking slush. He pointed the light elsewhere and spotted a caution sign with a gas mask on it, and just past the sign was a metal bridge and another door.

    He pointed the flashlight to the weird slush again and frowned, "We'd have to jump . . . Or walk through it." That bothered him; what if it was corrosive? Not all of them were athletically able to jump, in which case the group would be split again. He really didn't mind that, but it was troublesome. He looked back at the group and did a headcount; thirteen of them . . . He quickly began deciding who could jump through, and who couldn't.

    Lucas inspected the slush. "I do not think it's dangerous," he assessed, rubbing some of it between his fingers, and Bryan stared at him, "We should roll up our pants, though."

    A conclusion to walk through the slush barefooted was reached. Eventually, though some of the smaller people had been shouldered across, like Sophie, Pierce, and the unconscious maid, and they were all on the other side, not effected by the slush, luckily. After trying to tidy themselves off with a towel Torvald had in his medical kit, Bryan looked to the door again and it seemed to lead to a new, lit section of vaults. These ones were different because the doors were transparent, made of glass, and on the insides were people — innocent people? — , scientists, doctors, and other such workers.

    What should they do? It probably wouldn't be a good idea to just rampage into the area, even if Bryan wanted to. There were two choices, he thought; either move forward, or go back to the gross, dark room and close the door without anyone on the lit side noticing.
  8. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves



    [ I N I T I A T E ]

    C L I C K

    x x x x x
    ACT I

    // VERSCHOLLEN monte au bâtiment voisin.


    // GRUNDLAGE se réveille.

    Quel enfant êtes-vous

    Pour me réveiller si tôt
    Dans le matin?

    // VERSCHOLLEN tient un livre dans les mains.

    Je suis ici pour m'aider.

    Des bâtiments comme vous
    Vivez pour s'aider des autres.
    Mais, vous créez seulement des regrets
    En autres, dans le monde.

    // VERSCHOLLEN marche au bord du bâtiment, en tenant le livre fermement.

    Une jeune fille comme vous ne peut jamais

    Comprendre qu'est-ce que le monde c'est.
    Parlez! Pourquoi vivez-vous?
    Pourquoi portez-vous une masque?

    // GRUNDLAGE sonne. C'est 13 heures.

    Je vive pour combattre mes démons

    Comme tous les humains dans ce monde sombre.
    C'est pourquoi je vous fais une faveur.

    // VERSCHOLLEN ouvrit le livre.

    Neanmoins ...

    Vous êtes la fondation des maux
    De la société.
    Je porte une masque parce que
    Mon existence est éphémère.


    Well, honour is the subject of my story.

    I cannot tell what you and other men
    Think of this life: but, for my single self,
    I had as life not as live to be,
    In awe of such a thing as I myself.

    Votre horloge a cessé.

    The masked girl, standing on the building looking over the Candlewood City Hall, opens the blank book to the 264th page. The winds are cold and sharp, and though she is virtually unseen, her inky hair drifts through the sky. She picks up a set of noise-cancelling headphones by her feet, wide apart to keep stability high up on this building. Pulling her hood tighter to herself, she adjusts her mask, and presses the small switch in the middle of the book's page.

    In front of her, a pristine white dome erupts into clouds of blinding yellow and orange. As the dome slowly crumbles and collapses into a storm of enveloping grey dust, four blank pages, the size of a hardcover novel's, drift through the air.

    The top of the Candlewood City Hall has exploded.
  9. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves

    { m u s i c }
    [ ulysses ]

    Aaah ...

    Fatime let out a soft yawn, stretching out her limbs in her messy tumult of a bed. The sheets splayed all over the places, with giant ripples and corners dangling uneasily off of the edges. She curled around in her pajamas, and kicked one of the hundreds of books littering her bed aside.

    She rose, blinking quickly, adjusting to the light of the evening.
    Her room was an incomprehensible mess. A hurricane of books had passed through; hardcovers, softcovers, colourful covers, bland covers, all kinds of covers you could think of. The deep smell of nutmeg waltzed indiscriminately with the light scent of herbal tea, and her laptop slept soundly tucked between two pillows left askew.

    Ah ... what time was it?
    She moved over to the bedside and sat up, dangling her legs off the side.
    Ayanna was out today ...
    Maybe she could read something. Maybe she could clean her room? Where was everyone ... not even Lucas had contacted her in ages. Did they leave her? She deserved it--

    She bit her lip and scrunched up her eyes.
    Haha ...

    Fatime kicked a book gently off her bed and leaped off the bed. She rubbed her tired, weary eyes, red from a torrent of various reasons, and picked up her dusty glasses from the bedside.

    She had not used these in a while, had she ...
    Fatime felt a tingle down her spine, and suddenly she felt as if she were standing on the surface of moving water.

    Maybe Ayanna would be happy if she cleaned her room ...

    Haha ...
  10. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 0 « OOC: N|A :

    After a bit of discussion it was decided that they would flip the switch. Upon doing so, the room went black.

    The entire hall began to tremble and the room was engulfed in darkness for a few quiet seconds before four dim, orange lights mounted upon each wall began to flash. A loud steady beeping [ much like that of a truck backing up ] filled the silence and suddenly, the room began to grumble and shift. Oliver leaned against a wall to try and keep his balance.

    The ride through the blackness was short but unnerving, and when the room settled again, the orange lights faded away. The control panel beeped and prompted for the key again, glowing red. When the card was slid, the door unlocked and automatically swung open. A foul, indescribable scent filled the skinny white chamber, but all was dark on the outside.

    Keep your voices down.

    Bryan said before stepping out into the open. Oliver followed the trail of light he shone first up, then down. There was some kind of thick sludge. Mechanical parts were stuffed into the thick liquid and littered all about the large area. Above them, large grate fans wooshed, though the provided oxygen did nothing to get rid of the awful smell.

    We'd have to jump . . . Or walk through it.


    Oliver looked around at their group. Not everyone could do that, he guessed.

    For some reason they decided that everyone should walk through the sludge, even those who were capable of making the jump, and so Oliver reluctantly pressed forward - holding his shoes and cleaning up quickly when he could.

    Bryan peeked through the door before them, but said nothing, which left him to go check it out himself.

    So far the situation wasn't looking too promising.

    They decided to break off into groups. Some would stay, while everyone else would press on ahead. After a lot of discussion they finally decided.

    Evan, Lucas, Julius, and Freddie would go on ahead.

    Oliver wouldn't have minded but his arm and Pierce and no that wasn't happening.

    As the four stepped forth, he watched, and soon they had disappeared behind the door.

  11. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
  12. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    With fierce determination, Julius took a deep breath and gave the others a wave of farewell. With that Julius marched on towards their next destination, trying his best not to get caught he ran and stopped after passing the first door.
  13. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    U N C O V E R I N G E M E R A L D

    They grouped and then moved into the hallway, quickly silently, knowing for certain that it would be bad if they failed. Trying to remain calm and collected, Lucas moved past the first door, hoping that he wouldn't be spotted by its occupants.

  14. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Evan was happily a member of the recon corps. As such he started the trek through with the other three and hopefully get some more info here. As such he cleared the area and ran alongside everyone else stopping with everyone else in fear they might be spotted by someone here. That would fuck everything up, so he prayed that wouldn't be the case.
  15. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Freddie ran forward along the narrow hallway. He ran passed the glass doors, taking short glances at them as he ran. He had no idea what to expect to see, but he stopped in a spot that stood between two doors. He prayed that no one would see them.
  16. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    D O O R 1

    Behind the first door is a group of scientists. A little girl who looks around eight years of age lays sprawled out on a surgery table, unconscious. They seem to be discussing something rather important, as scans of the girl's brain are currently on display on a large, digital projection screen.
  17. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
  18. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    U N C O V E R I N G E M E R A L D

    In the first set of doors, there was a group of scientists that seemed to surround a little girl, and what looked like scans of her brain were set on large screens. She was unconscious, with closed eyes. What could they possibly be talking about? Lucas clicked his tongue.

    With the success of making it through the first set of doors without being caught, he moved on past the next set, trying to keep his feet light. This was nerve-wracking, he had to admit, but if they wanted to get out of here, knowing the truth, then this was what had to be done . . . He just hoped they would remain concealed.

  19. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    With that room passed, Julius went along with the other and headed towards his next destination and once again stopped passed the next door. He took the time to recall just what was in the other room and began to ponder. The poor little girl...were they truly trying to find a way to fully brainwash people? is this why they were researching the brain?
  20. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    D O O R 2

    The second office seems to exclude any patients. Two doctors sit on an examination bed. One has a cup of coffee. They chat casually to one another and seem to be close friends. You can't hear what they're saying.
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